Creative development of children in productive activities. Development of artistic and creative abilities in productive activities. Directions of productive activity

The productive activity of preschoolers is a type of leisure for a child, the purpose of which is to obtain a certain set of qualities, the right direction on the way to preparing for school.
The formation of a child as a person is the responsible work of educators and psychologists working with children. The main task in this area is the use of various forms, methods and styles, including productive activities.

Considerable resources are contained in the activities of a pictorial nature. The child's drawing is the product of a child's serious work, which shows a flight of fancy. Here children reveal unique abilities and become independent.

Studies have shown that the impact of productive activities has a positive effect on the development of the child, helps the socialization of children.

Entertainment types

Productive activities of a preschooler include visual and constructive methods:

  • various ways of drawing up structures;
  • production of products from clay or plasticine;
  • mosaic, applique;
  • crafts;
  • layout making.

The types of visual activities of preschoolers also include modeling and drawing. For children, this is not just entertainment. All these ways of spending leisure time are important stages in the development of babies. Harmoniously form the cognitive abilities and individual characteristics of the child, have a beneficial effect on mental development, are widely used in preschool educational institutions.

Drawing and modeling contribute to the development of fine motor skills. The child's fingers become dexterous, flexible, the baby begins to distinguish between objects and their physical properties. Helps to learn to distinguish between shades and colors the development of visual activity in preschool age. Helps to understand the number and size, develops memory, perseverance, attention. These skills will come in handy in adulthood, but for now, not yet able to speak, the child splashes out emotions on a piece of paper: here he shows individuality and independence.

Productive activity is different in that it does not depend on specific materials, but is a creative work, the result of which is a specific result. By creating something with his own hands, the child shows it to others, feels like a doer, feels pride in his work.

Tasks of productive activity

Tasks and goals of conducting classes on productive activities:

  • evoke emotions in the child for objects;
  • familiarize yourself with the environment;
  • develop skills in the use of visual arts.

Children begin to form and develop imagination, desire and interest in productive activities. In creative work, the child becomes a creative person.

Thanks to the development of visual activities, the level of preparation for studying at school is visible. Artistic work requires special guidance. Parents or educators are required to guide the child, give hints, for example, using colorful illustrations, reading manuals and brochures. After all, children need the help of their elders.


Productive activities in preschool age are classified:

  • familiarization with visual materials;
  • development of sensory abilities;
  • improvement of motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • familiarity with the environment;
  • musical entertainment.

Ways to identify preschoolers' abilities for productive activities:

  • Speech exercise - aimed at the development of speech, sound pronunciation, correct orientation in space. Helps to consolidate the child's vocabulary.
  • Motor game - the conditions in which the motor activity of the baby is formed, coordination of movements and the development of general motor skills.
  • Finger game - training fingers, palms. To this training add the learning of the text.
  • Manipulative game - small toys, cereals are used here. This type of activity is necessary for the development of visual-motor coordination.
  • Musical game - performing exercises, accompanied by music, song lyrics.

In such ways, the main tasks of the formation and development of the visual activity of preschoolers are solved. Methods reveal the individuality of the child. Positive emotions that he experiences in the process of creative inspiration become the driving force that has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. This strength helps the preschooler to cope with difficulties. Exercise distracts children from sad thoughts, removes tension, fights fear and anxiety.

Fine, constructive, plastic materials raise the question for children: “what can be done from this?”. Thus, the generation of the idea and its implementation are stimulated.

Features of the visual activity of preschoolers are in the preparation and conduct. It is important to avoid monotony and formalism here. It is important that children engage in creativity under the strict guidance of adults. The organization should be voluntary and built in partnership with adults. Parents or educators should think about how to get and keep their children's attention.

Challenges for parents and educators:

  • the formation in children of the rudiments of ideas about culture, art, artistic taste;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • teaching activities through which children are introduced to artistic culture;
  • the formation of self-confidence, the formation of individuality in children;
  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • the formation of respect for the opinions of others;
  • training in the rational use of materials;
  • development of interest in their country, family.
  • formation of aesthetic perception of the world.

When organizing, it is important to consider that activities are carried out on certain days and times. For a child, such a routine of life becomes familiar, a habit and attitude are developed for the upcoming work. Also, do not forget that classes are not held as an addition to traditional ones, but instead of them. This activity can be called work in the workshop. A workshop is a work in a group, it is an organized space in which beautiful, interesting and necessary things for children are created. Places for children should not be rigidly assigned to them. Each time you can choose your own neighbors anew. Provide freedom of movement for children so that every little one can go for the tool or material they need at any time. The teacher must be dynamic and take a place with the preschooler who needs more attention, who is behind in work.


There are 2 important factors that you should pay attention to when organizing children's fine arts.

  1. Each form of the pedagogical process, which is associated with fine art, must contain meaning. That is, in the process of conversations, excursions, the child should be able to replenish, enrich knowledge in the field of fine arts and culture.
  2. The creative process will bring the best results when it is interesting. Activating the interest of children is what teachers and parents should strive for.

To complete a task, to learn something new, to consolidate the material covered - without interest, this is extremely difficult to do. Interest and the ability to surprise are the two fundamental forces of creative development. However, in everything you need to observe the measure: both in the game and in the content.

Regularity is another important factor in organizing the process of children's fine arts. If the teacher himself is interested in the process, then this will also affect the involvement of pupils. If the teacher is indifferent to the activities organized by him, the results will be much lower than the real abilities of the children.

Each achievement of a preschooler in visual arts is a small victory, so your indifference or neglect of the results slows down the creative progress of the baby as a whole. The child, as a developing personality, is dependent on the opinions of surrounding adults who have authority for him, which is why the assessment of parents and the teacher is so important to him.

The attitude of educators and parents to the fine arts determines the pedagogical conditions for the development of children's fine arts. If art is perceived as a means of self-expression of the child, then his work will acquire an individual character. If the means of art are perceived and used only for the sake of the means themselves, the works lose their individual style, and the creation itself and the process lose their essence.

The development of creative abilities through productive activities plays an important role in the intellectual development of a preschooler. They are interconnected and activate each other's work. The more a child can do with his own hands, the smarter he is. By creating something with his hands, a preschooler develops individual character traits.

No one is surprised that the main activity of children in the preschool period is play, however, there is another important activity - productive. In the conditions of preschool education, such an activity of the child under the guidance of a teacher, the result of which is the appearance of a product, is called productive.
Many studies have been conducted that have proven that it is thanks to productive activity that graphic skills are formed in older preschoolers, perseverance and perseverance are brought up. Productive activity creates favorable pedagogical conditions for the important process of socialization of children. During this age period, productive activity along with play is crucial for the development of the child's psyche.

What are productive activities?

A productive activity of a child is a method of his activity that aims to obtain a product with a specific set of qualities. Productive activities include the following activities:

  • assembly of structures in various ways;
  • modeling from special clay or plasticine;
  • making all kinds of crafts;
  • production of mosaics and applications;
  • more complex classes with different layouts.

All of the above activities are very important for the development of preschoolers. They are included in many kindergarten programs for preschool children. The purpose of such programs is the comprehensive education and development of this age category.

Why is productive activity important for a preschooler?

The process of development of a preschooler is multilateral, and one of the most important roles in it is played by productive activities. Together with games, they merge into a common set of work devoted to preschool education by the adult generation (educators and teachers). Such activity should lead to the appearance of a certain product.
Specialists from all over the world conducted numerous studies with various categories of children who have not yet gone to school, which showed how effective productive activity is for this age category:

  • It was found that such activities favorably affect the development of graphic skills, the development of determination and perseverance in the process of mastering various skills.
  • Employment in productive activities contributes to the development of a child's creative imagination, develops coordination of movements, muscles of the hands, mechanisms of thinking (synthesis, analysis, ability to compare).
  • Like any other cognitive activity, productive also plays a significant role in the mental development of children.
  • During classes, the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the necessary qualities of initiative, inquisitiveness, independence and curiosity.
  • On the whole, the comprehensive influence of productive activity on the upbringing of preschool children is noticeable.
  • There is also a close connection with sensory education. In order to form an idea about objects, it is necessary first to gain knowledge about their qualities and properties, size, shape, color, position in space.

In the process of productive activity, physical and mental activity is simultaneously manifested. To create a drawing, an appliqué, to mold a figurine, you need to master certain skills, make efforts, and perform creative actions. In the process, preschoolers learn practical skills that they will later need for a variety of jobs. They acquire skills that allow children to feel much more independent.
An integrated approach is successfully implemented in the classroom for productive activities. In addition, here children are freed from fears and overstrain.
Modeling of surrounding objects in the process of productive activity ends with the creation of such a product in which the idea of ​​a phenomenon, situation or object receives a completely material embodiment in a design, drawing or figure.

In the mental development of preschoolers, one of the most important indicators should be recognized as the degree of visual perception, which determines the success of mastering ...

Directions of productive activity

There are several areas of productive activity:

  • creation of objects suitable for research and cognitive activities, as well as for games;
  • filling the art gallery with hand-made items;
  • creating layouts;
  • creation and design of a "book" filled with children's stories, a diary of nature, annals of the group, fairy tales;
  • production of souvenirs and decorations for the holidays in the form of posters, invitation cards, greeting cards, Christmas decorations, garlands, etc.;
  • inventing a collective story, unusual in that all the words there begin with the same letter (such an activity perfectly develops oral skills in children, helps them master writing and reading);
  • creating theatrical materials for one's performance - making elements of costumes, scenery, etc. Productive activity here is successfully associated with a children's story game or reading fiction.

The work done gives the following results:

  • for older preschoolers, a system of productive activities is being created;
  • children develop creative abilities;
  • in a group, children improve their psychological well-being;
  • children are well prepared for school.

Usually productive children's activities are more closely connected with such areas as: artistic creativity, knowledge, socialization, communication, labor, security. When engaging in artistic creativity, there is a great opportunity to develop speech in children. At this age stage, there are still many problems in children's speech: it is monosyllabic, rather poor (due to an insufficiently rich vocabulary), is made up only of simple sentences, non-literary expressions and words are often used.
Also, the use of the method of productive activity has a huge impact on the moral education of children. In the process of performing various practical work, such a connection is formed and begins to operate in children. In addition, these classes contribute to the consolidation of knowledge gained from the outside world and the development of a number of useful qualities:

  • activity;
  • observation;
  • independence
  • purposefulness;
  • the ability to complete what has been started;
  • the ability to assimilate the information received;
  • patience.

With productive activity, the physical development of a preschooler is also affected. In the process of classes, children's vitality increases, mood and behavior improve, and the character becomes more active and cheerful. The child himself becomes much more mobile. During classes, it is necessary to develop in children the correct gait, posture and other physical characteristics of the body, which the little man will be very useful in life. In children, the muscles, the vestibular apparatus are strengthened, the movements become more coordinated.

Features of different types of productive activities

In the process of developing the child, the development of artistic and aesthetic qualities corresponds to the modulating type of productive activity. It is with the help of this method that it is easiest for a preschooler to display, at his own discretion, the reality that surrounds him. The characteristic obtained as a result of the conclusions made allows the preschooler to independently create the images he has chosen. Thanks to this approach, children perfectly develop imaginative thinking, they learn to realize their own imagination.

At preschool age, children undergo significant changes in the perception of space. As the space is mastered, the child at the same time ...


In an integrated approach to the educational process, an important task is to improve children's aesthetic attitude to the world around them. The importance of this task cannot be overestimated. After all, it is obvious that only harmoniously developed personalities can feel and see everything beautiful that is around.
An important role in the methodology of child development belongs to this technique in order to form aesthetic feelings in the younger generation. It would seem that what is difficult in drawing? But it is precisely this type of activity that gives educators new opportunities for developing their own views in children, developing their emotional and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. For preschoolers, it is as if a new world of beauty opens up, which actually exists and is always next to us. The child's behavior changes, positive beliefs are formed.


It is known that children are especially fond of drawing, because it gives maximum scope for the realization of their creative activity. Drawings can be on completely different topics. Children usually draw what interests them: individual objects, literary characters, scenes from the surrounding life, decorative patterns.
The productive method, expressed in the fine arts, allows the child to consolidate his attitude to the depicted. Drawing, the child once again very vividly experiences the same sensations that he had in the process of perceiving the depicted object. And the richness of the surrounding world provides a limitless palette of colors, objects of various shapes, unusual and rare phenomena.

Other productive activities

If we put aside the traditional and well-deserved techniques, then in addition to them, you can also add the following:

When a pattern is applied on thick glossy paper that does not allow water to pass through, or glass with gouache or other paints. A sheet of paper is applied on top and pressed tightly, as a result of which a mirror print is obtained on it.
Scratching (often referred to as the scratching technique or "scratching")
The drawing is scratched on cardboard or thick paper with a pen or other sharp instrument. At the same time, the paper is filled with ink (so that it does not blur and wet the paper better, you can add a couple of drops of liquid soap to it). So, thick paper needs to be “thickly” shaded with wax colored crayons. If you take a ready-made cardboard on which a colorful pattern is applied, then it will be enough to use a simple unpainted wax candle. After that, with a sponge or a wide brush, apply a layer of mascara to the surface.
You can also use gouache, but after drying it continues to get dirty. You can also use black acrylic paint. After the paint has dried, the drawing must be scratched with any sharp object (scraper, pen, toothpick), which children, however, cannot get hurt. On a black background, then a pattern is formed from thin colored or white strokes.
Application and modeling
Modeling is also part of the productive activity, but its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is a three-dimensional way of depicting. What children are most willing to sculpt - animals, people, vegetables and fruits, dishes, toys, cars. The subject matter here is so diverse also due to the fact that, like other types of fine art, modeling solves educational problems, satisfying the needs of kids in creativity and cognition. It also simplifies the transfer of spatial relationships between objects in modeling, because here, as in real life, objects can easily be placed one after the other, further or closer from the center of the composition. Therefore, when sculpting, there are no difficulties with perspective, which is still very difficult for children at this age.

When preschool children are engaged in applique, working with objects of simple and complex shapes, they have to cut and paste their elements and silhouettes. The creation of such images requires intense work of imagination and thought, since the silhouette usually does not contain those elements that are its main distinguishing features. In addition, applique lessons contribute to the progress of the baby's mathematical concepts. Indeed, at this moment, the preschooler learns the names of the simplest geometric shapes, learns their signs, he develops an idea of ​​​​the position of objects and their parts in space (right, left, center, in the corner), as well as the relativity of their sizes (smaller or larger) . In addition, while working on the production of applications, the child develops the muscles of the hands and coordination of movements. He learns to use scissors, carefully and correctly cutting out the forms and turning the sheet of paper in the right direction, then lays out these forms on the "background" sheet at a certain distance.
You can introduce the kids to the application classes with a technique called "mosaic from paper lumps." To do this, you can use a wide variety of paper:

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  • regular color;
  • paper napkins;
  • corrugated;
  • foil;
  • wrappers;
  • even old magazines or newspapers will do.

There is only one requirement for paper - to be soft enough.
In this kind of productive activity of children, separate parts must be connected in the right way in order to get a specific whole object. Constructive activity owes its appearance to a certain level of development of children's perception, thinking and play activity, and, in addition, depends on communication, cognitive activity and the development of motor skills. Design classes have a beneficial effect on the physical education of the child - manipulations with the elements of the designer develop the child's fine motor skills of the fingers, strengthen spatial orientation, coordination of movements, participate in aesthetic and moral education - this is how the child learns to see the beauty of his own creations. Thanks to this, he develops a taste, at the same time he learns architectural forms. If gifts are made for the holiday, then the child develops a caring attitude towards loved ones, a desire arises to please them. In the process of labor education, design develops in preschoolers independence, purposefulness, organization and initiative.
Constructive activity is of great importance for the mental development of the child. It helps children to study the external properties of material objects (size, shape, color), their physical characteristics (weight, density, stability). Children learn to compare objects and connect them with each other, thanks to which their knowledge of the world around them is enriched, creativity and speech develop. Construction is the most effective method of preparing preschoolers for the transition to school - it develops the qualities necessary for the learning process, and, since it is interesting and attractive to children, it does so unobtrusively. Thanks to classes with building materials, the child's imagination and creative initiative develop.
Design can be different:

  • from the constructor set;
  • from paper;
  • from building materials;
  • from natural and other ornamental materials.

For preschoolers, the easiest and most accessible type of design is working with play building materials.
Working with them, children learn the geometry of three-dimensional forms, get ideas about the concepts of balance, symmetry and proportions.
More complex types of construction available in kindergarten include working with cardboard, paper, spools and boxes. By constructing from paper, children refine their knowledge of flat geometric shapes, learn the concepts of "center", "angle", "side". They learn how to transform flat figures into three-dimensional ones by folding, bending, gluing and cutting paper. In design, the main point is the activity of researching objects through analysis and synthesis.

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Designing from natural material comes closest to artistic activity, cultivating creative imagination. When organizing learning through design, important conditions are:

  • organic connection with other activities (drawing, play-dramatization, writing funny (and not so) stories);
  • special excursions to the forest or park;
  • the creation by the teacher of a setting in children for independence in search, so as not to teach the child, but to cooperate more with him, support his initiative, prompt and help only if necessary.

Obviously, it is construction, in comparison with other types of productive activity, that prepares fertile ground for the development of technical abilities in children, and this is very important for a personality to receive comprehensive development.
While modeling, drawing, designing and appliqué, children's speech also develops at the same time: they remember the names of colors and shades, shapes and spatial designations, enriching their vocabulary. When the time comes to analyze the work at the end of the class, the children not only talk about their “masterpieces”, but also share their opinions on other people's work. Through modeling, appliqué or drawing, children express their impression of the world and express their attitude towards it. But visual activity will only acquire a creative character when the child's imagination, imaginative thinking and aesthetic perception are sufficiently developed, when he sufficiently masters the skills necessary to create images. The active participation of parents in the educational process should also be of great importance in the creative development of preschoolers.

In addition to the positive factors listed above, the proper development of preschoolers has many other indicators of progress. The productive activity itself can be considered as an important component of the comprehensive upbringing and education of preschoolers. Simple-looking classes on teaching modeling, drawing, designing and creating applications quite fully and harmoniously develop positive changes in children in:

  • physical strengthening of the body;
  • mental development;
  • aesthetic development;
  • spiritual and moral development of the personality.
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Larisa Pisanova
Consultation "development of artistic and creative abilities in the productive activities of preschool children"

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its solution should begin already in preschool age. The most effective means of achieving this is pictorial children's activities.

In the Federal state requirements for educational programs of preschool educational institutions, an educational area is highlighted « Artistic creativity» , the content of which is aimed at achieving the goals of forming interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, meeting the needs children in self-expression through development of productive activity(drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic work) .

In the process of drawing, modeling, application, the child experiences a variety of feelings: rejoices at a beautiful image that he created himself, upset if something does not work out. But the most The main thing: creating an image, the child acquires various knowledge; his ideas about the environment are clarified and deepened; in the process of work, he begins to comprehend the qualities of objects, memorize their characteristic features and details, master fine skills and abilities, learns to use them consciously.

Preschool is that period, When artistic creativity can become and most often is a stable hobby not only for the especially gifted, but for almost all children, i.e., carrying the child into the fabulous world of art, we imperceptibly for him develop he has imagination and capabilities.

What are creativity? Many psychologists gave their own definitions of creativity, but all definitions boiled down to what they are. human activity that creates something new and original.

One of the factors providing development of creative abilities of a preschool child, is artistic and creative activity, including - productive.

productive activity is"creative work aimed at obtaining a substantive - formalized result in accordance with the goal" In the process productive creative activity, appropriation of cultural values ​​in the child appear and develop creative imagination, thinking, artistic and intellectual abilities, communication skills, empathy, aesthetic taste.

The basis of children's creativity is the observation of life around them, finding what can be reflected in their activities. Development of ways"listening", "gazing" into the sounds and colors of the natural and objective world, mastery of expressive means help preschoolers express themselves in creativity, on the basis of this intense children's artistic abilities develop.

Necessary conditions artistic creativity is an introduction to the structure of the pictorial activities individual game moments, artistic and didactic games. I suggest such games How: "What does it look like?", "Magic blots", "Find your soul mate", "Draw", "Know Thyself" and etc. Creative tasks: "Watch attentively", "Living still life, portrait", "Portrait artist» , "Colors of Bouquets", "Watercolor Interview", "Color Scenes", "Who's the Whitest" and etc.

Also finger games, relaxation games, imitation games. I believe that teaching creativity is not possible without learning technical skills. I introduce children with three main forms of image creation - lines, composition color. Also in the classroom, children use a variety of materials and non-traditional drawing techniques. All this promotes the development of children's creative abilities.

Development creativity largely depends on the organization of the subject- developing environment in the group. To do this, our group has created all the conditions with a variety of traditional and non-traditional tools and materials for fine art. activities and artistic work: brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, plasticine, stamps for printing, cocktail tubes, cotton buds, paper of different quality, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, yarn, waste material, etc. The available material is located in such a way that children can freely, by interests to choose materials, manuals for this type activities, if desired, not only reproduce, continue then what they did in the classroom, in a joint activities, but also to show their creativity, as well as finish the started game, work, realize their ideas.

In which age need to start development of the child's creative abilities?

Fine art develops from 1,5 years. This is related to ability the child to hold a pencil, a brush, to be able to convey the images seen. Based on the program "Childhood" first encounters with fine arts begin in junior preschool age.

In the third year of life, ideas about the aesthetic features of the objects of the environment are formed. peace: basic and bright contrasting colors (red, green, yellow, blue, expressiveness and shape properties (roundness, squareness, stability, mobility, sizes (large / small long / short, surface (fluffy, smooth, rough).The child learns to emotionally respond to the works of folk art: clay toys (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonov); wooden nesting dolls, household items (smart dishes, decorated clothes); the child learns to correlate images of familiar objects, living objects with drawings, illustrations. Curiosity develops,interest, ability carefully examine the image and admire it. There is an ability to correlate images - to recognize in spots created with the help of motor and color rhythm in various lines images of falling leaves, snow, rain, traces of a bunny and a bear. Ability to use expressive means (motor and color rhythm, create images from spots and a linear contour, shaping movements. Formation of spatial figurative thinking, development of hand-eye coordination. Skills and abilities to use a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush and gouache paint. Also an idea of ​​how that one's life impressions can be displayed in drawing, modeling, appliqué and designing. In the fourth year of life, the child expresses interest in the manifestation of beauty in the environment. Masters the idea of ​​expressive and sensory features of objects, living objects and phenomena, recognize their image in art pictures, illustrations, sculpture, arts and crafts. Show interest in the works of Russian arts and crafts art: clay toys, wooden toys, straw toys. Feel the joy of their brightness, elegance. Be able to carefully examine picturesque paintings (still life - flowers, fruits, vegetables, animal painting. Feel the emotional expressiveness of form, line, size, surface texture, spatial construction (on the whole sheet in the center on the ground line).Understand the mood, vividly conveyed in works of art. Share your impressions about what you perceive with adults; convey your attitude in speech, facial expressions, movements, gesture. In various types of pictorial activities create images of objects that arouse interest, joy, surprise, using technical and some visual skills and abilities.

How develop creative abilities?

Creative capabilities have their own components. These are personality traits that allow you to look at this world from a new point of view, moving away from standard thinking. These are those capabilities that underlie creative thinking. Considering them, psychologists have identified or identified the main directions in development of children's creative abilities:

1) Development of the imagination. Imagination - ability consciousness to create images, representations, ideas and manipulate them. Develops while playing when the child presents the objects with which he plays.

2) Development of the qualities of thinking that shape creativity. At the everyday level, creativity manifests itself as ingenuity - ability to solve problems using objects and circumstances in an unusual way. Or the ability to see in one object another.

Can develop without using special equipment: “Look at the clouds. What do they look like?, "Find an unusual twig and think of what it might look like.", draw a circle and invite the child to draw something to make the object, or simply ask them to name what it might look like.

Conditions for successful development of creative abilities in younger preschoolers.

One of the most important factors in creative child development is to create conditions conducive the formation of their creative abilities. There are 6 main conditions for successful development of children's creative abilities.

1. The first step to success development of creative abilities is an early physical child development. Then early reading, counting, familiarity with various tools and materials.

2. The second is the creation of an environment that is ahead of child development. It is necessary to surround the child with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity. For a child to draw, he needs a place and conditions where he can do it freely.

3. The third condition follows from the very nature of the creative process, which requires maximum effort.

4. The fourth is to give the child a lot of freedom in choosing activities. Then the desire of the child, his interest will serve as a reliable guarantee that this will not lead to overwork and will benefit the child.

5. But giving the child freedom does not exclude the benevolent help of adults - this is the fifth condition. The main thing is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, and help into a hint that harms the cause. You can't do anything for a child if he can do it himself.

6. You need a comfortable environment and the availability of free time. Warm friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, to be patient even with strange ideas. It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnations from everyday life.

Purposeful productive artistic and creative activity contributes to the development of creative abilities of younger preschoolers. Use along with traditional non-traditional techniques artistic activity stimulate creative activity, thinking, imagination "immerse" the child in an atmosphere of creativity. The role of the teacher is, firstly, to form ability to look and see, Feel-Know-Create, equip children skills(what can be done, from what, with what materials and equipment) secondly, involve parents in an active joint activity.

Only in this way does the child have a desire to show creativity in independent productive activity.

Productive activities are an important means of comprehensive development of children. Learning to draw, design, and apply contributes to the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers.

An important way of the pedagogical process, which creates an emotionally favorable environment for each child and ensures his spiritual development, is to increase attention to aesthetic education and the formation of artistic and creative abilities in all children brought up in preschool institutions. One of the main conditions is to develop the creativity of children in various ways, including in productive activities.

Productive activity is closely connected with the knowledge of the surrounding life. At the beginning, this is a direct acquaintance with the properties of materials (paper, pencils, paints, clay, etc.), knowledge of the connection between actions and the result obtained. In the future, the child continues to acquire knowledge about the surrounding objects, about materials and equipment, however, his interest in the material will be due to the desire to convey in a pictorial form his thoughts, impressions of the world around him. In the process of productive activity, children's visual representations of surrounding objects are refined and deepened.

Productive activity is also closely connected with the solution of the problems of moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children's works, which reinforce a certain attitude to the surrounding reality, and the education in children of observation, activity, independence, the ability to listen and complete the task, to bring the work begun to the end.

The surrounding life gives children impressions, which are then reflected in their drawings. In the process of the image, the attitude to the depicted is fixed, since the child experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon.

The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy, and they set the main goal for the education system - to educate the younger generation in a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independence of thinking, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in society. We must educate our children inquisitiveness, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy - that is, qualities that find vivid expression in the work of children.
In the process of creating a drawing, crafts, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he rejoices at the beautiful image created by him, upset if something does not work out. In working on his works, the child acquires various knowledge; clarifies and deepens his ideas about the environment. When creating a work, the child comprehends the qualities of objects, remembers their characteristic features and details, masters certain skills and abilities and learns to use them consciously. Discussion of creative work by children and the teacher helps the child to see the world not only from his own point of view, but also from the point of view of other people, to accept and understand the interests of another person.
“The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child." V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of the child's hand, the more subtle the interaction with the tool, the more complex the movement necessary for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of the hand with social labor enters into the spiritual life of the child.

Recent studies show that the number of children with deviations in speech development is growing from year to year. Everyone knows that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine finger movements.
In the course of work develops:
. Fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex;
. Sensory perception, eye;
. logical imagination;
. Volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the work to the end, etc.);
. Artistic ability and aesthetic taste.
. It contributes to the formation of good feelings for loved ones, and makes it possible to express these feelings, because origami allows you to make a gift with your own hands;
. Affects the formation of independence, self-confidence, self-esteem.

The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and psychology.

In creating crafts using non-traditional techniques, it gives children great pleasure when they succeed, and great disappointment if the image does not work out. At the same time, the desire to achieve a positive result is brought up in the child.

Vision is of great importance for drawing. In order to draw an object, it is not enough just to see it and recognize it. The image of an object requires a clear idea of ​​its color, shape, design, which the painter can get as a result of preliminary targeted observations. In this work, the role of the visual apparatus is especially important. In the process of productive activity, the visual memory of the child is actively formed. As you know, a developed memory is a necessary condition for the successful cognition of reality, since thanks to the processes of memory, memorization, recognition, reproduction of cognizable objects and phenomena, consolidation of past experience occur. Fine art is inconceivable without operating with the images of memory and ideas of the child obtained directly in the process of drawing. The ultimate goal for a preschooler is such knowledge of the subject that would make it possible to master the skill completely freely, to depict it according to the idea. During classes, the correct training fit is developed, since productive activity is almost always associated with a static position and a certain posture. Drawing classes greatly contribute to the preparation for further educational activities, in particular, for mastering writing, mathematics, and labor skills.

Learning to draw, applications, design contributes to the development of the child's creative imagination, his imagination, artistic taste. And most importantly, a variety of hand actions develop: coordination of both hands, coordination of hand and eye movements, visual control, which are so necessary for children in elementary school.

Visual activity serves as a means of expanding and consolidating ideas about reality, contributes to the education of feelings and the formation of concepts. The impressions received by children from the surrounding life are the main content of this activity. During classes, children acquire skills and abilities in working with various materials, they develop the ability to creatively use these skills in the process of depicting objects and phenomena of reality. In the process of drawing, modeling, designing, such important personality traits as activity, independence, initiative are formed, which are the main components of creative activity. The child learns to be active in observation, performance of work, to show independence and initiative in thinking through the content, selecting materials, using various means of artistic expression. The acquisition of technical skills only at the initial stage of training requires great concentration, active work of the child's thoughts. The creative activity of the artist begins with a living contemplation - perception, during which he deeply cognizes the world around him, examines the perceived objects, and the visual memory of the child is formed. Drawing, sculpting, appliqué, and design classes contribute to the development of the child’s hand, especially the muscles of the hand and fingers, which is so important for further learning to write at school, and a proper learning fit is developed. Work skills are acquired, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance is brought up.

Purpose: development of creative abilities of children. Tasks: Educational: - education of the ability to correctly convey one's impressions of the surrounding reality in the process of depicting specific objects and phenomena; - development of skills in the image of several objects, united by a common content; - development of the ability to make patterns, taking into account rhythm, symmetry, color; - mastering the techniques of working with various materials. Developing: - aesthetic development; - sensory education; - development of analyzers; - development of thinking, imagination. Educational: - to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance; - educate activity, independence, initiative.

Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. Design contributes to mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education.

To the project "International Women's Day" Drawing with wax crayons and watercolor Purpose: to learn to use a variety of drawing tools (wax crayon and watercolor); the ability to paint in one direction; show creativity. To the project "International Women's Day"