Gradation of the quality of black diamonds. Diamond color. The best characteristic or subjective assessment

Diamond is the most expensive among the stones that are used to decorate jewelry. Therefore, its cost should correspond to its impeccable appearance. To understand what the purity of a diamond is, the table of which is known to all jewelers, you need to figure out what this concept includes.

Characteristics of gems

Initially, diamonds are found in nature. These are stones that have not yet been processed by man. They are mined in deposits, and after that they evaluate the weight and pay attention to the purity of the stone for the first time.


Thus, the approximate initial cost of the stone is calculated. But then he goes through several stages before getting into the jewelry. Initially, it goes to the exchange through a company that sells gems in bulk. And then it is chosen by jewelers or even diamond cutting factories.

The diamond goes through the cutting stage and receives its characteristics, on which the final cost depends. These characteristics include:

  • Authenticity. It is determined even at the level of stone extraction, as well as during a trading operation. Usually, on the exchange, the risk of buying a fake is minimal, but from the hands of street vendors or from unverified firms, this risk increases several times.
  • Size and weight. It is determined after the processing of the stone. The larger the diamond, the more expensive it is.
  • Stone shape. It depends on its original dimensions and configurations, as well as on the cut.
  • Cut is a property that is directly related to the skill of a jeweler.
  • The color can vary from blue to yellowish color tint.
  • Purity. Even the size of the diamond will not help if its clarity is not satisfactory enough. Therefore, it is important to know how to define this criterion.

The characteristics of diamonds are determined along their journey from the mine to the buyer at various stages. And usually, the more hands a stone has passed, the more expensive it is. The marking of diamonds is assigned according to the totality of characteristics and this is done as objectively as possible. This is due to the fact that jewelers have special tables for determining the quality of a stone. Points are calculated according to the points from the tables: the higher the score of a diamond according to all evaluation criteria, the better it is.

The purity of the stone and how to evaluate it

A criterion such as the clarity of a diamond is considered by jewelers in terms of “defective” or “free of defects”. These very defects can be different; not only their presence and size is assessed, but also attention is paid to whether they are external or internal. Flaws can be present in the stone not only from the moment of extraction, but also appear in the process of unprofessional cutting.

Determining the clarity of a diamond is technically easy. For a non-professional, it is important to visually evaluate:

  • transparency of the stone;
  • penetration and play of light in stone;
  • the presence of impurities that are visible in the diamond.

And you must remember that when buying a stone, you can ask the jeweler for a magnifying glass that has a tenfold increase. If you do not examine the defect under such a magnifying glass, consider that the clarity of the diamond is high enough and meets international quality standards. It is approximately at level 6 or 7. At the eighth level, the defect is found even without a magnifying glass.

This factor affects not only the beauty, but also the strength of the diamond. It's no secret that diamond is the hardest substance on earth. But impurities that can get into the stone or cracks significantly reduce its strength, which means that the stone will not last long.

Internal defects have a stronger effect on the strength and durability of the jewelry. They are formed due to the action of a temperature difference or a change in pressure in a stone deposit. These processes have affected the diamond for years, so it is not surprising that defects can be very different. From a jewelry point of view, a defect is also considered internal if it cannot be removed by polishing the stone without losing weight.

The clarity of a diamond is measured according to the global GIA system. It is designed to mark foreign diamonds that are listed on the stock exchange. The stones come out with ready-made certificates, which indicate the degree of purity in a letter abbreviation. For convenience, use a magnifying glass with a 10x magnification.

Classification of diamonds by clarity according to the GIA system:

Designationpurity groupBrief description of the group
IFINTERNALLY FLAWLESSClear under magnification, internal defects are not detected under magnification. You can find minor external defects and eliminate them with a light re-polishing.
VVS1,VVS2VERY, VERY SMALL INCLUSIONSThere are very, very small inclusions in the stone. Jewels with shallow defects belong to this class, they can be easily removed by re-polishing. In VVS2 class stones, the smallest inclusions can be detected with great difficulty when examining a diamond through a magnifying glass.
VS1, VS2VERY SMALL INCLUSIONSDefects in the form of minor inclusions resembling feathers and clouds; they are difficult to detect in VS1 stones and slightly easier in VS2 diamonds.
SI1, SI2SMALL INCLUSIONSSmall noticeable inclusions, easily detected with a magnifying glass. Sometimes small inclusions in SI2 class stones are visible to the naked eye.
I1, I2, I3IMPERFECTThe lowest class in which defects are visible even without magnification. They can spoil not only the appearance of a diamond, but also its strength. Please note that the color of a diamond is not included in the concept of clarity.

According to the degree of manifestation, defects are divided into the following:

  • visible with great effort;
  • visible with effort;
  • visible;
  • easily visible;
  • well visible;
  • very well visible.

The degree depends on the use of the magnifier. And also defects have their own norms and the following are often found:

  • A point is a flaw without volume.
  • An inclusion is a volumetric defect that is located inside a diamond.
  • A stripe is a thin line on a stone.
  • A crack is a gap in the substance of a stone. It can be both superficial and internal.
  • A cloud is a nebula that does not shimmer in the light.

Clarity of diamonds

But not always the defect of the diamond is visible in the product. When set, we see the stone from the side of the crown, so some imperfections can be hidden with the help of a competent cut. In this case, everyone will pay attention only to the color of the diamond and its shape, and the rest of the characteristics will disappear from view.

According to GOST, the classification of stones looks like this:

  • The purity group is determined by sets of criteria.
  • The weight of the stone is taken into account in two categories: up to 0.299 carats and from 0.3 carats.
  • And also the place where the defect is present (center, middle zone and peripheral zone) is taken into account.
  • A diamond without defects in any zone is classified in the first category. And further, the larger the defect or the more central it is, the lower the category falls.
  • Category 7 or 7a is considered acceptable for purchase. This is the last degree at which the defect does not yet affect the strength of the stone, and is also not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, if you select diamond colors that approach blue or transparent to this category, it will seem to others that you have acquired the best and most expensive stones.

Different countries use different classifications. Therefore, if you want to make such a purchase abroad, do not hesitate to ask a consultant and examine the jewel yourself. When making a purchase, collect all the certificates, and also take care of the safe transportation of the diamond.

It has long been known that a girl's best friend is diamonds. However, not all diamonds are the same, in any jewelry store you can find seemingly similar jewelry with this gem, the price of which will differ significantly. What affects the value of diamonds? And how to distinguish a quality stone of "noble blood" from a less well-born fellow?

When assessing the quality of diamonds, 4 characteristics are taken into account, the so-called 4Cs: carat (weight), color (color), clarity (transparency, clarity) and cut (cut). For measuring weight diamonds, a special unit is used - carat (1ct = 0.2 g). There is such a thing as "reference weight", the price of stones with this weight can vary significantly, although it is impossible to distinguish diamonds with almost the same weight by eye. These "standards" include stones weighing 1, 3 and 5 carats.. For example, only a specialist can see the difference between a diamond of 0.95 carats and 1 carat, and even then with the use of special equipment.

By weight, diamonds are divided into 3 groups: small (up to 0.29 carats), medium (0.3 - 0.99 carats) and large (over 1 carat). It is worth noting that the weight of small stones is determined not by weighing, but by the diameter of the stone in millimeters.

Diameter (mm) Weight (carat) Diameter (mm) Weight (carat)
,9 0,003 2,7 0,074
1,0 0,004 2,8 0,082
1,1 0,005 2,9 0,091
1,2 0,006 3,0 0,101
1,3 0,008 3,1 0,112
1,4 0,010 3,2 0,123
1,5 0,013 3,3 0,135
1,6 0,015 3,4 0,147
1,7 0,018 3,5 0,161
1,8 0,022 3,6 0,175
1,9 0,026 3,7 0,190
2,0 0,030 3,8 0,206
2,1 0,035 3,9 0,223
2,2 0,040 4,0 0,240
2,3 0,046 4,1 0,259
2,4 0,052 4,2 0,278
2,5 0,059 4,3 0,298
2,6 0,066

Second characterThe truth that affects the value of a diamond is color . In fact, diamonds come in almost every color of the rainbow ( yellow, blue and pink stones are called fantasy), but the stones of the white group are considered classic (and the most valuable). However, this group has its own color gradations - from bluish-white to brown. It is worth mentioning that fancy diamonds do not belong to the white group of stones, and a beautiful yellow diamond will cost much more than the same stone with a yellow tint belonging to the white group.

In fact, most of the diamonds that we see in jewelry stores are not pure white at all, it's just that the human eye is not able to notice small nuances in color shades. The actual color of the stone is indicated on the tag along with the clarity (for example, 3/4 or 4/5), the color value is indicated first. The lower the color value, the more valuable the diamond is. However, stones with characteristics of 1/1 are very rare and cost fabulous money.

There are special tables in accordance with which these numerical characteristics of the color are set, while the weight of the stone also affects these characteristics.

In Russia, numeric values ​​are accepted, while in the West, alphabetic values ​​are used (in accordance with the GIA system developed by the Gemological Institute of America).

< или равно 0,29 ct equal to or > 0.30 ct GIA Description
1 1
bluish white
2 3 F With a subtle hint
3 4
With a slight tint of yellow
Grayish white, yellowish white
4 6
White with a subtle color tint
5 8 (1-5) K-L pale yellowish
6 6 (1) M-N yellowish tint
7 9 (1-4) O-R
yellowish tint

Meaning purity diamond tells how many inclusions are contained in the stone. The lower the number that indicates purity (for example, if the tag says 2/3, then purity = 3). The lower the number indicating purity, the more expensive the stone. The purest diamonds are extremely rare in nature, stones with indicators of 3-6 are considered good (all small inclusions cannot be seen with the naked eye). To determine the purity, there is a table (as with color, in Russia the values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated by numbers, and letters are used in the GIA system).
< или равно 0,29 ct equal to or > 0.30 ct GIA Description
1 1 IF Clean under a magnifying glass
Very, very small inclusions
Very small inclusions
Small noticeable inclusions
Inclusions visible to the naked eye

The last important characteristic for diamonds is cutting . most popular on today is the so-called "ideal" round cut of 57 facets(33 at the top and 24 at the bottom of the stone). This cut, mathchesky youVerennaya, allows you to achieve the perfect shine to the stone, which, as they say, begins
"play with all sides." Alsoe this formmu cut andsometimes called "Russian" due to the fact that it was popularrna in the USSR and became, as it were, a standard, speaking of a highas a diamond. For small stones, a cut of 17 faces is also used, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the product, but it does not affect the appearance in the best way. The 17-facet cut is most often used by manufacturers of inexpensive jewelry. There are also various fantasy forms of cuts: marquis (named after the smile of mar

The most expensive of all gemstones is the diamond. Few girls can resist such a gift, because diamond jewelry is everyone's dream. Such a gift costs a considerable amount of money, so I want the value of the stone to fully correspond to its value. The diamond clarity table is an ordered system according to which the clarity of a diamond is determined.

Until the middle of the last century, there was no single classification of the defining characteristics of a diamond; stones were distinguished according to the simplified Old Term color system. The question: what is the purity of a diamond, until that time, practically did not rise. After the perfectly cut diamond began to gain general popularity, in the 1960s the Gemological Institute of America introduced the GIA system to the world, which covers all the criteria that add up to the value of a particular crystal. The gia of a diamond is assessed according to four characteristics:

  • Cut (Cut) - with high-quality cutting work, the light passes well through the crown of the crystal, plays inside it, and reflects back through the platform - the brilliance of the diamond depends on this. If the cutting is done incorrectly, then the light entering the inside of the stone does not have time to be reflected and passes through the lower face, while the stone looks dull. There are 5 cut categories that evaluate the ideal proportions and maximum brilliance of the crystal;
  • color (Color) - this concept means the presence or absence of an additional color of the stone. This indicator depends on the natural chemical composition of the diamond, and remains unchanged over time. The more transparent and colorless a cut diamond is, the higher its price. This does not apply to fancy diamonds of a rare color, their value is much higher than “ordinary” gems;
  • Weight in carats (Carat weight) - this unit of measurement is equal to 0.2 grams. A diamond is formed in natural conditions, large specimens are very rare, so the larger the size of the stone, the higher its value.
  • Clarity of a diamond is a collective concept, which means the presence or absence of defects inside or on the surface of the stone and determining the degree of their significance. When conducting an examination, which determines the purity index, it is customary to use a gemological 10x loupe. In the process, the gemologist is guided by the principle of finding internal and external flaws as much as possible. To make it convenient to classify the detected damage, a special table was developed. It details the gradations, according to which the stone has one or another number of defects.
Principle 4 C is basic for determining the value and value of stones.

The domestic Russian grading scale (TS) is slightly different from the gia system, it uses numbers to determine the purity of a diamond, the approach to assessing the color of small diamonds is somewhat different: stones are not compared with the standard, but verbal descriptions are used, in the domestic system there is a yellow and brown scale , which are not in the GIA system.

In world practice, the assessment of stones according to GIA is more common.

Diamond Clarity Table

Ratio of diamond color scales:

Ratio of diamond clarity scales:

How does the clarity of a diamond affect its value?

It is difficult for the naked eye to notice the differences on two stones that seem to be the same in weight, but as a result of an expert assessment, they can turn out to be completely different in terms of characteristics and cost.

The most popular category is VVS1, which is the clarity of a diamond 3 3.

This is a great purchase, both for a gift and for investment, the cost of such jewelry is constantly growing. At a tenfold magnification with a magnifying glass, such internal defects as two dark stripes (dots) or three barely noticeable light clouds (feathers) are visible. For the buyer, these defects are completely invisible and are visible only during the examination.

Clarity of a diamond 4 4 - this indicator means that the clarity and color of the stone are within these limits. These are round diamonds that are profitable for investment, as they give a constant increase in value. Defects are not always bad, because the presence of natural imperfections determines the authenticity of the stone. On a large-scale examination of a diamond of the fourth category through a magnifying glass, at least 2 barely noticeable inclusions in the center of the cut stone or 2-4 stripes (light dots) in other parts can be seen. For this category, a small crack on the side of the stone is acceptable.

The clarity of a diamond 5 5 is a light small cloud or a small crack in the center of the stone. A few light stripes (up to six) are quite acceptable. If the flaws are located on the periphery of the examined stone, the presence of three cracks is allowed. Natural defects are proof that the stone is natural and not synthetic.

Certificate for a diamond

It is impossible for an ordinary buyer to independently determine the authenticity of a diamond; this is a special category of “goods” that needs mandatory certification. Since 1931, cut diamonds have been independently peer reviewed by the GIA laboratory. To ensure that the gia of a diamond is authentic and unbiased, all stones are delivered to the institute in a standard case, without any information about their owner. At the end of the procedure, a report is filled in - a document that describes in detail all the characteristics of the stone, its value is determined. Report and gia certificate are synonymous words,

The certificate issued by the GIA laboratory is the most reliable guarantee of the authenticity and true value of the stone.

The document cannot be forged or manipulated with the data in it. This institute is an impartial organization that has no commercial interests in the expert evaluation of the value of diamonds.

What is the best purity?

The value of a stone, its strength, rarity and attractiveness directly depend on its purity.

This indicator is very important when evaluating a diamond, because it determines its final value.

It is often very difficult to determine the purity with the naked eye, for this they use a special tool - a magnifying glass.

This indicator is measured on a 12-point scale: from 1 to 12, the lower its value, the higher the degree of purity. Depending on the weight, defects are also visible. On a small stone, up to 0.3 carats, a clarity greater than 5 means that all flaws will be visible without a magnifying glass. For larger diamonds (above 0.3 carats), flaws become visible without a magnifier at 7 clarity.

When choosing which stone to buy, pay attention to the location of the defect, if it is on the “platform” - the quality of the play of light can significantly decrease, and if it is near the edge, this will not affect the quality of the stone, and the frame can completely hide this minor flaw. Internal defects should be treated more loyally, as they are natural, and external ones, of course, do not have such a good effect on the properties of the stone. A diamond is an undoubted luxury gifted by nature and created by man.

“He remains unharmed in the strongest fire, this is the light of the sun, thickened in the earth and cooled by time, he plays with all colors, but he himself remains transparent, like a drop of water ...” These words were written long before the well-known phrase of Marilyn Monroe, but do not lose their relevance today.

Needless to say, what every woman would like to have. The price of products with precious minerals, and primarily with cut diamonds, largely depends on the quality of the stone. Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly decipher the characteristics indicated on the product tag.

Diamond grading system: 4 "C"

When conducting an expert assessment of a stone, a gemologist takes into account 4 mandatory criteria, called 4 "C".

The first parameter is carat weight (stone weight). As you know, the generally accepted measure of the mass of jewelry stones is a carat, equal to 0.2 grams. The word "carat" itself comes from the name of the leguminous tree, the seeds of which were originally measured minerals.

The second is color (color). To the non-specialist, diamonds appear to be completely transparent, but in fact, their shades vary.

The third parameter is clarity (purity). The purity of a mineral is determined by the presence of inclusions in its composition, as well as their features.

The fourth parameter is cut - the cut of the diamond.

It is these indicators that are the basis for determining the quality of a diamond and, accordingly, the cost of the entire product. And now about everything in order.

Let's decipher the characteristics

The certificate for fixed gemstones is the tag. It is on it that the main characteristics of diamonds are indicated, encrypted in a special code. Each cipher corresponds to either one or several identical stones fixed in the product.

The first number indicates the number of diamonds with identical characteristics.

This is followed by a code for the type of cut of the stone, which includes the letter designation of the shape of the diamond and the number of facets. Then the total carat weight of stones with such characteristics fixed in the product is written. The next two digits, indicated through a fraction, indicate the class of color and purity, respectively (according to Russian specifications). Next, the quality of the cut of the diamond is noted in accordance with the reference.

Cut quality

At the beginning of the 20th century, the mathematician of Russian origin Marcel Tolkovsky published a study “Diamond Design”, in which he presented the proportions of an ideal diamond cut in terms of refraction of rays, which provides maximum play of light. So, round diamonds with 57 facets became known as "Tolkovsky diamonds" and received the designation Kr-57. It is this type of cutting that is called Russian all over the world and is considered the world standard.

For small diamonds, a round shape with 17 facets (Kr-17) is considered ideal. This cut allows you to maintain the most optimal ratio of the quality characteristics of the stone with its price.

In Russia, diamond cutting parameters are regulated by TU 117-4.2099-2002. The document specifies some geometric parameters of diamonds, according to which stones are classified into one of four categories: from A to G. The highest quality cut, in which all recognized reference parameters are observed, is indicated by the letter "A". So, diamonds in SOKOLOV jewelry have just such a cut.

Diamond color

There are several shades of diamond. Some of them have such insignificant, in the opinion of the layman, differences that only an experienced gemologist can distinguish between them.

In Russia, the criteria for assessing the color of a diamond are regulated by TU 117-4.2009-2002. The hues of the stone range from bluish-white to cognac and are numbered from 1 to 9. Assessing color, like determining other characteristics of a diamond, is a painstaking process that requires a highly skilled gemologist. This is evidenced by the terms “hardly perceptible”, “brightly visible”, “insignificant shade”, etc., used in the TS, on the basis of which the diamond is assigned to one or another color group.

In accordance with the current specifications, the color of diamonds with 17 facets is graded differently, from 57 to 0.29 carats and 57 facets from 0.30 carats. Therefore, the shade of a small crystal of color 4 will be more saturated than the color of a larger class 4 diamond from 0.30 carats.

Among 17-sided stones, diamonds of the 2nd group (“with a subtle tint” or “with a slight yellow tint”) are considered the most optimal in terms of price and quality. And for larger crystals with 57 faces, this is the 3rd color class. According to the American GIA system (from the name of the Gemological Institute of America), these numbers correspond to the designations F, G and H.

Color scale for different sizes of diamonds

Description Diamond color group
Kr-17 Kr-57
up to 0.3ct from 0.3ct

bluish white

1 1 1

With a subtle hint

2 2 3

With a slight yellow tint

3 4

With a slight tint

3 5

White, with a visible color cast

4 6

With a brightly visible color tint



5 8-1 - 8-5*

Brown color

4 6 9-1 - 9-4*

*The second number after the main one indicates the intensity of the color in one color group.

Diamond clarity

Like determining the color of a stone, grading its clarity is not the same for all diamonds. The Russian specifications describe in detail the nature of inclusions (their volume, quantity, location, etc.) that affect the classification of a diamond to a specific clarity class.

For diamonds Kr-17 used in jewelry, the optimal clarity groups are 2 and 3. For Kr-57 up to 0.29 carats, these are groups 4 and 5, and for larger diamonds with 57 facets - 4-6.

It is important to consider that the groups have a fairly wide range. In simple words: five five strife. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions when you see a cleanliness class that is too “low”, in your opinion. In this case, it is better to check with the jewelry manufacturer for more detailed information about diamond suppliers, cutting features and other aspects that affect the quality of the stone.

Characteristics of purity groups Diamond Clarity Group
KR-17 KR-57 GIA
Up to 0.29ct From 0.29ct
Without defects 1 1 1 IF

Defects: one bright dot in the central zone, visible only when viewed from the pavilion; no more than two subtle bright dots or one subtle strip in the middle or peripheral zone

2 2 2 WS-1

Defects: no more than three small light dots in the central zone; no more than two defects in the form of slight dark dots or stripes in the middle and peripheral zones

3 3 WS-2

Defects: no more than two small dark dots in the central part; no more than four small bright dots, no more than two stripes or one strip and three small bright dots in any zone; slight crack in the peripheral zone


Defects: one small light cloud or one small crack in the central zone or no more than six defects in the form of small light stripes; no more than three minor cracks in the middle and peripheral zones

3 4 5 VS-1

Defects in any zones: no more than eight small scattered light defects in the form of dots, stripes, small cracks, bubbles, microseams and growth lines, or up to five small dark dots, or one slight graphite inclusion

5 6 SI-1

Defects in any areas: no more than eight small scattered defects (including those poorly visible to the naked eye) in the form of dots, stripes, small cracks, dust clouds or one small graphite inclusion


Numerous defects in any zones: no more than two small graphite inclusions, or no more than two small cracks, or no more than one small cloud in combination with a graphite inclusion, or one small crack in combination with a graphite inclusion, or several small cracks in combination with graphite inclusion

7a SI-2

Numerous defects in any areas: except for graphite inclusions, including in the form of cracks visible to the naked eye

4 6 8 I-1

Numerous defects in any areas: in the form of graphite inclusions or graphite inclusions in combination with cracks visible to the naked eye

9 I-2

Defects in any areas: various types, visible to the naked eye, transparent for viewing at least 60% of the pavilion facets of the diamond

7 10

Defects in any areas: various types, visible to the naked eye, transparent for viewing less than 60% of the facets of the pavilion of the diamond

5 8 11 I-3

Black diamonds

In recent years, black diamond jewelry has come into fashion. Some mistakenly believe that these minerals are low grade.

The cost of black diamonds is indeed much lower, but they are more rare. Because of this, jewelry with them is often considered exclusive. When selecting black diamonds, the saturation of the color of the stone, the uniformity of color, the absence of chips and cracks are taken into account.

Choose jewelry with diamonds wisely and please yourself and your loved ones with precious gifts.

Source: VIBIRAEM.COM How to choose a diamond. Carat, color, clarity, diamond cut

When choosing a diamond, jewelers recommend the rule of four "C", from the English carat (carat, i.e. weight), color (color), clarity (clarity) and cut (cut).
The main indicator, of course, is weight. The more, the more expensive.
A good diamond should be colorless. If a perfectly colored stone is placed in water, it becomes invisible. This is where the concept of “pure water” diamond came from.
The highest class in color is the first. Russian diamonds of medium size usually reach the first or second class.
The purity of the stone is determined by the absence of internal defects - cracks, inclusions. According to the accepted classification, the first class is also the most expensive. In stones with low clarity, defects can be seen through an ordinary magnifying glass. And according to this indicator, average diamonds correspond to grades 3-4.
Cut is a decorative element, but often the buyer's choice. Here, beyond competition - the classic "round" shape. The number of edges must be specified. It is an impossible task for the buyer to independently distinguish a fake diamond from a real one. If the stone is of normal size, the reputation of the store serves as a guarantee of its authenticity. You can order an independent gemological examination.
Question price. If the price tag indicates - 1Kr57-0.24 1/5A - this means: one round stone, 57 facets, weighing 0.24 carats. Its color corresponds to the 1st class, and its purity - to the 5A class. Such a ring costs about 20 thousand rubles.

The leader in Russian sales is a national diamond of 0.1 carats, its price, with average quality characteristics, is around 7 thousand rubles. A diamond of 0.5 carats will pull 140 thousand, and for 1 carat you will have to fork out 500-600 thousand rubles
Russian diamond grading system.

The Russian system for grading diamonds is based on technical specifications (TU 117-4.2099-2002) that have been in force since April 2002.

Cut evaluation. The round cut with 57 facets (Kr-57) is accepted as the standard, there is also a round 17-sided cut (Kr-17), which is used for small stones. TU establishes the ranges of geometric parameters of the cut, according to which round diamonds Kr-57 can be divided into groups (in descending order of geometric parameters, symmetry, polishing quality) "A", "B", "C", "G", and Kr- 17 - into two groups - "A" and "B". Diamonds of famous fancy cuts are divided into two groups - "A" and "B". Fancy-cut diamonds with an unconventional number and arrangement of facets belong to the B-cut group.

The weight of a diamond is measured in carats to the second decimal place. To calculate the mass of a stone fixed in a piece of jewelry, special calculation formulas are used.

There are three weight groups of diamonds: small (weighing up to 0.29 carats), medium (from 0.30 to 0.99 carats) and large - 1 carat and above.

Color rating. Diamonds are classified into color groups from colorless with a gradual increase in saturation of yellow, brown, gray shades. The number of color groups depends on the weight. Small diamonds Kr-17 are classified into 4 color groups (1 - colorless stones). Small diamonds Kr-57 are classified into 7 color groups (1 - colorless stones). Medium and large diamonds are classified into 9 main color groups (1 - colorless stones) (see table), while several subgroups are distinguished in 6, 8 and 9: 6 and 6-1, from 8-1 to 8-5, from 9-1 to 9-4 (for example, 8-2 is a faintly colored yellow, or 8-5 is a yellow). Fancy colored diamonds belong to the first color group. I would like to note that diamonds weighing 1 carat and above with the characteristics of 1/1 are practically not available for sale. Stones with such characteristics are several times more expensive than diamonds with 4/4 characteristics and may not be affordable even for very wealthy people. At the same time, outwardly, 1/1 and 4/4 diamonds do not differ at all from each other.

Cleanliness rating. Diamonds are classified into clarity groups depending on the presence of internal characteristics (inclusions, cracks, surface defects, the elimination of which will lead to significant weight loss), their quantity, location and color (characteristics visible in a 10x magnifying glass are taken into account). The number of purity groups depends on the weight. So, small diamonds Kr-17 are classified into 6 clarity groups, and small diamonds Kr-57 - into 9 groups. For medium and large stones, there are 12 clarity groups (see table). It follows from the table that a diamond with a clarity of 5 on diamonds weighing up to 0.29 carats corresponds to a clarity of 7 for medium and large stones. Those. defects and coloring that are hardly visible to the naked eye are detected only with characteristics of 7/7 (for medium and large stones). A trained eye, without the help of devices, notices defects and chromaticity with characteristics of 6/6. Therefore, when buying large stones, it would be more correct to pay attention to the color and size that catch your eye.

The final grade of a diamond is recorded as follows: for example, Kr-57 0.35 3/4A. This means: a round cut diamond with 57 facets, weighing 0.35 carats, has a 3rd color group, 4th clarity group, cut group - A.

GIA system for grading diamonds.

Cut - the cut of the stone.

The quality of the cut of a diamond is perhaps the most important component of the four influencing the value of a diamond, as a properly cut stone looks very beautiful, it has a bright brilliance and "play". When the diamond is cut correctly, light passes through the crown platform, plays between the pavilion facets, and returns back through the platform, being completely or almost completely reflected from the inner facets. If the cut is unsuccessful, then the light passing through the platform reaches the pavilion facets faster and “leaks” through one of them, or leaves through the opposite lower facet of the diamond without having time to be reflected. The less light that is refracted inside the stone and comes back out, the less sparkle your diamond will have.

Most gemstone experts agree that the best cut diamonds are based on a formula that gives the stone maximum brilliance. These formulas can be understood by examining the proportions of diamonds, but what is more important is how the depth relates to the diameter of the diamond and how the diameter of the platform relates to the diameter of the diamond.

Experts in the field of diamond cut grading have developed a table to help jewelers with which they can give the ideal proportions to a diamond. According to this table, the cut of diamonds (according to GIA) can be divided into the following categories: Ideal (Ideal), Excellent (Premium), Very Good (Very Good), Good (Good) and Benign (Poor).

The ideal cut aims to give the diamond maximum brilliance, and these diamonds usually have a smaller area, which has the added benefit of being able to scatter light more. This cut category only applies to round diamonds. Premium cut round diamonds are equivalent to the Perfect cut with a wider table and slightly modified crown and pavilion angles. Very Fine cut diamonds reflect most of the light that passes through them, creating a reasonable level of brilliance. Diamonds with this cut are obtained as a result of the fact that the cutters deviate slightly from the prescribed proportions of the diamond in order to obtain a diamond that is large enough in weight. As a result, such diamonds have deviations in the size of the platform or the width of the girdle, although in other respects they coincide with the parameters of diamonds of the “Ideal” or “Premium” category. A cut in the “Good” category means that the stone reflects a lot of the light that passes through it. The proportions are less than ideal, as the choice is made in favor of a larger diamond when cutting, rather than cutting off everything superfluous to get a small stone of the “Premium” category.

Clarity - the purity of the stone.

When it comes to the clarity of a diamond, we are referring to the presence of distinctive characteristics on the outside and inside of the stone. While most of these characteristics are inherent in a rough diamond from the earliest stages of crystal formation underground, some of them are the result of the intense pressure that the diamond is subjected to during the cutting process. If you imagine the incredible pressure with which a diamond is born, it is not at all surprising that many diamonds have inclusion cracks, defects, air bubbles and particles of alien mineral rocks, both on the surface and inside the stone. Clarity is assessed at 10x magnification, taking into account the size, number, location and color of internal characteristics, as well as in some cases surface defects that cannot be removed by repolishing without significant weight loss of the stone. Other things being equal, diamonds without intrinsic characteristics are considered more valuable. The GIA grading system distinguishes 11 clarity groups: from “Internally Flawless” - a diamond that has absolutely no defects and inclusions even at 10x magnification, and ending with “Imperfect” - a diamond that has serious defects and inclusions that are visible even to the naked eye. with a look.

F and IF (Flawless and Internally Flawless) - Clean and Internally Clean. These diamonds have no internal inclusions or cannot be detected at 10x magnification. Very rare.

VVS1 and VVS2 (Very Very Small Inclusions) - Barely noticeable inclusions. Very difficult to detect at 10x magnification.

VS1 and VS2 (Very Small Inclusions) - Barely noticeable inclusions. The smallest inclusions are invisible to the naked eye and are difficult to detect at 10x magnification.

SI1 and SI2 (Small Inclusions) - Small inclusions. The smallest inclusions that can be detected at 10x magnification and in some cases (SI2) inclusions are visible to the naked eye.

I1 and I2 and I3 (Imperfect) - Noticeable Inclusions. Inclusions are visible both at 10x magnification and with the naked eye.

Color - the color of the stone.

When talking about the color of a diamond, jewelers usually mean the presence or absence of color in a “white” diamond. The color directly depends on the chemical composition of the diamond and does not change over time.

Due to the fact that a diamond is devoid of color, like transparent glass, it transmits more light through itself than a colored stone, colorless diamonds sparkle more and play with light reflections. Due to the peculiarities of the process of diamond formation, only a few specimens are truly colorless stones. The more colorless the "white" diamond, the higher its value. These rules do not apply to fancy color colored diamonds. Such diamonds have a bright fantasy color - blue, pink, red, yellow, green. They are very rare and their value is several times or even orders of magnitude higher than the cost of “white” diamonds.

When evaluating the colorlessness of diamonds, many jewelers use the GIA Professional Color Chart, which is divided into groups starting with completely colorless diamonds and progressing as the saturation of the yellow hue increases to the last group for yellow colored diamonds. Each group is designated by a letter of the Latin alphabet from D - colorless diamonds to Z - yellow diamonds. The same scale evaluates the color of stones with a brown tint, while taking into account the saturation of the brown color. Assessing the color of a diamond comes down to determining the color group. The color of yellow and brown stones with a color characteristic below Z is considered fantasy. Fancy-colored diamonds have their own color groups; when describing such stones, they use the word fancy (fancy), then describe the color and its intensity. A set of standards is used to evaluate the color of diamonds.

Carat weight - weight of the stone in carats.

Carat is a unit of measure used to determine the weight of diamonds. One carat is equivalent to 0.2 grams (200 milligrams). The word "carat" comes from the name of the seed of ceratonia, with which people in ancient times checked the scales. Carob seeds are so small and indistinguishable from each other that even the most modern technology is not able to measure the difference in weight of two seeds in excess of 0.003.

The process of diamond formation takes place only under special conditions, and usually the natural components necessary for the formation of a crystal can only be found in the mountains. Which means that large diamonds are found much less frequently than small ones. For this reason, the price of a diamond rises in direct proportion to its size.