DIY paper crafts. Colored paper crafts (106 photos): instructions and cutting patterns for creating amazing toys and decorations

Floral theme, no doubt, everyone's favorite in any form. Flowers are beautiful and live, and artificial. They give positive emotions. They are given to both men and women, regardless of age. Flowers decorate the dwelling, clothes, utensils and other items.

But today we will talk about crafts in the form of flowers that you can do with your children or on your own. Many ideas and instructions for making them can be gleaned from magazines or the Internet.

But, if you are a creative person and not deprived of imagination, you can show all your abilities by creating new original crafts - flowers.

Flower extravaganza - ideas for creativity

On the eve of spring, when nature begins to wake up, on the eve of Women's Day on March 8, together with the children, you can create an application from paper called “Snowdrops on a thawed patch” and give it to your mother or grandmother for the holiday.

This idea is especially good for collective creativity in kindergarten. It is very easy to execute it. For work you will need: a white sheet of paper, colored paper, scissors and glue. Then cut out the stem and leaves from green paper, and snowdrop petals from blue paper.

Take a blank sheet and lay out the shape of the future flower on it, then glue all the elements to a sheet of paper. The flower is ready. On a sheet, you can make an application of several flowers in the form of a clearing.

In the technique of origami

In addition to the application, flower crafts can be made using the origami technique. Create a whole bouquet and set in a beautiful vase. And when, after some time, you get tired of it, just make a new one in a completely different way. A variety of photos of flower crafts will help you in this choice.

Beautiful do-it-yourself flowers using the origami technique can be different: daisies, roses, tulips, snowdrops, etc. They will perfectly decorate an apartment and groups in children's institutions.

In addition, the development of motor skills in children is of great importance in their development. And the spring mood will be provided to you for every day.

Volumetric postcards

Well, what is a holiday without traditional greeting cards. Each child will be happy to give his beloved women a beautiful card with flowers. For example, with a cute mimosa sprig, which is easy to create from ordinary yellow napkins or colored ones for originality.

For beginners to make crafts flowers, the procedure step by step is as follows:

  • prepare the necessary materials: a mimosa template, green gouache, a jar of water, a brush, PVA glue, yellow paper napkins,
  • from napkins roll up hard lumps of a round shape, on a template in the form of a mimosa, drip glue into the places where the flowers are located and hide them with lumps on top.

The mimosa branch is ready.

Craft a bouquet of roses

From corrugated paper, a bouquet of roses of different sizes will look very elegant and festively elegant, and you can put a chocolate candy inside the buds.

After all, as you know, a rose is not only a beautiful, but also a noble flower. Such a bouquet of flowers will decorate any interior, refresh the mood and give positive emotions.

Spring tulips with a surprise

The smallest children can cope with crafts in the form of tulips by putting chupa-chups candies into the core of the buds. These truly spring flowers will delight any representative of the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, colored handprints can be made as an application. These will be the best flower crafts for moms.

An interesting version of the craft is the creation of tulips from plastic spoons. The creative process includes the following steps:

  • first, plastic disposable spoons are painted in different colors: red, yellow, purple, etc. You can even mix them to get a new shade,
  • when the paint on the spoons dries, you need to connect the spoons with the back side outward, and wrap the handles with green paper, making a stem,
  • pour red beans inside a plastic cup and place the made tulips in them,
  • make leaves for tulips from satin, tie a bow from this ribbon on the stem.
  • disguise the cup with a colorful postcard or a fragment of a magazine.
  • decorate any corner of the apartment with a ready-made flower.

Handicrafts on a floral theme, made using the iris folding technique, will come in very handy. Diagrams and instructions for implementation can be found on the Internet and printed for ease of use. Or study a detailed master class on crafts on the theme of flowers using this technique.

Bouquet of callas

Crafts in the form of callas are made without much difficulty, for which you will need ear sticks and cotton pads. Form a flower from the discs, and inside place a half of an ear stick, attach a wire stem and wrap it with green paper. The flower is ready.

Make several of them, and you get a whole bunch. In addition, it can be an application on paper, where the flowers will be voluminous, and the stem and petals will be flat from colored paper.

What else can you make a flower craft from? In principle, it is not difficult to build flowers from various materials. For example, wire, thread, beads, ribbons and even plastic bottles.

The main thing is the desire to do something with your own hands. In addition, children and other family members can be involved in the creative process, which is very useful for maintaining excellent family relationships and a warm atmosphere throughout the house. Create beautiful and be happy!

Photo crafts flowers

You can make a lot of interesting and beautiful things out of paper. Among such interesting crafts there are even paper houses with which you can decorate the Christmas tree or simply use them as interesting toys. And most importantly, you can make them with your own hands for any adult and child, of course, for those who are older.

How to make a paper clapperboard

It is not necessary for the festive fireworks to shoot firecrackers loaded with confetti and fill the entire apartment with small pieces of paper. A paper clapperboard that does not contain any explosives can also clap loudly enough. She will add fun to the atmosphere of a common holiday: someone will jump in surprise, and the rest will laugh merrily.

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It is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first - to make a butterfly out of paper with your own hands. This task is within the power of an adult and a child, there is not quite a baby. A butterfly can be hung on a string, it will float in the air in your room, it can be hung from a branch of a Christmas tree, it is also very beautiful.

From a simple sheet of paper, after a short work, a cute paper frog is obtained, which also knows how to jump. It can decorate your desktop, or it can become a funny children's toy. Children can even start fun competitions for the distance of the jump or the speed of the jumping frog.

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Send a letter - today's youth associate this action only with e-mail. But sometimes you have to send paper letters, but they need an envelope. In the era of electronics, you will not find such a trifle in every home, so you have to think about how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands. It seems that wisdom is not great, but without skill it is impossible to cope with such a task.

Paper airplanes are easy to make and most importantly, they actually fly. This process is so interesting that any adult will be happy to make light paper structures and, to the delight of children, send them flying. Well, older children themselves will be able to do aircraft design.

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Many beautiful things can be made from paper, but the simplest and at the same time surprisingly beautiful are snowflakes. You don't even need to paint them: they must be white. It is enough to fold a sheet of paper in a special way and work a little with scissors to get a real patterned miracle.

It is easy to make a toy boat out of a simple sheet of paper and set it sailing along the stream and along the water expanses of the bath. You just need to remember a simple instruction on how to make a boat out of paper, how to fold it in order to get a water-resistant structure. This is a simple, but very exciting thing.

Paper is a flexible material. It withstands torsion, folding, is easy to cut and takes almost any shape. Every adult in school or kindergarten has made paper crafts without glue using popular arts and crafts techniques. You can use them to decorate your home, make postcards and souvenirs.

Most of the manufacturing techniques came to us from Asia, like paper itself.

The most popular types of arts for creating crafts from multi-colored sheets are:

These techniques allow you to do without glue or use a small amount of it. Classes for making crafts in this technique can be carried out with children over 5 years old, teenagers. The creation of modular compositions is very popular with adults.

Any origami does not tolerate fuss, requires accuracy and utmost precision. This activity helps to relax, to be alone with your thoughts, develops spatial imagination.

Symmetrical cutting

Crafts without glue, made using the technique of symmetrical cutting, were met by everyone. The most famous are snowflakes that adorn the walls of apartments and various institutions in December. To make them, you need to fold a square sheet so that you get a corner.

Basic rules for symmetrical cutting

  • Try to make more layers of paper so that the pattern repeats more often.
  • The corner can be cut in different ways. If you cut it off at an angle, you'll end up with a beautiful star in the center.
  • The more excess you cut off, the lighter the snowflake will turn out.
  • It is better to apply the contour with a simple pencil and think carefully so as not to cut off the excess.

Most children come up with patterns for snowflakes on their own. During this work, mistakes are not ruled out, try not to pay attention to them so that the baby is not upset. You can cut snowflakes from 4-5 years old, as soon as a preschooler masters scissors.

For the first samples, fold a sheet with a side of 20 centimeters 8 times. Give the kid scissors, let him show his imagination.

Kirigami is used for small crafts. With it, you can make an unusual postcard from thick paper.

You will need:

  • white sheet folded in half;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

The simplest card inside will be decorated with gift boxes. To make it, it is necessary to make several horizontal cuts at the bend to make 3 squares.

Unfold the card and push the squares inward to make them voluminous. After that, it remains only to color and sign the postcard. You can make the postcard more complex and strong, for this you will need: cardboard, colored paper, scraps of paper tapes or serpentine.

Glue a blank of white paper onto colored cardboard with the same slots, it is important that the distance between the cuts and their sizes match. Decorate the inside of the boxes with colored paper and ribbons, and make an applique on the outside of the postcard. This craft is suitable for kindergarten. It is made in the senior or preparatory group to give to parents.


You can get acquainted with simple wicker crafts at a very early age. This will require two squares of contrasting colored paper with a side of 15 centimeters. On one, cut the strips so that there are 5 millimeter allowances around the edges. Make the width of the stripes for children 2-3 years old about one centimeter. Cut the second sheet in the same strips, but to the end.

For classes with children of primary school age, make stripes on both squares of 5 millimeters.

To make crafts, it is enough to interlace the strips on the main square with those that are cut to the end. The principle is the same as for fabrics. Skip the strips through one. Older children can interlace the stripes to create a pattern or a simple picture. To prevent the pattern from shifting, glue the edges of the strips.

Toy "Bird"

Continuing the theme of Christmas decorations, you can make an unusual craft. For her it is necessary:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • hole puncher;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • self-adhesive colored paper and double-sided.

As you know, light paper crafts are very useful for children of any age. The first interest arises in the baby as early as the age of 1 year, it is during this period that you can begin to teach him how to make simple crafts from various materials.

Important! It is worth noting that such creativity develops fine motor skills in a baby, it positively affects the perception of the world around us and the ability to think creatively.

Of course, in order for the baby's talents to develop successfully, parents should understand how to properly teach their child to perform a particular task.

paper butterfly

The first rule that every parent should remember is that during the period of development, only those tasks should be given to the child that will be within his power. For example, easy DIY paper crafts will be very interesting and simple for a child. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the baby himself must do the bulk of the work, otherwise there will be no benefit from such an activity.

There are many interesting workshops that talk about how to make easy paper crafts with your own hands and at the same time spend a minimum of time on this lesson.

Christmas trees made of paper

Some of them will be given below, and it will also be told about which craft is best for what age.

As mentioned above, light paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the smallest. So, for example, kids under the age of 2 years willingly participate in this process. True, in this case it is important to remember that such an activity should not take more than 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired of everything and he will abandon this business. You need to monitor the behavior of the crumbs during this task. For example, if he begins to lose all interest, then it is clear that such a task turned out to be either too difficult for him or, on the contrary, very simple.

Easy paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the little ones.

If we talk about tasks for children of this age, then they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Easy paper crafts, the essence of which is that you need to cut out certain figures and stick them on a blank sheet of paper. In other words, the chaotic fastening of individual pieces of paper to each other.
  2. Crafts that are based on the fact that the pieces must be attached in a chaotic manner.
  3. The type of crafts is when individual figures must be attached to a pre-designated place.

Easy craft for little ones

For example, if we are talking about the first option, then here the task has a simple essence. Some figures or pieces are cut out of colored paper, and then they are glued onto another sheet. In this task, it is very important to initially teach the baby how to use glue. He must understand how the leaves are glued together, how to attach them correctly, whether it is necessary to press one part of the application to another, and so on. In other words, this is a variant of getting to know the crumbs with paper and glue.

Important! The task of an adult is to teach the baby to properly hold the glue in his hands, show how to spread it on paper, and do not forget to show that when the glue is smeared on the base, the sheet itself must be held with the left hand.

In this case, the pencil should be strictly perpendicular to the sheet. This is very important, because if, when getting acquainted with stationery, you do not explain to the child all the basics of the creative process, then it will be very difficult to retrain him later. And, accordingly, he will perform all subsequent tasks incorrectly.

Dandelions from paper and napkins

Of course, you need to give the crumbs the opportunity to independently complete the entire task from start to finish. Some parents, fearing that the baby will do something wrong, perform the task themselves. But this is absolutely wrong.

The second stage of acquaintance with paper and glue

After the child has learned to perform elementary operations with paper and glue, you should show him the very technique of creating various pictures and postcards. Of course, even the lightest paper crafts will be insanely interesting for the baby. Of course, if adults make every effort to do so.

The second stage of creating simple crafts is that the child must learn how to properly arrange the various details on a piece of paper. Of course, at this stage he will not need to create any specific drawings or lines. He just has to learn how to glue various figures wherever he wants. Now it is very important that he himself learns to decide how his future work will look better. Adults can only say what figure to get as a result, and the baby decides for himself where exactly to glue the different parts of the craft.

Paper craft - chamomile

If you really want to intervene in this process, then you can simply suggest why it would be better, and where exactly you need to stick this piece of paper. But you can’t put pressure on the child, at this stage he is only learning to create his future masterpieces.

During such crafts, you can create figures in the form of a sun, a cloud, a house, a flower and other very simple objects.

Easy craft options

The last stage in creating beautiful and original crafts is that the baby begins to realize for himself where to glue the various parts of the figure correctly. To do this, you should prepare in advance all the necessary tools for the implementation of a creative idea. Most often, such creative masterpieces are made from two or three types of colored paper, as well as a white sheet. Do not forget that you will need glue and scissors. If the parent does not want the child to pick up scissors, you can first make a blank and cut out the necessary figures from colored paper yourself. To make really light and beautiful paper crafts, you should use at least 3 or even more colors.

Christmas tree decorations made of paper

For example, if you make a Christmas tree with balls, then you should initially glue the Christmas tree itself, then the balls, and at the end an asterisk. To make the final picture brighter, you can use more flowers and make many different jewelry blanks for the forest beauty in advance.

Paper crocodile

Below is a list of basic crafts that will be of interest to children:

  • a tree on which apples grow;
  • a hedgehog with apples and mushrooms on its thorns;
  • a basket with many berries;
  • jar with vitamins;
  • a tree from which leaves fall;
  • fish that swim in the aquarium.

Application - fish

By the way, to make the process of creating an application faster, you can print ready-made blanks of such figures as a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a tree, a jar, a basket. As a result, the baby will need to glue only small figures.

paper tree

You can also watch tutorial videos, which are very numerous on the Internet, they talk about how to create easy paper crafts.

What is of particular interest to the child?

After the child learns how to create very easy paper crafts, they can be shown videos that show how to make a more complex application. Thus, it will turn out to develop the baby's imagination and skills. Of course, most often this happens already when the baby is at least 1.5 years old.

To begin with, an adult should draw on the base sheet the outlines of the figures that the child will glue. This will help him visually understand what kind of application should be the result. After he learns how to carefully glue the figures along the contours, you can proceed to creating crafts without drawing these same contours.

Multicolored paper caterpillar

In this way, you can create:

  • caterpillar;
  • snowman
  • dandelion;
  • a bunch of balloons;
  • a house that is built from blocks;
  • building with windows
  • machine and much more.

paper grapes

Of course, these are the main figures, it all depends on the skills of the baby and his patience. If he has perseverance, and he likes to create simple postcards and pictures, then you can choose more complicated figures. And if it lasts a maximum of 10 minutes, then it is better to choose something simpler.

Craft - paper hedgehog

Some parents also experiment with different magazines and newspapers. They simply cut them into pieces, and then glue them back together with the kids. For example, if a traffic light is drawn in the picture, it can be cut out and then glued back.

paper snowman

Important! Easy paper crafts for kids are a great way to teach your child independence and develop their ability to think abstractly.

It is very important in this process to trust him, to give him as much freedom as possible. You should not limit him in his movements and constantly suggest what and how to do. Let him initially understand everything himself and learn how to create paper crafts easily and quickly, and after that you can start giving him more complex tasks. This is exactly what is described in the well-known Montessori method. The only thing to take care of in advance is to show the child that there are certain rules. For example, to tell that you can only glue at this table, the paper lies here, and you need to put it back here, and so on. Then the baby will grow up independent, but at the same time he will understand what can and cannot be done.

What to do with a preschooler if it’s cold or raining outside, there’s nothing interesting on TV, and the computer is tired? There is a wonderful, very useful type of joint creativity between adults and children, which develops artistic abilities, the ability to handle scissors and glue, and fine motor skills of fingers.

Parents, being engaged together with the child, gradually get carried away themselves. Step-by-step instructions for making any thing out of paper can be easily found on the Internet.

From simple to complex

The simplest is snowflakes. By folding the paper in four and cutting it out in the corners and in the middle, you can get dozens of options. They will decorate the windows in the New Year, you can make whole panels and garlands from them.

Garlands can also be made from colored paper by folding a strip in half and cutting to the end. The resulting strips are glued to the thread. The second option is to make many, many wheels out of strips, each new one is threaded into an already glued ring.

You can make a Christmas tree out of green paper. Here you need a compass. Several circles of different sizes are cut out, folded in four and strung on a wooden stick or pencil. The Christmas tree can be decorated with sparkles.

Options are many.

Paper can also be made from:

Airplane and a whole aircraft fleet for boys;
pigeons for a fun game;
tulips and roses;
small box;
a snake
a hand to scare friends;
beautiful envelopes;
claws for Halloween or other similar holiday;
asterisk-shuriken - a hidden weapon of the samurai;
boats. If you fold them from waterproof paper, you can let them in the spring along the streams of melt water.

In kindergarten, children make paper crafts every week, especially for the holidays they prepare beautiful postcards from napkins, colored paper, various scraps and scraps. Children bring very beautiful works from the kindergarten, especially colorful and unusual for the holiday of March 8, February 23, for the New Year.

These beautiful carrots can be made with children from crepe paper and put in a decorative basket, you can play with them, put them for beauty, and take them to the kindergarten for a competition.

In educational institutions, competitions are often held for the best crafts. Together with your child, make an original palace or forest with wild inhabitants, or maybe a space station with aliens. By the New Year and May 9, they are asked to make a composition on the appropriate topic.

Making paper works is not only interesting, but also useful, because fine motor skills of hands, perseverance, and just fantasy develop. For some people, this type of activity becomes the main income or a favorite hobby.

Corrugated paper - what can be done?

  1. the simplest - flower arrangements, bouquets;
  2. toys;
  3. scenery for holidays and performances;
  4. clothes, masquerade costumes;
  5. Garlands;
  6. any thing imaginable.

For starters, it would be best to work on creating flowers from crepe paper. This is the easiest thing to create, and at the same time, an unusually beautiful product will turn out. Even in kindergartens and at school lessons, children are offered to make flowers and other compositions from corrugated paper. By the way, paper with smaller folds, the so-called corrugation, is called crepe paper. It is even better suited for home crafts, as it is more plastic and soft, easy to use.

Corrugated paper is beautiful in that the works from it are obtained as if they were real. From afar, you can confuse an artificial flower with a living one. And despite this, the composition seems even more fabulous, it's hard to believe that this can be done with your own hands. Such a flower arrangement can be presented for a holiday, roses, tulips, violets, gladioli, made with love, will delight their new owners.

You will need some additional materials and tools for creativity:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • cardboard;
  • needles;
  • Lurex threads;

and for a more individual performance, you can prepare beads, ribbons, decorative stones, rhinestones and other attributes.

Topiaries are very popular now - handmade trees made of crepe paper. Some craftswomen make such interior items to order, but you can learn how to make them yourself.

And this is what the finished tree looks like. Very gentle and sweet, it refreshes the interior and will serve as a wonderful gift to your family and friends.

There is another popular technique that is used to create paintings, frames, patterns from corrugated or crepe paper - this is trimming. Everyone can master it, including children, the main thing is to adapt.

It is necessary to cut out small pieces from crepe paper in the form of a square, 1 by 1 cm in size, it can be smaller, the smaller the squares, the more beautiful the pattern will turn out. Then we press our piece with the middle to a toothpick or pen shaft and wind it to make a tube. After that, we put the resulting tube on the prepared drawing with a contour, pre-smeared with glue. And so on along the contour we glue the whole picture with our tubes of different colors, or as you have planned, the main thing is to press them closer to each other, leaving no gaps. It turns out very unusual, fluffy work, pleasing to the eye.

And, finally, you can make a unique valentine out of paper, which your lover or lover, perhaps, will keep for life, appreciating your work, taste and attention. There are many ways and ideas on how to make a valentine out of paper, you just have to choose the one you like the most.

Starting with simple crafts, the child can gradually move on to a deeper mastery of the Japanese art of origami. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to do this or that thing. Craftsmen build entire fairy-tale castles and cities, cut and glue different types of weapons - from a pistol to a rocket, robots, human skeletons, animals, cars - almost everything that fantasy tells is possible.

Mastering paper crafts also develops perseverance, perseverance, and the ability to work for results in the child. It's also a great way to give your child something fun and rewarding to do as they begin to recover from an illness.