How to make a mini car out of paper. How to make a paper car with your own hands. Toilet paper racing car

All boys love to play with cars, but not everyone can make them themselves. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to make a paper machine with your own hands. This is exciting This activity will help develop your thinking and your baby’s perseverance. Materials for crafts are always at your fingertips.

Making a three-dimensional paper toy

To make a 3D car you will need:

Making a car with your own hands is very simple. For this no special skills required, you must adhere to the following instructions:

There are two options for cars for 3D crafts: multi-colored and those that need to be decorated.

Making a Fire Truck

The fire truck is loved by many children, but finding it on store shelves is not easy. To make it yourself, you will need the above materials, patience and accuracy.

The principle of operation is the same as with volumetric machines, so there is nothing new here. But there will still be a hint. Try to bend contours with a blunt object, it's easier. It is better to use cardboard for drawing. When everything is glued, you can proceed to the stairs. Top class if the stairs can be raised and extended.

Paper crafts from scrap materials

With age, every boy wants to improve his cars. It becomes too easy to apply patterns for it. So we can start to crafts from scrap materials. You will have to wait until the age of 3, since these materials can be dangerous for the baby.

All boys love racing, which means they will definitely love racing cars. The means at hand for making them can be found in every home: matchboxes, colored paper, cardboard, small wooden sticks.

First, roll up a cylinder or take the one left over from a toilet paper roll, cover it with something colored and cut a hole in the middle. It will be driver's cabin. We cut out four wheels from black cardboard and glue white circles in the form of disks in the middle of each. The child will be happy to color the resulting design as he likes.

The best way to make a truck is from a matchbox. To do this, take the outer part and cut it in half. Place one half horizontally, and place the second half vertically close to the first. The inner part must be pushed into the horizontal half . This is how we get the trunk. We cut out seven wheels, attach four to the trunk, and two to the body. We attach the fifth wheel to the rear of the trunk. This will be the spare tire. We finish drawing the little things: windshield wipers, shiny glass, door handles and bolts on the wheels.

Origami car

A more complex option is an origami machine made of paper. No other available materials are required. There is no need for gluing either, since the strength of the modules will be high. But assembling the car itself will have to work hard. Module can be done in different ways, but they are all attached the same way. To clearly see how the module is made, take a look at the figure.

Development diagrams, patterns, templates

Paper crafts are useful for children. And the more your baby makes something with his own hands, the further he develops. Of course, modern boys choose a simpler method - toy cars or ready-made racing cars, police and military vehicles.

Many people simply find paper models uninteresting because they “don’t know how” to drive. This raises the question - how to make a car out of paper that drives? It’s easy enough to use plastic bottle caps instead of cardboard wheels. And pairs of wheels can be connected to each other using wires or lollipop sticks.

Several designs or templates for toy paper machines.

Attention, TODAY only!

Origami, origami! Since the times of the USSR, Soviet children could skillfully make various crafts and toys from plain paper or newspaper. Sleight of hand and no deception. But today, in the era of computer technology, those same cars, airplanes, and especially boats have begun to be forgotten. I’ll remind you of them, because computers don’t exist in kindergarten yet!

How to make a rose and flowers out of paper.

In order to make a rose out of paper you need to take colored paper, red or any other rose color to make it more beautiful, but you can also use white paper and then color it as you like. We take a pencil and draw a circle, and taking special scissors with a ribbed blade, we cut out a spiral, going inward in a circle. The width of the spiral is about one centimeter.

After this, we take a toothpick and wind a spiral onto its inner end until we reach the outer edge. We secure the outer edge with glue. That's all, the beautiful rose is ready. In order to make a stem, you can also take colored paper.

How to make a car out of paper

This craft will be interesting for boys. At first glance it looks heavy, but following the drawings and instructions, everything will work out without any problems. Of course, it will take effort and patience, but I assure you, it will be worth it.

I present to your attention the sequence of actions in order to make a car out of paper:

1. Smooth out the main – basic shape (double triangle). To do this, bend and lower the upper corner to the base.
2. Next, open the resulting figure and flatten the corners.
3. We get this element, which can be seen in the photo, then we turn it over.
4. Then, bend and lift the bottom side to the fold line. By lifting the bottom side, we open and turn out the side corners.
5. We bend the resulting blind corner, as shown in the figure. On the second side we lower the top parts and bend them.
6. Next we bend the blind corner. And on the front corners of the front axle of the wheels it is necessary to bend the corners and make zippers for beauty. We bend the rear wheels on both sides of us and tuck them inward.
7. The next step is to bend the corners on the rear wheels, as well as in front where the headlights were.
8. Our last step will be the formation of the headlights.

How to make a boat out of paper.

As children, we all loved to play with these boats in the yard, launching them into the puddles left after the rain. But time has passed, and we have already forgotten how to make them. Let's remember.

For that, to make a paper boat, you will need one landscape sheet. We fold it in half. Next, fold it in half again and unfold it to its previous state. We do this to determine the center of the sheet. Our next action will be to fold the corners of the sheet. We do this exactly the same as in Figure 3. After this, we bend the lower parts up in front and behind. Next, we bend the formed corners in opposite directions and connect the right and left sides so that a square comes out. We bend the outer corners, and lift the back and front corners up so that a triangle emerges. Then we connect the right and left sides again into a square. There's one last step left. We take the upper corners with both hands and stretch them to the sides. This must be done carefully. That's all, our boat is ready.

How to make an airplane out of paper.

This craft is probably one of the easiest and not many that I can still do without mistakes, but for those who don’t know, I’ll tell you. And so, instructions about how to make a paper airplane!

Take a sheet of paper and lay it out on the table. Bend the left and right corners of the leaf towards the middle.
Next, we bend our future plane towards the middle of the sheet.
We fold the right and upper edges towards the middle of the sheet. We do everything exactly as in the pictures.
Next, we bend the corner that we have made onto the edge of the sheet.
Then we bend the paper blank in half.
Our plane is almost ready. It is only necessary to finish the wings; to do this, bend the upper corners downwards.

I would like to note that if you want the resulting airplane to fly far and evenly, you need to bend the sheet very evenly and carefully, especially when it comes to the wings of the airplane.

How to make a cracker out of paper.

A cracker is one of the kids' favorite crafts; they can play with it for hours. So now I'll tell you how to make a paper cracker.

First you need to take a sheet of paper that is thicker, for example A4 paper. We bend it in half and bend the corners on both sides towards the middle.
After this, you need to bend our workpiece in half and bend it back again. We do it as shown in the photo.
We bend the sheet in half again and immediately straighten it out. We do this in order to see the fold line.
Next, we bend the edges to the resulting fold line, so that we get oblique fold lines on the sides.
We bend our workpiece along the fold line so that we get a cracker.

Done, now you can run around during recess at school or on the street and compete to see who can clap the loudest. But indoors it turns out more spectacular :)!

There are a million different ways to beat boredom. One of them is, of course, origami.

In our article we will teach you how to fold paper cars in different ways, because this is a very exciting activity for adults and children who will happily learn from you and then enjoy playing with the models they have assembled with their own hands.

All you need for work is colored paper, scissors and glue. And a good mood, of course.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to make a sports car out of paper

    First of all we will create a sports car. To do this, take a rectangular sheet of paper, the sides of which have a ratio of 1 to 7. That is, if one side of the rectangle is 4 cm, then the other will be 28 cm.

    1. Fold the upper right corner and also the upper left corner. Then we unbend them. This way we will get the intended fold points.

    3. Then we bend the protruding triangles again towards the center.

    4. We bend the sides of the sheet and fold the bottom of the paper in the same way as shown in the figure, approximately the same way as we folded the upper part of the rectangle in step 1.

    5. Finally, fold the resulting figure in half and tuck the protruding triangles into the pockets. The sports supercar is ready! Children will be delighted, especially if they can make such a machine themselves. You can also color it and sign it.

    How to make the simplest paper car

    1. Take a square of paper and fold it in half from left to right. We unfold it and fold it in half again, but from the bottom up. This is how we mark the places for folding and the center of the square.

    2. Fold the bottom quarter of the paper up and bend the corners as shown in the figure.

    3. Fold the top half of the paper down, covering the folded triangles.

    4. Bend back the sheet as shown in the picture. The distance from the edge of the paper to the dotted line does not play a special role.

    5. To make a windshield, bend the upper right corner, connecting the red dots highlighted in the picture.

    6. Turn the figure over and the car is ready!

    How to make an origami machine out of paper

    Another easy-to-use option for making a paper typewriter.

    1. Fold a square sheet of paper in half from top to bottom and unbend it.

    2. Fold the top and bottom quarters of the square and bend the corners. We bend the tops of the resulting triangles inward, and fold the entire figure in half.

    3. Along the dotted line, bend the upper right corner into a pocket.

    4. Make a cut on the sheet of paper as indicated in the picture and slightly stretch the figure.

  • Content

    Every boy loves to play with cars; he will not soon assemble a metal structure on his own, but teaching a child to make paper models is very easy. Parents will need a little time, paper, glue and scissors. You can create such machines using the origami technique or 3D design; for each method there are the necessary materials, instructions and recommendations.

    Creating a three-dimensional 3D car

    To complete the work, you need to prepare a printer, a sheet of paper, scissors, cardboard material, as well as glue, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

    The instructions are very simple; you can assemble a paper machine without any special skills or knowledge. First, you need to print out a model of the machine you like on paper, then glue the sheet onto cardboard to make the structure durable. The image is cut out along the contour; this is another advantage of this technique of creating a paper machine.

    Important ! All the lines are already marked on the sheet, so it will be easy for the child to fold the model, just bend it along the contour and hide the remaining wings of the workpiece inside.

    These white ends must be glued together so that the structure does not fall apart, and if the cardboard is strong enough, then you can use super glue rather than stationery PVA. After that, the most interesting thing for the boy is to decorate the car at his discretion.

    In some cases, the pattern of the machine is already multi-colored, so all that remains is to print it on good paper, cut it out and assemble it according to the instructions. If the model is black and white, then the child is given the opportunity to fully express his imagination and decorate the car in any color using pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

    How to assemble a fire truck

    In order to create a model of a fire truck, you should stock up on special materials, including scissors, glue, and paper. Transfer the workpiece to paper; it is better to use a dense material that is suitable for creating drawings. In addition to the machine itself, other structural elements must be transferred to paper. All resulting blanks are carefully cut out to make it easier to bend the paper; you can draw along the contour lines with a blunt object. Once the piece is glued together, you can move on to other elements, for example, assembling and installing a fire truck ladder that swivels, folds, and extends.

    The video explains this in more detail.

    Making a paper machine from scrap materials

    The older the boy gets, the more interested he will be in complex models, including those made from paper. Mom can only suggest which creativity is more exciting, provide the necessary materials and a good mood to complete the task. For boys, among all the models, it is cars that enjoy great prestige, and buying different designs every day will cost parents a pretty penny. After a while, the child will lose all interest in these beautiful cars, so it is more interesting and useful to make the design yourself. It does not require large financial expenditures; all you need is desire and time.

    You can create cars not only using ready-made diagrams, but also using available materials, for example, cardboard and matches, wooden sticks and colored paper. For example, take several cardboard cylinders left over from toilet paper and cover each one with colored paper. After the fake has dried, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole on the surface of the cylinder, leaving a little space on one side so that it can be bent and thus make a seat for the driver.

    The design can also be decorated inside using felt-tip pens or a marker; to create a steering wheel, you should cut a circle out of white paper and glue it opposite the seat. The machine can be additionally decorated with applications made of colored paper, choosing different shades. If the car is a racing car, you can put a number on it; if it is an ambulance or fire model, then you can also cut out the corresponding signs or draw them. To secure the wheels, use small bolts or plastic bottle caps.

    One of the options for creating a paper machine

    Paper cars are just as fun to play with as metal or plastic ones, you can arrange real races, and you can also build a garage by decorating all the structures with felt-tip pens, and use a toothpick to make a flag.

    To create a paper machine you will need a square piece of paper; it should be folded in half, then unfold the edges and bend them in the opposite direction towards the middle of the sheet. Then, fold the edges again in the opposite direction and fold the sheet of paper in half. Draw the outline of the car onto the material; to do this, fold the top corners, then tuck them inward; two corners will peek out from below. They are also folded inside, after which you need to make wheels for the car.

    Bend the lower corners back, rounding them a little, thus creating wheels; in front, to make headlights, the corners must be laid inward. Do the same on the back side of the car; all the details of the vehicle can be drawn, for example, wheels, headlights, doors or the driver behind the wheel. 15 minutes of time and a beautiful paper car is ready.

    You can watch the video in detail


    This is a unique art that involves the creation of unusual paper figures, including cars. To work, you just need to stock up on colored paper and patience, it’s very easy, so you not only can, but also need to involve children, together you can create a whole fleet of cars.

    To create, for example, a sports car, you need to take a rectangular sheet, as a rule, the aspect ratio should be 1:7. The work begins by bending the upper right and left corners, thus creating all the necessary folds. The next step is to fold the top of the sheet, along with the folded corners on the left and right. Small triangles will remain sticking out, which should also be folded towards the middle of the sheet of paper.

    Next, you need to fold the sides of the leaf, fold the bottom part, follow the same algorithm that was performed when folding the top part of the paper. All that remains is to fold the structure in half, tuck in the triangles that are peeking out and that’s it, the machine is ready.

    Racing car

    In just an hour you can create an entire transport fleet of cars; for this you will need a simple sheet of paper, A4 format. Fold it in half, turn the corners on both sides into the middle, so it looks like arrows. Fold the longitudinal sides of the material towards the middle of the sheet under the arrows, which then make it sharper. To do this, on either side of the sheet, the arrow should be folded again into the middle.

    Many people know that many types of crafts can be made from cardboard. In childhood, probably, any person with imagination and the desire to make something with his own hands made something from such accessible material. Few people know, but there are people who have not given up this childhood hobby and make truly amazing things from cardboard.

    Today we will tell you how to make a car out of cardboard.

    Beautiful car

    It will surely delight your baby.

    So what we need:

    • At least two pieces of cardboard boxes;
    • Colored paper;
    • Scissors;
    • Compass;
    • Colored pencil or felt-tip pen;
    • Copper wire;
    • Pliers;
    • Glue.

    Cut off the walls of the boxes and draw circles on them, these will be the wheels for our future car. Then cut them out using scissors.

    Having attached the circles to the base of the second box, trace with a pencil the places where the wheels will be located.

    Using an awl or scissors, make holes on the sides where the center of the wheels will be located.

    Cut pieces of the prepared wire as long as the width of the future car. This will be the basis for the wheel axles.

    Using glue, attach the wheels to the pieces of wire threaded through the holes. If you want the wheels of the car to eventually spin, use pliers to pinch the ends of the wire on both sides in the form of loops.

    Then we'll start making the car look beautiful. To do this, use a pencil to draw and color windows and doors, then cut them out with scissors. Or they can be cut out of self-adhesive paper of a suitable color. If you have time and patience, you can make the doors open.

    In the same way, you can create a cardboard trailer for her, it will be more fun. You can attach it again with a piece of wire.

    By the way, if you get inspired, you can make a few more trailers, then you’ll get a whole road train.

    You will need the following materials for this craft:

    • Sheet of cardboard.
    • Paint, brush for coloring.
    • Glue or stapler.
    • Scissors.
    • Unnecessary and outdated old toys to decorate your car.
    • Seven round cardboard tubes that are left over from toilet paper.

    You paint paper cardboard tubes in different colors in any way - with a brush or using a piece of cotton wool. Then you cut out circles from cardboard, they will serve as cylinders for the car and paint them.

    You glue these wheels to the sides of the car using glue or a stapler.

    And now we will tell you how to make a car out of cardboard using modern computer technology.

    Racing car

    You will need:

    • Paper
    • Printer
    • Scissors

    This type of craft is easy to make; you just need to print it, carefully cut it out and glue it along the drawn contours. You can find any number of such blanks on the Internet; an example of one of these is shown in the figure below.

    How to make a car out of large cardboard?

    Tape all parts of the box together.

    On both sides, draw doors symmetrically on both sides and cut them out using a sharp knife with a thin blade.

    Draw and cut out the windshield in the same way.

    Using tape, secure the bent parts of the ends with an inward bend, now using the same tape to secure the windshield.

    If there are any extra pieces left at the corners, trim them off with a knife or scissors.

    Using the bottom of paper cups, you make wheels for your future car. If you don’t have them on hand, you can simply use round pieces of cardboard of the desired color and size.

    Now color your creation and admire it!

    The simplest and nicest machine

    Shape a piece of paper into a square. For those who don’t know, this is done like this: bend the sheet diagonally and cut off the pieces that protrude beyond the edges. Trim off the excess with scissors.

    Bend the square into two halves, then two more times lengthwise and crosswise. This will show you the fold lines. Now you can expand the sheet.

    Wrap its lower ends to the very top of the middle. Then bend the lower parts of the bent corners on both sides to make wheels.

    Fold everything that comes out in the end in half along the line that is located along the central fold. Bend the lower part up and bend the upper right corner.

    Draw the headlights and other details on the product, paint it in any colors. We hope this simple craft will delight your child.

    Car for girls

    Few parents realize or understand that not only boys, but also girls can play with cars. Below we will tell you how to make a car to carry your favorite dolls in it. I think your daughter will really like this craft.

    So, what you will need to have on hand:

    • One cardboard shoe box;
    • Thick cardboard;
    • Thin paper of different colors;
    • Glue;
    • Double-sided tape;
    • Long wooden sticks in the shape of toothpicks;
    • A small piece of transparent plastic;
    • Any objects that resemble headlights.

    To begin, draw on paper a template of doors that would fit the size of the toy. The usual length of the legs, for example, of a Barbie doll, which girls love so much, is eighteen centimeters.

    Cut the workpiece on both sides and bend the ends of the resulting template inward. We will attach the seats to these ends.

    Then make cuts with a sharp knife where the car seats will be.

    Now cut out even circles from colored and thick cardboard, four pieces each. These will be the wheels.

    Using a needle or awl, make through holes in the center of these circles and then make more of them.

    Cut out the hood and trunk from thick cardboard according to the size of the shoe box.

    In turn, glue each prepared part to the car, then make holes in the box for the wheels.

    Using colored paper, cover the car, then make a windshield using transparent plastic.

    Video lessons