Exhibition of embroidery "tied with one thread". Central City Public Library. V. Mayakovsky Ekaterina Khokhlova hand embroidery studio

Fashion and design: historical experience, new technologies: materials of the international scientific conference, St. Petersburg, 2014: materials of the XVII international scientific conference, St. Petersburg, May 28-31, 2014 / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation, Feder. state budget. educate. institution of higher prof. Education "St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design", Ros. ethnogr. museum; [ed.: N. M. Kalashnikova]. - St. Petersburg: FGBOU VPO "SPGUTD", 2014. - 571 p. + 1 email opt. disc (CD-ROM). - Bibliography. in note. at the end of Art. - Zagl. CD: "Painting with a needle...": embroidery in the traditional clothes of the peoples of Russia. - 250 copies. - ISBN 978-5-7937-0974-3: $220.00
Belsky, Stanislav Vladimirovich. To the question of the reconstruction of the ancient Karelian female funeral dress of the XIII-XV centuries. / S. V. Belsky. - WITH .4-7
Zhabreva, Anna Ernestovna. "The image of the Russian embassy, ​​presented under the command of Zakhar Ivanovich Sugorsky to Emperor Maximilian II at the Regensburg Diet in 1576." : (on the history of men's costume in Russia in the 16th century) / A. E. Zhabreva. - WITH .8-13
Kosourova, Tatyana Nikodimovna Gold, silver and silk in the decoration of the European costume of the 16th-19th centuries./ T. N. Kosourova. - WITH .14-20
Krotova, Tatiana Fyodorovna. English costume in the collection of London's Victoria and Albert Museum: aspects of the chronology of the classical style / T. F. Krotova. - WITH .21-27
Kurbatov, Alexander V. Shoes of the peoples of the North Caucasus in the material culture of Ancient Rus'/ A. V. Kurbatov. - WITH .28-33
Mitina, Maria Nikolaevna Clothing and the human body in the art of Trypillia-Cucuteni/ M. N. Mitina. - WITH .34-38
Pawlacyk, Patrick. Kashmiri shawls in the collection of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw/ P. Pavlacik. - WITH .39-50
Panfilova, Lyubov A. Influence of Japan on the creation of the female image: (modern era costume) / L. A. Panfilova. - WITH .51-55
Ryabtseva, Svetlana Stanislavovna About one type of Byzantine jewelry of the X-XI centuries./ S. S. Ryabtseva. - WITH .56-60
Sikorskaya, Maria Igorevna Aesthetic organization of the Viking battle suit/ M. I. Sikorskaya. - WITH .61-64
Uspenskaya, Elena Nikolaevna Indian Kani Jamavar and Russian cashmere half-shawl - the continuity of the textile tradition / E. N. Uspenskaya. - WITH .65-70
Fedicheva, Elena Yurievna. The evolution of women's clothing cutting methods/ E. Yu. Fedicheva, M. M. Kuznetsova. - WITH .71-74
Shapiro, Bella Lvovna. Belle E "poque period women's tracksuit/ B. L. Shapiro. - WITH .75-77
Shvarkov, Alexey Vladimirovich The origin and features of European polychromy in jewelry and costume details in the era of peoples' migration / A. V. Shvarkov. - WITH .78-82
Yatsenko, Sergei A. Funeral terracotta "minji" with a Turkic costume from China and Mongolia of the 7th-8th centuries. / S. A. Yatsenko. - WITH .83-86
Bednarchik, Anna Andreevna. Belts on planks from the collection of the Arkhangelsk State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art "Small Korely" / A. A. Bednarchik. - WITH .87-91
Gadzhikhanova Razitta Gadzhikhanovna The problem of studying the traditional clothes of the peoples of Dagestan/ R. G. Gadzhikhanova. - WITH .92-98
Huseynova, Matanat Tazakhanovna. Jewelry in the ensemble of Azerbaijani women's costume: (history and modernity) / M. T. Huseynova. - WITH .99-102
Danilenko, Angela P. Reconstruction of the women's folk costume of the village of Podolkhi, Belgorod region/ A. P. Danilenko. - WITH .103-107
Dyakova, Elena Vasilievna About some features of the costumes of the characters of the rite "Malanka" in the urban settlement of Krasnoilsk (Ukraine) / E. V. Dyakova. - WITH .108-112
Krestovskaya, N. I. From the history of collecting and studying folk costumes in the Russian Museum/ N. I. Krestovskaya, M. A. Sorokina. - WITH .113-118
Lukyanets, Olga Stepanovna Fashion and traditional costume of Moldovans in the first half of the 20th century/ O. S. Lukyanets. - WITH .119-121
Mitryagina, Tamara Alekseevna. Traditional Russian Costume as a Value-Polyfunctional Phenomenon/ T. A. Mitryagina. - WITH .122-134
Mishurinskaya, Lyubov Igorevna. "Magpie" among the baptized Tatars of the Volga region/ L. I. Mishurinskaya. - WITH .135-142
Mishurinskaya Olga Vladislavovna On the issue of changes in the female costume of the eastern group of Mordovians-Erzi in the 20th century. / O. V. Mishurinskaya. - WITH .143-148
Novik, Alexander A. On the history of the costume of the Albanians of the Azov region (Farta)/ A. A. Novik. - WITH .149-152
Ostrovsky, Alexander B. Orthodox cross as part of a festive costume/ A. B. Ostrovsky. - WITH .153-157
Senichkina, Anna A. To the question of the typology of female Avar jewelry/ A. A. Senichkina. - WITH .158-161
Serova, Tatyana Mikhailovna Methodology and some studies of the identification of the traditional costume of the peoples of Dagestan / T. M. Serova. - WITH .162-167
Sinilo, Anatoly Nikolaevich. Traditional Belarusian costume of the Loevshchina (end of the 19th - middle of the 20th centuries)/ A. N. Sinilo. - WITH .168-173
Smirnova Oksana Alekseevna National Ukrainian costume - a source for studying the history and culture of Ukrainians / OA Smirnova. - WITH .174-180
Soldatkina, Irina Mikhailovna About the bib in the Evenki costume/ I. M. Soldatkina, E. A. Zavadskaya. - WITH .181-186
Tulaeva, Lyudmila Vitalievna Display of elements of folk costume in the folk song of the Yenisei region/ L. V. Tulaeva. - WITH .187-192
Kharebava, Salome Dzhanverevna. Artistic features of the male Khevsur costume/ S. D. Kharebava. - WITH .193-196
Abushenko, Natalya A. Sprong technique and chipless lace in Russia/ N. A. Abushenko. - WITH .197-201
Albedil, Margarita Fyodorovna. Where does the chintz come from?/ M. F. Albedil. - WITH .202-205
Domnenkova, Lyudmila V. Features of the development of textile ornament of the XVIII century/ L. V. Domnenkova. - WITH .206-210
Balabushevich, Larisa Igorevna. Luminous lace: the experience of the author's interpretation of traditional craft in art objects: (in the work of the Folk Master T. A. Maslova) / L. I. Balabushevich, N. A. Kokhanik. - WITH .211-215
Magarik, Andrey Karlovich. Clothes 2050: revolutionary technologies and a change in the market hierarchy/ A. K. Magarik. - WITH .216-220
Nenasheva Larisa Viktorovna About the name of fabrics in dialects of the Arkhangelsk region/ L. V. Nenasheva. - WITH .221-224
Savina, Natalya Vladimirovna Artistic Features of Ivanovo Textiles in the Second Half of the 20th Century: on the example of the assortment of fabrics of the Big Ivanovo Manufactory / N. V. Savina. - WITH .225-228
Solomentseva, Svetlana B. Features of European lace-making of the XV-XIX centuries/ S. B. Solomentseva. - WITH .229-233
Sosnina, Natalya Nikolaevna Production of Gury Levin's factories in the collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museum/ N. N. Sosnina. - WITH .234-237
Fayzullina, Diana Faridovna. Textile traditions and materials for making clothes among the population of the Volga-Kama region of the early Iron Age / D. F. Fayzullina. - WITH .238-244
Tsvetkova, Natalia Nikolaevna Love in the art "Fiber art": based on exhibitions in 2013 / N. N. Tsvetkova. - WITH .245-249
Azarkhi, Sofia Veniaminovna. Modern fashion trends. "Eastern intervention"/ S. V. Azarkhi. - WITH .250-256
Nesterova, Maria A. Tokyo Fashion Week: collection trends analysis 2005-2013 / M. A. Nesterova, K. A. Spitsyna. - WITH .257-261
Sorokotyagina Elena Nikolaevna Sports style in modern fashion/ E. N. Sorokotyagina. - WITH .262-264
Salamzade, Ertegin A. Costume as a system of visual information/ E. A. Salamzade, R. G. Abdullaeva. - WITH .265-268
Atkins, Jacqueline Marks. Art of Itchiku Kubota (1917-2003): kimono as traditional clothing and contemporary art / J. M. Atkins. - WITH .269-273
Berdnik, Tatyana Olegovna. Costume as a reflection of integration processes in fashion and theatrical art/ T. O. Berdnik. - WITH .274-279
Bufeeva, Irina Yurievna Modern mass culture and problems of creative activity of an artist-designer in the fashion industry / I. Yu. Bufeeva. - WITH .280-284
Ivanova, Yulia B. Second International Festival "Patchwork Mosaic" - "Patchwork mosaik", Moscow, 2013/ Yu. B. Ivanova. - WITH .285-293
Novikova, Olga Konstantinovna International activities of the Leningrad Fashion House/ O. K. Novikova. - WITH .294-298
Gogolevska, Kamila. Historical costume in a feature film/ K. Gogolevska. - WITH .299-304
Traini, Clelia. Exhibition "Creative Excellence: Italian Beauty and Craftsmanship": (St. Petersburg, 2013, Russian Museum of Ethnography) / K. Traini. - WITH .305-309
Fudimova, Elizaveta Vladimirovna Reconstruction of the costume complex: roles and tasks / E. V. Fudimova. - WITH .310-312
Chigareva, Diana Viktorovna Information-sign system of collections of women's clothing of the theater of fashion "Image from Anastasia" / DV Chigareva. - WITH .313-316
Yakerson, Dina. Contemporary art: from haute couture to tradition/ D. Yakerson. - WITH .317-320
Afanasyeva, Natalya Valerievna Elements of Russian style in modern clothes/ N. V. Afanas'eva. - WITH .321-324
Gryazeva, Irina Vitalievna Prospects for the use of traditional materials in modern costume/ I. V. Gryazeva. - WITH .325-327
Zvereva, Anna Nikolaevna Costume of the peoples of Yakutia. Ethnic traditions in modern costume design/ A. N. Zvereva. - WITH .328-333
Mizonova, Natalya G. Transformation of the principles of using the theme of folk costume in the work of Russian and Soviet artists of the twentieth century / N. G. Mizonova. - WITH .334-339
Ablaeva, Ulviye Osmanovna. Traditional Crimean Tatar embroidery/ U. O. Ablaeva. - WITH .340-345
Blyumin, Marina Alekseevna. Suprematist embroidery artel "Verbovka" in Ukraine/ M. A. Blyumin. - WITH .346-350
Vinnikova, Maria Nikolaevna About embroidery on traditional bonnets of the Turov region/ M. N. Vinnikova. - WITH .351-357
Gorodneva, Lyubov Gennadievna. Embroidery in Ukrainian costume XIX - early XX century/ L. G. Gorodneva. - WITH .358-363
Dyakova, Elena Vasilievna From the experience of attribution of embroidery from photographs/ E. V. Dyakova, E. N. Khokhlova. - WITH .364-368
Zimina, Tatyana A. Embroidered ponevs in the collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museum/ T. A. Zimina. - WITH .369-374
Ivanova, Svetlana V. Development of Western European ornamental embroidery. The use of embroidery in the fashion "Haute couture" / S. V. Ivanova. - WITH .375-379
Ignatieva, Tatyana I. "White, white Mstera expanse..."/ T. I. Ignatieva. - WITH .380-384
Kalashnikova Natalia Moiseevna About the exhibition "Painting with a needle ...", dedicated to embroidery in the traditional costume of the peoples of Russia: (collection of REM) / N. M. Kalashnikova. - WITH .385-390
Kislukha, Lyudmila Fyodorovna. Folk embroideries of Pinezhya: (based on materials from museum collections of the late 19th - early 20th centuries) / L. F. Kislukha. - WITH .391-395
Korolkova, Lyudmila Valentinovna Izhora and Vodi embroidered headdresses from the REM collection/ L. V. Korolkova. - WITH .396-399
Krasnyak, Natalia I. Embroidery in the work of modern fashion designers/ N. I. Krasnyak. - WITH .400-403
Makarova, Marina P. Features of decorating shirts (embroidery, weaving) of the Zemetchinsky district of the Penza region / M. P. Makarova, N. E. Romanova. - WITH .404-407
Popova, Larisa Fyodorovna. Embroidery in a traditional Kyrgyz women's costume/ L. F. Popova. - WITH .408-415
Pudakova Olga Vladimirovna Embroidery as a marker of the national identity of the Tatar costume/ O. V. Pudakova. - WITH .416-418
3Sadikhova, Sevil Yusif kyzy. The role of artistic embroidery in the design of the Azerbaijani national costume/ Sadykhova S. Yu. kyzy. - WITH .419-426
Sklyar, Lyudmila B. Suit in Russian style/ L. B. Sklyar. - WITH .427-430
Slastnikova, Lyudmila A. Flora in the embroideries of the Crimean Tatars. XIX - beginning. XX centuries: (based on REM materials) / L. A. Slastnikova. - WITH .431-433
Fedorchuk, Elena Stepanovna. Beaded decoration of Bukovinian folk clothes of the 19th century/ E. S. Fedorchuk. - WITH .434-440
Balashov, Mikhail Evgenievich. Space - scenery: artistic and historical analysis of vintage interior design techniques / M. E. Balashov. - WITH .441-448
Kovaleva Tatiana Vyacheslavovna "Scandinavian style" in interior design: "classic" and modernity/ T. V. Kovaleva. - WITH .449-453
Balashov, Mikhail Evgenievich. Ethnic motifs in a modern interior: decorative possibilities of ikat / M. E. Balashov, T. Yu. Shevchenko. - WITH .454-457
Teaching Methods in the Professional Training of Designers . - WITH .458-553
BBC 85.126.63(0) + 37.24-2g
Headings: Costume--History--Congresses, meetings, conferences
Clothing--Models--History--Congresses, meetings, conferences

Document holders:
TsGPB them. V. V. Mayakovsky

Add. access points:
Kalashnikova, Natalia Moiseevna (1946-)\ed.\
Russian Federation. Ministry of Education and Science
St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
Russian Ethnographic Museum (St. Petersburg)
"Fashion and design: historical experience - new technologies", international scientific conference (17; 2014; St. Petersburg)

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Chuvash from early childhood. All clothes must be decorated embroidery, braid, beads, metal stripes; on wooden utensils, tools ... types of seams and about 40 more varieties of them. Chuvash embroidery- This embroidery by thread count. For example, to draw an even triangle...

Russian artists. Handout with the image of Russian symbols embroidery. Photographs of museum exhibits of national Russian clothes. Children's ... folk Russian costume, its varieties, figurative structure, decoration embroidery). Physical pause. Explanations for practical work (observance of technique ...

... : needles, thimble, scissors, centimeter, hoop embroidery Needle for embroidery a special one is needed: thin, blunt (so as not to pierce the fabric) ... - up, and overlapping - from right to left to top. Uniform embroidery obtained by following this basic rule. If the cross goes...

Paintings on fabric? Presentation 2. "Composition embroidery". Presentation 3. « Embroidery cross." Drawing up instructional maps for elementary grades ... lesson; Microsoft PowerPoint Document Creating a Composition Presentation embroidery» Presentation «Composition embroidery» Lesson number 4. Topic: Processing a product with a hemstitch ...

The most common and most used seam for embroidery. SEAM "SET" (SCANGING) Swearing - embroidery peoples of the North. It is double-sided quick sewing, ... EMBROIDERY IN HARDANGER TECHNIQUE HARDANGER TECHNIQUE MAIN ELEMENTS OF TECHNIQUE...

Threads on various fabrics and other materials. ORIGIN EMBROIDERY The art of embroidery has a long history. The origin of embroidery is related to... stones and pearls. She decorated the walls of temples. EMBROIDERY IN THE TRADITIONS OF THE PEOPLE Embroidery Each nation has its own national characteristics, characteristic ...

Verkhneuslonsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan Creative PROJECT Needlework- Embroidery Author: technology teacher Romanova Nadezhda Ivanovna p. ... fabric 7. Insert the work into the frame. KINDS EMBROIDERY There are different types embroidery: counting embroidery(cross-stitch), embroidery according to a pattern (satin stitch), isothread ...

For small things birthday gift development history embroidery Embroidery- one of the most popular types of textile decoration ... tailor's pins; paints; brushes; sponges; hair dryer. Embroidery silk ribbons are: beauty; originality; originality; cosiness; ...

From ancient times, sewing and embroidering of woven products was done in their free time from agricultural work. And although at the beginning of the 20th century special machines for embroidery were created, hand embroidery remained a favorite type of folk art. Craftswomen often used several techniques and ornamental motifs in their products. Embroidery could be either one-color - monochrome, or color - polychrome. Among the patterns, floral and floral-geometric ornament prevailed, distinguished by the elaboration of details. Embroidered branches of grapes, berries, flowers. The sleeves were especially magnificently decorated on the shirts: at the top there were two lines of floral ornament, below - vertical rows or random elements of the pattern. Sometimes the patterns on clothes and towels included stylized images of animals and characters of the folk epic. Initially, woolen, linen and hemp threads were used for embroidery, but over time, the variety of materials used and the range of colors expanded. From the end of the 19th century, gold and silver threads, beads, glass beads were often interspersed in the ornament to give festivity to clothes.

Embroidery decorated not only clothes and towels, but also tablecloths, curtains, valances, pillowcases, napkins. These items were prepared by the girl as a dowry for the wedding, testifying to the taste and skill of the hostess, her wealth. They were made from both homespun and factory linen.

The period of the late XIX - early XX century is a turning point in folk art. At this time, along with home-made linen and woolen threads, they began to use purchased cotton yarn, floss, along with homespun - factory-made fabrics. At the same time, various printed patterns began to be published. All this led to the emergence of a new type of folk art - embroidering pictures. Mostly they depicted scenes from life, literary works, fairy tales, flower arrangements.

The exhibition "Connected by one thread" by Tamara Georgievna Vasilyeva, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Khokhlova, Maina Evgenievna Filippova is composed of rare samples of embroidery from the collections of craftswomen, folk embroidery and the best works of modern embroiderers.

Vasilyeva Tamara Georgievna is a unique embroiderer who knows almost all embroidery techniques and embroiders in different genres. In addition, Tamara Georgievna is not only a Master, but also a Teacher. Tamara Georgievna devoted many years of her life to teaching embroidery and fostering love for this art form.

Khokhlova Ekaterina Nikolaevna presents a collection of her works and works of her students. In her work, she takes a multifaceted approach to the use of various techniques and styles of embroidery. The beginning of such views on the art of embroidery was laid by the teachers of Ekaterina Nikolaevna - Vasilyeva Tamara Georgievna and Hopova Lyudmila Ivanovna. Now Ekaterina Nikolaevna teaches herself and tries to pass on the priceless crumbs of the disappearing knowledge of folk embroidery to her students.

Filippova Maina Evgenievna is a member of the creative union of cultural workers. Her uniqueness lies in the fact that, being an artist, she found her creative self-expression in the art of embroidery.

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