Cut out car templates from paper. DIY paper cars. Cardboard roll machine


Every boy loves to play with cars; he will not soon assemble a metal structure on his own, but teaching a child to make paper models is very easy. Parents will need a little time, paper, glue and scissors. You can create such machines using the origami technique or 3D design; for each method there are the necessary materials, instructions and recommendations.

Creating a three-dimensional 3D car

To complete the work, you need to prepare a printer, a sheet of paper, scissors, cardboard material, as well as glue, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

The instructions are very simple; you can assemble a paper machine without any special skills or knowledge. First, you need to print out a model of the machine you like on paper, then glue the sheet onto cardboard to make the structure durable. The image is cut out along the contour; this is another advantage of this technique of creating a paper machine.

Important ! All the lines are already marked on the sheet, so it will be easy for the child to fold the model, just bend it along the contour and hide the remaining wings of the workpiece inside.

These white ends must be glued together so that the structure does not fall apart, and if the cardboard is strong enough, then you can use super glue rather than stationery PVA. After that, the most interesting thing for the boy is to decorate the car at his discretion.

In some cases, the pattern of the machine is already multi-colored, so all that remains is to print it on good paper, cut it out and assemble it according to the instructions. If the model is black and white, then the child is given the opportunity to fully express his imagination and decorate the car in any color using pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

How to assemble a fire truck

In order to create a model of a fire truck, you should stock up on special materials, including scissors, glue, and paper. Transfer the workpiece to paper; it is better to use a dense material that is suitable for creating drawings. In addition to the machine itself, other structural elements must be transferred to paper. All resulting blanks are carefully cut out to make it easier to bend the paper; you can draw along the contour lines with a blunt object. Once the piece is glued together, you can move on to other elements, for example, assembling and installing a fire truck ladder that swivels, folds, and extends.

The video explains this in more detail.

Making a paper machine from scrap materials

The older the boy gets, the more interested he will be in complex models, including those made from paper. Mom can only suggest which creativity is more exciting, provide the necessary materials and a good mood to complete the task. For boys, among all the models, it is cars that enjoy great prestige, and buying different designs every day will cost parents a pretty penny. After a while, the child will lose all interest in these beautiful cars, so it is more interesting and useful to make the design yourself. It does not require large financial expenditures; all you need is desire and time.

You can create cars not only using ready-made diagrams, but also using available materials, for example, cardboard and matches, wooden sticks and colored paper. For example, take several cardboard cylinders left over from toilet paper and cover each one with colored paper. After the fake has dried, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole on the surface of the cylinder, leaving a little space on one side so that it can be bent and thus make a seat for the driver.

The design can also be decorated inside using felt-tip pens or a marker; to create a steering wheel, you should cut a circle out of white paper and glue it opposite the seat. The machine can be additionally decorated with applications made of colored paper, choosing different shades. If the car is a racing car, you can put a number on it; if it is an ambulance or fire model, then you can also cut out the corresponding signs or draw them. To secure the wheels, use small bolts or plastic bottle caps.

One of the options for creating a paper machine

Paper cars are just as fun to play with as metal or plastic ones, you can arrange real races, and you can also build a garage by decorating all the structures with felt-tip pens, and use a toothpick to make a flag.

To create a paper machine you will need a square piece of paper; it should be folded in half, then unfold the edges and bend them in the opposite direction towards the middle of the sheet. Then, fold the edges again in the opposite direction and fold the sheet of paper in half. Draw the outline of the car onto the material; to do this, fold the top corners, then tuck them inward; two corners will peek out from below. They are also folded inside, after which you need to make wheels for the car.

Bend the lower corners back, rounding them a little, thus creating wheels; in front, to make headlights, the corners must be laid inward. Do the same on the back side of the car; all the details of the vehicle can be drawn, for example, wheels, headlights, doors or the driver behind the wheel. 15 minutes of time and a beautiful paper car is ready.

You can watch the video in detail


This is a unique art that involves the creation of unusual paper figures, including cars. To work, you just need to stock up on colored paper and patience, it’s very easy, so you not only can, but also need to involve children, together you can create a whole fleet of cars.

To create, for example, a sports car, you need to take a rectangular sheet, as a rule, the aspect ratio should be 1:7. The work begins by bending the upper right and left corners, thus creating all the necessary folds. The next step is to fold the top of the sheet, along with the folded corners on the left and right. Small triangles will remain sticking out, which should also be folded towards the middle of the sheet of paper.

Next, you need to fold the sides of the leaf, fold the bottom part, follow the same algorithm that was performed when folding the top part of the paper. All that remains is to fold the structure in half, tuck in the triangles that are peeking out and that’s it, the machine is ready.

Racing car

In just an hour you can create an entire transport fleet of cars; for this you will need a simple sheet of paper, A4 format. Fold it in half, turn the corners on both sides into the middle, so it looks like arrows. Fold the longitudinal sides of the material towards the middle of the sheet under the arrows, which then make it sharper. To do this, on either side of the sheet, the arrow should be folded again into the middle.

There are many different ways to entertain yourself. One of these options is origami. This activity will interest not only children, but also adults, and will also allow you to spend a good time together. In this article, we will look at unusual and simple ways to create cars from paper at no extra cost and using improvised means.

Origami technique

Origami is a fairly ancient technique, originating in China. The technique was primarily used in religious rituals; later it became available to the upper strata of society. Over time, the technique spread and found a huge number of fans.

Today, not only adults, but also children of all ages practice origami, and there are a huge number of different templates and designs for paper cars.

The technique has several varieties:

  • modular - the most popular and widespread system, characterized by the creation of several blocks and volumetric figures;
  • simple – designed specifically for beginners or people with limited mobility;
  • wet folding - carried out by using water to give the lines smoothness and expressiveness.

Origami is a technique for creating models and figures of various themes from paper. This method helps develop logic and spatial thinking. In addition, the creative side of the personality develops due to the active work of thought processes.

Types of paper machines

There are a considerable number of options for creating beautiful paper cars. Let's look at the most common of them.

Assembly according to instructions. There are special instructions on how to make a paper machine, which can be easily found on the Internet. In order to make such a machine, you will need to download the diagram, print it on a printer, then you just have to cut it out and glue it together.

Sports option

To create, you will need a rectangular sheet of paper. It is important that its sides have a ratio of 1:7. The top right corner is bent first and the bottom left corner in a similar manner. After fixing, the corners return. As a result, we get outlines.

After this, you need to bend the top element, tucking it inside at the same time. Next, bend the triangles again towards the central part of the sheet. The side parts of the sheet are folded, and the bottom part is folded.

At the final stage, the figure is folded in half, and the protruding pieces of paper are carefully tucked into the resulting pockets. If desired, the car can be decorated.

Simple option

A square sheet of paper is folded in half from bottom to top, then unfolded. You should roll it up in the same way on the perpendicular side. The result should be an outline and the central element should be determined, as shown in the photo of paper machines. The bottom quarter is folded over to the top, and the corners are folded back.

The part located on top bends down, while obscuring the lower part. The upper right corner must be bent, thereby we will get a windshield. Finally, it is recommended to unfold the figure.

Racing car

You will need a sheet that needs to be folded in half along the long side. Connect the corner to the opposite side. Carry out a similar operation with all corners. This will create two squares with intersecting lines. Triangles belonging to the long side are bent inward.

The triangle, located on the other side, is tucked into the folds formed on the hood. All that remains is to bend the fragment that will represent the spoiler.

Fire engine

When creating such a model, paper alone will not be enough, so you should prepare glue and scissors in advance. To create it you will need a special blank made of dense material.

In addition to the main elements of transport, additional parts should also be transferred. After this, the blanks are cut out and carefully glued together. If necessary, additional elements can be glued using PVA glue.

Machine made from improvised means

Creating a car not only from paper, but also from available materials can be an equally exciting activity. To create, you can take several cylindrical figures from cardboard, pre-gluing them with multi-colored paper.

After this, a small rectangle is cut out and slightly bent. This will be a car seat. You can use plastic bottle caps as wheels. At the end, all that remains is to decorate the car.

In conclusion, it should be noted that creating paper models is a very exciting and useful activity; the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions on how to make a machine with your own hands. The video shows a master class on paper cars.

Photos of paper cars

Making crafts brings great pleasure to children. You can make anything, for example, a three-dimensional machine out of paper. The big advantage of working with this material is its safety. That is why children’s acquaintance with creativity begins, as a rule, with paper.

Paperwork can be very interesting and varied. You can make beautiful cars that little racers will definitely love. At the same time, there can be a lot of options for making such a craft.

One of the most popular areas is origami. This technique is suitable for making any products, and it is not at all necessary to immediately take on complex models. A paper car can be made in many other ways.

Important! The main thing that parents should take into account is the age and abilities of the child.

You should not immediately offer options with many details and demand that your child do the job perfectly.

You always need to start small. So gradually the child will learn to handle paper, glue and other stationery. Making paper crafts develops a child's creative skills, and the child becomes more independent and proactive.

Expanded diagram of a jeep made of paper

Handicrafts for boys are quite a difficult task, since parents have to choose a suitable topic for a long time. If girls can happily make flowers, animals, dolls, etc., then boys will quickly get bored with such work.

But, if you offer your child to make a beautiful car with his own hands, or maybe even a whole fleet of vehicles, he will definitely agree.

Toilet paper racing car

For manufacturing you will not need the paper itself, but only a sleeve from it.

Craftsmen do not recommend throwing away such cardboard cylinders, as they will be useful for working on various products, including beautiful home wall decor.

Toilet paper car

In addition, you need to stock up on white and black cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue and pushpins. You can also use paints.

Paper car model diagram

The cylinder will be the basis of the machine. To do this, you need to prepare it. If the bushing is in good condition, you can simply paint it. The cylinder can also be made from cardboard yourself, in which case you will have to additionally cover it with colored paper.

Next you need to make wheels from black and white cardboard. The circles should be the same size. The white ones that act as disks should be smaller than the black ones. Having prepared 4 wheels, you need to carefully glue them onto the cardboard cylinder.

Expanded paper diagram of Toyota

After that you can work on the front of the car. To do this, cut out a triangle that is glued to the end of the sleeve.

You can glue 2 circles of yellow paper here: this will give the car headlights. Use a felt-tip pen to draw the radiator grille. At the back, glue 2 red circles that will be brake lights.

DIY paper racing cars

To do this, you need to cut out a semicircle that will become the windshield, and make a hole in the center of the sleeve where the driver will sit. You can put a small toy man or a Lego figure in the car.

Step-by-step example of creating a paper car

On a note! These cars are very simple to prepare, but they turn out interesting and bright.

If you wish, you can make several of these cars together with your child, and then organize races.

Car with cardboard trailer

This craft option is also considered very simple. All you need is the most accessible materials and a little time.

The end result will be an interesting craft that your child will enjoy playing with. It is worth noting that using this scheme you can make not only a car, but also a train.

To work, you will need colored paper, corrugated cardboard, which can be taken from any box, scissors, glue, a bolt with nuts and a rope with an awl. Based on this set, it should be clear to the parent that the child cannot work on this craft on his own and will need adult supervision.

For work you will need colored paper, corrugated cardboard

As for how to make a car out of paper, first you need cardboard. The body of the car and trailer should be drawn on it. 6 identical wheels are also cut out of corrugated cardboard.

In this case, the child most likely cannot do without the help of adults, since thick cardboard is difficult to cut.

Scheme of the machine in expanded form from paper

After the blanks are completed, you can cover them with colored paper or paint them with paints. Car windows are cut out of colored paper, and headlights and brake lights are made. Don't forget about the trailer: it will have 2 wheels, and given that the craft will be double-sided, both sides of the cardboard should be carefully processed. Moreover, you need to make sure that everything is the same on each side.

Next begins the difficult work of assembling the parts. A child cannot do this without the help of adults. First you need to make 2 holes with an awl in the bottom of the car and 1 in the trailer. You also need to make a hole in the center of each wheel.

Now all the wheels are attached to the body and trailer using bolts and nuts. Here you can let the child work on his own and even provide the appropriate tools for this. The baby will find it not only interesting, but also useful.

Expanded paper diagram of UAZ

Lastly, the car is connected to the trailer. To do this, you need to make 2 holes with an awl, and then tie the elements with thread.

Three-dimensional machine according to the diagram

These types of crafts are more complex. A child who knows how to handle scissors and glue can handle the job.

In general, the whole process consists of finding a paper machine, that is, templates for printing, cutting them out and carefully gluing them together. But the result will be very interesting. Such cars can keep your baby occupied for a long time.

Expanded diagram of a paper machine

The easiest way to make a three-dimensional car is to use ready-made drawings. These are the optimal models, where all the parameters are checked, and the child can only cut out and glue the three-dimensional car.

If your parents have enough artistic skill, plus they have drawing skills, you can create your own model. It will be a unique car, but the principle of its production will remain the same.

Expanded paper fiat diagram

To create a three-dimensional machine, ready-made machine templates for cutting out paper are printed, then glued onto thin cardboard and cut out. If possible, you can immediately print the workpiece on thick paper or whatman paper.

Expanded paper diagram of Delorean

On a note! Such models must have white corners.

These are valves for gluing parts. After the base is bent along the lines indicated in the diagram, glue should be applied to the white areas. Then everything is carefully glued together. You will have to spend some time, but the result will be a beautiful three-dimensional model.

Paper machine using origami technique

This option is considered the most difficult. Origami is an entire art to which many devote a lot of time to hone their skills. To become a master in this matter, you need to be patient and several sheets of paper. Don't worry if you don't succeed the first time.

Important! Experts in the art of origami recommend that you first learn how to fold a sheet of paper evenly.

After your hands have gained at least a little experience, you can move on to making products. It is worth noting that a machine made using the origami technique is considered a rather complex craft. Therefore, to begin with, you can complete simpler elements together with your child.

For example, the well-known airplane will be an excellent workout for children's fingers. This will give a good start and teach the child to bend and unbend parts correctly. Experts assure that the final result depends on how even the fold is. If you make a mistake in one place, the entire product will come out crooked.

The origami technique is considered quite complex, so parents should not leave the child alone with this work. Although scissors and even glue are not useful here, the baby will definitely need the help of adults. For example, he will need to explain the sequence of the circuit. After a child makes a car once with an adult, he can repeat it on his own.

To make a car using the origami technique, you only need one sheet of paper. If it is A4 format, you need to take scissors to turn the sheet into a square.

Paper racing car

The first step is to fold the sheet in half, and then in half again. Next, you should open the paper. You will see from the folds that the middle is marked here and each side is divided into 2 equal parts.

Now you need to take the bottom edge and fold it in half, that is, bring it to the center of the sheet. The corners are bent downwards from the central point. In the future they will become the wheels of a vehicle.

Option of origami from banknotes

The upper part of the sheet is bent forward to the middle. After this, more than half of it is bent in the opposite direction. Continuing to work with the same part, bend part of the sheet diagonally from the center. Now the workpiece can be turned over. It will already look like a typewriter. Here you can see the wheels and there is a body, which turned out to be a hatchback. At this stage, you can paint the car, draw windows, headlights, etc.

More complex products can be made using the origami technique. But for beginning craftsmen, and especially in childhood, such a car would be the most suitable option to try their hand at it. Having trained your hand, you can move on to more labor-intensive crafts, including trucks.

Creating crafts for parents and children gives excellent results: there is an active development of abstract thinking, finger motor skills, creative skills and, of course, imagination.

Every boy will be interested in learning how to make a simple craft in the form of a cardboard car for children. Therefore, the task of caring parents is to suggest the right direction for the creative process, purchase the necessary materials and stock up on a wonderful mood for an exciting game with their children with cars.

Racing cars

Cars made of paper and cardboard occupy a special place among crafts for kids. Entertaining little ones every day with toys from the store is quite an expensive pleasure. In addition, the child quickly gets bored with the same toys. Therefore, we suggest taking advantage of the master class without unwanted financial investments.

You will need toilet paper rolls, which should be covered with multi-colored paper. As soon as the adhesive composition has dried, it is necessary to make a rectangular cutout on the rolls, without cutting to the end on one of the sides, and by bending the paper, it will be like a seat for the driver.

You can color the inside of this seat using a marker. Using snow-white cardboard, you need to cut out a circle and stick it on the side opposite from the seat - this is the steering wheel, which should also be painted.

Decorate your car with applications made from a contrasting shade of paper. Glue the wheels with bolts or lids from plastic containers.

Now you know how to create a racing car out of cardboard, thanks to the car-themed craft workshop discussed above.

Fire trucks

To create such a craft, you will need matchboxes and colorful paper. Four boxes should be glued together. The created structure must be covered with red paper. Another matchbox must also be pasted over and then glued at the top of the turret.

Using plasticine, you should create a flashing light, a mount for a ladder formed from pre-glued matches. Next, you need to add windows to the car, as well as headlights, using yellow paper.

Origami machine

Adherents of Japanese art will appreciate the beautiful crafts on the theme of an origami machine made from cardboard. This technique was invented when cars did not exist. But progress is constantly moving forward, and now many schemes for folding origami products have been proposed. These include three-dimensional options, schematic figures, and a fairly accurate model.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for making a Volkswagen car with your own hands. For these purposes, watch the video on the resource called origami car.

Thus, the scheme for assembling such a car is considered the personal development of Esseltine, who gave it to those who like the art of origami.

It is important to understand that the expected result when creating three-dimensional origami products can be obtained by using a special paper sheet for such crafts. It has the required rigidity for ease of manufacture and creation of folds, while the finished car will perfectly hold its given shape.

Convertible made of cardboard

You can make an original convertible, as in the photo of car crafts, yourself using triangular modules. Folding should begin from the hood. Its width should reach eight modules; we are gradually moving on to glass production.

In order for the paper structure to withstand many modules, as well as thin elements, we use an adhesive substance, and instead of the bottom we use cardboard paper, to which the parts are glued. This trick will enable the product to acquire maximum strength.

Papercraft kits

If you are wondering what kind of car can be made for kindergarten, then papercraft kits will help you. They are templates for cutting out parts, which subsequently, through bending and gluing paper parts, are transformed into machines of extraordinary beauty, reminiscent of a real car.

Similar models can be used to decorate a toy track drawn on thick paper. In this version, it will completely resemble the real one, since various cars will ride on it, so much like the large prototypes.

We create paper car diagrams

Do you want to assemble children's Papercraft cars, but there is no way to purchase ready-made templates? Then Runet can help! Here you will find countless recommendations on how to create cars from cardboard, diagrams that help you create and cut out the model you like.

The series offered on the pages of magazines include a variety of service vehicles, without which it is impossible to imagine exciting children's games: tractor, ambulance, excavator, dump truck and many others. Collectors of vintage cars will be pleased with the different options from the 20s. It was during these times that a car was considered a great luxury

For competent and quick assembly, the minimum required is to cut out automotive elements from the cardboard on which the drawing will be printed.

Pay special attention to unpainted elements, that is, snow-white areas are areas for gluing. It is on their surface that you should apply a small amount of glue when you bend them, and also attach the elements.

Choose the simplest white glue, as it will not leave any marks on the product, but will firmly hold the attached elements.

It is unknown, but it is likely that your child’s hobby of collecting paper cars will become the most interesting and entertaining hobby for many years, will provide a unique opportunity to fully understand the nuances of mechanics, and will contribute to fully learning how a real machine works.

It is possible that if parents support their children’s passion for cars, it is possible that they will take an active part in choosing a suitable profession for their child.

Photos of car crafts

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.

As a child, making some paper crafts was a very exciting activity for us. In the 21st century, the era of computers, we have completely forgotten about basic games that will force our children to break away from their favorite computer. One of the most popular types of paper crafts were car models. They can be glued together from different parts, folded using one sheet, origami cars can be created without any scissors or glue, and then painted, imitating the coloring of Formula 1 cars. Let's look at several options for making a typewriter out of paper.

Paper origami machine

Origami crafts are so versatile in their making that they can be folded from any sheet that has a rectangular shape, like a newspaper, notebook or landscape page. Paper cars for children are used for exciting competitions. Depending on the surface, they play by clicking paper cars from behind, or they blow, moving the car forward. At first glance, this craft is impossible to make, but following the drawings and instructions, everything will work out without much difficulty. How to make a machine with your own hands:

  • To make a racing car, you need to take a rectangular piece of paper.
  • Bend the strips square on one side.
  • Bend diagonally and fold the folded squares.
  • Bend the ears, turn the workpiece over to the other side and bend the side parts.
  • Push the back of the machine up and tuck the ears into the pockets of the bent part.

DIY paper car models

There are many materials around us to create your own car model. Various available means are used: paper, cardboard, wooden skewers or toothpicks (for the wheel axles). The most important thing in this matter is your imagination. Cardboard boxes are also suitable for use as art supplies. You can add the finishing touches to the car model with paints, felt-tip pens or stickers. Next, let's look at how to make a model of a car.

Paper car simulation

Making a car with your own hands is very simple. To do this, use, for example, cardboard boxes. At the same time, the scale of your layout will depend on their size. For this we will need the following materials:

  • box;
  • adhesive tape;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • wooden skewers;
  • transparent plastic bottle.

To understand how to make a car out of cardboard, follow the simple step-by-step instructions for car modeling:

  • We draw doors on the sides of the box, then cut out the holes for the windows with scissors.
  • We cut out the door so that the part closest to the hood of the car remains intact. We have working doors.
  • We take thick cardboard and cut out 8 circles, gluing them in 2 circles. The result is wheels for our car. The more such circles you glue, the stronger and thicker they are.
  • We make a hole in the center of each wheel.
  • We secure the wheels using skewers by making holes in the bottom of the machine.
  • On the front of the box, cut a hole for the windshield and glue transparent plastic (cut it from a regular transparent plastic bottle).
  • Cut a rectangle out of cardboard and bend it by about one third. Secure with double-sided tape. The seat is ready.
  • We decorate the car at our discretion - we paint it with paints, felt-tip pens, and cover it with colored cardboard.

To create a car model, round cardboard from the base of toilet paper can be used. It will become the basis for wheels or the body for a retro racing car. Step-by-step instructions on how to properly make a paper machine:

  • First, clean the cylinder of any remaining glue.
  • After this, paint the surface using watercolor paint.
  • Cut round shapes from cardboard to seal the holes in the cylinder.
  • Make holes in the body to insert toothpicks. Place pre-cut cardboard circles on them. The wheels are ready.
  • On the top of the car, make a semicircular cutout so that, by bending the cut out part outward, you get an imitation of the windshield and the driver's seat.

Paper scans of cars

There are a huge number of paper templates on the Internet. Among them there are drawings of firefighting, police and racing cars. They are presented in the form of patterns, which are very easy to work with. All you need to do is:

  • Find the car model you need.
  • Print the drawing.
  • Paste the printout onto cardboard.
  • Cut according to the markings.
  • Proceed with assembling and gluing the machine.
  • The car model is ready.

Video: DIY paper machines

Assembling an origami machine or model according to a diagram may seem like a daunting task for beginners. To eliminate any confusion in assembling certain models of paper cars, we offer links to video tutorials on the topic “How to make paper cars.” Here you will find a detailed description of how to make crafts cars for exciting family leisure and development of your child’s creative abilities:

Fire department


Paper car model

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