Makeup artists' choice: the best eyebrow makeup products. Eyebrow makeup

Let's start with the main thing: the question of how to choose the shape of the eyebrows. Clearly defined with a bold curve, aristocratic and classic, natural and almost straight ... Eyebrow shapes for different types of faces are in front of you.

How to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face?

Oval face

  • The correct shape of the eyebrows can boast of Kate Middleton. This classic version is suitable for girls with an elongated face. By gently arching your eyebrows, your face will look more graceful. What about the thickness of the eyebrows? Act according to the principle "the more the better."

Kate Middleton © Getty images

  • If you have an even longer and sharper face, like Megan Fox, upturned and arched eyebrows are a good option. But don't overdo it! When the distance between the base of the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye is very small, the face looks angry.

Megan Fox © Getty images

Square face

How to make an eyebrow shape for a square face? A square jaw makes your face appear angular, so softly rounded brows are your option. The high, curved arch ideally softens and visually lengthens the face. Take an example from Keira Knightley: decide in favor of natural, moderately careless eyebrows. No strong bends and high arches. Otherwise, the face will look rough.

Keira Knightley © Getty images

Round face

If you have a round face, then your eyebrows should be angular in contrast, so eyebrows with a high arch in your case are a great idea. And remember the rule: the farther from your nose is the highest point of the eyebrow, the wider your face looks.

Emma Stone © Getty images

triangular face

Life hack for those who have a triangular face shape. If you make the eyebrow curve more rounded, then the face will become less angular.

Scarlett Johansson © Getty images

Eyebrow threading

The good old way to get a beautiful shape of the eyebrows is to correct them with a thread. Only a master can do it properly. The disadvantages of this method are not the most pleasant sensations in the process and not the most natural result. However, if your goal is graphic, well-defined eyebrows in a minimum of time, the thread can be safely used. This method is suitable only for girls with very thick eyebrows, which need to be corrected in shape quite thoroughly.

How to pluck your eyebrows at home?

To make a new shape of the eyebrows is the task of the master. But to support (clean up all unnecessary) is already yours. Important point! This requires good quality tweezers. Ideally with a beveled and well-sharpened tip, which is easy to pick up even the smallest hairs. It is better to choose stainless steel tweezers - a durable material that does not irritate the skin (read about other parameters that you should pay attention to when buying tweezers). And if you find "extra" hairs before leaving the house, do not immediately take on tweezers, postpone the procedure for later. It is better to mask unwanted hairs that “knock out” of the overall shape with the corrector.

Apply a cold compress or a piece of ice to the skin before you begin to correct the eyebrows with tweezers: this will help reduce pain. Repeat the procedure at the very end.

For more information on how to properly correct eyebrows with your own hands, see our video tutorial (and don't forget to read the list of the best ones when correcting eyebrows!).

How to trim your eyebrows?

Scissors with straight (not rounded!) Blades will help you. Trim only those hairs that are out of shape. Such manipulations are especially necessary for curly hairs.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows?

Eyebrow shade is the most important parameter. If you make them darker or lighter than necessary, the whole image will be spoiled. Therefore, it is better to listen to the advice below.

Eyebrow color for blondes

Charlize Theron © Getty images

Ideally, if the shade of the eyebrows is a tone or two darker than the roots of the hair. Only with this option they will look as natural as possible. Hair color can have warm or cool undertones. Owners of a platinum blonde should pick up a graphite pencil or shadows. If you have a warm honey shade of hair, then it is better to emphasize the eyebrows with a light brown pencil a tone darker than the hair.

Eyebrow color for brunettes

Kim Kardashian © Getty images

Choose products that are slightly lighter than the color of your hair. Too dark eyebrow pencil will "weight" the image.

  • Coffee, honey and ashy shades are from “your” range.
  • And here are all the variations of the brown taboo: in contrast with black hair, such eyebrows will give red.
  • If you still have doubts, opt for the taupe taupe: it is quite neutral.
  • If you have light brown hair and light eyes, on the contrary, take a pencil one shade darker to emphasize the eyebrows.

Eyebrow color for blondes

Marina Linchuk © Getty images

It is easier for fair-haired people to overdo it with applying the product, so powder products (and pencils are just one of them) are a real salvation for you. Colored gels, lipsticks may be too bright when applied. Girls with light eyes should pay attention to golden hues, and brown-haired women should pay attention to brown. Eyebrows should be two shades lighter or darker than the roots of the hair.

Eyebrow color for redheads

Julianne Moore © Getty images

In your case, you should be especially careful when choosing an eyebrow product.

  • If the eyebrows are too light, they will “get lost” on the face, if they are too dark, they will look unnatural. Choose only warm shades from the red-brown range (golden brown, terracotta): they will emphasize your beauty and look as natural as possible.
  • Another tip: redheads tend to have pinkish skin tones. Ash pencil will help not to focus on this feature.

How beautiful to paint eyebrows?

When you are shaping your eyebrows or doing makeup, do not hold the mirror too close to your face. Step back a little: this way you will have a complete picture in front of your eyes, and you can easily make your eyebrows symmetrical. To make your eyebrow makeup perfect, choose the right product. The most popular options are eyebrow makeup with a pencil or shadows. We understand the nuances of each.

How to make up eyebrows with a pencil? 6 stages

Comb your eyebrows up with an eyebrow brush. For the same purpose, you can use an old mascara brush: make sure that there are no residues of the product on it.

Fill in the lower border of the eyebrow with a pencil, indicating the shape of the eyebrow. Immediately repeat this step on the second eyebrow: if you duplicate your steps, you will more easily achieve symmetry.

Comb the hairs down and draw the upper border of the eyebrow.

Draw the missing hairs inside the eyebrow with strokes, shade with an eyebrow brush.

Add a small amount of pencil to the beginning of the eyebrow and blend well. With a highlighter, concealer or light corrector, paint over the lower border under the eyebrow.

Blend the bottom edge of the highlighter with a flat eyeshadow brush. Brush your brows with brow gel to set the shape.

Do not fill the entire eyebrow with a pencil, the result will look very unnatural. Draw short and thin strokes in the direction of hair growth.

How to paint eyebrows with shadows?

If you figure out how to properly paint eyebrows with a pencil, it’s quite simple, then with shadows everything is somewhat more complicated. Today, dry eyebrow shadows are the most common. The main trick is to apply them with a beveled (and only beveled!) brush.

If you want to deepen your brow color, apply your brow shadow with a damp cloth. To do this, first moisten the beveled brush with water.

First, outline the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil.

Pick up dry shadows on a beveled brush. Remove excess product with a dry cloth.

Go over the entire brow with the brush. For the base, choose a lighter shade, and for the tip, choose a darker one. Or simply adjust the intensity of the same product by pressing the brush.

Comb your brows thoroughly with a brush.

About the three most popular ways of eyebrow makeup - in our video:

Eyebrow make-up cosmetics

How to understand all the variety of eyebrow products that beauty brands offer today? Learn more about our tips.

Eyebrow shadows

Brow Artist, L'Oréal Paris © site

- one of the most popular eyebrow products. In minutes, it allows you to create thicker and, most importantly, voluminous eyebrows. By the way, if there were no shadows at hand, they can be replaced with one of the cosmetics.

Liquid (cream) eyebrow shadows

Eye & Brow Maestro, Giorgio Armani © site

Fans of resistant make-up will like liquid eyebrow shadows: waterproof components are often added to such products. A big plus is that with their help it is easy to correct the shape of the eyebrows even on the run.

Eyebrow gel: transparent, tinted

Eyebrow shaping at home is unthinkable without fixing transparent eyebrow gels. Opt for non-sticky textures that hold hair well. For example, the Control Freak Eye gel from the arsenal of NYX Professional Makeup.

Control Freak Eye, NYX Professional Makeup © controlfreak

Another option is a tinted brow gel. Such a tool not only fixes the hairs, but also colors them. For example, Maybelline's best-selling Brow Drama is an indispensable item for those who don't know how to draw eyebrows the right way. This gel does everything at once: paints in the desired shade (the pigments themselves adapt to the color of the hairs) and perfectly fixes.

Brow Drama, Maybelline © site

In general, both transparent and tinted gels are equally good for proper eyebrow shaping. It all depends on what result you expect. By the way, many products can work as eyebrow and eyelash gels at the same time.

How to use eyebrow gel?

Using this tool is easy. Comb the hairs with it: gently, at an angle of 45 degrees. By the way, you can apply eyebrow gel both as an independent tool and on top of others (pencil, shadows, etc.)

If you want to fix your brows but don't have a special gel, you can use regular gel or hairspray. Simply apply one of these to a clean mascara wand or applicator to set your brows.

Eyebrow pencil

There are mechanical and regular pencils, so first decide which option you need. The first does not need to be sharpened, and the second has a harder rod: it can be sharpened and finished with individual hairs, but it is less economical. By the way, the choice of colors in the range of ordinary eyebrow pencils is also, as a rule, much larger.

The shade of the pencil should be darker than the natural color of the eyelashes, but lighter than the color of the hair: this is a general rule that is relevant for almost all girls. Blondes are an exception to the rule - they should choose a pencil a couple of shades darker than their hair color.

Eye color also matters when choosing an eyebrow pencil. For example, fair-haired girls with blue or green eyes should not use an eyebrow pencil in dark shades of gray and brown.

Also, the choice of a pencil depends on what goal you want to achieve:

Your goal is natural eyebrows

Choose pencils with the thinnest leads. With the help of such it is easy to draw hairs indistinguishable from natural ones. A good option is the Micro Brow Pencil from NYX Professional. It guarantees a matte color and holds up well even in the rain.

Your goal is not only eyebrow makeup, but also care for them

Choose YSL's Dessin des Sorcils pencil and you won't go wrong. The tool will not only give the hairs a natural shade, but also provide care due to coconut oil in the composition.

Your goal is very thick eyebrows

Maybelline's Brow Satin Pencil is here to help. One tip of the tool is a thin stylus for drawing missing hairs and shapes, and the other is a sponge with powder to fill in the gaps.

How to choose the color of the eyebrow pencil?

  • Blondes will suit shades a tone or two lighter or darker than the roots of the hair.
  • Brunettes are better off looking for a remedy to match their dark strands.
  • Well, girls with blond hair need to focus on eye color. Light? Take a pencil from the golden scale. Dark? You - shades of chocolate.

The pencil helps to make the eyebrows thicker. The proof is in the video below:

Eyebrow wax

Wax pencil Eyebrow Shaper, NYX Professional Makeup ©

An excellent format means for fixing eyebrows. It happens in a compressed form (in palettes) or in the form of a pencil. As the name implies, a wax pencil, in addition to pigments, contains wax. This component makes the tool super resistant.

Eyebrow tint

Tinted Brow Mascara, NYX Professional Makeup ©

The NYX Professional Makeup brand has endowed its Tinted Brow Mascara with such a non-trivial name. It works like a tint gel with strong pigment and a formula that gives extra volume to the hairs.

Eyebrow set

Brow Box set from Urban Decay © site

These brow palettes contain everything you need for a beautiful brow shape. Two shades of shadows, wax, a couple of brushes - together it all works better than the same pencil. How beautiful to make up eyebrows with this set? Comb the hairs up, go over the eyebrows with shadows and apply a little wax to fix. Ready!

Eyebrow mascara

Couture Brow, YSL ©

In fact, it is the same as a tinted eyebrow gel. And it performs the same functions: it tints the hairs, maintaining a natural look, and skillfully fixes the shape. Read more about the pros and cons of this tool, as well as the application features, read the material.

Eyebrow pomade

One of the latest achievements of the beauty industry is suitable for those who love bright and expressive eyebrows. Learn more about how to use the novelty in the master class below:

Still not sure which brow makeup product is right for you? Take our test!

Often, wanting to give expressiveness to their eyes, girls use mascara and eyeliner, and undeservedly ignore eyebrows. Although it is the eyebrows that “build” our face and make our eyes brighter.

Today, the women's online magazine will tell you how to make a stylish eyebrow makeup at home.

The main mistakes in eyebrow makeup

  • Fashionable ladies have long said categorical "no!" thin eyebrows and triple "yes-yes-yes!" - wide boyish. Those lucky ones who have thick eyebrows can make a slight correction, and then use only a brush and gel.
Examples of fashionable wide eyebrows: Cara Delevingne, Emilia Clarke, Keira Knightley.
  • In pursuit of trends, many girls who do not have eyebrows a la Brezhnev rushed to beauty salons on tattoo. Often the result looks comical.

The width and length of the eyebrow should not be determined by fashion trends, but by the type of face.

In addition, do not forget: thick and wide eyebrows sing of naturalness. So tattooing is appropriate in extreme cases - for example, if the eyebrows grow unevenly.

Where to begin?

Regardless of fashion trends, the main requirement for eyebrows is well-groomed. Skillful correction, coupled with the right shape for your face type, will help hide imperfections and visually improve the oval.

Oval face shape

An oval face, considered a classic, will suit any shape of eyebrows. If the face is elongated, then the eyebrows with a neat slight kink will help to round the oval somewhat. Whatever shape of eyebrows you choose, carefully observe the proportions.

Rectangular (elongated) face shape

Straight eyebrows will add harmony to a rectangular face - they will soften the contour. The width is better to choose the average.

Square face shape

On a square face with wide cheekbones, rounded eyebrows will look great. The arc will make the face more graceful and soft. If you opt for straight eyebrows, then the tip should be lengthened.

Round face shape

A round face can be narrowed and elongated by making eyebrows with a sharp break. Of course, without fanaticism: by raising your eyebrow too high, you risk becoming like a sad clown.

Triangular face shape

Triangular or heart-shaped face: the best option is slightly raised eyebrows, a smooth curve. The eyebrow should not be lengthened or made too short. The head of the eyebrow should be thickened.

The most popular ways to remove excess hair at home are:

  • tweezers;
  • a thread;
  • trimmer.

Despite the variability of the choice, you need to remember some nuances:

  1. Trimmer- the most painless method of correction - does not remove the hair, but cuts it.
  2. Thread it is better to use after a short course with a good master. Tweezers are unpleasant, but probably the most common and safest way to correct eyebrows, even for “beginners”.
  3. cosmetic tools(tweezers, tweezers) must be disinfected: treated with alcohol or cleaned with boiling water.
  4. If the skin is too sensitive, then before performing the correction, it is recommended to steam the face, as well as use an external anesthetic.
  5. Eyebrows are always plucked from below, above - in exceptional cases. Hairs are removed one by one - this reduces pain. In addition, you should pay attention to where the hair grows from in order to avoid possible “bald spots” in the middle of the eyebrow.

True, if the hand trembles, and one pulled out hair is equal to one tear, then you should contact a specialist. Otherwise, at best, you will get a discrepancy between expectations and reality, at worst, you will methodically paint over bald spots until your eyebrows grow back.

As one of my friends said: “There is nothing worse than plucking your eyebrows and getting hiccups in the process!”

Eyebrow color combination with hair

It is easy to get confused when, in articles on eyebrow makeup, the shade is chosen either according to the color of the eyes, or to the color of the hair.
The most important thing to remember: harmony with hair is a priority. It is with them that the eyebrows should be combined, and the eyes - at best, set off.

Classics of the genre:

  1. Women with blond hair choose a pencil one tone darker than their natural hair.
  2. Dark-haired - a tone lighter.
  3. Blondes it is better to give preference gray and light brown flowers. (Some cosmetic brands make eyebrow pencils specifically for blondes.) It is better to draw eyebrows with strokes, avoiding thick sweeping lines.
  4. Brunettes desirable give up pencils in favor of shadows. If you have fair skin, then you should pay attention to dark shades of gray and brown, if you have dark skin, do not be afraid to experiment with rich colors.
  5. For redheads girls preferred chestnut and peach colors.

Eyebrows can be drawn with a pencil, shadows, ink.

Makeup with a pencil


  • eyebrow brush;
  • light pencil;
  • dark pencil;
  • gel (optional).

Eyebrow makeup, regardless of technique, should begin with combing them: in an upward direction and then along the growth line.

Eyebrow pencil should be very sharp. Ideally, there can be two of them: darker and lighter.

Strokes outline the upper and lower border of the eyebrow.

The beginning of the eyebrow should be smooth and soft, so you should start drawing the head, stepping back a little to the side. This part of the eyebrow is best drawn with a light pencil.

Neat short strokes fill the space between the upper and lower borders of the eyebrow.
The tip of the eyebrow is made thin and sharp, and if you use two pencils, choose a dark one.

All empty spaces are neatly shaded, and the space around the eyebrow is drawn with light shadows or powder.

If the dark and light shades are very different, then you should take the time to blend.

Nuance: if your eyebrows are too thin, then you can apply a simple trick. The eyebrows are combed down and fixed with a gel. A line is drawn along the tip with a pencil - an imitation of the hairline. Then the eyebrows are combed again with a brush, fluffed up, and from the drawn line, strokes are made to match the hairs.

If you chose shadows

For makeup you need:

  • brush;
  • gel/wax;
  • eyebrow shadows;
  • beveled brush.

We are talking about eyebrow shadows, not eye shadows. As a rule, several shades are included in the palette, which allows you to mix colors, achieving the perfect color combination. Sometimes shadows are applied using stencils, which you can buy in many stores or make yourself.

Eyebrows combed again, fixed with gel.

With a beveled brush, a few shadows are picked up and evenly distributed along the eyebrow growth line, then they are carefully shaded between the hairs. Particular attention is paid to "problem" empty areas.

After the eyebrows are combed again: this removes excess and the shadows fall more naturally.

The area under the eyebrow and above the eyebrow is highlighted.

Nuance: Eyebrow shadows help create that very “natural” look and lay down easier than a pencil. However, if your own eyebrows are naturally thin, then it is better to refrain from using shadows - you cannot draw a narrow line with them.

Eyebrow makeup with mascara


  • eyebrow mascara *wink*

Eyebrow mascara is not a coloring agent, but a tint, so it is often used in company with a pencil of the desired color or shadows, as a fixing agent.

If your eyebrows are in need of the lightest touch up, or if you want a lighter make-up option, then you can use mascara.

In this case, neither a brush nor a gel is needed. Mascara both fixes and combs.

To begin with, paint over the middle of the eyebrow - from the beginning to the tip.

Then paint over small hairs, moving the brush from bottom to top.

At the end, the eyebrows are shaped along the hairline.

Each of the described makeup methods requires experience and skill, but who will forbid us to practice in front of a mirror a couple of times?

How to take care of your eyebrows

Even if your eyebrows grow perfectly, they still need care.

  1. The first and most banal rule, which is often forgotten: remove makeup from eyebrows needed every day. Better use for this oil based product- It moisturizes the skin and strengthens the hair.
  2. Secondly, eyebrows need comb daily.
  3. Third, eyebrows need nourishment. Burdock and castor oils are well-deserved popularity: they are usually applied with a brush in the direction of hair growth and left overnight, or massaged for several minutes and then washed off. Masks are also made on the basis of these oils, mixing them in equal proportions and adding essential oils or vitamin E.

Beautifully designed, correct, in relation to facial features, eyebrows are an important aesthetic part of the face, which needs special care alone. Doing makeup, you can give a new shape or emphasize natural beauty. Step-by-step instructions with photos will help you complete the look, make it more stylish and confident.

In addition to aesthetic, eyebrows perform a communicative, protective, and identification function.

When creating makeup, eyebrows are painted with a pencil in order to:

  • Place accents on the face.
  • Make it more expressive, more effective.
  • Adjust the lines, make the features more proportional.
  • Give the expression an emotional coloring.
  • Correct the natural shape and color of the eyebrows.

There are many techniques and tools for coloring hairs, but at home, a cosmetic pencil will help to give the desired color and shape.

Possible eyebrow shapes

Eyebrow makeup step by step photo requires certain knowledge, the following types of eyebrows are distinguished by shape:

  • arched, or rounded;
  • curved;
  • horizontal;
  • with a break, or "house";
  • long;
  • short;
  • straight;
  • sad;
  • vrazlet;
  • fused.

Also, eyebrows can be of different widths - harmonious, thin, like a thread, or wide.

Choice of color and thickness of eyebrows

Eyebrows can change the face, give it tenderness or severity, a certain emotional coloring, so it is important to be careful about the choice of color, density and shape. When choosing a shape, color and density, you need not only follow fashion trends.

It is important for women to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The shape of the eyebrows should be selected based on the features of the structure of the face. The optimal shape will help correct imperfections.
  2. The length of the eyebrow is determined individually, but there is an optimal calculation formula: the starting point is parallel to the line of the beginning of the nose, and the edge is located above the outer corner of the eye.
  3. The density of the hairs is also individual. Naturalness is always in fashion, but thickly growing eyebrows need to be thinned out to give the correct shape. Optimum density allows you to make the look more open.
  4. The color is selected depending on the natural color. The difference between the natural shade and the selected pencil is no more than 1-2 tones.
  5. Skin color matters. For owners of dark skin, a more saturated shade of the pencil is suitable. Women with fair skin should choose a less intense color, but within the selected natural range.

Eyebrow color combination with hair

Eyebrow makeup requires a special approach depending on the hair color. Stylists' step-by-step guides suggest that the shade of the hairstyle should be in harmony with the color of the eyebrows, creating in tandem the most natural look.

  • For blondes. Natural blondes by nature have a light shade of eyebrows. To make the image spectacular, and the eyes bright, you can tint the eyebrows with a pencil 1-2 tones darker than the hair roots. This will add brightness and density, helping to refine the features.
  • For brown hair. The color of the coloring pencil should have a brown undertone, and the color itself can be 1-2 tones darker than the shade of the curls or the tone of the hair roots. For owners of dark blond hair, you can use two pencils - a lighter and a richer dark shade. With a light pencil, draw along the length of the eyebrow, and with darker individual strokes, paint over the line of hair growth, adjusting the shape.
  • For redheads. If the natural shade is bright red, the eyebrows can be emphasized with a golden brown pencil a tone darker than the hair. For those painted in bright warm shades, you can use a pencil with a copper undertone.

  • For brunettes. If the hair color is dark chocolate, rich black, you can take a graphite, chocolate brown, jet black pencil, but the undertone should be as cold as possible, without a warm shade.

Eyebrow Makeup Mistakes

Eyebrow makeup is a delicate work, for clarity and to avoid mistakes, you can use further step-by-step photo instructions.

The most common eyebrow makeup mistakes are:

It is also unacceptable to paint over individual areas or use a shade that is not suitable for the color type or hair color.

Eyebrow line for a rectangular face shape

A rectangular face is characterized by elongated features, so it is important to visually make it shorter by competently beating horizontal lines. If the face is elongated, but at the same time narrow, it is important to visually expand it a little. In this case, absolutely straight eyebrows will ideally correct the shape.

The width can vary depending on the features of the facial features, from medium to wide. Horizontal lines will detract from the length, making the face appear shorter. The distance between the eyebrows should be wide enough, visually rounding, but it is important to respect the proportions. Eyebrows with a high arch or kink are not suitable for a rectangular face; this shape lengthens even more.

Eyebrow makeup ideas for an oval face shape

The oval shape is the perfect classic. This form must only be emphasized without violating the proportions. The eyebrow line is low, performed in a straight line, slightly rounded from the middle. Too high an arch or a break breaks the oval shape, stretching the features, bringing it visually closer to a rectangular or square.

The best option is a medium-width eyebrow slightly curved from the middle. Too wide eyebrows with a small distance between them can give the look excessive severity.

For a square face

A characteristic feature of a square face is a wide jaw and a hard line of cheekbones. The length of the face and its width are approximately the same. The goal with this type is to visually make the features softer, more gentle, round the corners with a smooth transition. When choosing the shape and drawing the eyebrow line, women with a square face type should choose an arched shape, but without a clear break from the middle.

The eyebrow expands at the base, gradually tapering towards the end. Also, when choosing the shape, width, density, it is necessary to take into account the size of the nose, the width of the mouth, and the swelling of the lips. So, for a small, refined square-shaped face, a thin or medium width is suitable, and for a larger one, a wide one.

For round shape

Round face with smooth lines, without hard angles, the length is approximately equal to its width. With the help of correction, you can visually bring the circle closer to an elegant triangular shape or oval. In this case, wide, straight, intensely colored lines are not suitable, as they will make the face look wider. We need a line going up and then down, emphasizing the bend as much as possible.

The form needs to be slightly lifted, slightly plucking the hairs in the middle of the line. The shape that is ideal for the round type is a clear break from the middle or a slightly rounded shape. The expressive arc follows the contours, so it will make the face even more rounded.

For triangular shape

A triangular or heart-shaped face is characterized by a sharp chin and sharply defined cheekbones, so the task when choosing the shape of the eyebrows is to soften the lines. Sharp, overly straight lines can emphasize angular features, the ideal shape for a triangular face is the eyebrows in the shape of the letter "S".

Drawing such a line is simple: a wide base, a smooth curve and, at the end, a thin, slightly raised end. The tail should not be too clear, it may resemble a comma. The line gently frames the arc, gently turning to the outer corner. The width of the eyebrow depends on the features of the facial features.

Another type of eyebrow that visually softens the features and opens the eyes is the flyaway. It is not recommended for the triangular type to give the eyebrows a strictly straight shape.

Proper makeup with a pencil. Instruction

Eyebrow makeup and detailed step-by-step instructions with photos will help prevent mistakes and give them the perfect shape. The pencil must be selected with the optimal fat content, based on the type of skin, so that it does not crumble during the day and draws a line evenly. Start coloring after applying foundation and powder.

The main stages of makeup:

  1. Before you start drawing the shape, you need to comb your eyebrows, slightly lifting the hairs and laying them along the growth line.
  2. Carefully mark the lower border with a pencil. At the beginning of drawing, the point at the base of the eyebrow can be slightly shifted so that the line looks smoother.
  3. Parallel to the bottom, an upper border is drawn, outlining the contours.
  4. The inner part between the two lines is drawn with light shading movements. It is better to move the pencil from the middle to the wide base and from the middle to the “tail”. So the bend is more natural.
  5. With a brush, carefully so as not to smear the borders, the pencil is shaded to give the eyebrows a natural look.

To visually raise the eyebrow, make it more expressive, white shadows or a highlighter are applied under the lower border. To maintain clarity and color, it is not recommended to powder the forehead during the day.

Eye shadow makeup at home

The advantage of using shadows is a more delicate, natural makeup, as well as ease of application. They come in a wide range of colors to help you find the perfect color.

Shadows can be different in consistency:

  • cream;
  • shadow pencil;
  • powdery;
  • liquid (waterproof);
  • wax;
  • dry.

The choice depends on personal preference. For owners of dry skin, cream shadows are more suitable, and for oily or combination types, dry, powdery. For ease of use, beautiful drawing, a flat brush with a beveled end is used.

Eyebrow coloring algorithm with shadows:

  1. Before applying the product, comb the eyebrows with a round brush.
  2. With a flat brush, mark the lower and upper borders along the hairline.
  3. Shade the center with light movements, leaving no gaps.
  4. With a clearer line, shape and emphasize the end of the eyebrow.
  5. Blend the product with a brush for a beautiful natural effect.

Eyebrow makeup with shadows: a step-by-step photo of creation.

Shades of shadows can be combined within 1-2 tones of one palette, coloring the wide base with a lighter color and darkening the eyebrow in the direction of the tail. Excess funds can be easily removed with a cotton pad, and a special wax or gel can be used to fix makeup.

Eyebrow makeup with mascara

Eyebrow makeup with mascara is easy to do not only with a pencil, shadows, but also with mascara, if you use the step-by-step guide with the photo below.

The creamy consistency of the product and the brush in the set are similar to the classic eyelash tint. Manufacturers offer different types of brushes: classic round, tapering or expanding at the end, in the form of a fluffy brush. Each allows you to give one form or another, emphasize the density or add volume.

The advantage of using mascara is simplicity, instant coloring, line clarity and expressiveness, painting over only the hairs. When buying a decorative product, it is necessary to take into account the shape, structure of the brush, consistency, shade, and composition.

Eyebrow makeup algorithm with mascara:

  1. Perform eyebrow correction, giving them a neat shape.
  2. Comb the hair along the growth line, slightly lifting. If volume is needed, the hairs can be combed against growth, and then neatly laid in growth.
  3. Holding the brush vertically, apply the product to the base of the hairs.
  4. With a brush, making guiding movements up and down, blend along the entire length of the line. Shading is important to perform before the product dries, this allows you to adjust the saturation of the shade.
  5. Carefully remove excess funds.

If, after staining with mascara, the shape of the eyebrow is not ideal, you can correct the line with a pencil to match.

How to use eyebrow wax

Many people confuse modeling and depilatory wax. The latter helps to remove hairs, modeling or fixing - to give the necessary shape, fix it. With wax, it is easier to style hard, unruly hair, paint over brittle, dry hairs that are not “friendly” with powder or dry shadows.

The consistency is gel-like, the color is transparent or close to the natural tint palette, the main component of each is beeswax. A tool with a transparent consistency is used to fix makeup with shadows, and a tinted one is used for staining and giving a beautiful shape.

Instructions for use:

  1. Give shape by combing the eyebrows along the growth line.
  2. When using transparent wax, first draw lines with shadows, a pencil.
  3. Apply wax with a flat brush, guiding the growth.
  4. Slightly touch up the shape, removing excess funds.
  5. After curing, it is necessary to comb the eyebrows, so they will not look stuck together.

Eyebrow makeup requires fixation, so makeup artists advise using wax. A step-by-step photo and application instructions will help you cope with the intricacies of makeup. The technique of working with wax requires speed, since the composition has the property of quickly hardening.

Fixation and modeling with wax allows make-up to remain flawless throughout the day, regardless of weather conditions or occupation.

Eyebrow makeup video

Eyebrow makeup step by step:

Features of impending eyelid makeup:

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Visage in permanent makeup: eyebrows

Facial proportions- horizontal thirds of the face. Our perception is arranged in such a way that a face that is considered beautiful has an oval shape, and corresponds to the laws of the golden section, or as it is also called the golden ratio. The golden ratio occupies a leading place in the artistic canons of Leonardo da Vinci. We will not go into depth, for those who are interested, information can be found on the Internet. Let us dwell on the most important proportions of the oval of the face. In the horizontal plane, the oval of the face is divided into 3 parts, all three parts should be the same - this is ideal. If the client has an oval face, be sure that this will be the case. An oval face is suitable for any shape of eyebrows - nothing can spoil the beauty) But, we are all different, and the client may have a face shape different from the ideal oval. The task of the brow-master when building the form is to bring the face closer to the oval, those to the ideal. This will undoubtedly be the best and most winning eyebrow shape!

Eyebrow Shape Rules
Any eyebrow has a head, body and tail. If tt is divided into parts - the tail will be 1/3 of the eyebrow, and the body 2/3 of the part. That is, the body is equal in length to two tails.

- The bend after which the body passes into the tail is called the peak or the highest point.
– The peak on the upper line must coincide with the most sinking point on the lower line.
- The body consists of 2 parallel lines - and nothing else! The tail, starting from the highest point, narrows in the shape of a triangle and disappears.
- The head is a straight line, it can be beveled only if a wide bridge of the nose is expected to be corrected.
- The shape of the eyebrow should be ascending - always! Ideally, if you draw a horizontal line, the tail will be above the warp (head), the tail is allowed to be on the same level as the head.

IMPORTANT!! The tail should not be lower than the head of the eyebrow. A long falling tail visually closes the eye and adds age to the client.

Correction of the oval of the face by changing the shape of the eyebrows(selection of the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face). As I said above, we are striving for an oval. A correspondingly higher brow lift with pronounced peaks will visually make a round face more elongated. Wide horizontal eyebrows will visually add width to a narrow / elongated face. A square or rectangular face will suit a more rounded shape of the eyebrows - it will soften the hard (male) features of the face and add femininity.

Correction of the fit of the eyes with the help of the shape of the eyebrows
The correct and beautiful fit of female eyes is considered when the distance between the eyes is 1 eye. That is, ideally, one more eye should be placed between the eyes. But, this is not always the case. With the right shape correction, it is possible to correct close-set or wide-set eyes. Usually, with a narrow or wide planting of the eyes, it will visually seem that something is wrong in the face, if such a thought does not arise when stroking the client, then everything is in order. If something is wrong, we analyze the appearance.
- In order to visually slightly distance close-set eyes from each other, the head must be started not according to the classical scheme, but a little further from the bridge of the nose. The required distance is calculated visually - mentally try to move your eyebrows apart so that an eye fits between them. We preliminarily outline the beginning with a pencil. We pluck the hairs as carefully as possible, alternately from one head, then from the other, constantly checking whether it is time to stop. It's better not to finish than to redo! If possible, move the peak closer to the temple, make the tail of the eyebrow as correct as possible for this shape. - usually this feature is found on narrow faces.
- In order to bring wide-set eyes closer together, it is necessary to bring the heads closer to the bridge of the nose, move the peak closer to the center and make the tail shorter. - move the entire eyebrow closer to the center! - usually wide faces suffer from this problem.

Neat and correct eyebrow makeup is a prerequisite for a successful make-up: strict office, light daytime, bright evening, stylized stage or any other. Even in which, it would seem, the natural look of the eyebrows is only welcome, it necessarily includes a neat eyebrow design in accordance with modern trends in the beauty world.

Of course, no makeup is able to make "overgrown" eyebrows neat. Therefore, the first thing to start with is to give them the most correct shape by plucking. It is best to do this with the help of a wizard, especially the first time. Tip for mothers of teenage girls: do not forbid your daughters to pluck their eyebrows, it is better to take them to a good master who will carefully shape your girl's eyebrows, while maintaining their naturalness.

If you are going to perform eyebrow correction yourself, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • Do not pluck your eyebrows immediately before applying makeup, as after pulling out the hairs, a slight swelling and redness will definitely appear.
  • Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to take care of good lighting.
  • Don't skimp on tools. You will need good tweezers and sharp nail scissors. The tweezers should grab the hairs well and not break them off when pulled out.
  • All tools, as well as hands and the skin around the eyebrows, must be treated with a disinfectant.
  • You need to pull out the hairs exclusively by growth in order to minimally injure the skin, thereby preventing ingrown hairs.
  • If experience is not enough, then it is recommended to pre-circle a new eyebrow shape with a pink pencil.
  • You can find the ideal brow point by drawing an imaginary line through the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the pupil. This can be done by placing a pencil or stick on your face. The beginning of the eyebrows should be done on the line connecting the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye, and the end - on the line passing through the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye.
  • Thin eyebrows are not in fashion now, and they look completely unnatural, wide ones also make the face heavier. The best option is the average thickness of the eyebrows, the same to the bend and decreasing from the bend to the tip.
  • If the hairs themselves are long enough and because of this they lie sloppy, it is recommended to cut them, after combing them up with an eyebrow brush. So that later the hairs lie neatly and cover the space between the hairs, when cutting, you need to step back from the edge of the eyebrow by about 1 mm, and not cut edge to edge.
  • And finally, you need to start eyebrow correction only in a good mood and in a relaxed atmosphere.

If the eyebrow correction is done correctly, then doing their makeup will not be difficult. As in the case of correction, there are several basic rules, the knowledge of which will allow even a beginner to perform aesthetic eyebrow makeup.

There are three main eyebrow makeup techniques: natural, graphic and mixed.

  1. The natural technique involves painting the space between the hairs with shadows or a pencil, as well as the use of colored eyebrow gels. If you do not overdo it with color, then you get a completely natural result, giving the face freshness, youth and grooming.
  2. Graphic technique is more radical. With a pencil or shadows in a wet technique, an eyebrow of a new shape clearly emerges. Such eyebrows give the image severity and sometimes visually add age.
  3. Mixed media is most preferred in everyday makeup. It combines soft tinting of the beginning of the eyebrow and a clear drawing of its tip.

In mixed media, you can use shadows, eyebrow gels, and pencils.

  • A bright thick line is drawn under the eyebrows with a beige-pink pencil, which will subsequently be shaded.
  • Next, immediately above this pink line, we begin to paint over the combed eyebrow with wet shadows or a pencil with a thin lead. At the same time, before bending, the eyebrow should have the same thickness along its entire length, and after bending, it should narrow strictly in the direction of the fossa, palpable near the ear in the region of the beginning of the zygomatic bone.
  • The eyebrow drawn in this way must be shaded with a stiff brush from the beginning to the center, very carefully, without going beyond the boundaries of the drawn eyebrow. This is exactly what helps to make a soft start with a clear tip. After such shading or “stretching” of the color, the eyebrow takes on a more natural look.
  • Next, using a cotton swab, you need to shade the pink line under the eyebrows, slightly “shading” it into the eyebrow.
  • And the makeup of the eyebrows ends with the application of a fixing colored or colorless eyebrow gel. If the eyebrow turned out to be darkish, then it is recommended to take a golden gel, it will lighten the color a little, make it softer.

And finally, when doing eyebrow makeup, remember the most important rule: you should not change the shape given to you by nature too drastically. Changing for the better, do not change yourself, keep your natural individuality.