Do-it-yourself birthday card for grandma with different decor elements. DIY birthday present for grandmother: original ideas and simple ways to implement them

Birthday is a special day for everyone. On this day, you always want increased attention, only a great mood, interesting jokes and pranks on friends and, of course, gifts. Let's think together what kind of birthday present for grandmother with our own hands we can make together with the children.

Imagine the joy of a grandmother who received her gift from the hands of her beloved grandson or granddaughter?! It is no secret that grandmothers perceive their grandchildren more jealously, feel them more deeply than their own children, so a gift to a grandmother with her own hands will be the most expensive for her.

The question of how to give a gift to a grandmother should be decided by the baby himself in the presence of adults. Maybe your child wants to give something special, but without your prompting, he will not be able to do it or he will need your help. In any case, he must choose the idea of ​​a gift personally.

Gifts from natural materials

If the child has not yet reached school age, but really wants to make a gift with his own hands, he can be carried away (cones, pieces of bark, moss, etc.).

The craft can be both flat and voluminous. It will be easiest for the baby to cope with the first option, but the voluminous one looks more interesting)

Make these owls with your baby. As you know, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. Grandma, wise by life experience, will appreciate such a gift.


Continuing the topic about owls, see our crochet master class "Miniature amigurumi toys: we knit a smart owl". Certainly. the child himself will not cope with this task, but he can choose the colors of the threads, glue the eyes and try to embroider feathers.


A postcard could be something like this. And instead of decorative flowers, glue dried ones. See the master class "Beautiful, uncomplicated do-it-yourself postcard using the Scrapbooking technique". It is really very simple, the kid himself will be able to stick multi-colored strips of paper!

And you can really try and make a really amazing picture! Yes, accuracy is required here, so mom will glue the flowers, but the baby will be happy to help collect and dry them!

It is enough just to make roses from orange peel and make a beautiful composition that will decorate the interior.

To do this, from the very top of the orange, it is necessary to cut a thin strip of peel in a spiral, trying to capture the white strip on top. The peel of an orange is very easy to curl up in a spiral, it only needs to be dried. You need to dry on the battery for 2 days, spreading the "roses" on cardboard. You can dry an orange sliced ​​​​in circles in the same way, you get a great addition to the future composition!

If you have preserved dried flowers, leaves, fruits of berries, then all this can be safely used! Girls will be happy to make such beauty for their beloved grandmother!


By the way, coffee beans are another wonderful material, quite a natural origin! You can make coffee beans (see master classes at the relevant links):

Drawing with three-dimensional elements

Of course, the grandson will not always present a gift to his grandmother for birthdays with his own hands. Once he leaves to study or work, only luxurious greeting cards will come to his grandmother.

That is why now a gift from grandchildren who entered primary school is so important, loved and wished with all our hearts.

A kid can make a gift to his grandmother with his own hands by drawing a beautiful favorite - his own or grandmother's flower. You can offer him to cut voluminous flowers from a napkin and glue them, thus decorating the drawing.

For flowers, you need to take 2 layers of napkins, one can be colored, the other white. Fold each layer four times, then four times again and put them on top of each other. Fasten with a stapler as shown in the figure.

Next, you need to cut the napkin into 4 equal parts and cut a flower from each of them. Then, in turn, lift and squeeze in the center all the layers of the napkin, hiding the paper clip. Now straighten the flowers and you can stick on the picture!

Quilling - a masterpiece of craftsmanship

The skill of quilling came to us, as they say, from England, where noble ladies were engaged in this art. Today, in order to do something using the quilling technique, it is enough to buy a special kit, which includes an awl, glue, a ruler with circles and sets of paper strips of different widths. Products created with the help of quilling are already masterpieces in themselves, and a simple and lovingly created composition will make a splash at grandmother's name day.

The ease of working with paper tapes, the simplicity of collecting figures will amaze everyone who worked with this material: a strip of paper should be tightly twisted, then create the necessary figure, assemble the intended element from several smaller elements, and glue it onto a sheet of cardboard. Such masterpieces can be stored indefinitely, but it is better to impregnate the paper with a special composition to avoid fading.

Gift for a grandmother-needlewoman

Many grandmothers are fond of one or another type of needlework. Often they instill a love for needlework in their daughters and granddaughters. If such a wonderful story happened to you, then you can definitely make a gift for your grandmother's birthday with your own hands!

Let's take this idea as a basis and refine it. The frame of spools of thread and buttons is very good! You can stop there and just insert a photo of your grandmother into the frame. And you can completely repeat the original idea of ​​​​the author, only nail another small carnation on the back wall, on which the grandmother can hang her scissors! You can sew a needle bed and attach it somewhere here, then grandmother will have everything at hand! This is the best gift for a grandmother-needlewoman!

A bouquet of artificial flowers and tangles also looks very cute and will never wither!

How do you like this composition? From the photo it is quite clear how to make a gift of such a plan to your grandmother.


Since the grandmother herself is fond of needlework, she will definitely appreciate your creativity. For example, bright citrus coasters made of felt for a mug of hot tea or a cozy home charm made of a wooden kitchen spatula.

Original gift ideas

What gift can be given to a grandmother if she loves and appreciates original things, collects figurines and is a big fan of interesting accessories? Give grandma a stylish watch with photos instead of numbers! You can alternate photos with small handmade souvenirs, for example, embroidered magnets or buttons.

Girls are quite capable of knitting funny potholders in the form of animals for their grandmother. She will be very pleased!

Most likely, your beloved grandmother will also appreciate a gift specially purchased for her in a gift shop, but even if it is a thing that she has long dreamed of, a birthday present made by your hands for your grandmother, she will certainly remember.


Even a bought gift can be presented very sincerely if you make packaging for it yourself. To help you master class "Gift box without glue: what could be easier?"

There are things that each of us must be able to do. For example, make a gift for your grandmother's birthday with your own hands. Of course, today you can buy any item in the store, and your grandmother will appreciate your efforts. However an exclusive gift received from the granddaughter or from a grandson and decorated with your own hands, will bring much more joy and positive. How to make an unforgettable surprise for a loved one, we will tell later in the article.

Grandmothers sometimes love their grandchildren more than their own grown-up children. And grandchildren, in gratitude for love, care, understanding and all sorts of sweets, can independently make a birthday present for their grandmother, which she will remember and keep with pleasure throughout her life. Depending on your ability, you can think over a serious and useful gift(for example, sew a pillow), or you can make a nice little thing in just 5 minutes.

For example, try making a stylish houseplant stand out of ordinary wooden clothespins. Plant greens, mint or a small flower in a pot and give grandma as a keepsake.

If you have no idea what you can present to your grandmother for 80 years, give her memories. Family photos in a beautiful setting will help to reveal many family stories that you did not know about before.

A nice gift from my grandson - spring flowers in a cup.

Grandmothers are unsurpassed kitchen wizards and thrifty housewives. Give a Granny useful kitchen items handmade with taste.

Decorate your grandmother's bag with your own hands. Using acrylic paints and pieces of vegetables or fruits, you can draw original patterns on the fabric. With such a bag, grandmother will be happy to go shopping and delight you with new goodies. And best of all - visit grandma more often And don't forget to help her with the housework.

For 75 years you can present a beautiful handmade vase to your grandmother.

Make a gift for your grandmother for her birthday original candlestick.

What to give to your grandmother on March 8 with your own hands?

You can please your grandmother on March 8 with warmth and care. Prepare a surprise tea box for her. Put in the box with the tea bags notes with words of love and gratitude. And then arrange a festive tea party with your grandmother.
The continuation of the first gift will be a delicious cake that you bake for your grandmother with your own hands.

Decorate for grandma several vases in an original way.

Nice handmade gift for grandma soft mat, which you can make from pieces of old things.

Paper also produces a lot of interesting and useful things. A memorable gift - a postcard - can be presented on others, and on March 8, and on any other holiday. Try decorate a card with paper flowers, and write the text yourself, from the heart, with words of gratitude. How to make paper flowers, we wrote in detail in one of the previous articles, and we are sure you will find the words of congratulations in your heart.

How to make a gift-card from paper to your grandmother for the holiday?

We will tell you more about making postcards for grandmother right now. For example, you want give 65th birthday card for grandma and please her with tender congratulations, sincere words or beautiful poems.

An excellent postcard for a grandmother's anniversary will be beautifully decorated photos of your beloved grandchildren.

Grandmother's greeting card ideas are striking in their diversity and simplicity. For making postcards you will need very few things.

  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Corrugated paper (for flowers)
  • Lace
  • colored paper
  • Cardboard
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • colored ribbons
  • Beads, beads, pearls

By combining these elements into a harmonious composition, you will receive a wonderful card as a gift for your beloved grandmother.

Children love to give their loved ones gifts made with their own hands. And if the birthday girl is a grandmother, why not make a card for her? The help of parents, the right materials, our advice - and a do-it-yourself birthday card for your grandmother is ready.

tender joy

Usually girls are more romantic and they like to make products with flowers. To make a card from a granddaughter, as in the photo, you need to prepare:

  • colored cardboard;
  • multi-colored shreds or pieces of gift paper;
  • scissors;
  • buttons;
  • thread with a needle;
  • glue;
  • green felt-tip pen or pencil.

Cut out circles of different diameters from the flaps. For each flower you will need three circles. Sew a button to the smallest circle, this will be the middle of the flower. There will be three flowers in total, but you can increase this number if you wish.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, forming a postcard. Glue first the largest circles for the middle so that the edges resemble petals. Glue a second layer of smaller mugs on top in the same way. Glue circles with buttons last. Draw the stems and leaves of the flowers with a green pencil.

Inside the card, write a congratulation, and if the child is still small, then write to the parents “From Grandma”, and the child will write the name himself. In a similar style, you can make a postcard, where the flowers will be of the same diameter, without buttons and not from fabric, but from colored napkins.

Kindness of the heart

Both boys and girls will like a card made of hearts.

She needs a cardboard blank, a template (choose a heart), colored paper, scissors and glue.

This card can be made in two ways. Hearts can be painted with patterns or write on each heart, for which the children are grateful to their grandmother. For example, for fairy tales, pies, smile, care, etc.

When the hearts are ready, a tree trunk made of paper is first glued to the postcard, and hearts in the form of twigs are on top. It turns out cute, and then you don’t have to write the text of congratulations, because the hearts will tell why they love their grandmother.

Another version of the postcard is to fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half and on one side of the fold with a simple pencil draw the outline of the child’s palm, as in the photo:

If you cut out the palms along the contour and open the card, it turns out that the palms are holding the heart. Inside the card, you can color it with flowers or butterflies and sign it.

Tribute to grandma's pies

Grandmothers will always feed you delicious, give you tea. Grandma will love this postcard in the form of a teapot.

Glue an image of a teapot on a piece of cardboard, decorate it with artificial flowers, sparkles, glue pieces of lace, images of a jar of jam.

Items such as aprons are also associated with grandmothers, because the grandmother works in the kitchen to feed the whole family. A very interesting idea for older children to make their own apron card as in the photo.

Bend the cardboard blank in half. On the front, cut the corners so that an apron shape is formed. Paste it with gift paper, glue a multi-colored pocket decorated with a piece of lace on top. Round the bottom of the apron with scissors and decorate with a corrugated paper frill. Glue ribbons at the top and along the edges - satin ties. Or you can punch holes with a hole punch and gently tie ribbons through them. Separately draw on cardboard, and then cut out kitchen utensils that need to be inserted into the “belt” or into your pocket. Inside the card, write "Happy Birthday!".

Here are some more postcard options:

A special case

For my grandmother's anniversary, I want the card to be special and festive. In this case, you can use bright buttons of different colors and a photo of a grandmother with her grandchildren.

Decorate cardboard, sew or glue buttons in the form of a balloon that “carries” the house with a photo. Connect the ball and the house with threads. Cut out clouds from transparent fabric and glue them around the house and the ball.

An anniversary is also an occasion for a big cake. The child will be happy to make such a bright, but simple postcard himself, you just need to stock up on beads, colored cardboard and plasticine.

  1. Take a bright sheet of cardboard, fold it in half and open it on the inside.
  2. Fold long strips of cardboard of different colors of the same width, but of different lengths into an accordion. These are the future cake layers of the holiday pie.
  3. Glue the edges of the "accordions" so that their middle is on the fold of the postcard.
  4. Glue a cardboard candle to the top.
  5. In the free space of the postcard, evenly stick small pieces of plasticine, and press a bead or sparkle into each of them from above.
  6. When the card closes, the cake "folds".
  7. On top of the card, sign the words of congratulations to your grandmother on her anniversary.

A very tender card is obtained from paper and plastic butterflies.

Paper butterflies are cut according to a pattern from thick but thin paper. Glue the finished paper butterflies onto cardboard and decorate the card with beads and lace. Plastic butterflies can be cut out of bottles and painted with nail polish or paints.

Pots of flowers

To make such a postcard, you need decorative colored glass stones on an adhesive basis, multi-colored cardboard, colored paper, contrasting strips of paper with polka dots or stripes, glue.

  1. From colored cardboard, make 2 identical blanks of pots and glue them together so that they form a pocket in which bouquets cut out of colored paper can be placed. The bouquet should look like an insert in a pot. Flowers should only be on the top of the bouquet so that the rest of the cardboard is free for the congratulations text. Glue a colored stone to the center of each flower. Insert the finished bouquet with wishes into the pot.
  2. Decorate the top of the pot with contrasting stripes, and the bottom with a paper ladybug or butterfly.

Grandma will definitely love it.

Video on the topic of the article

Below are additional video tutorials on making postcards.

How nice it will be for a grandmother to receive a postcard from her beloved grandson or granddaughter as a gift, which was made personally for her. The options for postcards for grandma that we have proposed can be made even by a baby, who will be helped a little by adults.

DIY birthday card.

The main plot of this postcard is a birthday cake.

1. First, you cut out a postcard from thick white paper. We took drawing paper for the base of the postcard. The size of the folded postcard is 17.5x11 cm. You can choose your sizes. The main thing is that the size of the background for the postcard is 0.5-1 cm smaller.

2. Background template for postcard

Templates for cutting out parts

3. Cut out the details of the cake.

4. Paste the background on the postcard.

5. Glue the top layer of the cake.

6. Glue the bottom layer of the cake.

7. The cake is ready. Let's start decorating it. Decorate the first layer of the cake.

8. Rosette decorate the top layer of the cake.

To add volume to the postcard, we glue the roses using double-sided tape.

9. We decorate the inside of the card in our own way. We designed the edges of the leaflet with the help of a corner figured hole punch and pasted it into a postcard. Don't forget to sign the postcard.

Birthday greetings for grandma

Thank you for the kindness

And the light of warmth!

Granny, you give me a fairy tale,

Where dreams come true!

I am with the most tender love

I wish you happiness, clear days

And very good health

My wonderful grandmother!

10. The postcard is ready.

Postcard "Happy Birthday Grandma." Master Class

The hero of this postcard will be a cute and cheerful Cat.

1. Choose the basis for the postcard.

2. Templates for postcards.

3. Cut out the details of the Cat.

4. Select part number 1, stick double-sided tape on it on the reverse side and glue it on the base of the postcard.

5. Next, on part No. 1, using double-sided adhesive tape, sequentially (according to numbers No. 2, 3, 4, etc.), we paste the rest of the details of Kotik. To do this, it is necessary to combine the contours of these parts with the image on the previous element.

6. The cat is ready.

7. Cut out the words "Grandmother", "Happy Birthday", an exclamation mark from the templates and glue it onto the postcard using double-sided tape.

8. We sign a congratulation for the grandmother.

9. The postcard is ready.

You can put it in an envelope. The envelope can also be decorated.

Children love to give their loved ones gifts made with their own hands. And if the birthday girl is a grandmother, why not make a card for her? The help of parents, the right materials, our advice - and a do-it-yourself birthday card for your grandmother is ready.

tender joy

Usually girls are more romantic and they like to make products with flowers. To make a card from a granddaughter, as in the photo, you need to prepare:

  • colored cardboard;
  • multi-colored shreds or pieces of gift paper;
  • scissors;
  • buttons;
  • thread with a needle;
  • glue;
  • green felt-tip pen or pencil.

Cut out circles of different diameters from the flaps. For each flower you will need three circles. Sew a button to the smallest circle, this will be the middle of the flower. There will be three flowers in total, but you can increase this number if you wish.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, forming a postcard. Glue first the largest circles for the middle so that the edges resemble petals. Glue a second layer of smaller mugs on top in the same way. Glue circles with buttons last. Draw the stems and leaves of the flowers with a green pencil.

Inside the card, write a congratulation, and if the child is still small, then write to the parents “From Grandma”, and the child will write the name himself. In a similar style, you can make a postcard, where the flowers will be of the same diameter, without buttons and not from fabric, but from colored napkins.

Kindness of the heart

Both boys and girls will like a card made of hearts.

She needs a cardboard blank, a template (choose a heart), colored paper, scissors and glue.

This card can be made in two ways. Hearts can be painted with patterns or write on each heart, for which the children are grateful to their grandmother. For example, for fairy tales, pies, smile, care, etc.

When the hearts are ready, a tree trunk made of paper is first glued to the postcard, and hearts in the form of twigs are on top. It turns out cute, and then you don’t have to write the text of congratulations, because the hearts will tell why they love their grandmother.

Another version of the postcard is to fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half and on one side of the fold with a simple pencil draw the outline of the child’s palm, as in the photo:

If you cut out the palms along the contour and open the card, it turns out that the palms are holding the heart. Inside the card, you can color it with flowers or butterflies and sign it.

Tribute to grandma's pies

Grandmothers will always feed you delicious, give you tea. Grandma will love this postcard in the form of a teapot.

Glue an image of a teapot on a piece of cardboard, decorate it with artificial flowers, sparkles, glue pieces of lace, images of a jar of jam.

Items such as aprons are also associated with grandmothers, because the grandmother works in the kitchen to feed the whole family. A very interesting idea for older children to make their own apron card as in the photo.

Bend the cardboard blank in half. On the front, cut the corners so that an apron shape is formed. Paste it with gift paper, glue a multi-colored pocket decorated with a piece of lace on top. Round the bottom of the apron with scissors and decorate with a corrugated paper frill. Glue ribbons at the top and along the edges - satin ties. Or you can punch holes with a hole punch and gently tie ribbons through them. Separately draw on cardboard, and then cut out kitchen utensils that need to be inserted into the “belt” or into your pocket. Inside the card, write "Happy Birthday!".

Here are some more postcard options:

A special case

For my grandmother's anniversary, I want the card to be special and festive. In this case, you can use bright buttons of different colors and a photo of a grandmother with her grandchildren.

Decorate cardboard, sew or glue buttons in the form of a balloon that “carries” the house with a photo. Connect the ball and the house with threads. Cut out clouds from transparent fabric and glue them around the house and the ball.

An anniversary is also an occasion for a big cake. The child will be happy to make such a bright, but simple postcard himself, you just need to stock up on beads, colored cardboard and plasticine.

  1. Take a bright sheet of cardboard, fold it in half and open it on the inside.
  2. Fold long strips of cardboard of different colors of the same width, but of different lengths into an accordion. These are the future cake layers of the holiday pie.
  3. Glue the edges of the "accordions" so that their middle is on the fold of the postcard.
  4. Glue a cardboard candle to the top.
  5. In the free space of the postcard, evenly stick small pieces of plasticine, and press a bead or sparkle into each of them from above.
  6. When the card closes, the cake "folds".
  7. On top of the card, sign the words of congratulations to your grandmother on her anniversary.

A very tender card is obtained from paper and plastic butterflies.

Paper butterflies are cut according to a pattern from thick but thin paper. Glue the finished paper butterflies onto cardboard and decorate the card with beads and lace. Plastic butterflies can be cut out of bottles and painted with nail polish or paints.

Pots of flowers

To make such a postcard, you need decorative colored glass stones on an adhesive basis, multi-colored cardboard, colored paper, contrasting strips of paper with polka dots or stripes, glue.

  1. From colored cardboard, make 2 identical blanks of pots and glue them together so that they form a pocket in which bouquets cut out of colored paper can be placed. The bouquet should look like an insert in a pot. Flowers should only be on the top of the bouquet so that the rest of the cardboard is free for the congratulations text. Glue a colored stone to the center of each flower. Insert the finished bouquet with wishes into the pot.
  2. Decorate the top of the pot with contrasting stripes, and the bottom with a paper ladybug or butterfly.

Grandma will definitely love it.

Video on the topic of the article

Below are additional video tutorials on making postcards.