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How to choose the right matte eyeshadow

Makeup in the modern world has become an integral part for girls in creating a fashionable image. Properly selected cosmetics for makeup and well-applied shadows will help emphasize the beauty of the eyes. To create a sophisticated and sophisticated makeup, you must first choose the right matte eye shadow, because they are a kind of basis for eye makeup. Properly selected shadows will help hide minor skin imperfections and emphasize the look, making it even more attractive and mysterious. But it’s not enough to know how to choose the right matte eyeshadow, you also need to know a few tricks that will help you apply them correctly.

Matte eye shadows were originally created in order to correct the shape of the eyes and small imperfections in the form of age-related facial wrinkles and bags under the eyes. But these shadows can also be used as a base and to create a natural look (if the shadows are a natural beige shade). By the way, reviews about matte eye shadow are usually only positive.

Matte eye shadow composition

Most eyeshadows contain a special perfume oil, zinc or titanium white, talc, paraffin and various dyes that determine the shade.

Recently, more and more well-known cosmetic brands have been releasing eye cosmetics that contain natural ecological components. The so-called mineral matte shadows, which do not include talc, parabens and artificial dyes that negatively affect the skin, are beginning to gain popularity. These are the best matte eyeshadows. Of course, for girls who prefer to use shadows daily, it is better to choose shadows with natural ingredients in the composition.

Types of matte shadows

Matte shadows, in other matters, like mother-of-pearl ones, also differ in consistency and can be:

liquid or dry.

But there is a significant difference between them. Unlike mother-of-pearl, matte shadows are able to emphasize the expressiveness of the look and can be applied not only under the eyebrows or in the middle of the upper eyelid. They can be used both for evening make-up and for everyday look.

The most popular and common are compact matte shadows, which look like tightly compressed dry powder. For their application, as a rule, it is necessary to use a special brush or applicator. Due to their durability, such shadows hold well throughout the day and at the same time look quite natural. But dry shadows also have a small drawback. Shadows of this kind, as a rule, emphasize fine wrinkles, so women in adulthood and girls with dry skin are not recommended to apply them.

To create a light everyday make-up, it is better to use shadows with a retractable stylus, which are shaped like a regular eyeliner. The main disadvantage of this kind of shadows is that they are not durable enough and for some will be very uncomfortable when applied.

Shadows with a liquid or creamy consistency have a fairly oily base, so they are best applied with a synthetic brush. As a rule, liquid matte shadows are waterproof and dry quickly. They are also not durable and can spread and clog into skin folds.

Matte eyeshadow color

Perhaps the first thing you need to decide when buying shadows is the color. For example, matte shadows with a natural shade are quite inexpensive and at the same time have decent quality. If you need to choose shades of a brighter shade, then it is better to pay attention to well-known brands of professional cosmetics, because more budget options for such shades, most often, have weak pigment and are somewhat worse in quality.

To date, the range of shades of matte shadows is striking in its diversity. It ranges from acid and bright colors to natural and calm shades, but the most popular are still white, black, beige, chocolate and pink matte shades.

White and beige color is great for creating a base for all makeup.
Black color helps to create an expressive and attractive evening look.
Pink perfectly masks fatigue, minor imperfections, and makes the look fresher.

With the right shade of matte shadows, you can also give the skin a natural glow and get rid of oily sheen.

Matte eyeshadow texture

Before you buy matte shadows, you need to try them on the touch. At the same time, it is not necessary to test each shade separately, it will be enough just to check one color from a certain line and palette. The texture in very rare cases differs depending on the shade.

To test the selected matte shadows, you need to apply them on your wrist with a brush and rub with your hand. Next, you first need to listen to your own feelings and understand what texture the shadows have. It is desirable that they be velvety, not dusty and not similar in texture to flour.

In modern cosmetic stores, as a rule, there are special probes, therefore, with the help of them it is easy to check the shadows before buying by touch. It is highly undesirable to buy shadows in a closed package without checking them in the store first, otherwise you can run into a fake and purchase a low-quality product.

Blending matte eyeshadows

One of the important characteristics of matte shadows, of course, is their proper shading. Before going to the store, you should take with you a brush for shading the shadows and try to blend them. For comparison, it is best to take two different shades from the same palette to try to make a smooth transition between two similar colors.

Longevity of matte eyeshadows

Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of high-quality matte shadows is their durability. In order for the shadows not to roll into lumps, not to crumble and look good throughout the long day, it is necessary that they have good durability. Poor-quality shadows will not be able to improve even a good makeup base.

It is also best to check the durability directly at the cosmetic store before purchasing the product. To do this, you need to apply shadows on the hand, or rather, on its upper part, and hold for a while. The main thing is to make sure that the hand does not touch the clothes and does not stain it. In the event that the shadows do not begin to crumble and roll on the hand, then they will hold well in front of the eyes. But at the same time, do not forget that the skin on the eyelids is a little fatter than on the arm, so the shadows will still last less over time.

With the right matte shadows, you can create a stunning look, provided that it is correctly applied. To do this, it will be enough to follow the elementary rules: apply the right foundation, which will help the shadows to lay down easily and smoothly, shade well and look natural and attractive on the eyelids.

A good example can be seen in the video:

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Shadows are not mandatory in makeup, but their competent use will add expressiveness and make the look fresh. In addition, they can be used to correct the shape and size of the eyes.

Types of eyeshadow

Currently, the choice of eye shadow is so huge that the eyes run wide. In addition to the variety of colors, they differ in texture and specific effects.

Dry shadows resemble powder in appearance and can also be compact and crumbly. This is the most popular type due to its ease of use and excellent decorative effect.

Bold shadows the consistency is like a cream. Their advantage is that they contain substances that moisturize the skin of the eyelids, and the disadvantage is the complexity of application.

Oily shadows should not be used by those who have aging skin, because if there are small wrinkles on the eyelids, then such shadows will emphasize them, and not mask them.

But for women who wear contact lenses, on the contrary, such shadows are recommended because they do not crumble.

liquid shadows applied to the eyelid with a brush, so a certain skill is required to use them. More often they are used in festive make-up, as such shadows are very persistent and can replace eyeliner.

Shadow pencil very simple and easy to use, just draw a line with a pencil along the edge of the eyelid and blend it with the applicator or fingertip.

Shadows in the form of a pencil can be matte or shimmery. Matte shadows are used to create natural daytime makeup. They are composed of various colored pigments, so they easily fit on the skin around the eyes.

shimmering shadows differ from matte soft shine. They, as a rule, are not applied to the entire eyelid completely, but only along the lash line. Also, such shadows can only be applied with dots in certain places.

An important advantage of such shadows is that they do not gather in small wrinkles on the eyelids, which is why they are recommended for mature women.

How to choose an eyeshadow color

Blue eyes Shades of gray shades (from dark gray to light gray), black, steel, dark blue, blue-gray, pink, white, brick, purple and ivory are best suited. Shades with mother-of-pearl are suitable for white, silver-blue and pink colors.

Green eyes- light yellow, tan, beige, emerald, chestnut, coral, orange, brick, purple, copper shades, ivory and green foliage are suitable. Pearlescent shadows are better to choose golden, green or copper tones.

Brown eyes- there are shades of brown (from dark brown to the lightest), beige, light yellow, golden, white, purple, orange, dark green and emerald tones, as well as ivory. Pearlescent shadows should be golden, white, green and copper.

To properly apply eyeshadow, you need to know the basics of color and how each color affects the composition as a whole.

White color makes bright colors not so bright, and gives clarity to the look. But an excessive amount of white shadows on the eyelids can make the look harsh, and make makeup unnatural.

Black color suppresses any other, and gives a special expressiveness to the look. In addition, it visually reduces the part of the eyelid on which it is applied. If you overdo it with black shadows, then such makeup can add you a few years.

Grey colour soothes bright colors and makes the look velvety. Shades of gray are not recommended for older women, as gray makes the look tired.

Brown color shadows softens bright shades and gives the look expressiveness and depth.

Beige shadows add light to the makeup and highlight the eyes, while the bright shades are softened.

pink shadows give shine to the eyes.

Blue should not be used in its pure form, as the look may become cold. If you prefer blue shades, then it is better to choose shades with some additional shade: green-blue, gray-blue, violet-blue and so on.

yellow shadows make the look brighter.

green shadows you should not use it in its pure form, but it is better to take shades: brown-green, green-blue and so on.

purple shadows can give the look fatigue and age. This color is contraindicated for those who have dark circles under the eyes - their shadows are emphasized.

golden shadows will give your eyes a sparkling shine. However, they must be handled with care, as an excess of gold can extinguish the look. Golden shadows are not recommended for women with aging skin - they will highlight all the wrinkles around the eyes.

Also contraindicated for ladies in age. If you want to give your look a radiance, then it is enough to apply only a small stroke on the upper eyelid.

Applying shadows

Whatever eyeshadow color you choose, remember one important rule - if you use several shades, carefully blend the shadows and their transitions. Shadows should not have sharply defined edges. Only in this case they will look natural and give expressiveness and special charm to the eyes.

First, shadows of light shades are applied to the upper eyelid closer to the nose, trying not to fall on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid located above the crease. After that, you need to draw a neat line under the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the middle and, putting the applicator aside, gently blend the shadows with your fingertip.

The crease of the upper eyelid is distinguished by a darker shade.

After applying shadows to the crease of the eyelid, they should also be shaded with a finger.

Sometimes women overdo it with shadows, putting them on the upper eyelid in excessive amounts. By the end of the day, such bright shadows gather in the folds of the eyelid and make a repulsive impression, and the makeup itself looks stale, as if it was applied a few days ago.

Shadows of any shade should be applied in a thin layer with a special brush, carefully blending.

Eye shadow is not considered to be a necessary component of makeup, but their use can visually transform the eyes and make the look deeper and more fascinating. The choice of the best eye shadow should be approached deliberately so that they are not hopelessly lost in the deposits of home cosmetics.

Eyeshadow Selection Criteria

  • Texture eye shadow is liquid, crumbly and creamy (compact), the so-called baked shadows, which are highly resistant, are also especially loved by women.
  • Color palette each manufacturer is different, but the basic cold and warm tones are present in each brand. As a rule, you should focus on the color of the eyes and hair, as well as the natural skin tone.
  • The presence of shimmers(shimmer particles) give the eyes shine and shine, and their absence in matte shadows makes makeup natural and sophisticated.
  • Equipment eye shadow usually depends on the manufacturer, but most brands complement the box with a sponge applicator or brush.

What eyeshadows should you avoid buying?

A huge assortment of eye shadows of different colors and textures can confuse even sophisticated makeup lovers. For this reason, it would be more correct to indicate those factors that should be avoided when buying:

  • If you wear contact lenses, it's best to avoid loose shadows, which are more prone to flaking.
  • With age-related makeup, it is necessary to bypass any shadows with a shimmering effect that can emphasize even the smallest wrinkles.
  • If you do not regularly use eye shadow in your makeup, do not purchase this product with a short expiration date. As a rule, shadows are used sparingly, and after a certain time they can cause irritation and allergic reactions.
  • In the absence of experience in applying shadows, you should not immediately purchase a liquid version, because. they need to be shaded very quickly (otherwise they will dry out), and without the skill it is not easy to do this.

For every woman, shadows have always been and will be a special tool that allows you to create a suitable image and emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. But when choosing cosmetics, it is worth considering not only its quality, but also the type, combination with eye color and the expected effect.

How to distinguish quality eye shadow

Good quality products are distinguished by rich color, uniform texture and durability. When choosing shadows, first of all pay attention to the service life. A case with dry shadows should not be strewn with small particles, and liquid or cream should have a uniform consistency. To test durability, you need to apply a line of shadows on the back of your hand or wrist. You should not buy cosmetics of dubious quality, especially where storage conditions are not observed.

Dry eye shadow

Dry shadows are available in a very wide range of matte and shimmery shades, they are easy to apply but require a moisturizing base. There are compact and crumbly. Compact shadows can be called classics, they are familiar to every woman. Loose powder is matte, pearly and translucent.

Liquid, cream or solid eye shadow

liquid shadows They come in small bottles or tubes, apply with an applicator or brush, and take practice to work with. Cream shadows not only perfectly hold, but also moisturize the skin of the eyelids. They are recommended for women who wear lenses. On oily skin, they can roll in the corners of the eyes. shadow pencil- thick and concentrated, they require skills in applying and shading. Shadow mousse thanks to its texture, they perfectly tolerate heat, do not roll into lumps, after application, you need to wait a while for them to dry.

Matte or pearlescent

Matte shadows are great for daytime make-up, they are also used as intermediate tones, for complex layered or “smoky” makeup. Shimmery shadows usually do not apply to the entire eyelid, but only to certain areas. This is enough to refresh and highlight the eyes. These shadows are not recommended for older women, as they focus on wrinkles.

Eye shadow selection

The choice of the shade of the shadows is fundamental. And his main task is to focus on the eyes, and not just on the colors of the makeup around them:

  • For brown eyes Most colors will work, but shades of brown, purple, purple, gray and green are considered the most suitable. It is recommended to avoid only too pale or light tones, because of which the eyes will look tired.
  • Shadows for blue eyes should not be contrasting: yellow, copper or green, against their background, the blue iris will look dull and inexpressive. Burgundy and blue are also undesirable. Shades of gray, brown, lilac look good.
  • Green eyes colors more saturated and bright than the iris are contraindicated. Restrained shades of brown, gold, marsh, sometimes even black, will do. The outline is always made dark.
  • For owners gray eyes you can experiment with any colors and shades, except for cold pink, with which the eyes will look sick and tearful.

Properly selected shadows are not yet a guarantee of excellent makeup, they must be applied correctly, otherwise even the most expensive and high-quality products may look unprofitable.