"City of Masters" (scenario of the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts and crafts). Scenario of the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts

Characters : two Magical Girls.

(Sounds like solemn music. Girls in costumes mozharetok perform a dance intro. At the end of her mozharetka, leaving behind the columns, they return to the site, “carrying out” full height construction of hoops covered with fabric, in the form of a pipe. Drum roll sounds. Girls perform "magic passes" with hoops, lowering the structure to the floor. The leading ceremonies dressed as magicians appear before the eyes of the spectators. Mozharetki leave the platform and take their places near the stairs, blocking the entrance to the 2nd floor.)

magician 1(lifting the cylinder). We welcome visitors to the magic salon, which represents a creative labyrinth of miracles and transformations!

magician 2. Our salon is the magic of fine art...

Focuser 1....handicraft tricks...

Focuser 2.... make-up illusion...

magician 1. ... the mystery of hairstyles and makeup ...

Focuser 2....fantastic flights of unusual aircraft...

Focuser 1....and fabulous travel on radio waves!

Focuser 2.

Our salon will reveal the secret to you,

How to make your own magic

And, having comprehended the secrets of design,

Show off your talent and skill.

magician 1. Meet the Chief Master of Magical Sciences of our salon (full name of the director of the House of Creativity)!

(Fanfares sound. The director of the House of Creativity comes out. The hosts, raising their cylinders, greet her. The director's speech.)

magician 2. In honor of the holiday of art and creativity, the masters of the salon prepared magical gifts the most inquisitive and resourceful visitors. At the end of the holiday, a super prize will be drawn among them.

magician 1. But it will go to the one who collects more tokens for correct answers and completed tasks.

Focuser 2.

We start to conjure

Imagine all miracles.

(Magic music sounds. One of the presenters takes a brush from her partner's pocket.)

Focuser 1. Thank you for at least not getting an easel out of your pocket! My clothes could not stand such a trick!

Focuser 2. What are you? It's a magic brush! With its help, you can be in different countries and epochs. But the owner, Master of Fine Arts (full name of the head of the studio), will handle it best of all.

(Music sounds. The hosts pass the “magic brush” to the guest. Welcoming speech by the head of the studio.)

magician 1. We hope you have been fascinated by the magic of fine art. With the help of some magic lessons, you can easily turn an ordinary sheet of paper into real masterpiece and give it to the world.

Focuser 2. It's time to touch the other wonders of our salon. To do this, we will go up to the foyer of the second floor and continue our acquaintance with other magical works.

(Music sounds. Presenters and guests go up to the second floor.)

magician 1. Today, harmony and grace reign in the world of magic.

magician 2. Is our magic spell will help to lift the veil of the mystery of hairstyles and makeup.

(Music sounds. The presenter pulls a hair out of her head, says a spell: “Abra-kadabra, creative houses, choo!” And blows it off. Against the background of the music, the frozen figures of the studio members “come to life”, which demonstrate hairstyles in the plot passage.)

magician 1. Under the guidance of the master (full name of the head), we plunged into the fantastic world of makeup and were captivated by the art of hairdressing.

magician 2. The master himself will tell us with interest about his secrets of magic.

(A story about hairstyles. A question from the head of the studio. Presentation of a token to the winner.)

magician 1. Let's go back to magic. Abra-ka-dabra, creative houses, chu!

(Music sounds. The magician conjures over a box with two lids, puts a handkerchief in one compartment and takes out a makeup brush from the second compartment.)

magician 2. Will we draw again?

Focuser 1. You almost guessed right. Magic brushes touched not only the canvas, but also the faces of young illusionists. Master of Makeup (full name of the head of the studio) skillfully owns make-up secrets and shares them with his students.

magician 2. With the help of makeup, you can create an Amazing look and go to a disco where different musical styles and directions. However, now you will see for yourself.

(Music. Demonstration of decorative makeup options.)

(A story about the makeup options presented.)

magician 2. We meet the master of make-up (full name of the head of the studio)!

Focuser 2. After practicing magic, some kind of transformation is sure to occur. You have a simple piece of paper in front of you. Now before your eyes the master artistic processing paper (full name of the head of the studio) will show you an unusual transformation.

(Music sounds. The head of the studio demonstrates origami techniques.)

magician 2. As you can see, paper has many magical properties. They are skillfully used in the works of the studio members.

magician 1. In our salon you can see the gloomy castle of the great and terrible elf Feroid Feron, as well as the inhabitants of this castle.

magician 2. Turning our gaze to the right, we find "Confusion - confusion." These are three elements: water, air, earth, in each of which outlandish miracles settled.

magician 1. And in the center is a village. Special flavor the landscape and courtyard are filled, as well as a round dance of dolls in Slavic costumes.

magician 2. Master's student (name, surname) turned paper into a collage " Summer mood". Why not a miracle?!

magician 1. The famous magicians of our magical salon have become famous far beyond its borders, because they masterfully master any material at hand and turn it into exquisite household and design items.

magician 2. And what tricks are possible with dexterity and dexterity skillful hands?

magician 1. You will find out about this by watching a series of unusual tricks in our magic salon!

magician 2. Abra-kadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Magic music sounds. From the partner’s pocket, the presenter takes out a long bunch of colored patches.)

magician 1. Bright magical shreds are a great opportunity for the creativity of beginner wizards!

Focuser 2. This year they presented their work in various techniques based on the fairy tales of Andersen, the works of Mayakovsky. The compositions “Heart Talk” and “Desert” turned out to be interesting.

magician 1. The well-known master of patchwork art (name of the head of the studio) is planning to continue the lessons of magic and teach young dreamers to turn their dream into reality.

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

magician 2. The golden hands of wizards are capable of creating unprecedented miracles!

Focuser 1. Let's guess the magical material that is used to make ceramic household utensils and other household items.

(Children's answers.)

Focuser 1. Let's check your answers now! Abracadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Music. The presenter takes out a tablet from the cylinder with the hidden word: CLAY.)

magician 2. In combination with other materials, clay allows you to create the most unusual works of art.

magician 1. Let's turn to the magical exposition presented in our salon.

magician 2. On the eve of Christmas, any home will be decorated with an elegant Christmas tree, made in Russian traditions and combining ceramics, natural material and textiles.

magician 1. The indestructible and impregnable fortress, located in the center of the exposition, will be able to enchant anyone with the elegance of its decorative solutions.

magician 2. In the "Decorative Plates" novice wizards were able to reflect the beauty of the flowers they saw.

magician 1. Eye-catching and finger puppets. They may well perform in a toy theater.

magician 2. The fairy tales presented by them, which were born thanks to the magic of skillful hands, are rich vivid images and interesting storyline.

magician 1. Remember: everyone can master tricks with clay, the main thing is to have a great desire and unlimited imagination! The lessons of this magic are taught in our salon by the master of artistic processing of clay (name of the head of the studio).

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

Focuser 2. Our magic tricks continue! Abra-kadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Against the background of music, the magician pulls out a long thread. Note: as magic wand you can use a straw for a cocktail, in which the thread is placed in advance.)

magician 1. Magic threads can also help young wizards! With their help, you can depict whatever you want. Sometimes these pictures come to life, and then it seems that you find yourself in a completely different world.

Focuser 2. master machine embroidery(Name of the head of the studio) from childhood teaches wizards to work miracles around them, and they are good at it.

magician 1. With the help of magic, kids can find themselves in the world of their favorite toys, older guys can visit the village in the summer and immerse themselves in undersea world and cute sixteen-year-old beauties will be enveloped in their magic by fairy tales of the East.

Focuser 2. The magical items of our salon, created with the help of machine embroidery, will always decorate your interior and give it comfort and tranquility. Attention! Question from the master of machine embroidery!

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

magician 1. There is another magic created with the help of multi-colored threads. This is hand embroidery.

Focuser 2. Dreams of young dreamers are presented in our salon. These are distant seas and oceans, spring flowers and children's toys.

Focuser 1. In the largest works, wizards combined drawing, embroidery and a textile doll.

Focuser 2. master hand embroidery(Name of the head of the studio) turns his students into talented masters of this simple matter. Their best works are the pride of our salon.

(Question from the leader. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

Focuser 2. There is no limit to the perfection of magicians! Get ready for some serious witchcraft! Abracadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Sound signal “Prank”, accompanied by laughter. A leather shoe flies out from behind a screen onto the stage.)

magician 1. That surprised! Everyone has this goodness in bulk!

magician 2. This is not a simple shoe, but a leather one!

magician 1. So what?

magician 2. What are you? Leather is one of the most ancient materials used by leathercraft magicians. Lessons of artistic leather processing in our salon are held regularly, and young wizards diligently comprehend this complex science.

magician 2. Some young sorcerers turned to the magic of the appliqué.

magician 1. For the first time this year, the master's students combined the technique of appliqué and painting on fabric in their works.

Focuser 2. Bravo to the master of artistic leather processing (full name of the head of the studio)! Her magic has reached unprecedented heights!

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

Focuser 1. Our salon never ceases to amaze visitors with its unusual exhibits.

magician 2. This time we turn to soft and fluffy magic. Abra-kadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Music sounds. The assistant presenter holds a rag screen. One of the presenters hides behind this screen and, picking up a toy hare, demonstrates it to visitors above the screen, creating the effect of a self-propelled toy. At an unexpected moment, the fabric falls off the screen, and the presenter appears before the audience in confused.)

Focuser 1. Such an embarrassment with our master of soft toys (name of the head of the studio) definitely never happens! That's proof magical works her students.

Focuser 2. Let's move on to the children's room, where a bright and cheerful interior is presented. You are greeted by “clown shelves”, a “giraffe height meter” chair and a “cat” with shoe pockets.

Focuser 1. Younger brothers and sisters will be interested in intricate houses in which you can put toys.

magician 2. Thanks to cooperation with machine embroidery magicians, new models for the children's room were born.

magician 1. You can create such miracles yourself by visiting the magic lessons of the master of soft toys (full name of the leader).

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

magician 1. It is worth noting that (name and patronymic of the leader) owns not only the secrets of making toys, but the art of dressing.

Focuser 2. Together with the master of clothing modeling (full name of the head of the studio), an exposition of costumes for dolls called "Princess of the Ball" was created.

Focuser 1. In it, the youngest magicians of our salon showed their creativity together with their parents. They not only created an image, selected material, accessories, but also came up with a story about their princess.

Focuser 2. Now these fabulous beauties have no barriers to win the heart of a magical prince.

Focuser 1. And if we add some magic, the magic lights will come on and the ball will start right now. Let's say a spell together.

All. Abra-kadabra, creative houses, chu!

(Mysterious music sounds. At the stand, where the works of the Radioelectronics direction are presented, light bulbs light up with bright light.)

Focuser 2. By joining forces, we created a miracle! But we are far from the craftsmanship and sorcery of radio amateurs, because only the most persistent, stubborn, hardworking, striving to be creative in the manufacture of new magical units and devices can engage in this kind of magic.

Focuser 1. Dear antique lovers! We bring to your attention retro exhibits that can be purchased in our magic salon as a gift to your beloved grandparents. The offer is valid until the end of May.

Focuser 2. The order of sorcerers-radio-amateurs is headed by the master of radio electronics (full name of the head of the studio).

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

magician 1. Our fantasy belongs to the world of magic and sorcery, which can often be sent on a fabulous flight.

Focuser 2. The creator of fabulous aircraft is the master of aircraft modeling (full name of the head of the studio).

Focuser 1. With the help of aircraft created under his direction, our imagination can reach supersonic speed.

Focuser 2. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the presented working models of gliders and aircraft. They can fly outdoors.

Focuser 1. The magic of aeromodelling is sure to fascinate many. Hurry to the lessons of magic!

(Question from the head of the studio. Presentation of the token to the winner.)

magician 1. You made sure that in our salon of magic all the masters are honored magicians and sorcerers. Nothing is impossible for them.

magician 2. As if by a wave of a magic wand, they will now appear before you.

(Against the background of the music, the presenters introduce the heads of the studios, who rise to the stage to the applause of the audience.)

Focuser 1. For the award ceremony of our wizards, the chief master of magical sciences (full name of the director of the House of Creativity) is invited.

(Music sounds. Awarding of managers and studio workers. After the award, the studio leaders leave the stage, and the director of the House of Creativity remains to reward active visitors.)

Focuser 2. Our visitors actively answered the magical questions presented by masters of various sciences. Let me invite those who have especially distinguished themselves for the award.

(Music sounds. 12 winners come out.)

magician 1(referring to the winners). No wonder all of you touched Magic power creativity, and you got your hands on the first magic items. Now you can create miracles yourself and surprise others.

magician 2. But the chief master of magical sciences prepared special gift for the one who answers the most important question this day.

Director. Without what magic is impossible in our salon?

(Correct answer: without the golden hands of the studios and their leaders.)

Focuser 1. Well done! you figured it out main secret creative magic.

(Music sounds. Awarding the winner with the main prize.)

Focuser 2. We hope that the magical exhibits of our salon have interested you, and you will be happy to attend the magic lessons of famous masters.

Focuser 1.

Abra cadabra, creative houses, tim!

We want to say goodbye to the summer!

Focuser 2.

Relax over the summer, gain strength,

Come to the school of masters with your friends!

Focuser 1.

We will always be waiting for you

We will make a miracle with our hands instantly!

Focuser 2. See you soon in our magic salon!

magician 1. Goodbye! Bye! (Music. Spectators leave the lobby.)


1. Construction of hoops.

3. Tokens.

4. Box with two compartments.

5. Makeup brush.

6. Sheet of paper.

7. A long bunch of colored patches.

8. Tablet with the word "CLAY".

9. A straw for a cocktail with a colored thread placed inside.

11. Leather shoes.

12. Soft toy - hare.

Scenario discoveries artistic Exhibitions children's works art studios « Kolorchik »

Target: formation of children's interest in visual activity

Tasks: educate responsiveness, desire to help fairy tale character;

develop a positive attitude towards creative work other children.

The song of E. Uspensky and V. Shainsky “Children love to draw” sounds.

Leading. And at ten, and at seven, and at five
All children love to draw.
And everyone boldly draws
Everything that interests him.
Everything is interesting:
Far space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances...
Let's draw everything!
There would be colors
Yes, a piece of paper on the table
Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Hello, dear adults, our older friends and good mentors!

Art is always united and inseparable… Art unites people, gives beauty and joy.

And today the joy of creativity is given to us by talented, wonderful, enthusiastic, young artists of the Kolorchik art studio of the Center children's creativity.

We, dear viewers, are invited to the vernissage! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Translated from French, vernissage is the opening of an exhibition called "Territory of Creativity". So let this meeting give us all good mood.

The following guests came to visit us at the opening of the exhibition:

congratulates us


Leading. Painting evokes very special emotions. She takes us into the world of feelings like a good sorceress, carries us up on her wings. Enjoying this beauty, you perceive in a new way visible world. This is the magic of great art, and the guys are the little wizards who help us see this beautiful world. Accept congratulations from the kind magician, jeweler of children's hearts, director of the Center for Children's Creativity L. A. Vandysheva.


Leading. Childhood is the birthplace of the human soul.

While the little man is small, he enjoys life and pleases those around him with his birth, because the most faithful companions of life are nearby, loving parents. It is the parents who will show the way, teach and help how to get used to the new world, where to show your talent? And I want to tell you, dear parents, Thanks a lot for understanding, help and support. Addresses with words of congratulations


Leading. How to awaken in a child the desire to perceive, to think about the image? How to learn to see the beauty in the environment? How to captivate children with art?

He has been teaching all this, for already ... for years, an amazing teacher: Mikhail Valerievich Smolin, who combines the qualities of a teacher, psychologist, and educator. It is to him that the students turn with their joys and troubles, he is trusted with children's secrets.

You have the floor, Mikhail Valerievich.


Leading. Mikhail Valeryevich, please accept the words of gratitude on behalf of all the children and those present in the hall. We all know that your good deeds and thoughts are known not only in the Center for Children's Creativity, but also far beyond its borders. Ice figures in snow town, a fabulous wooden town in the park of culture and recreation. And on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, your work will again be noticeable to all residents of Tartar and guests of our city.

Room Artyom Smolin

Leading. The activity and purposefulness of the guys can be traced by the number of awards received, and there are a lot of them, guys

"My favorite pet", " Dreamland childhood”, “Theatrical stained-glass windows”, “Fairy tale-tales”;

  • Diploma winners of the All-Russian competitions “Summer! Oh! Summer!”, “Africa”,

My Motherland - 2014”, “Spider and Worm”, “Autumn Again”, “Where Red Cars Hurry”, “About Distant Worlds”, “Korney Chukovsky”, “The Adventure of Aliens in Russia”, laureates of the regional competition “Pearl of Siberia”. And that's just the wins high level, and how many victories over themselves were made by the guys cannot be listed at all. In a word, you are great fellows. Accept congratulations from creative children creative people.


Leading. An exhibition of paintings is always a holiday. This is an opportunity to get in touch with the beautiful, all the more valuable that the authors of these works are among us. The most important thing for an artist is the recognition of the audience! Tell me, did you like the drawings of the guys? more rewards and best estimate for us, believe me, no!

Leading. Children draw on glass
Children draw on asphalt
Build a city on the sand
This is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids are little wizards.
But so much soul has been invested
In their world beautiful on paper!

The sun is here, the sky is blue,
Here we are among fairy-tale heroes.
We are the ones who must protect
Their world is from grief and war.

Children draw on glass
And on the pavement... Let them draw!
And the joy of childhood on Earth
May it prevail forever!

In his drawings, each young artist showed his imagination and skills and drew what he liked best. Thank you guys for your work!

We invite everyone to walk through the halls and look carefully, slowly, at all the amazing works, and you can leave your impressions and wishes in the Album of the Kolorchik Art Studio. And we will definitely read them with the guys.

Scenario for the opening of the exhibition "Teachers of creativity to their pupils"

Background music


The artist is writing. domineering hand
The universe is shrouded in smoke.
Cycle unimaginable
Twist, bright river of colors!


Good afternoon, Dear friends, exhibitors and our guests! We are glad to welcome all of you to the exhibition dedicated to beauty, love, peace.

But today is a special day. Today, we are pleased to present to your attention the paintings of no less talented people - our teachers, our artists.

Children who study with us, parents, and our colleagues know us as teachers, as those who are able to awaken talent in a child's soul, who are able to awaken a thirst for creativity. But only people who improve themselves, who develop both as artists and as teachers, are capable of kindling hearts. It is impossible to teach to create without being a creator yourself.

Beauty heals souls. And this is especially important in our, shall we say, not very good times. retaining the ability to create, does not lose the spark of creation, given to all of us from above from birth.

Musical numbers for us were prepared by our music teacher Tekebaev Mirbek Abdykadyrovich - he is a calm, smiling person famous. HE is the author, composer, performer of many of his songs. Mirbek Abdykadyrovich tries to instill a love for music in our children.

Musical pause

Leading: In the world of painting, there are no female artists comparable to the level of, for example, Rafael Santi, or Leonardo da Vinci. It's said all the time in the creative world, simply because women can't draw and are unable to learn. I would love to dispel this myth. See how many works, all unique. The paintings of the artist of this exhibition have their own, unique style. How else?.

Gorbunova Olga Anatolievna, teacher. She graduated from Tynystanov University in the direction of "Teacher of Fine Arts, Labor and Drawing".

regular participant of exhibitions of decorative art,

Participated in the exhibition dedicated to the day protection of children, women artists of Karakol. Became a participant in Roza Otunbaveva's project "Kindergartens on Jailoo". She gave master classes in scratching to teachers of the region, quilling to city teachers, making flowers from foamiran in Bishkek, painting from plasticine for educators of the region.

Her pupils take prizes at aesthetic olympiads and competitions not only at the city, but also at the republican level. Without positioning themselves as an artist, Olga Anatolievna has its own unique artistic style.

Olga Anatolyevna not only performs decorative work, but also knits, sews, and draws beautifully.

The best vacation considers his favorite creativity, and even leaving the city, he always takes yarn and a hook with him.

Question: - Olga Anatolyevna, tell us, what is your first creative memory? What is it connected with?


I'll take a palette, canvas, easel,

I mix colors.

Bravura dance dances brush:

I draw a fairy tale.

I sit with nature tete-a-tete,

White, soot.

Landscape, sketch, self-portrait -

Yes, I don't care!

And let among the many pictures

Mine is not visible.

I drew her alone

And I'm not ashamed!

Almost finished already

With a bold hand

I am a colorful canvas without pity

I'll cover it with white;

And feel the joy of life

'Cause I'm not enough

I'll finish a thousand paintings -

I'll start over!

Musical pause


Allow me to introduce the second talented participant -

Yrysbekov Kurmanbek Kaparovich, artist, teacher.

Graduated from the Institute named after Tynystanov with a degree in fine arts, labor, drawing.

For several years he worked in a personal creative workshop. Participant of many exhibitions both in our country and abroad. But still he chose it as a matter of life creative development children.

The exhibition presents the cycle "Beauty is in the details".

Each talented work is a dialogue between two wizards, the artist and the viewer, in which the internally enriching content of the work comes to life. A feature of fine art is the ability not to teach people, children, but to create a beautiful world for them. Why teach if you can give a child a joyful and natural world of fairy tales, adventures, travels, secrets and discoveries? In this world, moralizing is not required, as its heroes never stop fighting darkness and striving for the Light. It is precisely such, glorifying eternal values, that the works of Kurmanbek Kaparovich carry.

A talented person is talented in everything? There is a version that yes. This is due to the fact that a talented person is accompanied by a feeling: I know this, I can, and what I can’t do, I quickly learn.

Kurmanbek Kaparovich is not only a painter, graphic artist, but also a wonderful sculptor, poet, plays the piano and guitar.

The “teacher-student” chain works, and there is confirmation of this.

And the confirmation is this. Kurmanbek Kaparovich was a teacher at the university with our Olga Anatolyevna.

And we hope that this chain will not be interrupted and will continue from year to year, bringing new talents to our ranks.

Question:- Kurmanbek Kaparovich, there are so many directions in the visual world, we know you as a portrait painter. Please tell me why?


Disappears time and space
When I hold a brush in my hand.
All the threads of the universe, wriggling in the dance,
We agreed on a primed canvas.
Doors to all worlds have been opened.
I fly through them at the sight of the tip.
Outlandish skies, plants, animals
In all layers and points of being
I see penetrating infinity
Alien spaces in which, like us,
They go through life and go to eternity
Under the light of other suns
Creation of the unthinkable Earth.

Musical pause


Artists have always been and remain among the most educated people, because they know exactly what wave of time a developed society is on, they have the right opinion on almost all issues that concern the best representatives of our time, and sometimes they see a little deeper, feel a little thinner. On the one hand, it is a curse to be different, and on the other hand, it is a great gift.

The gift of being a creator in the broadest sense of the word is completely independent of education. Here we have participants who are creators not by profession, but by vocation.

Her education is far from creative: Shakirova Olesya Grigoryevna graduated from Tynystanov University with a degree in physical education teacher and trainer, she is a master of sports in judo of international level. But the passion of childhood - needlework - did not let go, and the hobby gradually fills free time. Her favorite activity was and remains hair ornaments. The craftswoman believes that kanzashi can be used not only as a detail of a costume, but also serve as independent means decorative arts. The exhibition presents the work "Flower Fields".

Well, the traditional question is what is your work connected with?

musical number


Usubaliev Bakytbek Dogdurbekovich, a teacher graduated from Tynystanov University with a degree in fine arts and drawing.

I have been fond of drawing since childhood, the pictures of our teacher are presented to your eyes. They are simple and concise, understandable to any viewer.

And my question to Bakytbek Dogdurbekovich why do you like to depict animals more, ?

musical number

Leading: Very often, when we meet the talented works of artists, photographers, we experience something more than just aesthetic pleasure. The joy that we experience at such moments is not only a state of mind, but also a spiritual one. It does not disappear anywhere, but remains with a person forever. Art is created by the creator and through art and feelings there is a connection between a person and our creator. Orozakunov Elaman Muktarbekovich is not just a teacher physical culture, he has another education teacher primary school. He is a very kind, sympathetic person, he is an excellent photographer. And we have yet to discover his talent.

We bring to your attention a video about our creative decade. Elaman Muktarbekovich Orozakunov worked on it


Mixing colors, merging thoughts and feelings,

Desires and images, lines, colors and shades.

At this moment I will touch the canvas with my hand,

I will understand something, and I will dare to this Creation

It has already sprouted in my soul in front of me,

It does not allow me to return to past sins,

It hurts, burns, worries, worries and waits,

When, finally, I will receive forgiveness from heaven!

The Creator smiled and caressed me with his eyes,

Leaving a little fire from the former burning

And on my canvas I painted with a brush

I have forgotten the plot of the coming Renaissance.

These lines were written by Elena Galkina, a woman far from the world of painting. They never drew, and never aspired to. I just sat next to her one day and watched the artist paint. And you know, dear artists, if, looking at our paintings, people write such lines, then we are doing everything right: we teach, we live, and we create.

And I really want that, leaving this hall, you take with you not only the joy of communicating with the beautiful, but also the feeling of belonging to the highest, divine principle.


the floor is given to our wonderful directorSoikoeva Gulzat Kudaibergenovna handing over thank you letters to our teachers


And now I ask, dear guests, the floor to you. Share your impressions about the exhibition.

A word to the guests.

Moderator Thank you all

The script for the opening of the art exhibition of children's works of the art studio "Kolorchik". Developed by: teacher organizer Kucherenko T.A.

Scenario discoveries artistic Exhibitions children's works art studio "Kolorchik"

Target: formation of children's interest in visual activity

Tasks: to cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help a fairy-tale character;

foster a positive attitude towards the creative work of other children.

The song of E. Uspensky and V. Shainsky “Children love to draw” sounds.

Leading. And at ten, and at seven, and at five
All children love to draw.
And everyone boldly draws
Everything that interests him.
Everything is interesting:
Far space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances...
Let's draw everything!
There would be colors
Yes, a piece of paper on the table
Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Hello, dear adults, our older friends and good mentors!

Art is always united and inseparable… Art unites people, gives beauty and joy.

And today, the joy of creativity is given to us by talented, wonderful, enthusiastic, young artists of the Kolorchik art studio of the Center for Children's Creativity.

We, dear viewers, are invited to the vernissage! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Translated from French, vernissage is the opening of an exhibition called "Territory of Creativity". So let this meeting give us all a good mood.

The following guests came to visit us at the opening of the exhibition:

congratulates us


Leading. Painting evokes very special emotions. She takes us into the world of feelings like a good sorceress, carries us up on her wings. Enjoying this beauty, you perceive the visible world in a new way. This is the magic of great art, and the guys are the little wizards who help us see this beautiful world. Accept congratulations from the kind magician, jeweler of children's hearts, director of the Center for Children's Creativity L. A. Vandysheva.


Leading. Childhood is the birthplace of the human soul.

While the little man is small, he enjoys life and pleases those around him with his birth, because the most faithful companions of life, loving parents are nearby. It is the parents who will show the way, teach and help how to get used to the new world, where to show your talent? And I want to tell you, dear parents, thank you very much for your understanding, help and support. Addresses with words of congratulations


Leading. How to awaken in a child the desire to perceive, to think about the image? How to learn to see the beauty in the environment? How to captivate children with art?

He has been teaching all this, for already ... for years, an amazing teacher: Mikhail Valerievich Smolin, who combines the qualities of a teacher, psychologist, and educator. It is to him that the students turn with their joys and troubles, he is trusted with children's secrets.

You have the floor, Mikhail Valerievich.


Leading. Mikhail Valeryevich, please accept the words of gratitude on behalf of all the children and those present in the hall. We all know that your good deeds and thoughts are known not only in the Center for Children's Creativity, but also far beyond its borders. Ice figures in the Snowy Town, a fabulous wooden town in the Park of Culture and Leisure, delight fellow countrymen every year. And on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, your work will again be noticeable to all residents of Tartar and guests of our city.

Room Artyom Smolin

Leading. The activity and purposefulness of the guys can be traced by the number of awards received, and there are a lot of them, guys

    Laureates and Diploma Winners of the International Competition "Keepers"

    International festival "Stars of the new century";

    laureates and diplomats of the All-Russian competitions "Where Dreams Live",

"My Favorite Pet", "Fairytale Land of Childhood", "Stained Glass Theatre", "Fairy Tale-Fairy Tales";

    Diploma winners of the All-Russian competitions “Summer! Oh! Summer!”, “Africa”,

My Motherland - 2014”, “Spider and Worm”, “Autumn Again”, “Where Red Cars Hurry”, “About Distant Worlds”, “Korney Chukovsky”, “The Adventure of Aliens in Russia”, laureates of the regional competition “Pearl of Siberia”. And these are only victories at a high level, and how many victories over themselves were made by the guys cannot be listed at all. In a word, you are great fellows. Accept congratulations from creative children to creative individuals.


Leading. An exhibition of paintings is always a holiday. This is an opportunity to get in touch with the beautiful, all the more valuable that the authors of these works are among us. The most important thing for an artist is the recognition of the audience! Tell me, did you like the drawings of the guys? There is no greater reward and better evaluation for us, believe me!

Leading. Children draw on glass
Children draw on asphalt
Build a city on the sand
This is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids are little wizards.
But so much soul has been invested
In their world beautiful on paper!

The sun is here, the sky is blue,
Here we are among fairy-tale heroes.
We are the ones who must protect
Their world is from grief and war.

Children draw on glass
And on the pavement... Let them draw!
And the joy of childhood on Earth
May it prevail forever!

In his drawings, each young artist showed his imagination and skills and drew what he liked best. Thank you guys for your work!

We invite everyone to walk through the halls and look carefully, slowly, at all the amazing works, and you can leave your impressions and wishes in the Album of the Kolorchik Art Studio. And we will definitely read them with the guys.

The one who created this world was happy. A smile shone on His face when He created mountains, seas, forests, clouds… Well done! Man was created last. And, probably, the Creator breathed into him a little of his joy from the creation of the world. How else to explain that a person is irresistibly drawn to create the world with his own hands? And if it turns out well - where does such a feeling of happiness come from? And why is it all called INSPIRATION?

Inspiration doesn't come to everyone. These people are easy to recognize. They look at the clouds - and see curly-haired elephants. They knead clay, mix paints. Sew, cut, glue. In short, they create.

And if it turns out well, then part of the creator's joy is necessarily transferred to his creation. And then those who will look at this creation will feel it.

It turns out that creativity is when the joy of that main Creator, which is written with capital letter. It is the joy that the world turned out to be beautiful.

So today we will meet with the creator, who shares with us his joy and inspiration.

Characters: Miss Andrew Two Mice Baba Yaga
Old Man Hottabych

Decor: on the stage there is a screen depicting objects of arts and crafts; cubes on which large soft toys are located; drawings of children hang from above.
(The song “I was offended” sounds from the repertoire of the duet “Academy”. Miss Andrew rushes through the hall with large suitcases, with a whistle in her hands.)

M.E. (looking at his watch): Well, I guess I'm not late. Why don't you meet Miss Andrew with thunderous applause?!
M.E.: No, it won't! It's kind of disorganized! From now on, we will do everything on my signal. As soon as I whistle once, we all clap together, as soon as two - we don’t clap, three times - only girls clap, four - only boys, five - adults clap. Get ready! Started!

Whistle game.

M.E.: Now here is the order! And where is the museum hall where I'm supposed to lead the tour? (Looks around.) Here, it seems, are the necessary exhibits. (Assesses.) Not bad, not bad! But I would do things differently! I would change the places of the pictures, enlarge the decorations, soft toy make it softer! (Pulls out a notebook.)
M.E.: So, we will take this into account, we will take note of this. Now it's under my control.
(Looks into the hall.)
Interesting! And that's all who came to me on a tour?
We'll have to specify the quantity.

Miss Andrew lists the directions of the studio. Children answer: "Here!". A game is played with them according to the whistle “Sit down, stand up”.

M.E.: We move on. Attention! (Whistle) We approached the main object of our tour, which is called the "Casket of Masters". Pay attention to the front door of this casket. Regular fiberboard. The dimensions amaze with their simplicity and aristocratic sophistication. The content, I can assure you, is even more interesting than the appearance. So, the climax!
(Soundtrack "Drumroll" sounds. Miss Andrew picks up the keys.)
- Here he is!

The light goes out. Phonogram "Ghost": steps, door creak, laughter. The light turns on. The key "flies" up (it is pre-attached to the rope). Miss Andrew howls and runs across the hall to the background of the song "I'm offended." Mice appear on the scene.
ML: Well, as always...
M.2: Actually interesting place the fifth tour guide runs away.
ML: Again this ghost messed up. By the way, the key was gone.
M.2: How can we open the chest now, because different skills will be distributed from it?
ML: Hey ghost, give me the key!
Voice: You will not see the key, like your ears!
M.2: Oh my ears! (Rushing around the stage, hiding)
ML: Well, we'll see about that!

The phonogram "Catching a Ghost" sounds. A little mouse appears with a long net. He tries to catch the invisible ghost, gets tangled, falls. Phonogram "Ghost's Laughter".

Voice: In order to find the key for you, You have to go through the fire, Overcome a hundred seas, Sing into copper pipes. Maybe you will be lucky, the Key will fall into your hands.
- Test of fire - try to catch this beam! (The lights go out. The flashlight sends a beam onto the stage. The mice try to catch it.)
- Does not work?! That's it! Let me test you with water! Bring water in a sieve! (Against the background of music, the Mice "carry" water in a sieve.)
- Well, they killed it - they flooded everything around! Can you carry copper pipes on your head? (Music sounds. The mice perform the task, but in vain.)
Voice: You're trying hard! Nothing will work for you! M.2: What are we going to do?
ML: I think I know who can help us. (Takes out a newspaper, reads: “I will drive out the poltergeist, I will drive away the thought, I will steal the Mercedes, I will disperse the Duma. Conspiracies, slander, talk.”)
M.2: Call your cell phone!
ML: Hello! Baba Yaga? We urgently need your help!

Sound racing car. Baba Yaga appears on a scooter.

B.Ya. (singing): I will drive my scooter for a long time,
In the museum, here, I'll stop him...
- Hello, Mouse! Received your message. What is the problem?
M.2: The guys have a holiday today.
ML: Studio birthday.
M.2: And all the secrets of craftsmanship are hidden in the casket.
B.Ya. : So what? Why do you need them?
ML: What do you mean why? After all, if beginners do not recognize them, they will not be able to create their magical works.
M.2: The ghost has the key.
B.Ya.: Let's do it right now. After all, I propose a turn, a lapel, a love spell. I can open the third eye, close the other two. Clairvoyance, clairvoyance, television on all channels. (Pulls out binoculars and looks.)
B.Ya.: Here is one of my channels showing: the moon is favorable to you and is in the phase of turning towards creative people. Your lucky number is -27. So you are on the right path, comrades!
ML: Faithful, faithful!
M.2: And what about the ghost?
B.Ya.: What about a ghost? Do one, do two, do three! And no ghost! So, Mice, bye! (Leaves on a scooter.)

Phonogram "Ghost's Laughter".

ML: Did you understand something?
M.2: No!
ML: Me neither!
M.2: Need to do something!
ML: Things are nothing! Thirst is everything! Don't let yourself dry out! (Starts to drink from the bottle.)

Music sounds. The Old Man Hotta-bych appears. He sings and dances.

S.Kh.: Greetings, my lords! Apchi!
ML: Be healthy!
S.Kh. : Yes, I'm not a cow, but the great Abdurakhman ibn Khattab, the wisest magician and sorcerer!
M.2: Another sorcerer?!
ML: Wait. Maybe; he can help us.
S.Kh.: I won't mind eating candy!
M.2: It's not about the candy!
ML: Help us take the key from the ghost.
S.Kh.: How about playing a game with your monster? It's easy!

Phonogram "Witchcraft".

S.Kh.: Well, monster, let's play? Voice: I agree. Convinced.
M.2 : But with only one condition: if you lose, then the key to the casket goes to us.
Voice: And if I win, then I will arrange a tricky test for the leaders of your areas.
S.Kh.: O dear rival, now you will see Chess board. We start the game. Skirt - 110.
Voice : Pants - 80.
S.Kh. : Basin - 5.
Voice : Kettle - 25.
S.Kh.: Chupa Chups - 3.
G olos : Lollipop - 10.
S.Kh.: Elephant - 250.
Voice: Camel - 2.
S.Kh.: Shah!
Voice: Mat!
S.Kh.: Oh, my old head, Oh, my thin beard! I sat too long, completely lost my qualifications! Everyone, I'm retiring!

Music sounds for the departure of the old man Hottabych.

S.Kh.: I will go to the Canary Islands, I will lie on the sea sand, warm the bones. I will comprehend life, maybe I will write memoirs. Farewell, friends!

The phonogram is amplified. Old man Hottabych leaves.

Voice: Bye! Bye! It is high time!
ML: It turns out that sorcerers with wizards can not always help.
M.2: I told you, you should have tried it yourself!
Voice: Hey, jerboas, or how are you? Have you forgotten about the test? Quickly call the leaders of the directions here! Don't forget to arrange the bottles!

The mice call the leaders, place plastic bottles on the floor of the stage.

To the soundtrack of "Lambada" the Mice, wagging their hips, snake around all the bottles. After that, leaders demonstrate their skills.

Voice: That's all, that's it, karapuziki! Dancing is over! You amused me gloriously, but did not meet the time. So do not open the chest for you!
M.2: How are we without a key?
ML: Well, we'll see about that!
M.2: How will we open it?
ML: No food, listen better! (Whispers.)
M.2: I can't with my tail, they stepped on it. You see, it's completely swollen!
ML: Okay, I'll try mine.

The phonogram "Opening the casket" sounds. The mouse tries to open the chest with its tail, gets confused.
- Oh oh oh! Hurt!
M.2 ( unraveling the tail): Here you are! I almost lost my tail! (after a while) Eureka! We have only one way out: Call 911.

They call on a bouncy phone.

ML: Send us a ghost hunter, please!

Phonogram for the appearance of the Cat. On a rope from above, a cat descends onto the stage.

ML: Wow, business!
M.2: Save who can!
Cat: Hey Mouse! Stop! Wait! I retrained a long time ago, now I'm not interested in mice. I work in the rescue service. Let's show, tell us what happened here.

The mice vying with each other start talking.

Cat: Stop! Stop! Stop! I'll deal with this myself!
mice (in chorus): And we?
Cat: A you help! We need to find out what kind of ghost you have. So answer! Kind?

Mice: Evil!
Cat: Beautiful?
Mice: Ugly!
Cat: Tolstoy?
Mice: Guys, help us! Bad!.
Cat: Black?
Children: White!
Cat: Not mine?
Children: Talking!
Cat : Slippery?
Children: Rough!
Cat: Jumping?
Children : Sedentary!
Cat: Big?
Children: Little!
Cat: Hairy?
Children: Bald!
Cat: All clear! Typical representative: jester-nikus-witty. It is usually found in children's institutions. To catch him, you must first appease, then cheer, and then he is ours!
We can appease him with sweets, which, by the way, I always have with me. We tie them to a special device and send them to the ghost. But I need help with this! ML: We'll arrange it now! M.2: Guys, who wants to help? Come out to us!

10 people take the stage.

ML: Each team needs to quickly bind all the candies to the device.
Cat: We work together and together. Get ready! Started!

Music. Children tie candies to the end of the fishing rods.

Cat: Devices are ready! (To Mice) On the count of "three!" launch. So - 1, 2, 3!

Children lift the ropes up. Phonogram "Champing, crunching".

ML: Wow! Already pecked!
M.2: So, not in vain tried!
Cat: We pass to the second stage. We're going to need dance hunters here.
ML: Will be done. Which one of you guys is a big fan of dancing?

8-10 people come out to dance.

Cat: Meet the Band of Hunters! Get your tools. (The cat names his own instrument for each participant: violin, guitar, drum, piano, button accordion, trumpet, maracas, tambourine ...) Imagine and show how you play them. (Music corresponding to the named instruments sounds.) At the same time, one eye, neck, arm, leg, shoulder twitch ...

Participants perform additional movements.

Voice: Oh, laugh! Oh, they're dead! Wow!
ML: Well, now it's definitely ours!
Cat: The last one remains. Hope it works. Hey, Mice, drag my magnet faster!

There are undefined sounds. Phonogram "Catching a Ghost". The cat pulls out a ghost that screams with a magnet.

Voice : I don't want! I won't do it again! I was joking!
Cat: Here it is, your ghost!
M.2: ... (girl's name), is that you? Well, you played us!
Dev. : I just wanted to check if the guys want to learn the secrets of mastery, and I see that there are a lot of people who want to.
Cat: Well, now you figure it out without me, and I'm running to the challenge!
ML: Thank you, Cat!
M.2: Now we know who to turn to for help!
(The cat runs away.) ML: Where is the key?

Girl: U me.
M.2 : Then let's get him here soon, we'll open the casket!

The girl takes out a key in the shape of a child's hand.

M.2: What's this? Key? He's kind of weird!
Girl: This key is not simple, but with a secret. A palm means that any lock of skill will help the guys open their hardworking and golden hands.
ML: It is necessary to invite the famous ma-eritsa as soon as possible ... (full name of the head of one of the studio directions) to open the casket!
Girl: Please ... (acting manager)! (Solemn music sounds. Leader-sang opens the casket, takes out and reads the coils for each direction.) M.2: Thank you! But that is not all! ML: Do not be sad on your birthday, Accept wishes! M.2: Eat more semolina, All victories will be yours! ML: In order not to know idleness, boredom, your hands will help you! M.2: Vanya, Misha, Tanya, Sveta, sweets are waiting for you today! (They give sweets to all directions of the studio.) ML: Well, kids, don't yawn, Sing along with us!

Everyone sings to the tune of the song "Chunga-Changa".
You love your birthday since childhood.
Birthday - flowers are given.
Birthday - we drive "Karavai".
Birthday - sing along with us!
Chorus: We have fun like children.
The holiday is known to everyone in the world -
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright -
We are always looking forward to

Heroes say goodbye to the audience.

1. Whistle.
2. Notepad, pen.
3. Key.
4. Casket.
5. Flashlight, sieve, water container, forges.
6. Newspaper.
7. Mobile phone.
8. Scooter.
9. Binoculars.
11. Plastic bottles.
12. Inflatable phone.
13. Fishing rods, sweets.
14. Magnet.
15. Scrolls.

Solemn opening ceremony of the exhibition of arts and crafts "Carousel of Masters"

House of Creativity
The foyer of the House of Creativity is decorated with the works of the studios. At the entrance to the 1st floor, a tape is stretched.
(Against the background of the melody of the song "Fair" from the repertoire of V. Leontiev, the words of Foma the Buffoon sound in the recording.)
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Make yourself at home, don't be shy
Walk around our fair!
Go right - it will be fun!
Go to the left - a lot of laughter and din!
You will be able to relax and have fun,
While the guests are gathering.
Come on, honest people,
The peddler is calling everyone!
(A fair-sale of handicrafts of arts and crafts from the studios of the House of Creativity, students of a vocational school is held on the street; guests can use a photo studio, ice cream parlor, driving on cars, and a buffet.)
(The words of Skomorokh are replaced by barkers.)
1.Hey, craftswomen,
Hurry up to us.
Disassemble everything you need
Money is a trifle, do not be sorry.
Everything for the kitchen,
Don't look, buy.
Everything you buy is useful
And it will last for a long time.
2.Hey, fashionistas are beauties
Here, here quickly..
You'll love it
Buy now:
Wallets, caskets,
Beads and earrings,
Rings and bracelets.
We will like everything
Put it on right now.
3. Honey bagels,
Pud pies,
Fly in and push
Quickly, take out the pennies!
4. And here are the sudariki balls,
5. Red, blue - choose any!
6. Children for fun,
Guys for laughs!
5.Children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
Come on, choose
6. Honey gingerbread! Buy, buy!
Afanasy Nikitin also praised!
There are teeth - gnaw yourself,
But no - ask a neighbor!
7. Do not pass by us,
Look at the crafts.
All crafts are top class,
Surprise you today!
Choose, take!
The fair is closed.
Business time, fun - hour!
I invite you to the exhibition!
(In front of the entrance to the House of Creativity, children folklore ensemble sing the song.)
Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you.
All follow me
And bring your friends with you.
(Music sounds. The buffoon escorts the guests to the steps in the foyer, where they are met by Marya the artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)
Mary the Craftsman:
Hello good people
Guests invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisans, welcome you to the opening of the exhibition "Carousel of Masters".
We, guests, meet all of you
With a white, lush loaf.
He is on a painted platter
With a white towel.
And we bring salt,
Bow down, please taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take some bread from your hands.
(Maria the artisan passes bread from the hands of the children to the hands of the guests. A song is performed by the children of the folklore ensemble.)
Mary the Craftsman:
Kind people!
Allow me to introduce you to the hostess of the House of Creativity ... (full name of the director). She had a great honor - to say good words to our craftsmen and open the exhibition.
(Speech by the director of the House of Creativity. Fanfare. Solemn cutting of the ribbon.)
Mary the Craftsman:
Dear guests!
Now you can see the exhibition of our craftsmen, get acquainted with the creators of beautiful drawings. These are landscapes, and still lifes, and fairy tales, beloved by the studio members, made by the guys from the fine arts studio together with the leader ... (full name). This year they mastered the new kind work - making homemade books. Each of them is unique. Everything from creating a form and choosing a font is the imagination and creativity of the guys themselves.
Successful creative activity lies in the stability of this team, in the ability of the guys to work harmoniously in one team.
Yes, I will not tire of repeating
Students need to put "five"
For this miracle of miracles
(to guests)
And here is a question for you.
Let's listen carefully
We will respond diligently.
Who is the youngest exhibitor?
Who will find the answer in the picture,
He will receive a prize from the bag.
(A melody sounds. Viewing the works of the art studio.)
Come on, kids! It's time to win the prize! Is there a brave one among you? Who will give me the answer now? (Answers. Rewarding. If there are several correct answers, the buffoon takes out a ribbon of paper from the bag on which “applause” is written)
Marya the artisan: Well, the work is a feast for the eyes, Directly to everyone's surprise. This exhibition is the beginning, After all, we have a lot of work.
It's time to look at her.
Mary the Craftsman:
Well, friends, let's move on.
But first I think
We will delight guests
A song that is more fun.
(The song is performed by the studio members.)
Thank you for the song
And we are in a hurry to the exhibition.
(They go up to the 2nd floor, where they are met and greeted by Brownie Kuzya.)
Hello, Maryushka - girl!

I am glad to see you all at our exhibition and hasten to tell you the good news.
Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau is operating here, where you can give your preference to one or another direction. You need to get a token and lower it into a basket with the name of the direction that attracted your attention. The bureau is located from right side exhibition hall.
Dear guests!
Don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guest Book.
(A song is performed by a children's folklore ensemble, after which Marya the artisan introduces the guests to the directions of the House of Creativity. Kuzya and Skomorokh walk around the exhibition together with the guests. After Marya the artisan tells about the directions of the House of Creativity, Kuzya runs into the stage with a joyful squeal.)
Oh guys, here's my safe,
I already completely forgot
What is he standing on the stage ...
I'll see what's in it.
(Pulls out letters from the safe.)
How many certificates and awards!
I kept them all.
And today just right
They will read them for you.
(Mary the artisan reads out the diplomas received during the year.)
Mary the Craftsman:
Yes it will be open
All years in a row
The door of this safe
For new rewards!
(Applause. Song performed by the soloist of the folklore ensemble.)
Mary the Craftsman:
Dear guests!
You all visited our exhibition,
What was your impression of her?
And we would like to know today
What can you tell us about this.
I invite the head of the educational and methodological department of the Ural Center for Folk Crafts and Crafts to the stage ... (full name)
(Speech of the guest of honor.)
Mary the Craftsman:
I wonder what the impression...
(full name of the guest of honor.)

(Guest speech. Fanfare sounds.)
Mary the Craftsman:
It's time for joy
We congratulate everyone today:
Who made crafts, And who taught them this.
This teacher has limitless talents, And all the works are different from others,
We believe that soon her success awaits,
In patchwork creativity will conquer us all.
Mary the Craftsman:
… (full name of the teacher)! We ask you to take the stage with your students. The director of the House of Creativity (full name) is invited for the award
... (name of teacher) - jack of all trades,
You don't get bored with him at all.
He creates from the skin
Something that suits everyone.
Be it earrings, a necklace -
Everything is admirable.
So go to victory
Under the brilliance of praise and orchestral brass!
Mary the Craftsman: …. (full name of the teacher) and his students!
... (name of the teacher) - a craftswoman,
Knows old and young
Her accomplishments are often talked about.
Stuffed Toys
Drive everyone crazy
Their children sew
And she herself.
Mary the Craftsman:
... (full name of the teacher) and her guys!
… (name of the teacher)!
Your work girl
They will exalt to a feat,
After all, no costumes.
Blouses, sundresses
They won't even last five minutes.
As without bows, combs and pockets.
They wholeheartedly thank
You, masters, are promised in unison,
That everyone will definitely sew an outfit for themselves,
Dreamed of for many years.
Mary the Craftsman:
… (full name of the teacher) we are waiting for you on the stage!
Decent growth
Kind look.
She is a master, they say.
He knows a lot about his business
And teaches girls
embroider on machines
And decorate outfits.
Everyone is talking about her stubbornly:
“Here is a second mother for us.”
Mary the Craftsman:
... (full name of the teacher) and her girls!
The design is still so new to us,
Not even words are enough.
But even this is a start
We know a lot about teachers.
They create and create comfort,
After all, this is their job.
And we are sure that macrame
and hand embroidery
Worthy of all praise on May 16.
Mary the Craftsman:
... (full name of the teacher) with their students!
Attract to yourself
... (name of teacher) a rare gift,
I'm not the only fan of her charms,
And like an artist creating a vernissage,
She shows us aerobatics.
Mary the Craftsman:
... (full name of the teacher) with their stars!