DIY crafts from natural material for schoolchildren. DIY crafts from natural materials: an interesting, fun and useful hobby for children and adults

Greetings to all guests and regular readers of the blog. Recently, I raised the issue of manufacturing for various competitions and exhibitions in kindergarten and school. I realized that this issue is very relevant, so I decided not to stop and devote a couple more articles on this topic.

However, today we will no longer create from an orange vegetable, but from natural materials, that is, from what can be found in the world around us. Most often, moss, bark, acorns, leaves, flowers, chestnuts, dry twigs, mushrooms, etc., that is, all plant elements, are used for children's creativity. Of the mineral, shells, sand, shells, stones are well suited.

We will needlework on a specific topic, and on which one, I think you can already guess. Of course, all products should be close to the autumn theme, because I bring the Autumn Festival to all preschool and school institutions.

Do not forget that in addition to organizing all kinds of competitions, matinees are always arranged. Therefore, it's great if you and your child not only work with your hands together, but also memorize a couple. But let's not deviate from the topic and proceed to the selection and creation of crafts.

What crafts from natural material on the theme of autumn can be done with your own hands quickly and beautifully

First, let's understand and figure out what can be done in general. Scrolling through a bunch of different sites, I selected different options for creative work. I note that all of them are still very similar to each other, but at the same time there is something unique in each work.

And here is the first piece. The so-called autumn in the forest. Take a piece of cardboard and cut a circle out of it. Decorate (glue) the imaginary earth with leaves, berries. The house can be built from sticks or paper. In the role of trees, sprigs of a Christmas tree or pine tree work well. Also use log cabins from dried thick branches. Don't forget the stones. Well, plasticine will always help you.

But what kind of house can be made from twigs and colorful autumn leaves. Near the hut, you can settle some fairy-tale hero or forest animal.

Another variation of a house made of cereals and various natural materials. Looks very nice and bright!

How do you like such cute burdock hedgehogs? Well, just a miracle. By the way, you will learn how to make such a craft a little lower, there will be a detailed master class with a description and step-by-step pictures. So do not rush to leave the page, read everything to the end.

Here's another hedgehog idea. Only here the picture acts as a product. Toddlers can easily cope with this type of activity.

As an addition to any craft, you can use a Barbie doll as the Queen of Autumn. And to make her more elegant, make her a dress out of maple leaves.

I really liked the next song. The cone animals are so cute and funny. The work is just class!

From chestnuts you can make any cartoon characters. They perfectly complement the forest clearing.

I don’t know about you, but the photo below really hooked me. So subtly convey all the mood of autumn, it's just a masterpiece.

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs! They are the most popular in crafts made from natural materials, so admire, well, do it yourself.

Forest deer, just handsome. They are made very easily and simply. Connect all the details with brown plasticine.

Another idea is that the cones can be painted and made into whatever you want. Here is the autumn composition.

Ideas for autumn crafts from natural materials for elementary school for the exhibition

In fact, such creativity is very useful, and if your child gets carried away with it, then you will then have to prepare natural materials in advance and learn how to properly store them. But of course, this is another topic, today is not about that. Therefore, the following works will help you.

Option with a sailboat and a forest dweller. Simple, but tasteful.

I look, houses are also often found in products. Apparently because they look spectacular and are appropriate in any product.

Here's what I was talking about above. That various animals, fairy-tale and cartoon characters are easily made from natural materials.

What a squirrel who brought a nut. Just a cutie. And for work, you only need cones, acorns, leaves and a stand. Also plasticine.

Well, owls are real. And feathers are also part of natural materials, so do not forget about them.

Now hedgehogs are not from burdock, but from your favorite cones. It also looks great.

For schoolchildren, the following creation is great. It develops imagination, perseverance and accuracy very well.

Here are more works on the theme "Autumn in the forest." I think a lot of people would like to do this on their own.

And finally, these funny puppies who went for a walk. Bravo to their creators! Looks original.

And I want to invite you to watch the following video story. It tells in detail and shows how you can create crafts from natural materials, namely, to make a clearing with mushrooms. Great creative idea for kids.

Crafts from natural material for the autumn holiday in kindergarten

Now let's see what our kids can do. Yes, actually everything. So all the works are suitable for both schoolchildren and preschoolers. The help of adults, of course, is only welcome and will not be superfluous.

The next work is called "There was a birch in the field." We found a strong birch knot, yellow birch leaves and your tree is ready. In addition, they built a hut from branches, covered the ground with moss, laid out a path with pebbles or cereals, and everything is ready.

Here is a picture in a frame. All the same familiar materials: leaves, grass, plasticine and sunflower seeds.

And what a bright ladybug can be obtained from rowan berries. Indescribable beauty!

Do not forget that natural materials go well not only with plasticine, but also with vegetables from the garden. Such cute lamb and pig!

Well, this one is pretty simple. But how a child will be happy with such a creation of his.

And what are these miracles? I think it's Goblin and his girlfriend. A cheerful and romantic composition turned out, do you agree with me?

Remember, a little higher it was shown closely how you can make forest deer? And now they are not separately, but in a whole composition.

Here and autumn trees look almost like real ones. And cute and prickly hedgehogs are already right there.

And another variation of making a wise owl.

I never tire of being amazed at how rich human imagination is and what our skillful hands are. I say “Bravo!” to the authors of the works.

Interesting do-it-yourself work for grades 1-3 using natural materials

Well, I still have amazing autumn works for you. If you are not tired, then read on and be sure to choose products for creativity with your children.

For example, you can make such a three-dimensional picture. And you can call it like this - Autumn bouquet in a vase.

What do we see below? Wow, a real tree and a superb bunch of leaves. Class!

Oh, I can’t stop, I found another chestnut hut. We have a lot of them in Tula.

And here is a hedgehog without a head and legs). So big and with crops on thorns.

And how beautifully you can decorate a basket from moss and berries! Moreover, the basket itself can also be independently weaved from twigs.

If time permits and there is a forest near you, then wander through it in search of interesting materials for work. You will definitely be lucky and you will find something special, for example, as in the picture below.

By the way, from autumn leaves you can create bouquets of roses. Looks very nice.

Here is another work dedicated to the theme of autumn in the forest. Beauty, what more can I say.

Dancers girls from leaves, acorns and twigs. Original, original!

And here is just a bouquet of roses from the leaves. Just twist the leaves that have not yet dried and the buds will be ready.

Original crafts made from natural materials and plasticine on the theme of golden autumn

Now I propose to look at the options for products with the inclusion of plasticine. I will not describe in detail what and how, because from the photographs everything is clear and understandable. There will be questions, then write in the comments, I will answer.

  • "Caterpillar";

  • "We collect mushrooms";

  • "Forest animals";

  • "Walk in the forest";

  • "Visiting Baba Yaga";

  • "Puppy";

  • "Funny snails";

  • "Beasts";

  • "Butterfly";

  • Insects";

  • "Life in the forest";

  • "Mushrooms".

Step-by-step master classes for making autumn crafts "Hedgehog", "Cockerel" and "Owl"

Well, as promised above, I will tell and show in detail how you can make the most popular crafts from natural materials. Ready?! Then let's start!

Hedgehogs from burdock in the autumn meadow

You will need: leaves, twigs, cones, tree mushrooms, burdock, plasticine, sticks, any box, scissors, PVA glue, hawthorn berries, mountain ash or any others.

Work process:

1. To make a clearing, we need a piece of cardboard. Take any box and cut out the required size of cardboard.

2. Draw a forest edge on the cardboard. Glue the leaf, cones, berries and tree mushrooms. And in order for the branches to stand, fix them with plasticine.

3. From yellow plasticine, mold a head for a hedgehog. And from black make eyes and a nose.

4. Insert a non-fragile stick into the plasticine head.

5. Now form a body with thorns from the burdock.

6. As a result, you should get such a hedgehog. Do not forget to stick a piece of plasticine on the end of the stick, otherwise the face will outweigh.

7. Put a couple of berries on top of the thorns.

8. Make another hedgehog and put them in an autumn clearing. Your craft is ready.

Cockerel from cones

You will need: pine cones (large and small), plasticine, scissors, autumn leaves, rowan berries.

Work process:

1. Take two small dense leaves, preferably with the greatest predominance of red. Cut them into narrow strips, as shown in the photo. Cherry leaves work very well for this.

2. Attach the resulting leaves to a large cone (torso) using small pieces of plasticine.

3. Now make a long and bright tail. To do this, use the technology described in paragraph 1. Take yellow, green and red leaves. Rowan, ash and grape leaves are well suited. Fasten the blanks with a piece of red plasticine.

4. Attach the tail to the top of the pine cone.

5. Make a stand for the cockerel from green plasticine. Decorate the stand with rowan berries.

6. Attach the torso to the stand.

7. Now make the head. Take a small bump. And make a beak, comb, long earrings from red plasticine. Roll up round eyes from black plasticine. Fasten everything to the bump.

8. Blind the neck from orange plasticine. And take one leaf and also cut it into strips.

9. Attach the neck to the body, and then fasten the head to the neck. Stick a cut leaf to your neck.

10. Finally, place the cockerel on a hard surface and decorate its place with any autumn natural materials.

And for a snack, an owl-owl. The craft is made from dry leaves and a transparent bag. Everything is very, very simple. The result exceeds all expectations. So rather watch the video and do everything according to the model.

And since I can't stop, get some more cute ideas.

Chanterelle-sister from carrots. And her clearing is made of various natural materials.

Smeshariki also visited autumn. There is a fantasy - there is a result.

Another family of mushrooms. Twigs can be taken brown, and then just paint them with white paint.

And here is a hedgehog who found a ripe apple. There is a plot, which means the craft is ready.

Well, the invented forest dweller will decorate any work.

Well, now that’s all, I must stop, otherwise I won’t finish writing like that). Finally, I note that all the collected works are not mine, but taken from the Internet. So once again I will praise all the authors - “well done”, the crafts are all cool and for any age and taste. And I wish you, dear readers, to work hard and win prizes at exhibitions. Let your children receive their first diplomas and awards. All for now, for now.

Crafts on the theme of autumn from natural material for the school is what every student should make for the annual fair or Often adults help him with this, because creating with children is not only entertaining, but also useful. Making crafts from natural materials for elementary school, parents have a huge impact on the positive development of the personal qualities of babies, while the time spent with parents is priceless for the child. Such joint creativity develops imagination, ingenuity, imaginative thinking and helps to raise the mood of the masters on a rainy autumn day. In order to make a fake from natural material to school, you don’t have to spend money, because all the material is literally under our feet.

Collection of natural material

Autumn is an incredibly colorful and generous season. Due to the abundance of natural material, it opens up great opportunities for children's creativity. The variety of shapes and riot of colors that can be found in nature cannot be compared with any artificial ready-made needlework kit. Before making interesting crafts from natural material for the school, you need to walk through the park, forest belt, and collect the necessary material. Dry leaves, pine and spruce cones, unusually shaped pebbles, acorns, coniferous needles, maple and ash seeds, nuts, watermelon seeds, melons, pumpkins, sunflowers. The bark and fruits of trees, dried flowers, moss, and reeds will also come in handy. And this is not the whole list of what can become an inspiration for making crafts from natural materials for elementary grades. Considering and collecting the gifts of autumn, in the head of the children, all kinds of ideas for making future masterpieces usually already arise.

Craft Ideas for School

Crafts from natural material for elementary school are not particularly difficult to manufacture, but they look quite original and impressive. For example, instead of a banal application of dried leaves, you can invite your child to make a chic spider on a cobweb. Boys will especially like to make such crafts from natural material for school.

To make a homemade product, you need to fasten two sticks crosswise, tying in the middle with a thick, strong thread. Attach a few more branches to them according to the same principle, and then stretch the threads between them, thus creating a web. Then in the center and in several places we cling autumn dry leaves. We collect a funny spider from half a chestnut and small sticks and plant it on the central sheet with hot glue.

A very simple and original craft made from natural material for an elementary school girl is a shiny dragonfly. All you need is a small twig, four maple-seed lionfish, and some glitter. Help the baby to fix the lionfish on a small branch with a glue gun. Further, the child will be quite capable of independently smearing the dragonfly wings with glue and pouring plenty of sparkles. And that's it - the original dragonfly craft made from natural material for elementary school is ready.

Crafts from natural material on an autumn theme will not only be a wonderful decoration for school classrooms and fairs, but also help create the right atmosphere during school. Girls can decorate their hair with wreaths made from maple leaves. And for boys, make funny masks from the same natural material.

Autumn! Gold autumn! How many colors and warmth are in it, which are about to be replaced by cold weather. Don't waste your time, it's time to get some inspiration for new beauty ideas. Create, create interesting gizmos from materials that nature has given. Let autumn become a muse for inspiration, go for it!

The main thing in the article

Autumn crafts are a great idea for leisure

With the onset of autumn, it is simply impossible to indifferently stroll through parks and squares. Colorful landscapes enchant the eye with their bright notes. At this time, nature gives us juicy fruits, as well as a variety of color palettes.

These autumn gifts can be immortalized in time by decorating your home with a variety of crafts and hand maids. Such decorations will not only transform the interior, but also usefully allow you to pass the cold autumn evenings. This activity will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. So brew your favorite warming drink and grab a warm blanket.

So, autumn has come, it's time to stock up on all sorts of natural materials for creativity.

Crafts from natural materials for home and interior: paintings and panels

In order to decorate the walls in the interior, panels are widely used. Such paintings will look original if they are made of natural materials.

In general, a great option would be to attract children to do this kind of manual work. This will enable children to show their creativity and imagination, and will also favorably affect the development of fine motor skills, which is important for the normal development of the child.

Panel of coffee beans

This wall image is best suited for the kitchen. Often this place is associated with comfort and home warmth. It has been scientifically proven that the smell of coffee has a property that resists stress. So such a panel will not only decorate the house, but also benefit the body.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Coffee beans that have different properties, ranging from smell and color to size.
  • The material that will serve as the frame (basis) of the panel. Usually any durable fabric, wood, paper, etc. is used for this.
  • Glue, the most common PVA, is also suitable, but it is better to consult a needlework store.
  • The drawing that will be drawn using the grains.
  • Carbon paper.
  • Simple pencil.
  • A frame in which the finished product will be attached.

This list of required materials is the most basic. Various cereals and legumes can be added to coffee beans, thus a whole picture will emerge, filled with various shades.

How to get the job done:

  • Transfer the desired design to the base using a pencil and carbon paper.
  • Then apply glue to small areas and immediately glue coffee beans on them, alternating beans of different colors, depending on the idea. An interesting idea would be to make applications from grains by gluing fringes, ribbons, rhinestones, and more.
  • Frame the end result.
  • The product can be decorated with multi-colored aromatic spices or dryers.
  • To attach cereals, such as buckwheat or semolina, apply glue liberally on the desired surface, cover it tightly with cereals and wait for it to dry, just shake off excess residue.

Panel of leaves

There are a lot of design options for such needlework, you just have to take a walk along the autumn alley and stock up on the necessary materials.

With special predilection, children take up the execution of such paintings.

You can decorate the room not only with paintings, but also with works in the form of bouquets of leaves.

Below are wall panel ideas made from natural materials that will inspire you to be creative.

Panel of shells

Leather panel

Crafts for school and kindergarten

Practically in all school and preschool institutions there are competitions on the autumn theme. It is at this time of the year that you can stock up on natural materials in order to be able to use them throughout the year.

Sometimes children do crafts so passionately at labor lessons, and even at home, that whole works of art are created.

The kits for creativity that can be purchased in stores cannot be compared with the variety of generous gifts of autumn. The completed craft will be saturated not only with children's love, but also with the magical aromas of the forest.

So what can be useful for creation?

  • Fallen leaves. The abundance of dry foliage is rich in the brightest shades of colors. There is room for fantasy.
  • Cones. If there is a park, a forest plantation or even a forest near the house, you can also stock up on these fruits of coniferous plants.
  • Shells, stones and sand. These materials, of course, can be found not only in the fall, but you can diversify the list of necessary materials with them.
  • Acorns and chestnuts. It is with these finds that a lot of ideas for do-it-yourself work are associated.
  • Coniferous and spruce branches, this is a real find for connoisseurs of nature.
  • "Perky helicopters" - this is what maple seeds are sometimes called, and are used in their work.
  • Walnut shells, pumpkin and melon seeds, bunches of mountain ash - not the whole arsenal of stocks.
  • Tree bark, reeds, dried flower plants are also needed.
  • It happens that after visiting exhibitions and zoos with birds, you can get rich for a whole collection of feathers.

If possible, try every walk to pay attention to the surrounding delights of nature and pick up all of the above abundance. Be careful, because in the most simple and ordinary, a whole treasure is often hidden.

In addition to walking in the fresh air, your child will have the opportunity to develop their creative thinking and exercise logic.

Children's DIY crafts: funny applications

So, you have stocked up with the necessary natural gizmos, so you should put them into practice. One of the many varieties of crafts is the application. Call the kids, and sit down to create. Here are some creative ideas.

Autumn leaf crafts: ideas for creativity

Interesting leaf applications

Autumn collages

Leaf print paintings

Leaf candlesticks

Vase of leaves

Autumn paper crafts

Crafts from cones with their own hands

Photo exhibition of autumn crafts

Crafts on an autumn theme: original ideas

Unusual wreath

creative wall framing

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Video tutorials for making autumn crafts

Nature has endowed us with an incredible abundance of bright and colorful natural materials. Do not miss the opportunity to use these gifts, create comfort by decorating your home with handmade crafts!

Making crafts from natural material is a good hobby not only for children, but also for adults. Making something beautiful out of what you can find literally under your feet is a real miracle. Moreover, despite the simplicity of execution, such crafts often look very impressive and fit any interior.

Crafts made from natural materials are different. If the production involves working with tools, such as saws or pruners, the child should not be allowed to do this. However, working with materials like cones, twigs, or dry leaves for a herbarium is perfect for kids.

Eco-style flower vase

  • You will need branches and a regular glass vase.
  • Cover the vase with branches. Branches can be slightly deviated from the vertical position, cross each other.

Roses from apples

  • Slice the apples as thinly as you can.
  • Gently boil them in sweet syrup (0.5 l of water per glass of sugar).
  • Roll up the slices like a bud. The caramelized sugar will cause the apple pieces to stick together.
  • Store the resulting craft in a cupcake mold. You can simply serve apples as a dessert or decorate a cake with them.