What can be done from unnecessary pantyhose. What can be done from old tights - ideas. Graceful vases and lampshades from fishnet tights

Nylon tights are an indispensable element of the wardrobe of a modern woman. They are comfortable, pleasant to the body and sometimes crazy beautiful. But tights have one huge minus: no matter how high-quality and expensive they are, sooner or later they will still break. By the way, sometimes it happens in the most inopportune place at the most inopportune time. Disorder and only - an expensive and time to fall in love with a thing needs to be thrown away ...

If necessary? Craftsmen know how to give tights a second life by turning them into useful household items, exquisite interior decorations and even cute dolls.

How can you use old tights?

If the tights are torn, let the arrows go, they can be successfully used in the dacha and household in a variety of ways.

  1. As a cloth for wiping dust, shoes, removing animal hair from clothes. It is very good to clean glossy surfaces, glass, tiles with pantyhose
  2. Not a broom as a cover so that it does not pour straw
  3. Storage for onions and garlic
  4. Like a vacuum cleaner attachment. If some small and necessary thing is lost on the floor so that it is found, but it is not sucked into the vacuum cleaner, you can pull a piece of nylon fabric on it, which will act as a catcher
  5. Like tow for window insulation. Foam rubber, which is often used to plug gaps in windows that have not been replaced with metal-plastic ones, soon begins to rot or crumble. Rolled tights hold heat well, do not fade and can last for years.
  6. For painting surfaces. If the paint in the jar came in lumps, or rubbish got there, it can be saved. All this heterogeneity will remain inside if you put nylon tights on the neck of the can. They will miss the paint, but not rubbish. Also, coloring can be done by the tights themselves, then the texture at the surface will turn out to be very interesting.
  7. Make a sieve. Through it, you can sift flour, drain pasta, squeeze cottage cheese. Tights are even used for brewing tea so that the tea leaves do not fall into portioned cups. Through a sieve of pantyhose, you can also filter a solution of whitewash chalk, wallpaper paste, etc.
  8. Tie up the tomatoes. Summer residents have long been used to using tights in such an unusual way. They are cut into strips, which subsequently play the role of strong and elastic ropes.
  9. As patches for mosquito nets or instead of mosquito nets in general
  10. Like chops. If the socket for the screw needs to be strengthened, the chop is not at hand, you can insert a nylon flap into the hole made in the surface and melt it. The screw will hold up perfectly

With old nylon tights, you can call up tomatoes.
Nozzle for a vacuum cleaner from old tights.
Bow net made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: It is obvious that recycled nylon tights must be clean. They need to be washed with powder at least. For some types of needlework, they are even boiled

If there is imagination and desire, there is no need to rush to throw away old, tattered nylon tights. They make very beautiful interior items, such as:

  • decorative pillows
  • pots
  • rugs
  • covers for furniture
  • decorative bottles ladies
  • lampshades for lamps
  • half pens for pens and pencils
  • butterflies
  • baskets for sewing, toys, other household items
  • photo frames

Decorative bottle made from old tights.
Rug from old tights.
Butterflies from old tights.
Pillow toy made from old tights.
A flower from old tights.
Lampshade from old tights.
Cape on a chair from old tights.
Dress made from old tights.
Toy box made from old tights.

IMPORTANT: The fantasy of a needlewoman can go so far that an elegant cocktail dress will turn out of old tights

VIDEO: Flowers from nylon tights

Do-it-yourself dolls from nylon tights? Step-by-step instruction

Dolls made from old nylon tights and stockings are called hosiery. They serve as an interior decoration, a talisman of housing (we are talking about cute little houses). Children also play with stocking dolls. In order to make such a charm, you need only basic sewing skills. Workshops with photos and videos will help beginner puppet masters.

The first thing to start with is to choose the type of stocking doll. There are:

  1. Frame stocking dolls. From nylon, fillers and a dense frame (it can be made of cardboard, wire, foam, etc.) a toy is made with all parts of the body, which can even be movable. Frame dolls are most often made for children.
  2. Dolls with a soft body. They come out like regular soft toys.
  3. Doll head. Sometimes she is with her hands, in a magnificent dress. Such dolls are hung on the walls
  4. Dolls-priests. They differ in that they have expressive faces and ... sirloin. Priests are designed to express the mood of their owner. If he is in the spirit - the doll looks at the guest with a pretty face, if not - he turns his fifth point to everyone
Stocking doll with a box.
Stocking doll on a pillow.
Wall stocking dolls.
Stylish stocking doll.
Doll - popik.
Stocking doll little mermaid.
  • nylon tights
  • scissors
  • threads
  • PVA glue or silicone in a gun
  • frame (cardboard, wire, plastic bottle, etc.)
  • stuffing (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer)
  • fabric for tailoring
  • decor for clothes (rhinestones, ribbons, lace, etc.)
  • paints, cosmetics, brushes, toothpicks for painting the doll face

The simplest kapron doll can be made like this:

  1. The frame of the doll can be twisted from wire. You need to remember how in childhood they made wire men, make one, and already put on it the details of the toy from the stocking
  2. The head is made first. To do this, stuffing is placed in the stocking, a ball of the required size is formed, and tied in a knot. Cut off the rest of the stocking. In place of the knot, you can make a seam, then the pupa will turn out to be more accurate. Leave a window for the wire frame
  3. The doll's face is created with the help of stitches, with which the nylon is pulled together in the right places. This is how eyebrows, nose, nasolabial folds, lips and chin are obtained. Next, she gets her makeup done. The eyes of the doll can be drawn or sewn ready
  4. The body of the doll is made simple, oval. If there is a desire, the chest, navel, ass are also made with the help of stitches
  5. I want to make my hands beautiful, with fingers and even nails. On the legs, the feet can be drawn in the same way
  6. Doll parts are put on the frame and sewn to the body
  7. You can dream up with hair by making them from threads, synthetic fibers, etc.
  8. Doll clothes and accessories are made

IMPORTANT: To get a doll with a natural complexion, it is not enough to choose flesh-colored tights. They need to be boiled using a special technology.

VIDEO: Master class kapron doll Splyushka

How to boil tights for making a stocking doll?

Puppet masters are advised to give nylon a natural flesh color by boiling with a chlorine-containing agent. There are a lot of these in household chemical stores. But on needlework forums they say that some spoil the material itself, others make its color faded or dead.

  • bleach ace
  • Domestos
  • Comet with chlorinol

The procedure itself is carried out in this way:

  1. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water in an enamel pan
  2. About 20 ml of chlorine solution is added to it.
  3. In a boiling solution, pantyhose are boiled for at least a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula
  4. Boiled bleached tights are rinsed and soaked in cold water with fabric softener for another 15 minutes

How to make doll hands out of tights?

The hands of a stocking doll can be soft, in which the fingers are marked with seams, but they turn out to be interconnected. In order for the hand to be complete, a frame is made for each of the fingers.

  1. The frame is twisted from wire - a loop for each finger
  2. For each finger, cut a strip of padding polyester, wrap it tightly around the frame
  3. The palm is also stuffed
  4. The capron is pulled onto the hoop, the base of the doll handle is applied to it, the outline is drawn, and a small allowance for the seam is left.
  5. Cut handles from nylon in two copies
  6. Pull the nylon over the frame of the handle and carefully sew it
  7. Attach the doll's hand to the forearm. If the forearm and hand have one frame, the whole arm is attached to the body

Outlining the contours of the hand on capron.
Hand stitching.

How to sew a monkey out of tights?

Hosiery monkey doll is a symbol of the year and just a cute toy for children. She is made like an anthropomorphic doll.

  1. Making a wire frame
  2. Wrap the frame with double-sided adhesive tape, then the synthetic winterizer will stick to it well
  3. Wrap the frame with synthetic winterizer, fix it with thread winding
  4. According to the instructions above, monkey handles are made
  5. They form the head of a monkey, draw her face with stitches
  6. Shape the body of the toy
  7. Connect body parts together
  8. Sewing clothes for the monkey

Monkey frame.
Monkey stuffing.
Making a monkey face. Monkey from old tights.

IMPORTANT: If desired, you can use fur to make the monkey fur

How to make a brownie from nylon tights

They say that the figures of brownies, like the mystical creatures themselves, bring comfort and warmth to the home, protect it from fires, thefts, and other misfortunes, and contribute to the establishment of warm relations between family members. Brownie is easy to make from old nylon tights. Blanket for a cat from old tights.

How to make a mermaid tail out of stockings?

A mermaid tail may be needed for a masquerade, for photography. Little girls often ask to do it too.

I must say that the mermaid tail of tights is rough. But you can try to skillfully decolorize it.

There are several options for creating a costume element.

  1. You need to buy tights in a large size. One galosh is immediately cut off, it is not needed. A fin frame is inserted into the foot of the second. They insert both legs into a galosh with a fin, it turns out a tail. If you use a monofin for such a suit, it is quite possible to swim in it.
  2. Take tights of the right size. Cut off the bottom of them. The tights are cut along the inner seam of each ear and, after that, the front and back parts are sewn together to make a skirt. The fin is decorated with fabric or lace. In such a tail you can walk

IMPORTANT: The tail of the tights is sheathed with sequins, pebbles, lace, satin ribbons to make an imitation of scales. It can also be dyed with fabric paint.

How to cut tights in a spiral?

To make a rug, wicker bedspread or furniture cover out of tights, they need to be cut into yarn in a spiral. You need to understand right away that this is a rather long occupation.

  1. Socks and upper part of tights are cut off
  2. Tights are cut so that each strip is about 1 cm thick.
  3. An incision is made on top of the canvas and a strip of “noodles” is slowly cut, trying not to cut it and keep the same length
  4. The yarn obtained from both bootlegs is tied together with a neat knot

How to knit a rug from tights on your fingers

Using yarn from old tights with knitting needles or a crochet hook, you can knit an interesting and durable rug for the hallway, summer cottage and even the living room.
You can make it with your fingers. A detailed master class is in the video below.

VIDEO: There was a use for old tights! Cozy rug! Utilitarian needlework

Every woman will definitely have several pairs of unwearable tights, as they are torn very quickly. If there are children in the house, this kind of underwear of all colors and sizes starts accumulating at an incredible rate. Therefore, collecting a sufficient number of things to implement any idea for crafts is not a problem. Kapron is especially valued among needlewomen.

The benefits of pantyhose in the kitchen

The simplest product from old tights was invented by our grandmothers - onion and garlic were stored inside the stockings cut off at the thigh level. Now a rare hostess is ready to hang bunches of vegetables for everyone to see, preferring to use a refrigerator. But the method with stockings has one advantage: due to the pores on the material, the bulbs of vegetable and flower crops rot less often and retain freshness longer.

Another option for what can be done from old nylon pantyhose in the kitchen is to use them as a sieve: clean garments are cut into pieces of the desired size and liquids are filtered through them or fluid products, such as cottage cheese, are squeezed out. The dough will not stick to a rolling pin wrapped in a piece of nylon.

The use of pantyhose on the farm

There are many ways to use old tights on the farm:

  1. Use pieces of nylon for delicate washing of linen.
  2. If the broom is disheveled and pricks your hands, but is ready to serve for some time, wrap the upper part with nylon.
  3. Cloths from pantyhose are perfect for washing windows, mirrors and dishes.
  4. Clean shoes with nylon and polish furniture with it.
  5. To find a lost earring or other small object on the floor, put a nylon sock on the vacuum cleaner tube: it will prevent the technician from pulling in a valuable thing.
  6. If you don't want the soil in the flower pots to spill out of the drainage holes, place a stocking stocking on the bottom of the container when transplanting.
  7. Nylon stocking will help the grower during the planting of cacti. Nylon can also be used to wipe the leaves of houseplants.
  8. Place fragrant herbs in a bag of similar fabric and make a sachet that repels moths. And if you put dry orange peels inside such a cover and leave it in the bathroom, during water procedures the room will be filled with a pleasant citrus smell.
  9. Soap in a nylon stocking turns into a massage bar.

Men's options for the use of nylon stockings

Men can offer many versions of what can be made from old tights:

  1. Builders sometimes use a piece of nylon instead of dowels, melting the hole with a hot nail.
  2. The stocking is put on a can of old paint so that lumps do not fall on the brush. It is also desirable to store brushes in a stocking so that they do not shaggy.
  3. You can stop the leak in the bathroom by soaking the nylon in cement and tightly wrapping it around the breakage point.
  4. Some motorists use women's tights to temporarily repair the generator.
  5. Molten nylon is used to repair shoes and glue fleecy materials, but you need to work with it very carefully, avoiding contact with the skin.
  6. This material has proven itself well for insulating windows.
  7. If the mosquito net is torn, masking tape and a pantyhose patch will help fix the problem.

Creating interior items from old tights

Another idea for crafts from old tights, if they are openwork and look like lace: make a decorative vase or candlestick. To create an exclusive interior element, you will need double-sided tape and a glass cup. Scotch tape is carefully glued to the rim of the glass, the fabric is stretched on top. The same option can be used to decorate flower pots.

The use of crafts from old tights is very common in floriculture. To decorate the window and grow healthy greens for pets, the “herbalist” will help - a toy filled with sawdust mixed with oat seeds. It is easy to give such an unusual thing any shape: an animal, a mushroom, a little man. If you regularly water the figurine, juicy grass begins to grow from its head, resembling wool. From ordinary tights, you can also make just a toy for decoration or play.

Tights to help the gardener

Chopped nylon ropes are very durable and are often used by summer residents. They wrap young trees with this material to protect them from rodents, tie up tomatoes and cucumbers, sew a “pipeline” to facilitate the collection of apples. The stocking helps when harvesting potatoes: if you wrap the root crop at planting, it will be enough to pull its edge out of the ground during harvesting. A stocking is put on buckets with harvested vegetables and fruits so that nothing wakes up during transportation. Next to the washbasin, you can hang soap in a piece of nylon, then it will definitely not fall to the ground. Stockings are also used to decorate the garden, creating unusual flower arrangements from them: they are stretched onto a frame and painted with acrylic in different colors.

The use of kapron by needlewomen

Dirty yarn is difficult to wash so that it does not lose its shape. When using tights as a cover, the balls will not crumple and will not get tangled. To protect the heels of woolen socks, they can be stitched with a layer of nylon to reduce abrasion and increase durability. There are many types of things that you can make from old tights with your own hands. The most famous of them: weaving rugs and creating an interior doll.

Do-it-yourself rug from old tights

Even a beginner who does not understand anything in sewing and knitting can make a rug from old tights with his own hands. Such rugs are convenient to use in the country as a soft and durable bedding, in the hallway for shoes or in the bathroom. It is convenient to take care of them: the capron is easy to wash and dries quickly. Before starting weaving from old tights, you need to sort them out by color so that it is convenient to combine the shades of the future product.

The first steps to creating a nylon rug

The weaving process is very simple, even a child can handle it:

  • We are preparing the material. The upper part and the toe are not useful, cut them off with scissors.
  • We fold the remaining pieces of fabric in half and cut into strips 3 cm wide. If the tights are dense, it is better to make smaller parts.
  • The resulting segments are laid out in piles.
  • Now we take the first piece of nylon, stretch it with our fingers, like an elastic band, and make a double ring.
  • We twist the ring in half to make a figure eight, put the formed parts on the index and middle fingers.
  • We take the next piece, make a double ring, but do not twist it, but simply put it on our fingers next to the "eight".
  • We remove alternately the left and right parts of the first segment, stretching it through the second. Get a loop. This method resembles weaving from rubber bands.

The process of knitting a rug

We do the same with the next piece of nylon, alternating colors to your taste and continuing to weave the “pigtail” until we get the desired length. The last loop must be fastened. To do this, put both parts on one finger, remove the left part, stretch through the right and release. You will get a strong knot that will not allow the links to unravel. We assemble the rug, having decided on the desired shape. It can be made any: square, round, oval. Stitch in any case in the same way.

Now we twist the rope on a flat surface, collecting the rug. The wrong side will be on top, we sew a rope along it. We take a thread with a needle and sew, starting from the center and moving in a circle. It is more convenient to do this from the first bend of the “pigtail”, and not from the “tail”, so that you do not have to cut the thread. The flagella need to be corrected so that the product looks neat. We hide the last loop under the next link, bringing the “tail” to the wrong side, as when crocheting. Now we have finished making a do-it-yourself rug from old tights and are starting to save up nylon for the next masterpiece.

Toys from old pantyhose

Craftswomen who know how to sew like to learn new techniques. They will be interested to know what can be made from old tights and an unusual interior doll. Options for their creation are often shown at master classes. Dolls made of nylon tights often have caricatured faces: the material allows you to convey emotions and come up with original characters. Portrait toys are also created in the "stocking technique". Popular characters among needlewomen are brownies, which are often given as a talisman.

Dolls from nylon tights: master class

To understand the process of making dolls, it is desirable to see the hands of the master. It is especially difficult to understand the technique of tightening the face of a toy. It is better for a beginner to start with easy options in order to master the simplest techniques of this type of needlework from old tights. For example, from a tumbler doll. It consists of two large synthetic winterizer balls covered with flesh or white nylon - the head and torso, to which the feet and palms are glued.

Before starting work, we prepare the necessary materials:

  • clean nylon tights with the lowest density;
  • long needles for dolls;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads in the color of tights;
  • a piece of fabric and ribbons for a hat and dress;
  • doll eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • eyeshadow.

The basis of the face is a synthetic winterizer. We form a head blank from it and put it on tights. And we perform the following steps:

  • We cut off a piece of nylon, stepping back a little from each edge. We insert one sock into another and put the resulting tube on the workpiece.
  • We put a small piece of synthetic winterizer for the nose and two for the cheeks.
  • We pin the ends of the tights with pins. We begin to form the face with a large needle with a very long thread.
  • We fold the thread in half, insert two tails into the eye, without tying knots. Pins mark the nostrils and wings of the nose. We fix the thread in one of the nostrils, passing the needle through the loop. We tighten the nostril and the wing of the nose, removing the pin and leaving a loop on top.
  • We pierce the stocking again at the same point and return to the loop, passing the needle through it. We repeat all the steps and form the second nostril.
  • For the mouth, you need to add a synthetic winterizer to the lower part of the face. Then we mark the places of the eyes and the corners of the mouth with pins, first we pull the eyes together, and then we direct the needle down and form the mouth, fixing the thread. You need to bring it out through the back of the head.
  • After that, glue the eyes and sew the edges of the tights.
  • Using eye shadow, you can give the doll makeup by fixing it with hairspray.

Let's start sewing the palms and legs. It's simple - we form the balls of synthetic winterizer, place them inside the nylon stocking. With a few stitches we create fingers, pulling together one by one, sew the edges and tint with shadows.

Tumbler suit

It remains to make a costume. You do not need to have special sewing skills for this:

  • We cut out a circle of such a size from the fabric to make a cap, sew a ribbon along the edge.
  • Sew stitches closer to the edge to pull the fabric and form a hat.
  • For the body, cut out a circle with a diameter of 20 cm, lay stitches along the edge of the fabric and pull it together in a circle.
  • We place a synthetic winterizer inside, cut out a small piece of material to make a “lid”, and sew up the resulting bag.
  • You need to put a synthetic winterizer in the cap to give volume, and then sew it to the head.

It remains to assemble the toy with a glue gun: glue the head to the body, arms on the sides of the body, and legs in front. An unusual interior tumbler doll is ready. You can start learning new techniques of "stocking technique" in order to learn how to create unusual fairy-tale characters.

Ideas for crafts from tights do not end there. To create an original gift, you can use not only nylon, but also ordinary knitwear. From such stockings come up with toys and even jewelry. They are easy to make, so it is worth holding master classes on making dolls and accessories with your child.

Such activities will teach children to appreciate things and reuse them. Try to figure out for yourself what you can do with old tights to decorate your home and please your loved ones.

And now): the most interesting thing that French women don’t know about))) Useful tips in pictures about the versatility of tights: how to use torn tights and stockings in the household

But first, a small, no less useful digression, for everyone who would like to start a business) If you want to buy a company, check out the site olimpicblog.ru. There are many interesting articles, read)

In the absence of an elastic band for hair, pantyhose can temporarily bandage your hair

Storing onions in pantyhose

Thin light-colored stockings can be added when knitting thick socks, strengthening the foot area. These socks will last much longer.

Vases of glassware and fishnet tights

Decorating bottles with patterned tights

For photographers - fog effect with tights

Sewing dolls from nylon tights

Creation of flowers from nylon tights

Painting Easter eggs in pantyhose

A nylon stocking cut lengthwise is the best source of elastic ropes that can be used to tie and tie anything

Tights are an excellent material for gartering grapes, tomatoes and other plants. Soft tights will not cause such harm to the plant as a regular rope

The trimmings of the stocking are stuffed tightly into the drilled hole, a hot nail is stuck in there, and pulled out. A molten channel is obtained, into which a nail, screw, screw or bolt is then driven or screwed. In the same way, loose screws can be strengthened in old furniture. Especially in furniture made of chipboard. Here it is useful to thoroughly warm up the entire mass of nylon with a soldering iron, and then melt the channel for the screw.

They also use large pieces of nylon instead of a sieve for sifting loose and filtering fluid materials and products.

A stocking worn on a broom will prevent it from becoming too disheveled and broken. Thanks to this “case”, the broom will be like new for a long time! Yes, and sweeping the web with such a broom will be much more convenient.

Clean old tights can be filled with soft toys, instead of foam rubber

Due to their abrasive properties, rags made from pantyhose are very good at cleaning mirrors and window panes.

Also great for polishing and cleaning shoes.

The dishes can also be washed and cleaned with pantyhose. To do this, cut the tights into strips and knit a washcloth from these strips.

Furniture cleaning and polishing

With the help of tights, you can collect small objects from the floor, for example, beads. To do this, you need to pull tights over the suction hole and vacuum the place where the loss is supposed to be. In this case, all the dust will be sucked in, and small things will linger on the fabric. All ladies are familiar with the situation when an earring that has fallen on the floor rolls behind a chair or under a bed. Vacuum where the earring is supposed to be. All dust will be drawn into the vacuum cleaner, and the earring will simply be attracted, but will not get inside.

Owners of vacuum cleaners with reusable filters. We cut off the upper (thigh) part of the stocking, tie the wide end in a knot or intercept it with a strong elastic band, put the resulting chalk on the pipe inside the dust collector, fix it there with a rubber ring. That's it!..When the bag is full, throw it away with the garbage.

Massage brush hygiene. Pull tights or stockings onto a massage brush or comb so that the teeth stick out (they are not covered by tights). Then you can comb your hair with such a comb and remove the tights from the comb. The comb itself will remain clean. There will be no hair, no dandruff, no residue of sebum, etc. on it. Hair and all the dirt will remain in the stocking.

For aromatization. You can put dried orange peels in tights (absolutely clean, of course) and hang them in any inconspicuous place in the bathroom. Every time the tub is filled with steam, the orange peels will smell and scent the tub. You can also fill pantyhose with lavender.

Moth pads. Caring hostesses make pillows out of old tights, which are filled with lavender and put in closets. This method has a double benefit: both the moth drives away and the aroma is pleasant.

Aromatherapy. Using the bottom of your pantyhose, place a few handfuls of bath salt and place them in the tub: this will dissolve the salt evenly and won't flake off.

Pantyhose net

Pantyhose toys - growing grass for pets

Crochet rugs from tights

Washcloth - soap in pantyhose

Dusting the leaves of indoor plants

Tights for flower pots. Place a piece of fabric from stockings in the bottom of the flower pot to avoid washing out the soil when watering the plants.

Pantyhose can reveal all the burrs. If you are using sandpaper to sand a wood surface, you can test the sanding by putting pantyhose on your hand and running it over the surface: if there is a defect, there will be a tightening on the fabric.

Pantyhose and acetone can easily remove nail polish

Pantyhose can be used to store used paint brushes to reduce the risk of getting dirty and frizzy. For apply for perfect painting. In order for the paint to have the perfect consistency, without lumps and debris, cover the paint can with a piece of nylon (obtained from a cut stocking) and slightly drown it. Thus, you will get a “can” in a can, into which the paint will show through, and all the lumps and debris will not pass. By the way, by tightly pulling the capron on the jar and fixing it, you can shake out any bulk product from it, while sifting it. You can also filter liquids in the same way.

Bottles - pantyhose ladies

So that insects do not fly away, but do not suffocate

A rattling refrigerator? Wrap the refrigerator engine with pantyhose in one turn, spread the ends and fasten tight on the body.

Tights as a reinforcing material. Craftsmen use tights when gluing wooden skis - for reinforcement. They say tights are best suited for these purposes.

Drops of melted nylon easily glue porous and fleecy materials. The stocking is cut from above to the trace (the trace is cut off) in a spiral with a long strip with a width of 1-2 cm. The strip itself will curl into a lace, then it is wound into a ball.

Kapron melts easily, but also sets quickly, so you need to work quickly. Kapron can build up a worn heel, patch up the outsole - even if made of rubber. Heat the right place with a soldering iron to softness and rub pieces of a nylon cord into it with a soldering iron. So, building up layer by layer, they bring the thing to condition. It is especially necessary to ensure that the nylon melt does not get on your hands!

You can make nylon handles for working tools. In a clean tin jar, nylon trimmings are melted over low heat. While they are standing on the fire, they prepare a simple mold for casting - cardboard and a thin aluminum tube. The round handle is not very convenient to use, so the tube should be slightly flattened on both sides. One end of the finished form is plugged with any cork, and the finished melt is poured into the other. Immediately insert the handle of the tool and wait for it to grab. For the beauty of the product, you can pour a pinch of paint into the melting nylon - bronze or silver.

Is there a leak in the bathroom? Release the junction of the siphon with the fan pipe. A handful of cement is kneaded in water until thick sour cream. They thoroughly bathe a nylon stocking in this liquid and wrap the affected joint with it. Apply a bandage without folds, tightly and not tight. The rest of the solution smooths out the bumps. When the "coupling" dries slightly, pass over it with a wet brush or rag. The connection will be strong.

An alternative to the alternator belt, pump or power steering. While foreign drivers are bourgeois, if the belt breaks, they will stand for hours, scratching themselves, waiting for the arrival of the evacuation service, a Russian person in such a situation will simply ask his wife to borrow her pantyhose for a while, which will successfully replace the ill-fated belt and help reach the nearest car service .

Can you rob a bank?

And yet))) tights can be worn with a dress! And if a little torn - then under the jeans))))

Like this! And that's not all)))) And now think about whether to throw away old tights)

Old nylon tights. What can be made of them? A few ideas Ways to use old nylon tights are actually enough. There are quite simple options for everyday life, but there are also with a creative bias, such as making rugs from such tights. But, let's start with the simplest options. Such tights can be adapted as a simple filter for a vacuum cleaner. It is very convenient to use such a filter if you have lost something on the floor at home. You simply put on a piece of tights on the suction pipe, or directly on the brush of the vacuum cleaner, and vacuum the surface where you have just lost some small object (the same earring, for example). Dust will also be absorbed through tights, but all small objects will be retained by them. Of course, the quality of cleaning will suffer, but here the goal is completely different - you need to find a small thing that is lost somewhere in the carpet, or rolled, for example, under the same sofa. And when you find this thing, then you can remove the tights from the brush and vacuum the carpet normally to remove all debris and dust from it. The second option for using old nylon tights is again associated with a vacuum cleaner. This time we will use them as a bag in which dust is collected in the vacuum cleaner. If you have just such a model of a vacuum cleaner, take this method into service. With it, you can easily replace disposable bags. To do this, we need the upper part (thigh) stocking. It will need to be cut off from the tights, and the end that is wider just tied in a knot can be done the same with a strong elastic band. So we get a small bag, which will need to be put on the nozzle inside the vacuum cleaner, where the “native” dust collection bag is located. In order to secure this nylon bag, use a rubber ring. Such a bag is very convenient in the sense that when it is full, you can simply throw it away and not knock it out, because by that time you will probably have something to replace it with. You can use nylon pantyhose to clean the massage brush, which is simply necessary to do periodically. To do this, a piece of tights is simply pulled over a brush, or a simple comb. This must be done in such a way that the teeth of the brush protrude out of the pantyhose. You can comb with such a brush with pantyhose, after that we remove the pantyhose from it. So your brush will remain clean when combing, and when pulling tights on its teeth, the teeth themselves will also be cleaned. Nylon tights will help you clean and polish your furniture. Dark tights are best suited for this, while it is good if they are dense. They are very convenient to wipe the furniture and free it from dust in this way. Woolen tights are good for bringing back the shine to any glass surfaces or mirrors. You can also polish furniture with old tights. To do this, you just need to crumple them and wipe the wooden furniture with them. Kapron in its structure is very well suited for this, because it has certain abrasive properties, and it is quite soft. With the help of tights, you can easily remove all dirt and dust from any smooth surfaces, whether varnished or polished. You can also clean your shoes well with tights. Now let's move on to using them to clean and polish shoes. If you use nylon tights for this, you will clean and polish your shoes much better than with an ordinary brush. The tights have synthetic threads that are very good at cleaning shoes. You can make something like a home air freshener out of them. In clean tights, you just need to put crusts, for example, of the same oranges, or other delicious-smelling citrus fruits, and hang these tights in any place where you want to freshen the air. The bathroom is well suited for this, when steam forms in it, then dry orange peels will certainly “come alive” and will give their aroma to the bathroom. Another option is to put lavender in pantyhose. You can pour bath salts into the bottom of the pantyhose. Then you simply lower this bag of salt into the bath itself. So the salt will not crumble over it and will dissolve evenly in it, which is very convenient. Pantyhose make very good pads that can be used against moths. We simply fill such nylon pads with any odorous herbs that moths do not like. The same lavender is well suited for this. We put these pillows in the closet. They will protect your clothes from moths, and besides, they will add a pleasant aroma to your things. You can make a comfortable and very effective cloth out of tights, which is good for washing mirrors, the same tiles, dishes or glass. To do this, cut off the stocking from the tights, fold it several times and then sew it. It is better to flash it more often, for example, along its perimeter and another cross over. Tights can be stuffed with soft rags and made from such tights, for example, a soft toy. In addition, if you need a good tail for a New Year's costume, then tights are perfect for this. To do this, we also stuff the stocking with rags and the tail is ready. Tights will not be superfluous in a first aid kit, for example, in a car. They are strong enough and can easily replace a tourniquet for wound dressing in case of injuries, or they can be used as a fixing bandage. Old tights can be used as light gloves. If your hands are cold, then put on a piece of stocking from pantyhose and hide your hands under the sleeves. This way you can keep them warm. The next option is to use your used tights to store some things. You can put, for example, drawings, posters or old wallpaper rolls that you still need in them. You can also store vegetables in such tights, because they “breathe” perfectly, that is, they pass air through themselves. We simply put vegetables in them, for example, the same onion or garlic, we tie tights and hang them on the wall. At the same time, the place where you will hang such a bag of vegetables must be well ventilated. It is very convenient to clean blinds or mosquito nets on plastic windows with nylon tights. They do this task very well. You can put old remnants in them and use such a self-soaping sponge in the same bathroom. Yes, and in the kitchen there will certainly be work for such a sponge. You can wrap the rolling pin with old tights when you roll out the dough. That way it won't stick to it. If you need to wipe the dust somewhere “at a height”, and there are enough such places in any house, then it is best to do this with a mop. At the same time, we wind all the same old tights on it. The material from which they are made perfectly creates "static", that is, static electricity, and it is this that will attract dust to your mop. For lovers of flowers, old tights will also be useful. From them you will need to cut off a piece and put it on the bottom of the pot, when planting a flower in it. This will prevent potting soil from washing out through the drainage holes when you water your houseplant. You can pour a little filler into the pantyhose, which is used for cat litter. With such a sponge, you can well remove any liquid if you spilled something, because the filler absorbs it very well. Many wear tights on a broom. Such an “outfit” will prolong his life, besides this, he will become much prettier, and revenge will be better, since the tights hold his components well, this makes the broom denser. If you have accumulated a lot of tights, then you can master the technique of knitting a rug. You can use old tights as a dog leash. Of course, it will not be possible to keep a large dog with such a leash, but a small one is quite possible. Just tie one end of the tights (where the foot is) to the collar, and the leash is ready. You can go for a walk with your wolfhound. Tights will be useful to you in order to elegantly decorate eggs for Easter. When using them, you can get a very unusual color if you put a piece of pantyhose on an egg and put it in egg dye. You can also simply wrap the egg in a piece of nylon from pantyhose, and tie it on top with any beautiful ribbon. It will also turn out to be a very attractive testicle.**************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES . LOOK AT THE LINK

French women are considered the standard of fashion, taste and sexuality. The commandment of a Parisian woman, and ours too) - "two folds on the face are better than one on a stocking." Pantyhose and stockings, like litmus test, instantly give out the presence of taste. At the same time, it is not enough to know in which case to put on a body mesh, and in which case - black tights and tighter ones ... You can not underestimate the role of stockings in life. A woman in stockings will never be told: "Dumplings are oversalted!" If a woman in stockings serves dumplings, they will be eaten even if she forgot to cook them.

Here are some tips for fashionistas about tights:

The shade of nude tights should match the tone of the skin, even if we are talking about thin models of 5-8 den.

Transparent bodily tights create the effect of bare legs and are only allowed outside in the warm season. Agree, in winter, among the snows, a girl with bare legs looks ... um ... more than strange. But in the office, flesh-colored tights can be worn all the time.

The color of the tights depends on the overall color scheme of the outfit. Blue dress, black shoes... With them you can wear not only blue, but also dark gray, smoky or black stockings.

To make your legs look longer and slimmer, tights should match the shoes. This does not apply to light shades. But in white and beige tights, the legs, on the contrary, will appear fuller.

Tights matched to a dress or skirt look harmonious, while tights can be a little lighter than shoes.

And now): the most interesting thing that French women don’t know about))) Useful tips in pictures about the versatility of tights: how to use torn tights and stockings in the household

In the absence of an elastic band for hair, pantyhose can temporarily bandage your hair

Storing onions in pantyhose

Thin light-colored stockings can be added when knitting thick socks, strengthening the foot area. These socks will last much longer.

Vases of glassware and fishnet tights

Decorating bottles with patterned tights

For photographers - fog effect with tights

Sewing dolls from nylon tights

Creation of flowers from nylon tights

Painting Easter eggs in pantyhose

A nylon stocking cut lengthwise is the best source of elastic ropes with which you can tie and tie anything

Tights are an excellent material for gartering grapes, tomatoes and other plants. Soft tights will not cause such harm to the plant as a regular rope

The trimmings of the stocking are stuffed tightly into the drilled hole, a hot nail is stuck in there, and pulled out. A molten channel is obtained, into which a nail, screw, screw or bolt is then driven or screwed. In the same way, loose screws can be strengthened in old furniture. Especially in furniture made of chipboard. Here it is useful to thoroughly warm up the entire mass of nylon with a soldering iron, and then melt the channel for the screw.

They also use large pieces of nylon instead of a sieve for sifting loose and filtering fluid materials and products.

A stocking worn on a broom will prevent it from becoming too disheveled and broken. Thanks to this “case”, the broom will be like new for a long time! Yes, and sweeping the web with such a broom will be much more convenient.

Clean old tights can be filled with soft toys, instead of foam rubber

Due to their abrasive properties, rags made from pantyhose are very good at cleaning mirrors and window panes.

Also great for polishing and cleaning shoes.

The dishes can also be washed and cleaned with pantyhose. To do this, cut the tights into strips and knit a washcloth from these strips.

Furniture cleaning and polishing

With the help of tights, you can collect small objects from the floor, for example, beads. To do this, you need to pull tights over the suction hole and vacuum the place where the loss is supposed to be. In this case, all the dust will be sucked in, and small things will linger on the fabric. All ladies are familiar with the situation when an earring that has fallen on the floor rolls behind a chair or under a bed. Vacuum where the earring is supposed to be. All dust will be drawn into the vacuum cleaner, and the earring will simply be attracted, but will not get inside.

Owners of vacuum cleaners with reusable filters. We cut off the upper (thigh) part of the stocking, tie the wide end in a knot or intercept it with a strong elastic band, put the resulting chalk on the pipe inside the dust collector, fix it there with a rubber ring. That's it!..When the bag is full, throw it away with the garbage.

Massage brush hygiene. Pull tights or stockings onto a massage brush or comb so that the teeth stick out (they are not covered by tights). Then you can comb your hair with such a comb and remove the tights from the comb. The comb itself will remain clean. There will be no hair, no dandruff, no residue of sebum, etc. on it. Hair and all the dirt will remain in the stocking.

For aromatization. You can put dried orange peels in tights (absolutely clean, of course) and hang them in any inconspicuous place in the bathroom. Every time the tub is filled with steam, the orange peels will smell and scent the tub. You can also fill pantyhose with lavender.

Moth pads. Caring hostesses make pillows out of old tights, which are filled with lavender and put in closets. This method has a double benefit: both the moth drives away and the aroma is pleasant.

Aromatherapy. Using the bottom of your pantyhose, place a few handfuls of bath salt and place them in the tub: this will dissolve the salt evenly and won't flake off.

Pantyhose net

Pantyhose toys - growing grass for pets

Crochet rugs from tights

Washcloth - soap in pantyhose

Dusting the leaves of indoor plants

Tights for flower pots. Place a piece of fabric from stockings in the bottom of the flower pot to avoid washing out the soil when watering the plants.

Pantyhose can reveal all the burrs. If you are using sandpaper to sand a wood surface, you can test the sanding by putting pantyhose on your hand and running it over the surface: if there is a defect, there will be a tightening on the fabric.

Pantyhose and acetone can easily remove nail polish

Pantyhose can be used to store used paint brushes to reduce the risk of getting dirty and frizzy. For apply for perfect painting. In order for the paint to have the perfect consistency, without lumps and debris, cover the paint can with a piece of nylon (obtained from a cut stocking) and slightly drown it. Thus, you will get a “can” in a can, into which the paint will show through, and all the lumps and debris will not pass. By the way, by tightly pulling the capron on the jar and fixing it, you can shake out any bulk product from it, while sifting it. You can also filter liquids in the same way.

Bottles - pantyhose ladies