Balls wrapped with thread. A variety of crafts from threads in photo lessons. Step by step explanation of the creation process (81 photos). Master class "Crafts from threads and glue with your own hands"

What could be easier than making balls of thread with your own hands! Hello everyone, today we will make balls of thread and PVA glue. Such balls can be used for decoration or as a basis for further crafts.

So, what do we need to make balls of thread?

  • Thick threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • bowl or cup;
  • Balloon (preferably round).

Balls can be made with children, I think it will be very interesting for them to make such a simple craft.

And now it's time to go through the master class in detail and take the whole process step by step.

Step 1.

Pour PVA glue into a bowl. If it is too thick for you, then dilute it with a little warm water. Stir well so that the glue dissolves in water.

Step 2

Inflate the balloon to the size you want. Prepare a napkin or towel so as not to stain the table.

Step 3

Passing the thread through a bowl of glue, start wrapping the ball. First in one direction, then in different directions. Make sure that the thread gets wet well in the glue.

Wrap several layers so that the ball is almost invisible. When you finish winding, look carefully, if there are dry places, apply glue to them with a brush.

The ball is ready, now it must be dried for 5-10 hours, depending on the temperature of the room and the glue itself.

Step 4

When the glue has dried, you need to remove the ball from the inside. We pierce it with a toothpick or a needle and carefully remove it.

Everything, the ball of thread is ready, now it can be used for decoration.

Balls of thread - a weightless miracle with your own hands (video)

Balls of thread - a weightless miracle with your own hands (video)

From the available materials you can make amazing things, incredibly beautiful and very original. Each of you can, for example, build unique balls of thread with your own hands of various sizes and colors that will decorate any room. Today, children and adults from many countries of the world are happy to create such simple and fashionable crafts.
DIY thread balls turn an ordinary room into a fun and festive one, and all it takes to create them is a little patience, a creative mind, a drop of imagination and a few commonly available tools.

Materials for manufacturing

For pompoms (the same balls of thread), only made in a different way - you will need:

  • any thread;
  • crusts from under matches;
  • scissors.

Before making a thread ball, it is worth remembering a few auxiliary rules.
First, consider the simplest craft - bubo or pompoms made of thread for a hat or for making other crafts (carpets and rugs, animals, pillows, blankets, wall panels, bedspreads for chairs and benches, etc.).

How to make a bubo from threads

We warn you! After one hand-made pompom, you won’t be able to stop! Just like making a brush from threads in one copy. And making a bubo from threads is very simple:

  • We tie a thread on a matchbox and wind it (or on fingers);
  • We remove the wound threads from the box or fingers, we tie the future bubo tightly in the center with a thread;
  • We cut the resulting loops from both ends and fluff (if necessary, trim the bubo to a uniform roundness).
  • Such a simple craft as a bubo is very pleasing to children and cats, especially if you attach a rope to it. Pompoms will delight all family members.

    Video: how to make a fluffy pompom with your own hands

    For balls of thread, the material can be taken in any color, but classic white or silver will suit any interior.
    Before winding the thread, do not forget to lubricate the balloon with a good layer of any cream or oil so that it does not stick to the thread.
    Glue is better to buy more - it will take a lot. One standard bottle goes to two small balls.
    Balloons should be bought with a margin; in the process of making crafts, they sometimes burst.
    It is better to pre-cover the table or floor with oilcloth or newspapers so as not to smear everything around with glue and not to rub it off later.

    The process of making balls of thread

    No secret or difficulties are required in the manufacture of such balls - everything is very, very simple:

  • The balloon is inflated, then the surface is coated with a layer of oil or Vaseline.
  • We take a bottle of glue, pierce it from below with a needle with a threaded thread so that the needle comes out from above, the cap should be unscrewed. The thread is thus impregnated with glue. It is better to put a container under the glue bottle so that the glue falls there, and not on the table. The second way: pour glue into a container and drown the thread in it for impregnation
  • When the thread is soaked, we tie it to an inflated ball and wrap it around it in such a pattern as we want or what we get. In this case, the thread does not need to be pulled strongly, the tension should be the same as when winding it on a ball.
  • When finished wrapping, we tie the tip of the thread, trying to make it invisible, and hang the ball to dry for a day. Carefully! Do not dry balls of glue near batteries or other heating devices, it will burst. It is not difficult to make sure that the threads have dried completely - they become hard.
  • After the thread has dried from the glue, we pierce the ball and carefully remove it.
  • The finished craft can be decorated at your discretion with anything: beads, bows, beads, etc.
  • In the video attached to the article, you can see the ease of making balls of threads and glue with your own hands and gradually make this simple and beautiful interior decoration.
    From small balls you can make interesting toys: caterpillars, a snake or a snowman, from large ones - chandeliers, from oblong ones - a heart, letters and everything that your imagination wants. Consider a few crafts that can be made from thread balls.

    Chandelier made of threads, balls and glue

    A thread chandelier is not only very easy to make, but also economical and stylish at the same time. Such a chandelier will look great in any modern interior and, moreover, is safe (not heavy, made of natural non-toxic materials, has no sharp elements).
    The chandelier will require the same materials as for the balls of threads, we only add a bowl, a foam disk, which we glue to the ceiling. If there is no cartridge with a light bulb left from the last lamp, we buy them too.

    Large balloons and even beach balls are used for chandeliers. But it depends on what size you need a chandelier. The ball or ball is inflated, a place is marked for a hole for fixing the light bulb (you can attach a bowl and circle it).
    Then the same processes take place as in the manufacture of a ball of thread and glue, and at the end the frozen ball can be coated with matte acrylic varnish.
    It is convenient to wind first horizontally, then vertically, and then in any order. The main thing is to exclude gaps and holes.
    The future chandelier also dries for about a day, then the balloon is blown off, taken out and proceed to fix the chandelier - that is, it is thoroughly sprayed with special glue in a spray. It would not be superfluous to also glue paper butterflies or other figures on a filament lamp.
    You don’t need to wait another day, the structure will dry out while preparations are being made for installation.
    The old chandelier is removed, a foam disc is attached to the ceiling, a structure is assembled from a new chandelier, a bowl, a shade and a paw. After that, the chandelier is erected in its rightful place and everyone admires the unusual and spectacular sight. There are also quite a few video tutorials about this craft.

    Video: a master class on making a chandelier from threads

    Heart of threads and balls

    Such a thread heart, made by hand, will decorate any holiday: a wedding anniversary, the birth of a baby and the return of a mother with a baby home, Valentine's Day, birthday, etc. The craft does not require special skills and spending a large amount of money. All it takes is patience and a few easy-to-find tools:

    • threads, preferably those for knitting;
    • Balloons;
    • PVA glue or any other reliable glue;
    • scissors.

    The manufacturing technology is the same as that described above: the balls are inflated, coated with petroleum jelly or oil, threads soaked with glue are wound around them, the balls are allowed to dry for a day. When the threads have hardened, the balloons are pierced and removed. We decorate the resulting thread hearts with beads, sequins or other decorations at your discretion.

    That's it, the heart is ready!
    It is not necessary to remind, probably, that it is better to build a heart from threads of scarlet or pink color. However, it is also possible from white threads, the main thing is that the craft is done neatly and firmly fixed on the wall. And the effect of such decor will exceed all your expectations, rest assured!
    Create, decorate balls of thread, make interesting shapes out of them - in a word, do not limit your imagination, film the entire manufacturing process on video, share your tips with others.
    And may your home always be cozy, beautiful and joyful!

    Video: learning to make balls of thread and glue

    From simple materials such as glue and thread, you can make many interesting crafts. Making them is quite simple, so even children will be happy to participate in this process.

    Moreover, the crafts are inexpensive, because they only need threads, inexpensive PVA glue and colored paper to make them.

    On ball of glue and thread you will need the following materials:
    • PVA glue,
    • balloon,
    • threads "Iris",
    • scissors,
    • big needle.
    1. To make this original craft, you need PVA glue, an inflatable ball, threads No. 40-60, colored paper, ribbon, thick thread.
    2. The balloon must be inflated to the size of an ordinary apple. Thread the tip of the thread into the needle and pierce through the bottle with PVA glue. Since the tip will harden, the needle can be removed.
    3. The thread is carefully wound around the ball, while the turns are best done in different directions.
    4. The resulting "cocoon" must be dried for 4-5 hours. It should be solid. The rubber base must be pierced and carefully pulled out.

    For a cockerel, you will need two balls - on the body and head, which will need to be glued together.

    It remains to decorate the craft with colored paper, making a beak, eyes, scallop and breast of a bird.


    You don't need a balloon to make this toy. The feather is very natural, looks beautiful both on its own and as a decoration on greeting cards.

    1. We begin the work with the winding of the floss wire. All threads must be cut into pieces of the same length.
    2. In turn, they need to be tied on a wire so that the knots lie on the same line.
    3. The workpiece must be dipped in glue so that the floss is well saturated.
    4. Then the pen must be spread out and straightened on the surface and left to dry completely.
    5. Next, the edges are trimmed to make the pen smooth and beautiful.

    The resulting craft can be glued to the base and make an original postcard.

    Toys and interesting and useful items for the home are easy to make from cocoons cut in half. So, it's easy to make a candy bar.

    In order for it to stand steadily on the table, you need to press it against the table with a round jar and turn it several times. This will allow the threads to seal at the bottom. In order to strengthen the bottom, it is worth cutting out a round base from paper and gluing it to the bottom from the inside and outside. You can decorate the candy bowl with ribbon, rhinestones, sequins.

    There is nothing more magical and exciting than creating a small miracle with your own hands, even if it was once invented and embodied by someone else. After all, you can always add something from yourself to the craft: interesting additions or a piece of the soul.

    And involving your own offspring in the process, who are looking for your attention and creative skills, will bring together and help you discover a lot of new and unknown things, which is why the world of crafts, necessary or cute, is so rich. So, today we will learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, consider different options for starting materials and various ideas for decorating a home, a festive table or a children's corner.

    We start with the selection of consumables

    The variety of modern crafts designed to decorate our lives is huge. Balls are simple, but very impressive crafts.

    A set of materials needed to create a souvenir:

    Inflatable (air) balls of small diameter;

    Any greasy cream or petroleum jelly;

    A skein of the thread you like, with which we will decorate the ball;

    Long (collar) needle. It is required depending on the choice of glue and the method of wetting the thread with it;

    Glue - clerical, PVA or specially made.

    Before you learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, and before you start selecting materials for the job, you should decide on the size of the future craft, the quality of the thread, which will be the main decorating element, and the pasting method.

    Balloon: basic requirements

    Let's figure out how to make a ball of thread and glue with your own hands. The basis for the manufacture of this souvenir are balloons.

    When choosing them, you should be guided by the following considerations:

    Balls should be round, since ovals require more accuracy, cannot always keep a given shape and are not as spectacular and versatile as regular spheres;

    It is better to take balls that are not very large, a diameter of 8-12 cm is the best option, especially if this is the first craft.

    And it is also important that the ball is stronger, i.e. the cheapest option can fail at the decisive moment, deflating at the wrong time and ruining the future product. It is worth buying balloons with a margin and carefully check them before starting work.

    Choosing glue

    The success of the craft largely depends on the composition of the glue. You can use stationery in a plastic bottle. In this case, we need a thick needle. The walls of the bubble are pierced with it and the thread is pulled through the glue, thereby wetting it, preventing excessive wetting (the second wall of the bottle serves as an obstacle). This is a good and economical way, but the use of PVA glue is more often welcomed by our craftsmen. This universal glue is more plastic, softer, and it seems that the craft processed by it is more pleasant to the touch and even warmer. Although each method has its adherents. PVA glue is heavy, so it is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, mixed well and poured into a flat dish. Then the thread is passed through the glue solution. There is also a special glue recipe that is most suitable for performing such work: sugar is added to an aqueous solution of PVA. This mixture gives the manufactured crafts the necessary rigidity and strength. The proportions of glue are as follows: 30 g of water, 15 g of glue, 4-5 teaspoons of sugar.

    How to make a ball of thread and glue stick? This is also possible, but the help of the baby will be needed here, since the thread should be pulled along the glue stick protruding from the case, pressing it well so that it has time to soak, and this requires another pair of hands.

    The main element of decoration is a thread

    The thread is selected depending on what you want to see at the output. You can use thick woolen or acrylic threads.

    There are many great decorative yarns: with knots, sequins, various flows and other interesting elements. The thickness of the thread is selected based on the functional load that the future craft will carry. Balls of large diameter, decorating rooms of impressive areas, made of thick thread, jute or light cord, will look great. And elegant Christmas balls should be made of thin cotton, linen or artificial fibers. In other words, the question is not only how to make it, but also what exactly will decorate the souvenir. When the question of the place where the craft will be located is resolved, they begin to implement the idea.

    Workplace preparation

    The surface on which the process of the appearance of craft balls will take place should be protected from the aggressive effects of the source materials. It is especially difficult to wipe the countertop from silicate glue. A piece of oilcloth or garden film will help out. They cover the work surface. Before you make a ball of thread and glue, you need to protect your own clothes and hands. An apron and gloves made of silicone or thin rubber are very useful here.

    How to make a ball of thread with your own hands

    So, let's get started. Pour a part of the prepared glue into a narrow container (we are talking about how to make a ball of thread and PVA glue). Place a skein of the selected thread next to it. We inflate a round ball to the required size and tie it tightly, leaving a sufficiently long end of the thread as a fastener, which will come in handy when drying the finished souvenir. Lubricate the inflated balloon with prepared cream, petroleum jelly or any oil. This is done so that the ball does not stick to the threads. If this happens, it will be impossible to tear off and pull out the remains of the ball from the resulting sphere without deforming the craft. Lowering the thread into a container with glue and wetting it, we begin to wrap the ball. You can apply turns, pulling the thread a little, in any order or arbitrarily, depending on the conceived option.

    It has already been said above how to make a ball of thread and clerical glue. You will need a thick needle, with which you can pull the thread through a bottle of glue and wind it in the same way as when working with PVA glue.

    Drying Features

    After the ball is wrapped, it must dry completely. Here you will need the long end of the thread. When drying, the ball should not come into contact with any surfaces, so the best option would be to tie it to a horizontal stick, fixed in a place where the crafts will dry without disturbing anyone. For complete drying, it takes a long time - 1-2 days. But there is no need to speed up this process. Heating devices located close to hanging crafts can deform them. If you overdo it with heating, then the source ball can burst and nullify all efforts. Therefore, do not make unnecessary efforts. Let the balls dry naturally.

    Final stage

    After a good drying, the threads wrapping the ball harden perfectly and will keep their shape. Now you need to carefully remove the original rubber ball, which serves as a kind of frame. You can simply pierce it with a needle and, when it deflates, pull it out of the resulting sphere with a hook.

    That's all. The craft is ready. Today we learned how to make a ball of thread and glue. It can be used as it is, or decorated with sequins, crystals, artificial flowers, etc. Magnificent Christmas decorations are balls covered with acrylic spray paint. All shades of bronze, gold and silver tones are especially spectacular. Such balls often serve as the basis for elegant decorative compositions, and are also used as single accents in decorating the space around us.

    Comfort in the house is an important component of everyday life. A warm atmosphere is often created by small and inconspicuous at first glance details, which in total give that long-awaited feeling of comfort. And comfort is created in the house with their own hands. You can, of course, use the services of a designer. And you can create an interesting design with the help of improvised things: glue and thread, giving an original color to the interior of the house. After learning how to make a ball of thread, it's easy.

    How to quickly make balls of thread with your own hands?

    Hanging thread balls will look beautiful and unobtrusive in the house. They can be made in any color and size. They will harmoniously fit into the interior if they are hung on a cornice or in a chill out corner, decorate the space around the dining table or on the loggia.

    In addition, such an interior detail will cost you mere pennies, and the time spent on manufacturing elements will be spent to a minimum. These balls are a great way to quickly decorate a room for the festival. But not only - it is also easy to make a new lampshade or ceiling lamp for an old and boring chandelier from threads.

    Christmas decorations in the form of balls of thread and glue

    The quickest and best way to make your family and friends happy with the New Year's atmosphere is to create a snowman, and at the same time - absolutely without snow! So, how to make a snowman out of threads and balls and what is needed for this?

    To make it yourself, prepare:

    • threads of different colors (blue or white for balls and orange for the figure's nose). Yarn can be of different thicknesses, but do not take too thin threads - floss is best suited or for knitting;
    • a jar of glue (you can use gel, you can use PVA, but do not take superglue, as your fingers will get dirty more than jewelry will be made);
    • balloons (small size in the amount of 3 pieces for the body and 2 for the snowman's arms, but this is in case you decide to make them);
    • colorless varnish;
    • scissors;
    • a needle;
    • beads (to make eyes and buttons);
    • glitter or stars (for decoration).

    Step 1

    We inflate the balls. All three should be different sizes, and the last two (for hands) should be smaller than the rest.

    Step 2

    We degrease the surface of the balls so that the thread on the glue does not slip and lags behind well during the removal of the base.

    Step 3

    Pour glue into the bowl.

    We drag the threads through it so that the entire surface of the fiber is sticky.

    Gradually tightly wrap the balls in a circle from all sides.

    Step 4

    Hang to dry. At this time, you can sprinkle them with sparkles and varnish.

    Step 5

    Slowly, so as not to disturb the fragile structure, we blow off the balls and take them out of the thread spheres. We connect them together with the help of glue.

    Step 6

    We glue beads-eyes to the upper part of the snowman, and we hook beads-buttons along the body of the snowman.


    Making a Christmas snowman decoration with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, and you can place it anywhere: place it on a Christmas tree, put it on a windowsill, or hang it at the entrance to an apartment. Quick and original decor at no extra cost!

    How to quickly make a chandelier from threads and a ball?

    In addition to the snowman, you can also update the permanent decor in the house with the help of glue and improvised means. For example, you can make a new chandelier in your bedroom or living room with your own hands.

    For this you will need:

    • a jar of wallpaper glue;
    • round ball;
    • small container with edges;
    • needle;
    • thread (thicker, knitting threads are quite suitable).

    So, we make a chandelier:

    1. Inflate the balloon as much as possible. The ceiling will look more spectacular if it turns out to be voluminous and does not get lost against the general background.
    2. Pour some glue into a container.
    3. We thread the needle and drag it through the glue with the entire surface of the fiber.
    4. Tightly wrap the ball with thread.
    5. Let it hang to dry.
    6. We blow off and separate the fragile frame.
    7. We hang the chandelier on the light bulb and, voila, the new lamp is ready!

    It is worth noting that such a chandelier can be made not only hinged - such a ceiling looks cozy on a bedside lamp. In addition, ceiling lights with multiple bulbs can also be upgraded in the same way. However, in this case, the plafonds should be small.

    However, there are some tips on how to make a chandelier correctly:

    How to make a lampshade from threads and a ball?

    Many houses still have a good old floor lamp. The light it emits is diffused and warm, but the lampshade is already pretty worn out. Buying a new one is expensive, and it makes no sense. Therefore, the most effective way to ennoble an old floor lamp is to create a new lampshade with your own hands using a balloon and glue.

    To do this, you still need a little thick glue, a degreasing agent (you can replace it with petroleum jelly), a large needle, a container and a balloon (but in this case you can use not only a round one, but also a pear-shaped one. And inveterate lovers of romance can take the balloon in heart shape).

    We make a lampshade like this:

    • Depending on the height of the floor lamp or bedside lamp, we inflate the ball to the desired size. Note that large round shades of yellowish color look spectacular on high floor lamps, as they resemble a street lamp in a park. You can additionally decorate the leg of the lamp with your own hands, and then the romantic atmosphere in the room is certainly guaranteed. For bedside floor lamps, make small pear-shaped shades;
    • Degrease the base under the lampshade;
    • We thread a thread into the needle and, pulling it through the glue, tightly, without leaving gaps, wrap the lampshade on all sides. But do not forget about the bottom, which should remain open;
    • We hang the structure and leave it for a day;
    • We put on a light bulb and ... enjoy the warm home light!

    If you use a large ball, then the thread construction can be made not only in the form of a sphere. To do this, carefully cut the already dried frame in half. We cut the edges in figured waves. Silk tassels can also be attached to the edges, as on a real retro floor lamp.