Children's birthday in the style of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear. Party in the style of Masha and the Bear: cartoon characters at your home

Using a cartoon theme is almost always a winning idea when you have the goal of a successful toddler party. If previously only Disney works were used, then with the advent of the super popular Russian cartoon Masha and the Bear, it became possible to conduct children's day birth in a style that is closer to our man. The characters in this funny picture are cute, comical, bright and extremely kind. In the company of such heroes, the feast and games will pass unnoticed, your event will undoubtedly become an unforgettable event for any tiny birthday person.

Preparation for the thematic birthday "Masha and the Bear"

We make invitations to the holiday in the style of our cool cartoon, decorating cards with images of Mashenka and a funny bear. Using Photoshop program or blanks from the Internet it is easy to put a photo on them little hero celebrations, as well as the time and place where you plan to celebrate the upcoming name day. It is desirable that the hosts at the celebration be dressed in the costumes of the main characters of our cartoon, otherwise you will not get the feeling of a fairy tale. You can hire professionals or entrust this business to good friends, anyone with imagination and a share of artistic gift can cope with such a task.

hall decoration

It is ideal to spend the Masha and the Bear birthday in nature or sitting in the country, but often you have to be content with a cozy cafe or home conditions, so preparing the room is a responsible matter. It is considered to be the best colors for our holiday is the decoration of the room in pink and green colors. It would be nice to transform the room into fabulous style, decorating it with huge daisies, sunflowers, leaves, artificial Christmas trees, beautiful balloons.

Treats and birthday games in the style of "Masha and the Bear"

Potatoes can also be decorated in the "forest" style, making figures of mushrooms, flowers or hedgehogs out of potatoes and vegetables, delighting the kids. We also buy or prepare personally various sweets - lollipops, sweets, yogurt, pies, jam with biscuits and other similar yummy. Of course, you need to buy a cake with figures of Masha and the Bear, without which our holiday would be simply unthinkable. Now there are no problems with such sweets, it is simply advisable to take care in advance by ordering the main dish for your birthday from a good chef. In between treats, we arrange various quizzes and. A tasting of various jams will do, with an attempt to guess the variety of berries, a competition for the best connoisseur of traces of forest animals, catching toy fish with a fishing rod with a magnet and other fun activities.

The mischievous girl Masha and the kind, caring Misha have long been the favorites of modern kids. Therefore, a birthday in the style of Masha and the Bear is not so rare today. If your child also asked to arrange a similar holiday for him, we offer you ideas for the design and organization of such a birthday.

There are no restrictions or ready-made solutions No. Can be taken as a basis pink-lilac color Car sundress, especially if it's a girl's birthday, or you can make decor in the style of Misha's hut, then they will be relevant brown shades, wood texture. You can also make the surroundings of a forest glade, in which case green shades will prevail in the decor.


Here you can go in two ways: a simpler one is to print ordinary rectangular postcards with the image of the main characters of the cartoon, or a more complex and original one is to make invitations in the shape of Masha herself.

The second option will surely be appreciated by little guests, and adults will also like such cards, so it makes sense to put a little effort into making them.

Hall decor

If you choose to use traditional balloons, you can order a composition in the form of the main characters of the cartoon. But there is more interesting option in case you decorate the hall in the form of a forest glade - a tree made of balls. Such a tree looks bright enough and can serve as a kind of photo zone.

Masha and the Bear are popular characters, which means that it is easy to find foil balloons in the form of these characters on sale.

Can be used as decoration for the hall soft bear toys various sizes and forms, as well as dolls in the form of Masha.

An interesting idea of ​​​​a garland for a holiday in the style of Masha and the Bear is the clothes of the main character on a rope. We cut out sarafans, scarves from paper and hang them with clothespins on a clothesline - original decor ready!

And of course, we can’t do without a birthday party without stretching with Masha and Misha.

Dress up the guests

By using simple accessories you can turn little guests into the main characters of the cartoon. If you want to dress them up with bears, prepare hoops with ears made of felt or cardboard, and identical pink scarves are suitable for little Mashas.

The image of the birthday girl or birthday boy

An outfit for a little hero of the occasion can be made to order. To create the image of Masha, a free-cut sundress and a scarf are enough. If mother is at least a little familiar with sewing machine well, she'll be fine with that outfit.

A more effective, but not quite thematic image can be created using fluffy skirt from tulle and a T-shirt with the main character of the cartoon. A skirt is also easy to make at home, without even using threads and a sewing machine.

If the name day is this style organized for a boy, you can dress him up in a bear or rabbit costume, or just in a festive shirt with a bow tie or tie. The last option is universal and suitable for any celebration.

Festive table

Here are some ideas for creative design table:

  • wooden boxes instead of vases for fruits and sweets;
  • wooden saw cuts as plates or trays. It is worth noting here that it is better to cover them with napkins so that the sawdust does not get into the food;
  • decorative baskets. Such baskets are easy to make from any tin can by wrapping it in paper. The handle of the basket is also made of paper, and inside the basket is lined with a cloth napkin;
  • we decorate disposable paper plates with ears - we get bear plates;
  • paper bears.

Ideas for a candy bar

Instead of a tablecloth, we use burlap, and instead of napkins, plastic mats in the form of grass will look spectacular - they imitate green lawns. we complement the rugs with small flowers.

Sweets, instead of traditional vases, can be served in a bucket or watering can.

As for the sweets themselves, they can also be picked up in the style of the holiday. Jelly candies in the shape of bears, cupcakes decorated with cream or mastic in the theme of the celebration, “Potato” cakes, decorated in the form of bear paws, will be appropriate here.

Candy on a stick with a tied scarf will also look nice.

We decorate the rest of the sweets with toppers depicting the main characters of the cartoon.

To make the drinks also match the theme of our birthday, we glue labels with images of Masha and the Bear on them.

Small soft toys-bears will complement the overall picture.

The main sweetness - the cake is also kept in a common theme. Here are some birthday cake ideas:

  • cake with figures of Masha and the Bear from mastic;
  • cake with waffle picture with the main characters of the cartoon;
  • a cake in the shape of a log, if the rest of the decor and serving are designed in a forest theme.


No children's party is complete without them. Here is a selection of games in the style of Masha and the Bear:


Perhaps the easiest entertainment in terms of implementation - you just need to print or buy a coloring book with the main characters of the cartoon and stock up on several sets of colored pencils. Such a game can be played both at speed and at the most beautiful drawing. In the second case, we evaluate the accuracy of shading details, the combination of selected colors.

Find two identical Masha

You will need cards with the image of Masha - we print each card in pairs. The task of the children is to find two identical cards among the cards.


old good fun, stylized under the theme of your holiday. The participant needs to pave the way from Masha to the candy as quickly as possible. The difficulty of the maze depends on age category holiday guests.


Puzzles with the main characters of the cartoon will delight the kids. Pick up puzzles with the same number of pieces, and then you can organize a competition for speed.

If you could not find puzzles in the store, you can print the figures of Masha and Misha and cut them into several pieces. How younger guests, the fewer pieces should be in the puzzle.

Collecting Misha

We prepare the details of the Bear before the holiday. We make paws in two copies. The task of the guests is to assemble a bear from separate parts and paint it. This can be done both individually and in teams.


To make the finale of the holiday as bright as possible, make it for the kids. Moreover, the piñata in the form of Masha is very easy to make, because she round shape. The main difficulty in making a piñata is the amount of time spent, because each layer must be well dried, which means that such a surprise must be prepared in advance, about a week before the holiday.

Photo zone and photo attributes

After the holiday, bright and joyful memories should remain, which means that a lot needs to be done. bright photos. And for them it is necessary to prepare a photo zone and photo paraphernalia in the style of the holiday. An option for an indoor photo zone is a large paper tree. You can supplement it with garlands, stumps, the image of Masha herself.

An option for a birthday in the style of Masha and the Bear on the street is a few wooden boxes, hemp, baskets with apples.

Well, do not forget about the photo paraphernalia. It is very easy to make, and photos with its use are bright and non-standard.

And at the end of the holiday, you can all sing a cheerful song together)

The images in this article are from

Birthday script in the style of Masha and the Bear

Your child has a birthday and you decided to arrange it in the style of Masha and the Bear. It's great, because it's interesting and unusual. We will help you organize the holiday with our ideas and advice. The birthday script in the style of Masha and the Bear was invented just for this occasion. All you need to do is just follow the advice and recommendations, and then your child will have the best birthday ever.

First, let's try to organize everything. And the first thing we need to invite guests to our holiday. How to do it? For example, with this interesting birthday invitation:

Let's decorate the room.
You can and should decorate it with the characters of this cartoon. Cardboard characters in full height- that's what you need! They can be ordered in online stores, or bought in your city, in stores for the holiday. And the more diverse characters there are, the better and more interesting you will get the design and your photos from the holiday. In the corners you can arrange: a hare, wolves, a pig, a dog, and in the center of the room Masha and a bear.
Decorate everything, of course, with bright and colorful ribbons. Hang them from the ceiling so that they hang down. It will look at five plus. And children will constantly lift their heads to enjoy the beauty. And don't forget about air balloons they are very popular with kids.

If you don’t know how to decorate a room with balloons, then read our article and see the design photo -.
And do not forget to look at the photos of how children's holidays are decorated with a wide variety of things -.

On the table you can lay a tablecloth on which flowers, meadows and fields are painted. It is beautiful. And serve food to children in disposable plates featuring your favorite cartoon characters. Firstly, the kids will love it, and secondly, you don't have to wash the dishes.
Treats should be the sweetest. After all, Masha has such a sweet tooth, and the bear loves to eat sweets.
Necessarily sweet cockerels, cakes with jam and honey, as well as porridge. But not ordinary porridge, but some delicious one.
And drinks should be served only in cups with a lid through which a straw is stuck. And look for cups with drawings of Masha and the bear.

Now let's move on to the entertainment part.
We will come up with contests based on different series of the cartoon.

One of the first series about fishing. That's why you need a bath with water. As well as a special fishing rod and the same special toys. Which can be caught with such a fishing rod. You can buy all this in shops for animators.
Everything is clear here - the guests take turns throwing a fishing rod and catching a gift for themselves. This is interesting, and the children will leave the holiday with gifts, which will make them very happy.

Now we go further and we need whatman paper. On whatman paper you draw traces of a variety of animals and birds. And if possible, buy cards with footprints. And the children must guess where, whose trace. It's interesting and instructive. Let's see which of the children is smarter than Masha and the bear.

Go ahead and prepare pictures from the cartoon. It is very easy to do this - watch the cartoon. Stop at the right time. Take a screenshot of the screen and print this picture on a regular A4 sheet, but on a color printer. Then cut each picture into three parts. And cut everything in different ways to make it more interesting. Throw all the parts in one pile and say that the bear went into the forest, but the house did not close, flew strong wind and dropped everything on the floor. And the children need to find parts of the paintings and collect them. Let them do it. This game is similar to puzzles, only easier.
Speaking of puzzles. If you find different puzzles with cartoon drawings, you can use them. Then you can arrange a competition, who will collect their puzzle first.

The next competition is the most delicious. After all, the children will try the jam. Blindfold each guest in turn and let them taste a spoonful of jam. And they must say what this jam is made of. And since now a wide variety of jams are sold in stores, there will be no problems with this.

Remember, Masha first treated the wolves, and then the bear. And your kids will also play doctor. You need dolls and bandages. The task of the guests is to properly bandage the patient.

You have probably already seen the releases of the cartoon - Cars of a fairy tale. In them, she distorts fairy tales as best she can. So you need to prepare “inverted” phrases from cartoons in advance. And the children will make the right phrases out of them.
For example:
The grandfather went for mushrooms and threw the basket into the forest. A basket of toadstools came alone!
Correct phrase:
grandfather went to blue sea and cast a net. A seine came with mud from the sea.
And so on.
Children do not have to say exactly the same phrase. The main thing is that they answer correctly and remember this tale.

Many children just love bright and funny cartoon“Masha and the Bear, therefore, children will definitely like contests and games for a birthday or any modern Children's holiday in the style of this cartoon.

Many competitions are suitable for holding children's holiday purely within the family.

Game "First meeting"

In the very first episode in the cartoon, Masha finds herself in the forest for the first time, meets Mishka and other animals. Therefore, you can start the Holiday with original acquaintance. Children are given cards with the names and names of characters: Masha, Misha, hare, wolf, dog, pig, bird, etc.

The host, mom or dad, finds out who Masha is. Masha is blindfolded, and other animals stand around her and make the sounds of their character: the wolf howls, the dog barks, the pig grunts, Misha grunts, etc.

Masha by ear should catch one of the animals and name who it is. If Masha guesses correctly, then the one she caught takes her place. And now she plays the role of some animal.

Fairy Tale Machines game

You probably also watched the series of cartoons "Machines of a Fairy Tale". Masha tells them well famous fairy tales, but in his own way, adding his own details. Invite the child or children to come up with a Car story together.

Everyone will take turns coming up with a phrase using their rich imagination. Therefore, the tale will turn out to be unpredictable and interesting.

For example, the first participant begins a fairy tale: "Once, the little red riding hood went to the forest ...". The next participant: "And in the forest I saw a strange hut ...". The next participant: "Baba Yaga came out of the hut ..." and in the same vein.

Competition "Traces of unseen animals"

Remember the episode in which Masha and Misha wandered through the forest and guessed whose footprint it was in the snow? Invite your child or children to do the same.

For this competition, you need to print out the tracks of various animals from the Internet in advance. Accordingly, the child or children must guess who each footprint belongs to. For each correct answer, you can give out a sweet prize.

Hocus pocus

The host, mom or dad, puts on a magician's hat and solemnly announces the trick "Instantly turning an orange into an apple."

The magician holds an orange in his hands, then covers it with a bright scarf. He casts a spell, takes off his handkerchief, and instead of an orange he has an apple! The kids will just love it! And if the birthday boy wants to know the secret of the trick, be sure to tell him after the children's holiday. And then, he will be able to delight his friends on his own!

Focus secret:

  1. You need to peel the orange very carefully in advance, so that the peel remains almost intact.
  2. Take an apple slightly smaller than an orange and immediately put it into the orange peel.
  3. When you show the trick, you hold the "orange" tightly with your hands, and when you remove the handkerchief, you need to deftly remove it along with the peel. Thus, the cut of the orange peel will be from below, so that it is easier to remove it along with the handkerchief.

You will find other interesting magic tricks.

Merry competition"Machine Laughter"

Arrange real fun by opening a contest for the loudest, merriest laughter like Masha's for girls and Mishka's laughter for boys. To do this, you need to download from the Internet in advance or simply run the audio of Masha and Mishka's laughter as good example. All participants win and prizes are awarded to all.

Orchestra rehearsal

If you have toys or real ones at home musical instruments or any "tweeters", "ringers", "pipes", as well as spoons with pots, you can arrange a real orchestra rehearsal. You can do this right under the series Masha and the Bear "Orchestra Rehearsal". It will be noisy, but incredibly fun!

Karaoke Machine Songs

For Have a good mood and general fun, you just need to sing karaoke of your favorite machine songs together: “Birthday Song”, “ Sweet life”, “About jam”, “Fantasy”, “Sunny bunnies” and other favorite songs of children.

Master class "Cooking wontons"

If you like to cook and spend only with your family, invite him to cook wontons together, as in the series Masha and the Bear " Bon appetit". It can be very exciting and educational! Also available for sale interesting sets"Masha and the Bear" for modeling sandwiches, tea-set, doctor's set, shop and much more.

Birthday script in the style of "Masha and the Bear". Competitive game program designed for preschool age. The duration of the program is 40-60 minutes depending on the number of children.

Music from the m / f "Masha and the Bear" sounds. Masha runs out.

Masha, hi! Hi guys! Well, well, well, it looks like it's someone's birthday! At your place? (No) do you mean? (No) Maybe I have? (No) At your place! (Guess) Come out here soon, our birthday girl! How old are you, and how old are you? (Answers) Can I check ? (Masha measures the birthday girl with her hand and counts) Really grown up! Let's clap for our birthday girl! (Guys clapping and chanting "Happy Birthday")

Masha: Guys, I was a little naughty here and Mishka was offended by me. Stopped playing with me completely. Maybe we will invite him to our holiday, he will have fun and sulk at me and stop playing with us? Can? (Yes) then about three, we all call Mishka together.

Exit Mishka.

Bear: well, what else have you done Masha, since so many guys call me in chorus?

Masha: I didn't do anything! The guys and I invited you to the party. For our birthday girl.

Bear: a holiday is good, I love holidays, only you Masha don't shawl anymore!

Masha: good.

Bear: Masha, have you already met the guys?

Masha: no. Completely forgot! Guys, let's get acquainted. But not just like that, but all together. I'll count to three and you all shout your names together about three. Agreed?


Misha: Masha, have you prepared a present for our birthday girl?

Masha: Yes! I will give her an unforgettable journey through the forest! That's just the way I forgot something ... Oh, I know I have to follow the tracks of animals. The guys all line up in one column and follow me in the footsteps.

Competition "Traces". The song “Animal in the footsteps of any” sounds from the m / f “Masha and the Bear”, children follow the tracks of animals laid out on the floor, as animals walk - they jump on hare tracks on two legs, follow bear tracks with large steps, follow penguin tracks walk on their heels.

Misha: Oh, Masha, I think we are completely lost!

Masha: this is because we are walking, we need to take some kind of transport. Guys, what kind of transport do you think will take us to the forest? Right - ambulance! I love to drive on it. And since there are many of you and we won’t fit in one car, we are divided into two teams. I give the first team members a flasher and a wheel (shows hoop) you will need to put a flasher on your head and roll the wheel to me, then return to the team and pass the flasher and wheel to the next participants.

Competition "Ambulance"

Bear: Masha, do you know what is the most important thing at the holiday?

Masha: of course! Sweets! Do you guys like sweets? Now we will check it. It's time for us to take a break and get some rest. Sit down guys and listen to my sweet riddles.

Sweet riddles from Masha:

I will go to the forest to Mishenka

I'll pick sweet berries

There is no tastier meal

Than from Mashenka …(Jam)

Mishka goes to meet the bear

He carries a big box with him.

And Mashenka quickly runs after Mishka

She knows exactly what's in there. (Candies)

treat for the penguin

Bear will bake …(Cookie)

Bear is visiting Mishka

And what will our Mishenka bake for her? (Pie)

The healthiest dessert

Bunny eats for lunch. (Carrot)

Cake and cream and chocolate

Everyone will be happy for him. (Cake)

In a beautiful wrapper, the tile is sweet

What is this? (Chocolate)

Bee people live in the garden

What kind of treat does he give to Mishka? (Honey)

Bear: and the most delicious sweetness is honey. I love very much. But Masha again angered the bees, they don’t want to collect honey for me.

Masha: Don't be upset Mishka, we'll think of something. Guys, let's help the bees collect nectar? And to make the honey tasty, we will collect it while dancing. Now, as soon as the music starts, we will dance, and as soon as the music stops, all the girls will collect nectar in my basket, and the boys in Mishka's basket.

Competition "Nectar" when the music stops Masha and Misha pour out a lot of small balls from the baskets, and the children collect them.

Bear: guys, do you know what I have favorite hobby? Right! I love catching fish.

Masha: And I'm butterflies! It's so fun. Do you want me to teach you? Then we split into two teams. I give each first member of the team a net. You will need to run to Mishka and our butterfly field, catch one butterfly and return to the team, passing the net to the next participant and send the butterfly to your team's basket, which will stand next to the column. Ready? Started!

Competition "Butterflies" Masha and the Bear are holding a cloth with many butterflies on it. The task of the children is to pick up one butterfly with a net and take it to the team's basket.

Bear: I'm tired guys. I need to sleep. I'll go to sleep. (Bear goes to the corner)

Mashenka: guys, while Mishka is sleeping, we will sneak into his garden for berries, but you and I should not catch his eye, so if Mishka wakes up, we all hide! Ready. Behind me!

The game "Berries" Masha and the guys sneak up on the sleeping Mishka while Masha says:

I will come to the garden to Mishenka

I'll pick delicious berries

If Mishka suddenly wakes up

We all have to run! (Run)

Bear: Well, I'm awake! Masha taught you how to get into my garden, and I'll teach you how to walk like a penguin. To do this, you need to split into two teams and line up in columns. I will give the ball to each first member of the team, you need to hold it with your knees and reach me, then return to the team and pass the ball to the next one. Ready?

Competition "Penguins"

Masha: Bear, it seems to me that a hare ran through here. He probably tried to steal your carrot again.

Bear: wow! don't run after him!

Masha: yes, you just need to train Mishka, then you will quickly catch a hare.

Mishka: but who will train me, aren't you Mashenka?

Masha: what? The guys will train Mishka so that he runs faster. I know how to do it. I will give each of you just such a ribbon - a ponytail, it must be hooked on shorts, a skirt or a T-shirt, but not much. You and I will run and jump around Mishka and Mishka will try to catch our tails. The one from whom he caught the tail moves aside. The last remaining bunny wins.

Competition "Ponytails"

Masha: what a wonderful adventure we had! And at the end of our holiday, Mishka and I want to congratulate our birthday girl on her birthday!

We wish you the brightest sun

We wish you the sweetest cake

Bear: We wish you to always smile

To not be offended by anyone

Masha: And may your wishes come true

And we say goodbye, goodbye!

Props list: animal tracks (4 hare tracks; 4 bear tracks; 4 penguin tracks); flasher with elastic band 2 pcs.; hoop 2 pcs.; baskets 2 pcs.; berries or small balls 10-15; net 2 pcs.; fabric 1.5 * 1.5 m.; butterflies by the number of participants; two balls; ribbons according to the number of participants.