Crafts from chenille. Crafts from chenille (fluffy) wire

We present another hobby that does not require large expenses, special skills and a lot of time, suitable for adults and children.

Make crafts from chenille wire DIY is very easy and fun. This simple needlework relaxes and helps to escape from the hustle and bustle anywhere - at work, at home, on the road. The material is convenient and pleasant to work with, and if something does not work out, the product can always be disassembled and work can be started again. As a result, they are born funny toys for kids and home decor.

What is chenille wire - briefly about the material

You may be surprised, but chenille wire was not invented for needlework. This fluffy flexible wand was invented in the West and was originally intended for cleaning smoking pipes. In fact, chenille is a twisted double wire wrapped with synthetic pile, a typical brush. The original name in the English version is pipe cleaner. The Russian-language name came from the word chenille - a caterpillar.

Thanks to the ingenuity of needlewomen, fluffy wire has received a new round of development. Manufacturers responded to increased demand and began to produce products different colors and with various lengths pile. Now you can buy chenille wire sets in craft stores. Sets contain 20-100 pieces of bright cuts different shades and with different pile lengths - from 4 to 15 mm.

before buying, compare prices stores in your city and in online stores. Practice shows that in Chinese supermarkets, sets are cheaper. True, you will have to wait longer. Tip - buy one set, try the material in work, and if you like it, immediately order a few more packs. While you train, the package will be delivered.

Features of working with fluffy wire

Creating a variety of chenille figurines with your own hands, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. But this needlework has its own nuances:

  • Chenille is a relatively fragile material, so you should not bend it intensively.
  • The ends of the wire are sharp, be careful when creating crafts, and if children are involved in creativity, bend the ends into loops. Be sure to feel the entire length for safety reasons before giving to a child.
  • For gluing parts or gluing decor to crafts, you can take silicone glue or PVA.
  • To give fluffy wire desired shape it is convenient to use pencils, cylinders, other items. Some figures are formed simply by hand.

Chenille figurines for every taste

Fluffy wire is ideal for DIY crafts. One has only to take it in hand once, it will be impossible to part! Try it to make sure own experience.

What can be made from chenille wire

It is easy to create all kinds of figurines from chenille wire with your own hands for a good mood:

  • funny soft toys for kids - they are flexible, do not break and do not take up much space;
  • figurines of symbolic animals Eastern horoscope and signs of the zodiac;
  • toys for finger theater;
  • flowers for home decor and decorations of other crafts, for example, for topiary, postcard, gift box;
  • original jewelry - voluminous necklaces, earrings, brooches, bracelets;
  • headbands and hoops for hair;
  • crowns, glasses and other details of carnival costumes;
  • christmas toys- Christmas trees, snowflakes, balls.

You can wrap any boring object with chenille and instantly transform it. Try to wrap old vase, an empty bottle, flower pot, tennis ball or driftwood. The result will amaze.

Chenille wire is well combined with other improvised and natural materials. Beautiful crafts are obtained in a duet with cones, chestnuts, ice cream sticks, corrugated paper, pom-poms, felt. fashionable volumetric decorations easy to make by combining chenille with glass or wood beads.

Craft Ideas for Kids

Children love to make crafts from chenille wire with their own hands, because just a few movements turn a piece of chenille into a fluffy puppy, a bright butterfly, a mischievous chicken or a funny little man.

Kids love that fluffy sticks are easy to bend by hand without resorting to other tools. The crafts are flexible and easy to play with. The little people easily bend their arms and legs, the caterpillars move, and the spiders bend their legs.

For voluminous crafts fluffy sticks are often twisted into spirals, from which various shapes are then created. flat toys collected directly on the table, leveling the product on a plane and pressing it with your hands.

Chenille needlework for adults

Adults most often make flowers, New Year's toys and ornamental trees. TO Easter holidays women love to decorate egg-shaped crafts with plush wire. Styrofoam testicles, which are sold in needlework stores and are very cheap, are ideal. You can also make the basis in technique using old newspapers.

If you have patience and enough materials, you can make a complete Christmas tree. Fluffy Christmas tree will last for several years. Synthetics are not interesting for moths and other pests, so the “needles” of the green beauty will not lose their decorative effect during storage.

Photo inspired experienced craftsmen feel free to proceed to the next stage of acquaintance with fashion needlework- Making crafts with your own hands.

IN modern world child development given Special attention. And this is not surprising, because changeable and rapidly developing the world dictates its terms.

Now swimming lessons with babies can surprise only our grandparents. And what about the new entertainment materials For children's creativity. The choice is just huge. Here and different kinds plasticine, kinetic sand, sets for experiments, etc. All this perfectly develops fine motor skills in a child, his tactile sensitivity and contributes to the development of dexterity and mobility of children's fingers, not to mention the rapid intellectual development.

What is fluffy wire?

But now I want to dwell in more detail on such material as fluffy wire. It has other names - chenille, plush, furry. This is a flexible thin wire wrapped in pile. Initially, it was used as an object with which to clean pipes for smoking. But smart people quickly realized that this is a great find for children's activities.

In the domestic markets, this material appeared relatively recently, and earlier few people had heard of it at all. Nevertheless, it has now become as popular as in the West. This is a great material for creative people, thanks to it you can stop sewing for a long time. soft toys. And crafts made of fluffy wire are bright, soft and beautiful.

What can be made from this material?

Crafts from fluffy wire are very cute. And the design, for example, of small figures, will not take much time. How to make crafts from fluffy wire? Very simple. First you need to purchase several sets of different colors. This can be done at a stationery store or ordered online. Crafts from fluffy wire can be both flat and voluminous. We will make both those and others.

Let's start with flat crafts for warming up. To interest the baby, we will make flowers. We take any wire bright color: red, pink, yellow ... We bend it in such a way that petals appear intertwined in the middle. Next, cut out two circles from colored cardboard - this will be our middle. Glue them on both sides so that the flower becomes two-sided.

We take a green wire and attach one end to the flower between the two centers. Leaves can also be constructed from wire or cut from velvet and glued to the stem. You can make a few more flowers and arrange them beautifully in a bouquet, tying them with a bright ribbon. That's all, beautiful craft from fluffy wire is ready.

How to make a caterpillar

However, nothing delights children like animals. Therefore, invite your child to try to portray some kind of animal, and he will gladly agree. The most simple figure, which is done no more than a minute, is a caterpillar. True, for her we need plastic eyes or stickers, so stock up on these parts in advance. So, take two wires of different colors and twist them. You should get a multi-colored wand. We wrap the black wire at one end, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge, leave the ears sticking out, and slightly bend their ends. Glue the eyes on the face.

How to make a spider

Now let's build a spider. You will need four wires of the same color and two large beads. We string the beads on a fluffy wire and twist. It turns out the head, body and two legs. We insert the remaining wire sticks, give them the shape of spider legs, and voila - the spider is ready and comes into play. Here we have such a beautiful piece of fluffy wire.

Fluffy wire Christmas tree

Because on the nose New Year and Christmas, a great theme for creative pursuit can become a small creation Christmas tree. What will be needed for this? Green or any other fluffy wire. We begin to twist it in a spiral so that the lower base circle is wider than all subsequent ones. We continue to twist the wire, reducing the circles, by analogy with the cone. That's basically it. The Christmas tree is ready, and you can put it on the table or on the windowsill, or you can use it as a Christmas tree toy. It can also be decorated with rain, like the main tree.

Crafts from fluffy wire can be very diverse. Do not stop the flight of your imagination and do not be afraid to experiment. And most importantly, do not stop the children in this. Crafts from fluffy wire, the photos of which are presented in the article, look pretty cute. Here, for example, what happens when children are given the freedom to create.

Now it remains only to enjoy the game with self-made characters. If you know how to make some crafts from fluffy wire with your own hands, then you have something to do with your child for the benefit of him.

If you like to be creative with your children and are looking for something new and unusual, you certainly need to trychenille wire - fluffy th multi-th wire, which th will not leave anyone indifferent.

Chenille- a shaggy cord twisted from several threads, between which a series of short ends of threads sticking out in all directions (pile) is captured.

Chenille wire is a useful and versatile blank that can be used in literally all types of applied art. It is easy and pleasant to work with - it bends easily, holds its shape, attaches perfectly to most surfaces, and even a child can cut it with ordinary scissors.

Chenille (or chenille) wire has been known in the West for a very long time as ... a brush for cleaning smoking pipes. And only recently they guessed to paint it in different colors and use for creativity. This wonderful material is attractive, safe and gives endless scope for the imagination of the child.

In our supermarket Write Draw big choice chenille wire of different colors, as well as sets that include chenille for decorating toys, postcards and other crafts.

Before you offer your child classes with chenille, it is worth inspecting each wire for damage, and then bending the ends on both sides into small rings or loops. This is necessary, since chenille is still a wire, and its tips, if pressed unsuccessfully, can scratch the baby's skin.

Let the kid learn how to make rings, bend corners, twist 2 wires together. When the fingers acquire the necessary skills, you can try to make a simple flat figure or a picture. It is simple and useful for fine motor skills crafts your child will like.

We offer you options for DIY crafts for children from chenille wire:

1 Chenille Spider

Make spiders out of fluffy wire. And we can decorate the interior, use it as a brooch, boutonniere, hairpin or decoration on a tie.

2. Chenille wire flowers

Chenille wire is obtained original flowers, the main thing is to show imagination and imagination.

Below you can watch a video with a master class on creating cute flowers from chenille wire.

Surprise your loved ones unusual gifts- chenille wire flowers. Anyone will be happy to decorate their interior with such crafts, especially those made with their own hands.

3. Chenille Butterflies

4. Chenille wire ladybug

To do ladybug from chenille wire you will need the following materials: 2 pieces of chenille wire (red and black), glue, black yarn ends, pompoms for decorating wings

5. DIY toy made of chenille wire and pompoms

Below is a video from a master class on using chenille wire, pompoms and Fancy Creative decorative eyes, which you can purchase in our stationery supermarket Write Draw.

6 Chenille Wire Puppet

In our supermarket there is a set for creativity Fancy Creative "Do-it-yourself puppets", which also contains chenille wire. Below is a video showing how easy it is to make puppets from this set.

7. Unusual chenille figurines and toys

In our supermarket you can find all the necessary items to create cute animals: eyes, pomnons, pinoplast balls, feathers, rhinestones and much more.

From fluffy sticks the child is happy to make figurines of funny animals and flowers, vegetables and fruits, letters and numbers and much more - opportunities for creativity not limited!

8 Chenille Easter Eggs

9. Carnival mask decorated with chenille wire

In our supermarket you can purchase "Masks" kits for creativity from Action FANCY, and you can decorate these masks with any decorative means at hand: chenille wire, feathers, rhinestones, sequins, sparkles, etc. (all decorations are also available in Write Draw) .

10. Master classes for children in the supermarket Write Draw. Crafts from chenille wire.

Sometimes in our supermarket there are master classes for children, one of them was devoted to handicrafts from chenille wire. Children with inspiration and enthusiasm came to work with bright wire, they got very cute toys and decorations, we recommend that you use wire in children's art, because it will not leave anyone indifferent, and even dads will be happy to be involved in this process :)

If you have a desire to make something incredibly beautiful and original and at the same time spend minimal amount time, then wire crafts are what you need!

And if you use chenille wire as a material for making crafts, then you can easily win the hearts of children and teach them to create outlandish things with their own hands. Chenille wire is distinguished by its bright rich colors and characteristic “fluffiness”, which is very pleasant to the touch and thus creates an amazing volume and beauty for handicrafts made from it.

In this article, the site news portal has prepared for you some interesting and not difficult master classes on making the most various crafts from chenille wire. And if you are ready to get creative, then let's go!

Chenille wire cacti

DIY cacti

There is no opportunity or desire to acquire houseplants?! No problem! Plants can be made with your own hands, and they will not require care and attention from you.

So, we present to your attention the handsome cacti made of chenille wire.

To make such a bright and original composition You will need green chenille wire, miniature pompoms or bright colors Knitting thread.

From chenille wire, build a frame that will visually resemble a cactus (see photo).

Then from knitting threads make small voluminous pom-poms, which will decorate homemade cacti, creating the illusion of flowering.

Chenille Animals

How to make animals from chenille wire?

To create such cheerful company You will need chenille wire of different colors, adhesive tape and ready-made templates muzzles of animals (cat, dog, mouse, bunny, etc.).

Animal face templates must be printed and then carefully cut out.

Now twist the spiral from chenille wire.

Glue the muzzle to one end using tape. The opposite end of the wire will be the tail.

Now you need to attach the paws.

It is very fun and interesting to play with such funny little animals.

wire crown

Chenille wire crown

You can make such a rainbow fashionable headdress for visiting a masquerade or a party in a matter of minutes if you have some multi-colored chenille wire, a sheet of thick colored cardboard, and adhesive tape on hand.

Three different colors of chenille wire were used to make this rainbow crown: red, orange and yellow. Each color has its own size.

Measure your head and cut out a wide strip of thick colored cardstock to fit the circumference of your head.

Now start gluing the wire. Give each piece of wire a rainbow shape, and stick it to the cardboard strip using tape.

Then glue the second row of a different color and at the end of the third row of wire.

Connect the ends of the cardboard strip together with a stapler.

A bright and beautiful headdress for a party is ready!

Christmas tree made of wire

Chenille wire herringbone

To create such an unusual spruce forest, you will need wooden barbecue skewers, chenille wire, scissors, wooden ice cream sticks, and a large bead.

Cut the chenille wire into pieces and tie them tightly on a wooden skewer.

Then, using scissors, give the workpiece the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with a decorative pom-pom or a bow.

The stand can be made from wooden ice cream sticks and a large bead, or you can use a small piece of Styrofoam or floral foam.

These wonderful Christmas trees will be a wonderful decoration. home interior during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Crown of wire and beads

DIY chenille crown

We bring to your attention another production option beautiful crown for carnival or party. Such a headdress will be a great addition to the image of a queen, princess or snowflake.

To make such luxurious crowns, you will need chenille wire, pasta, acrylic paints and beads.

Pasta must first be colored acrylic paints and dry well.

Now you can start creating outlandish crowns that can be decorated with colorful pasta and beautiful beads.

Wire bracelet

Chenille wire bracelet

Any little fashionista will love such bright and unusual accessories - bracelets.

Each bracelet is decorated with miniature figurines of birds and a bunny, as well as large beads.

Miniature figures can be made from pieces of colored felt and miniature decorative pompoms. Make the eyes of the figurines out of small black beads.

Crafts from chenille wire video:

Chenille wire dog

Chenille wire spider

Chenille wire flower

Wire and its varieties can be used both in the manufacture of some decorative items, as well as in stand-alone form. Due to the flexibility, crafts made from this material are accessible even to schoolchildren, and a rich variety of species allows the imagination to diverge. We will learn how to get started simple crafts from different types of wire.

Chenille Animals

To determine which wire to use for crafts, you need to start from the age of the child taking part in creative process and what you are going to do.

To create animals, fluffy colored wire is suitable, which children like younger age It is flexible and not brittle. To begin, form a small nub at the end of the wire, then wrap the next piece around a pen or marker and continue as a squiggle tail, pulling out the stationery.

Cut off two small blanks and bend at the tips of the paws, then attach to the body. The color and shape of the figure will determine the type of animal, stick the eyes on the muzzle. From this funny wire you can make plastic men and other interesting things.

copper wire horse

Cut two pieces of wire, one longer than the other. The short one will serve as legs when we bend it at an angle, and the long one will take on the shape of the horse, including the head on the side.

We wrap the entire body of the horse with wire in a colored sheath, ring to ring, close. In places of hooves, the wire is wound repeatedly in a thick layer so that the animal is stable. By the same principle, you can make other animals by finding photos of crafts on the Internet.


This DIY wire craft is original and not as simple as the previous ones. Previously, a paste is boiled from starch, cotton pads are dipped into it.

After drying, we paint, cut out the petals and fasten several pieces together, highlighting the core with yellow and white paint, which will then be occupied by a piece of cotton wool. A stem is made of wire, wrapped with green tape or electrical tape, leaves are added and fastened with a flower.


With the help of round nose pliers, hard wire and beads, you can create amazing jewelry. Having twisted a spiral trunk from several pieces of thick wire, we bring them into graceful branches. They can intertwine with each other, and then grow apart, giving the tree sprawling.

Red bead fruits appear in the loops, oblong green bugle beads cover strong branches with dense foliage. It is important to firmly strengthen the rhizome of the tree in a pot with pebbles.

Oil burner

This instance is not the easiest, but the most functional, let's try to tell you detailed instructions for the production of useful gizmos from wire.

We bend a circle from a thick wire and solder its ends with a soldering iron. On this base we solder five equal pieces of wire of medium thickness at an equal distance and bend a little in the middle. After we bring the ends to one point and solder to the base of the floor lamp, a circle of thick wire.

From a metal plate we make a bowl and a side indented by zero as much as five tenths of a millimeter. Now for the upper part of the wire of medium thickness we make four squares different sizes, cut four identical pieces from the same wire.

At an angle, solder a short piece of wire to the big square, a slightly smaller square on it, and so on. We make a circle from the middle wire, attach it to the legs from the same wires to the very last smallest square.

We cover all parts of the lamp with silver spray paint. Then, with a thin copper wire, we go through the entire body of the floor lamp and weave beautiful large beads into the pattern, at the same time connecting the two parts.


Take not too thick and elastic wire and a deep plate. Attach one end of the wire to the bottom of the container and begin wrapping around the plate with outside. You can do this both randomly and pursuing a special pattern.

After the entire plate is covered with wire on the outside, fasten the other end to the first by twisting them together several times and masking the knot between adjacent lines. Remove the plate and level the resulting vase for fruits and sweets.

Figures and decorations

By twisting a thick wire with round-nose pliers, you can create a mysterious frame for unusual bottles, jugs or vases. Also bewitching are the decorations from copper wire who seem to be holding in their paws gems, wrapping around, like a snake, a hand in the wrist, finger or ear.

Such handmade jewelry is filled with pleasant energy and will always be an exclusive addition to the image.

Trees, animals, mythical creatures, abstract figures can become holders for jewelry and jewelry, keys, business cards, tools and gadgets, and making wire crafts will become a favorite pastime for children and adults, if you do not limit your imagination and use your favorite images.

Photo of wire crafts