Sew a striped cat. Pattern of a cat. DIY cats: patterns

Need a cat pattern? See samples, read recommendations. The article presents both very simple options and complex ones. Choose according to your experience and skill level, as well as the amount of time you are willing to spend creating an original

What are soft fabric cats

Patterns of soft cats can be very different. There are complex and simple options.

In terms of form, objects are:

  • flat in the form of a rug;
  • semi-volumetric;
  • voluminous.

According to the functional purpose, fabric cats are made as:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • pillows;
  • souvenirs and decor;
  • large interiors.

From the point of view of manufacturing technology, the following classification can be given:

  • simplified or mono-object, when two parts are cut out of the fabric, which are sewn along the line of a complex contour;
  • combined or complex, in which paws, head, tail are sewn separately, and then all this is assembled into a single whole.

On the outside, the following options are made:

  • natural, similar to natural;
  • stylized, simplified;
  • cartoon characters.

Materials used

Below is a look at how cats are sewn with their own hands. The patterns shown in the illustrations are suitable for any choice is determined by what you want to create and what effect you want to get. You can sew a toy from scraps that you have available or buy fabric specifically. In the second case, proceed from the decorative effect, surface texture, quality and cost of the fabric.

If you want to create a natural look for a kitten, then it is better to use fur or a fleecy fabric. For decorative stylized products or fun, any bright shreds are suitable: from chintz and calico to felt and fleece.

Like working with fabric

If you decide to do needlework and make a soft accessory, you need to do the following:

All is ready.

The simplest options

In this way, it is easy to make any thing - from a small souvenir to a pillow.

Print the pattern in the desired scale, cut it out of paper, circle it on a fabric folded in half to get two parts, sew on the wrong side, leaving a hole (better at the bottom), turn it on the front side, fill it with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, carefully sew the hole with a needle.

The cat pattern in its simplest form is a schematic representation of an animal.

Outlines are usually made simpler. In the picture above, the cat is made in the shape of a heart. This option is suitable as a soft fabric valentine in any size. A small heart is sewn on top in the form of an appliqué element.

If you are making a large object, the choice of option can be any. If the sample is reduced, try to take one where all shapes are streamlined and there are no thin narrow details (stripes of paws and tail). On a small scale, they will be very difficult to turn out after sewing the seams. For example, a tail that is 1 cm wide and 8 cm long can be problematic. This should be taken into account when self-constructing patterns.

Below is a very simple option both in terms of shape and manufacturing technology. Making such a funny little animal is not difficult. From the decor, it is enough to sew on the nose and eyes. Mustache and mouth can be drawn.

Patterns of cat toys

These will already be products more complicated, and one seam is not enough here. The manufacturing technology will involve the execution of several parts, their sequential connection into small volumetric parts, and then stitching into one common object.

The photo above shows a pattern and an image of a cat that is stretched out in the plane of the floor. Volumetric is actually performed only on the head, although it all depends on the amount of stuffing. By adjusting its amount, you can somewhat change the shape of the object.

Patterns of cat toys can be different, as the shapes and poses of the characters themselves are different.

They can lie, sit, stretch, curl up like a ball. Choose what is easier for you to make, or the most attractive and suitable accessory for you. A funny cat will turn out according to the following pattern:

This option is also not very easy. It is necessary to make two parts for the body and tail. The body will be sewn along the perimeter of the circumference of the bottom. The souvenir will be very stable even with a large height of the cat.

The pictures below show options for children's toys.

It can be made relatively flat or thicker with more padding. The first illustration shows the front and back of the finished product, the second shows the details of the pattern.

Difficult option

A very difficult task is to sew an animal that will look like a natural one.

In this case, the pattern of the cat will consist of many details that you can no longer simplify by making the paws thick and the tail short, as is the case with stylized models.

Everything should look as natural as possible, so it is better to choose the appropriate material - fluffy.

You saw that cat products can be very diverse. This idea of ​​a gift or an original accessory for your home is popular and relevant. Choose any pattern, follow the pattern of work - and you will definitely get a beautiful decoration in the form of a cat.

Sewing patterns for cats is a very useful and exciting home activity. Even if several beautiful cats are already running around your apartment, a couple more delightful beauties made from various materials will not hurt at all. The cat is a wonderful symbol of home comfort, beauty and elegance.

The unconditional benefits of making cats according to patterns with your own hands

By deciding to do needlework, you will have a creative time, and as a result you will get a cute toy:

  1. If you need to organize leisure activities for children, then making cat toys is a great idea. You will give the kids their first cutting and sewing skills, a lesson in patience, a sense of pride and creative joy when the work is completed.
  2. Making a cat according to a pattern is an excellent stress therapy, it calms, harmonizes, in the process of sewing you will definitely be visited by new useful thoughts, important issues will be resolved.
  3. You will clear the space of flaps by filling it with cats.
  4. You will receive a cat that you can play with, decorate the interior, present as a gift.
  5. Attach a red mitten for gifts to the paws - plant it under the Christmas tree.
  6. Decorate the cat with a heart, you will get a valentine cat.
  7. Sew a small cat according to the pattern and attach a key ring - with such a key chain you will definitely not lose them.

Create a holiday for your child!

For children, joint sewing of soft toys will replace educational games. When making cat patterns with your own hands, give the baby a piece of tracing paper so that he learns to copy the image, then try to cut it out with safety scissors. Show how to thread a needle. And stuffing a sewn toy with padding polyester is a safe, interesting activity that exercises dexterity and hand motility.

Of course, you should not count on the exclusive attention of a restless child to the whole process, but he will definitely become the first enthusiastic connoisseur of your work. For a baby, turning patches into a cat toy is real magic. He will benefit simply by watching what you are doing.

What materials to choose?

Any material is suitable for making a cat, imagination and possibilities are not limited by anything. These can be: pieces of linen, felt, suede, patches of fur, unnecessary flannel pajamas.

It's great if you can buy new fabric, especially if you're making a pattern for a gift or living room decoration. If the cat takes pride of place on the shelf, choose a color that suits your interior.

What needs to be prepared for a useful cause?

Before you start sewing, print out the patterns. By selecting the desired scale, you will get them larger or smaller. If there is no printer, using tracing paper or transparent polyethylene, you need to transfer the image directly from the screen, and then cut it out. You can immediately make patterns from thick paper to use in the future.

Prepare fabric, thread for seams and embroidery of the nose, a needle, scissors, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool, sequins and small pieces of white dense fabric for the eyes, cardboard for the base.

Ready? Go!

  1. Transfer the patterns to the material using chalk or a sharp bar of soap. Make a seam allowance if you will connect the parts on a typewriter, cut along the contour if you will sew by hand. For the manufacture of soft toys, a looped seam is used. It is very easy to make and durable.
  2. You need to cut out the eyes, two parts of the body and three parts of the bottom.
  3. Making eyes is a very important stage, the expression of the cat's face depends on them. The easiest way is to cut out white circles and sew green, blue, amber sequins to them. It's good if you have a pair of black beads to make the pupils. Eyes need to be glued or carefully sewn with fishing line to one of the halves of the body.
  4. Connect large parts from the wrong side, do not touch the bottom yet. If you sew them on a typewriter, then make notches perpendicular to the seam, leaving 1-2 mm in the corners and rounding places.
  5. Turn the resulting workpiece inside out, iron the seams if the fabric allows.
  6. During the exciting process of stuffing with padding polyester, try to distribute it evenly. Shape the figure, making it rounder or more elegant.
  7. Now let's move on to making the bottom. Cut two pieces of fabric, fold the wrong side to each other and insert one piece of cardboard between them, sew with oblique stitches along the edge. You don’t need to turn anything inside out, these edges with stitches will go inside during the assembly of the cat.
  8. Sew the bottom with a hidden seam to the cat blank.

Now you know how to sew a cat and you can make a more complex model.

Phoebe cat

The patterns of this cat were developed in Japan.

To make a snow-white baby, which you see in the first photo, you will need a little more patience and time. The process consists of the same steps, only here are more details.

Please note that the ears are sewn in. Don't forget to put them in when you assemble the head.

You will get a charming toy that will delight children, your friends and relatives.

Handmade toys can be a great gift for both a child and an adult. In addition, they will be a wonderful interior decoration. Such cute things radiate warmth and comfort, express the inner world of the author and fill the house with joyful emotions. In addition, the toy is quite easy to sew with your own hands if you find simple patterns. Consider how to sew a soft cat toy, what materials will be needed for this, and what types of handmade toys are.

Before you start, you need to decide on the type of toy, its shape, color, texture, difficulty level and number of parts. They are also divided according to purpose. For a beginner, of course, it is better to sew a simple toy, without unnecessary elements, but an experienced craftsman can choose something complex and intricate.

By the way, there are ready-made sewn toys, but they are white, they need to be painted and decorated.

And there are many other wonderful toys, for example, felted ones, they are made from special unspun wool, using a felting needle. And they are knitted, most often they are crocheted. In general, now they are made from a variety of materials using different techniques.

You can choose the manufacturing technique that you like more and create a little animal, which, of course, will bring only positive emotions.

Gallery: do-it-yourself soft toys (25 photos)

Materials for creating soft toys

Of course, patterns and materials are needed. They can be bought in specialized stores for needlework and creativity.

Where to get patterns

They can be found on the Internet, and there are also a lot of magazines and books on needlework, in which there are a huge number of patterns, sometimes even in full growth. You can also register on forums or join a social networking group where needlewomen discuss sewing and share their patterns.

What materials are needed

You will need materials such as:

Stitching toys

If you have decided on the type of toy, and the materials have been collected, you can start working.

This is a universal plan for creating a toy, he will help to sew not only a cat, but also other little animals. Even a beginner can handle it. It is sewn from one part or from several.

  1. Prepare the fabric, iron it.
  2. Choose patterns, redraw them on paper, cut them out. By the way, patterns can be taken on the Internet, and in books, magazines.
  3. Transfer patterns to fabric using chalk. Don't forget about 1-2cm seam allowances. Secure the pieces with safety pins.
  4. Cut out all the details and sew them with a “back needle” or looped seam.
  5. If necessary, turn the piece inside out and then stuff it; if necessary, sew the pieces together.
  6. Now it remains only to sew on the eyes, nose and add decorations that will give the work a special charm and originality. You can not embroider the cat's face, but draw it with special paints.

By the way, you can also make a cat out of a cat, for example, by sewing a bow. And you can also dress up a cat or a kitty: sew pants, a shirt or a dress, and make shoes, for example, shoes, boots, boots. Of course, accessories can complete the image of a cat: a handbag, a hat, an umbrella.

This is a general algorithm for creating a product, it can be slightly modified according to personal preference and convenience. You can come up with additional elements, for example, give the cat a fish, make him a bowl, a house, and so on.

Benefits of handmade toys

Why are handmade soft toys so popular? Here is a list of their benefits:

They can be used not only for their intended purpose - to play, but also for other purposes. It depends on the shape, size and materials of the work. For example, if the animal is large and soft, it can become a pillow. If it is very tiny, and, for example, felt, it can become a keychain or a three-dimensional magnet. And you can also make pot holders, a heating pad for a kettle, a rug or something else. In addition, any handmade item is an excellent interior decoration and a gift for any holiday for a child or an adult. By the way, handmade work can perfectly complement the interior and give it beauty and originality. Especially such decor will be appropriate in the children's room.

Making handmade soft toys is a very interesting and exciting process, and the result is a charming little thing made with love and warmth, which will be a great gift or interior decoration.

Cute textile cats can be both a toy for a child and a cozy decorative element of your home.

What is the main difference between a toy designed for games and a decorative toy? In the first case, the most important is the strength of the toy, in the second - the appearance. Of course, a toy can be both beautiful and durable, but most often you have to sacrifice something :) For example, when making eyes for a decorative toy, you can paint them beautifully with acrylic paints. But for a play doll or toy, this is no longer entirely acceptable, since a child can either scratch the paint or simply gnaw or lick it off. Those. when making a toy for a child, it is better to sew or embroider eyes.

I sewed cats for my children. So what do we need?

  • Textile. If you want a soft toy, then it can be fleece, felt, fur, velor, flannel, velsoft, etc. If you want a decorative toy or just a harder, more shaped toy, then linen or cotton is best, in my opinion, interesting toys are also made from burlap.

I used fleece. It is convenient to work with this material, it is soft and the kids like it, and the most important thing is that my children chose it themselves, each preferred the fleece of their own color), so in my case it was a choice without a choice

  • Stuffing. It can be anything: synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, wool or sliver, someone even fills with cotton wool. I stuffed with padding polyester and finished with padding polyester, but one padding polyester would be enough.

Print this pattern in the usual A4 format, cut and circle on the material of your choice. By the way, I must say, I really enjoyed tracing with disappearing felt-tip pens. It is convenient and does not leave any traces of your notes.
Outlining your patterns, do not forget that the cat should not only have a body with a head, but also 2 arms, 2 legs and a tail.

When cut and turned out, this is what happened :)

Already almost a cat:

So that the ears were not too thin, I made a pattern of the ears (2 pieces) and licked the resulting piece inside, to the ears. You may or may not want to do this:

Then we sew the ears, you can also mark yourself so that the seam is more even:

Now we are stuffing. It is more convenient for me to immediately form the desired shape and volume from the sitepon, and then fill it with the resulting lump:

So we stuffed our heads:

Then we stuff the body in the same way:

Here's what happens. Please note that I do not hem the bottom yet:

Now we outline where we will have eyes and a nose. Eyes I decided to make buttons, as I wrote earlier

Now I'm sewing as planned. Since the bottom is not hemmed - all the knots will remain inside

We embroider a mouth, antennae, hairs:

To make the cat a little pot-bellied, I finished it off with synthetic fluff. This is optional, I just love chubby cats

Now the legs. They are already stitched with us, do not forget to fill them with synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer. Then we pin with pins the way we want to sew the legs:

And then we sew:

Now, with a hidden seam, we sew the bottom of the calf, with the legs already sewn on. I go back and forth a few times to make the seams stronger.

Here's how to make a blind seam (picture from the Internet). In fact, this is just a scary name), the seam is very simple and convenient:

Voila, the legs are sewn on:

Now sew on the handles. I sewed with a blind seam just in a circle

Now we sew the tail in the same way. To make it softer, I did not stuff it:

That's all! The cat is ready

Cats are very popular pets, it is rare to find a person who would not like these funny four-legged furries. A cat toy will be a nice gift for both a child and an adult. Moreover, you can sew toys of different sizes: from a needle bed or a kitchen souvenir to a large and cozy pillow. With a minimum of materials and improvised means, it is easy to make such a product as a cat out of fabric. Patterns can be found in this article.

pillow cat

Sewing a cat pillow is very easy and accessible even to a novice craftswoman. The material for the toy will be needed depending on what kind of model you want to make - a tiny needle bed or a real full-fledged pillow.

One way or another, even a beginner needlewoman will need quite a bit of time to sew a cute cat. Easy to make from fabric. How to make a pillow with your own hands, we will tell right now.

For manufacturing, we will need, in addition to a sewing machine, needles, threads, pattern paper, a pencil, fabric and filler - synthetic winterizer, holofiber or synthetic winterizer.

We make a pattern. To do this, select any simplified drawing of a cat standing on its hind legs that you like, draw its silhouette on paper in the desired size. The drawing may be symbolic. Since this will be a pillow, the body should be quite plump, with short legs.

We sew a pillow on the sofa

The easiest way is to draw an oval, which will serve as both a head and a torso; from the side of the head, draw two triangle ears, make the lower part slightly wider than the head. Draw oval paws on the sides on both sides - in general, the pattern should be such that after you cut out the details from the fabric according to the pattern, they can be easily stitched and turned out. Alternatively, draw a plump cat with a slightly curved torso. Patterns of cat toys made of fabric can be of different shapes.

  • After drawing the contours of your future pillow, transfer them to the fabric. Do not forget to fold it in half inward with the right side to get two identical parts. One will serve as the front part, and the other as the back for your cat.
  • After you have cut out both parts, not forgetting to leave seam allowances of 0.5 cm, we start sewing. Gently stitch along the contour of both parts facing inward, remembering to leave an unsewn area for stuffing.
  • Slightly notch the fabric in the corners so that when turning it out there are no creases on the details, turn it out.
  • Stuff your cat with litter by pushing it into its paws and ears with a round stick or pencil, sew up the opening
  • On the finished pillow, mark with light strokes on one side the eyes, nose, ears, navel, cat's smile, and on the other side, a small tail. Embroider the drawn details along the contour with a stalk stitch with threads of a suitable color. The spout can also be sewn on with a stalk stitch or a needle-forward stitch from a piece of non-fluffy fabric, such as felt.

In no time at all, you have sewn a cute cartoon cat pillow toy. Choose any fabric - plain, in a cage or in a small flower. And if you sew a few more cats from different fabrics, then you can get a set of pillows that will fill the room with special comfort and warmth. Do not forget that the pattern of a cat from fabric can be arbitrary.

Sweet couple

Alternatively, you can sew a couple: a cat and a cat - which can stand on their own. At the same time, they can be made in a souvenir version, made large enough and also used as pillows. A nice gift for Valentine's Day will be a fabric cat. Patterns are simple, the main thing is to be patient.

  1. Draw the silhouette of a cat with pear-shaped ears, with a flat bottom.
  2. Cut out two pieces of fabric for each cat with seam allowances - front and back.
  3. Carefully stitch the details, leaving the bottom flat part unstitched.
  4. Stuff both silhouettes with a suitable filler to the desired fullness, then put the resulting figure on a piece of paper and circle the outline. This will be the pattern for the bottom of the future toy. Cut out the piece from the fabric, remembering the seam allowances.
  5. Draw a slightly rounded tail, transfer it to the fabric and also cut out two tail pieces for each cat.
  6. Sew together the details of the tail, leaving an unsewn place for stuffing at the base, turn it right side out and fill it lightly with filler.
  7. Secure the finished ponytail with a pin at the desired point, sew it on, while sewing together the details of the finished body and bottom with a hidden seam.
  8. Draw or embroider animal faces, sew on a bow tie for a cat, and sew a thread with strung beads on a cat. Decorate them as you wish. You can also draw and embroider paws for ready-made toys. As an option, cut out separately two parts of each foot, fill them with a little filler and sew them to the bodies of our sweet couple with a hidden seam.

The cat that sleeps

A cozy sleeping cat pillow can also be sewn very easily and quickly. Here, simple patterns of cat toys made of fabric are used. The sample will help create a beautiful toy.

  • To do this, draw a silhouette of a cat standing on short legs with a plump tail raised or curved upwards.
  • Transfer the design to the fabric and cut out two pieces in a mirror image.
  • Gently stitch both parts with the right side inward, retreating from the edge of the pattern 0.5-1 cm, notch the seam allowances in the corners of the pattern for better eversion of the fabric. Be sure to leave an unsewn piece so that you can fill the toy with filler.
  • Using a stick or pencil, push the filler into the paws, ears and tail, and then fill the entire body so that you get a cat figurine.
  • Gently sew up the hole and embroider Splyushka's muzzle with floss threads, arranging it to your taste.

cat with flowers

A funny toy will be a great gift for a child or a souvenir for an adult cat lover. Can be a romantic fabric cat. Patterns can always be enlarged if you want to make a large toy.

To make it, take a light-colored fabric for the body, bright with a pattern - for flowers, a piece of chain - for a necklace.

Draw an arbitrary silhouette of the cat's body or use a pattern. The torso and head should consist of one single piece; for sewing a cat, you need to cut out two parts - the front part and the back.

The parts are sewn together, turned inside out and stuffed with synthetic filler.

Separately, the front paws of the cat are cut out and sewn together, then sewn to the body with a hidden seam or attached to it from the back with a pair of light buttons. Remember, a fabric cat pattern can be of any size.

Accessories for a cat with a bouquet

The muzzle of a cat can be painted with acrylics or embroidered with threads; also, with threads or paints, decorate the stripes on his forehead and cheeks. Draw stitches at the base of the ears to slightly separate the ears from the head.

Make flowers from bright fabric and sew all over the cat's body. Tie a thread on which beads are strung - this will be a necklace. The bouquet is made from paper miniature flowers.

Tilda cat

Cats made in the style of a tilde doll cannot leave anyone indifferent. They are quite easy to sew, and the process of their manufacture fills a person with joy and good mood. And the finished toy will become a source of pride and a beautiful interior decoration. It is easy to sew a cat out of fabric. Patterns will help to make a toy in a short time.

A characteristic feature of the tilde toy is dotted eyes and toasty cheeks. You can choose the one you like or draw it yourself, giving it any pose - walking, sitting, flying. Choose a suitable natural fabric for the figurine itself, sew the cat. Decorate the muzzle in accordance with the main features and make beautiful clothes for your cat. The paws and tail should be fastened with buttons - this is how they will move.

A little patience and imagination, and you will get your own special toy - a tilde cat, a talisman and amulet for your home or a great gift for friends.

Simple cats

Such a toy will please any child. You need to find an unnecessary sock. It's better if it's in color. Do everything as indicated in the picture - and you will get an amazing creature.

Patterns of coffee cats from fabric are also quite primitive. After the toy is ready, it must be lowered into a saturated coffee solution. After that, send the product for 15 minutes in the oven.

Cats will decorate your home and will be a wonderful gift for animal lovers. Patterns of cat toys made of fabric can be arbitrary. How to make an interesting gift, now you know. Create and delight your loved ones with pleasant little things!