Skilful hands do not know boredom: ways of developing manual motor skills in adolescents with disabilities

The development of motor skills in children is a very important component of its overall development. As they grow older, starting from birth, the baby gradually begins to learn the basics of the movement of the body, head, hands.

In order to stimulate the baby's correct motor skills, doctors have developed whole methods for the consistent development of general and fine motor skills.

What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills are a combination of hand movements with three main body systems - nervous, muscular and bone-ligamentous. In colloquial speech, fine motor skills are often referred to as manual dexterity., closely linking it with quick reaction and logical thinking. When working with a child, it is very important to conduct fine motor skills classes, especially for children up to school age.

By developing the child's motor functions, we strengthen the memory, visual and nervous systems. There are known facts when visually impaired and blind children have very strong motor skills, which for such people are a substitute factor in their development. On early stages development, it is necessary to diagnose motor skills in order to determine how well the baby is developing, whether there are any pathologies in the motor or nervous system small organism.

Violation of fine motor skills, as a rule, is very connected with, because the speech department of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the movement of the arms and legs. In order to enable the baby to develop correctly, keeping up with their peers, you need to practice modeling, drawing, assembling constructors from small parts, mosaics or jigsaw puzzles.

Fine motor skills and speech are two interrelated functions of the child's body. IN early age at the stage of speech formation, you can conduct classes related to the construction of houses from a large number cubes or stringing rings on the rod of the pyramid. The grasping movements of the baby, understanding where and why he carries the cubes or rings, and in what sequence he should do it, quickly develop fine motor skills, and, as a result, - mental capacity and speech.

To understand how to properly develop fine motor skills, it is necessary to determine whether the child has a developmental delay. Having been on, pay his attention to movements if it seems to you that the baby is limited in them or he lacks coordination. Early diagnosis and quickly taken measures will allow parents to respond in time to possible developmental delays.

Motor skills in children under the age of one year

At the very beginning, a baby just brought from the hospital makes unconscious twitches of arms and legs, does not know how to hold his head and roll over on his own. However in the first six months of life, the newborn masters new movements step by step becomes more active.

The fine motor skills of the child will develop much faster if you help him with this. It is in the power of parents to give their child more freedom by encouraging him to move. Untie the newborn and give him as much freedom as possible. Even during sleep, the movement of the legs and arms will strengthen the baby's muscles.

Fine motor skills of hands in children appear already at the age of one month. Bring your index finger to the baby’s palm and, feeling it, the baby will immediately squeeze the fist. At two to three months of age, hang over your head in a crib or stroller bright toys. During wakefulness, the baby will begin to hit them with their hands, and eventually grab them.

In children, the development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs very quickly. At the age of 3 months, a newborn can already squeeze his hand, he will not hold it in his hand for long (up to 10-15 seconds), but confidently enough small toy. At this age, attention is still scattered, but grasping movements become more confident every day.

Up to 6 months, developing fine motor skills, regularly engage with the baby. Play with him more, forcing him to make some movements with his arms, legs, head and body. Lay the baby on the tummy several times a day, lay out medium-sized toys at arm's length. At first, the baby will examine the toys, and then he will begin to pull the handles towards them, grab them, pull them towards him.

From 6 to 10 months it is necessary to prepare the baby for walking, because it will not take even a few months, as he will begin to try to move independently. To do this, strengthen your legs in every possible way - do massages, stretching exercises, repulsive. At this age, children, as a rule, are already quite stable in the arena. Put baby more toys. Fine motor skills of the hands at that age allow the development of other muscles. Reaching for the toy, the baby strengthens the muscles of the back and torso, trying to get up, grabbing the playpen net - legs.

From 10 months and up to a year, you can begin to train movements in stages. You can scatter small toys in the playpen or crib and show how to put them in one place. Such exercises for fine motor skills will allow the baby to develop coordination well and focus his attention.

In order to coordinate the development of motor functions in a child, and perhaps speed up this process, it is necessary to exercise regularly with the baby. Even just being next to the child, giving him toys and telling him what you are doing, you can quickly teach the baby not only deft movements, but also new words, correct pronunciation.

Fine motor skills in children from 1 to 3 years old

By developing dexterity at the age of one or two, you demonstrate to the child the possibilities of his fingers and hands. Gradually, the baby realizes what touch is when he picks up objects of various shapes and textures. Fine motor skills for children at this age represent their knowledge of coordination processes.

It is these children who for the first time begin to fasten buttons on their own, lace up, even if incorrectly, shoes, and pour liquid from one container to another. Fine motor skills of preschoolers at this age most often develop rapidly in the process of games. Teach your baby by playing with him, telling fairy tales, fables and sayings, learning counting rhymes and rhymes. At this time, manipulation and gesticulation with the hands will seem natural to the child.

Fine motor skills at 2 years old are incredibly important steps in general development child. As you know, at this age, the baby begins to actively talk, more and more learning about the world. Given that the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech and hand movements are very close, doing various exercises with the baby, we actively stimulate him to speak. It's incredible, but it's a fact - children with increased physical activity they begin to talk much faster, and before anyone else - to put individual words into sentences.

Under the age of 3 years the baby already clearly knows the names of many objects. In the form of a game, you can ask your son or daughter to help your mother clean the room. At the same time, fine motor skills classes will simultaneously train memory, stimulate muscles while bending over or squatting behind toys and objects.

The development of motor skills for 3 years can be carried out in the form of a game, like any training at that age. It will be great if you take into account the wishes of the child by playing his favorite game with him. After all, this is what will help the baby unquestioningly accept some changes in the rules and focus on what you offer him new.

Fine motor skills for children 4-5 years old

Fine motor skills of preschoolers at the age of 4-5 years implies the development of many movements in the child already in the mode of automatism. For example, sitting at the dinner table, a small member of the family can carry on a conversation with adults and skillfully wield a spoon or fork.

The only difficulty the baby may face is with the implementation of more precise coordinated movements.

At this age, children are happy to play developing logic games. Parents need to support such aspirations everywhere. Fine motor skills for children without logical thinking at this age is simply impossible. Children are happy to sculpt, lay out a mosaic with appliqué and at the same time actively think. By activating the main parts of the brain, the child develops hand motor skills faster, which greatly reduces the risk of such a disease as dysgraphia.

Fine motor skills in preschool children develop well with the help of games. One of the most effective in this sense for parents can be the game "Repeat the movement." You sit with the baby opposite each other and show him various figures created from the palms and fingers. The kid must repeat your figure.

Development of fine motor skills at 4 years requires independent decision making. Give your child more freedom in this game. Let him come to you, carefully consider how you manage to interlace or cross your fingers and try to repeat the same.

For the next game, you need to prepare a vessel with a neck smaller than the base. An object familiar to the baby is lowered into it, but so that he does not see it. Then ask the child to put his hand into the vessel and determine by touch what kind of object lies there.

The development of fine motor skills in preschool children, thanks to such a game, is closely related to the logic of thinking, imagination and memory. Feeling what is in the vessel, the baby involuntarily recalls all the objects familiar to him, compares them and analyzes the probability of coincidences.

fine motor skills- the coordinated work of the muscles of the fingers and hand, the first step in the formation of the child. The need for dexterous and coordinated finger action
undeniable. The developmental process includes the work of the bone, nervous and muscular systems. Level
improving motor skills affects mental development.

The development of fine motor skills in children.

From the first days of a baby's life, start improving fine motor skills. Massage
palms and fingers activates points that are associated with the cerebral cortex.

Developed fine motor skills in the baby allows him to satisfy his own
needs and helps to understand the world around him.

Going to the first grade, the child is checked for the readiness of fine motor skills of the fingers to
learning: imagination, writing, concentration and speech.

How to develop fine motor skills of a child

Parents should consider age features their children. It is hard to imagine
month old baby with plasticine or a six-year-old with a rattle.

  • Massage of the hand and fingers will be the first step.
  • . Babies of this age already have a well-developed grasping
    reflex. Use rattles from different materials: plastic, wood, fabric, stone, so that the baby gets different tactile sensations from
  • By this age, the baby can already sit up and
    study the objects around him with his hands. Good help in the development of special
    rugs where picked up different colors and shape details.
  • At this age, the baby gets up on his own and even walks. All the things around him help in development. Specially for this age, developing centers have been created. They develop such movements: turns, pressing, spinning, pulling, knocking.
  • . At this age, with the baby, you can play various
    finger games, nursery rhymes, songs with movements. Also very important at this age
    start building basic self-care skills.
  • . The age of "I myself", the formation of personality. Need more complex
    mechanisms of development: modeling with plasticine and dough, drawing with paints and pencils,
    cutting with scissors, applications.
  • . Fine motor skills of this age will quite cope with the basics of writing:
    circle the dots, connect the numbers, write letters and numbers.

What toys will help in development

There are toys that a child plays with at any age. The older the young
the tester and the fine motor skills of the fingers are better developed, the more interesting they are
toys applications:

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands

Development from 0 to 2 years:

  • Magpie-white-sided (bend fingers and pronounce a nursery rhyme);
  • Ladushki, crackers (clap your hands);
  • Hide and seek (close eyes with palms);
  • Bunny (wiggle your fingers-ears);
  • Hello fingers (say hello to each finger);
  • Strong fingers (clasp, slightly bending, fingers together).

Development from 2 years:

  • Fisherman (catch small objects with a spoon in a plate);
  • Path (sprinkle path, circle, triangle from any cereal);
  • Sweet tea (put sugar and stir in a mug);
  • Salute (tear a sheet of paper into small pieces and throw it over you);
  • Lump (crumple paper into a lump);
  • Collect (put sticks, buttons, beads in a box);

Development from 3 years:

  • Labyrinth (draw and teach the kid to find the right way);
  • Beads (start with bagels, then pasta, buttons, beads, beads);
  • Path (draw a winding line, let the baby draw along it);
  • Figures (we cut out various figures and glue them on a sheet);
  • Gift (wrap a small item in several wrappers and ask
  • Clothespins (learn how to use);
  • Treats (we sculpt from plasticine).
  • When exercising with your baby, include relaxation movements,
    stretching and compression;
  • Perform regular massage of the brushes;
  • Consider the child's developmental age;
  • Assist with the movements and fix the arms if necessary;
  • Training goes from simple to complex movements;
  • Praise your child for new moves.

All the necessary skills for developing the motor skills of the child's fingers are laid in
preschool age. It is enough to devote a little time, and the baby will surprise
you achievements.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

The human brain is a complex system of the body that sends signals to action. The centers responsible for speech and the movement of the fingers are in close proximity to each other. Thus, the development of fine motor skills in children stimulates the speech zone, and also helps to control their actions with the help of vision.

Fine motor skills are the coordination and control of the movement of the fingers or the entire hand. different systems body: nervous, bone, muscle, visual.

The sooner loving parents begin to stimulate the motor skills of the hands, the faster the development of the crumbs will take place.

The little man comes to our huge world without any knowledge or skills. Even the movements of his fingers he makes unconsciously, the muscles of the child are weak and undeveloped. One of the primary tasks of parents is to help their baby get comfortable, to form the necessary skills:

  • development of memory and speech;
  • learning to draw and write;
  • formation of logical thinking;
  • development of dexterity;
  • expanding horizons;
  • development of imagination and fantasy;
  • preparation for manual skills.

Child under one year old

There is an opinion that crumbs up to a year do not need to develop motor skills of the fingers. But we should not forget that the newborn seeks to know the world, which gradually expands around it.

By three months, the child develops grasping reflex. First, he reaches out with his whole hand to a bright spot, then he begins to grab and squeeze everything that comes across with his fingers.

What can parents do to develop fine motor skills in a baby up to a year old?

  1. Every day, perform a gentle massage of the fingers and palms. When feeding, gently stroke the clenched fists, gently unclenching each finger. A baby up to a year remembers emotions well - positive and negative, so a pleasant stroke will have a calming effect on him.
  2. Newborns always try to grab onto the outstretched fingers, after a while, feeling their strength, they will be able to rise with the help of their parents and rely only on their fingers.
  3. When the child has enough strength to hold the toy, it is necessary to purchase a rattle with a wavy surface, which will become the first assistant in the development of fine motor skills.
  4. Children up to a year really like the rustle of paper. Show that newspaper sheets and napkins can be twisted, wrinkled, torn.
  5. Six-month-old children can already buy cubes, a large designer, a pyramid. While playing, babies develop their fingers.
  6. For a baby from 6-7 months to a year, all items in the kitchen are of great interest. Let him play under your supervision with beans, pasta, laying out and pouring them into different bowls, plates and saucepans.

Important! Do not leave your child alone with paper and small items. Babies love to taste everything.

Game and development of fine motor skills in children

A little man cannot be forced to do something. The result will be one - tears and whims.

Remember! Only with the help of games do we develop fine motor skills in children and thereby contribute to the expansion of their horizons.

1. Gymnastics for little fingers.

It is very important to develop the flexibility of the fingers, as soon the baby will have to master writing skills. Flexibility will also help to form neat and legible handwriting.

The staging of small rhymes and fairy tales will not only contribute to the development of motor skills of the hands, but also to memorization, and will also teach the child to fantasize. A simple nursery rhyme about a staggering bull can eventually be turned into a whole performance with the addition of words and small theatrical props. For example:

  • add different intonation - sad or comedic;
  • draw eyes, nose, mouth, hooves on the fingers;
  • build a swinging bridge.

The game will allow the child to navigate where they are: up, down, right, left.

Watch the time! Do not tire the child, especially if he is not yet a year old. It is better to stop the game after 3-4 minutes than to try to keep your attention.

2. Games with small objects.

Best suited for older children who already distinguish objects from each other and know their properties. You can offer the child to the touch, with eyes closed determine what it is.

Buttons, beads, pebbles, nuts - all these items can be shifted, poured.

Beads and buttons can be strung on a thread, and from seeds and cereals - lay out pictures on the table.

All children love to build sand figures. It is not necessary to sit outside in the sandbox, collect sand in a bucket, rinse it. For the child will be exciting activity- search small items hidden in a box with sand. This lesson will bring undoubted benefits for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Invite your fingers to draw a simple pattern or letters on the sand surface.

Show that paper can not only be crushed and torn into small pieces, but pieces can be torn out, which are then glued to another sheet of paper, making up a pattern.

Explain to the kid the rules for using scissors, trust him to cut something.

Do not leave your child alone with sharp objects. If the baby starts to indulge - take the scissors from him, calmly explain the reason, do not succumb to tears.

All kids love to sculpt. Modeling material - dough, plasticine, clay.

If you are afraid that plasticine and clay will go into your mouth, then the dough will be the most excellent material for the first figures. If you prepare the dough for dumplings or cookies yourself, then even a crumb is a little older than a year can mold a bun or a small sausage. Teach your baby how to use a small plastic dough knife, and the modeling process will become more entertaining. With older children, you can assemble more complex compositions from clay and plasticine.


There are many different games using lacing. But much more interesting - there will be a hand-made toy, for example, from a box from a set of sweets. Pull the laces (ribbon) in turn through the randomly located holes, creating a cobweb for the spider.

7. Screwing.

Children will be happy to twist and unscrew the corks of bottles and jars. Arrange competitions.

8. Coloring pages of our childhood.

Remember how you yourself sat at the table, awkwardly holding a pencil and slightly sticking out your tongue, diligently coloring the picture.

Teach your child to be neat from the first moment, thus you help to feel beautiful, learn to combine colors, develop creative thinking.

9. Drawing.

You can start learning to draw with paints without a brush. We dip our finger into the paint and learn to put the first traces and blots on paper.

Then, we give the child a pencil, felt-tip pen, pen. For starters, you can learn:
  • outline the contour of the palm, glass, molds;
  • draw along the outline;
  • finish drawing.

After, you can begin to perform more complex drawings.

The ways of developing motor skills in babies up to a year and after are varied. The main rule is to use game elements, then learning will turn into an easy and easy process.

Fine motor skills of hands play important role in the development of memory, speech, thinking. The gameplay will help not only to form the necessary skills, but also to identify hidden talents baby.

Pridvorova Vera Sergeevna, educator of MBDOU CRR - DS No. 53 "Herringbone", Tambov

How often do we hear the expression "fine motor skills". What is fine motor skills? Physiologists by this expression mean the movement of the small muscles of the hands. At the same time, it is important to remember about hand-eye coordination, since the development of small hand movements occurs under the control of vision. Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands? The fact is that in the human brain, the centers that are responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. By stimulating fine motor skills, we activate the areas responsible for speech. And besides, in the future, the child will need these skills to use movements to draw, write, dress, etc.

It is necessary to start work on the development of small muscles of the hands from a very early age. Already infant you can massage your fingers (finger gymnastics) , thus influencing active points associated with the cerebral cortex. In early and younger preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc.

And, of course, at the senior preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing.

Fine motor skills are one of the sides of the motor sphere, which is directly related to the mastery of objective actions, the development of productive activities, writing, speech of the child. (M. M. Koltsova, N. N. Novikova, N. A. Bernstein, V. N. Bekhterev, M. V. Antropova, N. A. Rokotova, E. K. Berezhnaya). The formation of motor functions, including subtle movements of the hands, occurs in the process of the interaction of the child with the objective world around him. When we perform precise actions, the wrists, making the necessary movements in different planes, regulate the position of our hands. It is difficult for a small child to turn and rotate the wrist, so he replaces these movements with movements of the whole arm from the shoulder. To small movements were more accurate and economical, so that they do not require excessive energy from the child, he needs to gradually master the different movements of the wrist.

What exercises will help the child improve their skills?

1. Finger gymnastics.

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. d.

It is recommended to use exercises in which each finger is trained separately. (after all, in the cerebral cortex there is a separate projection area for each finger), movements are necessary for tension, and for relaxation, and stretching. Finger movements must be performed with optimal load and amplitude. Sluggish, sloppy training does not work.

It must be remembered that finger training is used as a means of increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex, and be careful when working with children with increased convulsive readiness. Finger training includes exercises: static (holding a certain pose given to the fingers), dynamic (development of finger mobility, switching from one position to another) relaxing (normalizing muscle tone) etc. However, often ill-conceived artificial use these exercises does not arouse children's interest in them and does not give a sufficient corrective effect. The effectiveness of classes, the interest of children in them can be increased if finger gymnastics exercises are carried out while reading poems, fairy tales, stories to children, working with them on nursery rhymes, jokes, any speech material. While listening to it, children, together with an adult, “stage” the content of the material being listened to with the help of finger movements and images of characters, their actions, etc. The finger movements learned in such classes are later included in independent dramatization games, improving the motor skills of the fingers. For the versatile harmonious development motor functions of the hand, training of three types of components is necessary: ​​compression, stretching, relaxation - following medical terminology - a combination of alternate contraction and relaxation of flexors - flexor muscles and extensors - extensor muscles.

For getting maximum effect finger exercises should be built in such a way that compression, stretching, relaxation of the hand are combined, and isolated movements of each of the fingers are used.

The duration of finger training depends on the age of the children. (younger age up to three or four years), the recommended time is from 3 to 5 minutes, in middle and senior preschool age - 10-15 minutes a day). Part of the exercises that used the surface of the table are performed while sitting at the table. Thus, finger exercises, with their skillful inclusion in the context various activities and household chores, can contribute to the development in children of elements of their motor behavior, due to the game, household or educational situation.

2. Games with cereals, beads, buttons, small stones.

These games have an excellent tonic and healing effect. Children are invited to sort, guess with their eyes closed, roll between large and index finger, press alternately with all the fingers of both hands to the table, while trying to make rotational movements. You can teach a child to roll with the fingers of one hand two walnuts or a pebble, with the fingers of one hand or a six-sided pencil between two palms. Perfectly develops a hand with a variety of stringing. You can string everything that is stringed: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, drying, etc. You can make beads from cardboard circles, squares, hearts, tree leaves, including dry ones, rowan berries. You can invite children to lay out letters, silhouettes various items from small items: seeds, buttons, twigs, etc. All classes using small items must be under the strict supervision of adults!

3. Sand therapy.

The malleability of sand provokes the desire to create a miniature out of it. real world. A sand painting created by a child is a creative product. The main emphasis is on the creative self-expression of the child, thanks to which, at the unconscious-symbolic level, there is an exit of internal tension and a search for ways of development.

Find big box, fill it with half-washed and dried river sand. Show your child the toy that you will hide in this sand, and do it when he turns away. Gradually, you can increase the number of hidden toys.

Have your child model a sand projection. For example, in accordance with the child's experience, ask him to portray a zoo, pets, a forest, etc. Let the child choose necessary materials and model the space.

Design and model a sand projection with different landscapes (mountains, reservoirs, plains, etc.) based on lexical topics familiar to the child (e.g. wild animals). Use pet figurines to build a projection. Invite the child to correct the picture. The child himself must choose the correct animal figures and place them in their landscapes.

Staging a fairy tale familiar to the child. The child independently chooses props and builds scenery. The fairy tale can be played completely according to the plot or a familiar plot is taken as the basis, and the child invents and plays out his own ending to the fairy tale.

4. Cutting with scissors.

Particular attention is paid to mastering the basic techniques of cutting - cutting skills in a straight line, the ability to cut various forms (rectangular, oval, round). Obtaining symmetrical shapes when folding paper folded like an accordion (round dance) or diagonally (snowflakes), children must learn that they are not cutting out a whole shape, but half of it. Before you start cutting out the silhouette, you should consider where, from what angle, in which direction of the sheet, to direct the scissors, that is, plan the upcoming action. The game of cutting out patterns from folded pieces of paper has a remarkable property: no matter how clumsily the child cuts out, you still get a pattern that vaguely resembles a snowflake or an asterisk.

5. Applications.

From carved figures, children can make compositions - applications. For starters, it's easier to cut geometric shapes and figures from color magazines, and with an adhesive pencil, fix them on a sheet. If the child is still small, and you are afraid to give him scissors, let him tear pictures from a magazine or newspaper with his hands - as it will; and you will stick the torn pieces on a clean sheet, giving them some form. It can be a meaningful collage.

6. Work with paper. Origami. Weaving.

The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips, folding boats, figurines of animals from paper.

The material for weaving can be willow twigs, straw, veneer, as well as paper, thin cardboard, fabric, braid, ribbon, etc. strips of a different color and in a certain way, observing the pattern, weave them between the cuts in the main part of the rug.

From paper and cardboard, you can make toys for playing with water and wind, Christmas decorations, attributes for role-playing games, dramatization games, fun toys, gifts and souvenirs. It is necessary to introduce children to paper processing tools, to show the techniques of folding and folding paper.

Currently, origami is becoming increasingly popular among educators and psychologists. And this is no coincidence. The developing potential of origami is very high.

The subject of origami is very diverse, it goes from simple to complex. For successful learning making origami toys with kids in game form you need to learn the designations of blanks (basic forms) and symbols (there are many books on the origami technique for sale now). In the future, this will facilitate the manufacture and reduce the time to complete the toy. To memorize and consolidate the basic forms with children, you can use the following games and exercises: “Turn the square into a different shape”, “Guess what the square has turned into?”, “Where is whose shadow?”, “Name correct form”, “Define the basic form”, etc.

In origami classes, it is effective to use fairy tales-tips, they develop interest, make it easier to make and remember when making toys, because mechanical tasks (draw a fold line, fold in half, fold the corner to the center) are replaced by meaningful, from the point of view of the plot-game design, action. Sheets of paper of different colors and ready-made books on origami technique are used as equipment.

7. Modeling from plasticine, clay and salt dough.

You can make single parts or several at once and combine them into compositions. You can sculpt small details yourself, and the kid can assemble the finished composition.

We sculpt sausages, rings, balls; we cut the plasticine sausage with a plastic knife into many small pieces, and then we stick the pieces together again. From each small piece we make a cake or a coin. (You can use a real coin or a flat toy to press down on the tortilla to get an imprint.)

We paste over the resulting cakes jars, twigs, etc. etc. Laying out a given pattern from plasticine with balls, sausages on plywood or a sheet of cardboard.

Pasting with plasticine glass bottle and giving it the shape of a vase, teapot, etc.

modeling geometric shapes, numbers, letters.

8. Laces - why are they?

There are many on sale now. various games with laces. In general, they can be divided into several types. Firstly, plot lacing. The child is offered an “unfinished” picture (image of a hedgehog, a squirrel, a Christmas tree, a vase with a bouquet, a house) to which you need to lace up the missing details: mushrooms, fruits and nuts, christmas toys, flowers, windows, etc. The second type of lacing: buttons, shoes, cylinders or any other made of wood or soft safe material, one-piece items in which holes for laces are made. They come with string and instructions for creating artistic weaves on the base toy. Finally, the third type of lacing: parts of houses, books, etc. made of fabric, which are proposed to be connected with the help of laces to make a whole soft toy or plot soft "picture". Such, for example, is "Teremok" - a toy developed by M. Montessori, the ancestor of all modern children's toys with laces.

9. Drawing, coloring.

Coloring is one of the easiest activities. At the same time, it continues to be a means of developing the coordinated actions of the visual and motor analyzers and strengthening the motor apparatus of the writing hand. It is necessary to teach children to paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying desired color. In the process of drawing, children develop not only general ideas, creativity, deepening emotional attitude to reality, but elementary graphic skills are being formed, which are so necessary for the development of manual dexterity, the development of writing. Drawing, children learn how to handle graphic material correctly and master various visual techniques, they develop small muscles of the hand. You can draw with black and colored pencils, felt-tip pen, chalk, watercolor paints, gouache.

Drawing various materials requires varying degrees of pressure in order to leave a mark on the paper from the writing object. This also contributes to the development of manual skills.

Of course, drawing contributes to the development of small muscles of the hand, strengthens it. But we must remember that when teaching drawing and writing, the positions of the hand, pencil, notebook are specific. (sheet of paper), techniques for drawing lines.

A good place to start is to use:

  • stroke flat figures. You can circle everything: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, flat toy etc. Particularly suitable for this purpose are molds for making cookies or cakes;
  • drawing by reference points;
  • drawing the second half of the drawing;
  • drawing according to the model, without taking your hands off the paper.

You can also use various non-traditional techniques.

Monotype: paint of different colors is applied to a sheet of paper. Then another sheet is superimposed on the sheet, and the prints are given a certain shape with a brush, pencil, felt-tip pen.

Spray: the brush is dipped into the paint, and then the paint is splattered onto a sheet of paper using fingers or a pencil. Thus, you can create the background of the picture.

Blotography: paints are applied to a sheet of paper in any order. After drawing a drawing with a pencil or felt-tip pen, they betray some shape, create an image.

Packing: applying paint to paper using cotton swabs or sponges.

Suitable for creating a background.

Handprinting: If your child is extremely reluctant to paint with a brush, encourage them to paint with their fingers. You can draw with one, two, or you can use all your fingers at the same time: each finger is dipped into the paint of a certain color, and then placed on paper in turn. This is how fireworks or beads, etc. are obtained. It is best to finish the drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils. You can paint the hand with a brush, and then make prints on paper.

For young children, it is good to use special "edible paints" (sold in shops). You can come up with such colors yourself: jam, jam, mustard, ketchup, whipped cream, etc. can decorate your drawing or dish.

10. Graphic exercises.

In a kindergarten, children acquire graphic skills in fine arts, and small hand movements develop in the process of designing and performing labor actions. But these classes are not enough, a well-thought-out system of special classes and exercises is needed to develop graphic skills in children, not only in kindergarten but also at home.

Graphic activity contributes to a better orientation in the two-dimensional space of a sheet of paper and prepares the child's hand for learning to write. It is important that graphic tasks have figurative and semantic significance. For this purpose, objects such as waves, rainbows, puffs of smoke, fish scales are selected for drawing. Here you can take the task of drawing the missing details of flowers and objects, tracing patterns, shading and coloring contour images, pictures in albums for coloring. A gradual transition to work according to a given scheme of action is envisaged, for example: "Draw waves, large and small, three large waves and three small ones." Then the work of drawing ornaments and labyrinths becomes more complicated.

The child acquires the experience of graphic movements by performing different kinds hatching, drawing, copying drawings, tracing dots, and dotted lines drawing ornaments by cells. At the same time, training the right way actions: draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without leaving the contour.

11. Hatching.

Tasks with hatching are performed on unlined paper. Help prepare the hand for writing. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important in the formation of handwriting. Hatching, as one of the easiest types graphic activity, is introduced to a large extent and for the assimilation of children necessary for writing hygiene rules. Coloring drawings involves four types of hatching, which provide gradual development and strengthening of the small muscles of the hand, in developing coordination of movement.

Hatching types:

coloring with short frequent strokes;

coloring with small strokes with a return;

centric shading (circular hatching from the center of the figure);

hatching with long parallel lines.

Hatching rules:

Hatch only in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Keep the lines parallel.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm

When performing hatching, you must follow the rules: do not go beyond the contours of the figure, observe the parallelism of the lines and the distance between them (0.3 - 0.5 cm). It is recommended to hatch at first with short and frequent strokes, then to introduce centric hatching, and only on last step hatching with long parallel segments is possible. At the first attempts at hatching, the hand quickly gets tired, the children press hard on the pencil, there is no coordination of the fingers, but the work itself is exciting and the child returns to it on his own. According to the drawings, one can trace the improvement of the muscular apparatus. For hatching, you can use simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens and colored pens.

To develop the accuracy and confidence of hand movements, games are used in which children need to draw parallel lines in a certain direction:

Game from house to house. The task of the child is to connect houses of the same color and shape with accurate straight lines. The child first draws a line with just a finger, choosing a direction, then with a felt-tip pen. Drawing lines, children accompany the actions with the words "From house to house."

The game "All kinds of mazes." The child draws various labyrinths. Let "pass" over them with a pencil. So that the lesson does not get bored, it is best to explain what kind of labyrinth it is, where it leads, and who should go through it. ("This labyrinth is in the castle Snow Queen, it's made of ice. Gerda must walk on it without touching the walls, otherwise she will freeze.")

Outlining any of the Montessori frames and inserts is good for hand development, but shading them is just as useful. Each figure should be hatched under different angle slope and with varying degrees of line density. It’s good if the shading turns out to be of varying degrees of intensity: from pale, barely noticeable, to dark.

Grid hatching is also useful. In all cases, the child needs samples.

Ornament drawing. Well develops motor dexterity drawing ornaments on sheets in a cage (graphic exercises) first with a simple pencil, then with colored ones. You can perform such exercises from 5 to 6 years. Children are interested in such drawing. When the child's hand gets a little stronger, then the drawings in his performance become neater and more beautiful.

No need to force the child to draw ornaments. Try to get him interested in this activity. Be sure to show first how it's done.

In addition to work on the development of small muscles of the hands in the classroom, tasks for the development of fine motor skills can be included in household chores such as rewinding threads; tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a rope; collecting split pictures; fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks; screwing and unscrewing lids, jars, vials; analysis of cereals (peas, buckwheat, rice) and so on.

There are a lot of tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills. If desired, especially if you connect fantasy and imagination, you can invent them endlessly. And the main thing here is to take into account individual characteristics each child, his age, mood, desire and opportunities. Skilful fingers will not immediately become. Games and exercises, finger warm-ups, carried out systematically from a very early age, help children to confidently hold a pencil and pen, braid their own pigtails and lace up shoes, build from small parts of the designer, sculpt from clay and plasticine, etc. Thus, if they fingers develop, then the speech and thinking of the child will develop.

The significance of the development of fine manual motor skills in the development of higher mental functions and mastery of speech is known to everyone who has encountered the problem of the development of a child's speech at an early age. Many children with disabilities attract the attention of teachers and doctors just when their peers begin to speak.

Underdevelopment of speech becomes a reason to consult a neurologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, and often experts tell parents the disappointing news that their child will need a lot of effort from the family and teachers in order to get the result that most children get without difficulty. Most often, parents express their readiness to do everything possible for their child and join the struggle for a better future for their son or daughter.

Early age and preschool childhood in a special child in this case pass in an intensive process of recovery, rehabilitation, in classes with speech therapists and defectologists, most of whom use the development of fine motor skills in the interests of speech development and achieve certain results.

Parents also understand that it is necessary to use the sensitive period to the maximum, and supplement the classes conducted with their child by specialists with independent projects: draw, read, play, sculpt and apply, strictly ensure that the child is constantly at work, and does not stare senselessly to TV. Unfortunately, the goal of this titanic struggle is not the achievement by the child of his maximum, not work with his individual zone of proximal development, but a more prosaic result - the achievement by the child of the level of development of his average peer, bringing his capabilities closer to the requirements of a general education school.

As a rule, no matter how this race ends: the child "managed to jump into the last car" and got into the first class on an equal footing with other grounds; despite all efforts, educational institution I had to find a special one, designed for kids with different kind HIA - parents accept the fact that the child enters school as an occasion to relax a bit and entrust him to the efforts of specialists. It is at this moment that they cross a psychologically significant milestone and stop demanding from their child that their head and hands be constantly busy with something useful, assuming that they were given a daily development rate at school, and they need to rest at home. The child begins to uncontrollably watch TV, joins computer games, is removed from household help on the rights of a person who is tired of studying.

Fine motor skills, which have been stubbornly practiced until now, also cease to interest parents, being perceived by them as a means that was supposed to develop speech and prepare the hand for writing, and which at a certain stage worked or did not work. At the same time, development processes continue to go on in their own mode, no longer supported from outside.

Without specially organized activity, the fine motor skills of a preschooler are chronically underloaded. IN modern school calligraphy is given a lot less attention than during the study of moms and dads. Modern young people have no idea what it means to "set handwriting" or "work out a slope." Objectively speaking, written language is increasingly used in printed form, and schoolchildren are increasingly required to hand in written work in printed form. In that school is coming keeping up with the times, there is nothing wrong, but with a decrease in the load on the hand, the ability to develop the accuracy of small movements, regulate the force of pressure, systematically exercise the fingers, and develop the arbitrariness of manual operations also decreases.

Entertaining activities of children in Lately is also undergoing changes. In a number of cases, it turns the child from a direct performer and participant in entertainment into a mere spectator, listener, and passive reader. own mobility modern child increasingly comes down to managing the intelligent modern technology who wants to do everything herself. It would seem, for the gadgets that are so fond of modern children and adolescents also need small movements, but they are quite specific, do not imply the application of effort, correlation of finger movements relative to each other, a variety of movements.

The world has changed and people have changed. Already there are adults who do not know how to lace up own shoes, because since childhood they have worn shoes that can be easily fastened with a zipper or Velcro. Many people have difficulty filling out forms by hand, because they have not resorted to writing for their own needs for a long time. Watch with which finger you press the doorbell button. Today, most children and adults will do it with their thumbs. right hand, although before the widespread use of mobile phones, the index would undoubtedly have been used. Everyday manual manipulations have changed, technology is becoming more convenient and understandable, more and more calculated "for a lazy user."

At the same time, if we have the task of constantly stimulating the development of mental functions and speech of a growing child, we need to take him out of his comfort zone and return him to manual labor, to training the hand in various purposeful movements.

But how can you get a teenager to resume work on the development of fine motor skills? He is no longer in a position to play finger games, he is unlikely to be interested in coloring. At the same time, there are activities that meet the requirements of development and at the same time will not seem too childish to a teenager.

One of fascinating views activities that train fine motor skills are Board games regaining their former popularity. A number of games offered to the consumer today have an attractive universal design that is equally suitable for both children and adults. Pay attention to games in which you need to balance the balancing structure with small game pieces, interesting options in which you need to pull out elements of a complex configuration from the total mass, trying not to disturb the rest of the pieces. Many logic board games require, in addition to mental activity, rather accurate and verified movements, accuracy, coordination. For some, games can be useful in which the requirements for the accuracy of movements are combined with the requirements for the speed of reaction.

Do not underestimate the value of service work. In any house, the work of improving it and keeping it clean and tidy never ends, especially if you entrust it all to your mother or grandmother, who is exhausted. Make a list of things that your child is able to do independently, involve him in compiling a list of his useful skills for home and family. Fix for the child those things that will be truly necessary, feasible and at the same time allow him to practice economy, accuracy, accuracy of movements.

No less interesting and useful for the development of fine motor skills of adolescents with disabilities can be creative and technical hobbies, especially requiring the development of various kinds of manual operations and archaic technologies. If you do not have the opportunity to engage your child in creativity under the guidance of professionals, it is in your power to master various visual techniques on your own. For those who loved to color pictures in childhood, recently there have been sets for coloring paintings, both based on classical plots and with decorative motifs: they allow you to work in your own mode and with convenient materials, developing not only the accuracy and arbitrariness of movements, but also aesthetic taste. Other creative kits can introduce your child to the techniques of linocut, lithography, printmaking and many others, each of which is curious in its own way and at the same time does not require perfect drawing skills, specific artistic talents from the performer.

Encourage your teen's interest in their own creative projects, trying your hand at new techniques, join his activities if he or she asks for it. Girls may benefit from work with beads, ribbons, embroidery, making toys from fabric, weaving Indian thread bracelets, known to young people as “baubles”. Boys can express themselves in modeling, coloring collectible figurines, artistic creativity associated with the processing of materials, handwritten comics, the manufacture of various kinds of equipment for hobbies associated with historical or literary reconstruction. An important condition success in the development of fine manual motor skills is a positive, emotionally colored attitude to the activity. In other words, the work should be not only for the hands, but also for the soul.

Another interesting method correction and development of the intellectual abilities of children and adolescents are kinesiology exercises (kinesiology is the science of the development of the brain through movement).

The Brain Gymnastics (GM) kinesiology exercise program was developed in the 1970s. Paul Dennison, an American doctor, at the Dolina Group Learning Center for the Underachieving in California, where he helped children and adults for 20 years. Dennison developed a system of fast, simple, specific movements that benefit every student, regardless of their problem. It has been particularly effective for children diagnosed as "learning disabilities". Each student did the GM exercises for 10-15 minutes daily. The progress indicators of students for 1 year are such that their academic performance has increased by 50%. The ability of students to concentrate on the task at hand has increased significantly.

Kinesiologists proceed from the idea that development comes from movement to thinking, and not vice versa. Whether this assumption is fair or not, but complexes of special kinesiology exercises are used in many children's institutions and objectively contribute to the development of children and adolescents with disabilities.

GM exercises are available on the worldwide web if you are ready to approach this project systematically and comprehensively. If specific exercises are not available, it is important to grasp the basic idea of ​​the usefulness of physical exercises aimed at developing coordination, for large and small symmetrical and asymmetric movements associated with a change in concentration, immobility and activity.

In this vein, a teenager can also benefit from breathing exercises and martial arts practices that do not include actual contact forms of wrestling. If the health and condition of the child allow systematic sports - swimming, gymnastics, general developmental exercise, then dosed loads (the sport of high achievements is not meant) will have a positive effect on the general psychophysical status of a teenager.

Thus, it is important to remember that, despite the fact that sensitive to the development of speech and thinking through the development of bodily motor skills, it is predominantly early and preschool age, the connection that allows stimulating the maturation of the central nervous system is not broken after. Therefore, it is necessary to continue special classes aimed at improving the coordination and accuracy of manual operations, and beyond the primary school age. In addition to the fact that this kind of employment organizes and disciplines a special child, it also has a positive effect on his rehabilitation.

Borrow baby manual labor and take care of it yourself. You can spend your free time at the TV screen or computer, but best holiday- this is a change of activity, an interesting creative hobby will be another reason to rush home from work to good mood and your positive example will be useful to the child a hundred times more than a series of soul-saving conversations.

Kropivyanskaya S.O.