Do-it-yourself origami paper owl. Wise owl: modular origami for home decor. Volumetric paper owl without glue

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the Family and Childhood website. We continue our origami lessons for the little ones. Today we will do origami Owl for the little ones. The night bird owl is increasingly found on the Internet. Especially people who are awake at night like to portray her. We will make a very cute and funny owl. Just a few steps will allow you to create a bird from a piece of paper.

Tools and materials:

1 . Colored paper (orange or brown);
2. Scissors ;
3 . Black pencil.

Performing origami "Owl"

Stages of work:
We take a square piece of paper 10 cm by 10 cm. Put the colored side down;

Gently slightly bend the sheet into four parts;

We bend the upper corner down;

Bend the lower part so that the two corners (upper and lower) touch;

Bend a couple of centimeters from both sides to the center of the sides. We are looking for uniformity. They will become wings for the future bird;

Create the beak using the bend in the middle ;

We draw symmetrical eyes in black;

Leave three stripes on each wing. They complete the composition.

Here is such a small origami lesson for our kids. Such funny figures are not very difficult to make, and interest is not only among kids, but also among adults. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. Share it with your friends on social networks, they also have babies. Subscribe to blog updates and you will see many more lessons on different topics.

In the meantime, that's it, see you again on the site "Family and Childhood". Bye bye.

The owl has become a popular symbol. Not only plastic, clay, but also paper souvenirs are made from it. She personifies wisdom, intelligence, vigilance, independence. Making an origami owl figure is very simple, the finished product can be as original as you show your imagination.

Both a baby owl and a large owl can be made from both white and colored paper, and how to assemble them step by step - step by step for beginners, our article and a training video will tell.

You can make crafts with your child. Most of the materials that are used in the manufacture are quite safe. For beginners, simpler origami patterns are suitable, and for experienced craftsmen, complex options are suitable.

You will need square piece of paper, whose sides are equal. You can take any size, depending on how big origami owl you want to get in the end.

Tip: “If you want to make a figure with an unusual pattern, you can purchase decorative origami paper at any office supply store. A set of scrapbooking paper will also work, but be aware that it is stiffer, and it will be more difficult to bend it. ”

Square owl in a few minutes:

When making a figure no glue or scissors used. You can easily trust your child to do this origami, which will positively affect his development.

Gallery: paper origami owl (25 photos)

Volumetric paper owl without glue

This scheme seems more complicated, but in the process you will realize that creating an origami owl will not take you more than 15-20 minutes.

Volumetric paper owl in 16 steps:

On the sides of the beak, you can glue or draw the eyes of an owl. On the beak, you can draw nostrils with a felt-tip pen, and feathers on the wings by drawing wavy lines.

You can put this volumetric figure of an owl on a table or shelf even without stands.

Modular origami owl

It's over complex modular figure which requires patience and skill. An owl from modules is made up of small triangles folded according to the origami system.

Step-by-step diagram of a modular owlet:

Do owl from triangular modules longer and more difficult.

Whatever scheme you choose - even a simple, even a modular owl (modular origami), the assembly scheme will help create a paper masterpiece. You can give it to your loved ones, friends or just decorate a corner in the house.

The owl is a cunning bird of prey. Many believe that if you make an origami owl yourself, then this symbol will bring wisdom and good luck.

Before you start work, you need to make a certain number of triangular modules. Enough to feed a large bird or owlet.

It is always better to use high-quality A4 office paper for such an activity.

Origami technique in the modern world is very popular. The essence of the work is that one module is nested in another. To make a large craft or several small ones, you need to add a lot of multi-colored elements.

Owlet can be done by the whole family. Then present it as a gift for those who like to collect various items.

And also it can be put as decoration of a children's room. The craft can be done in black and white, but the color looks brighter and more interesting.

Scheme of a smart bird

To make an owl out of paper, you need to take a sheet and cut rectangles to create triangular modules. The size of the modules can be made 9.28 cm A4 sheet.


For such a bird, 464 elements are needed.

You can choose the color scheme according to your taste. It will be necessary to fasten the parts either with the short side outward, or with the long side, and the wings will need to be placed at the same height.

The assembly scheme is divided into several stages.

Stage 1.

Making the body of a bird:

Stage 2.

Owl ears:

Stage 3 - wing assembly:

  • In the first row 1 blue element.
  • In the second - 2 blue.
  • In the third - 1 blue.

Stage 4- combine all triangular modules.

Attaching the wings to the body, add one blue element at a time.

The final touch is to glue doll eyes, and if desired, you can decorate with a ribbon. For reliability, when inserting modules, you can use glue.

For a small bird, you need to make 228 triangular modules in advance of the same size as in the previous diagram. According to the scheme, making an owl from modules in origami is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. And it is much easier to create a modular origami "Owl" according to the assembly scheme together with relatives or friends.

Necessary prepare the following number of modules:

To make such an origami bird, you need to prepare a square sheet and scissors.

An owl from modules in origami will turn out perfectly if you carefully follow the step-by-step instructions.

From levels 1 to 9, a smaller number will mean that the part is set to pink, and a large number indicates the need to use lilac.

Assembly process:

To create the ears, you need to insert 12 rows of 3 parts on the sides into 8 modules.

In addition, you need to add 1 element for each ear.

It remains to make the paws of the bird. At this stage, you need to put 3 white elements. To create a tail, you will need to insert 2 lilac modules. To assemble the wings, you need to place 3 lilac elements on the sides.

This fun activity is great for active kids. And also modular origami develops creativity and fine motor skills of hands.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the modules. Any size and color can be made.

But the more layers used to build a structure, the more magnificent it turns out.

It is not necessary to glue the whole craft, but the wings are worth it. Eyes can also be made from paper.

If there is a desire to create a few more owls, then you can schematically draw the entire sequence of assembly steps so as not to forget. It is not recommended to use thin paper, as it tears easily.

An owl made in origami is nice to give to someone. And also the craft can become a decoration for a children's holiday. In addition, using this technique, you can conduct classes with children from 5 years old.

A simple origami owl for children in four versions, from simple to slightly complex.


  • Double-sided and single-sided colored paper;
  • Scissors, glue;
  • Eyes stickers, or homemade, paper.

How to make an origami owl?

Simple origami owl for kids - 1 way

You will need square paper, double-sided.

Fold it in half, joining opposite corners. Thanks to this, the middle will be indicated.

Bend the sides of the lower sides, aligning them in the center. Right first.

Then the left.

Then pull the top corner and point it down, smooth the fold.

Bring the top corner back. And along the fold, on the left and right sides, make small cuts. Then fold the small corners down.

Point the top corner down again. Get the head of an owl.

Cut the bottom corner a little and make a small fold, bending the paws of the owl. The main work is completed.

It remains only to glue a small triangle - the beak, as well as the eyes.

Origami owl step by step instructions - 2 way for children

You will need a square piece of one-sided colored paper, of any size. That is, on the one hand, any color suitable for an owl, and on the other, a white tone.

Fold the square in half, white on the inside.

Open the paper. Bend the right side parallel to the fold, but do not align it with it, leave a small gap.

Then fold over the left side as well.

Point the top corner down.

And then up. Smooth out the folds. Approximate ratios can be determined from the photo. There are no exact data as such.

Again we return to the upper corner, it should be bent down one more time.

Flip the piece over to the other side. Point the lower part up, reaching the corner of the upper edge.

Then immediately lower the corner down, making a small crease at the bottom.

Turn the part over, glue the eyes, the paper owl is ready.

Origami owl step by step - 3 way

Here you will also need a one-sided square piece of colored paper. In this version, one side is yellow and the other is white.

Fold the square in half, connecting the opposite corners.

Bend the corner at the top down.

Then fold the paper down again in this area.

Now fold down the second upper corner, its tip should touch or reach the top of the folded paper.

Flip the piece over to the other side. Fold the right corner to the left.

And then immediately to the right, making a small crease.

Repeat steps on the left side. Owl wings are ready.

Flip over to the other side. Glue the bird's eyes and triangular beak. Process completed.

Origami owl - 4 way

The work also uses single-sided paper - one side is pink and the other is white.

As usual, fold the paper in half to make a triangle.

Then fold the paper again, joining the second two opposite corners. Get cross folds.

Open the paper. Bend the top corner to the middle.

Open again and fold the corner, only now to the first fold obtained as a result of the previous steps.

Make a small edging on the sides of the square by folding a piece of paper.

Point the bottom corner of the square up, connecting it to the folded corner at the top.

Fold the corner down.

Now bend the right side inward, a little obliquely.

Open and fold the corner again, but now to the previous fold.

Then fold the paper again on the right as you did the previous time.

Flip the piece over to the other side.

Pull the right side and bend it to the left.

Point the bottom left corner up.

And then immediately down.

Turn the paper over again.

Glue any eyes, the origami owl is ready.

Which of the four did you like the most?

Making toys out of paper is an activity that will never lose its popularity. Paper crafts can be very beautiful and original, besides, making them is a great way to keep children busy and teach them to be methodical, perseverance and accuracy. This article will be about how to make an owl out of paper in different ways.

From a cardboard sleeve

The main one for such an owl is a round cardboard cylinder, on which all other elements are glued. There is a huge scope for imagination, you can come up with as many finishes as you like. Let's consider one of them.

We will need:

  • a cardboard cylinder or sleeve on which toilet paper was wound;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • gouache or watercolor;
  • pencil.

Let's take a look at the workflow.

First of all, we process our cardboard sleeve-blank. We bend both upper edges inward as shown in the photo to get "ears". This part of the workpiece must be pressed and ironed with your fingers so that the base is as accurate as possible.

After that, we choose the color of the future owl and paint it with gouache or watercolor. The base should dry well.

While the paint dries, we will have time to cut out eyes, beak and feathers from paper. We select the paper of the desired color, put several sheets together, on the back of the last sheet we draw small circles with a pencil and cut them out - these will be the feathers on the owl's chest.

Cut out a small triangular beak from brown or burgundy paper.

We make feathers in the form of "tongues" from paper of the same color as for the chest feather circles. These feathers are suitable for the tail of an owl.

Now you can start gluing the base with all the decorative elements. We do it in the order shown in the photo:

The paper owl is ready, but you can show your imagination even further, for example, by decorating the head of an owl with a bow, a bug, etc.

Origami paper owl

Consider two ways - classic origami (from one sheet) and modular origami (from many small paper blanks).

classic origami

We take a square cut out of colored paper, and bend it along both diagonals with the colored side inward, and then straighten it. Turn the header over and fold it crosswise, but now there should be a white part inside. Then, having worked with pre-planned folds, we bring the model to this form. The top three corners need to be laid on top of the bottom one (more on how to do this in the video below). The "wings" of the triangles need to be folded and unfolded. We bend the top of the workpiece and unfold it again.

Further - the task is more difficult. You need to open the top of the workpiece, squeezing it from the sides, and do the same on the back side to get a rhombus (this process is shown in more detail in the video). The front and back parts fold so that the flaps look down. And we reduce the upper corners to the axis. Pulling the part out of the middle and pressing it down, we make a wing, then the other one in the same way. And fold the top. Owl in classic origami technique is ready.

modular origami

This method of making an owl out of paper is more complicated, but the result is very beautiful and unusual.

As mentioned above, when working in the modular origami technique, the craft is formed from many pre-made small parts - modules. This is another way to make a paper owl voluminous, and not flat, as it turns out when working in the classic origami technique.

First, let's prepare the modules. For their manufacture, the following scheme is used:

  1. A small piece of colored paper is taken and folded in half lengthwise, and then across;
  2. The blank is straightened, the right and left parts are tucked to the resulting fold line;
  3. The figure is flipped. The lower edges are bent so that an even triangle is obtained;
  4. The triangle is folded in half. The module is ready.

See also video