How to make crafts from tubes. You definitely have not seen such original crafts from tubes

Straws for cocktails are frequent guests of holidays, parties or country trips. Well, those who have children often use them at home, even in everyday life. Did you know that you can do a lot with these DIY plastic cocktail tubes? interesting crafts? We have prepared for you great selection ideas. We hope this inspires you to be creative.

Very often, we are forced to take straws for cocktails not in 5-10 pieces, as we need, but in huge packages. Then they interfere in the closet, but it's a pity to throw them away. If you are familiar with this problem, you should like these master classes on working with plastic straws. However, it is likely that the opposite will happen: you will be so inspired by these crafts that you will immediately go to the supermarket for the necessary “portion” of straws.

In this collection you will find accessories of varying degrees of complexity. Even children can make some of this (by the way, here you can get ideas for crafts for school). And somewhere, cocktail straws are involved in the creation of very difficult crafts. However, all this is only at first glance - in fact, you will quickly figure it out.

So, let's go to study the stocks of straws, get inspired, create!

decorative star

Such a star made of plastic tubes can be an excellent decoration for a holiday or in a nursery. Also, this craft can be used as a festive table decor.

To make this DIY decoration, you will need 20 or more cocktail straws. Connect the two together first. Then three, four, five - increase the total mass of one tube on each side.

It is most convenient to collect straws on superglue, flattening them in the middle. However, if you wish, you can simply sew them.

To more securely fix the structure, drag the center with thread, fishing line or wire. Can be added to craft beautiful ribbon to hang our star.


It would seem that only little girls should like bracelets made of plastic tubes. Painfully simple material is used to create them. In fact, older girls also willingly wear such jewelry. It all depends on how to make a bracelet and which tubes to choose for this. Additional decor also plays a serious role.

Take a look at the photo: here are some great ideas.

The top bracelets are made of tubes that have been ironed through a thick layer of fabric. If your straws are not too hard, you can simply crush them with your hands. Insert a thin wire into the center of each tube. Make several single bracelets, and then drag them between each other with another tube. We fix it with wire. Add ribbons, beads or any other decor.

In the right bottom corner bracelet, which is assembled from tubules cut into "beads". Just take a straw and cut it into equal pieces. Collect them on a thread, braid or wire.

The last bracelet is made of twisted tubules. Cut the straw into pieces of 3-4 cm, flatten, insert the wire inside and twist as much as possible. At the same time, make sure that the wire inside does not break. Then the rings need to be assembled on a base of braid, wire or elastic. Beads can be made in the same way.

Christmas decorations

Strictly speaking, it is not only Christmas tree decoration, because it can be hung in a children's room or used as a decor for a party. Even in an ordinary room geometric figures from cocktail straws will look very cool. Their minimalistic design is very interesting.

To make such decorations, we need at least 6 tubes. If they are with a “spring”, then you will have to take more, because it will not look very appropriate. Cut off the excess parts so that we get 4 identical parts. We collect a square on a fishing line, wire or thread.

The side faces can be made the same or done unusual figure, cutting the tubes with an offset. You can hang such decorations on ordinary thread, since the straws are quite light.

By the same principle, you can assemble the most beautiful geometric designs from plastic tubes for juice. To make them heavier, insert the wire inside.


This simple wreath would make a great Christmas decoration or just a child's room decor.

We need a standard package of plastic tubes (can be replaced with paper ones), cardboard, compasses and glue. Using a compass, cut out circles on cardboard. If it's thin, make it double or even triple.

Then we glue a layer of tubes around the entire perimeter of the circle on one side. The length of the straws must be changed constantly - alternate short with long. Then repeat the same on the other side. We glue all the tubes with superglue.

Decorate the craft with a bow or something else. If you are making a wreath New Year, choose red or green straws for cocktails, add tinsel or festive balls.

By the way, you can stick this wreath on an old alarm clock or dial - it will turn out great decor hours!


If you have a child school age, offer him this idea. With the help of plastic tubes, with his own hands he will be able to create a very cute craft for school.

We will need a package of colored tubes, cardboard, pencils, glue, any decor.

The juice tubes need to be ironed along the entire length in order to flatten them. Draw a butterfly outline on cardboard (or use it). Place a vertical tube in the center. And around it, form wings from scraps.

From the "springs" you can make interesting voluminous flowers, and decorate the craft itself with stickers, rhinestones or something else.


This craft made from cocktail straws seems very simple, but in fact, you can make it with your own hands very simply - there are no tricks. The main condition is the presence of an old unnecessary floor lamp made of fabric.

To make an original lamp out of plastic tubes, you will need 2-3 packs of 100 straws. The process will be laborious, slow, but easy to perform.

It is possible that you will need to take a thin wire. It depends on how much dense fabric in your floor lamp.

The principle of operation is simple. You need to bend each tube in half, flatten it well in the center, and then stick the ends into the fabric on the floor lamp with inside. If you pre-install the wire, the design will come out more dense and reliable. Plastic straws should be inserted so tightly that there are no gaps between them at all. If the fabric does not pierce, use an awl.

The inside of the floor lamp can be additionally glued with a piece of fabric to close all the folds. Just remember that you can not leave the tubes sticking out inside, as they will melt from the lamp.

Photo frame

Another one simple craft from plastic or paper straws for a cocktail - a homemade photo frame. Here everything is limited only by your imagination - create to your taste.

You can make a simple cardboard frame and decorate it with vertical tubes, cutting them clearly to the size of the accessory. Or leave the straws uneven and sticking out in different directions.

You can also cut two tubes lengthwise and clamp a photo between them. Place in the center beautiful thread and additional weighting in the form of a transverse straw. You will get a light hanging photo in a beautiful frame.

The easiest option is to decorate the finished frame with tubes.

We hope you enjoyed this collection of ideas and are ready to make your own cocktail straws. unusual crafts. Choose something from what is offered here or create something unique.

We advise you to look into our weaving master classes. Just replace them with plastic straws, repeating all the steps described in the lessons. you will succeed great craft, which will be very durable, bright, beautiful and comfortable.

Working with straws for juice is also very cool because this material is available, and spoiling it (if it suddenly happens) is not a pity. So you can train as much as you want to achieve the perfect result. Create with pleasure!

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Cocktail tubules

Is there a child who does not like to drink milk or juice from a straw and seethe with the rest of the liquid in a glass? But not many people know that multi-colored, colorful cocktail tubes- a wonderful material for games and crafts. From tubules cut into fragments can be made various designs. Tubes with a corrugated fold will allow you to make three-dimensional figures. Such a constructor is accessible and interesting for both kids and older children. Bright decorations for little ladies, luxurious headdresses for brave Indian chiefs, beautiful photo frames, practical accessories for stationery - all this and many more fantastic ideas will bring a lot of joy to the “straw artists”. You can even do musical instruments. And cutting the tubes into rings, use them as a mosaic. Pick up a few multi-colored tubes and fantasy will tell you what they can turn into in a few minutes.

Master Class

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Every year, countless fast food chains distribute over 50 million plastic straws along with drinks, and this is only in America! A huge number of tubes from juices and cocktails end up in landfills. But there is also good news- can be done various crafts from straws for a cocktail with your own hands! It certainly won't solve global problem pollution environment plastic, but you can make your small contribution to saving nature!

1. Lamps from straws from a cocktail

Plastic tubes provide ample opportunities for creating a variety of shapes of shades and lampshades for lamps.

It took more than two hundred tubes to make such an original ceiling! To make such a lamp, you can use an old woven lampshade. Bend the cocktail tubes in half and thread them through the holes made on the fabric.

This cube-shaped night light was simply pasted over with small pieces of colored tubes.

In the same way, you can decorate a candlestick or any stand.

Decorate lampshade with tubes table lamp it is possible like this:

Plastic disposable plates and cups will be an addition to the decor of the lamp.

Experiment with options for placing the tubes on the ceiling of the lamp.

The tubes can be split at the ends and do such unusual things:

2. Stands and vases made of plastic tubes.

Any jar, box or other container can be pasted over with colored straws for cocktails. This will make an interesting stand for pens and pencils or a vase for flowers.

3. Decorative wreath on the door made of plastic tubes.

Festive wreaths on the door in our area are not common. However, as an option for another craft from cocktail tubes. Indeed, in the same way it is possible to new Year decoration in the form of snowflakes or a decorative sun for kindergarten.

4. Wall decor with cocktail straws

Anything can be laid out of the tubes on the wall. But such a scheme of subway lines looks very stylish. Take the Tokyo subway map as an example.

5. Crafts from straws from cocktails - decorations for children.

Make cute jewelry from plastic tubes with your children - beads and bracelets. Cut the tubes into pieces, then string them on a thread mixed with beads for a necklace, and to make a bracelet, connect the tubes with an elastic band.

Wicker things have been popular at all times. Only before they used birch bark, vine, willow twigs, and now they are being replaced with an ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are covered with stain, varnish, due to which they create an imitation of the structure of a tree.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this needlework, as the information on it is scattered in pieces from various sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving, you will need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for work. Softer tubes are obtained from a newspaper, and thinner, more elastic tubes are obtained from magazines and office paper.

Please note: four tubes should be obtained from one newspaper spread (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). From office paper, cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide.

Experiment with different type material, then get an extraordinary paper weave. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figurines and dishes.

Masters use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, a newspaper needs a No. 2-3 knitting needle, and a stocking needle for office paper. For the base of the craft, twist the thick tubes, and for the braid - soft ones.

Choose paint, stain on a water-based basis (on alcohol, the product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Dilute the paint with PVA glue (2:1 or 3:1). They paint either the product after work, or the workpiece before the start creative process. But finished craft always smeared with glue, left to dry. Just on last step it is varnished. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container desired shape.

Paper weaving: a master class for beginners

How tubes are made:

The tubes should not be soft or hard; ideally, a “medium” paper weave is obtained. For beginners, a bunch of video tutorials on twisting have been created, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks, for decorative miniature items they prepare thin tubes, where the width of the strip can be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own thickness of the tubes.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, notches are formed that interfere with proper twisting. Therefore, before work, spend research work: try cutting two sheets of newspaper into transverse and longitudinal strips, determining which way you get fewer chipping. It is from a segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls off without problems.

Paper weaving: step by step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting the sticks, one end should be wider, and the other narrower. So when weaving crafts due to the insertion, an extension occurs, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, compressed and inserted.

Many masters do without glue when building, they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drop a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and advance it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret how to make the twisting faster and the weaving soft. Before work, newspaper tubes are laid out in a row and walked over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each master has “his own” paper weaving.

Master class for beginners in painting tubes

  • First way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry, cut into strips and twist into tubes.
  • The second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one individually with a brush. Suitable for products if you need an unusual pattern.
  • The third way. You make crafts, then decorate by weaving or randomly with a brush.

Methods of mass painting

For paint, you can use a water-based emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If it turned out bad color, anyway, continue weaving from paper. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Tube secrets

Please note that the color becomes lighter after drying. By combining with other sticks, you create the desired pattern or draw the finished product desired shade. Do not need to dry complete drying. Wrap slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. In winter, they can be stored in the cold.

The sticks must be flexible in work, and after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, immediately after painting the tubes, paper weaving should begin. A basket, boxes, dishes can be obtained from dry colored tubes if you spray the middle of the sticks with ordinary water using a sprayer from all sides before work.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends outside) or put in a bag. Harvest immediately a large number of tubes, so that in the process of work not to be distracted by twisting.

When weaving, an even and odd number of tubes is taken. Exactly on the side where odd number sticks, work begins. The “odd” tube braids all the others. As soon as its length ends, build up a new stick.

Types of weaving

We have finished the material blanks, now we will consider paper weaving. A master class for beginners on his technique is given below.

  • Simple plain weave. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each stick of the base. That is, it either covers the base, or hides behind it. If you need to return, then weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes after several rows. That is, take one stick, go simple weaving. The next tube lays down in the same way as the first. So continue the drawing several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weave. Each tube begins with a new base stick diagonally. It turns out an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weaving in rows. Just as in a horizontal pattern, weave with several sticks, and new circle move across the drawing.

Varieties of weaving

We continue to consider paper weaving (a master class on creating patterns):

Technique and secrets of weaving

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a rope or a pigtail. Let us consider in more detail the “protective” paper weaving (we will describe it step by step using the example of a basket).

Please note that the weaving of the tubes begins with thick ends from left to right. To get a given shape, the racks are pinched to the desired object (vase, bucket, box, etc.). Ready product plentifully lubricated with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put on” the object of the desired shape, and dry. Then, when painting and varnishing, the product from the tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Basket making

For beginners, it is better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) to train your hand in twisting the tubes and simply interweaving them. Then you can go to intricate weaving paper (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid and a handle.

To save the labor of weaving baskets, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape, circle the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them immediately (paste with wallpaper, paint or apply decoupage).

Attach to the bottom half along the edge. Now glue newspaper tubes on it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning paper weaving).

Pen holder, photo frame, hat - any craft should have a distance between the racks of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to friability and fragility of the product.

Continuation of basket weaving

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with tubes, cover with a second bottom, put a load on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a “string”, a simple interlacing of racks. After that, put the form on the bottom on which you will weave, with a load (the load is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, then you will get holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up, continue working until you reach the desired height. Next, braid up or separately weave a pigtail, gluing it to the base. By the same principle, paper boxes with a lid are weaved from paper.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This view is reminiscent of working with a rug made of paper strips. Only in this case take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, below are four groups of sticks. Then put three sticks across them on them.

Lay four groups of tubes on top so that their ends are between the bottom ones. Now you braid all the rows with a ribbon or a soft stick. Then lay the transverse group of sticks again, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then you lift all the joints, braid them with a “rope”, smoothly moving to the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weave. step by step photo on weaving a square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare tubes and create.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple species. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the thick sticks along the length of one half of the window. tie double knot on both sides of each stick, retreating from the edges by 3-4 centimeters. In the process of work, you coat the “seams” with glue.

From above, fasten along the ring for the curtains (blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put a twisted roll if necessary. Paint the finished product, varnish it. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.

Parents often don't know what to do with their child. free time. After all, I want the child not only to play, but also to develop at the same time. One interesting activity will help mothers in this - crafts from tubes from juice or for a cocktail. The material will have to be collected for some time, which is also an interesting activity. Below is a master class of such crafts.

Vase with a flower

Such a vase is made quickly and simply, the child will like this activity. The craft itself can be used as a decor and not necessarily a children's room, it will look interesting, for example, in the living room. Also the vase will become great gift relatives and friends, grandmother, sister or mother on March 8.

First you need to cut the tubes into two parts and connect them together with an ordinary rubber band in two places for a fortress. To make the design stable, a base in the form of a thick cardboard or postcard is glued to the bottom of the vase. To hide the rubber bands and decorate the vase, you need to make a decor from ribbons, lace or old beads.

Now it's the flower's turn. To do this, cut tubes up to three centimeters long. This will be the basis for the inflorescences. They, in turn, are made from halves of the tubes, which are cut into a fringe, but not completely, so that they can be inserted into the base of the inflorescences. A small ball is made from any plasticine - this will be the middle of the flower. Inflorescences are stuck into it over the entire area as densely as possible, so it will be more voluminous. From one tube, make a flower stick and put it in a vase. Flowers from tubes for juice are ready.

Photo frame

Craft in the form of a frame for a photo of multi-colored tubes for a cocktail is quite practical and original. It will harmoniously fit into the interior of any children's room.

A craft made from tubes for juice or a cocktail in the form of a frame for a photo is simple and even a novice designer can do it. This decor will look great at home. For this craft, you will need a cardboard base for the frame. Its size is determined based on the photo. The tubes are cut into equal pieces obliquely, depending on the angle of the cardboard base. The tubes are glued using ordinary stationery glue or double-sided tape. It remains only to attach a photo!

Crafts from juice tubes are an activity that requires the control of elders. The child may have to deal with scissors or a needle for the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to be as careful as possible so that the child does not get hurt and follow all safety rules.

Christmas toy

There is often nothing to do on long winter evenings. In your free time, you can prepare for the New Year and do Christmas decorations. Of course, such a craft will look more modest compared to that bought in a store, but it will take the baby for a long time.

For such a New Year's craft, you need eight parts of 3 cm and four pieces of 4 cm each. Then, using a thread with a needle and threading 4 parts of 3 cm each, we make a square, fix the knot, but do not cut the thread, but put on it a couple of pieces of 4 cm tubes and stretch it through one of the sides of the square. Similarly, we make out the other three sides of the square. When this stage is completed, it is necessary to connect two free vertices of opposite triangles to each other. We tie a rope to one of the resulting vertices, for which the decoration will be hung behind the Christmas tree, to the other - a funny bead.

To begin with, we cut the tubes into 8 parts of 4 cm and 4 parts of 5 cm. We connect 4 parts of 4 cm each with a thread with a needle, fasten with a knot, but do not break the thread. We put on the thread 2 more parts of 5 cm each and stretch the thread to one of the sides of the square. We make similar triangles on all sides of the square, attaching 2 sides of the triangle to one of the sides of the square. We take two vertices of the triangle and connect them together. We attach a rope to one top, for which the toy will be hung on a Christmas tree, to the other - a bell or a bead.


Such an activity will be to your liking. more girls, although the young stronger sex can be attracted to this undertaking under the guise homemade gift for the female part of the family.

For beads you will need multi-colored tubes, a needle and thread, beads. The tubes are cut into any segments, which, alternating with beads, are put on a thread. In a word, the master's imagination works to the maximum here! The main thing is to be careful when working with a needle.

Such an occupation is great occasion bring the whole family together. Fathers should also pay attention to the development of the baby, and crafts made from juice tubes will help teach the child new interesting designs that develop a three-dimensional view of objects.

You should not go through the entire Internet in search of what can be done with juice tubes. Enough to connect the imagination of the whole family. If there is no time to collect material, then ordinary cocktail tubes can go into business. They have the same design as the juice straws, only larger, and you can buy them in a whole package for little money.