Trees for paper cutting. Master class on making a New Year's tree from napkins. Christmas tree made of paper strips

New Year- the most fun and most children's holiday.
Even adults are not afraid to look funny in red Santa Claus hats and with a bunch of gifts.
What can we say about the children, who in this joyful mess are trying to participate in all matters!
The main attributes of the New Year are Santa Claus and a Christmas tree.
Traditionally, a large Christmas tree is decorated with toys and tinsel, round dances are danced around it. But what if you make an unconventional Christmas tree?
A beautiful do-it-yourself paper Christmas tree will not pretend to be the centerpiece, but it can decorate a nursery or become a souvenir gift. Believe me, such a Christmas tree will find a use for itself.
Is being done Christmas tree from paper, cardboard, colored and corrugated paper, tinsel and any other improvised materials.
It is easy and fun to do: the kids take part in the work with great pleasure.
Two-year-old children, for example, can roll up plasticine balls, which then become a toy, or glue a small piece in the place indicated by adults.
And the memories of joint craft enough for a few days.
There are at least a dozen ways to make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands, but in any case
you will need:
- Paper (colored, corrugated, thick - whatever)
- Pencil with ruler Glue and stapler
- Scissors
- Sometimes a compass

Model No. 1. Volumetric paper Christmas tree

First, the base of the Christmas tree is made - a cone. If the tree is planned to be large, the cone is made of whatman paper (it can be replaced with four A4 sheets glued together). The center is marked in the center of the wide side, we draw lines from it to the two lower corners, cut it off (do not forget to leave an allowance for gluing), cut off the semicircular base, glue it, check whether it is even. On this basis - a cone - you can make several different options Christmas trees. You can get a big Christmas tree out of paper if you make a large cone, and a small one on a small cone. A different ways the manufacture of needles will generally be misleading: it may seem that these are different Christmas trees.

The first version of the Christmas tree-cone

To make the blank cone look like a Christmas tree, we make needles from colored paper. Traditionally, the needles are green, but it can be assumed that there is snow or frost on the branches - the choice of color is up to you. We outline the rectangles: for the lower needles, the width of the rectangle is 7 cm. We make a trapezoid from the rectangle: the upper side is cut off. The wide side is folded into a triangle and fastened with a stapler or glue, it is convenient to glue the top to the cone.

Volumetric needles can be replaced with circles glued behind upper part. If you cut circles of different shades of green, the tree will look more original.

Needles are glued in rows, we start from the bottom. To make the Christmas tree look beautiful, every three rows we reduce the size of the needles. That is, we first draw rectangles of 6.5 cm, then 6 cm and 5 cm. We draw the top of the Christmas tree with a small cone, the bottom of which we cut with triangles. If desired, the Christmas tree is decorated with sparkles. You can use ready-made sparkles, you can finely chop the tinsel. Apply glue to the needles and sprinkle glitter on them.

The second version of the Christmas tree-cone

We build a frame, cut thin short strips from colored paper, wind each strip on a pencil. The stripes take on a twisted look. With a certain skill, you can twist the strips of paper with scissors: gently draw the blade of open scissors from one end of the strip to the other, while pulling the strip. Glue the twisted strips to the cone. You can decorate the Christmas tree with anything: sparkles, bows, balls, stars.

The third version of the Christmas tree-cone

Glue drop needles onto the prepared frame. We make needles from strips of green (or any other) paper, glue their ends together - we get a drop. Glue larger drops at the bottom of the cone, smaller ones at the top.

The fourth version of the Christmas tree-cone

Wide strips of paper cut into fringes are glued to the base. Again, the strips are wider at the bottom (respectively, the needles are longer), at the top the strips are narrower. The color of the needles can be any: green will make it natural, multi-colored - decorative. We cut the strips into small “needles”, not cutting to the end about 1.5-2 cm. After the glue dries, the needles can be bent upwards - carefully draw a scissor blade from the base of the needles to the ends. Such a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper will look beautiful.

Model number 2. Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

Cardboard will need double-sided. We fold a sheet of cardboard in half, draw the outline of the Christmas tree. We draw exactly the same contour on another sheet. We cut out both contours, then we make cuts along the axis to the middle: on one Christmas tree from above, on the other from below. We insert the parts into each other. We decorate with tinsel, balls (glass or paper), sparkles - anything. In the photo - slotted toys.

A similar Christmas tree can be made from colored paper. It will require 4 sheets. Fold each sheet in half, cut out a triangle. The resulting parts are glued together and cut at an angle of the needle. You need to twist them before the glue has dried.

Model number 3. Christmas tree made of colored paper

For this model, you will need thick paper. It is done simply: cut out a triangle, fold it with an accordion, make through hole, into which we insert a stick-rod. To make the Christmas tree stable, the stick can be inserted, for example, into an eraser. Such a Christmas tree can become a small souvenir or decorate workplace. Christmas mood she will definitely create.

Model number 4. Christmas tree in papercraft technique

How such a Christmas tree is made of paper, the diagram shows clearly. It is necessary to cut several circles of different diameters (the bottom of the Christmas tree - from circles of a larger diameter, the top - from circles of a smaller one). Circles are drawn and cut, needles are folded. Finished tiers are strung on a rod. We decorate the Christmas tree with sparkles, beads, foil bows - the fantasy is limitless.

Model number 5. folding herringbone

For such a Christmas tree, several circles of different diameters are cut. The diameter and number of circles depends on the desired size of the Christmas tree. Fold each circle in half 4 times, unfold and straighten the circles. The trunk of the Christmas tree can be made from an old pencil, a straw for a cocktail, a wooden stick - all this is wrapped in colored paper, the tip is glued. In the center of each circle we cut a small hole (it should be smaller than the diameter of the trunk in order to hold on tighter). Circles-tiers are strung on the trunk, starting from the bottom. A Christmas tree stand can be made from a wooden coil, cork, lid from plastic bottle, plasticine, glued from thick paper.

Model No. 6. Paper origami - Christmas tree

In this popular technique, you can perform any figures, including christmas trees. How a paper tree is made using the origami technique, the video will demonstrate better than any words. We offer two options.

Another one beautiful tree made of paper and is made very simply and quickly! We only need to take a sheet of colored paper and scissors. such a Christmas tree made of paper will become beautiful handicraft for the holiday.

Hello! Today you are very interesting article on the topic of creating volumetric Christmas trees with your own hands from paper. You will learn how easy and simple it will be to create a forest beauty using templates and stencils. I will also provide detailed diagrams with descriptions and step-by-step master classes for your creativity.

I must say right away that this business is very exciting, so be sure to involve your children. And don't forget to make and cut. After all, putting it all together, you get a cool Christmas decoration your home (you can decorate the window, or any corner in the room). And such crafts can be your family and friends. Or take part in school and kindergarten exhibitions.

But if you want to make a Christmas tree from a different material, then go here, there are collected creative models from all sorts of materials at hand.

Well, right now I propose to get acquainted with all the technologies of working from paper in order to make a Christmas tree. Study carefully the proposed options and choose what you like. And then start the manufacturing process New Year's souvenir. And don't forget to take a great mood with you!

So let's go! The easiest option in such creativity is to take ready template, translate it to colored paper, cut, if necessary, then glue the parts, and then decorate.

Let's take a closer look at this matter. I will show you diagrams and stencils, and of course I will explain how to handle them.

To get started, choose a template. Then save it to your computer and print. Next, transfer it to colored paper. Cut out the piece. In total, 4 such parts are needed. Then glue them together with the wrong side, and put a decorative loop inside. You got not just a voluminous tree, but a whole one.

Or here's another easier option, so to speak, for the creativity of our kids. Take white paper, print the template on it. Let the child, let him color the drawing with colored pencils or paints. You can also do without coloring, and leave the white version.

Then cut out the parts and fasten together with each other. If you wish, decorate the craft additionally.

By the way, the contours of the Christmas tree do not have to be done triangular shape, and can be rounded.

Now print out the following product diagram. Fold a piece of paper with a pattern in half, cut out a forest beauty.

Make cuts from the center to the periphery.

If you are good at carving small parts, then the next carved beauty is just for you. The principle of operation is identical. Print the template, cut out the details (several pieces), glue or sew together.

Now I’ll throw off more patterns for cutting and creating such crafts. Hold on!

Such souvenirs can also be made from bent circles. Print and cut out templates. Then transfer them to paper, cut them out.

Fold the ends as shown in the diagram. And then place all the parts from largest to smallest on a dense wire base.

Also, circles can be used according to the following pattern.

Or make a product from ordinary colored stripes. Create volume with cardboard and a long wooden stick, on which you attach the craft. And it is desirable to make another stand.

Here is another option from paper strips OK. This Christmas tree is perfect for decorating. Take a rectangular green sheet of paper. Make a square out of it. Cut out the stripes as shown in the photo below. Expand the workpiece. Start gluing the resulting strips slightly overlapping each other.

Decorate the tree with any materials.

Or simply sticking strips on a cone.

  • Take paper with a variety of drawings of the New Year theme;
  • Cut out 4 circles of different diameters from it;
  • On all circles, add as shown in the diagram;
  • Turn the circle with the white side, continue folding until you can divide it into 8 equal wedges;

  • Continue folding the circle in half, dividing each of your 1/8 wedges in half for a total of 16 wedges;
  • Next, in order, put each layer on the lace;
  • For the tree trunk, use wooden spools of thread. Decorate the top with a large bead.

And another one interesting idea. It is very simple, but the souvenirs are cool.

Take green office paper, fold the sheet into an accordion. Pierce the middle of the workpiece with a hole punch. Insert a wooden stick into the hole, fluff the tree and decorate.

AND cool idea making a volumetric souvenir from old newspapers. Look how beautiful it turns out.

Also try your hand at quilling. For you simple circuit and a sample of the finished product.

You can also roll a cone out of thick paper and decorate it with figures made of colored cardboard or shiny paper.

And finally, a product from kulechkov. Make the base out of cardboard by twisting the sheet into a tube and fixing the edges with glue. Next, roll a lot of bags from green paper, secure the edges with tape. Glue the bags on a cardboard base, decorate the top with a bow.

Paper tree in origami technique. Simple diagrams with descriptions for children

And now let's take a closer look at everyone's favorite origami technique. It can be used to create very a large number of, and most importantly diverse, winter forest dwellers. 😀

Let's start with simple folding but the truth is not classic version, since the details will also need to be processed with scissors.

Take a square of double-sided paper 20 by 20 cm. Fold it in half, connect the opposite corners. Next, follow the basic design - a triangle with folded internal corners. The product will be octagonal. Then make cuts and make sure that all the folds are in one direction.

AND detailed diagram with a description of the folding of the basic structure.

Here's what a souvenir can turn out to be.

Now over difficult option from modular components.

First fold the modules.

Work well on all folds.

Then start building branches and modular rings.

Well, a good example.

And now I offer you simple origami schemes for children's creativity.

How to make a crepe paper Christmas tree for the New Year

To give more volume, it's great instead plain paper use corrugated. Moreover, the process itself remains as easy and simple.

First you need to create a cardboard cone, fix its edges. Then cut strips of corrugated paper and glue them with a “skirt” in a circle to the base. Then using different elements decor, decorate the product.

Or here is an option for making such an elegant craft.

If the strips of corrugation are still cut, then fluffy twigs will turn out.

Or twist the "roses", interesting things are also obtained.

I think you understand what the principle of work is, so the main thing is not to be lazy and everything will work out! Also, be sure to include all your imagination to make truly creative products. For example, here are some.

Stencils for cutting a Christmas tree out of paper (can be printed)

Then I thought, and it seemed to me that I gave you few patterns by which you can cut forest trees and make real masterpieces out of them. Therefore, I correct myself and give even more stencils.

And try to do this easy volumetric decoration, which is offered by the author of the video below.

Large Christmas tree made from paper napkins

And now I will show you how to make a New Year's souvenir from regular napkins. You can take colored or white napkins. Choose everything to match your interior.

You will need:

  • packaging of three-layer paper napkins;
  • glue;
  • round object;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • cardboard or thick paper.

Manufacturing process:

1. Prepare napkins and scissors.

2. Take one napkin and circle a small round object on it.

3. Cut out the circle.

4. Fasten the resulting circle with a stapler in the middle.

5. Now start folding one leaf at a time.

6. And twist them in the center.

7. You will repeat this procedure 12 times.

8. The result is a rosette. It can be fluffed up a bit.

9. Make a lot of these "roses" preferably of different sizes.

10. Roll a cone out of cardboard and secure it with tape or glue. Start gluing on it in a circle "roses" of a larger diameter.

11. Then a little less, and so on.

12. Seal the cone to the top and admire your work. Of course, any decorations will not interfere.

And as always, I throw off ready-made options so that there is something to build on.

Video on how to make a voluminous Christmas tree with your own hands on the wall

In addition to the fact that such products are made as window decorations, Christmas decorations, souvenirs for gifts, they also decorate entire walls and doors.

This decor is especially relevant for children's rooms and educational institutions. Therefore, I picked up a couple of plots for creating large accessories for the walls. I hope you appreciate these ideas.

For example, here is the whole teamwork. At home, you can also make such a miracle with your child.

I liked the wicker tree made of unnecessary A4 paper.

Or choose crafts from the already suggested options and fix them on the wall or door. I also advise you to put small items on the shelves.

Or make a decoration according to the proposed photo master class.

By the way, you can also use large coloring pages in the form of our tree. At the same time, you involve children. Let them color and then you can hang their creation on the wall.

In my opinion, everything looks very beautiful and festive!

Master class on making a Christmas tree in the form of a cone from paper and cotton pads

And in the end, I propose to make a white beauty, 30 cm high, and 15 cm in diameter from below. And as a material, we will use not only paper, but also cotton pads.

You will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • cotton pads - 180 pcs.;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • glue gun;
  • stapler;
  • beads;
  • ball.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out the cone base from thick paper. Roll up the part and secure everything with tape. The bottom can be additionally cut out of round cardboard and glued on.

2. Fold cotton pads into triangles and secure with a stapler. Measure 3 cm from the base of the cone and start gluing blanks from cotton pads. From this row, measure again 3 cm and then glue the discs. Repeat steps to the very top.

3. Glue a ball on the top of your head, and glue beads on cotton pads.

If you pre-paint the discs with paint, you will get not a snow-white, but a green beauty.

As you can see, the discs can not be rolled up, but glued onto a cone in a round form.

For such a product, you can additionally make angels from the same cotton pads. They will only decorate your craft.

All products made in this technique are certainly very spectacular and bright. The kids can make them easily. Therefore, in schools and kindergartens, you can do just such crafts this year.

That's actually all. I wish, as always, creative inspiration and positive communication, and as a result, Have a good mood. And yes, be sure to create a paper Christmas tree. May it bring you happiness this year!

You and your child will love how easy it is to make and how adorable it can look.

Christmas tree from paper plates

To make a Christmas tree paper plates we need to color them bright green. After the paint has dried, cut the plate into pieces.

From fluffy wire and beads we collect a Christmas garland.

Glue the pieces disposable plate onto the background sheet of paper, starting from the bottom. We get the application "herringbone". We decorate the Christmas tree with beads and a star. We supplement the application with cotton wool snowflakes.

Christmas tree made of accordion paper

Considering how simple the one we offer is, absolutely any child can do it with their own hands.

So what you need:

  • a sheet of thick green paper (for example, scrapbooking paper);
  • hole puncher;
  • two wooden skewers for barbecue or Chinese sticks;
  • bright narrow braid, cord, foil and other decorative materials;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • thick brown cardboard for the barrel.

Cut out a triangle from green paper - this will be the Christmas tree. We fold it with an accordion,

in the center of which we make a large through hole with a hole punch.

We give the accordion the shape of a triangle.

We insert wooden sticks into the hole, pick up the Christmas tree a little.

We wrap the lower part of the sticks with brown cardboard tape, glue it well - we get a stand. small souvenir ready!

On the folds of the Christmas tree we glue a golden cord, braid, foil or colored paper - like garlands. We decorate the top with a star, a bow or a snowflake.

Christmas tree made of paper strips on a cardboard roll

A very simple but spectacular Christmas tree can be made from paper and a cardboard roll from toilet paper.

Cut out wide strips from green paper. We cut these strips on one side.

We apply glue to the strip and wrap the cardboard roll around it. We do the same with the rest of the strips.

We make the last strip a little narrower than the previous ones. Glue it to the very top of the cardboard roll.

Glue a paper cone.

We cut it at the base.

Glue the cone to the top of the cardboard roll. This will be the top of the tree. The craft is ready!

Christmas tree from pieces of colored paper

Looks very impressive voluminous Christmas tree from pieces of colored paper. To make it, cut out a semicircle. Separate one segment of the circle with a pencil.

Cut out small squares from thin colored paper. Green paper craft will look beautiful different shades. Apply PVA glue to the base-semicircle. We wind a piece of green paper on a pencil and glue it on a semicircle. We glue green pieces of paper one after another, leaving the segment separated by a pencil unfilled.

After the entire semicircle is filled, roll it up with a cone. Glue it in a place not filled with pieces of paper (we separated it with a pencil at the beginning of work).

We take cardboard cylinder from toilet paper. We cut it on one side. Color it in Brown color- This future trunk our Christmas tree.

Glue the top of the Christmas tree to cardboard roll. We decorate the craft with any bright New Year's materials- pompoms, beads, rhinestones or decorative buttons. Christmas tree made of pieces of paper - ready!

There are many options for how to make a Christmas tree out of paper, so you can invite your child to make his own choice and make the Christmas tree that he likes the most.

Herringbone from twisted corrugated paper

For example, a very elegant Christmas tree is easy to make using green corrugated paper or napkins.

Making a white cardboard cone

wrap it in green colored paper.

You can immediately make a cone out of green cardboard. You can fasten the cone not only with glue, but also with tape or a stapler. If tape is used, it must be applied with inside so as not to impede subsequent finishing.

We cut tissue paper into thin strips and make a fringe on one side. We twist each strip with any wooden stick. It is convenient to use matches, toothpicks or barbecue skewers for this purpose.

Carefully paste over our cone with curls.

From red tissue paper we make bows that can be decorated with white beads or buttons.

We glue the bows to the Christmas tree, complement them with golden beads.

Decorate the top with a golden bow.

You can make a simplified version of this craft.

Herringbone from strips of corrugated paper

Roll up a cardboard cone.

Cut the paper into long strips.

We wrap the cone with strips of paper, while forming folds. One strip - one row.

Having wrapped the Christmas tree, we decorate it with bright beads and decorative stars.

Here is a Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands!

For children younger age this would be more affordable.

Christmas tree from paper circles

A very beautiful Christmas tree is obtained from paper, usually used for gift wrapping.

We cut such paper into small circles or details of a more complex shape - for example, resembling duck feet.


Today, on the eve of the New Year, I would like to offer you another wonderful craft that we will make out of paper. This is a voluminous Christmas tree that you can easily make with your own hands right now. Because you will have everything you need, these are diagrams and the necessary templates. The forest beauty will turn out lush and fluffy.

Well, if you want to do the work more complicated, you can look in, there we created products from various improvised means, and even made a stomp.

Do not forget to decorate your apartment with others.

Well, let's start looking at and choosing the works you like and roll up your sleeves to create and surprise everyone. I wish you all good luck and patience.

You always want to make such an ornament yourself, because it will look original and at the same time beautiful. All you need is a sheet of paper from which you can easily fold an amazing craft in the form of a Christmas tree.

In addition, such work can captivate your child and he will be happy to sit and bother. Well, take a white sheet or possibly colored green, but then double-sided. Bend it in half with its short side. And draw a Christmas tree symbol. Here are examples of templates that can be used.

Then start cutting along the lines, and then make cuts and fold them in the way shown in these pictures. You need to make a blank in triplicate, and then glue them together. It will come out stylishly and very openwork, but also of course voluminous, which will undoubtedly please everyone.

The next option is no less interesting and charming in its simplicity. Take these stencils and print on the printer, and then you will get a work in the form of ZD.

Where you see the main contour, take it and cut it out with scissors, but in the recesses, make only notches so that you can turn it out afterwards, as shown in the photo. Two blanks of the same shape are further glued together.

And if you really want to surprise or slay everyone, then make a whole composition, that is, a forest beauty, and not just one, but with a deer.

And another version of 3D crafts, which I propose to cut out on a simple landscape or office sheet, and then paint with gouache paints to make a real masterpiece.

You can use a can of glow-in-the-dark spray paint to create a shimmery effect.

Look at the zeal and desire with which a child does such work.

And here is what we end up with. The beauty is indescribable.

The next option, also quite interesting, is a Christmas tree made of green paper in the form of eyelets, read this instruction and create with me. This year we made such a charm with my son. It came out great.

Well, if you still have some questions, then I will be happy to share with you this video, which shows this master class.

Christmas tree in origami technique (a simple diagram for children with a description)

I think that in childhood everyone was fond of such an activity as origami. All because, it would seem from an ordinary sheet, once an amazing result comes out. Preparing for this article, I did not even suspect that such an ornament as a Christmas tree can also be made using this technique. Imagine, and that's what I was lucky to find.

Any old book without a thick cover or a notebook will do. And the sequence of actions for folding will be as follows. Fold all the pages of the book from the left corner to the middle.

And then complete the bag, that is, one more fold.

Cut off all excess, do it carefully and efficiently, take your time.

After unfold the product on the table, and sprinkle with tinsel or sparkles.

If you decide to make the work a little more difficult, for example, if your children are already going to school, then you can offer them to create such a forest beauty.

The next work that is done in labor lessons in primary school or classes in kindergarten. The description and all folding steps are shown in this illustration. Get on with the job.

If you love modular origami, and own this technique, then make such a souvenir.

How to make a voluminous Christmas tree from corrugated paper for the New Year

We will need:

  • cardboard or thick paper
  • green crepe paper
  • any glue
  • scissors;
  • bows, red paper, beads


1. From ordinary cardboard make a cone, then glue it with corrugated paper.

2. Now it remains to build branches, like needles for a future product. To do this, cut the corrugated paper into strips, cut the edges to make a fringe and twist each one onto a wooden stick into a reel. You get something that looks like a flower.

3. And glue the workpieces to the cone using the trimming method. For spruce with a height of 15 cm, you will need 120 small blanks in the form of lush flowers. You can take a ready-made bow for decoration, or make it yourself from the same corrugated paper. Use also cotton wool with sparkles, this will give the tree a chic and elegant look.

The next option is no less intriguing, as if the Christmas tree is made in a spiral, an ordinary paper cone is also taken as a basis.

Make a base for the tree to make the following. Use glue, scissors, and thick paper or cardboard.

2. corrugated paper take a width of 18 cm, but the length should be about 2 m. Fold the strip in half with the long side. Apply glue from the edge, leaving a gap of 1 cm.

3. And start to tighten a little to get a skirt.

4. Wrap the product with such a prepared strip, drip glue in some places so that everything sticks tightly.

Wind it only in a spiral to make the work voluminous.

Here's another amazing option.

Forest beauty from colored paper and cardboard

The next beauty will be made of colored cardboard, but make decorations from colored paper. The Christmas tree is folded in such a simple technique that in a couple of minutes you will create this magnificent gift or souvenir that can be kept for a long time. for a long time on the shelf.

You will need three blanks in the form of semicircles of different diameters, on which make such a fringe. Then fold and glue each sample to form a cone. Then, on the largest cone, put a little less on top and then smaller.

There is another option, which is made from one paper cone and covered with circles. He looks amazing, you can't take your eyes off him.

By the way, I found a similar work in this story, who needs to dare. There, the author came up with the idea of ​​making mugs with the help of one little thing, in general, see everything for yourself.

In addition, you can still completely fold the Christmas tree in this way, using circles as a basis, and use wooden caps instead of a stand.

If you are overwhelmed wrapping, then twist a bag out of it, cut off the edges so that they become round at the base and decorate.

Moreover, you can make a huge craft in this way, while gluing several cardboard sheets.

Then decorate the cone with packaging and glue the edges to the base.

Trim everything you don't need and decorate with stars or balls.

Now let's do the craft using cardboard, which we will fold.

To create such a product, print out this stencil.

After attach to the cardboard and circle the stencil, cut it out. And fold it in half. Make 8 pieces of such products.

Pass the edges of each Christmas tree with a hole punch, and then, where the middle is, the fold line that you made before, walk along it with double-sided tape.

Now it remains to sew the edges, where the holes are.

Apply glitter or fake snow from an aerosol and put a star on top.

Next work, take a cardboard base and stick a stick into it and secure with glue. And then cut out circles from old postcards different sizes and stick on a stick.

Something similar can also be done from wrappers or just newspaper or magazine sheets.

Or you can create a souvenir from children's hands. It also looks good, especially since schoolchildren or preschoolers are always happy with such work.

By the way, here is another idea from a newspaper or magazine.

Can you make a green tree out of an accordion? Fold a salad-colored office sheet in the shape of an accordion and pierce the middle with a hole punch. Insert a stick into the resulting hole.

Among other things, on the Internet, I saw such a lovely composition.

Who is much for what, there are so many ideas, take it and do it, friends.

A simple toy can even be obtained from ordinary ribbons, which you cut, and then roll up with a snake and connect.

Here are a couple more ideas, write your suggestions or corrections, how and from what else you make such pretty Christmas trees.

Even from the leaves for recording, and then, they managed to create a real masterpiece.

For children kindergarten work like this, take it thick cardboard and cut it out in the shape of a triangle. A base will come out, on which ask the child to stick the strips.

Well, in conclusion to this chapter, here is another invention, this is a quilling herringbone.

Master class on making a New Year's tree from napkins

It turns out that you can also quickly build a Christmas tree from ordinary napkins, and if you fantasize with color, it will turn out to be absolutely unique.

Such a masterpiece is made in such a way that circles are drawn on a napkin, and after that the middle of each figure is connected with a stapler. Then cut along the contours of the workpiece.

And straight to the middle, start to crumple the edges, lifting them up. To make a flower. And then glue to the conical base, which you make in advance. You can even decorate in the form of a topiary. Here, decide for yourself.

More details if you are interested this work you can also use this step by step instructions in pictures:

Tree stencils for cutting and printing

For those who love vytynanok-style masterpieces, they will take these stencils as a basis. Using a regular stationery knife, cut a Christmas tree, or you can take special tool, which the masters of this case have.

Cut out two blanks at once, cut a strip on top of one, and cut a strip on the bottom of the other.

Here are a couple more ideas, what beauty can appear, see for yourself. Delicate and white forest beauties that are so attractive.

Take a leaf and crush it in half, draw patterns and outline the spruce. Cut out all the pieces with a cutter.

Take your time, this job does not require fuss.

You can print the template, and do not fold and draw a tree yourself. Don't forget to leave gaps on the bottom of the paper as well so that you can roll them up and glue them later.

That's what I mean. As soon as you make these two blanks, connect them together.

And I suggest downloading stencils right now from my blog:

By the way, you can create a whole composition with a hut. This is known to all. Oh, and there will be beauty! Request templates through the comments if you like the house.

Volumetric Christmas tree for a New Year's card (step by step instructions)

Of course, on New Year's Eve we give everything to each other, and together with the children we do, and of course. Here I propose to arrange them unexpectedly, namely, use the origami technique. This can be done using ordinary triangles, which are obtained by folding ordinary squares.

The next work, for its implementation you will need two sheets. On one you print a Christmas tree and make cuts along dotted lines, and then glue this blank to the background.

Whoever does not understand the stages of work in this picture, he may well use the video hint.

Another masterpiece, using the same origami technique, you will get a cool little thing that you can give to your mother or loved one. Watch the instruction and repeat step by step.

Here are some work ideas you can take as a basis.

Paper Christmas tree on the wall

For a long time I could not find suitable option but then I came across these ideas. It turns out that there is nothing difficult in creating such a huge and huge Christmas tree. See everything for yourself, and wonder, because it's so great when you and your family are together.

In addition, I also found an awesome paper beauty that can be glued to any wall.

This decor can decorate any children's room or a room in the garden. I was struck by this idea and I share it with you. You need to download the templates (you can ask me for them, I send them to your email address for free). And voila, let your imagination run wild, color with your children. The file will contain 22 stencils that need to be printed on a large A4 sheet and then decorated.

Here's what you can do, keep it up. By the way, there are other options for coloring for the New Year for children, go ahead and take note.

Tadam, that's all, the article has come to an end. It was a pleasure for me to share everything that I found. I hope you enjoyed your browsing through this page.

Everyone have a good day And sunny mood. Bye!

Best regards, Ekaterina

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There is very little time left before the New Year, and it would be time to think about holiday decorations for home. You can buy ready-made options in the store, but it is much better to make original things with your own hands.

We are in website we believe that children should definitely be involved in this case, and we collected great ideas for Christmas crafts.

sock snowman

From unnecessary socks you get such funny snowmen. You will need socks, rice for stuffing, some scraps and buttons. Cut off the toe at the sock, and on the other hand, tie it with a thread. Sprinkle rice, giving round shape, drag the thread again and pour more rice, forming a smaller ball. Sew on the eyes and nose, make a scrap scarf, sew on the buttons. And from the cut off part you get a great hat.

Christmas tree pendants

A cinnamon stick is taken as the basis, several artificial ones are attached to it with glue. spruce twigs and colorful buttons. Such Christmas trees will not only decorate the house, but also fill it with the warming aroma of cinnamon.

Cork deer

bottle caps - great material for crafts. For example, you can make such a cute deer. You will need some corks, glue and various beads to decorate. This is not ashamed to hang on the Christmas tree.

stick crafts

From ordinary ice cream sticks, cute Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes are obtained. You need paint, glitter, buttons and a little imagination. Even the smallest children can cope with such crafts.

Christmas trees made of colored paper

Like these ones wonderful Christmas trees can be done by making a cone out of green paper or cardboard and decorating it with different little things. Buttons, pebbles, beads and various paper figures will do.

potato drawings

Snowflakes from pasta

Clip pasta different shapes with glue and cover with silver paint, fasten the tape - unusual christmas snowflake ready.

Snowmen from covers

Cover the metal bottle caps with white paint (it is better to take acrylic) and glue them together, as shown in the picture. Draw a face for the snowman and decorate with a scarf from a bright ribbon. If you glue a loop on top of it, then the snowman can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Crafts from cones

From the cones you can make different animals and any other characters. You will need paints, shreds, buttons and, of course, imagination and inspiration.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Pick up green buttons of different diameters and a few brown ones for the trunk and secure them with a thick thread. Decorate the crown with an asterisk.

painted balls

Place the pieces wax pencils into transparent christmas ball, heat it with a hair dryer, constantly twisting it. Melting, the pencils will leave beautiful colored stains inside the ball.