How to make Christmas decorations from plastic bottles. DIY New Year's street decorations from bottles. Creative Christmas trees from plastic bottles - Irzeis. Video master class on making candlesticks. Snowflakes from plastic bottles

Optical illusions are created through simple manipulations of lines, colors and patterns to confuse our brains. With each passing day, optical illusions are being used more and more in the arts, entertainment, and audience-focused scientific research. Since time immemorial, artists have come up with new ideas and techniques that require full sensory interaction with viewers - something that would give their brains a big boost. Here is a list of 10 such optical illusion setups that simply and literally confuse you.


1. Invisible trolleybuses.
2. Optical illusion of Casa Ceramica.
3. This illusion makes people afraid to fall off the moment they enter the room. This dizzying floor system was designed by British company Casa Ceramica. Floors with this design are for the specific purpose of slowing people down as they walk across it.
4. 3D zebra.
5. Zebra that will make you feel like you are floating in the air. It can be seen in the quaint fishing town of Isafjordur in Iceland. It was created in September this year as a collaboration between the city's environmental commissioner Ralkom Trulla and the street art firm Vegi GIH. They tried to reinforce both the aesthetic value of the city and remind motorists to slow down at crosswalks and in narrow streets.
6. Large-scale geometric illusions by Felice Varini in Paris.
7. La Villette En Suites is an exhibition of the same name by Swiss artist Felice Varini opened in 2015. When viewed from one point, a strange feeling is created.
8. Varini, being an architecture enthusiast, uses unconventional spaces with different depths to create new geometric shapes that are basically paintings. These installations were available both inside and outside the Grande Halle de la Villette at the Parc de la Villette from 15 April to 13 September 2015.
9. Retro city of optical illusions.
10. Photographed by Michael Paul Smith.
11. Green planet.
12. If you look at the composition from a certain angle and at a certain height, it looks like a globe with several trees on top of it. In reality, however, this is a 1,500 square meter wide installation.
13. 3D gummy bears.
14. Optical illusions on buildings.
15. Mind-bending room settings.
16. Want to experience how simple lines can make you tipsy? There is Peter Kogler from Austria for you with his mind-blowing, psychedelic optical illusions. Kogler loves to bend time and space, which is what he does most interestingly. It turns the flat floors and white walls of galleries into something strange. It uses fully two-dimensional, simple lines and bold graphics to fool perspective and change your own architecture concepts.
17. Interactive installation by Leandro Erlich.
18. This is another art to get rid of your sense of coordination completely. Leandro Erlich, an artist from Argentina, gives an interactive experience to participants who get the illusion of sitting on the ledges of buildings. Known as the Dalston House, it allowed people young and old to experience the thrill of performing the wildest stunts while staying safe on the ground.

Optical Illusion - Illusion Pictures with Explanations

Do not take optical illusions seriously, trying to understand and solve them, it's just how our vision works. This is how the human brain processes visible light reflected images.
Unusual shapes and combinations of these pictures make it possible to achieve a deceptive perception, as a result of which it seems that the object is moving, changing color, or an additional picture appears.
All images are accompanied by explanations: how and how much you need to look at the picture in order to see something that is not really there.

For starters, one of the most talked about illusions on the web is the 12 black dots. The trick is that you can't see them at the same time. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon was discovered by the German physiologist Ludimar Herman in 1870. The human eye stops seeing the whole picture due to lateral inhibition in the retina.

These figures are moving at the same speed, but our vision tells us otherwise. In the first gif, four figures move at the same time until they are adjacent to each other. After separation, the illusion arises that they move along black and white stripes independently of each other. After the disappearance of the zebra in the second picture, you can make sure that the movement of the yellow and blue rectangles is synchronized.

Carefully look at the black dot in the center of the photo while the timer counts down 15 seconds, after which the black and white image will turn into color, that is, the grass is green, the sky is blue, and so on. But if you do not stare at this point (to cheer yourself up), then the picture will remain black and white.

Without looking away, look at the cross and you will see how a green spot will run along the purple circles, and then they will completely disappear.

If you look at the green dot for a long time, the yellow dots will disappear.

Stare at the black dot and the gray bar will suddenly turn blue.

If you cut a chocolate bar 5 by 5 and rearrange all the pieces in the order shown, then an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Do this trick with a regular chocolate bar and it will never run out. (Joke).

From the same series.

Count the players. Now wait 10 seconds. Oops! Parts of the picture are still the same, but one football player has disappeared somewhere!

The alternation of black and white squares in the four circles creates the illusion of a spiral.

If you look in the middle of this animated picture, then you will go down the corridor faster, if you look to the right or left, then more slowly.

On a white background, the gray stripe looks uniform, but as soon as the white background changes, the gray stripe immediately takes on many shades.

With a slight movement of the hand, the rotating square turns into randomly moving lines.

Animation is obtained by overlaying a black grid on the drawing. Before our eyes, static objects begin to move. Even the cat reacts to this movement.

If you look at the cross in the center of the picture, then peripheral vision will turn the starry faces of Hollywood actors into freaks.

Two pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. At first glance it looks like the tower on the right is leaning more than the one on the left, but the two pictures are actually the same. The reason lies in the fact that the human visual system considers two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photographs are not symmetrical.

In which direction does the subway train go?

This is how a simple change in color can make the picture come to life.

We look exactly 30 seconds without blinking, then we look at someone's face, object or another picture.

Warm-up for the eyes ... or for the brain. After rearranging the parts of the triangle, suddenly, there is free space.
The answer is simple: in fact, the figure is not a triangle, the "hypotenuse" of the lower triangle is a broken line. This can be determined by the cells.

At first glance, it seems that all the lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. The illusion was discovered by R. Gregory in the Wall Cafe (Wall) in Bristol. Therefore, this paradox is called "The wall in the cafe."

Stare at the middle of the picture for thirty seconds, then move your gaze to the ceiling or white wall and blink. Who did you see?

An optical effect that gives the viewer a false impression of how the chair is standing. The illusion is due to the original design of the chair.

English NO (NO) turns into YES (YES) using curved letters.

Each of these circles rotates counterclockwise, but if you fix your eyes on one of them, it will seem that the second circle rotates clockwise.

3D drawing on asphalt

In which direction does the ferris wheel rotate? If you look to the left, then clockwise, if you look to the left, then counterclockwise. Perhaps you will have the opposite.

It's hard to believe, but the squares in the center are motionless.

Both cigarettes are actually the same size. Just place two cigarette rulers on top and bottom of the monitor. The lines will be parallel.

Similar illusion. Of course, these spheres are the same!

The droplets sway and “float”, although in reality they remain in their places, and only the columns in the background move.

Plastic bottles terrify all environmentalists on our planet. The problem is that repeated use of this (seemingly) convenient device harms the body. How to be? The answer is simple - creativity. New Year's toys from old bottles will create incredible comfort. Making them will be as easy and pleasant as possible, and we will show and tell you how to make them with your own hands. Let's start with the video.

The easiest craft

For this craft you will need:

  • the bottom of the bottle;
  • paint / felt-tip pens / markers;
  • needle, thread, fishing line;
  • paper;
  • ribbon.

It is necessary to cut off the bottom of the bottle (you can take any volume). And then conjure over it: paint or leave the original color, decorate with snowflakes, make a hole and thread a fishing line on which the toy will hang on the Christmas tree. You can make a single design using the same fishing line. All this can be seen in the photo below. We have selected several master classes.

Balloons from a bottle

In this case, we just need to cut our bottle into strips. These strips should be the same length and width. They must be glued from one end, and then from the other in such a way that a future Christmas tree ball is obtained. This ball can be decorated in any way you like: - Metal Ox, so you can build on this, and also refer to traditional New Year's symbols (sequins, ribbons, red / green / gold colors, rain, cones, etc.).

Bottle bells

Bells in the form of a New Year's toy will decorate the Christmas tree with their presence. How to make them - you need the top of the bottle, because it is similar in shape. You will need paper, foil, paints, tinsel, fishing line, ribbons, glue. Part of the bottle must be wrapped with foil, fixed with glue (preferably instant fixation) and decorated with snowflakes, tinsel, etc.

One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

For this Christmas tree toy, you will need several bottles. Again, we take several upper parts, cut them into small strips, put them on top of each other. The lower part can serve as a base. They can be fixed with glue, but this is an optional item. Decorate with balls, beads or tinsel.

A few more ideas...

Bottle toys are only your imagination, which can be realized literally with your own hands. Any colors can be used. The shape is up to preference. It is not necessary to take small bottles, for example, you can make Santa Claus from a five-liter bottle (you can make a beard from plastic spoons). Covers can also become a Christmas tree toy. We've picked up a few ideas.

We offer to make Christmas decorations with your own hands from plastic bottles!

For a long time we have been waiting for the New Year holidays, when all the most cherished dreams come true. Therefore, it is worth thinking about such pleasant chores as: choosing the right outfit, creating a festive atmosphere and decorating the Christmas tree.

Many needlewomen are very fond of creating Christmas toys with their own hands, so I often use the simplest materials to create a new masterpiece: paper, felt, plastic bottles, etc. Combining them with sparkles, tinsel and bright decor, you can create an unusual and elegant Christmas tree decoration.

Due to the fact that these are made very easily, you can create more than one Christmas decoration with your own hands that will delight you and your loved ones. In order to make a craft, you will need:

  • 2 plastic bottles;
  • paints or markers;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • brush for drawing;
  • stationery knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First of all, you need to cut the bottom in each bottle. These blanks will be needed to make one toy.
  2. Now we take brushes and paint and draw a snowflake on the inside of each blank.
  3. After that, you can put tinsel, confetti, decorative balls or sparkles into the toy.
  4. Then we connect the two parts together using double-sided tape.
  5. In order to hide uneven lines, you will need a ribbon matched to the color of the paint used. It is best if you wind the ribbon in several layers and tie it in the shape of a bow. This way you will complete the top of the toy.
  6. Now the craft is almost ready and you can secure it with a paper clip, which must be bent in the shape of a hook.

Despite the fact that such toys are considered the easiest to make, they open up huge prospects for your imagination. This is a great way to teach your child new ways of decorating and create your own New Year's masterpiece.

Christmas balls

In order to make a Christmas tree toy in the form of a ball, you will need to take a plastic bottle from milk or water (it is desirable that the surface is transparent). Their shape is most suitable for creating this decoration.

Now let's prepare the following auxiliary tools:

  • dye;
  • sequins;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue.

First of all, you need to take a clerical knife and cut out four circles from the bottle (up to 1 cm wide), and then connect them into a ball. After that, you need to fasten them together with glue.

You can pinch them on both sides with clothespins to keep them from moving until the glue is completely dry. You can decorate the balls as you wish. For example, you can stick ribbons to the side faces or sprinkle them with lots of multi-colored sparkles. The main thing is that the result pleases you.

Chinese lantern decoration

Christmas decorations in the form of Chinese lanterns that you can make with your own hands will look very original. To do this, you will need the simplest materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • thin thread;
  • beads;
  • decorative elements (rhinestones, sequins, sparkles, etc.);
  • scissors.

It is worth noting that there are several options for creating this toy. Let's look at one of them:

  1. First you need to remove all unnecessary elements from the bottle (label, glue). This will be easier to do if you submerge it in water for a while.
  2. Now take a measuring tape and apply it to the top of the bottle. We mark points in a circle that should be located at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  3. Then, at any point, you need to attach a ruler and draw a small line down. And make the same marks at the bottom of the bottle, near the bottom.
  4. After that, we take the scissors and with rotating movements we make holes in each of the marks. You can also use an awl for this.
  5. Now we make cuts between the upper and lower marks that you previously made. Gently fold up each resulting strip. And then select the middle and make another fold.
  6. We take scissors and make holes in the middle of the bottom and cap of a plastic bottle.
  7. Now you need to take a pre-prepared bead and thread it into a thread or wire. Connect the free ends together. It is only very important that the bead is in the middle of the thread. To do this, you can fix its position by twisting the wire several times. Then we thread the ends of the wire through the hole on the bottom and stretch along the entire length of the bottle to the hole in the cap. After that, the lid can be screwed on. The remaining thread or wire can be used to create a loop to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.
  8. Marker marks can be removed with nail polish remover.

Turn on your imagination and decorate the plastic bottle toy as you please. The main thing is that your Christmas decoration is created with your own hands and with all your heart.

plastic garland

We have already seen that you don't need much for a festive atmosphere. And it is not necessary to spend big money on expensive New Year's toys and decorations. Continuing preparations for the New Year, we can create another Christmas tree decoration in the form of a garland of plastic bottles with our own hands. Such a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy made of plastic bottles can attract the attention of even the most demanding guests.

For this you will need:

  • electric garland;
  • plastic bottles;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

Process of creation:

  1. First, make sure that the LED garland you have chosen is working.
  2. Then lay it out on the floor to get an idea of ​​how many plastic bottles you will need to make the craft.
  3. After that, you need to cut off the bottom and cut a small hole in it to put the bulbs in it.
  4. Carefully connect the resulting parts with wire.
  5. As a result, you will get a beautiful flower garland!

There are several more options for do-it-yourself Christmas decorations from plastic bottles that will help you quickly decorate your house for the upcoming holiday.

Christmas tree decoration - pine cone

The cone toy will be a great addition to your holiday decor. To create one blank you will need:

  • dark brown plastic bottle (2 l) - 1 pc.;
  • green plastic bottle - 1 pc.;
  • patterns of each layer;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • large beads;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • marker.

Main stages of work:

  1. Before you get started, you need to prepare the available plastic bottles. You need to put them in soapy water and leave them there for a few hours. This is necessary in order to make it easier for you to clean it from the label and the adhesive layer.
  2. After the bottle dries, you need to cut off its neck and bottom. As a result, you should get an oblong cylinder, which we cut along one of the side faces.
  3. Now you need to take a marker and draw blanks of different sizes on the resulting rectangle - these will be the layers of our bump. Then we cut them out and make a hole in each with a red-hot awl, and in the smallest one (the core of the cone) - two. The wire will be threaded through these holes.
  4. Now you need to shape each part to get a more natural look of the product. To do this, you will need pliers, it will be more convenient for you to hold the “layer” with them, and an ordinary candle. We take each blank and hold it over the fire for several seconds. After that, the plastic will begin to wrap inward and acquire the necessary shape. We repeat these steps with the rest of the parts. It is worth noting that during heating, plastic can release harmful substances that are dangerous to our body. Therefore, do this step with the windows ajar.
  5. It's time to collect our bump. To do this, we take the wire and put each layer on it, starting with the largest.
  6. After you have secured the last piece, take a large bead and thread it through the center of the product. This will be our core. And now pass the wire along the same path, only in the opposite direction. Twist its outer ends to twist them together, we still need them.
  7. Now you need a green bottle. From it we will cut a blank resembling a twig. After that, bring it to the candle and process the edges. After that, you can attach it to the wire.
  8. From the remaining parts of the brown bottle, you need to cut a thin strip. Then we heat it with fire and begin to gradually wrap the wire with it. But if you don't succeed, then you can take some brown beads and decorate the wire with them.

In this article, we looked at the easiest ways to create Christmas decorations with our own hands, while using an economical material - a plastic bottle.