Sunny weekend and good mood. Wishes for a good day and mood

Very important. Fortunately, this tradition is becoming more and more popular in our society every year. In the West, this is generally considered a rule of good taste, and there everyone - colleagues and family members - before starting work or study, wish each other a successful day. Let's see why we need to do this and what effect these simple words have on our lives.

Wishes who, when and to whom speaks

You can wish a good day to your parents, children, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, sisters and brothers. It does not matter to whom the wish is addressed - the main thing is how it is pronounced. Sincerity plays a big role here. It's no secret that very often we throw phrases automatically, without even thinking about their meaning. Therefore, wishes for a good day should sound sincere, and then they will bring real benefits to people.

They say wishes, as a rule, in the morning. And you can talk in person or over the phone. By the way, many people do this when there was no opportunity to do this in the morning. It is enough to dial the number of a dear person and voice his wishes for a good day.

How to wish a good working day

You can wish a good day in the broad sense of this concept, but you can also in the narrow one. For example, when they wish you a good school or work day. The wish for a good working day can be heard more often. Colleagues, spouses, friends say this to each other. Also, very often we are encouraged by the hosts of various morning shows, whose words we hear from TV screens or from radios.

Psychologists have proven that positive and kind words spoken to a person in the morning can "program" him (in the good sense of the word) for a really successful and easy day. How does it work? Hearing good words, a person is charged with optimism and in this state carries out all his affairs. And when a person is in such a mood, he does not think about the bad, he is confident in his abilities, and he will definitely succeed. That is why it is so important to say parting words to your loved ones before a difficult day at work. After all, these phrases are an expression of care and love.

How to wish a man a good day

A wish for a good day to a man can be said by his lover, wife, colleague, or friends and like-minded people. It doesn't matter who, the main thing is how it should be done. In principle, there should not be any differences between the wishes of a man and a woman, because they are addressed primarily to a person, and not to a representative of one sex or another. In addition, everyone wants to have a good day - both men and girls.

However, if the wish comes from a beloved woman, then it should contain more emotions, feelings and sincerity. For example, before work, you can say to a man: "Have a nice day, darling! May all your affairs end in success today! May you be lucky today everywhere and in everything! I love you." These simple sentences can significantly lift even the worst mood of a man in the morning.

Good day wishes for a girl

Her lover can wish a girl a good day. Perhaps she is studying or already working, then she needs the support of a loved one. After all, it is much easier to plunge into the ocean of everyday worries and worries, if before that you were cheered up and given a feeling of care and love.

What words can you convey to a girl a wish for a good day? If a lover says this, then it may sound like this: “Beloved, have a good day! May it pass easily, and all your planned affairs end successfully and successfully! My love will help you with this! I look forward to seeing you again ... " This is how you can express your love, and care, and the desire to protect and protect a loved one from all the hardships of the world.

How to wish a good day to colleagues

To wish your colleagues a good day means to show your level of culture and civilization. It always captivates and leaves no one indifferent. The tradition of saying such words has already developed in many teams, where before the start of the working day they can be said by the director or boss to his subordinates and colleagues.

Employees can say the same thing to each other, raising the level of working capacity in this way, which will definitely affect labor productivity. In addition, if a new employee wishes everyone else a great working day, then he will definitely call the favor of the team.

This is what seemingly simple and insignificant words mean. They are able to inspire a person, set him up for success and optimism, so let's wish all our significant people a good day before work or study.

Only here you will find the most diverse and unique wishes for a good day in poetry, prose, postcards and in your own words. By the way, we have no less beautiful and.

Good Day Poems

I wish you beautiful
Have a good day!
Less difficulties
More success!
So that life is like cheese in butter,
Ride - don't worry!

Today I want to wish
So that you succeed everywhere
Solved all problems
And yet not tired!

Man without mood
Like a stage without a performance
Like an artist without inspiration
Like winter without snow
And summer without the sun!
Warmth, good luck, kindness,
and a good day!

Have a nice day!
Let the day start right in the morning!
May he be desired
Chic, profitable, cool!

Let today
Will pass without a doubt
hard decisions,
And inappropriate falls!

I wish you a good day! Such that it will be remembered for a long time, and with positive and without a drop of negativity!

I want a hot aperitif
And also fun and positive!

I wish today to give you only positive emotions, so that your family will please you with your successes, and the management will praise you financially for your personal merits!

Let everything happen today
Because of you and for you!

Postcards with the wishes of a good day in pictures

A selection of original pictures and encouraging cards with wishes for the coming day. All applications increase when clicked and are available for free download (even "thank you" is not necessary).

Wishes in your own words

Let a ray of sunshine meet you at the exit from the house and give you energy, fill you with confidence, charge you with positive, bright thoughts and ideas! Today I wish to learn a lot of new things, meet good people and know success in business.

So a new day has come, what will it bring you? And I know what he promises you! A lot of pleasant troubles and communication, success at work and a bonus for work, joy for loved ones and the absence of obstacles on the way!

A new dawn, a new beginning… Something grandiose and unforgettable! Get out of the house with that attitude today! I already see: a successful outcome in this fateful vicissitudes, honoring and chanting your name on the lips of millions ... Yes, yes, everything will be exactly like that. You have been going to this for a long time and you will definitely succeed! I believe, believe you too!

Good wishes for a good day in prose

Let the chic weather, the responsiveness of friends, the understanding of the authorities, joyful news, elegant compliments, desired moments, curious events, the anticipation of a miracle saturate your today and will certainly please you, giving you a great mood!

I wish you a good day and weather according to your mood today! Let every aspect please you: at home, by chance, on the way to work, colleagues and everything. May your eyes be filled with happiness, and a good mood does not leave you!

I wish you today to make such geographical discoveries as the river of happiness, the lake of goodness, the sea of ​​good luck, the ocean of prosperity, the peak of demand, the pinnacle of hope, the waterfall of positive and the volcano of love. Let your personal globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

It's always nice to receive good wishes addressed to you. And it's even nicer when you get them not on holidays, but just like that. Whether it is a responsible working day or a serene weekend - the wishes of a good day will always come to court. Your family and friends will appreciate such a sign of attention.

When a person is in a good mood, he is ready to move mountains. This gives a positive charge for the whole day, and as they say, any problems can be overcome. On our website, we have collected the most beautiful wishes for a good mood that you will find on this page. Share them with people close and beloved to you, give them a piece of your heart warmth.

Have a great mood friends!

Beautiful wishes for a good mood in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. I wish you good mood!

May your day be pleasant in every way. Good company, in which it is fun, or silent solitude, in which it is good to dream. Let it be as you wish. I wish everything to be especially tasty on this day, and sofa cushions to be especially soft... Good mood: Today, tomorrow and always!

May joy explode in your heart like a supernova, may all ideas turn into successful events, all moments become happy. And my sincere love always keeps the bar of your mood at the highest point, so that your smile illuminates my life all the time.

I wish you the most wonderful and beautiful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate the soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your hearts in love.

I wish that luck smiles kindly on you, that fate presents as many chances as you ask her. Let your joyful laughter be a magic iron, smoothing out not only all the wrinkles on your face, but also any conflicts. I wish life to be a fabulous bowl filled with pleasant travels and exciting things to do.

My ray of sunshine, my love, I wish you cheerfulness of soul and body, brave strength, great aspirations and an incredibly wonderful mood. I wish you a busy day, bright emotions, great success and a high optimistic wave.

My love, I wish you cheerfulness of soul and body, a lot of vitality, striving for great goals and a great mood. Let the day be eventful, rich in emotions, and success and optimism go with you in one step.

Beautiful wishes for a good mood in verse

Dispel your doubts
Faith will give the green light -
Well guess what, luck
greeted with a hello...

It's temporary and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
Dawns of happiness will shine,
Luck will open the door.

Smile, widen your shoulders,
Harder step, go ahead -
Looking forward to seeing you with success
And the cycle of miracles!

Let on your beautiful face
Again the smile will play
Wishes will not be in vain
And joy - only inspires!

We want to come back again
good luck bright moments
And we, as before, became infected
Your good mood!

Love life, love inspiration
Let them not frighten you in the coming year,
Let your mood be better
And sadness will leave once and for all.

Lilac bush and blue sky,
The smile of the sun, joy, love
And the greatest happiness in life
We wish you on the path of life!

Beloved, I wish you
Warm and positive sea,
May happiness surround you
It's time to forget about troubles, grief,

May the mood always
It will be good and wonderful
you smile and then
Everything in life will be very cool!

Let the coming day bring with it
Success, luck, joy and love!
Let it be deep and filled with meaning
And positive thoughts only visit.

Everything that was planned for today
So that by the evening it happened.
When the leaf is torn off the calendar,
To make it clear - the day has not been spent in vain!

Let the mood be higher than the sky
And let happiness take flight.
Let success follow you blindly
Well, the problem is the opposite.

Let in the arms of a gentle radiance,
Let the heart live in love.
My love, my charm
Let your soul sing with joy.

I wish you a good mood
And magical glow in the eyes!
May every moment be happy
Bathe in miracles today!

May the day be filled with smiles,
And sincere, most sincere warmth ...
May your wish come true now
And joy will surround you completely!

Luck awaits you today
She does not hide her gift -
Brings you success and joy
And drives away all fatigue.

May this day be good
Not like the previous one.
And let the streak begin
Have a good day, love, kindness!

And if you add to the wishes of a good mood joke, which you find, you will provide a charge of vivacity and positive for more than one day.

I send you love from my heart
My wishes for a good day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky
Rays of kindness warming the window.

Then the mood will fly up immediately,
And great success awaits you
Let your eyes shine with happiness today,
After all, our love will work wonders!

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a positive charge from me.
Let everything work out, everything works out
Luck may come easily into your hands.

May the day bring joy and luck
And also positive, mood
Vivid impressions and ideas,
Meet good and kind people.

Take luck by the hand
After all, together with her you are on the way,
Do not be nervous, do not be offended in vain,
Have a nice day.

I wanted to wish
The mood of the living
Do not mope and do not be bored
Happiness and all.

Be always positive.
Remember I love you.
Smile beautifully.
Have a wonderful day!

Let the sun shine on you clearly
I wish you joy, warmth,
Let everything be just fine
Let all things work out!

I'm with you in my thoughts, with you in my soul,
I will give you a positive attitude.
You are the sun, happiness, you are everything to me.
See you! Kiss. Have a good day!

Hello! How is your day? How are you?
I wish you good luck
So that everything works out, so that it is easy
And to be lucky in everything today.

I wish you a happy day
Live today brightly and happily!
Let emotions flow colorful
Fill your life with goodness and positivity!

I wish you only a good day
And if suddenly something, you remember me,
How I smile, I tell you
About how much I love you!

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Accept this verse from me with a smile.
Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

I wish that plans and all goals
Came true very simply, without difficulty,
So that your eyes shine with the sun,
May success always await you!

Have a good day
Light and warm
Clear, fine.
Well, just good.

Sadness to not be
gloomy mood,
I send gentle hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let it accompany everything
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

Gentle light paints the morning
Your lovely eyes.
My happiness, my miracle
I want to tell you:

Do not try to be sad, smile wider,
After all, there is so much beauty in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

My most beautiful girl
With all my heart I wish you a good day,
Let everything go well with you
Let sharp corners be smoothed out.
I wish you much joy and happiness
Let it wash away with the rain of bad weather,
Let the news pleasantly surprise
May all good things surround you.

Smile at the radiant sun
May your thoughts be pure
Let the soul be filled with warmth
Let love shine in your heart.
Darling, I wish you a good day
May your dream come true
May the day bring many bright impressions,
May it bring you inspiration.

I wish you a good day
The most beautiful girl on earth
Let the sun warm with its warmth
Let the whole day be filled with magic.
I wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass by
Let the mood be wonderful all day
Let luck follow you like a shadow.

Start your day with a smile, my love,
Let the sweet aroma give you all the flowers,
Let the birds sing a song
Let the clouds of failure pass by.
May the sun give you a lot of affection
Let your day pass like in a fairy tale
Let the soul be filled with joy
May all your dreams come true for one, two.

The first ray of sunshine pleasantly surprised you,
He gave warmth, a smile, joy,
A good day morning portends
I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice day my love
There is no more beautiful you in the world
May the day give you many wonderful moments,
Victory to you, success, achievements.

My joy, I wish you the most beautiful and good day. Let everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

May today be wonderful
Let the sun shine on you clearly
Let all problems disappear without a trace
May fate generously endow you.
Have a good day, my love,
Let everything turn out great for you,
I wish you much happiness, joy and laughter,
And the biggest success.

Good morning, my disheveled chick!
How was walking in Morpheus' country?
Tell me quickly shamelessly
What did you see in a pink dream?

I'll show these dreams in reality
When I touch your shoulders again
And from feminine forms of ideality
I will be in sweet bliss, I will melt.

And while the sun is dancing at dawn
Samba in sleepy bottomless eyes,
I whisper love to you by the winds
And I send the heat of kisses in the rays

Good morning, my joy, with a pink dawn,
Wake up and open your eyes with a smile
Together with the rays of the sun and with my greetings
Let happiness rush to you, come on, take it!

Let this morning start in a cheerful mood,
In anticipation of success, joy, kindness,
So that you walk through life hand in hand with success,
So that you, my dear, bloom like a flower.

Let the golden ray of sunshine wake you up in the morning
And the soul will give joy, inspiration, peace,
May the day bring you bright, sunny success,
So that you sparkle with a smile, so that your sonorous laughter sounds.

May all that you dream of come true on this day,
Your talents will flourish, melancholy and laziness will run away,
And you will fly to the heights, to new goals, on wings,
You will be the embodiment of happiness, the ideal of beauty.

May my love be with you every hour,
From dawn to dusk, let this day amuse us,
You are my star and the sun, and I will say without melting,
That you are the most beautiful of all in the world - my beloved!

Good morning my sweetheart
How I want to be with you.
And I confess honestly, not melting:
Hug you with more than just a look.

Good morning, bright angel,
I would like to touch your lips,
And away from the noise and anxiety
Plunge into the sea of ​​feelings with you.

Honey, let it sparkle with joy
Happiness in your tender eyes
When the sun knocks on your house
And find you in beautiful dreams

Gently in your arms let him take
On a day warm from my embrace,
And dawn opens the door for you
Seeing off dreams shadow!

Let the morning straighten your blanket
So that you, my dear, sleep sweetly
And cheerfully woke up, smiling slightly,
And slowly stretching up to the sun.

May the day be gentle, kind, radiant
And, like champagne, stormy, sparkling,
In which both joy and tenderness are mixed,
In which the hours were soaked with love!

With a beautiful morning, and bright, and bright!
Let life bring gifts with rays,
In which there are all the colors for everyday life,
To make them more colorful and reckless!

May your morning be sunny
All your plans will quietly wake up
So that you strive for a dream,
To inspire everyone with beauty.

Together with the dawn, let it rush to you
Joy wind, happiness Firebird,
So that, dear, you smile,
Blooming life to enjoy!

Have a nice day, my love
I wish for the whole day!
To a good mood
Didn't leave you like a shadow!

To good luck to you
Accompanied in business
To not be offended by anyone
If you hear rudeness in words!

To have a great day
Treat the world as usual!

May this day bring you
Only positive news!
I want you to start
Him with a cheerful, kind song!

To set the right rhythm
To cheer up
And you were in a hurry to work
With a smile without a doubt!

So that your day goes well
Forget the word laziness today!

Look around you dear
Smile at me for a minute!
The sun is warm, the sky is blue,
The birds are singing, everything is so beautiful.

Your mood makes me happy
I wish you a good day dear!
Let him inspire you
And leaves a good mark in the memory.

I wish you dear
So that the day goes very well,
And I didn't feel sad for a second
So that you bloom and love everyone!

Nature, life and the world around,
They will decorate your leisure.
Everyone smiled, had fun,
Maybe even fell in love!

So as not to be like others,
You had a day ahead!
More surprises, good moments,
I wish you a good day today!

I wish, beloved
To you, good day!
I miss very much,
Now I'm without you!

May the coming day
Will give you a smile
May you live without a doubt
And sadness in my soul!

Let the sun smile
The clouds are escorted to the trail.
And the birds in the trees
Sing, wishing well!

Good morning darling,
My gentle, beautiful.
I wish you a good day, mood,
New successes and impressions.
Be on top today
In fullness and soul beauty.
Make the world happy
May luck be with you.

Good morning my love
Hugs and kisses love.
I wish you to shine and shine today,
Surprise everyone around.
Burn like a star in the sky
Become a whole planet where no one has been.
May joy surround and inspire you,
Filled with love and joy.

Good morning darling
Wake up my beautiful.
Open the window, the sun is shining there
He spreads his joy.
I wish you to be the first today
Good luck in everything, be excellent.
Rejoice in every moment
Let inspiration strike you today.

Good morning my love, get up
Start a new day soon.
I wish you love and happiness today
So that your eyes sparkle with happiness.
Be the best, beautiful, charming.
Be irresistible, attractive.
Light up and burn like a bright fire,
Let the sun embrace you with rays hot.

Dear, good morning to you,
Better get yourself out of bed.
Outside the window the sun shines, gives joy,
Surprising everyone, presenting sweetness.
I wish you well today
Sincerity and warmth.
Wonderful moments and ups and downs,
We'll meet soon, I'm on my way.

Good morning, my love,
Darling, isn't it time to invigorate the body, the blood?
Leave the bed, start with a charge,
After all, the sun is already shining strongly, brightly.
I wish you a lot of smiles today
Forget about doubt and grief of mistakes.
Rejoice, have fun, be filled with success,
Vivid emotions and loud laughter.

Good morning darling, wake up
Start the day with the sun.
Meet joy and warmth,
Let laughter and kindness into your world.
I wish you amazing adventures
With a world of new revelations.
Be cheerful and open
You will know the secret, that which is hidden.

Good morning darling, wake up
And get dressed for the walk.
The sun and the wind are waiting for you there,
Happiness is hiding from you somewhere.
I wish you find him and change
Every minute of the morning adventure is proud.
Gain strength and inspiration for the whole day,
So that sadness and laziness cannot envelop you.

Good morning my love
You are my best.
Rejoice soon, because the sun fills with happiness,
Take part in the holidays of life.
I wish you a great day,
In order not to disturb you thoughts how much in vain.
Just soar like a bird in the clouds
Let the wind rock you in its arms.

Good morning darling, wake up
Enjoy the morning freshness.
You will be happy all day today
Harmonious and beautiful.
I wish you fun all day long
Let the shadow of your dreams leave you.
Take a smile from the world, shine
You will be enriched by the compliments of nature.

My love, good morning
Look how big the sun is.
Pleases everyone and everything,
Waiting for you to hug him lovingly.
I wish you comfort and coziness today,
May every minute please you.
Smile, be happy and just flutter,
Wave your tender wings.

Good morning darling, the day has begun
He took up the joy of the world.
Join the common activity
Building new life concepts.
I wish you success today
Bright, as in childhood laughter.
Let your smile dazzle the boulevards, lanes,
And the world, rewarding, gives fate drawings.

My love, the morning has come
The sun is knocking on your window.
The wind wants to meet you
Spin around with you, pull on your shoulders.
I wish you all the best, kindness,
Souls of satiety and fullness.
Let laughter and fun burst into you
Showing off your power, revealing yourself.

Beloved, wake up, the morning has come,
And the sun invited its rays.
To cheer and pamper all the people around,
To please with its strength and brightness.
I wish you fun today
Stunning, stunning mood.
Rejoice with the world in unison,
Let the gramophone play love in your soul.

Good morning my love,
My soft and beautiful.
Put the kettle on, wake up
Enjoy the new day.
I wish you a warm day, sincere,
Solitude in the arms of a faithful friend.
Just freeze for a moment, feel the fullness of solitude,
Harmony with nature and amazing feeling.

Good morning my love, wake up
Make your bed faster.
Rejoice, because today is a happy day,
The world has prepared a secret bundle for you.
Unravel it - you will find bliss,
Life is not a simple perfection.
You will be rewarded with joy and inspiration,
Forget about problems and failures, in an instant.

Morning has come, love, hello
I want to wish you, or rather, give advice.
Open the window and smile
Do you feel how the world has changed dramatically?
I wish you today to discover new forces in yourself,
To make the world twice, three times more beautiful.
May this moment be remembered by you
So that you like me and yourself more.

Good morning, my love,
Without you my blood cools.
I want passions, sweets and a riot of colors.
See you soon, you are beautiful.
Wanting to meet you immediately
I wish you a sweet, dimensional life.
Life is full of miracles
Set your sails fast.

Good morning, beloved morning has come,
The sun joyfully penetrates through the window.
Will soon reach your bed
Do not forget to open the door of your soul to him.
I wish you to be irresistible
Beautiful, best, always loved.
Let the day pass easily, like a feather,
My sweet, beloved, splinter of the heart.

Wake up at dawn
Turn your face to the dew
I am the freshness of the whole world
I'll bring it to you!
I'll pick a lily in the river
As if by accident.
I will come to you, dear
Baby "Good morning!"

My baby good morning
Today I will not be modest!
With a kiss I'll wake up the incomprehensible beauty. +3 2

I wish you a good day
And make good use of it.
So that God does not leave you
Guided, helped along the way ...

Go persistently towards the goal
But just don't forget
That all the same, you are a girl -
Solve problems with a smile!

Wishing you a good day
The cutest girl in the world
I'm in a hurry early in the morning.
Be the happiest until the evening!

Captivate everyone with your smile,
Get it all done before the sun goes down.
Do not let sad thoughts
Not even for a moment in consciousness!

May today be you
Good luck will bring on a platter.
You smile at your fate
And it will be even more beautiful!

So that in your environment
Everyone was just positive.
And the house was a bowl full
And all the wonderful gifts!

I saw the sun through the clouds
It asked to deliver
To the best girl in the world -
Wish you happiness today!

Let the day be successful!
Put on the best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Although our city is not Paris,
Conquer everyone today!

Wishes for a girl have a good day and mood

I rush to you with affection and warmth,
After all, you are the most important thing in my destiny!
I want to wish you today
So that you can dream all day long!
And let this day go wonderfully
May you be, as usual, you are lovely!

My most beautiful girl
With all my heart I wish you a good day,
Let everything go well with you
Let sharp corners be smoothed out.
I wish you much joy and happiness
Let it wash away with the rain of bad weather,
Let the news pleasantly surprise
May all good things surround you.

My love, let this morning
The most wonderful thing will be for you!
Every minute will be happy
Have a beautiful day ahead!
May success await you beyond the threshold,
You smile, think of me!
May the day be full of fun, laughter,
He promises the best for you!

And the sun shines brighter!
And every wild flower
He will see you and greet you!

Let there be a good new day!
May it bring only happiness!
Drive away sadness and laziness!
Drive all bad weather out of your heart!

I wish you a good day
The most beautiful girl on earth
Let the sun warm with its warmth
Let the whole day be filled with magic.
I wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass by
Let the mood be wonderful all day
Let luck follow you like a shadow.

May this day bring you
Only positive news!
I want you to start
Him with a cheerful, kind song!

To set the right rhythm
To cheer up
And you were in a hurry to work
With a smile without a doubt!

So that your day goes well
Forget the word laziness today!

Good day wishes for a girl in your own words

My sweetest and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. Let the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and let the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most tender kiss, may it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Good morning to you, my joy, and a wonderful day. Good meetings to you and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.

My hare, my beloved girl, you are still in the power of sleep, and I'm already thinking about you. I am sending you this message, and with it all my love, all my tenderness and millions of kisses.

I hope you slept well and I didn't have to be the culprit in waking you up. Good morning! Smile at your reflection and enter the victorious path of the planned deeds.
A friendly morning begins its course across the earth! I wish the most beautiful girl all the best!

Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday and a fairy tale!

Short wishes for a good day

May the day bring good luck
And more miracles to boot,
New meetings without fuss,
A dream come true!

May this day bring good luck
And also happiness and warmth,
I love you, which means
You are amazingly lucky!

So that you don’t get bored all day without me, let me kiss you even in a letter!

May your day be fantastic! And simple, and harmonious, concise and uncomplicated!

I wish you a good day
From the bottom of my heart, dear!
May the world that surrounds you
Solid positive only gives!