Papier mache from a balloon. A wreath of balloons and an old hanger. Artichoke fabric ball. Master Class

The eve of the New Year is a time filled with pleasant chores. You need to prepare gifts, beautifully decorate the apartment, and most importantly - dress up Christmas tree. IN Lately very fashionable original decoration Christmas trees: creative design, handmade toys. This fills the process with creativity, makes it possible to show imagination and involve the whole family in an interesting business. Let's talk about various ways do christmas balls with your own hands and decorate them beautifully.

All you need for creativity is a rich imagination, a little free time, simple tools(scissors, glue, adhesive tape, any small spherical objects or old Christmas decorations), as well as all those things that are stored at home for the reason “what if it comes in handy”: fabric scraps, old magazines, unnecessary disks, ribbons, ropes, buttons, etc. .

The easiest way is to make bright paper balls. To do this, cut out 8 identical circles from thick paper of a suitable color, each of which is then folded four times, and 2 smaller circles. 4 folded large ones are glued onto a small circle, then the same is done with another circle.

The glued quarters are straightened, their adjoining edges are glued together, and each design becomes a half of a three-dimensional ball. It remains only to fasten the 2 received halves, and beautiful toy ready!

Another way. Cut out 12 paper circles different colors. Bend each of them in half and put into each other. Along the fold line, the circles should be fastened together (with wire or a stapler), then straighten them and give the shape of a ball. With droplets of glue, connect adjacent halves (from one adjacent top and the other below). It will turn out beautiful voluminous ball with original colors.

For creating Christmas balls useful and newsprint. It needs to be torn into small pieces and with a brush stick on any ball (glass, plastic or foam). After the glue dries, you can start decorating: it can be beautiful inscription or a drawing of a New Year's theme, black and white colors will look more effective.

Very good technique- balls of paper tubes. It will take foam ball and several sheets of thin paper. You can borrow old newspapers and magazines. From paper you need to twist tight tubes. Put glue on the ball and attach the beginning paper tube. Next, wrap the entire ball with tubes in a spiral, fastening the ends of the tubes with glue. It will turn out a very original Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas balls made of fabric

Take thin fabric suitable colors, preferably small rectangular patches. Wrap the ball in fabric, tie the edges with a beautiful braid, you can decorate with a bow, small cones or needles, artificial snow around the edges will also look good. It is important that the color of the fabric goes well with the braid and the rest of the decor.

If the house has a lot of small shreds or scraps of fabric, you can also make creative Christmas balls from them. The same foam ball or any round object (even a bag stuffed with rags) is taken as the basis. You can decorate it with patchwork ruffles or sew small pieces of fabric tightly. Taking a plain fabric or experimenting with colors is a matter of taste for everyone. You get a fluffy and shaggy Christmas toy.

If there is felt, you can cut out small figures from it (round, in the shape of hearts or snowflakes, as fantasy tells) and glue or sheathe a ball with them.

A Christmas ball made of satin ribbons and decorated with paper flowers looks very stylish. To do this, we wrap the base foam ball with satin ribbons of a beautiful color.

We cut out several small openwork flowers from paper of the same shade and attach to the ball with safety pins- it is possible over the entire surface of the ball, or you can lay out patterns. We fasten one of the satin ribbons in the form of a bow. The ball is ready!

Christmas balls from threads

By the same principle as the ball was previously pasted over with paper spirals, you can decorate it with decorative threads. And to make it even more beautiful, you can add a thread with beads, beads or sequins. Looks very elegant and festive.

Dense woolen threads that remain, for example, after knitting, are also suitable. winter sweater. The ball is wrapped around them in a chaotic manner and becomes like a ball. Decor can be two wooden skewers or Chinese sticks.

For creating openwork ball from the threads you will need balloon, dense thread, preferably plain, and PVA glue. Inflate the balloon a little (the size of a Christmas tree decoration). Wrap the threads smeared with glue in a chaotic manner and let the structure dry. Then pierce the ball with a needle and extract what is left of it.

It turned out tender openwork decoration, which can be decorated with an elegant bow or beads. For greater effect, you can cover the product with sparkles.

A similar decoration can be made by taking lace instead of threads. It looks very gentle and gives the impression of home comfort.

Christmas balls from other improvised materials

Such a ball will sparkle on the Christmas tree with all the colors of the rainbow, especially if you highlight it with a garland. To make it, you will need unnecessary computer disks. They need to be cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape and glued onto a base ball. This decor will look better on a transparent glass ball.

A ball glued with multi-colored buttons looks bright and original. Such work will take only a few minutes, even children can handle it. You can alternate buttons of different colors, large and small size. The composition will be complemented by a bow made of dense thread. Instead of buttons, you can stick gold-plated pasta or ordinary coins.

Suitable and natural materials. Take white or transparent ball, attach small coniferous twigs, a couple of cones and acorns to it. Can cover composition artificial snow or sequins, decorate with a bow of red or gold ribbon. Decoration is ready!

To make beautiful Christmas decorations, absolutely any materials are suitable, and not just those listed above. The main thing is more imagination and creative thinking!

Decoration of ready-made Christmas balls

You can come up with many ways to decorate Christmas balls with your own hands. It all depends on personal inclinations and talents. Someone likes painting, someone likes decoupage technique, and someone perfectly embroiders and crochets. It is also good to attract children to decorating balloons: they will definitely like such an activity, and bright ideas they always have a lot.

An ordinary transparent glass ball can be "revived" by making a beautiful painting. For this, any paints and thin brushes are suitable. Come up with an interesting story or peep in a colorful book. It could be new year story, fairy tale characters or simply beautiful patterns. Suitable for painting and a special gel with sparkles. They can do more fine patterns or decorate a drawing made with paints.

creative design glass balls can be made using paints and children's fingers. Fingerprints and palm prints on the balls can be transformed into any figures and patterns, and then complement the decor with sparkles, ribbons or natural materials.

Decoupage on Christmas balls done with white acrylic paint, glue and napkins. First, the ball is completely covered with paint with a sponge, which must dry. Then fragments of napkins with the desired pattern are glued. After that, the ball can be given any shade of color. You can also use painting on decoupage balls: they perfectly complement each other.

Embroidery can also become part of the decoration of Christmas balls. For their design, you need to make small embroidered fragments in advance, of course with New Year theme and then stick them on the surface. Well complement the embroidery in the decor of the ball beautiful painting, decoupage or decoration with ribbons.

Looks very cozy and warm Christmas balls knitted or crocheted. The pattern can be absolutely anything, and if knitting according to the pattern and knitting the figures seems tedious, you can just take melange threads and enjoy the play of color.

Christmas balls with artificial snow look festive. You can make it with semolina, white paint and liquid glue mixed in desired proportion. You need to cover the ball with the resulting mass, let it dry, and then decorate it using sparkles, beads or decorative snowflakes. Bright red or golden ribbons will look spectacular on snow-white balls.


The Christmas ball is one of the great classic symbols of the New Year. The creation of such decorations with your own hands has recently become especially popular; this activity allows you to give the festive atmosphere an exclusive unique look and comfort.

Do-it-yourself Christmas balls were made by our grandmothers at a time when factory decorations were not available. They were made from papier-mache, cheap glass blanks, cardboard and other improvised materials. And now, taking out old toys from the shelves, you feel the warmth of the hands of relatives. Do you want your children to keep those precious memories the same way? Dedicate New Year's Eve to organizing a unique workshop in which the whole family will participate, creating their own fantasy christmas balls.

Decorating blanks

One of the most simple ways create own jewelry on the Christmas tree - decorate blanks that are sold in all craft stores and are inexpensive. As such devices, you can buy cheap simple balls.

Prepared balls from different materials:

  • polystyrene;
  • plastic;
  • glass or ceramics;
  • cardboard;
  • tree;
  • fabrics and padding.

Foam blanks are perfect for decoration with special pins and sequins, beads and beads. Such needles are easy to stick into soft foam, laying out any ornament.

Styrofoam ball and sequins

Plastic balls can be pasted over with a variety of materials: cloth, paper, sequins, beads, twigs, cones, dry leaves, varnished or painted. This is a wonderful and affordable option for decorating.

Jewelry made from natural materials

Glass and ceramic blanks are ideal for decoupage, coloring with paints. Some glass balls can be decorated from the inside, which means filled with gel, water, created inside the ball beautiful composition with a plot (for example, a New Year's ball with snow), put tinsel or other decorative material. Ceramics is a stylish and expensive option for coloring.

How glass can be used and transparent plastic balls. It will be cheaper, but no less beautiful and safer.

Christmas ball with glass snow

Cardboard blanks are often used for children's crafts. Any parts can be easily attached to them with glue.

Wooden toys color special paints, varnished. Before that, you can cut a fantasy pattern on them. Decoupage technique, burning and, of course, gluing with various materials - also good idea for such preparations. In the photo below, a wooden New Year's ball is decorated with a dense thread.

Wooden blank decor

Christmas toys-balls can be sewn independently. Taking a piece of matter and putting a filler (cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, foam rubber) in the middle and making a kind of bag, you can get a convenient blank on which it is easy to sew any decorations.

Decorating a glass ball with beads

An exclusive Christmas tree decoration can be made in a couple of minutes if you have a plastic or glass blank, beads, lace ribbon and all-purpose glue. This craft does not require special skills, you just need to be careful.

Following the photo below, we apply glue to the New Year's ball and evenly distribute it with a brush. Then, until the glue has dried, sprinkle the workpiece with small beads, pressing each detail a little and ensuring that the beads fill the entire surface.

It remains to pass through the loop openwork ribbon and let the toys dry.

Decor glass ball beading: glue application

Glue must be spread over the workpiece

The blank with glue must be covered with beads

Ready-made Christmas balls (photo)

This method of decor also has a minus - the beads can crumble over time. This can be avoided by sticking it from the inside - fill the transparent ball with glue and pour enough light beads or sparkles into it. Then you need to properly distribute the beads, rolling the ball. Having fixed on the glue, the beads will decorate the transparent walls from the inside and will not crumble later.

We decorate a transparent ball with beads from the inside

We keep memories in New Year's toys

Winter holidays are traditionally considered family holidays. A great idea is to make several toys every year, symbolizing the changes that occur with loved ones in time.

While your kids are still small and their feet can fit on the balloon, make prints of their feet on paper and transfer their image with paint to the decoration, so that later you can remember how small and cute they were.

Christmas tree toy with the image of the legs of a child

Another idea is to place a photo of your loved ones inside a transparent blank, surrounded by tinsel or other decorative details. You can also use the photo to glue the ball on top, complementing this design. beautiful ribbons as in the illustration below.

Photo ball

Christmas ball decor with cloth and paper

Decoration Christmas balls cloth and paper is one of the easiest ways to decorate such toys.

You just need to wrap the toy with a cloth or wrap a blank in it and fix it. The main thing is to find a unique and interesting material, since it is he who will play the main role in such a design.

Christmas tree decorations made of fabric

The ball should be placed in the middle of a piece of fabric

Then secure the fabric with tape.

Decor is ready

Decorating with paper is even easier. interesting way such decoration is presented in the photo collage below. The workpiece was pasted over with newspaper tubes, and then the entire surface was painted over with gold spray paint. An elegant ball for the Christmas tree is ready!

Decor for a paper ball

A great option is to make jewelry from threads. If you know how to knit (crochet is best), it will be easy to do: you just need to knit it according to one of the patterns, and then starch the product, after putting it on a balloon right size(Instead of starch, you can use sugar syrup).

Crocheted toys for the Christmas tree

You can make Christmas balls, the photo of which is posted below, by simply winding the threads around the ball and smearing it with PVA glue. When the toy is dry desired shape, the ball must be removed and decorated with glitter varnish.

ball on New Year from threads

Coarse twine can be wound around the workpiece, after applying glue to it. This decoration in country style looks very relevant.

country style balloon

Decoupage toys

Decoupage of Christmas balls is one of the most exquisite ways blank decorations.

The specific technique for performing this decor depends on the base material for the pattern. It is best to choose glass, ceramics or wood for this.

We will use the following components:

  • napkins for decoupage with the image of a map of the world;
  • scissors;
  • decoupage glue and finishing varnish;
  • blank for a foam ball;
  • ribbon and eyelets for Christmas decorations;
  • brush.

Christmas balls (master class): materials


  • We make a hole in the foam blank to secure the loop.
  • Cut out the image of the desired size from napkins.
  • We apply glue to the workpiece, apply napkins and carefully level it so that there are no “bubbles” of air. Let's dry.

Add ribbon and necessary accessories.

Our ball is ready!

Making a hole for the tape

We prepare drawings from special paper

We apply glue to the surface of the workpiece

Carefully glue the paper, and the ball is ready!

Thus, almost any pattern can be applied to Christmas tree decorations. Most popular among children New Year's Smeshariki. Paper with these characters is not difficult to find, but the toy will become the most popular with your child.

Christmas balls, a master class on the manufacture of which you could see among our photos, is not only a wonderful craft for the whole family, but also good gift created by your imagination and souls. Fill your home with things that have true value, and therefore are a real treasure, because joint creativity does not lose its relevance over the years, but gives memories a special entourage!

Decorating paper balls

Rustic or country style jewelry

Master class on decorating balls with lace

Ball made from natural materials

Decoupage toy

Simple decoupage of a cardboard blank

Comfort to your home!

  • DIY New Year's gifts
  • DIY Christmas balls
  • DIY New Year's cards
  • DIY Christmas compositions

  • From many options for Christmas balls, you can choose those that are easy to make from paper or fabric, for example.

    You can also try decorate old balloons, or those on which there is no bright pattern.

    Available in specialized stores foam or plastic balls, which can also be beautifully decorated and hung on the Christmas tree.

    Here some interesting options how to make Christmas balls:

    Christmas balls. Ball from CDs.

    You will need:

    A simple ball (preferably without a pattern)



    1. Cut the disk into several small pieces different shapes. This will not be easy, and it is better to use sharp scissors.

    2. Put a dab of glue on the balloon and glue your mosaic piece with the shiny side up.

    3. Continue gluing the disk parts until you cover the entire surface of the ball. It is still desirable to leave some space between the pieces so that you can see the bright ribbon that you will later place inside the ball.

    * For convenience, you can put the ball on the cup so that it does not roll on the table.

    4. Place the tape bright color into a ball.

    Christmas balls. Decorate with fingerprints.

    You will need:

    Balls without pattern

    Paint (watercolor, acrylic, gouache)


    Everything not to get dirty workplace (plastic plate, napkins, etc.)

    1. Paint the tip of your finger with any color and press it lightly against the ball. IN this example used brown paint, and the imprint itself played the role of a deer's head. Let the paint dry.

    * You can make several prints on the balloon.

    2. After the paint has dried, you can add some details with a brush. For example, in this example, a nose, eyes and horns were added.

    Let the paint dry, and then feel free to hang Christmas balls on the Christmas tree.

    Glass Christmas balls. A balloon decorated with a handprint.

    How to make a Christmas ball. Paper tube balls.

    You will need:

    Styrofoam or plastic ball

    Glue gun or superglue (glue "Moment")

    Any thin paper (from old magazines, newspapers, books)

    Thread (ribbon)

    1. Prepare paper and make several thin tubes out of it.

    2. Roll the first tube into a spiral (to look like a snail).

    3. Apply a drop of glue to the ball and press the tip of the folded tube to this place. Wait for the tip to stick.

    4. Apply glue in a spiral from the crown.

    5. Glue the rest of the tube to the applied glue.

    6. All other tubes need to be glued, continuing the spiral, until you cover the entire surface of the ball. Where the ends of the tubes will touch, apply glue to hold them together.

    7. It remains to glue the thread to the ball to hang it on the Christmas tree. Make a small hole in the ball, drop some glue into it and glue the thread or ribbon.

    Christmas balls (master class). Fragrant bowl.

    You will need:

    Wide elastic band or ribbon

    orange or lemon

    Cloves and other spices (cinnamon, for example)


    1. Put a rubber band on the orange or lemon. It should be in the middle. You can use ribbon instead of elastic. The area that the tape covers will not contain cinnamon.

    2. Poke a few holes with a toothpick.

    3. Insert a carnation into the holes. Do not insert too tightly, as the orange will shrink as it dries. Cover the entire bare surface of the fruit with the spice.

    4. If desired, you can dip the ball in other spices, for smell.

    5. Wait 2 weeks for the craft to dry, or you can place it straight into the oven for an hour.

    6. Add a ribbon so you can hang a Christmas ball.

    Christmas tree ball decorated with sequins

    You will need:

    Sequins on a thread


    1. Apply glue to lower part ball.

    2. Glue one end of the sequin ribbon, wait for the glue to dry, and start wrapping the sequin ball gradually, adding glue.

    3. After you have wrapped the entire ball, cut off the excess with scissors.

    Decoration of Christmas balls with felt

    You will need:

    Felt of several colors


    1. Cut out circles of different colors from felt. In this example, the diameter of one circle is 3 cm.

    2. Remove the mount from the ball and start gluing the circles to it - start at the top and work your way down. Glue in rows and in a checkerboard pattern. In one row, each circle should lie slightly on top of the other (see picture).

    * It will be very good to glue hot glue applied with a glue gun. But you can try to glue it with superglue (Moment).

    3. Insert the mount back into the ball, and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

    Christmas paper balls. Balls with animals.

    You will need:

    Thin paper (newspaper, for example)

    PVA glue

    Plastic or foam ball

    masking tape

    Gel pen

    1. Cover the balloon with masking tape.

    2. cook thin paper and carefully tear it into small pieces.

    3. Dampen pieces of paper in PVA glue and start sticking them onto the ball. Wait for the glue to dry.

    4. Apply white paint where you want to draw.

    5. With a pen or felt-tip pen, draw any pattern / picture on the ball.

    That's all.

    How to make a ball out of paper

    You will need:

    colored paper

    thin wire


    1. To make circles, you can use a compass or a glass that needs to be circled on paper. You need to prepare 12 circles of 3 colors (4 of each color).

    Papier-mâché technique quite simple and interesting. Many children enjoy tearing newspapers into pieces and then pasting them over a balloon. In addition, inflation balloons useful for the development of children's lungs. Using the papier-mâché technique, you can make, for example, Christmas balls. But in the summer, this topic is of course not relevant, so you can make a balloon with a basket and send your favorite toy on an air journey to the ceiling.

    For creating hot air balloon you will need:
    PVA glue
    colored paper
    braid or string

    1. First, inflate the balloon to the desired size

    2. Then we tear the newspapers into pieces. To prepare a suitable glue for work, dilute PVA glue with water in a container in the proportion of 1 part glue to 3 parts water. We dip pieces of newspaper in glue, let them soak and glue the ball. You need to stick 5-10 layers. Around the tail we leave a place free from newspapers

    4. While the ball is drying, we will make a basket-box out of cardboard and glue it with colored paper.
    Can also be used plastic cups from yogurt.

    5. We make four symmetrical holes in the upper part of the cups or boxes.

    6. Glue the dried ball over with colored paper and make two holes close to each other in the upper part.

    7. Now we measure two ropes of the same length. We take one, thread it into one hole in the ball and pull it out through the second, center it and lower it down the ball. We tie the ends of the rope to opposite holes in the basket. We do the same with the second rope, tying the ends to the two holes remaining in the cup.

    8. At the top of the ball around the ropes, you can make a loop from a small piece of rope so that you can hang the ball.

    We will send the material to you by e-mail

    New Year, New Year is coming to visit us ... And very soon the landscape outside the window will delight with snow, frost will pinch your cheeks, and the Christmas tree in the house will expect a worthy decoration. We will not consider the range finished products, but let's create something fabulous, amazing and original.!

    The most accessible material: how to make a Christmas paper ball with your own hands

    Initially, glassblowers made toys for the Christmas tree, but today, thanks to a large number of various materials, a New Year's miracle decoration can be made at home on your own. The paper industry offers different types products: velvet paper, waxed, glossy, corrugated, colored. People with creativity used such a convenient material, and the world saw origami balls, Christmas tree toys from corrugated roses, and much more.

    Delicate balls for the New Year: we create from corrugated paper

    Corrugated paper Christmas tree balls are made by both adults and children. Soft paper is easy to curl and shape. The color palette allows you to make a decoration that looks perfect indoors or on the Christmas tree.

    If you make several different-sized balls with floral decoration, then the Christmas tree will be decorated in the same style

    IllustrationAction Description
    Let's cook corrugated paper any color, a ruler, scissors and a thermal gun.
    Several strips about 0.8-1 cm wide should be cut from the paper. Each strip must be twisted around its axis.
    We get several long flagella. We put a drop of hot glue on the tip of one and begin to fold the flagellum around ourselves in a different direction.
    We continue to wrap the resulting ball with a tourniquet.
    As soon as one tourniquet ends, we fix it with a drop of hot glue and attach a new tourniquet to the ball. Work continues until the toy reaches the desired size.
    In this way, you can get a lot beautiful jewelry different color.
    Advice! To make the mood completely New Year's, you can grease the balls with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

    Paper tube balls

    New Year's paper balls can be made as described above, but only from ordinary newspaper tubes. Such decor is also used after the New Year - there will be no need to hide beauty in a distant drawer.

    IllustrationAction Description
    We cut strips from newspapers about 5 cm wide. We prepare thin paper for work. long needle and PVA glue.
    We begin to wind the strip around the knitting needle so that between them there is sharp corner. As soon as we reach almost to the end (not finishing 2 cm), we coat the remaining triangle of paper with a drop of glue, wind it up and hold it with our fingers for several seconds. We carefully remove the knitting needle from the tube and begin to make the next one.
    Dip the finished tubes one by one in paint or stain for wood suitable shade. It is better to lay the painted tubes on a sieve.
    First, we roll the tube into a ring and fix the bagel with hot glue - it will be faster. We wrap the resulting ring in random order. Gradually, our ball grows and becomes the size we need.

    Balls of paper flowers, templates and music strips

    We will learn how to make a Christmas ball with your own hands using blanks from paper flowers. There are two options for getting a set floral elements: acquisition figured hole punch as a flower or use cardboard template. The second method promises a large investment of time and effort, but if you do it with the whole family, then the minus turns into a significant plus.

    Origami balls and kusudama

    Not everyone has a relationship with origami, but when else to show patience if not for a holiday that promises miracles? We collect the will into a fist and take on a very interesting activity- turn paper into voluminous toy. The kusudama technique is complex and requires perseverance, but look at the results you can achieve!

    Folding such beauty is not easy, and, probably, an elegant ball may not work the first time. It is better to try first to collect it from newspapers, and only then try your hand at colored paper. We offer several schemes for assembling such an ornament.

    You can start by assembling one element. As soon as such an origami flower appears in your hands, you will want to make them more and more

    Related article:

    How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands: the history and tradition of occurrence, a master class on creating what to make the basis for the product from (newspaper, cardboard, pipe insulation), decorating the New Year's wreath with various materials - read the publication.

    We work with felt: how to make Christmas balls with your own hands

    How to make Christmas balls if you have a lot of felt of different colors? We select suitable floss threads, take a needle, scissors, a little synthetic winterizer and a good mood.

    Felt flower balls

    Children can also build a beautiful ball: it needs foam core and lots of tailor's pins.

    Balls with felt appliqué

    Felt is easy to cut, easy to sew by hand, requires almost no effort: a miracle, not a material. We take a cardboard circle template, apply it to the felt and cut out two identical circles.

    Sew circles together buttonhole stitch bright threads, but leave room for stuffing. After the ball has grown and has become like a decoration, the stitching is completed to the end.

    How to make a Christmas ball out of fabric

    Woven material is presented in a wide variety, and much of this splendor can be used as decoration for a Christmas tree decoration. Ribbons, satin pieces, linen cuts, even floss threads - everything goes into business.

    Balls for the new year from ribbons: a master class

    Ribbons are cheap, their choice is large, and the work does not require special skills.

    IllustrationAction Description
    We are preparing two types of satin ribbons, tiny carnations and a foam round base. We cut the ribbons into equal pieces (2.5 × 6 cm) and one square. We take 1 largest piece and place it on the base, securing it with carnations from each corner.
    In the center we glue the decor (bead, half-bead, rhinestone)
    We work with segments of a different color.
    We fold a piece of a different color into a triangle.
    We apply a triangle front side as in the photo and fix in the corners with carnations.
    We do this three more times. There is a small distance between the triangles.
    Having done so one row, we begin the next.
    We alternate the colors next to the very end or to the middle of the toy. In the second case, a pattern of triangles lead and with reverse side, expanding it towards the middle. Glued in the center satin ribbon, which is tied with a bow.

    Patchwork or kinusaiga: shreds and New Year

    Christmas decorations from balls can be decorated using the patchwork or kinusaiga technique. Patchwork - patchwork, and kinusaiga is almost the same, but the basis is foam, and there is no need for seams.

    The final result depends on the material chosen. The phrase is simple, but faced with the need to create a beautiful craft, many people get lost. We'll show you how to choose original decor and surprise everyone in the coming New Year.

    Beads, beads

    Beads and beads will be a stunning decoration for Christmas tree balls for home furnishings. There are several ways to create interesting design using this material: depending on the chosen one, you will need a fishing line, thread or a thermal gun.

    Acting according to the patterns of weaving from beads, they get a non-standard decorative Christmas tree toy

    Sequins will add brightness and shine to the Christmas tree. Their cost is not particularly high, they are attached to the ball with glue

    Buttons and pasta

    Kids will love the button decor: the colorful buttons are easy to stick with ceiling tile adhesive and don't require painting. Although, if desired, you can paint the entire toy at once from a spray can.

    How else can you decorate Christmas tree balls: ideas with fingerprints, stained glass paints, salt

    If you do not deny yourself the manifestations of fantasy and imagination, then a look or thought will definitely find non-trivial ways to decorate New Year's toys.

    A New Year's ball with snow is obtained if the base is thickly coated with PVA glue and rolled in salt and sparkles. The second way becomes white acrylic paint: it is applied with a sponge on a toy

    How to make do-it-yourself decoupage balls for the New Year

    Decoupage technique is gathering more and more lovers of beautiful sophisticated decor. The product requires a base ball, beautiful New Year's napkin, PVA glue.

    We take a toy and smear it with PVA. We tear off a piece from the napkin and apply it to the ball. We straighten the passage with a brush, avoiding irregularities and breakthroughs.

    New Year is a holiday that creates a mood, gives a feeling family warmth and fairy tales. And, as you know, a fairy tale comes only where it is expected! Let's make a special New Year with beautiful balls to the tree!

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