Project in the senior group “These ordinary and extraordinary stones. Creative project "What the stones say

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Annual project "My special interest is stones"
Completed by a student of the 1B class of Mirgorod Alexey, Kirovsk, 2016

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I chose this topic because stones have played a big role in human life since the dawn of mankind. I wanted to learn about the history and benefits of stones. Get acquainted with the work of famous writers and poets who wrote about stones. And most of all I am curious about what interesting and necessary things can be done with the help of stones.

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There was such a period on Earth a very, very long time ago, which was called the Stone Age. People lived in stone caves, some cobblestone served as a pillow, and the tools of labor and hunting were also made of stone.

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When writing was born, a person began to write on papyrus, this is the prototype of paper, in Rus' they wrote on birch bark, and they also carved letters on stone. From the first fairy tales that were read to me, the way was shown to the hero by a guiding stone.

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archaeological finds
Archaeologists find fossils of various animals, birds, and plants in the earth. According to them, they determine their age, find out what animals and birds lived on earth many years ago and how they looked.

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I have a book called The Malachite Box at home. In it, the writer Pavel Bazhov talks about the work of stone cutters and various stones that are found in the ground. Most of Danila the craftsman's products are made from a stone called malachite, which is mined in the Ural mountains.

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Writers, poets and artists about stones
And here is what the famous poet Ivan Bunin wrote about stones in his poem “The whole sea is a pearl mirror ...”: Rocks froze in the water near the coast, Liquid emerald shines under them, And there, in the distance, and pearls and opals Flow through golden yahontas .. .

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Writers, poets and artists about stones
Famous artists also liked to depict stones in their paintings. Alyonushka in the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov sits on a stone surrounded by other stones.

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Interesting about stones
When I got older, the whole family went to the sea. There, on the seashore, I collected various pebbles. Most of them have a flat shape and a smooth surface. Because they are constantly washed by water. On such pebbles, artists draw various drawings.

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Interesting about stones
At our dacha, my grandmother made an alpine slide. This is such a flower bed. It consists of stones of different sizes. And flowers are planted between the stones. When the flowers bloom, such a flower bed looks very beautiful. And we can walk on stones even in the middle of a flower bed.

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I recently learned that there are rock gardens in Japan.
Interesting about stones

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At home we have a small collection of stones. My favorite is blue agate.
Interesting about stones

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Different stones have their own properties. It is believed that some stones can protect a person, some give strength to a person, and some heal. They are applied to a sore spot, ground into powder and ointments are made. There are stones from which jewelry is made: beads, bracelets, rings and earrings are decorated with them. As a rule, these are precious and semi-precious stones. There are also gemstones. They make caskets, small and large vases, various figures.
Properties of stones

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Planetarium staff came to our school. From them I learned that the planets are made of rocks and other substances. For example, the rings of one of the eight planets in Saturn's solar system are made up of dust, ice, and rocks.
Stones in space

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Comets, asteroids and meteorites come to our earth from outer space.
Stones in space

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"Stone Jungle"
I recently heard that cities are called stone jungles. Grandfather explained to me that houses are built of sand and cement. When sand, water and cement are mixed, concrete is obtained. If you make a different composition of sand and cement, you can get concrete of different strength. And even very durable, which is not inferior in strength to suitable stones. And since houses are built high, our cities are like forests, only instead of trees there are high houses.

The acquisition of knowledge by children about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, as well as the benefits of stones in nature and human life.

Formation of cognitive interest in the world around, skills of observation and experimentation.



Project "The Wonderful World of Stone"

Type of project: informational-educational-research, group

Duration: 1 month

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils, educators.

Project structure.

Problem : Traditionally, more attention is paid to plants and animals, and objects of inanimate nature are considered little. Therefore, children do not have enough knowledge about the stones and minerals around us..

Relevance : Living in a country rich in minerals, children do not have knowledge about the stones and minerals around us. Acquaintance of children with a variety of stones helps to get to know the nature of Russia better. Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural wealth.

Objective of the project : Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of pupils.

Project objectives:


1. Introduce children to natural material - stone.

2. To form the ability to determine the properties and qualities of a stone.

3. Clarify children's knowledge about the use of stone in human life.


1. To develop children's cognitive interest, attention, speech, imagination.

2. Encourage children to active, experimental activities.


1. To develop the initial forms of cooperation between children with each other.

2. To educate children in sensitivity, goodwill, responsiveness.

Expected Result:

For children:

The acquisition of knowledge by children about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, as well as the benefits of stones in nature and human life.

Formation of cognitive interest in the world around, skills of observation and experimentation.

Children performing natural-scientific and creative tasks (experiments, observations, modeling from salt dough).

For the teacher:

Increasing the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers in the organization of search and research activities of children.

For parents:

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child in the family, taking into account the experience gained in kindergarten;

Development of joint creativity of parents and children;

The emergence of a desire in parents to be interested in the life of the group, to actively participate in it;

Preparatory stage

Target: Increasing the level of knowledge about natural stones and their properties.

  1. Drawing up a project plan.
  2. Studying materials on the topic on various sites
  3. Selection of literature
  4. Introducing the project to parents.
  5. Creation of a developing environment (mini-museum "The Amazing World of Stone")
  6. Replenishment of the corner of experimentation
  7. Selection and production of visual and demonstration material (diagrams, tables)

main stage

Target : Formation of knowledge in children about stones and their properties through experimental research activities.

cognitive development:

Conversations "What do we know about stones"

“Does a person need a stone?”


The use of stones as a counting material (which is larger, which is smaller; by how much; size: large, small, large, small).

Experimental activities to introduce children to the world of stones:

"Amazing Stones"

"How Man Uses Stones"

"Simple and valuable stones in nature",

"Stones given by the sea"

"Stone born of a tree"


"Which stone is heavier?"


"Sinking - not sinking?"


"Water wears away the stone"

Why are stones different colors?

"Which stone is heavier?"

Speech development:

Reading poetry, fairy tales about stones,

P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

P.P. "Malachite Box";

I.N. Ryzhov "What the stones were whispering about";

N. A. Ryzhova "What is under our feet."

Social and communicative development:

1. Didactic games with stones "Find the same stone", "Learn by touch" (development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills)

2.Puzzles "What is made of what";

3. Role-playing games: "Geologists" (acquaintance with the profession "geologist")

4. Board games: “What is from what?”, “The fourth extra”, “Find a pair”, “Collect a picture”, “Put it in order”

5. Washing stones.

Physical development:

Rock, paper, scissors game

Game "Find your stone"

Game "Move the stones"

Mountain Destruction Game

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Creative workshop (stone painting).

Modeling stones from plasticine

Drawing with crayons on a board, paper

Laying out pictures from stones

The final stage

Conducting a mini-quiz with children "What do we know about stones Consultations for parents: "A stone that can be presented to a child""

Entertainment with parents "Stone Tale"


Ryzhova N.A. What is under our feet (Block "Sand. Clay. Stones"). M.: Karapuz-Didactics, 2005.

Dybina O.V., Razmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. Unexplored nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005;

Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. Allowance for employees of preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003;

Ivanova A.I. Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten (person) .- M .: Sphere, 2005;

Nikolaeva S.N. Familiarization of preschoolers with inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten. Toolkit. – Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005;

N.A. Ryzhova “Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice”, Moscow 1999

Project type: short-term group research project with a given result and elements of creativity for children 5-6 years old.

Project duration: 2 months.

Project participants: children of a speech therapy group, parents of pupils, educators.

Educational area: cognitive development.

The urgency of the problem.

In preschool childhood, the foundations of a person's personal culture are laid, children get acquainted with the world around them. The child learns the world around him, learns to navigate in the phenomena of the surrounding nature, objects created by human hands. In order to form a holistic view of the environment in children, it is necessary to pay more attention to the comprehensive study of nature.
Do we always carefully look under our feet, not only in order not to stumble and fall, but also in order to find, lift and examine one of the wonders of nature - a stone? Acquaintance of children with stones contributes to the expansion of horizons; the ability to determine the materials from which objects are made, to establish relationships between the properties and characteristics of various materials, to determine the origin of man-made objects, the professions of people; the ability to examine objects using a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions, to group objects in accordance with the cognitive task.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of pupils in the process of implementing the educational project "Stones are interesting".

Project objectives:

  • to form in children of preparatory preschool age elementary ideas about the variety of stones, the ability to examine them and name their properties;
  • to form the ability to highlight the features of different stones, describe them, compare them with other objects;
  • to introduce children to the role of stones in human life, some stones that people have been using for their own purposes since ancient times;
  • to cultivate a careful conscious attitude towards inanimate nature;
  • develop emotional responsiveness, curiosity, interest in a variety of natural resources, ecological culture of preschoolers;
  • promote individual self-expression, creative abilities of children in the process of productive creative activity;
  • contribute to the formation of search and research skills, the development of intellectual initiative, the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently.

Expected result:

  • children can name the properties of stones;
  • preschoolers have an idea about some of the features of the appearance of stones;
  • children know about the benefits of stones in nature and human life;
  • children can find similarities and differences in stones;
  • preschoolers compose a descriptive story about stones based on illustrative material;
  • design of the thematic album "The World of Stones";
  • creation of a collection of stones.

Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Stones are interesting";
  • examining objects made of stone (jewelry, vases, writing instruments, small sculptures, etc.);
  • acquaintance with literary works: The Brothers Grimm "White and Rose", "Why": What is underground wealth? What were the stones whispering about? P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain";
  • learning proverbs and sayings about a stone, playing finger gymnastics “How I took a stone”;
  • watching the cartoons "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Plasticine Story";
  • drawing products, objects made of stone.

Family collaboration:

  • compiling a thematic album "The World of Stones";
  • do-it-yourself creative idea "Transformation of a pebble";
  • registration together with parents in the group "Collections of stones";
  • selection of fiction and cartoons.

Final event: exhibition of drawings based on the work of P. Bazhov: "Malachite Box".

Project activity product: a story about stones using illustrations and the thematic album “The World of Stones”, design in the “Collections of Stones” group, a creative idea with their own hands “The Transformation of a Stone”, an exhibition of drawings based on the works of P. Bazhov.

Project Implementation Plan:



Registration form

1. Conversations “Where do stones come from?”, “Stones in nature”, “Stones. How a person uses stones.

Formation of children's ideas about stones: their purpose in nature and human use.

Abstract of the lesson "Stones".

2. Exhibition of children's creative works based on the works of P. Bazhov

Creative product of visual activity

Exhibition of children's creative works.

3. Creative workshop "Transformation of a stone"

Creation of artistic images based on natural forms

Exhibition of creative works.

4. Joint activities of children and parents - a selection of information and design of pages for compiling the album "The World of Stone".

Promoting cooperation between children and adults

Page design for the album "The World of Stone"

Lesson "Visiting the mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Target: introducing children to the diversity of the world of stones.


  • clarify children's ideas about the stone, its properties (the stone is solid, does not crumble; stones are diverse in color, shape, size);
  • to acquaint with the ways of using stone by man (in construction, sculpture, in the creation of jewelry);
  • expand ideas about the professions of people working with stone;
  • to acquaint children with where and how stone is mined, what tools are used to process it;
  • develop the conversational speech of children, expand the active vocabulary;
  • to cultivate interest in observations, the desire to do simple experiments;
  • to learn to independently draw conclusions, draw conclusions;
  • encourage children to express themselves in drawing, develop fantasy and creative imagination;
  • develop respect for nature.

Preliminary work: reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Mining Master", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

Preparing for the lesson.

Materials for experiments:

4 transparent vessels with water, wooden sticks;
- 4 trays with stones of different colors, shapes and sizes; pieces of foam, plasticine, dry clay, wood, chalk, soap, sugar;
- wooden block, stone, hammer, 2 nails.

Illustrative material. Photographs of small sculptures depicting people and animals; architectural structures; Moscow metro stations; Japanese rock garden; photographs of mountains; stone deposits; photographs or illustrations depicting stone working tools.

Exhibition of stone products: a collection of minerals, jewelry, small sculptures, caskets, watches, paintings, crockery, chess.
On a separate drawing table: oilcloths, A3 and A4 paper, colored pencils, sanguine, charcoal, watercolor, gouache, brushes of various sizes, cups of water, rags, a palette.

Lesson progress:

Educator. Guys, recently we read Pavel Petrovich Bazhov's tale "The Malachite Box". And today the Mistress of the copper mountain herself came to visit us.

An adult dressed as the Mistress of the Copper Mountain enters..

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Hello! I learned that in this kindergarten, children know a lot about nature, love it, cherish it, they are well versed in my world - the world of stones. Somehow I don't believe that you know so well what a stone is; what properties it has.
caregiver. Yes, our guys know all this very well. Yes, you, Hostess, do not hesitate, but check it out better!

The hostess of the Copper Mountain invites the children to divide into 4 teams and go to the tables on which there are vessels with water, sticks; hands out a tray of items to each team.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. And now, guys, take one object from the tray, examine, feel, smell, weigh in your hand (heavy object or light) and try to determine what it is. And water will help you with this: dip your item in water and stir it with a wooden stick. See if it sinks or floats on the surface, dissolves, crumbles, colors the water, etc. Make a conclusion: whether all objects are stones.

The children conduct the experiment, and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain observes the actions of the children, helps with advice, and asks questions. In conclusion, he asks what kind of objects they had on the trays; helps children to clarify their properties. With its help, children conclude: stones are diverse in shape, size, color; they are solid, do not crumble, do not dissolve in water, heavy - therefore they sink in water.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Yes, indeed, all of you were able to identify stones among a large number of various objects. They are actually very solid. Do you want to see how much harder stone is than wood?

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain takes a bar and hammers a nail into it.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Look, although the wood is hard, I can easily drive a nail into it. And now I'll try to hammer a nail into this stone. Do you think I will succeed? (scores). What happened? The nail is metal, hard, but it bent when it hit the stone.

Guys, we are convinced that the stone is very hard, durable. How do you think people use this property of the stone in their lives? (Build buildings, fortresses, roads). For example, Moscow used to be built of stone (Moscow Belokamennaya). Still people make sculptures out of stone. The sculpture depicts sometimes a person, sometimes animals (showing illustrations).
Why do people create sculpture? Sculpture, like other ancient stone structures, helps us to travel in time, allows us to look into the past. They are so durable that they have been preserved for centuries, thanks to which we see and know how people lived many centuries ago: what buildings they lived in, what they looked like, what clothes they had, hairstyles.
- And if we go down to the subway, what will we see? Moscow metro stations are decorated with stone: arches, vaults, floors and columns, sculptures, mosaics. The Moscow metro is the most beautiful in the world.
- And in Japan, landscape designers create beautiful compositions - Rock gardens (showing photos). They contain stones of different shapes, sizes, colors. They are located in gardens, on lawns. Why do you think the Japanese create such gardens? They believe that in the Rock Garden one can relax well, rest, reflect, think, dream up. After all, the garden looks different all the time - in the morning, afternoon or evening, in sunny and cloudy weather.
- Stones are very diverse. They are not only solid and durable, but also very beautiful. I invite you guys to an exhibition of stone products, see what people make from this material. To create such beautiful things, you have to work hard for a lot of people. A stone is born in the bowels of the earth; Mountains keep huge riches in themselves - this is a real treasury of the planet. In Russia, these are the Ural Mountains (showing photos). Stones are mined at special deposits, and now special equipment is used for this.
People of different professions work with stone, let's call them together: geologists, sculptors, landscape designers, builders, jewelers, stone cutters, cutters. There are even such doctors - naturopaths - they also work with stone. Using precious stones of different colors, they treat many diseases.
Many poets and writers sang the beauty of the stone. Who can name such authors? And how many proverbs and sayings about stone:
- What do you think the proverb “Water wears away a stone” means?
- And about what kind of person do they say “He has a stone heart”?
- And in what cases do they say "Frozen with a stone face"?
- Here we are, guys, and found out how people use stone in their lives. And now I suggest you play:

With a friend, we'll go for a walk, - get up in pairs, walk in place
We will find a river - a stone.
The river murmurs merrily
And runs over the rocks.
Across the river we are together - walking in place
Let's cross over the bridge.
The stone bridge stands fingers joined in front of the chest
The river gurgles merrily. - arms forward, "wave" movement
The house is built of stones, fist-to-fist movement
We will go into it with you. - hands above the head in the form of a "roof"
House made of stones,
Always open to friends! - hands to the sides palms forward

Mistress of Copper Mountain. I heard you guys are very good at drawing. Do you remember how Danila the master could not create a stone flower for a long, long time? I am very interested in how you imagine a stone flower. Let's fantasize! Let each of you come up with your own stone flower and draw it with any of the materials proposed here.

Children choose paper and materials, sit down at tables, draw. After the end of the work, they all organize an exhibition together, admire the drawings.

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Guys, you surprised me today! What beautiful, different flowers they all turned out to be! Goodbye guys, I've got to go! And if you want to plunge into the wonderful world of stone again, visit the Stone Museum in Moscow. And also - look around you more often, and you will certainly meet the silent inhabitants of my stone kingdom.

Contest« Project activities of younger students»


I chose this topic because I have been collecting stones for 3 years now, I am very interested in discovering the properties of stones and minerals. Traveling to the world of stone is a very exciting experience. When I look at the stones, it's as if I'm going to the distant past of our planet and the area where I live.

There are countless different stones on Earth: beautiful and not very beautiful, of different colors and shapes. Beauty! I admire the stones and think: after all, each of them has some kind of secret and a hundred mysteries. And not all of them, probably, are revealed and solved. And how much these stones have seen in their lifetime!

So I wanted to know what secrets they hide in themselves. How many of them, how do they differ from each other, are there edible stones, the history of their appearance on Earth, and what benefits do stones bring to people?

Purpose of the study- study of the diversity of the world of stones and minerals in the Perm region.

Research objectives:

1. Reveal the features of the appearance, properties and diversity of stones and minerals.
2. Systematize information about stones and minerals obtained from libraries, museums and other sources.
3. Gather a collection of minerals.

Object of study- are stones and minerals.

Subject- properties of stones and minerals.

Hypotheses: Assumption 1: Let us assume that the shape of a crystal directly depends on the internal structure. Assumption 2: If crystals exist in nature, then there is a mention of them in the literature.

In my work, the following research methods were used: the study of literature and Internet information, observation, watching documentaries.

Chapter 1. What is a stone?

Where does the history of the stone begin? Academician A.E. Fersman said that the history of the stone begins with the remotest epochs of human existence. But didn’t stone exist on Earth before the appearance of man? There was. And this is confirmed by geology. The stone is as old as our Earth. It is an integral part of the Earth and especially its upper part - the earth's crust. The stone is inseparable from the Earth and participates in its geological history.

Stone is a natural material and rock used in many industries, including construction. The most common types of minerals and rocks in the form of building and finishing stones:

  • Granite - natural stone of igneous origin, which consists of quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar and micas. Colors: gray, red, burgundy-red, red-pink, pink, brown-red, gray-green, black-green with large light patches. One of the densest, hardest and most durable breeds. It is used in construction as a facing material.
  • Limestone - natural stone of sedimentary origin, white, consisting of calcium carbonate (calcite).
  • Marble is the most popular and elite stone among natural stones.
  • Quartzite-sandstone - natural stone, a monolith of sedimentary origin, the rock-forming mineral of which is quartz. Colors: yellow, beige, gray natural shades with a pronounced pattern.
  • Sandstone - natural stone of sedimentary origin, consisting mainly of quartz particles. Colors: yellow, yellow-brown, gray, gray-green natural shades.
  • Quartzite - natural stone, which refers to metamorphic rocks, consisting mainly of quartz and mica. Colors: grey-green and yellow-brown natural shades, with silvery patches of mica.
  • Slate - a generalized name for various rocks with parallel layering and the ability to split into separate plates; natural stone of dark green, gray, brown, yellow, red and other shades.
  • Porphyry - natural stone, which refers to fine-crystalline igneous rock with large inclusions of quartz crystals. Colors: dark red, brown natural shades, with black patches.
  • Dolomite - natural stone of sedimentary origin, consisting entirely of the mineral dolomite. Color range: pink, yellow natural shades.
  • Onyx is a decorative and ornamental stone. This stone has an unusual color, beautiful and thin stripes give it an unusual beauty.

Natural stone is one of the oldest materials used by people to build houses, bridges or facades. Due to its beauty, strength and durability, natural stone can become an adornment of palaces, temples, estates or ordinary houses.

In modern construction, natural stones are most often used for external and internal cladding of buildings. For interior cladding, special marble or granite wallpapers are used.

The combination of mosaic patterns and patterned structures gives beauty and richness to the exterior. Natural stone is wear-resistant, frost-resistant and almost does not absorb moisture.

Conclusion. I found out that stone is a natural material and rock. The most common types of minerals and rocks in the form of building and finishing stones.

Natural stone is wear-resistant, frost-resistant and almost does not absorb moisture. The stone is used in many areas of industry, including construction.

Chapter 2

Minerals appeared at the earliest stage of the development of the Earth as a planet. They are the very first witnesses to the geological history of the Earth.

The modern definition is as follows: a mineral is a solid body of natural inorganic origin, having a crystalline structure and composition that can be expressed by a chemical formula. That is, minerals are crystals (or crystals), they can be felt, measured, weighed, or at least seen, even with a magnifying glass or microscope. the very concept of "mineral" arose relatively recently.

Of course, it was completely unfamiliar to primitive man. He knew nothing about chemical compositions and crystal structures either. Around him he saw just stones, and it was enough for him to know those properties that were important in the manufacture of primitive tools and structures. But the finds of archaeologists point to the curious fact that certain minerals (as we would call them today) were of interest to ancient man, regardless of their practical use.

Why, for example, did he need a cube of galena, tens of thousands of years later, in 1986, found by American archaeologists during excavations of the Paleolithic burial mounds of the Mississippi Valley? After all, galena, as you know, does not roll underfoot anywhere. An ancient man could pick it up no closer than a hundred kilometers from the excavation site, where the ore deposit of the Viburnum-Trend strip comes to the surface of the earth. There are no witnesses to this event, and we can only assume that the galena crystal interested a person with an unusual appearance - brilliance, heaviness.

Until the beginning of the 16th century, people still did not know the difference between minerals as such and rocks, fossils, ores, and also artificial products.

The term “mineral” itself, as far as is known, was first used by a learned monk of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin, it meant "that which is from the mine", "fossil". The hint at a practical attitude towards minerals was a reflection of a more mature stage of the division of labor and, accordingly, the differentiation of knowledge: artificial bodies were excluded from the concept of a mineral. But any fossils were still classified as minerals: fragments of rocks, and petrified remains of animals and plants, as well as water, oil, coal. The need to separate concepts has not yet matured.

During the Renaissance, the flourishing of industrial production and trade increased the demand for metals, especially non-ferrous and noble ones. Demand caused intensive development of ore deposits, development of mining and metallurgy. New questions have arisen for science, primarily with regard to ore minerals and their companions in ore veins and deposits. This was the beginning of mineralogy as a science.

Every year 40-60 new minerals are discovered. Nowadays, these are usually some kind of raids or individual grains, because minerals that form large crystals and large clusters have already been noticed and discovered in the past.

With the development of human society and the development of nature, more and more useful properties of stone were revealed, its use expanded, and its history became more complicated. Therefore, modern life is unthinkable without stone.

Conclusion. Minerals appeared at the earliest stage of the development of the Earth as a planet. The term "mineral" was first used by a learned monk of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). In medieval Latin, it meant "that which is from the mine", "fossil". Every year 40-60 new minerals are discovered. Modern life is unthinkable without stone.

Chapter 3

Halite- a natural mineral of the class of halides, a subclass of sodium chloride. For an ordinary person, this is rock table salt, which they eat daily. The history of the mineral goes back to the era of the birth of life on the planet, when the water in the world's oceans was already salty. That is why the ancient Greeks called it "halite", which means "sea", "salt".

The chemical formula of halite is NaCl, which includes 60.6% chlorine and 39.4% sodium. A pure mineral is transparent, opaque or translucent, colorless or white with a vitreous luster. Depending on additional impurities, it can have shades: with iron oxide - yellow and red tones, organic inclusions - colors from brown to black, clay impurities - gray shades. An interesting blue and lilac color gives halite an admixture of sylvin (potassium chloride).

Large deposits of halite were formed hundreds of millions of years ago in North America and Eurasia during the Permian period, when these areas were characterized by a hot and dry climate.

In modern times, rock salt is mined in large quantities in Russia - in the Solikamsk and Sol-Iletsk deposits of the Urals, the Usolye-Siberian basin, located in the vicinity of Irkutsk, the districts of Iletsk in the Orenburg region, the Solvychegodsk deposit in the Arkhangelsk region, and also the Verkhnekamsk region, located in the vicinity of Perm. Self-planting halite is being developed in the Lower Volga region and coastal areas of Lake Baskunchak, Astrakhan Region.

Coal. Coal is a sedimentary rock that is formed as a result of the decomposition of vegetation residues (ferns, horsetails, seed plants). The main types of coal according to the classification are: anthracite coal, brown coal, hard coal. Coal mining is carried out by open (quarry) and closed (mine) methods. Coal is used for heating, energy, agricultural (in the form of fertilizers) and other industries. Coal was the first fossil fuel used by man. He enabled the industrial revolution, which in turn helped develop the coal industry by providing it with more modern technology.

Granite. Granite is a common mountain crystalline rock, the deposits of which are located throughout the planet. Translated from Latin, "granite" means "grain", which characterizes the structure of the stone. This is a frozen intrusive magma that did not have time to rise to the earth's surface, and formed coarse-grained granite crystals.

The main share of the mineral composition of granite in the amount of 60-65% is occupied by feldspars. 25-30% of the inclusions are quartz, and a small percentage is given to dark-colored minerals - hornblende and biorite.

Granite has high hardness, strength and density. The stone is 2 times stronger than marble, and its density reaches 2600 kg/m³. It is resistant to low temperatures, moisture and pollution. The stone is subject to melting at a temperature of + 700 ° C.

According to the chemical composition, granite is an acidic rock, the acidity composition of which can be determined by the amount of silicon dioxide. The higher the percentage of silicon dioxide in granite, the lighter the color of the mineral. Granite deposits are global in scale and are located all over the planet. More than 50 granite deposits of various types are located in Russia. Mineral deposits are rich in the Khabarovsk Territory and Transbaikalia, the Voronezh, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the Karelian Isthmus and the Urals.

Chalk. Who among us does not know chalk? Whose pockets and fingers have not been soiled by a piece of light stone the color of snow? Who does not know the happiness of the artistic creation of the "Cretaceous" period? Who, as a teenager, did not investigate the properties of chalk in "bubble" experiments, did not examine a chalk smear under a microscope?

Mineral chalk is a witness to eras that have passed tens of millions of years ago. Awareness of this fact changes the perception of familiar material. Having a biological origin, the chalk stone learned its properties from organisms that lived in ancient times.

The Cretaceous period is a period of time covering about 80 million years during the reign of dinosaurs. Warm and shallow (30-500 meters deep) seas of that time gave shelter to myriads of the smallest mollusks that built their skeletons and shells from calcium extracted from the water.

The remains of these creatures, accumulated in bottom sediments in multi-meter layers, turned into, well-known to us, chalk. In percentage terms, the mineral chalk is divided into the following parts:
fragments of skeletons - about 10%. We are talking not only about the simplest creatures, but also about multicellular animals endowed with the ability to extract and concentrate calcium salts in tissues.

Conclusion. I learned that there are useful stones, such as: halite - a natural mineral; rock table salt, which they eat daily; coal was the first type of fossil fuel used by man; granite has high hardness, strength and density; well known to us, chalk.

Chapter 4

Gemstones embody the beauty that nature gives us. Day by day, year after year, it grows in its bowels a fabulous splendor that appears before us in the form of marvelous lines and bizarre colors and shades of gemstones.

Nature has a huge number of colored, semi-precious and precious stones, about 160 species, but only about thirty species are especially valuable among them - diamond and sapphire, ruby ​​and emerald, tourmaline, topaz, alexandrite, opal, amethyst, turquoise, pearls - these stones are especially appreciated.

The first mention of gems was found on the clay tablets of Babylon, which were created about six thousand years ago, and told about sacred amulets-talismans made of carnelian, jade and lapis lazuli. In ancient Egypt, the love for precious stones was simply huge - they were used to decorate clothes, buildings, furniture and even kitchen utensils. The Egyptians knew almost all gems.

During the Middle Ages, many scientists were carried away by the study of the magical properties of stones, minerals and their healing and magical properties were described.

But people were attracted much more not by magical properties, but by the beauty of stones - rings, earrings, necklaces made by jewelers adorned kings, kings, and there are legends about the jewelry of caliphs and rajas, they still have no analogues.

Recently, I learned about the healing effects of stones (minerals) on the human body. This section is called lithotherapy. Lithotherapy is the therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body.

Modern pharmacology uses more than 50 different minerals to prepare various drugs. It is believed that minerals coordinate the circulatory system of blood vessels and brain activity.

  • Aventurine - balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, clarity of mind.
  • Aquamarine - relieves stress, eliminates phobias.
  • Alexandrite - soothes, promotes openness, communication.
  • Diamond - improves brain function, enhances the energy of abstract thinking, increases contact.
  • Amethyst - relieves headaches, insomnia, strengthens the endocrine system, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Turquoise - balances emotions, strengthens the feeling of mutual understanding.
  • Pearls - strengthens memory, brings peace and tranquility.
  • Emerald - eliminates affects.
  • Corals - strengthen memory, relieve tics, control emotions.
  • Lazurite - improves visual acuity, reduces pain.
  • Malachite - stimulates the work of the heart, blood vessels, lungs.
  • Jade - stimulates the kidneys.
  • Opal - enhances the sense of intuition.
  • Sapphire - helps in the treatment of diabetes, disorders of the skeletal system, relieves insomnia.
  • Carnelian - strengthens teeth, stimulates speech.
  • Topaz - affects the thyroid gland.
  • Crystal - improves blood, stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands.
  • Amber - stimulates the nervous system, improves the respiratory system, increases hemoglobin in the blood.

Conclusion. Nature has a huge number of colored, semi-precious and precious stones, about 160 species, which attracted people with their magical properties, healing effects and beauty of stones.

Chapter 5

I was very young when I first noticed on the roads of the village of Voskresenskoye, where I came to visit my grandparents for the summer, a stone of extraordinary beauty. It shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, had a strange shape. As my grandfather explained to me, it was slag, a spent by-product from the production of copper, which was smelted almost 300 years ago at the local Voskresensky copper smelter.

I became very interested in what stones are, what they are. I became interested in them, collecting them, I had a desire to know more about them and, of course, to replenish my collection of stones and minerals every time.

You can simply collect beautiful attractive samples, but the collection of minerals and rocks, which shows how minerals were formed or what geological structure they have, and collecting acquires the features of scientific research.

There are several approaches to building a collection. You can collect minerals according to classes according to the reference book, according to deposits and regions, according to the geological processes of their formation, according to the principle of use in industry. An interesting collection according to the periodic table, where most of the elements would correspond to minerals, in the form that they exist in nature.

Each sample must be accompanied by a label indicating the name of the mineral, the deposit, the date of collection, and the catalog number. In general, I advise you not to rely on memory, but to carefully catalog your collection, when it will number hundreds or thousands of samples over the years, it is not surprising to get completely confused without keeping records.

The number should be applied with ink on a small piece of adhesive plaster or on white nitro enamel on a not very attractive part of the mineral.

A little about storage. Of course, it is not always possible to organize a museum showcase at home, but it is worth taking care that the samples do not gather dust, do not beat against each other, and do not fall to the floor. Do not store minerals on open shelves that can discolour when exposed to sunlight (such as amethysts). For samples that are not too fragile, zip bags are convenient, others should be kept in individual boxes with a label attached.

Most minerals can be washed with plain water, but check your reference book, others may require specific cleaning. For example, carbonates are covered with a coating when washed with soap, easily soluble minerals, of course, should not be rinsed in water.

Sulfides are subject to oxidation, the edges fade, and a characteristic odor appears. It is advisable to cover hygroscopic and dehydrated minerals with a protective colorless varnish. Opals become cloudy and disintegrate over time; they need to be periodically immersed in water.

Conclusion. There are several approaches to building a collection.

You can collect minerals by class, by deposits and regions, by the geological processes of their formation, by the principle of use in industry, according to the periodic table. You need to store minerals stones, given their properties.


After doing my research, I found that:

  • from stones, as from bricks, the world of inanimate nature around us consists;
  • about 3500 types of minerals are known;
  • the process of formation of minerals occurs deep in the bowels of the Earth;
  • the only mineral that can be eaten is halite, or table salt;
  • minerals are widely used in construction and industry;
  • you can look for minerals for the collection everywhere!

Based on the data I received, we can conclude that our life without minerals would be much more difficult, the world of minerals has not been fully explored and is fraught with many mysteries, right under your feet you can find both minerals known to science and discover new ones.

I am very interested in minerals and stones and I will continue to collect a collection of minerals.

List of used literature

1. Big series of knowledge. Planet Earth. - M .: OOO "World of Books", 2004.
2. Klenov A.S. To kids about minerals. - M .: "Pedagogy-Press", 1996.
3. Carol Varley, Lisa Miles. World Geography. Encyclopedia. - M.: ROSMEN, 1997.
4. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Geography / Ed.-comp. V.A. Markin. - M .: LLC "Publishing House AST-LTD", 1997.
5. Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. - LLC "De Agostini", 2009.
6. Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Multimedia encyclopedia. - LLC "Cyril and Methodius", 2007.

Completed by: Anichin Alexander, student of the 4th "B" class, Perm. Scientific adviser: Oborina E. A., class teacher of the 4th "B" class.

Presentation. Stones and minerals of the Perm region




Thematic project

"These amazing stones"

Developed by:

Kochekova Irina Vasilievna

Project "The Amazing World of Stones"

    Project type: educational.

    Sign of the project: ecological.

    By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents.

    By the number of participants: group.

    duration: short term

    The subject of study is objects of inanimate nature - stones, minerals, crystals.

The main directions of the project:

Cognitive research

Speech development

Objective of the project:

Creation of conditions in the joint and independent activities of the teacher and pupils in the development of cognitive and research abilities of children, the formation of the logical thinking of children.



Maintain interest in the study of stones, exercise in classifying them according to various criteria.


Develop sensory sensations, fine motor skills, visual perception, imagination, expand memory.

Continue building communication and collaboration skills.

Develop an emotionally positive attitude to the knowledge of the world.


Cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest.

Cultivate perseverance; Interest and ability to work in a group.

Be patient and listen to the answers of your comrades to the end.

Speech: expanding the volume of the dictionary, activating the dictionary, improving the word search process, exercising in answering questions of various complexity.

Health-saving provision of emotional well-being during the lesson, timely change of the static position of children.

Priority educational area: "Cognitive development" - "Introduction to the natural world."

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development" (speech development, reading art literature). "Social and communicative development" - (excursion to the museum of school No. 3, s / r games, didactic games).

"Artistic creativity" (drawing, application, modeling). "Physical development".

Activities: Communicative, cognitive-research, game, motor, productive.

Methods and techniques:

    Verbal: questions, artistic word.

    Visual: presentation, diagrams, package with stones.

    Practical: physical minute, research of subjects.

Dictionary work: enrich the dictionary with new words: scientist, laboratory, rough.

Productive activity:

    Experimentation "What are the pebbles"

    Application "Mountain"

    Modeling from salt dough "Mountains".

    Drawing "Mountain landscape"


A parcel with stones, aprons, a letter, candies “Sea Pebbles”, plasticine, equipment for research activities: a magnifying glass, a transparent glass of water, a hand napkin, carnations, a coin, chalk, coal, stones of various sizes, lemon, plasticine. Computer presentation "These amazing stones."

Project relevance:

Living in a country rich in minerals, children have no knowledge of the stones and minerals around us. Acquaintance of children with a variety of stones helps to get acquainted with the nature of their native land and country. For centuries, our region has been famous for its minerals, with which children and even adults, unfortunately, are not familiar.

Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural wealth.

At preschool age, the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man is of particular importance for the development of the child's personality. Mastering the ways of practical interaction with the environment expands the worldview of the child, his personal growth. Therefore, it is necessary to form in a preschooler the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding world and independently apply knowledge in practical activities. To help preschoolers establish cause-and-effect relationships in animate and inanimate nature, forming a careful attitude towards the world around them.

Expected results:

Children learned to distinguish between minerals and crystals, to be able to name their features; keep an observation sheet, filling in a sign-symbolic letter; learned to work with a magnifying glass, tweezers and a glass slide; competently build descriptive stories, using adjectives in speech (pearl, coral, amber, etc.); grown crystal, which was placed in a collection that is growing into a mini-museum;

Participation of children in all activities, involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

Action plan:

    goal setting;

    Development of the content of the entire educational process based on the subject of the project;

    Organization of developing, cognitive, subject environment;

    Determination of directions of cognitive practical activity;

    Organization of joint creative cognitive practical activities

Project activity plan

Collaboration between teachers and children.

Information for parents about upcoming activities.

Selection of demo material on this topic.

Selection of fiction.

"Mineral Resources" Children's Encyclopedia;

"How stones live" E. Chuiko.

To expand the ideas of parents about the diversity of stones and minerals in our region. Interested in an upcoming project

Theme "Stones and their properties"

Purpose: To introduce children to the diversity of the world of stones. Consider and identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials

Materials: a variety of natural and artificial stones, magnifiers, bowls of water, pieces of plasticine, coins.

Preliminary work: observations on walks, collection of stones, discussions, design of collections.

Reading the Tale of P. Bazhov "Stone Flower".

Objectives: to introduce children to the work of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere of the "narrative", in listening to his lively dialogues that evoke good feelings. To develop imagination in children, the ability to imagine a fairy-tale hero and describe him.

Topic: "We are geologists"

Objectives: to develop tactile sensations, to "touch" the properties of a substance: hardness, softness, buoyancy.

Learn to compare and distinguish substances according to their state.

Develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before experimenting and compare it with the result.

Topic: "Minerals"

Goals and objectives:

Summarize knowledge about minerals; to give an idea to children about the properties of magnets and how to use them in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions; cultivate the ability to work in a team.

The topic is "Why do people need stones."

Objectives: to learn to highlight the features of different stones and describe them, to compare stones with other objects.

To acquaint children with the variety of stones and how a person uses them, as well as with the properties of different objects and materials (light and heavy).

Materials: "collection" of different stones, objects made of stone.

Preliminary work: compiling a "collection" of different stones. Acquaintance with the properties of stones in previous lessons.


Objectives: listening to music: S. Prokofiev "Dance of Russian Gems" from the ballet "The Tale of the Stone Flower". To acquaint children with the work of the Russian composer. Expand horizons.

Modeling "Multi-colored pebbles and paintings."

Objectives: to introduce children to the method of incomplete mixing of plasticine of different colors in one lump to obtain a “marble” color, to orient them towards the search for harmonious color combinations.

To improve the technique of sculpting rounded shapes with circular movements of the palms, to initiate a search for ways to change the shape of the ball to more accurately convey the shapes of stones (flattening the entire shape or only part of it, stretching, squeezing).

Materials: stones of different shapes and colors, sets of plasticine, magnifier

Application "We build a house of stones"

Purpose: to introduce children to the modular application. To arouse interest in creating the image of a stone house using figurative and expressive means. To form the ability to plan their work and technologically fulfill the plan. Develop a sense of composition

Drawing according to the concept "Transformation of pebbles»

Purpose: to teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms. To introduce different methods of drawing on stones of different shapes. Improve visual technique. Develop imagination.

"Rocks and minerals are the same thing?"

Objectives: to find out with the children how stones were formed and what minerals are.

Materials: "collection" of stones of various shapes and origins, children's encyclopedias.

Drawing according to the concept "Cute faces".

Objectives: to teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms (stones). To acquaint with a new method of drawing on stones. Develop imagination.

Materials: smooth rounded stones, felt-tip pens.

Reading fiction

Fairy tale by I. N. Ryzhova “What the pebbles whispered about”

P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Verses, proverbs and sayings about stones.

Purpose: to introduce children to the work of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere of the "narrative", in listening to his lively dialogues that evoke good feelings. To develop imagination in children, the ability to imagine a fairy-tale hero and describe him.

Theme "Who lives in the mountains"

Objectives: to acquaint children with the origin of mountains and volcanoes, with some of the inhabitants of the mountains (like a mountain goat, snow leopard, marmots, haystacks, eagles, vultures, condors), their adaptability to such living conditions. To form a caring attitude towards animals and plants.

Drawing with elements of a broken appliqué "In the mountains, in the valleys ..."

Objectives: to teach children to convey their ideas about natural landscapes in a drawing. Initiate the creation of a plot against the backdrop of a mountain landscape. Show the means of depicting a plot (semantic) connection between objects: highlighting the main and secondary, transferring interaction. Develop compositional skills. To expand the possibilities of using the technique of tear-off application from crumpled paper.

Prepare a hand for writing (mastering a descriptive element - a curl or a spiral).

Materials: tinted or white paper, colored and pencils; pages of old magazines, glue.

Preliminary work: a conversation about how mountains look, what grows on them, who lives in them. Review of illustrations and photographs.

Topic "Properties of minerals"

Objectives: to introduce children to a variety of minerals, their properties. Expand your horizons and vocabulary.

Modeling "Brick house".

Objectives: to generate interest in creating the image of a stone house. Continue mastering the technique of modeling. To improve the ability to freely vary different modeling techniques to create "bricks". Develop shaping skills.

Materials: images of various houses, plasticine sets, stacks.

General developmental exercises with a small stone (each exercise is performed 4 times)

1. I.p. - o.s., a stone in the right hand. 1 - raise your hands up, stand on your toes, shift the stone to your left hand, 2 - and. n. Repeat the same with the left hand.

2. I.p. - Same. Throw a stone in front of you with your right hand, catch with your left. Repeat the same with the left hand.

3. I.p. - o.s. hands to the side. 1 - turn to the left, do not move your legs, take a stone with your left hand, 2 - sp. 3-4 - repeat the same to the right.

4. I.p. - sitting, legs together, a stone in the right hand on the side. 1- raise the left leg, shift the stone under the knee to the left hand; 2 - i.p. Repeat the same under the right leg.

5. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, the stone lies on the floor. 1-3 - lean forward, do not bend your legs, roll the stone as far as possible; 4 - and. P.

6. I. p. - standing, feet on the width of the foot. Throw a pebble 10-15 centimeters up, catch it.

7. I.p. - standing, stone in right hand. 1 - shift the stone to the left hand behind the back, 2 - and. n. Repeat the same with the right hand.

8. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart 1 - lean down without bending your knees, shift the stone to your other hand under your right knee; 2 - i. n. Repeat the same under the left knee.

9. I. p. - standing, a stone in the right hand. 1 - raise the right knee, shift the stone to the other hand; 2- i.p. Repeat the same under the left knee.

10. I. p. - standing, the stone is sandwiched between the feet, hands on the belt. Jumping up on two legs. Alternate with walking.

Decorative drawing "Home sweet home"

Objectives: to continue to teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms (medium-sized stones, angular shape). Fix the drawing techniques on the stone.

Create an image of the house by artistic decoration of stones.

Watching cartoons

Based on the fairy tales of P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the work of P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

Outdoor games: "We are rock climbers", "King of the Hill", "Find your stone"

Purpose: To develop motor skills and abilities of children, to learn and memorize the rules of the game. Play on your own

Viewing presentations: "The World of Stones", "Precious Stones"

Purpose: To develop cognitive interest. Introduce the names of minerals, stones

Didactic games with stones for the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills

What is superfluous? "

- "Find a couple"

- "Continue row"

Board games

- "Living, inanimate nature"

Role-playing games

- "In search of treasure"

Purpose: To develop logical thinking, attention, visual perception, the ability to select an object by color, to cultivate perseverance, patience, to teach to put the material in place.

Designed a mini-museum "Amazing Stones"

Conducted a quiz "What do we know about stones"

Exhibition "Products made of stone"

Purpose: To reveal the acquired knowledge about the proposed topic. To form independence in choosing the topic you like, the ability to coherently tell.

GCD move "These amazing stones"

Children with a teacher enter the group, pay attention to the guests, the children greet them.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly...

And we smile at each other.

Knock on the door. The teacher goes to the door and takes the package.

We received a parcel, very heavy in weight. (We open it, we take out the box and the letter) “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, behind the blue seas there are high mountains. They have a lot of riches and treasures. Vigilantly I follow - the Mistress of the Copper Mountain - the order in the mountains. I know that you love to explore and consider everything. I put my wealth in this box and I propose to guess what kind of wealth it is. And my riddle will help in this:

It burns with fire in mom's earrings.

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.

He changes form, he changes color,

And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

Heavy, big, one cannot lift.

Who children guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this item by signs?

So what riches did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain send us?

Let's see what stones are in the package.

Children sit on chairs, the teacher at a small table

- Attention! Now I will give you a riddle, try to guess it:

“The white stone has melted

Left footprints on the board (Chalk)

- What is he? What are they doing? (white, leaves traces, they can be painted).

Let's see how tough it is. Tanya, come and try to run a nail over it.

- What happened to him?

Let's see how chalk will behave in water? Let's put it in the water. (drowned - stone, bubbles - porous, there is air that is displaced by water and rises to the surface). and if you rub it - (it breaks up into grains) and throw it into the water - (the water becomes cloudy)

What can you say about chalk? (Children's answers: soft, sinking in water)

Chalk, guys, isn't just for drawing. It is used in agriculture for liming soils. In industry: for the production of cement, lime, added in the manufacture of rubber, plastics, varnishes, paints, glass. Purified chalk is used in the manufacture of medicines, toothpaste.

And here is another riddle about the stone:

It looks like an unsightly stone, it lies in a layer in the ground,

To raise it up, you need to visit the mine.

Under the ground, the lights are miners in the mine.

Hammers beat off this very necessary stone. (Coal)

Can you tell me what kind of coal?

(Children's answers: black, shiny)

Educator: Coal is not a very hard stone. On impact, it shatters into small pieces.

Educator: Does a person need coal?

(it burns well and gives a lot of heat, energy)

Coal is not just a stone, it is a mineral of plant origin. Dead ancient trees and plants rot, decompose and turn into loose peat. Such peat lies for many, many years before coal is formed from it in the ground.

Physical education "Mountain"

There is a mountain - an old woman, (raise their hands up)

To the top of the sky (stretch on tiptoe)

Her wind blows, (fan themselves with their hands)

The rain pours on her, (shake hands)

The mountain stands, suffers, loses pebbles (put their hands on their cheeks and shake their heads)

And every day, and every night (the teacher touches several children who should depict pebbles).

Rolling, rolling stones away. (some children step aside)

(The game continues until all the “pebbles” roll to the sides. “Rolled pebbles” continue to read the text and movements along with the rest, remaining in their place).

Pebbles rolled, and from that very time

Nothing left of our mountain! (point to an empty space with both hands).

There are more stones in the box, let's see. (Children look at the stones)

Game in the circle "Name the signs of a stone" (shape, color, surface, edges).

(smooth, oval, round, hard, rough, transparent, light, dark, heavy, strong, cold, different colors, shiny, precious)

What are the stones for? (children's answers)

Where can stones be found? (on the street, in the mountains, in the sea, in the country).

- So, we examined the contents of the package, and there is also a card here. What is depicted on it. Name these objects (microscope, test tubes, magnifying glass).

– What is the name of the place where you can see this equipment? (laboratory).

What is the laboratory for? (to do experiments)

- Who conducts experiments in the laboratory? (scientists)

Do you know how to behave in the laboratory? (children name the rules of conduct: do not make noise, do not taste anything,

- I invite you to the laboratory, but first we will divide into teams. (Division into teams, election of a commander)

Today you are exploring the properties of stones. The commanders will come for the task. (a diagram is issued that will tell you what experiment the team is conducting). Then each team tells what experiment they did and what they learned about the stone.

1. Look at the stones and arrange them in a row from largest to smallest. 2. Find and display the largest and smallest.

3. Feel the stones. What are they? Find a smooth pebble and a rough one.

4. Take a magnifying glass and look at the stone through it, what do we see on it? (cracks).

5. Take a pebble in one hand, plasticine in the other. Squeeze both palms. What happened to plasticine. Does he change his shape? And the stone? So the stone is hard, and plasticine is soft.

6. Check the stone for hardness. Scratch the stone with your fingernail. Try scratching the stone with a coin. What can be said about the stone, what is it?

7. Take a pebble and lower it into the water. Is the stone sinking?

8. Can stones make sound? Tap them against each other. What do they publish?

The game "Stone Orchestra"

Educator: - The mistress of the Copper Mountain has many different stones. Some are beautiful, some are not. She sent you photos of her favorite stones, which we will not find on the street, they are deeply hidden in her grief.

Presentation "In the world of stone".

Yes, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain has beautiful stones, it’s not for nothing that she guards them. And what, guys, let's make a gift to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain?

I invite the children to stand around the table.

productive activity

Children take pieces of different plasticine, mix, sculpt a stone.

How did you get a beautiful stone? (Children's answers) Let's put our multi-colored stones in a beautiful box, let the guests admire, and we will stand in a circle.

Children stand in circles passing a pebble and answer questions.

Where did you visit today (in the laboratory, what did you do (conducted experiments with stones). What did you like? What surprised you? (Children answer). Well done! And in our package there are special pebbles.

The methodological literature used is in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

    Approximate basic educational program of preschool education.

    “The development of speech of children 5 - 7 years old O.S. Ushakov complies with GEF DO. LLC "TC Sphere" 2012

    “Introduction of literature to preschoolers” 3-7 years old “O.S. Ushakov. Corresponds to GEF DO. LLC "TC Sphere" 2012

    Card file of thematic finger games “Hello, finger! How are you? complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. L.N. Kalmykov. Publishing house "Uchitel" 2014

    “Fundamentals of children's life safety. R.B. Sterkin. 1998

    “Introducing children to the social reality of N.S. Golitsyn. Moscow. Mosaic - Synthesis 2005

    Handbook for environmental education of preschoolers. "Our home is nature." Ryzhova N.A. Moscow. 1998

    "Young ecologist" S.N. Nikolaev. Moscow. Mosaic - Synthesis 2002.

    "Environmental education in kindergarten" OA Solomennikova.

    Moscow. Mosaic - Synthesis 2005

    “Organization of experimental - experimental activities of children aged 2-7 years.

    E.A. Martynova Uchitel Publishing House Volgograd 2014

    Cognitive - research activities with children 5 - 7 years old on an ecological path. Corresponds to GEF, S.V. Mashkov. Publishing house Teacher 2015.

    Ecological projects in kindergarten. Corresponds to GEF.

    O.M. Maslennikov. Publishing house Teacher 2015.

    “Artistic and aesthetic development of older preschoolers. N.N. Leonova. Publishing house "Childhood - PRESS" 2014. GEF.

    Socio-emotional development. In the context of GEF DO. T.D. Pashkevich, Teacher Publishing House, 2014

    Walks in kindergarten I.V. Kravchenko, T.L. Dolgov. In the context of GEF DO. TC Sphere