Joint craft with children on March 8

When something is done with your own hands, it acquires individual features. How an artist puts a particle of the soul, leaving it in each of his paintings, how a writer shares his inner world. Such things immediately acquire their own unique features, their own aura, which makes them priceless. Consider what crafts for March 8 do it yourself, the most beautiful you can do.

Purchased surprises do not have such an aura, because they are made by faceless craftsmen for the masses. That's why mothers usually keep their children's crafts, the first postcards, plasticine figurines, sewn toys. Albeit crooked and simple, but truly priceless.

You can please loved ones not only in childhood. It is worth remembering how they worked in the garden, then at school, marveling at the simplicity of making many things. Why not apply the acquired skills, at the same time expand knowledge, because crafts and on March 8, the most beautiful do-it-yourself crafts will certainly please loved ones.

Why not purchased?

Indeed, in stores you can always find a dozen different gizmos for any, even the most demanding taste. Caskets, various candles, soft toys, interior items or vases - depending on what is more to the liking of a loved one. And buy a gift much faster. Choose the one you like and take it to the packaging department, it is beautifully wrapped there.

It remains to take a postcard, inscribe it. This can be done for the sake of a friend or colleague, but you want to please a loved one especially strongly. Of course, you can take something with humor, for example, a funny T-shirt or order a mug with a recognizable image, let it remain a memory. But why not try crafts for March 8 with your own hands?

Any thing made by hand is unique. She has her own character, appearance, she carries a particle of the master who made her, and this turns even a simple little thing into a priceless surprise;

For crafts, improvised material is used, so manufacturing will not become costly, especially since gifts are what you planned anyway;

A great opportunity to learn something new, at the same time to make several different crafts for loved ones, thus solving the “gift issue”;

By the way, an interesting idea: to make several identical or slightly different gizmos that will connect, for example, a circle of close friends as a sign of friendship or sisters. Previously, they gave halves of medallions to their halves - a heart divided into parts, a half of a circle. Now you can do any things that are somehow interconnected with each other, filling the gift with deep meaning. So family members are reminded of the blood connection, and friends are reminded of the strength of friendly ties.

A handmade gift is more likely to remain as a keepsake, most of the small things bought “once” are thrown away, others are simply used and when they run out, they are also sent to the trash (for example, gift shampoos or bath accessories). And a souvenir made by a loved one is kept for years.

Quilling - craft technique

Curious style, more like a beautiful folding of long ribbons. Here you will need paper cut into ribbons, good glue and instructions. With quilling, you can make any figure, the main thing is to firmly fix it later so that it does not turn around. A good technique for making, paintings, cardboard frames. The figures are voluminous, they look interesting.

For convenience, you can take corrugated paper or several colored sheets so that the finished drawing does not remain just white. Corrugated paper is softer, then it holds its shape better, and plain paper is more diverse in colors. The only thing is that the figurine will be completely the same color, as can be seen from the diagrams.

To make a beautiful postcard, you will need a durable cardboard background, pre-decorated. Quilling is beautifully complemented by flat drawings, figurines like a flower from the proposed version of the postcard. March 8 themes for postcards - flowers, birds, beautiful bouquets.

Create a postcard:

The choice of cardboard for the base;
PVA or a good glue stick so that the quilling figures "take";
Selecting a background image;
The choice of quilling figures;
Production of smooth paper multi-colored strips;
Twisting and gluing them.

By the way, it is better to fill the inside of the postcard before gluing the three-dimensional figures, otherwise it will not be very convenient to write later.

Take bright, beautiful colors, choose the recipient's favorite shades. After all, this is a spring holiday, the arrival of the long-awaited warmth. And do not skimp on good wishes!

Sometimes a beautiful drawing is enough for congratulations if it is made by hand. The recipient will understand the hidden meaning.

You can start with simple figures, over time complicating the overall configuration. As you can see, quilling allows you to make a variety of compositions.

Casket and quilling

There is no need to limit yourself to a postcard when you can make a real wonderful surprise, like a jewelry box. Any woman has a lot of small things, which sometimes have nowhere to put. And they just accumulate in boxes or drawers, sometimes it is simply impossible to find the right thing there. The box will be a great and useful gift.

What will be required:

Paper is thick but easy to fold;
Ruler to measure the length;
Good glue, PVA is better, quilling tools;
Paper bags.

Operating procedure:

Cut paper bags into even, even thin strips. Consider first the shape of the box, its size and colors. Under this, select packages. For example, if you need white, take white paper if there are no white bags. It also needs to be cut into strips. For one craft you need a lot of stripes, do not skimp.

Next, from thick, good cardboard (this is the future bottom of the box, ordinary cardboard is unlikely to work, so that later the recipient can put different things there and the bottom can withstand the weight) cut out the template evenly and beautifully. It is not necessary to make a rectangular or square box. If this is a heart, look at the dimensions of approximately 10 wide (5 on each side) and 8.5 cm long.

Taking the tools, twist tight rolls from the stored paper. These are the edges of the bottom - glue each roll to keep its shape, then glue them together to go around the contour of the bottom.
You will get 3 separate ready-made layouts.

Next, twist 6 rolls, put one on top of the other and connect with glue. You will get 3 identical columns of 2 rolls each - glue them alternately from below, then on the base, from above. For example, a heart box.

Now it's time to take brown stripes. Twist others, S - already shaped rolls, more voluminous. Fill one of the ready-made heart shapes with them, gluing them - the lid is ready. Do not fill it with the same rolls, even with the same color, the twisting pattern will turn out to be different.

Now it's time to decorate the sides of the box. Place the remaining free third frame on top of the bottom, gluing it to the tops of the three columns. And the remaining free space must be filled with rolls. You can make an unusual one on March 8.

Beautiful little things from simple disposable spoons

These are sold at any grocery or hardware store. Large and small, often white. Disposable spoons are not too dense, bend easily, but hold their shape well and are easy to stick. True, the paint does not hold too much, so when choosing patterns for spoons, it is better to use their native, white color. A pleasant surprise - a postcard.

What will be required:

Several spoons;
Cardboard sheet;
Paint, if you plan to paint the background or immediately choose the cardboard of the desired color;
Glue, PVA is best, it “takes” well.

Operating procedure:

You can vary the shape of the spoons to make the flower more interesting. To do this, cut off the tops of the spoons and cover them with a cloth, walk with a heated iron, light pressure is enough.
Pick something for the middle of the future flower. You can lay out a circle of sequins, or find a round, already unnecessary decoration, cut out a regular cardboard circle or draw a circle.
Cover 2 spoons with green paint and cut the edges, giving them the shape of sheets.

Now it's time to collect the postcard. Carefully glue the PVA on each part, holding for a couple of minutes so that the glue “takes”.

The stalk can also be cut out of another cardboard or drawn on it. By the way, before designing, take care of the internal content so that the voluminous cover does not interfere with writing later. Inside it is easier to decorate with a flat pattern, let only the outer part be voluminous.

In addition to a simple flower, any figures can be made from spoons, you only need a thermal gun if you attach them from the edge. For example, to collect a white Christmas tree or ... a beautiful water lily, which like to mysteriously sway on the surfaces of reservoirs or swamps under the croaking of frogs.

swamp lily

True, it will take a lot of spoons, each is a petal of the future flower, the more they turn out, the more beautiful and voluminous the lily will become. Therefore, take a couple of dozen at once, both large and small.

Cardboard - take green, it is needed for the petals under the water lily.

Frog figurine - to complement the already finished composition. It's better to take a toy.

Operating procedure:

Carefully cut all spoons to the shoulders. The beginning of the water lily will be small spoons, they are tightly glued together with a thermal gun. Hold each detail, wait until the glue "grabs" and adding new details, look at the state of the structure so that the lily does not fall apart later.

Spoons for the following parts of the water lily need to be cut a little more, leaving a little from the stem.
The middle of the future flower can be decorated with yellow plastic - for example, cut pieces from a yellow cup. You need to cut it with a fringe in a circle.

It is more difficult to monitor the integrity of the flower structure and its overall shape. When finished with the water lily itself, carefully glue it to the green cardboard base, after cutting out the leaf. A lizard or frog would be a nice addition. Ready!

Photos of new handmade crafts are published here. You will find new gift ideas for mom, grandmother, sister, girlfriend, as well as master classes with a step-by-step description of the work. They will help you make original crafts for exhibitions and competitions in kindergarten and school. You can send your work We are waiting for your photos of 2019! The most beautiful pictures will be published on the site, the authors will receive diplomas.

From paper

What can you give on March 8 to your mother, girlfriend, school teacher, kindergarten teacher? For example, a beautiful bouquet that will never wither. Or an original handmade postcard. Making such gifts will bring the joy of creativity to their creator, and the result will please loved ones.


"Crocuses" as a gift to the teacher. Trotsky Anna.
The flowers are made of yellow corrugated paper with green leaves, glued to a skewer. .

"Unfading Bouquet". Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
I present to your attention a bouquet of flowers.
For a flower, you will need 5 squares of the same size (4 - 6 cm) and a skewer wrapped in corrugated paper.
The number of flowers depends on the size of the vase. I have added other types.
You can dilute the bouquet with flowers that you like.

Video how to make such paper flowers:

More souvenirs and crafts for the exhibition at the elementary school:

"Flowers for Mom" Maryukhno Uliana.
Double-sided paper flowers are folded using the origami technique, corrugated trim.

"Glade of Flowers". Shvets Karina, 9 years old.
The picture is made of paper. The background is printed, the rainbow is made of triangular modules. Flowers appliqué technique with beads.

"Lily". Swedish Karina, 8 years old.
Made of paper in the form of a ball. .

Video, step by step:

"For you, dear." Korshunov Ivan.
Basket with . Material: paper, cotton buds, toothpicks, polyurethane foam.

"Bouquet for grandma" Abramova Varvara Sergeevna
Roses and petals are made from colored paper. A jar of toothpicks was taken as the basis of the vase, covered with plasticine, then millet. Covered with nail polish.

Video how to make paper roses step by step:

Topiary "Spring mood". Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna
The topiary is made in the technique "

"Holiday Tea" Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna
A decorative teapot for tea bags and a cupcake for sweet "surprises" are made of cardboard and wrapping paper.

"Spring mood". Trofimova Polina, 5 years old. Cherepanova Anastasia, 14 years old.
Our work is made of paper napkins and tree branches. It is necessary to pour a tree branch with plaster in a pot. Made to stick to a ball of paper or foam. Decorate with braid.

"Forget-me-nots for mom." Gritsenko Oleksandra, 6 years old.
The work is made of paper in the form of a ball, flowers are cut out of different sizes and glued to the base.

"Alice's Bouquet". Alice Tokar.
Flowers are folded using the origami technique as in pieces.

Applications with voluminous flowers -.

"Magic Flower" Bilokoz Dasha.
In the origami technique from squares, bend the sides to the middle, and then cut off the top corner of the part.

"Souvenir for Mom" Swedish Karina, 9 years old.
The work is made in the form of a figure eight triangular modular paper. Decorated with flowers and decorative stones.

"Vase with Flowers". Solodovnik Igor.
The vase is made of felt, paper flowers are glued onto a cardboard base. A simple and beautiful handmade gift.

"Flowers for Mom" Sementsova Natalia.
Paper application.

"A bouquet for a sweet mother." Mingulova Milana.
Corrugated paper, bamboo sticks.

"Blooming tree". Maryukhno Maria.
The tree is made using the applique technique. The flowers are glued together with several layers of curly circles. Centers in flowers - stripes are wound and glued.

"Callas". Datsynka Veronica.
Bouquet made of paper. Flowers are bent squares. The middle is a yellow twisted paper that is glued to the middle of the flower. Decorated bouquet in wrapping paper.

"Bouquet of flowers". Vinogradova Arina.
The work is made of colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads.

Vase with Flowers. Polyakov Elizar, 9 years old, student of the 3rd grade of the Sharapov school of the Chekhov city district. Class teacher Aksenkina Olga Borisovna.

Flowers are made of colored paper. Mimosa with small pom-poms made of yellow threads.

"Flowers in a vase. Corrugated Paper Hyacinths. Senior group No. 5 MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk. Educator Kochurova G.V.

"Girl spring". Collective work of the circle "Paper world".
The girl's face is drawn with a pencil, the flowers are cut out of paper, glued together and glued to her hair.

Minin Alexander Sergeevich.
The craft was made in kindergarten on the theme: "Souvenir shop".
Wicker is painted with green gouache. Flowers from colored paper and PVA glue.

"Spring flowers". Filatova Maria.
The work "Spring Flowers" is made in the "paper-plastic" technique, the material used is crepe paper, lilac and green, braid, ceramic vase, skewers, toothpicks.

"Gifts for beloved mothers." Chamomile group.
The children decided to please their mothers and prepared bouquets of flowers from colored paper.

"Flowers". Kochekova Irina Vasilievna
The work is made of colored paper using origami technique.

Video how to make origami paper snowdrops:

"Vase with daffodils". Kartoeva Rayana, 10 years old.
For work it took: corrugated paper, cup, gypsum, cocktail tubes, ribbon.

"Bouquet of crocuses" Elena Batrakova.
The flowers are made from candy and crepe paper. The basket is made of a reel of adhesive tape and corrugated paper, decorated with a ribbon.

"For lovely ladies." Pavlikova Dasha.
Bouquet of paper. Flowers are made in the form of corrugated hearts glued to a skewer.


Beautiful handmade cards - it's very cute! Here you can apply any technique - drawing, scrapbooking, quilling, add elements from fabric or foamiran. You will get beautiful 3D postcards.

"Postcard - handbag." Timofeeva Ulyana, 10 years old.
The base of the postcard is made in the origami technique, decorated with quilling flowers and decorative elements (lace napkin, glue half-beads, satin ribbon, paper twigs).
In such a handbag you can put a greeting card and a small sweet surprise!

A camera made of sweets and a can of coffee -

From tapes

"The Box of Family Values". Hut Karina.
Multi-colored satin ribbons, adhesive tape base, decorative elements.

Video from YouTube, how to make a box from a reel of tape and satin ribbons:

"Bouquet for Mom" Novgorodov Kirill.
The work was done in atlas.

Master class "Eight from ribbons" -.

"Sunflower". Military Misha.
Fake from ribbons and coffee beans.

"Stand for pencils." Lazarenko Violetta 10 years old.
For work it was required: paper towel sleeves, cardboard, green and purple ribbon, glue, rhinestones for decoration, ladybugs for decoration, origami flowers.

Two more master classes on crafts from ribbons were prepared by Elizaveta Dranichnikova.

Souvenir magnet "Basket with tulips»

Necessary materials:

  1. Beige felt - 12*10 cm.
  2. Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) pink, blue, yellow and green - 50 cm each.
  3. Magnet.
  4. Decorative flower - 1 pc.
  5. Satin ribbon (width 0.5 cm) - 15 cm.
  6. Ribbon for decorating the edges of the basket.
  7. Lighter or candle.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Thermal gun + rods.
  10. Basket template (print on plain paper).
  11. Cardboard for the base.

So, draw or take a basket template from the Internet. Circle on cardboard. Cut it out.

We transfer the cardboard blank to the felt. We will need two copies of felt baskets.

Baskets are ready. A little later we will glue them together. Now we need to make flowers to see how many pieces will go into our holiday basket. To do this, take a satin ribbon (5 cm wide). Mark the squares 5 * 5 cm. For one flower, we need 3 squares. In total, up to 11 tulips can be placed in a basket.

Fold the square in half diagonally. Hold the edges with tweezers.

We fold again, connecting the lower and upper corners.

And in half again.

Cut off the bottom end. We work with fire. Then we also glue the back of the leaflet with the help of a lighter (having trimmed it with scissors beforehand). We turn out the petal.

Glue the felt to the base on both sides. We decorate the edges with braid.

We prepare leaves for our multi-colored tulips. Take a green satin ribbon (5 cm tire). Prepare pieces 6 cm long.

Cut each piece in half vertically.

Fold along. Cut diagonally and glue the edges with fire.

Take petals of the same color. Apply glue first to the inside side of the leaflet. Attach the second leaflet. Then glue the third leaf, closing the bud. We glue the edges of the first and third leaflet. It turns out a tulip bud. Lubricate the lower part of the bud with glue and place it in a green leaf.

We place the buds in a basket. First and second side by side. To give a more spring mood, you can add a decorative butterfly.

From a satin ribbon (0.5 cm wide) we make a loop, glue it in the center. Glue a flower or a half-bead to the center of the bow. We decorate our spring basket with tulips with a bow.

We glue a magnet on the reverse side and our souvenir is ready by March 8! A fridge magnet in the form of a basket with tulips will be a wonderful gift for any representative of the beautiful half of humanity!

Painting in the technique of kanzashi "Spring mood"

A master class on how to make a beautiful panel with flowers from ribbons as a gift on March 8. The craft is simple, accessible to beginners, but children should do it together with adults, since the edges of the ribbon must be scorched on fire.

Necessary materials:
1. Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) of at least 7 colors - 50 cm of each color.
2. Green satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm) - 2 meters.
3. Stamens (different shades) - 8-10 threads.
4. The basis for the picture (white cardboard, plastic, etc.) - A3, A4 format.
5. Braid for edging (in the absence of a frame) - for the entire perimeter.
6. Centers (half beads) for flowers - 7-10 pieces.
7. Decorative element (plastic, wood) "Ladybug" - 1 pc.
8. Decorative element "Butterfly" - 1 pc.
9. White felt or fabric for cross-stitching - 20 * 20 cm.
10. Scissors.
11. Thermal gun + rods.
12. Lighter.

Take felt or embroidery fabric, cut out 7 circles (diameter 3 cm). The number of circles depends on the number of flowers in the picture.

Cooking petals. There should be enough of them. Take a green satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm). Cut into strips 5.5 cm long.

Fold each strip in half. Cut out the petal shape. Work the edges with fire, forming folds.

We connect the edges at the bottom of the petal with a hot gun (hot glue). Leaves are ready.

Let's start manufacturing flower petals. Take a satin ribbon (5 cm wide). Cut into 5x5cm squares.

Fold the square in half diagonally, wrong side inward.

Fold in half again.

We cut off the ends and solder with fire. This is how the leaf should look like.

For each flower, we need 11 petals.

On a felt circle, starting from the center, glue the petals.

Now take three strands of stamens. Fold them in half. Apply some glue to the bottom of the threads. Twist to secure the shape.

On the reverse side of the flower (on felt) glue the stamens. In the center of each flower we place the middle (bead, half-bead, cabochon).

We prepare all the flowers in this way.

Begin picture decoration. Glue 3 green leaves in the lower right corner. Pay attention to the fact that we apply glue to the bottom of the leaflet. We need the top one to glue the next leaf under it.

We place the first flower.

We add leaves and flowers in a checkerboard pattern, forming a bouquet.

Here is a bouquet. The more greenery, the richer our flower arrangement will look.
Glue on the ladybug. It is possible to the lower edge, you can plant your favorite insect on one of the flowers.

We make a frame around the perimeter of the picture.

It seemed to me that there were few flowers, and I cut out 2.5 * 2.5 cm squares from a 2.5 cm wide lilac ribbon.

I stitched the middle with a thread and pulled it off in the center. It turned out another petal, but for another flower.

We form a couple more flowers. Glue on the butterfly.

Our picture is ready. Such a gift is perfect for any spring holiday and will decorate the interior.

"Flowers for Mom" Sugatov Nikita.
The work is made of tights, violet leaves are painted with acrylic paints for fabric.

Video how to make beautiful flowers from nylon and wire:

"Cosmetic bag for a friend." Popova Svetlana.
Crochet, ribbon embroidery.

Thread, embroidery

Tulip for mom. Master Class

I will give a holiday
Mommy tulips -
slender, beautiful,
Like a mom's smile!

Material for making a tulip:

  • and green
  • Boxed and plain cardboard
  • skewer,
  • sewing pins,
  • Files or bags
  • PVA glue,
  • Hot glue,
  • Scissors,
  • Stationery knife,
  • Pencil,
  • Ruler,
  • Brush.

Description of the work in stages

On ordinary cardboard, draw flower and leaf patterns with a pencil, cut them out. Photo 1, 2, 3

Draw a 16x16 cm square and a 17x4 cm rectangle on box cardboard. Cut out the shapes.
Put the square and rectangle in a file or bag. Wrap the square tightly with pink threads. Apply PVA glue to the threads with a brush, let the glue dry. Photo 4

Wrap the rectangle with green threads. Apply PVA glue to the threads and let the glue dry. Photo 5

When the glue dries, cut the threads on the side and remove the cardboard. Threads are best cut with a clerical knife or scissors with thin ends. Photo 6

It turned out 2 pink squares and 2 green rectangles. Photo 7, 8

Attach cardboard templates to the squares and rectangles of thread with pins.
Cut out all the tulip blanks. Photo 9

Glue the rose petals together with hot glue. It turned out a small and a large flower.
Glue a small flower into a large one. Glue the skewer with green threads (the skewer can be completely smeared with PVA glue or only the ends), you get a tulip stem. Glue the flower onto the stem. Photo 10

Stick the leaves on the stem. Photo 11

Pale pink tulip for mom is ready.

"Cache-pot for flowers". Puzynin Maxim.
Twine, wire, flowers.

"Gift for Mom" Sorokin Artyom.
Corrugated paper roses. Bicycle parts are wrapped with colored thread.

"Bouquet for Mom" Kalinina Karina.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"Gift for Mom" Sheshukova Ulyana.
The pillow is made of viscose fabric, decorated with embroidery and cross-stitching.

"For my beloved mother." Ledyaev Alexander.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"The sun of good mood for my mother." Malyshev Artyom, 10 years old, Serpukhov - 15.

To make such a cute sun you will need:
1. Yellow cardboard in the shape of a circle - 2 pcs.
2. Yellow threads - two shades.
3. Rhinestones and pom pom for eyes and nose.
4. red fabric for a smile.
5. Glue "moment", scissors.

I hope my sunshine will cheer you up!

"Polar Owl" and "Summer Mix" in. Galina Egorova.

From foamiran

Peony for mom. Mingazova Vilena.
Foamiran, skewer, glue, stamens, wire, corrugated paper.

"Spring Bouquet" Popova Svetlana.
Crocuses from foamiran.

From beads

Beading is a popular type of needlework, and beaded gifts turn out just wonderful! By March 8, you can weave flowers or jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches).

"Violets". Troshkina Elena, 11 years old.

Mom's Magnet. Grichukh Polina.
The work is woven from beads on a wire.

"Unforgettable gift for Mom!". Cherepanova Anastasia.
My work is made of colorful beads, several sticks, a small container, wire and thread. The petals themselves are made of beads of different colors, and the stems are made of wooden sticks wrapped with green thread. A beautiful vase came out of an ordinary container, which I decorated with knitting threads and adorned with a couple of beads.

How to make simple beaded flowers:

"A flowerbed of beaded flowers." Motina Svetlana Sergeevna
I made the work "Beaded flower bed" from beads. I congratulate all women on the holiday of March 8.

A set of beads and a phone case. Olga Zakharova.

From fabric

"Tulips". Petrova Ekaterina.
Cotton fabric, filler.

Felt phone case by Olga Zakharova.

"Grandma in the window" Garkushin Nikita.
Souvenir for March 8 is made of nylon, ice cream sticks, fabric.

Magnet - frame with photo "Carriage" -

"Cat". Yanysheva Daria.
Viscose napkin, synthetic winterizer, acrylic paints.

See also: " DIY toys«

Pupa. Galina Egorova.
For the manufacture of the doll, materials were needed: dark and light cotton fabric for clothes; for the manufacture of the head - a square of white cotton fabric (coarse calico) and a synthetic winterizer for stuffing the head. Multi-colored ribbons, ribbons, rhinestones, lace, red thread - "iris" for constricting doll details. Be sure to wrap the body three times with a red thread, making a Cross. Another main element is a braid of three colors - dark, red, white.

Hello dear friends!

The long-awaited spring will come very soon, which means that the most women's holiday is approaching - March 8th. And as a rule, in every kindergarten they prepare a congratulatory matinee for mothers, grandmothers and sisters, on which the child gives a gift in the form and crafts made with his own hands for his beloved and dear women! And these gifts are made with the children - educators, they help to make wonderful works for the kids, which will undoubtedly move them to tears, of course, tears of joy of their mothers.

And I have prepared an interesting selection of beautiful crafts for different kindergarten groups, choose and create beauty, and this selection of ideas will also be relevant for mothers who want to make crafts with their children for a gift to their grandmother, kindergarten teacher, aunts and sisters.

Choose the most beautiful work and create with pleasure with your crumbs, as well as do not forget to cook delicious food for the holiday together.

Craft for March 8 in kindergarten from plasticine and corrugated paper

Of course, a bouquet of tulips will be the most appropriate gift on this day.

We will need:

  • plasticine (the old one is quite suitable);
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • plastic spoons - 9 pieces;
  • disposable cup;
  • corrugated green paper;
  • red and white paper napkins.

Stages of work:

We form a large layer of plasticine and place it inside the glass. So that the bottom is completely closed.

We cut the napkin into two parts. As a result, we get two red two-layer squares. We coat one of them with glue. First around the edges, then in the middle. This must be done very carefully, otherwise the square will simply break.

We place a plastic spoon on a napkin, diagonally.

For a whole flower, you need to make three such petals.

We roll a small ball from plasticine so that it can fit inside the spoon. If you are using new plasticine, you will need about half a brick to make a ball.

We put a plasticine ball into one of the petals.

Thus we attach two more petals. We have one tulip. Remember to fix the bud near the beginning of the handle.

Now let's start making the stem of the flower. Cut out a small strip of corrugated paper and coat it with glue.

We wrap the handles of spoons with paper. We start from the place where we tied our bud.

The red tulip is ready. Thus, we make two more flowers: red and white. Then we decorate them with leaves and insert them into a previously prepared glass vase.

A bouquet of tulips is ready. Here are a couple of similar ideas:

Making paper flowers for mom

Very light bouquet of flowers. Such a bright gift will be loved by small children.

We will need:

  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue for paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • double-sided colored paper.

For the grass, we will take 2 green leaves. And for colors - any tones you like.

Stages of work:

Let's make the base first. Fold the green paper in half. We measure 6 cm from the opposite edge of the paper fold and draw a line.

Carefully cut perpendicular strips. From the fold line to where we drew the very first stripe. We make another, exactly the same, blank.

In order not to see the remaining lines of a simple pencil, we turn the sheets of paper to the opposite side. Then we glue our blanks into one canvas.

Lubricate one of the uncut edges with glue. And add the other side to it. As a result, we get green grass. As we already remember, pencil marks remained inside.

We twist the paper grass in the form of a small flower bed. We glue the outer edge so that the structure does not turn back. Now we straighten it and make it more magnificent.

Let's start making flowers. You can just cut them out. But if you want them to be the same size, make a template.

We draw a flower, cut it out and circle it according to the template. As a result, we get twelve flowers.

In order for the circle to be even, take the cap of the glue stick and circle it with a pen.

Now cut out the centers and glue them to the flowers.

Let's make a bow to decorate the bouquet. To do this, cut out four yellow stripes. One: 1.5 cm wide and 30 cm long. And three more: 1 cm wide and 15-20 cm long.

We coat the largest strip well with glue and glue it to the middle of the base of the flower bed. This will be the ribbon of the future bow.

We take one of the remaining strips and coat its edges. And now we bend them to the middle, a little overlap. So we do with two more stripes.

Next, re-grease the middle of the bows and stick them on top of each other. As a result, we have a beautiful yellow bow. Glue it to the yellow strip. In conclusion, we glue the previously prepared flowers.

Here is another version of this craft, but with the addition of leaves.

Do-it-yourself gift for March 8 for the second junior group

Even the smallest children can make such a simple flower.

We will need:

  • cardboard sleeve from toilet paper;
  • glue stick;
  • a flower made of red cardboard;
  • two green sheets of paper;
  • green marker;
  • scissors;
  • a strip of green paper (in order to wrap the sleeve).

Stages of work:

Let's start gluing the green strip. It should be slightly wider than the sleeve itself. 1.5 cm on each side.

Lubricate the green paper with glue. We settle the sleeve on it and wrap it. Now we bend the paper on both sides, inside the sleeve.

Now we decorate the leaves. To do this, with a green felt-tip pen, draw veins on them. Then we bend each leaf, about 1.5 cm.

We coat the folded corner with glue, on the front side of the leaf, and attach it to the green stem. We make an incision above the leaves, about 1 cm on each side.

We insert a red flower into the resulting incisions. If you dream up a little, you can get such interesting options for this craft.

We make a lily from cotton pads in the kindergarten by March 8, 2019

And here I also found a simple option for creating a volumetric application, children of the middle and younger groups will cope with this work. According to this principle, you can make callas, they also turn out to be very beautiful!

Salt dough craft for older children

And of course, do not forget about crafts from salt dough. Today we will make these flowers. Even a child can make them.

We will need:

  • salty dough;
  • tassel;
  • watercolor.

Stages of work:

First you need to prepare the dough. Mix: A glass of flour, half a glass of salt and the floor. glass of water. We mix everything well. The dough should come out soft and plastic, but it should not stick to your hands.

For little children, modeling from salt dough is much easier than from plasticine. After all, it does not need to be kneaded in your hands for a long time to warm it up.

Do not forget to put the dough in a bag so that it does not dry out.

Now let's start making flowers.

We roll a bun from half of the dough and place it on a piece of cardboard. Now you need to flatten it into a layer.

From the second half we roll sausage. We cut it into small pieces. Roll each into a ball.

We flatten the first three on a large layer. These are the future centers of flowers.

Before gluing all the parts, grease the dough with water.

Now we roll three elongated droplets. We attach to the main part, with the narrow side out. We draw veins on them. And in the middle of the flowers - small holes. So the flowers will look more realistic.

In order for the patterns to come out even, it is necessary to sharpen the end of the brush.

Then we form flowers from the remaining balls. In the middle of each flower petal, we make a couple of folds.

It remains only to decorate our craft.

After that, dry it in the microwave or oven. At the lowest power, no more than five minutes. This will make the product more durable than when drying on batteries.

You can decorate the refrigerator with such a gift if you attach a large magnet to the back.

How to make a 3D postcard for March 8

A good present for World Women's Day would be such a 3D postcard.

We will need:

  • scissors;
  • black marker;
  • glue;
  • sequins;
  • double-sided cardboard in three colors: yellow, green and fuchsia.

Stages of work:

And we cut out a square of 15 by 15 cm of yellow cardboard. We bend it in half, then again. The result is a smaller square.

We bend one half of the sheets in the form of a triangle.

We do the same with the second one.

We round off one edge of the triangle with scissors and get a petal connected to the rest on both sides.

We unfold it in the form of a flower. In the middle, draw a small circle with a marker and paint over it with black. Then carefully cut off one of the petals.

Lubricate the petal with glue from the edge and glue the opposite one on it. We get such a voluminous flower.

We coat the middle, near the black circle, with transparent glue and decorate with sparkles. Turn the flower over to remove excess sparkles. We also make seven more flowers.

Now we bend them in half and glue three flowers together. The picture shows the places that need to be smeared with glue.

Apply glue to the places that are also highlighted in orange.

Glue on another flower.

We add two more flowers. The places to be lubricated are also indicated.

We only have one yellow flower left. Glue it on top of the entire composition.

And finally, we bend the fuchsia-colored cardboard in half. Glue inside it, first one side of the composition, and then the other.

We unfold the card and we get a voluminous bouquet of yellow flowers. Here is a postcard with a surprise.

The most beautiful gifts with schemes and templates for International Women's Day

Paper shoe for mom

Inside you can put sweets in a beautiful bag or a small souvenir.

All that needs to be done is to transfer the design from the provided stencils onto velvet paper.

This is the main part of the shoe:

And this is a flower and a heel:

We collect the shoe and glue it. We decorate as you wish.

True, an amazing craft turned out, and mothers will be delighted!

DIY round paper cake

And in a box in the form of a piece of cake, you can put sweets as a gift and write a note with affectionate words and wishes, I would definitely be delighted with such a present.

And here is the template according to which you should make a cake

We transfer it to beautiful, colored paper, only you need to draw or print it on the inside of the cake.

Now we need to carefully cut the part and bend along the dotted lines, and glue the free edges. From above we decorate the cake with flowers, beads, buttons and other beautiful details.

And if you have time, you can make a whole cake!

Phone charger holder

And a cool gift for mom will be a handmade mobile phone holder while recharging. A very practical gift that mom will often use and the phone will lie in its place!

And here is the scheme by which this useful little thing is made

Now we need to cut out a semicircle, look carefully at the picture everything is shown there:

You can color in a different way, for example, draw bouquets of flowers, the number 8, in one word depict the theme of March 8th.

You can also just print the pictures and let the kids color them themselves:

But what a beautiful card you get for your grandmother:

These are not complicated gift options presented in our article. With many of them, the child will cope on their own. A little help from a teacher may be needed. But still, be sure to try at least one of the presentation options by March 8th.

And I wish that everything would work out for the children, and their craft would please mothers and grandmothers, as well as that they themselves would be delighted with the work done!

March 8 not far off and we with kids have already started preparing for the holidays. crafts and applications. In the course are plasticine, and colored paper, and newspapers, and leaflets. The results of our work will be posted in about 1-2 days.
You should have seen with what zeal and interest children(my nieces and son) getting ready for March 8! You can only hear: “I am doing this craft for my grandmother”, “And I am for my mother”, “And I am for my sister” :) In this atmosphere of bright crafts, the approach of spring and warmth is already felt! I think and your children, performing crafts for March 8 will fill the house with warmth, joy and celebration! All with the upcoming!

1. Postcard for March 8 "Flowers in a pot" (3-6 years old)

How to do:
Cut out a pot and flowers from white paper with your child and decorate them with magazine clippings. Circle the contours of the flowers with felt-tip pens. Let the child glue the resulting pot on the second sheet of paper and draw the stems for the flowers. Now you can glue the flowers.

You can sign a postcard in an original way: attach it to the refrigerator with magnetic letters.

2. Craft from plasticine balls "Festive dress" (1-3 years)

The little ones will also be able to congratulate their mothers on March 8! This craft was done by Varechka for her mother, sometimes asking me: “Julia, are you sculpting here? Julia, right?

Material: colored paper; plasticine; cardboard (we have from a box of marshmallows).

How to do:
Cut out a dress from colored paper: fold the sheet in half, draw only one half of the dress at the fold, cut and unfold the sheet, you get a dress. Glue it onto cardboard.

Draw circles on the dress. Roll up balls from plasticine, and let the child stick them in circles on the dress. By the way, I wrote about classes with plasticine balls and their benefits in the game.
P.S. With the help of plasticine balls, Varechka decorated the cardboard itself. Since she is still small and cannot write herself, we cut out the inscription "March 8" from the newspaper and pasted it next to the dress.

3. Craft "Mimosa" (3-5 years)

Do you know why mimosa? It symbolizes the sun, warmth and the beginning of spring. When Slavik was making this craft, there was a feeling that everything around was beginning to bloom, although there was still slush and snow in places outside the window.
This under the tree I suggest making it for children from 3 years old, because it takes a long time to sculpt balls and not every two-year-old kid can withstand 10-15-minute modeling.

Material: yellow plasticine; cardboard (we have from a candy box); colored paper (green).

How to do:
Draw the mimosa stems with a green felt-tip pen.

Cut out leaves from green paper, cut their edges slightly - so they will look more like real mimosa leaves. Roll up balls of yellow plasticine with your child and let him sculpt them on the stems.

4. Craft "Talking flowers for mom" (5-10 years)

This craft was made by my eldest nieces Arisha and Vikusha. In a day March 8 their mother will receive a gift that will speak for itself! Such under the tree You can give your mom or grandmother not only on March 8, but also on your birthday.

Material: colored paper and colored cardboard

How to do:
Let the child circle his palm on 5 multi-colored sheets and cut out traces along the contours. These will be flowers.

Then you need to cut out the stems and the vase and stick everything on the cardboard. On the vase, the child can write "I love my mother (or grandmother) because...", and on the palms-flowers - the answers.

5. Craft "Bouquet for March 8" (3-8 years)

When we made this bouquet, we did not think that it would turn out so ... real!

- colored paper; 2 sheets of cardboard (I used a filter box)
- a round white paper napkin (if there is no such napkin, cut out a large circle from white paper, make the edges wavy);
- ribbon.

How to do:
Cut out flowers and leaves from colored paper. Let the child glue them on a round napkin.

To prevent the napkin from becoming wavy from glue and to be more durable, glue a circle of cardboard on its back.

From the second sheet of cardboard, cut out the base of the bouquet and glue it, as in the photo. Draw the stems with a green felt-tip pen.
At the end, decorate the bouquet with a ribbon.

6. Craft "March 8" (1-3 years)

And again crafts for kids! For mom, we have already prepared a gift (craft 2). Now we will please grandmothers and sisters!

Material: colored cardboard (1 sheet); flowers cut out of magazines, newspapers and leaflets; plasticine.

How to do:
Cut out the number 8 from colored cardboard. For this, I needed 2 bowls of different sizes and nail scissors.

Roll balls from plasticine, prepare cut flowers. Let the child sculpt and stick everything on the figure eight.