How to start dating a girl. How to start a conversation with a girl - the most important secret

Even the most courageous men sometimes find it difficult to be the first to start a conversation with a girl they like. The fear of being rejected or being made ridiculous makes many people refuse to meet new people. Despite the fact that times have changed, and the fair sex has ceased to be weak and shy, most girls are still waiting for the initiative of dating from a man. This is a kind of ritual of showing the first sympathy and deciding to continue communication. Our tips will help you start your first conversation easily and naturally.

If a girl is going somewhere, do not block her way, do not get too close - this causes a subconscious negative reaction, like an invasion of personal space. Walk with her in parallel, drawing attention to yourself with the first phrase. Politeness. It is best to start your acquaintance with an elementary greeting, not forgetting to give your name. The simplest phrase: “Good afternoon, my name is Sergey!” will not cause irritation and rudeness on her part. If she just smiles in response, that's a good start. The first phrase can be absolutely disarming: “When I saw you, I forgot how to meet girls. Maybe you can give me some advice?” In no case do not ask a question with a negative, for example: “Would you like me to accompany you?” 99% chance to immediately get “I don’t want to” in response. Do not ask a question that requires a short yes or no answer. So you will lead the conversation to a dead end. A sense of humor saves absolutely in any situation - women's intuition will immediately tell you that she will not be bored with you. Do not try to tell old jokes at the first meeting - it looks, at least, strange and false. The joke has to be right. For example: “Can you tell me what time it is? - 7 o'clock ... And in the morning or in the evening? . Are you sure your watch is right?” (a smile and a cheerful answer are provided to you). When talking, do not stand still - smile, gesticulate, look at the girl, and not past her. You should not be importunate - try to take the hand, sit too close - most likely, the second meeting with such behavior will not take place.

A good start is to show interest in her hobbies and find that you share them. For example, seeing a book in the hands of a girl, it would be appropriate to ask: “What are you reading? And I like this author ... (name the work)”. If you are not strong in literature, ask about music, movies, travel, hobbies, pets. By the reaction of the girl, you will see which topic is closest to her. So you will show the lady that you are interested in her opinion and have a chance to continue communication. All women love compliments, but too obvious ones sound formulaic and feigned. Expressions of admiration should be sincere - do not tell a beautiful girl that she is beautiful. Tell me better that she has amazing eyes. You can make a subtle compliment - "You must play the piano, you have such graceful hands." The question of whether a girl is in a relationship is very important, but you should not ask it “on the forehead”. Also, don't talk about your relationship with your ex - your "experience" may alienate a new acquaintance. Ask what she does in her free time, where does she like to spend it? You can mention your preferences - perhaps she will be interested in going bowling or cycling. The first conversation is very important, so you need to be able to complete it on time. Look at your watch and regretfully inform you that you have to hurry. Offer to meet in a different setting and ask for your lady's phone number. If you see that she is hesitant, suggest that she write down your number and call when she feels like it. So you show that you are not going to insist and impose, and the decision to continue dating will depend on her.

I will touch on the hot topic of the day. Many guys, seeing my approaches to girls on the street or in a club, come up to me and ask: “What were you talking about with this girl now?”.

And I have to explain, over and over, that no matter what you say, what matters is your inner state.

1. Focus on your condition

Girls pay attention not to words, but to metamessages behind the words.

These are the emotions behind the words, the tone of your voice, your body movement, non-verbal, facial expressions, your perception of the world and people.

If we talk even deeper, then your inner state is important not the way you say it.

The state generates your words and actions!

2. Communication with people is an interaction of sensations

Interaction with peoplewmi is the interaction of sensations.

A woman perfectly feels a man, so it is inherent in nature.

If you are confident and feel great, the girl will also be comfortable with you.

She always feels you.

Whatever system or method you have - if you act like an insecure doormat - no woman will be interested in you as a man.

You need more practice in order to learn how to communicate with girls confidently and easily.

3. Forget templates

Some guys who use templates still believe that it is supposedly very important what words to say to a girl.

I met guys who communicate with girls using templates, and it's very funny.

They are kind of weird and tight. Templates do not know how to open up, they cannot freely communicate with both girls and people in general.

These templaters don't know how to give value but just take it away.

They irritate me. Communicating with them, I feel them unnaturalness and attempts to turn on buttons on my reactions.

They do not know how to communicate relaxedly on abstract topics and express themselves fully.

With such people, I break off communication immediately! Next to me are only natural, natural, sincere and interesting people.

If you choose templates, you will remain boring for many years and will not develop.!

If you chose to use templates, then goodbye and this article will not help you!

Templates and other prepared material are designed to impress, please a girl, get her approval.

And when you try to please a girl, you only make things worse..

More uselessness of templates, technique and routine in seduction .

4. There are no strict restrictions

There are no strict rules on how to properly communicate with a girl.

Only you yourself make these rules and decide in what way to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

Your game, your rules. Nobody limits you.

The main thing is that the topic of conversation is interesting for you.

Even if you said the wrong thing while talking with a girl, the conversation can always be resolved. There are no hard mistakes.

5. The more attraction you have, the more your words are not important.

Girls do not need to communicate logically.

Communication logically with girls only spoils everything.

The words you say are very rarely remembered by women.

Especially when she feels attracted to you.

The more attraction a girl has, the more words you say don't matter.

To create a strong attraction to yourself, you must be attracted to her!

A woman that you really like is not only a woman who is just pretty, but who initially creates an attraction towards you!

When there is comfort and trust, there is attraction.

Therefore, if you don’t want to worry anymore about how to communicate with a girl, remember these points:

  1. A woman should be sexually attracted to you from the start. You must feel it. It's not just her appearance.
  2. A woman's attraction to you is built not on words and not on the number of words. It doesn't matter if you talk at all or not.

6. If there is attraction, communication goes by itself and without effort.

If some pickup school teaches you what beautiful words to say to a girl and how to communicate with her correctly, then this school does not know how attraction is built!

If you don't want to regret the wasted time, keep an eye on what attraction comes initially what reaction the girl creates towards you.

You must feel it. It won't be all women.

Girls who “well, it goes like this,” we don’t feel attracted to them. Communication with them will not be the same.

An example of my communication

As usual, my communication takes place.

The right words are born from nothing.

I see a girl I don't know in a club, I like her and she likes me too.

I understand it because I see it in her eyes.

I can immediately tell her: “It’s good to see you!” and gently hug her around the waist, in the other hand I hold her hand.

I feel her.

If I want to kiss her right away, I do it! I take and suck.

I can just talk about everything for my own pleasure the main thing is that I feel comfortable.

And she feels like I'm so sure of myself that I don't care what to say.

And it's cool! I am sincere at the same time.

You can talk about what you do, tell about yourself, tell what you think about her, what you like about her.

I have no problem with how to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

I don't give a damn and I don't think about it.

7. Don't react to her appearance and don't put her on a pedestal.

Pretty girl in front of you or not you should treat everyone the same.

If you communicate with beautiful people differently than with others, then you put them on a pedestal. Then you lost.

Communicate on the same level with her, regardless of appearance.

Read more about why the appearance of a girl is not the main thing, and how the beauty of a girl overshadows the minds of guys.

8. Entertain yourself, not the girl.

I usually entertain myself first when I communicate with a girl, and I don’t worry whether the girl will accept it or not.

If I like it, I'm interested in it and I talk about it, then the girl will a priori like it too.

9. Your voice and the right tone

There are three types of tone

  • Needy tonality. When your tone rises at the end. This is the most unattractive tone. Never talk like that.
  • Normal normal tone. This is the most neutral and standard communication. When the tone scale goes in a straight line.
  • Ragged key. This is the coolest tone for proper communication with a girl. It usually goes from top to bottom.. That is, initially you speak on a higher note, but then lower the tone towards the end.

When communicating with a girl, use a torn tone.

10. Avoid the following common mistakes

The most common mistakes guys make that happen while talking with girls:

Video cutting of my approaches

My dating video and excerpts from my individual training in seduction and social dynamics.

Here, my client is pushing me on a cart. Yes, I sit, meet and ride at the same time.

This compilation and cutting moments of seduction in a store where I show a client how to do warm-up sets.

I don’t even attach importance to how to communicate with a girl and where to start dating. I focus on other subtle things.

We pass women's checks: witty answers to insults of a girl -.

First words when meeting a girl

If you approached her to meet and the first words were said a little crumpled or clamped, then there is nothing wrong with that!

She won't turn her back on you or run away.

A girl will never say like this: “Hmm, at first you were shy about something, so I won’t get to know you.”

The girl never attaches importance to the first words when meeting. Only you yourself can be too bothered about this.

Never worry about how to properly start a conversation with a girl.

Communication with a girl can always be aligned. It does not matter that at first communication with her was constrained.

All these first words do not matter. You do not need anything supernatural in order to start communication.

If you read this article and think that you can do everything, you are wrong.

It is not enough to know, you also need an intensive practice of communicating with girls! The bigger, the better.

It is practice that gives you ease and ease in communication.

Do not limit yourself with words and approach the girl. Even if you are not a master of interactions, tell her directly about it.

You can also get even more advanced material on the topic of seduction and dating girls from me on an individual training program in social dynamics. See you!

In the vastness of the global network, it is easier to meet girls than in real life. But how to start chatting with a girl on the Internet remains a challenge for many. After all, even here you can screw up great by writing some nonsense. To prevent this from happening, you should focus and follow the recommendations that will be below.

We start communication with a girl on the Internet correctly

The first thing everyone starts with is "Hi, how are you." This is a hackneyed phrase that infuriates most ladies. Therefore, this classic introduction can be slightly diversified. Write after the word "hello":

  • How about a chat?
  • I noticed your beauty and I can not write!
  • Are you also into (anything)?
  • Nice status you have.
  • Would you like to talk to an interesting guy?
  • How about a little introduction?

The more original you are, the more likely you are to succeed. But it's not worth replaying. The female brain has a 16-bit board and may simply not understand you. Then you will be sent to ignore, "because you are a moron."

After sending the first message, it is important to look at the reaction of the girl. If she is negative or simply ignores, then do not put pressure on her. Keep talking to those who are willing to talk to you.

How to start communication on the Internet

It is worth starting to communicate with a girl with neutral topics. Ask her about interests and worldview. Talk about music, sports, love, modern youth.

It is worth moving on to personal topics gradually. It is important to analyze what exactly she writes to you. If she asks personal questions, this is a signal to do the same.

You should listen more than talk. The ladies love it. Let her talk about herself and reflect. If it is the other way around, then her interest will quickly disappear.

Don't show all your cards. If you immediately tell her everything about life, you will become boring. Talk about yourself gradually and in small sentences. After all, girls love riddles.

The main thing is not to lie and not to pretend. Be who you are. Otherwise, you can get confused in your own stories and get into an awkward situation.

How to diversify communication?

So that the conversation is not too dry, it can be diversified:

  1. jokes;
  2. Stories;
  3. Unusual questions;
  4. Reflections;
  5. Interesting facts.

But don't try too hard. Otherwise, you'll just get the lady. Conversation is an event for two. She also needs to put in some effort.

Often, girls answer for a long time and one thing like “Clear”, “Clear”, “Me too”. This is a sign of being ignored or busy. If you feel that the conversation is drowning in such one word, then you can ask directly if she is busy. Do not immediately express your concerns and blame her for something.

If the girl is busy, then write to her next time. But with constant ignoring, communication is better to stop.

In fact, how to start chatting with a girl on the Internet is easy to understand. An important task is to maintain the thread of this communication and maintain the proximity of interests. Therefore, for communication, it is better to choose those who have similar interests with you and are ready to get acquainted. To do this, carefully study the pages of girls in the social. networks.

Casanova, take note.

How to start a conversation with a girl? This seemingly simple question baffles many young men. Especially when it comes to young people who are not very confident in themselves or their abilities. How to start a conversation with a girl, overcome your own shyness and win her heart - read on! Also in the article you can find alternative options for talking with a lady.

If you are not familiar?

A guy can see a beautiful lady in a cafe, restaurant, public transport, gym, and so on. A stranger can immediately attract his attention with his appearance, behavior. In this case, the choice is obvious: to approach and get to know her. But what if the young man, because of his modesty, cannot bring himself to take the first step? Then you can act according to some kind of “plan” so that you know what to ask and how to behave. This option is well suited for a start, to feel more confident and calm when meeting. Over time, you simply won’t need it, because you won’t even wonder: “How to start a conversation with a girl?” - and communication will begin naturally.
First you need to analyze the situation. If a lady, for example, is sitting in a restaurant with another guy or is in the company of friends, then it is better not to approach her. In the first version, everything is clear - she probably already has a young man, and in any case, it would be uncivilized to interrupt the conversation of two people. And if she actively communicates with her friends, then you, most likely, are unlikely to be able to quickly fit into the company. Well, you need to understand whether it is not very convenient to get acquainted in public transport, where, besides you, there are a large number of strangers. Because of the noise, you can misunderstand each other or not hear the words at all. You should not get to know each other during lectures, lessons and other things like that. When a girl listens to a teacher / instructor / trainer, she is most likely not in the mood to chat with you.

Wait for the event to end and then approach her. Now, actually, how to start a conversation with a girl? Start with a hello. It is worth remembering one simple thing - regardless of age, it is better to address a lady with “you” as a sign of respect. After the greeting, introduce yourself, for example: "My name is Oleg, let me know your name." Or: "What's your name?" Or: "Let me get to know you." You can ask if the girl has free time to talk with you, or if she is in a hurry so as not to put the lady in an uncomfortable position. Ask her a question without bringing up anything very personal. Whether the chosen one wants to continue communication, you will understand after about one minute of the conversation. If a girl, by her appearance, demonstrates a lack of interest in your person, discontent or even disgust will be reflected on her face, then it’s just

politely apologize and say goodbye. But if you feel that the conversation is going well, the lady smiles and gladly answers all your questions, then this is a favorable sign, and you can continue to communicate.

How to start a conversation with a girl you know?

It happens that young people have known each other for a long time, just a guy is afraid to come up and start a conversation. At the same time, he is interested in the girl, or he may even be in love with her. Then you can just start talking on a topic that is close to both of you (if known) and also observe the behavior of the girl. If her tone is sharp, and the answer is short and quick, then you will have to seek the lady's favor in a different way. with the following: the usual "Hi, how are you"; “I heard that you are interested in…”, “What do you think about…” and many others. Now you know how to start a conversation with a girl, whether you know each other or not.

Adalind Koss

If you met a beautiful girl on the street, and you want to start a conversation with her, then all the clever words and phrases are often forgotten. Men do not dare to start communication with the word "Hello", because they are afraid that the lady will not respond to him. But there are some simple conversation patterns that will help get the silent ladies talking.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the street

To start a conversation with a girl you like on the street, feel confident. Keep your eyes open during the conversation. And start your acquaintance with a greeting. The place of the meeting plays a role in choosing the topic of the conversation. But there are general options that work in all cases. So, some simple options for dating:

ask her what time it is. As soon as you get an answer, immediately ask about something else. If it is late in the evening, then ask if she is afraid to go herself, offer to see her off, introduce yourself, ask her name. If the girl is not averse to getting acquainted, this scheme will work 100%. What's the secret? It is simple - courtesy, care;
if a girl reads something, ask what, find out the author. In this case, the result depends on you. Do not start the conversation with obvious praise. Be surprised that such a young lady, ask about other favorite authors and works;
ask them to show you the way. Pretend that you are poorly oriented in the area, this will provide an opportunity to strike up a conversation with her;
if you met at a party, ask if she likes this place, how many people she knows here;
when meeting in a cafe, ask if she often visits it. If yes, then ask for recommendations of delicious dishes. These simple questions help start a conversation.

These are the simplest schemes for starting a conversation. It all depends on your imagination, erudition, as well as the meeting place. Do not be afraid to strike up a conversation with girls, the worst thing that will happen is that she will not want to get acquainted. But if you build a conversation correctly, show interest in the girl’s personality, her hobbies, then the method will work.

How to start a conversation in SMS

If you have the number of the girl you like, then you will be interested in how to start a conversation with her in SMS. First, greet her, start asking other questions. Ask what she is doing, how she is doing:

questions are important in the message. The usual greeting is not accepted. If you study together, ask about next week's assignment, find another similar topic;
ask in such a way that it is impossible to answer unambiguously. Instead of asking if she likes melodramas, ask which ones. She might tell. This will become a topic of conversation.

Continue the conversation. If you are communicating for the first time, then the messages should be ordinary, laid-back. It won't cause embarrassment. If something unites you, talk about it. Discuss. You can say that you saw her recently in a cafe with friends, ask about the reason for the meeting.

Talk about her interests. If you know her tastes, then discuss them. Find out how she feels about the soundtrack from her favorite series, which of the characters she likes. This will show your interest in her. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the girl, do not express dissatisfaction too clearly and immediately.

Do not cut off the conversation at the most interesting place:

if you run out of ideas, then look for interesting news on the Web, discuss with her;
take communication to a new level: offer to go to a cafe, cinema, park.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet

It is important to know how to start a conversation with girls on the Internet, because the usual tricks do not work here. In social networks, girls of good appearance receive a lot of messages, they do not notice the banal greetings. The originality of the phrase is considered a guarantee that she will notice you.

At the same time, you should not overly confuse the meaning of the first question, otherwise, she will not understand you and leave you without attention. Study her profile in detail, find out something about the girl's hobbies, favorite cafes and entertainment.

In the course of reviewing the questionnaire, you will find something that will be interesting for the two of you: sports hobbies, places of recreation, etc. If she goes to a sports club or swimming pool, then tell her that you go there too. This will start a conversation on a general topic, help establish a meeting place.

If a girl is interested in communication, then it is important to diversify the topics with stories, preferably funny ones, to tell about her own hobbies, hobbies, thoughts. But don't talk about yourself all at once. Get her interested in a small piece of information. When talking about yourself, periodically about her, her thoughts.

At first, you should write only cautious questions about your personal life or not ask them at all. Annoyance will ruin communication in the bud. Acceptable questions will be about study, work, interests. If she happily answers, then start asking other questions. If the girl is not very sociable, then pauses will create awkwardness, you will have to tell more of her.

You need to talk, talking not only about yourself, but also to discuss general topics. Otherwise, she will quickly get tired of it. Girls like funny stories about their favorite animals, childhood.

Remember, if you meet a girl on the Web, do not pretend to be another person, do not invent something that is not there. Such a lie will make it impossible.

It doesn't matter if she becomes a lover or a friend. If you like her, then write to her. Most importantly, remember that girls like compliments, not outright flattery. Be sincere, then communication will become pleasant and long-lasting.

February 19, 2014