Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits. Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men. Crafts from vegetables: pumpkin faces

Hello! Well, did everyone make preparations for the winter? Salted and fermented and marinated? If yes, then you are great fellows! At least you got rid of some of the hassle. But the harvest does not end there and it still needs to be processed.

However, if your family has children of school and preschool age, then this problem can be easily solved. After all, autumn exhibitions are ahead regarding gifts from gardens and summer cottages. And this means that from vegetables and fruits it will be possible to make real masterpiece and win a prize.

Therefore, we solved the problem with the fuss in the kitchen, but creative work now you have to do it. But this is not a problem, because the Internet is full of cool ideas, just choose and master. Well, as always, I will try to make this process easier for you and put everything together.

Let me remind you that questions about the manufacture of and have already been considered. Therefore, today we create from vegetables and fruits. I must say right away that the choice is very large. So take your time and read everything to the end, I'm sure you will definitely like something.

Crafts from fruits and vegetables for the exhibition, made by hand (pictures inside)

As always, first let's see what can be made from these gifts of nature. Of course, everything depends on your imagination. To be honest, I have a hard time with her). Therefore, I always spy on the options of those people who put their creations on display. And then I just supplement the work with something of my own.

For example, you can make such a bizarre rhino. You will need a small watermelon, patisson, zucchini, peppers, apples, a couple of berries and cucumbers. You can connect the parts with toothpicks, sticks or wire.

For a girl, you can offer to make an elegant swan from a twisted zucchini. But glue beautiful wings or sew them from cotton pads.

See what a bright parrot you can create. The technology is still the same: find suitable fruits and vegetables, and connect them together. To make this work, you only need an orange, carrot, pepper and zucchini.

I really liked the idea with bell pepper frogs. Beauty, and more!

But what can happen if you use a thread. Of course, the work requires certain skills and abilities, but with older children you can try to create this.

Here is a very simple option. Find small fruits, make faces out of plasticine and put them on a zucchini wheelbarrow. Everything, the craft is ready.

For any composition, you can make such a small mouse out of lemon. I think the photo shows how it should be done.

An excellent composition is obtained from pumpkin and natural materials. Get armed.

For variety and in order to stand out, you can work hard and do work on the theme of the inhabitants seabed. Cool idea!

You can also make different animals. Look, aren't these cute pets adorable?!

As you can see, there are not a dime a dozen works for creativity. So let's move on.

The most beautiful crafts on the theme of autumn from fruits and vegetables

Everyone's favorite carriage! How graceful it looks due to the carving. By the way, a mouse and a horse can be from soft toys replace with vegetables or fruits.

Spiny hedgehogs are simple and beautiful. The pear is very suitable for the muzzle, and the thorns from grapes and toothpicks perfectly complement the whole composition as a whole.

And here is a snail and a caterpillar. Such cuties!

Banana dachshund who came up with it is a great fellow. The main thing is that such work is very easy to do. And the kids will definitely be happy with the result. Also see how you can build an elephant out of cabbage and beets. Or make Gena the crocodile from cucumbers.

Well, this mischievous monkey will not leave anyone indifferent. Be sure to save it!

Ideas for works from fruits on the theme "Miracles from an ordinary garden"

Cute nibbler from pineapple and melon. We make ears from eggplant, pepper handles, and a bouquet of carrots as an addition.

Quite simple products from vegetables and fruits. We make heroes from the cartoon "Chippolino".

And here the forest dwellers came to visit. natural material, plasticine and paper to help you.

What kind of mushroom turned out from zucchini or squash. Pay attention to the rear view, a lot of flower and fruit compositions are made.

Here's a watermelon hedgehog stroller. The wheels are made of oranges and rosebuds as decoration.

A great idea to make various carved vases, candy bowls from the gifts of nature. Looks very bright.

Here are some simple potato pigs. By the way, this is a symbol of the New Year 2019. So take note, otherwise you also need to make crafts by the New Year.

Here are more examples fairy tale characters: Cheburashka, chicken, owl and matryoshka.

And a funny travel frog!

Autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits using improvised materials and paper

I want to offer you to make a very cool spider. See how bright it looks, while everything is done as always very simply.


You will need: 1 small pumpkin round shape; 1 pumpkin pear-shaped; 6 carrots; "hats" from acorns; toothpicks; knife; felt-tip pen; autumn leaves; glue; cardboard.

Work process:

1. Take a carrot and cut it diagonally. Fasten the two parts obtained with toothpicks so that a bent foot is obtained. Make these paws in the amount of 6 pieces.

2. Take a sharp knife and make a hole in a round pumpkin.

3. Connect the resulting carrot legs to the body with toothpicks.

4. Make a head out of a pear-shaped pumpkin. Just attach the eyes from the "hats" of acorns to it and insert the fruit into the hole.

5. Draw a mouth with a felt-tip pen. From autumn leaves and cardboard glue the clearing, and seat the finished spider.

Also see what else you can build:

  • "Boatman";

  • "On the meadow"

  • "Pumpkin Clock"

  • "Fairytale frogs";

  • "Hen and chicks";

  • "Smile caterpillar";

  • "Beasts".

What crafts can be done in kindergarten for the autumn holiday

Now I will share a small selection for our kids. After all, they are the most important creators.

Turtle from patisson, tomato, carrot and potato. It is very easy to put it together.

And what kind of playful horse can be obtained from ordinary raw carrots? Just a sight.

Here's the whole vegetable train. Class!

And here is a penguin, and palm trees, and mushrooms. A whole fantasy composition.

Plane, plane, take me flying. Idea for a boy.

Here are some more funny and funny animals. Choose what you like.

Well, the following products are a bit complicated for preschoolers, but with the help of adults, the guys will definitely succeed in doing everything.

Here is a cool basket with vegetable flowers. You will also need the help of parents or teachers.

And an awesome vegetable bouquet. It can also be processed into a salad. 😉

Well, a real firebird. How do you like this work?!

Simple crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition at school with your own hands

Let's see what our students can do. Yes, absolutely everything. You can choose from the options described above or choose from the works below.

I don't give a detailed description. To be honest, it seems to me that there is no need for words, and everything is clear and understandable.

  • "Hedgehog";

  • "Machine for a cat";

  • "Smeshariki";

  • "Bear";

  • "Two comrades on the way";

  • "Mikhailo Potapych with berries";

  • "Crazy-Yudik";

  • "Tractor driver";

  • "Vupsen and Pupsen";

  • "Autumn Crafts"

Step-by-step master class for making caterpillars from fruits and vegetables

And now I want to tell you in detail and show how you can make a beautiful caterpillar.


You will need: green-red apples 6 pcs.; sprig of viburnum (rowan) on beads; wooden toothpicks; cocktail umbrella; carrots; eyes for dolls (or black peppercorns, or 2 pieces of cloves); grapes, flowers for decoration.

Work process:

1. First you need to assemble the body. To do this, string apples on toothpicks in the center. Make legs from circles of carrots and halves of toothpicks. Collect the beads on a string.

2. Now alternately stick the legs into the body, two for each apple.

3. Next, secure the head. Make antennae from grapes. Then attach the nose and eye. Tie beads. Open and stick an umbrella on the side. Make a stand from improvised means and install a finished caterpillar on it.

Well, how did you like this fashionista?

Video on how you can beautifully make crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition in kindergarten and school

And in the end, I suggest you watch the video, which contains numerous works from fruits and vegetables for the autumn competitions.

That's all. I wish you creative inspiration and good mood! I hope I managed to find the most beautiful, bright and original works from the gifts of nature. And you have already chosen your craft that you will do. Put classes and write comments. See you soon!

I think that each of our esteemed readers has seen the exciting works of art created by the masters of culinary karting. Karting is a kind of handicraft, represented by carvings on various plants, and it is so skillfully done that even the hands begin to itch to create something like that! Making crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands is a simple matter, and besides, such creativity will captivate your children.

Autumn has come, the time has come for yellowed foliage and gloomy dank weather, but she also gave us a vegetable abundance, from which you can make beautiful crafts with your own hands and surprise your friends with them.

cute potato pig

Such a miracle craft is perfect for the autumn exhibition. A minimum of time, labor and costs, but what a result! To make a pig we need:

  • 1 PC. preferably flat on all sides and oval potatoes;
  • Pink, black and white plasticine;
  • Sculpting stack.
  1. Initially, thoroughly wash the potatoes and dry;
  2. Now you can start creating a piglet, starting with the tail. We roll a small pink plasticine sausage, twist a little at one end;
  3. We turn to the heel, make a cake, of medium thickness;
  4. Still out Pink colour make triangular ears;
  5. From cakes of different diameters, from white and black plasticine we make eyes;
  6. We glue the resulting components in turn onto the potatoes, in no more than half an hour we got a wonderful piglet.

pumpkin helicopter

Such a helicopter is more labor-intensive to manufacture, but this will make its process no less exciting for the child. In addition, such a hand-made craft will become a real decoration of the exhibition for the school.

To make a helicopter, we need:

  • Smooth and thick cardboard from the box, 25 * 20 cm in size;
  • An ordinary sheet of cardboard in black, 25 * 20 cm in size;
  • White and brown paper;
  • 4 popsicle sticks and 3 toothpicks;
  • Felt pens, scissors, glue, awl, decorative carnation;
  • 1 PC. elongated decorative pumpkin;
  • 4 things. ash fruits or poplar "turntables".

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Let's start building the helipad. First, we glue thick cardboard with black cardboard;
  2. Cut out white stripes and a circle for marking;
  3. We take two sticks and glue them on the helipad - these will be the landing gear;
  4. Let's make the helicopter itself. We fold the remaining popsicle sticks crosswise and fasten them together with a carnation - the propeller is ready;
  5. We make a tail screw. For it, we cut out small circles, smear it with plenty of glue, lay out the “turntables” in a semicircle. We put a toothpick in the center so that we get a mount. Lubricate with glue again and press with a second circle;
  6. We pierce an impromptu helipad with an awl between the chassis and put a pumpkin on toothpicks;
  7. We attach a screw tail and a propeller;
  8. We draw windows and doors. The craft is ready!

Fantasy, expressed in children's crafts, knows no bounds. This do-it-yourself tractor made from scrap vegetables and materials is a pretty spectacular example for a school exhibition. Here's what we need to make it:

  • Preferably the same size 2 zucchini;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini, and 1 very small;
  • Toothpicks.
  1. We leave one of two identical zucchini intact - this will be the tractor body;
  2. Cut the second zucchini into two parts. The one on which there used to be a flower is made smaller. A cabin will turn out of it, we cut out a small deflection in order to install it on the squash body;
  3. Guided by imagination, we carry out the cabin to the end;
  4. We cut out the seats, leave the roof;
  5. From the rest we cut off large wheels;
  6. From the middle zucchini we make the front wheels and the steering wheel;
  7. A small zucchini will be a pipe, cut off a couple of circles for headlights from the end;
  8. When all the elements are ready, we begin to mount them on toothpicks, which are best inserted at an angle. So our edible design will be more reliable;
  9. We fix the cabin, wheels, pipe and headlights in place.

Carving is easy

Carving is a real art of do-it-yourself crafts, but not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To master it, firstly, you need a special set for carving plants, secondly, a lot of vegetables and, thirdly, perseverance and a good mood.

Pepper aster

Let's look at a simple master class for making DIY sweet pepper aster crafts. Such a miracle can be made not only for a school exhibition, but also to decorate a festive table with it.

  • We take a beautiful pepper, preferably rounded and even on all sides;
  • We make thin cuts with a sharp knife along the entire length to the stem;
  • Divide the pepper pulp in half and place in cold water 10 minutes for the "petals" to open;
  • We take out the pepper, carefully unfold the petals and put it on a plate. From the cucumber, you can cut the leaves and add a flower.

  1. For a petal, you need a very sharp knife and dense cucumbers;
  2. We cut off the green skin on one side of the size we want to get a leaf;
  3. We make a shallow incision in the middle, remove the excess. Having retreated from it a couple of millimeters, we make another incision. So we got the central vein;
  4. In a similar way, we cut out the side small veins;
  5. Now it remains to finish the edges. Carefully cut out the edges in the form of tongues. Our elegant leaf is ready!

Fruits are not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful. From the most ordinary fruits, you can create unusual autumn crafts with your own hands, both for a children's exhibition and for decoration. banquet table. Let's start with a detailed master class, after studying which you can make a composition for an exhibition in kindergarten.

To bring such a citrus fantasy to life, you will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • Green onion feathers;
  • Two peas of black pepper;
  • Sharp knife and nail scissors.
  1. On the side, cut off a small oblong part;
  2. From this skin, cut off two ovals for the ears with a knife and finally form them with scissors;
  3. From the rest, cut a small curl - this will be the tail;
  4. In the "trunk" of the lemon, closer to the sharp end, you need to make cuts, of such a size that the lemon circles, that is, the ears, are well fixed in them;
  5. Fasten the tail with a toothpick;
  6. On the "muzzle" with a knife we ​​pick out two small holes. We insert black pepper into them;
  7. Insert onion tendrils;
  8. The lemon mouse is ready for an attack of affectionate glances!

Appetizing hedgehogs from vegetables and fruits

Make a spectacular craft for the school autumn exhibition from vegetables and fruits with their own hands is quite simple. For example, this hedgehog. Nothing complicated at first glance, but what a flavor! Such a handsome man will blow everyone away!

To make a fruit and vegetable hedgehog we need:

  • Zucchini with a tail;
  • For decoration, small apples, mushrooms, you can take homemade pears, bunches of berries;
  • Potatoes for paws - 2 pcs.;
  • For the eyes - olives, cherries or chokeberries;
  • Packaging of toothpicks;
  • Autumn leaves and spruce branches for entourage.
  1. Let's prepare the decorations first. We lay out beautifully leaves and twigs on a dish;
  2. In the middle of our "clearing" we plant a zucchini;
  3. We take a potato, cut it in half and form paws with a knife;
  4. We fix the eyes and nose on the toothpicks;
  5. Now you can make wool from toothpicks;
  6. When everything is ready, steal our cutie with berries and fruits;
  7. For liveliness of the picture, add fruits to the clearing.

Here is another option for making crafts for a wonderful edible forest animal. To make it you will need:

  • Elongated oblong pear;
  • 1 olive;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Grape;
  • 2 cloves;
  • Strawberries for decoration.
  1. With a thin layer, we clean part of the pear from the crown to the beginning of the widest part;
  2. We string the grapes in the middle of the toothpicks;
  3. We richly decorate the pear with our grape "needles";
  4. Make eyes out of carnations, and a spout out of olives;
  5. You can decorate the hedgehog with fresh strawberries.

Video lesson from a professional

Do you want to surprise your child with an unusual lunch? Or perhaps you are planning a small baby shower? If yes, then this crafts master class is for you. Thanks to him, you can easily learn how to make a cute pineapple parrot. Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 pineapple;
  • Carrot;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Sharp knife and scissors;
  • Carnation or polka dots black for the eyes.
  1. Cut off the top of the pineapple so that a couple of centimeters of pulp remain;
  2. With a sharp knife, we systematically and accurately form the round head of the bird;
  3. We grind the tops with a knife, the body is ready;
  4. From the remaining leaves we make wings and insert into the body;
  5. Cut out a crest from another leaf with scissors and insert it into a pre-made incision in the head;
  6. We cut off the tip from the carrot, grind it until a clear shape of the beak appears;
  7. Using a toothpick, we attach the beak to the parrot;
  8. We make eyes out of carnations;
  9. Our overseas bird is ready!

Tired of the banal flower bouquets For a present? Be original, make pineapple delicious and very beautiful bouquet. Here's what you need to make it:

  • An oasis for flowers;
  • Small basket;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Secateurs, scissors;
  • Three knives: large, medium and narrow blade;
  • Film;
  • Two large pineapples;
  • Seedless grapes;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Round candies.

In this article, you will learn about unusual crafts from vegetables and fruits. They are unusual, first of all, because we are used to using vegetables and fruits for their intended purpose, for food. In addition, crafts made from vegetables and fruits with their own hands, short-lived, quickly deteriorate. For the manufacture of such crafts requires the use of a sharp knife, so the child should work only under the guidance of an adult assistant.

We note in advance that in most crafts it is required to fasten together parts cut from vegetables or fruits. It is best to use ordinary toothpicks.

eggplant penguin

Simple craft from vegetables with their own hands - eggplant penguin. To make it, you only need one eggplant and beads with eye pins.

As an option, you can try to make another such penguin, only to make it you will need much more vegetables: 2 eggplants, 2 carrots and one sweet pepper.

From eggplant curved shape and a head of Beijing cabbage, you get a duck. The beak and breast of this vegetable craft are made from green sweet peppers.

Another original craft from an eggplant - a vase for flowers.

Many interesting crafts can be made from zucchini.

We list only a few of them.

Zucchini penguins. Not only eggplant can be made cute, cute penguins. Such under the tree from vegetables easy for kindergarten make also from small zucchini. Decorations for penguins are made of carrots.

Zucchini Zucchini Shark

Here is such a sea predator can be made from a harmless vegetable marrow. If there is no zucchini, then a large cucumber will replace it.

Slippers from zucchini. This craft girls should especially like it. Painfully, these shoes resemble Cinderella's shoes.

Can be used instead of zucchini cucumbers.

Piglet from zucchini. Ears and patch are made of cucumber, eyes are made of chokeberry berries.

ABOUT crafts from vegetables you can talk endlessly, because vegetables- this is a very fertile material for children creativity. See what original craft from vegetables with our own hands we made for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten. To make the same turtle, you will need: a large head of cabbage and a few thin zucchini. Zucchini should be cut into rounds. Cut the head of cabbage in half, then decorate it with zucchini rounds using toothpicks. The head and paws of the turtle are also made of zucchini.

And another craft from zucchini - Whale. The tail and fins of this vegetable craft are made from pea pods, the fountain is made from the so-called. curly parsley.

It will be interesting for boys to make cucumbers and carrots racing cars. The racer's helmet will be replaced by a radish.

In our article we want to tell you about the best and most interesting crafts from vegetables and fruits. You can take our crafts as a basis for creating your own masterpieces by combining several interesting ideas, as the author of crafts from vegetables and fruits in the photo below. racing car he made from cucumber, zucchini and carrots. The head of a mouse - from a radish. Basket - from the peel of an orange. Mushrooms - from carrots and radishes.

Speaking of crafts from cucumbers, we must definitely mention such a popular craft from this vegetable as a crocodile Gena from cucumber. How to make crocodile Gena out of cucumber You will understand by carefully examining the photo below.

For the company of the crocodile Gene, you can do more Cheburashka from potatoes.

If this children's vegetable craft seems too complicated for you, try making frog princess from cucumber.

Girls will be interested in cutting flowers from carrots.

From ordinary carrots you can still make cute giraffe. specks finished craft draw from vegetables with a felt-tip pen.

Decorate the flowers by making them a core of small pieces of beets or corn kernels. By the way, corn on the cob can also be made wonderful bouquet of flowers.

From carrots and cauliflower you get an appetizing ice cream in a glass.

But if the conversation turned to crafts from cauliflower then it's best to make her pretty sheep or poodle.

Very simple crafts can be made from ordinary radishes.

Radish mouse

Fly agaric mushrooms.

More difficult option crafts from this vegetable - radish flowers.

We told you and showed you a large number of crafts from vegetables photo. But our review of children's crafts from vegetables will be incomplete without mentioning such crafts as frog from green pepper.

Having trained to cut wahs from pepper, you can make crafts from vegetables for kindergarten as in the photo below.

If you set yourself the goal of winning the competition without fail children's crafts from vegetables, we recommend that you make this particular pumpkin craft. Of course, you have to work hard, the result is worth it.

We suggest you do under the tree from a pumpkin - a carriage for Cinderella. You can supplement it with toys and a doll - the Princess.

Apple craft - Baba Yaga's head

This wrinkled head of Baba Yaga is made of ordinary apples. To make a cute creature, take a hard apple, peel it. You can leave a small "island" of peel around the tail of the apple. After that, outline the features of the future face with a marker: eyes, mouth, nose. All items must be large enough not to disappear after apple wrinkle.

Now cut out the face with a knife.

In parallel, squeeze out one small cup lemon juice and put a teaspoon of salt in it. Mix thoroughly. Soak for 30 seconds apple in the resulting solution.

Take out an apple, wipe it, then put it in a warm, dry place for a week.

After this time, the apple will wrinkle and you will get a wonderful apple craft - Baba Yaga's head. You just have to plant it on a branch and put it in a vase.

Another way to make charming faces from apples - instead of soaking them in lemon juice with salt, you can bake blanks from apples in the oven for 3 hours at the lowest temperature. After that, they should also be placed for at least a few days in a dry, warm place.

If desired, you can decorate the heads, for example, insert teeth into them - rice grains.

apple swan

The most elegant apple craft - swan. Two mandatory conditions that must be taken into account when making a swan from an apple: 1. the apple must be of hard varieties; 2. The knife must be sharp.

Craft from apples and grapes for kids - typewriter.

Hedgehog from an apple

Required to work apple and ink pen nib. With the help of a pen, it will be necessary to "dress" the hedgehog with thorns. Pierce an apple with a pen, turn it - you get the first needle. We take out the needle and carefully insert the blunt end into the hole formed in the apple. In this way, you can make a lot of needles. Next, we will decorate the muzzle of the hedgehog (we will make a nose and eyes), and one more craft from an apple is ready.

Very simple craft from fruit - caterpillar from apples.

We will finish our article on crafts from vegetables and fruits crafts from bananas.

banana octopus. The eyes are made from black peppercorns.

Dolphin from a banana will decorate a dessert at a children's holiday.

Banana dachshund dog.

For the manufacture of this fruit crafts you will need 2 bananas. From one make the body of the animal. For the body, it is better to choose a small but thick banana. You will need to carefully cut with a knife paws doggy. From the second banana make a dog head. The head is made as follows: peel the second banana about half, cut off part of the pulp and peel to make ears future tax. Bend the ears to the sides, attach eyes- black peppercorns, then attach the head to the body. fruit craft - dog ready!

Crafts from vegetables and fruits at exhibitions - a traditional event in children's preschool institutions at the beginning of autumn. If you still don’t know how you can make a man out of a potato, and make a crocodile out of a cucumber, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the work of parents and children, which are presented in this section. Potatoes and zucchini, cucumbers and carrots, beets and radishes will all go to make a fun zoo, funny little men or a whole vegetable town.

vegetable fantasies

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All sections | Crafts from vegetables and fruits

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If your child still does not know anything about the inhabitants of the garden, then, apparently, it's time to introduce him to them. Research into the variety of sizes, colors and shapes of fruits and vegetables is best done in game form. And if earlier kids saw them only in the form of mashed potatoes and salads, now with the help of fantasy and our section, you can make a beautiful souvenir or a funny toy from any carrot or potato. And although such a work of art will not serve you for long, nevertheless, it's worth it.

Such classes are good because they can be carried out not only in kindergarten under the supervision of professional educators, but also at home under the supervision of mothers or other adults. Children simply adore such a pastime and are waiting, they can’t wait for the annual “harvest” of useful and tasty materials for their crafts.

But in addition to various vegetables, be sure to stock up in advance also with auxiliary material that will help fix parts of some vegetable character. It can be toothpicks, leaves, sticks, feathers and twigs.

Even if your baby does not immediately master the technique of such crafts, do not rush to throw everything away from your eyes. Be patient, help your baby, tell me what he is doing wrong. Do them with your child, as a live example is the best way to help your little one master this laborious process.