Paper plane fighter scheme. How to make a paper airplane (12 best schemes). simple origami airplane model

The technique of folding airplanes seems to be mastered by any child and adult. The simplest methods were passed down from parents to children. But there are also more complex models for making paper flying figures, which are known to a few. If you decide to expand your idea of ​​paper figures from childhood, you can see how to make paper planes, the diagrams are laid out just below.

To fold the figures, you do not need glue and additional materials. All you need to prepare is thick paper. If you have not yet encountered complex origami designs, then you should start with simple models.

simple origami airplane model

  1. Take an A-4 paper and fold it in half.
  2. Bend the top corners of the resulting rectangle to the center. Straighten the just folded triangles and fix.
  3. Wrap the obtuse corners of the resulting rhombuses back.
  4. Wrap two side corners back, forming a regular triangle.
  5. Bend the workpiece and unscrew the wings.
  6. Bend the tips of the wings and insert perpendicularly. You've got a fighter.

Paper fighters fly well, so you can launch your invention into the air.

To make it clear how each fold is performed, you can use the video "origami paper planes" that we attach to the article. You will be able to go through the process step by step with the master, comparing your work with his.

Using the origami technique, you can create flying planes. A simple design can also take to the air, but there are more impressive models that can take more than an hour to fold.

The coolest are those designs that evenly plan for a fairly long distance. So, for example, this paper airplane, despite its simplicity, pleases with its movements in the air.

Model of a simple paper airplane-stuntman

  1. Fold the square first horizontally, then vertically. Expand the sheet.
  2. Fold the top towards the center.
  3. Wrap the top corners, but do not connect in the center.
  4. Unfold the corners, forming a triangle.
  5. Bend the top of the triangle. Fold the design in half
  6. Wrap the right corner inward (step 7).
  7. Open the wings.

This is the instructions for folding the stunt plane. Launching such crafts into the air will bring pleasure to both children and adults. It makes intricate circles in the air and flies quite far.

Origami planes with good aerodynamics

In addition to airplane figures, there are also origami birds that are launched into the air.

  1. Fold the square sheet diagonally.
  2. Fold the resulting triangle in half.
  3. Open one triangle into a square and press.
  4. Turn the workpiece over and bend the corner into a rhombus.
  5. Make fold lines of the three corners of the rhombus: side and top.
  6. Peel off the top layer and press down.
  7. Turn the workpiece over and do the same on the reverse side.
  8. Bend the bottom corners of the diamond and connect them by putting the tips of one into the pocket of the other.
  9. Spread the upper triangles apart and fix. For children, it is very important that the craft perform some kind of action. Therefore, the product must have wings to stay in the air.
  10. Fold the top layer of the bottom corner up. Bend the nose down, then back up.
  11. Turn the workpiece over and form the tail.

Such a swallow will be able to perform a relatively short flight. But you and your kids will be enchanted by the paper birds game. Try to make a lot of swallows with your child and organize a large-scale flight to the south. The child will benefit from such an activity in many ways: the development of finger motor skills, physical activity during the game and strengthening relationships with parents. After the game, the crafts made can be hidden for the next time or presented to someone.

Video tutorials to help beginners

The paper fighter is just one of the many paper airplanes that children have loved and loved so much at all times. Their popularity has faded a bit in recent years, but boys 100 years ago and today equally love making paper and launching their crafts into the sky. And they make them literally from anything - wood, paper.

There are several options on how to make a fighter plane out of paper. Any of them can be made at home without involving any special tools or materials. All you need is plain paper and a few detailed instructions for making.

Origami - paper fighter

To make the easiest version of a do-it-yourself paper fighter, take a sheet of A4 or A5 paper and follow the scheme:

  1. First, bend its edges to the middle, then unfold the workpiece, bend the upper left corner to the central crease, repeat the same with the upper right corner.
  2. The angle obtained along the line must also be bent. Repeat the steps in the previous sentence, with the exception that the sides of the upper corners should not reach the center crease.
  3. To secure all the folded corners, you need to bend a small corner at the top. Now just bend the airplane so that the last triangle is on the outside. The fighter plane is ready.
Paper arrow plane

Such an aircraft is best made from a simple notebook sheet. Carefully consider the scheme, after which you can proceed to the manufacture of a fighter.

  1. First, just bend the sheet in half, bend both of its corners to the middle. Bend the paper again to the middle on both sides. Finish making the airplane as shown in the diagram.

As you can see, paper is one of the best materials for creativity. Even the simplest airplane is the embodiment of the art of origami, that is, paper crafts.

You can try your hand and skill at making more complex variants of fighters according to diagrams and videos. We offer you some instructions by which you can make interesting models of fighters.

The most famous Soviet MiG fighter aircraft

The name of the MiG series comes from the abbreviations for the names of the aircraft designers Mikoyan and Gurevich, who designed the first high-speed jet fighters in the Soviet Union.

The MiG 1 and MiG 3 were the first fighters to roll off the production lines. They made a colossal contribution to the victory in the war against the Nazi invaders. And after the war, the MiG 3 served as weapons for the air defense regiments for a long time.

MiG 15 is the first Soviet fighter with a swept wing. 18 thousand such aircraft were produced in the world, which in itself is a record among other jet fighters.

The MiG 19 became the world's first supersonic fighter in level flight. Over time, it was replaced by the MiG 21 - a multi-purpose fighter with a delta wing. He at one time became the most common supersonic combat aircraft in the world.

MiG 23 is another multirole fighter that can change the sweep of the wing. These aircraft had certain advantages over other Western-made fighters until the advent of their fourth generation.

MiG 25P became the basis for subsequent improved models, such as MiG 25PDSL, MiG 25PDZ, MiG 25M.

The MiG 29 and its modifications at one time reached the highest technical level and reliability and were delivered to 30 countries around the world.

The MiG 31 is not just a fighter, but an interceptor, supersonic and all-weather. It serves to intercept and destroy any air targets at any altitude. The maximum speed of such a fighter at an altitude reaches 3000 km / h.

An origami paper plane is a model of a fighter that flies. It flies surprisingly well. You can compete in flight distance with other flying models from your Victory Day collection.

0:04 Hello everyone!

0:08 Today I will show you how to make a jet fighter, F35 ,

0:13 This is one of the best paper airplanes I've ever made

0:18 This one flies really well, but 0:22 In order to make F35 , you need a print document.

0:26 This is letter size, 8.5 and 11 inches 0:298.5 and 11 inches 0:33 Let's start right now

0:36 First step 0:38 You have to fold the paper in half like this

0:50 and then you fold the paper in the handle again 1:01 next step,

1:02 fold the paper in the handle this way. 1:09 1:19 Open a newspaper

1:21 Start from this edge, fold it to this edge 1:23 fold it to this edge

1:47 and then, repeat the same step for the other side

1:51 I will fit this edge to this edge

2:02 You can use this 2:05 crease and this crease as a reference.

2:09 Just make sure all edges match 2:11 2:21 now I'll use

2:22 both hands to roll 2:27 fold this part at 2:31 and I will push this part down

2:35 just click on it hard 2:38 2:43 and i open this layer

2:47 just work on this layer starting from this edge

2:50 I fold it into the center crease. ok 3:03 now, i times is part of, use this edge

3:06 and and this edge as preferences. just once it. 3:09 Matched them! 3:17 and then I put that layer back

3:19 And then, I'll put this layer back 3:22 Fold this layer over here and I repeat the same step as I did before.

3:29 I'll match this edge to this edge 3:32 3:42 Then, I open this layer. OKay 3:46 Next step,

3:49 I'll start with this layers 3:52 I'll match this edge, which is to this edge 3:56 the top player

4:07should fit perfectly 4:09 you can use the angle here as a reference

4:13 just fold this edge to match this corner. 4:24 It looks like this, and...

4:28 Then I'll repeat the same step for another layer. 4:31 Then, I can use this edge as a preference

4:37 Just fold this part down 4:40 and this part down 4:42 4:47 So I put this one back 4:50 and then I need to make a wing

4:53 Actually it's a wing, OK 4:57 Just estimate about a quarter of an inch from now to now

5:01 and fold this part to create a wing

5:06 I fold this part to make the wings stronger. 5:09 5:13 and I repeat the same step for the other side.

5:24 I open this layer.

5:28 This is what I have so far! 5:32 Kay, next step, 5:35 I'll draw the paper 5:40 and then, I'll fold this part in

5:44 hold the wings. It's important that you 5:47 fold this part in (straighten your wings),

5:51 And He helps to balance the airplane Then I repeat the same step for this side

5:55 This is what you have so far! 6:02 It almost looks like being on a plane - F35

6:06 Next step, turn the paper 6:08 Next step, 6:12 I'll match this edge to this edge

6:15 OK, and you can use 6:21 this line here as a preference 6:24 ... do it slowly

6:28 match it like 6:31 see that, see that I match this edge and this edge.

6:34 this will create a straight line!

6:38 to the corner. Then, you will repeat the same step 6:43 for the other side. You macha this edge to this edge.

6:59 Now it will be easier! 7:02 Now it will be...

7:04 .... easier. Just hit this part at 7:15 next step, I'll match the wings

7:20 So we'll give you this edge to this edge. 7:28 Remember we have to fold both layers

7:30 because we have two layers here 7:33 I'm going to fold both layers to match... 7:37 to the edge.

7:46 7:50 then you repeat the same operation for the other side 8:15 So when I open

8:18 aircraft, you will be shaped like this.

8:29 Next step, 8:32 Do you need to make stabilizers 8:35 See this layer? , You just need to fold it...

8:38 create stabilizers 8:40 You see! 8:42 line here, I'm using it as a reference. 8:44 links!

8:49 Just fold it right into the corner. 8:56 Do the same step for the other side.

9:08 Actually, you can stop from here

09:11 Just curve the elevators up. 9:15 I mean take one more step for...

9:21 draw a space here. So you see this part

9:25 am here. This looks really weird! so we roll that part

9:29 of this in, like this. Fold that inch

9:34 Now repeat the same operation for the other side. 9:40 Okay, this is a difficult step. You press..

9:43 push this in. See how I do it? See this part? 9:49 Push her in like this.

9:55 and now I push this part 10:05 as you see here 10:11 Next I fold this part of the elevators down

10:15 just estimate about a quarter of that angle at this point. 10:21 Fold it down to make lifts stronger

10:25 and the paper plane looks more like an F35. 10:33 Ok, so

10:35 F35 will be completed. Now, I will show you how to fly an airplane and how to fly.

10:40 As you can see here, these are the elevators that help raise the plane....

10:45 raise the plane. You need 10:47 curve it up a little

10:49 If you curve it, the plane will take off. If you curve it, the plane will fly down.

10:55 In addition, this 10:56 is stabilized by 11:00 which control the direction of the aircraft as well.

11:05 If you fold it to the left 11:08 it will fly to the left. If you fold them to the right, the plane will

11:11 fly to the right. In addition, the wings

11:15 Sometime, you have to fold this part up a bit as well.

11:18 Or you have to curve it. So... 11:28 Here we go! This is F35

11:30 checked it out! If you like it, please subscribe and... as of 11:37 I will create more planes

11:39 Thank you for your attention! See you next time.

Everyone knows such a hobby as origami. In general, origami is called the art of folding a variety of paper figures. Today it is quite common, in addition, it is quite popular. The skill of this type of art is taught almost everywhere: in kindergarten, at school, in youth centers, in camps and sanatoriums - there are origami circles everywhere. There are even exhibitions and origami competitions for which worthy prizes are given. You can even learn this art thanks to the Internet, because now there are many sites where you can find special schemes, photos and training videos. Origami people know how to fold an animal or how to make a paper fighter.

History of origami

As you know, paper was discovered in China. From there, this entertaining hobby originates. Of course, then they didn’t even think about how to make a fighter out of paper. At the very beginning, origami was used exclusively for various rituals. It is also interesting that this type of art was available only to the upper classes, since the possession of the technique of this hobby indicated a good tone. This art came to Europe and America only after the Second World War. And later - to Russia. Over time, origami was replenished with new figures and patterns, and its popularity grew. In general, there are many Japanese names in the history of origami, but Akira Yoshizawa is considered one of the main ones. This Japanese master made a very important contribution to the art of origami.

Origami Art Rules

Today in origami there are several types of folding figures. If you pay attention to the classic version of this art, then here the figures should be made up of a square sheet of paper. At the same time, there is a certain set of conventional signs, with the help of which a diagram of the folding of a particular figure is drawn. As for these signs, most of them were introduced by a famous Japanese master back in the middle of the twentieth century. In addition, the origami sheet must be evenly colored, and the process itself eliminates the use of glue and scissors. Some craftsmen translate the word "origami" as "paper and hands", that is, folding paper figures with their hands, and therefore categorically refuse to use any materials at hand (scissors, glue, pins).

How to make a fighter?

Almost everyone knows the simplest paper folding scheme for an ordinary airplane. And not everyone knows how to make a paper fighter. As a rule, there are very different schemes for folding aircraft, but such an aircraft does not always fly well, which is why children are often upset. There is a correct scheme with which you can accurately show your child how to make a fighter out of paper that flies well.

So, all you need is one rectangular paper sheet to make a paper fighter. There are different schemes, but, as a rule, they differ little from each other. So, first you need to lay the sheet vertically, and outline the middle of the sheet by folding it in half. Then you should fold the upper corners of the sheet to this middle and fix it with smoothing movements with your hands. Next, you need to bend the resulting acute angle down (so that it becomes lower by about 3-4 cm). After that, the resulting wings should be bent again to the middle. Then you need to turn the plane towards you “face” and bend its “nose” up already. If you did everything right, then this "nose" should bend very easily. After that, it is necessary to mark about 2-3 cm in different directions from the middle of the fighter and bend the wings according to the marks obtained. Finally, you need to bend the so-called stabilizers, which are located on the edge of the aircraft. This is where your paper origami craft is ready. The fighter can be decorated with a variety of icons. For example, it can be red stars. So you got a decent answer to the question of how to make a paper fighter.

Origami today

Now this entertaining hobby is full of various types of figure folding technologies, various schemes, which are divided into easy, medium and complex according to the degree of implementation. The so-called well developed. In this variety of this art, the figures are assembled from several other separate parts, which are also called modules. Each such module is made up of a sheet of paper, rectangular or square - depending on the scheme.

Many of us (yes, almost all of us!) folded paper airplanes as children. But until now, not all moms and dads know that they were doing aerogs, one of the branches of origami. In Japanese, by the way, it will not be aerogami at all, but kami hikoki - kami \u003d paper, hikoki \u003d airplane. So today we present to you the 12 most popular models of kami hikoki - paper airplanes that are ready to bravely cut through the expanses of the ocean of air and will undoubtedly delight your children!

Glider #1

Glider #2

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

The use of paper to create toys is believed to have started 2,000 years ago in China, where kites were invented. The modern paper airplane, according to one of the most popular versions, was invented (yes, yes, that's right!) In 1930 by Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas while building real airplanes.

"Silk" (Silke)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

"Drake" (Canard)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

In 1989, Andy Chipling founded the Paper Aircraft Association, and in 2006 the first paper airplane launch championship was held. Competitions are held in three disciplines: the longest distance, the longest planning and aerobatics - the performance of aerobatics by paper models.


(Click on diagram to enlarge)

However, there are also commercial competitions. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Red Bull Paper Wings. The last world championship was held in Austria, the designers competed in three categories: "aerobatics", "flight range" and "flight duration".

"Gomez" (Gomez)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Numerous attempts to increase the time the paper airplane stays in the air from time to time lead to the taking of the next barriers in this sport. Ken Blackburn held the world record for 13 years (1983-1996) and got it again on October 8, 1998, by throwing a paper plane indoors so that it stayed in the air for 27.6 seconds. This result was confirmed by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records and CNN reporters. The paper airplane used by Blackburn can be classified as a glider.

"Locked" (Locked)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Although it is believed that light paper airplanes fly farther than heavy ones, this claim is disputed by Blackburn. Blackburn's plane, which broke the world record in 1983, was designed on the assumption that the best planes have short wings and are "heavy" during the launch phase when a person tosses them into the air. Although longer wings and lighter weight would seem to help the airplane achieve longer flight times, such a paper plane cannot be thrown high. According to Blackburn, "to achieve maximum altitude and a good transition to gliding flight, the throw must be carried out with a deviation from the vertical of no more than 10 degrees."