How to make a red voluminous heart out of paper

A loved one does not need a lot of time and money.

One has only to turn on the imagination, learn a few secrets of making a souvenir and prepare the necessary materials.

The heart can be made from paper, candy, clay, and it is suitable as a gift for various holidays, whether it's a birthday, Valentine's Day or March 8th.

Here are a few options on how you can make a beautiful heart with your own hands.

How to make a paper heart

You will need:


Wrapping or other thin paper

Heart template (can be drawn on cardboard and cut out)

PVA glue


How to make papier mache mix

Prepare a bowl, flour, water and some salt. Mix everything to get a paste.

cooking heart

1. Put the heart template on the cardboard and circle it several times to get several cardboard hearts. Their number must be in pairs.

2. Start tearing off small pieces of thin paper, grease them with glue and stick them to cardboard hearts.

3. Glue another cardboard heart to the pieces of paper to end up with a kind of sandwich.

4. Prepare the newspaper, tear it into small pieces and start gluing them to the voluminous heart.

5. Leave the glue to dry.

6. When everything is dry, you can decorate the hearts in any way you like, for example, use acrylic paint, glitter, glue multi-colored buttons, add colorful threads.

How to make a heart out of thread: Celtic necklace

Making such a heart can be tricky at times, but very interesting, and at the end you will have a beautiful heart that can also be used as a bracelet or necklace.

* You will need colored shoelaces or similar ropes.

* Follow the arrows to help you tie the knots correctly.

* To find the correct size, wrap the laces around your neck or arm and cut off the excess.

* For contrast, choose laces in different colors.

* Use two laces as one.

* Try to keep the laces straight for the best effect.

* If the first time did not work out, do not stop trying again and again, and you will definitely succeed.

What can a heart be made of: wire and thread

You will need:

plain or floral wire



1. Cut off a piece of wire and use pliers to bend that piece into a heart shape. Twist the ends of the wire together.

2. Start wrapping the wire heart with thread. Try to wrap it so that there are no large holes.

* You can also attach a note to the heart.

How to make a beautiful heart: tea bag

Surprise your significant other with a beautiful heart-shaped bag of your favorite tea.

You will need:


Heavy paper

tea bags

tea leaves

Tea spoon

1. Cut out a heart from thick paper. It should be large enough to fit a spoonful of tea.

2. Put the paper heart on the tea bag and begin to circle it with a thread and a needle, making stitches. Make sure that there is no place through which tea leaves can fall.

3. Leave some space to fill the heart with tea leaves.

4. Make a tube out of paper and insert it into the hole of the heart and pour tea with it.

5. Pull out the tube and sew up the hole in the heart. Tie a knot and cut off the excess thread.

* You can make a label in the form of a heart. To do this, you just need to use a thread and a needle to connect a tea bag with a paper heart made of thick paper.

How to make a heart out of cardboard and newspaper

You will need:


Stationery knife

1. Prepare a newspaper and cut into several long strips.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. Using a utility knife, cut out another heart inside the heart. As a result, you will get a frame in the shape of a heart.

3. Twist each strip of newspaper (you can secure the spiral with glue) and start wrapping the spiral around the frame, periodically adding glue for better fixing.

4. It remains only to add a thread or ribbon so that the heart can be hung on a gift.

How to make a paper heart

You will need:

- scrap paper (wrapping paper)

Glue (glue gun)



1. Draw a big heart on a large sheet of cardboard.

* You can choose the size yourself, the heart can be small.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard, and cut out another heart from this heart to end up with a frame.

3. Cut out thin strips of wrapping paper.

4. Using a pencil, twist the strips into tubes (diagonally).

5. Cut each tube into smaller tubes.

6. Start gluing each tube to the cardboard heart. The tubes do not have to be the same length.

7. You can stick a ribbon so that the heart can be hung somewhere.

* You can also cut out a heart from red construction paper and attach it to the frame as a decoration.

How to make a voluminous heart

Using ordinary threads and a ball, you can make a beautiful and original heart.

You will need:

Threads (2-3 colors)

Heart shaped balloon


PVA glue

Ribbons in different colors

Jewelry (decorative butterflies, beads, palettes, etc.)

1. First you need to inflate a heart-shaped balloon.

2. Now you need to lubricate the ball with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3. Apply PVA glue on top of the Vaseline and begin to gently wind the thread around the ball. * If necessary, you can lubricate the thread with an additional layer of glue during the winding process.

4. The ball must be hung up and the glue left to dry for a day.

5. When the ball has become hard, the ball needs to burst and pull it out of the frozen threads with a hook.

6. It remains to decorate the heart of threads to your liking.

How to make a candy heart

Option 1

You will need:

Thick cardboard


1. Using scissors or a utility knife, cut out a heart from cardboard and cut another one inside this heart to make a heart-shaped frame. It is worth noting that the width of the frame should be approximately the same as the width of the candy.

2. Start attaching the candies to the frame. You can do this with the help of threads - take two sweets and tie them with threads, tying the thread to the ends of the candy wrappers on one side. This should be done with all sweets.

3. Now you need to put the whole structure on a heart-shaped frame, and tie the candy wrappers on the other side.

On Valentine's Day, Valentines are given - small hearts as a declaration of love. Today we will talk about how to make an origami heart out of paper. Why not Valentine?

All you need is a sheet of red or pink paper. After all, red is the color of love, and pink is the color of tenderness.

Operating procedure

1. Place a sheet of rectangular paper in front of you. The larger sides of the rectangle are located at the top and bottom. Align the top and bottom sides of the rectangle. Smooth out the fold line with your finger.

2. Align the left and right sides of the rectangle. The fold line will mark the middle.

3. Bend the right corner of the rectangle down. The middle of the upper side is the top of the corner.

4. Similarly, bend the left corner of the rectangle.

5. Turn over the resulting figure. Align the fold lines with the middle of the shape.

6. Bend the top corners.

7. Bend the left and right corners.

Option 2

1. A heart will look more interesting if the paper is on both sides of a different color. Cut a sheet of paper in such a way that you get a rectangle, in which one side is 2 times longer than the other.

2. Fold the rectangle in half. You should get a square.

3. Align the side of the square with the fold line. Flip. Align the side of the square with the fold line again. You should get a rectangle. Expand.

4. Align the upper right corner with the middle of the lower side of the rectangle. Smooth out the fold line. Expand. Align the lower right corner with the middle of the upper side of the rectangle. Smooth out. Expand.

5. Align the top right and bottom right corners of the rectangle with the middle of the top and bottom sides of the rectangle.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the upper and lower left corners. You should get a square.

7. The resulting square consists of two triangles. Align the corners at the base of the triangles with the top. Smooth out the fold lines.

8. Against the background of the square, you see 4 triangles, more precisely 4 pockets. Straighten the pockets so that they become squares.

9. For each resulting square, align two sides with the diagonal.

10. In the center of our figure you see a group of triangles - pockets. Straighten them in such a way that you get a flower. If you have difficulty, then take a needle. It will help open the pocket.

11. Align the top corner of the shape with the bottom corner.

When creating gifts with their own hands, they often use the shape of a heart. Usually it is presented as a greeting card for newlyweds and lovers. Nowadays, when you can just buy a gift, handmade gifts are most appreciated. Such special gifts are intended for the dearest and closest. It is quite easy to make paper hearts with your own hands.

Option one

To make a paper heart not look flat, you will need 3D figure diagrams. There are several ways to use such voluminous hearts, in particular gift cards and packaging.

They can also be used as an element of decor, especially suitable for themed holidays.

The diagram is printed on paper, carefully cut out and glued together.

Note! If you assemble the circuit incorrectly, you can get an inaccurate figure.

Second way

Easy-to-create voluminous hearts are suitable as a decoration on the wall. Cut out rounded hearts.

Two parts are glued together.

Third Method

You can also use the origami style to create a three-dimensional figure. To work with this technique, special paper is used. In the absence of it, you can make origami from ordinary double-sided colored paper.

To create a figure as in the picture, rectangular paper is taken. To begin with, the base should look like a diamond with triangles, so the corners bend until they absolutely fit the bottom end, straighten out and bend from the other end.

To create a three-dimensional triangle, as in the picture, it is squeezed in the middle. Repeat from the other end. Next, the corner of the created triangle is taken, by pressing on it a small rhombus comes out. The edges from below bend towards its center and straighten.

Repeat these steps with all the corners and fold the square into a figure.

The next gift won't take long. It folds up very easily.

beautiful garland

A garland of hearts will help decorate the room. Several ways to create such a garland are below.

First way

Hearts seem to be strung on a thread. Multi-colored paper is taken, hearts are cut out, possibly of different sizes, depending on which template. And on the sewing machine, we sew the hearts to the desired length.

Second way

With the help of embroidery, a simple and original garland is created. A square sheet of paper is taken and a heart cut out in advance is applied to it. According to the outlines of the heart on the square, holes are pressed with a needle. A heart is embroidered on them with a thread of the selected color. For the chosen length of the garland, the required number of squares is prepared and strung on a thread. You can add color to the garland by showering it with sparkles or writing the words LOVE.

Third way

A garland of wire and woolen threads is a bit like a cobweb.

You will need wire, scissors and woolen thread. We give the wire the shape of hearts. Each heart will need to be wrapped with a thread along the outline, and then we cross the threads along the space of the heart.

A loop is created for hanging hearts. Hearts are strung on a thread and the decoration is ready!

Fourth way

Garland only made of paper. The paper is cut according to the template (width 1 cm, length 6 cm). The two ends of the paper are stapled together on one side. On the other hand, the ends are bent and fixed with other cut pieces of paper. Gradually, the garland is built up in this way.

Option five

The decoration on the finger with a heart is also made of paper.

To make a gift, paper is taken in the shape of a square and folded in half. Important: one side is evenly divided into 4 strips.

If the paper is not double-sided, then it lies on top with the non-colored side, 1 strip is folded inward. The paper is flipped and folded vertically. Then it unbends, the ends fold into the shape of a triangle. The top of the triangle is taken and folded down.

The edges are straightened, as in the picture.

Even a beginner can weave a heart out of paper. To create such a gift, A4 paper of two shades is taken. It bends in the middle, turns over and bends again.

Then it is cut into strips (width 15 cm) and the shape is rounded by carefully trimming the edge. From the fold to the rounded edge, the paper is slightly incised and the strips are threaded alternately.

You can decorate the heart in the form of a pendant.

This option is perfect for making gifts with children.

Video on the topic of the article

A little video on making paper hearts.

Valentine's Day, popular among young people, is approaching, which means that on February 14 the red color and the shape of a heart will again be relevant. We offer three simple master classes, guided by which you can make voluminous paper hearts. Decorate the interior of your apartment, office with them, or just give them to loved ones and friends!

Simple voluminous paper hearts

Look how original this wall decor looks!

In order to make a decorative composition of hearts, prepare:

  • sheets of colored paper (not necessarily only red);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

⇒ Step 1. On a piece of paper, draw hearts of different sizes. You can use a template to keep the heart shape neat and correct. Cut out each shape with scissors.

⇒ Step 2. Make a small incision in the upper part of the figure, slightly bend the edges inward. Apply a small amount of PVA glue to the edges.

⇒ Step 3. Grab the edges with glue with your fingers and press well against each other on the back of the heart.

⇒ Step 4. Hold the glued edges for a couple of minutes.

⇒ Step 5. Repeat steps 2-4 with the rest of the hearts.

Hearts can first be glued to a sheet of cardboard, and then hang the composition on the wall. Or mount directly to the wall using double-sided tape. If the convex shape of the heart makes it difficult to securely attach it to the wall, stick a piece of paper on the inside, like these:

Volumetric origami hearts

The origami technique offers a lot of options for how to make various figures, including three-dimensional hearts. We have chosen for you the cutest, roundest and smoothest. Such a three-dimensional shape is achieved by ... inflating the heart with air!

For work, you only need scissors and colored double-sided paper.

Detailed step by step instructions are shown in the photos below.

Fold a square sheet of paper in half, then in half again and unfold.

Bend the corners as shown in the photos.

The final touch - inflate the heart through the hole below!

Hearts in boxes

And how do you like these hearts, made in the form of a box? This technique can be used to make holiday wrapping for a small gift. However, even as an original craft, such hearts look very interesting, resembling pixel art.

Required materials and tools:

  • thick paper (for gift wrapping - cardboard);
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

⇒ Step 1. Print or redraw the template on paper.

⇒ Step 2. Cut it out with scissors or a utility knife (X-Acto knife). Fold over the areas to be glued. To make it more convenient to bend thick paper, help yourself with a ruler.

If you want to beautifully decorate your home for Valentine's Day or just make a nice romantic surprise, then you may need voluminous heart, do it yourself you can do it by choosing very simple or more intricate ideas.

A variety of hearts are the main symbol of Valentine's Day, so most often they turn to such master classes on the eve of the holiday of all lovers. Today it is customary to congratulate not only your soulmate, but also close friends, parents, work colleagues, and for them you can also create handmade souvenirs that will remind you of this day for a long time.

Do-it-yourself voluminous heart

First of all, we will turn to the traditional Mexican toy, which is often used during fun celebrations and parties. As you know, the Mexicans know a lot about colorful holidays, so their ideas, how to make a voluminous heart with your own hands, you will definitely like it.

Surely you have already guessed that we are talking about a piñata, a large-sized hollow toy. Not a single Mexican holiday is complete without traditional entertainment: one of the guests picks up a wooden stick or bat and begins to beat the paper figure with all his might. As a result, the volumetric figure is torn, and tinsel, small sweets, candy wrappers, confetti fall out of it.

It is unlikely that such a part of the program is included in your romantic dinner, but the heart of the piñata itself can be used as a decorative element in order to create a festive atmosphere.

In the States, single girls have a tradition of throwing a party on February 14 called "Breaking Hearts", which is dedicated to broken hearts.

In order not to feel lonely or to cheer up after a breakup, girls have fun, and the main decoration of such a holiday is just a heart-shaped piñata, which is beaten with sticks with all their might.

Since not everyone celebrates this holiday with a loved one, perhaps this entertainment option will come in handy for you. So that the piñata can be broken, it is made of thin paper or papier-mâché, but if you want to make a voluminous heart for decoration, then you can use corrugated cardboard.

For papier-mâché, we will need a base, because the piñata should be hollow inside, with thin paper walls. You can take a heart balloon and cover it with pieces of old newspaper in several layers. Each layer must be smeared with a thin layer of glue, and then another layer of paper should be glued. There should be enough layers for our craft to keep its shape.

How to make a voluminous heart with your own hands

Can create do-it-yourself voluminous hearts made of cardboard, they will become not only a decoration for your holiday, but also a wonderful backdrop for a romantic photo shoot. Such hearts can be placed not only in a room, but also in nature, for example, in a park or in a forest, they can be hung on thin strings to tree branches. A photo shoot will keep the impressions of this day for a long time.

You can make a voluminous heart and fill it with love notes, following the example of the Valentine's Day present "100 reasons why I love you." Or just use this craft to decorate your holiday, anyway, we need the same set of materials to complete:

    Corrugated cardboard

    Crepe paper (red, pink)

  • Scotch thin double-sided

    glue gun

To make the craft neat, you may need a template, because you need to make a symmetrical heart. If possible, the template can be printed. Depending on the desired size, two separate halves can be printed and then glued together. You can also draw on your own by folding a large sheet of paper in half.

In order to draw a template, you can take whatman paper or a piece of old wallpaper. We hope that you will not have any difficulties with this part of the work, and you will get a neat template that matches the future craft.

So that our voluminous heart does not lose its shape, and the base is suitable for decoration, you will need a fairly dense material.

We chose ordinary corrugated cardboard, because this is the most affordable material for the base, for example, you can use any large box from household appliances. We should cut out two blanks according to the template, they should be cut in mirror image.

And in order to connect these two cardboard halves, you also need to cut out a cardboard strip, let it be at least 10 cm wide. The length of this strip should be equal to the length of all sides of our template. When you cut the strip, be sure to place it so that the grooves of the corrugated board run across the long side. In this case, it will be very easy for you to bend the strip when you glue it on the sides of the heart-shaped blank. Along the entire length of the strip on both sides, we need to make bends.

For these bends, we need to draw a line, stepping back from the edge on both sides of one and a half centimeters. Then draw a sharp object along this line, it can be a ruler, and after that it will be easier for you to make bends.

And when all the details are ready, there are only a few simple steps left to do. The assembly process will be as simple as the previous steps.

Do-it-yourself voluminous hearts made of cardboard

To assemble our parts into a three-dimensional figure, we need to stick double-sided tape on the side parts along the edge, and then start gluing a long cardboard strip with folded edges.

This strip must be bent so that it follows the contour of the side. In the same way, you need to glue the second half on the other side, it will be a little more difficult to do, but on the other hand, our long strip has already acquired curved shapes and it remains only to glue the cardboard side half on top, and we are ready do-it-yourself paper heart.

If in the future you are going to fill the cavity inside the craft with notes or small sweets, then you need to leave a small hole (it is enough to cut a piece of the side strip with a clerical knife. You need to make holes on top and thread a piece of twine or strong rope through them to make a loop. As in our master class, a decorative arrow can become an additional decoration for crafts.

We will need red or pink paper, which must be cut into strips, and each strip with a thin fringe. We will decorate our hearts with such a fringe. Before gluing the fringe, you should completely glue our three-dimensional figure with colored paper, and then the fringe on double-sided thin tape. First, one side is glued with paper strips, then the second, then the sides.

It remains only to work with scissors - cut off the fringe along the edges to emphasize the shape of the heart. Now you know, and, therefore, your holiday will always be bright and colorful.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper heart: origami

And here is another simple master class that will help you create a festive mood. A few simple steps and you're done do-it-yourself origami paper heart.

If you create 10-20 of these red hearts, then with their help you can make a garland and decorate a room with it. Or the ideas presented will help you organize a themed backdrop for a photo shoot. This option is also useful for schoolchildren, because a hand-made heart can replace a purchased valentine card, and a friend will be pleased to receive just such a sign of attention.

The set of materials for origami, as always, is incredibly modest, and for this craft we need only one rectangular sheet of red color, it is important that it be painted on each side.

Our rectangular sheet should have one side larger than the other by only 1-2 cm, only under this condition will the origami turn out the way you see it in the picture. The sheet should be bent in half, and draw a finger along the fold line to make it even and pronounced. Now you can unfold the paper again. is performed without the help of glue and scissors, but only by folding the paper according to a given pattern.

Now we need to remember those 1-2 cm, which distinguished one side from the other. We need to bend the strip along the larger side to make a square-shaped sheet, and already bend this sheet in half again so that the previous fold line is located across.

Next, we will move on to the corners - you need to bend the triangles on both sides, while you will see that you have a strip in the middle. Now, for each folded triangle, you should bend the corners, you can see about this step in the photo. Then they must be bent back so that an even fold line remains, and bend the corners on both sides to the center.

We have almost reached the final stage of creation, how to perform do-it-yourself voluminous heart made of paper, schemes here is a step-by-step guide to making paper sheet folds. The main thing is that our heart should have neat and voluminous two upper halves, and it is to their formation that we will proceed in the next step. Follow the photo in our step by step tutorial. Now it remains to bend the upper part along the center line with your finger, and you have a paper heart.

There are other origami heart folds that can decorate greeting cards and you will end up with a beautiful do-it-yourself heart card to congratulate a loved one on the holiday.

Do-it-yourself voluminous heart from napkins

There are many different options for how to do-it-yourself voluminous heart from napkins: it can be both a decorative souvenir and an element of decor for your home on the eve of the holidays. The easiest option is to cut out a cardboard heart, and then paste over this base with napkin flowers.

You can look at our creation master class, this is a topiary, where a heart-shaped foam blank was taken as the basis. And coffee beans are used as the main element of decor. By the same principle, you can make a topiary heart, just decorate it with napkin flowers.

No matter how hard we try to create festive decor, the main element of February 14 remains unchanged - this postcard. Do-it-yourself volumetric paper heart with a congratulatory inscription inside or even a small symbolic present - the best gift for your soulmate and for a close friend to whom you want to show your tender feelings.

It’s easier than ever to make it for the holiday, for example, among the simplest options, you can choose this one: we need two sheets of thick paper. Both sheets must be folded in half, and then on one (this layer will be located below) cut out a heart. But you don’t need to cut it to the end, there should be small uncut sections. And then this sheet must be pasted into another. When you open the card, the heart will also “open up”.