Easy DIY crafts for kids. What to do with children at home: we make games from improvised materials. Egg cassettes

What to do on a rainy or windy evening with a baby? Of course, creativity! We share ideas for express crafts for autumn evenings.

Even if you're the busiest mom in the world, don't forget that it's important for your child to spend time together and engage in fun activities together.

Nothing brings people together like solving problems and spending time together. A win-win option is hand-made. By doing small crafts, you can analyze your child's behavioral patterns, assess abilities and give the most important thing for any person on the planet - communication.

We have compiled a selection of the most easy crafts and quick crafts that you can do with your baby. Even if you hated labor lessons at school, here you will definitely find something to your liking.

1. multi-colored pebbles

If in the summer you collected not only shells, but also pebbles from the sea, it's time to decorate them.

What you need: Acrylic paints, pebbles, water and a brush, a non-spill cup.

2. A bottle of sand

Making another beautiful piece of furniture together is very simple.

What you need: colored sand (you can take colored crayons, rub them on sandpaper and mix with fine sea salt), transparent dishes.

N.B. In order for the loose mixture to fall directly into the narrow neck of the bottle, you need to make a small cone with a hole out of paper.

3. P anno „Cooking jam" .

What you need: A4 paper or cardboard, scissors, apples and pears, gouache, brushes.

Cut out the shape of a jar from cardboard. Cut apples and pears in half. With a brush, apply gouache to the cut halves and press them down to leave prints on the cardboard. We finish the bones, leaves and ponytails after the prints are made.

You can also make such an application using leaves. Apply to one side of a leaf or flower with a brush and gently press onto colored paper for printing.

4. Craft "Kapitoshka" (or Christmas toy )

What you need: colored cardboard, balloon, PVA glue, a small container in the form of a bowl, thread.

Inflate the balloon and tie it. Pour PVA glue into a small bowl, smear the thread along the entire length with glue and wind it around the ball in a chaotic manner. Let it dry and pop the ball, decorate with different details - nose, eyes, hairs.

5. Educational toy for hand motor skills

What you need: Flour, watering can, balloon, marker, multi-colored threads.

Using a watering can, pour flour into a ball and tamp it down. We tie a filled ball, draw eyes, tie a thread in the form of hair.

6. Butterfly pin

What you need: A4 paper or multi-colored cardboard, pencils, clothespin.

We cut out “wings” from paper in the form of two eights: one is larger, the second is smaller, and we clamp them closer to the base of the clothespin.

7. Underwater world

What you need: Paints (acrylic or gouache), colored cardboard, scissors, disposable plates, fantasy :)

8. Mouse on a plate

What you need: Paper, felt-tip pens or paints, a disposable plate, scissors, thread.

First you need to cut out a circle from A4 paper, paint it in one color, roll it into a cone and glue it. Cut, paint and glue the ears. Cut out eyes from cardboard. Glue the thread like a ponytail.

9. Crafts from disposable cups

What you need: Disposable cups, colored paper and cardboard, glue, scissors (needle and thread optional) .

10. 3 D aquarium

What you need: An old box, threads, shells, scissors, colored paper, regular tape, double-sided tape, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache or acrylic), you can additionally take cling film to “close” the aquarium.

On the “bottom” of the box, with felt-tip pens or paints, draw a “background” of the underwater world. We cut out fish, seahorses, algae from colored paper or cardboard. We hang fish on the "ceiling" of the aquarium on strings. Glue "algae" to the opposite edge. At the bottom we glue shells on double-sided tape. We wrap the aquarium with cling film.

11. Lamb from napkins And cotton wool

What you need: Cotton wool or napkins, divided into small pieces, one sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue or glue stick, felt-tip pens.

12. Hand jewelry -made

What you need: Threads, a set of large beads (can be found in Monpasier stores), cardboard and scissors.


What you need: Plastic bottle, two tablespoons, string and knife

We all know that with the onset of cold weather, the birds have nothing to eat. With older children, you can make just such a feeder at home and hang it in the park near the house.

14. Bookmarks for books

What you need: Floss threads, multi-colored cardboard, stickers, rhinestones, felt, colored paper, scissors and glue.

For your favorite books, you can make such bookmarks and teach your child to discipline from childhood.


What you need: colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick or double-sided tape, a needle or a hole punch, an elastic band.

You don't need a reason to make masks. A mask can be a great excuse to have a masquerade!

16. Angel

What you need: Napkins for glasses, wooden beads, scissors, woolen threads, floss threads, PVA glue

We cut out the napkin in the form of a “candy”, as shown in the figure, make small cuts in the form of unfinished triangles and a hole in the center of the circle. We bend in half and get the body of an angel. We take 6-8 pieces of thread, tie them together in the middle with floss threads, which we throw on one side, string a bead on them and thread them through the hole in the center of the circle. We tie a knot. We stretch another thread through the bead so that you can hang the toy.

17. Herringbone of wine corks

What you need: wine corks, paint, glue, paper.

To make a Christmas tree out of wine corks, you need to prepare a cone shape, drape it with colored paper and stick wine corks on top, which will act as “needles”.

18. Button appliqué

What you need: A lot of multi-colored buttons, double-sided tape, PVA glue, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue stick.

19. Chest of drawers with a secret

What you need: matchboxes, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, colored paper.

We glue together 4, 6 or 8 matchboxes (you can use 9 or 10, the main thing is to get a rectangular shape), wrap the fixed part and glue colored paper on it. We draw decor with a felt-tip pen - pens, coils, flowers, etc.

20. Hedgehog

What you need: plasticine, sunflower seeds

We sculpt a small oval and press it down on one side to make a “muzzle”. With a sharp end in rows, we insert the seeds into the body of the hedgehog. Don't forget the eyes and nose.

Depending on the season, you can also consider certain types of activities. In the fall, collect and dry a herbarium together, carve or paint a pumpkin for Halloween. In winter, cut out snowflakes or garlands, decorate Christmas balls, sculpt a snowman. In the spring, decorate Easter eggs, plant seedlings or just small flowers. And in the summer ... Imagine what you can do together in the summer.

- a great way to fill walks on the street with delight and emotion. This summer craft is easier to make than you think. And how much joy!

Most likely, after relaxing at sea, you brought with you a lot of “treasures”: shells and sea pebbles. But do not rush to throw away this treasure, but turn it into children's toys. - This is an excellent training of fine motor skills and imagination of the child. Color, play and even use in the interior.

A glass of lemonade is a great summer craft for kids at kindergarten or summer camp. For children of different ages, applications of varying complexity can be offered.

What is summer without insects! Invite the children to make crafts from paper or plasticine about the life of insects. Invite them to fantasize about what ants drag into the anthill, cut out ladybugs, glue multi-colored wings to butterflies, leave prints of plastic caterpillars and beetles on plasticine.

For the sake of ice cream, children are waiting for summer. A simple craft on the theme "Summer" from colored paper will make the child happy until the end of the day, at least.

Strawberries, cherries, watermelons and other berries, vegetables and fruits that are so abundant in summer can also be ideas for summer crafts. They can be made from paper and cardboard, buttons or plasticine.

These summer paper plates are also unique in that you can play with them. Both the octopus and the boat are separate crafts glued to wooden sticks that are threaded through a horizontal slot in a paper plate.

Another idea that can be made from plasticine on a marine theme is a jar with plasticine marine inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, starfish, shells, pebbles and algae.

Now you have 17 great summer themed craft and appliqué ideas that kids can easily make at home, kindergarten or summer camp and have fun. We hope you find something interesting to do with your child to extend his summer a little more. If you have more ideas for summer crafts, share them on our forum.

Cover photo source: www.thehousethatlarsbuilt.com

With children of this age, you can start making various interesting crafts-appliques on the theme "Plant World"

The flora is also interesting and varied. Tell your child about trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants. What is the difference. Plants are necessary for man, because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. That is why the forest breathes so well. Many plants produce edible fruits. Ask your child to remember fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals. Animals also eat plants. Cows, sheep, horses eat grass in summer and hay in winter. Bees collect nectar from flowers, and caterpillars eat leaves.

Explain how a plant grows from a seed. A seed is planted in the ground, a sprout appears. Then it blooms, and then a fruit or seed ripens in place of the flower.

Plant some seeds (sunflower, beans) or onions, garlic in a pot at home. Have your child water it regularly and watch what happens.

flower with wishes

Materials and tools

Sheet of cardboard for the base

Glue with glitter


colored paper

1. Cut out flower petals, core and stem from colored paper.

2. On the back of the colored paper, circle the baby's palms, or let him do it himself. Cut along the contour - these will be the leaves of the flower.

3. Let the child stick the petals on a sheet of cardboard, but glue the petals only at the base, in the place where they stick to the core. Thus, each petal can be lifted.

4. Then the baby can glue the core, stem and leaves in the form of palms.

5. When the appliqué is dry, lift each petal of the flower and write below it wishes to the person to whom the flower is intended. Of course, such a gift will also be a memory of what tiny hands your child had.

6. Invite your child to decorate the appliqué as desired, for example with drops of glitter glue.

What to talk about with your child

➙ When making crafts, name the parts of the flower (petals, core, stem, leaves).

➙ Tell your baby about the holidays, about the tradition of wishes and about the person to whom the card is intended.

➙ You can arrange a postcard in the form of a “semi-flower” (seven petals of different colors). Tell or read the fairy tale by V. Kataev “Semi-flower” to the baby and ask the child what his desires are. You can specially make such a card so that the child tears off the petals and formulates his desires.

Materials and tools

Paper napkins (white, red, pink)

Cardboard for the base

felt-tip pens

Step by step manufacturing process

It is better to use good quality two-layer napkins - such napkins do not give paper dust and roses turn out like real ones.

1. Show your child how to separate the layers of the napkin from each other and how to tear the napkin into several pieces. Let the kid do it on his own.

2. Roll the balls from the resulting pieces. Children can easily cope with this.

3. Draw a rose stem on the cardboard. Spread the places where the roses should be attached with glue.

4. Now the baby can stick the resulting lumps in these places. Don't be surprised if your guests think the roses are real.

You can think of other stories as well. For example, you can make a basket with snowballs or ice cream cones in the same way.

What to talk about with your child

➙ Roses can be called a symbol of love. People often give them to each other to express their love. Most often, roses are pink (hence their name), red, white. Rose stems with prickly thorns.

➙ Think about your craft when there are real roses in the house.

➙ Remember the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", in which a boy and a girl grew roses.

Simple winter and New Year crafts with children 2-3 years old

Hello dear readers!

In winter, especially New Year's days, you want to immerse your child in a little fairy tale and do something interesting with your own hands. Today we will consider options for crafts that children of 2-3 years of age can do. Despite their ease of manufacture, these options for creative tasks are original. Such crafts can even be presented in kindergarten at the exhibition.

  1. Snowflake made of cotton wool (cotton balls)

Apply a snowflake pattern to a sheet of paper using a glue stick or PVA (using a wide brush). Have your child apply the balls to the adhesive strips. It turns out a voluminous and beautiful snowflake!

  1. Cotton pad snowman

  1. Paper plate crafts

On the basis of paper plates, you can do similar work:

And if you glue the plate with pieces of napkins or crumpled paper, you get a beautiful white bear, the nose of which will be a paper cup, and the ears - 2 pre-cut circles of paper.

  1. Wax drawings

On a white sheet of paper with a wax candle, draw snowflakes or another drawing on a winter theme. Invite your child to color a sheet of paper in blue and blue tones. And then a miracle happens: under a wave of the brush, a drawing will begin to appear that you have previously depicted.

Source: maam.ru

This is another interesting drawing technique. Ask your child to color the cabbage leaf with white paint or toothpaste and attach it to paper. In the print you will see a wonderful winter tree. And if you try a little, you can thus depict a whole forest. It is better to use Chinese cabbage.

If your child loves to sculpt, then he will definitely like the creation of Christmas tree decorations from salt dough.

Salt dough without cooking:

1 cup flour

0.5 cup salt (preferably "Extra")

0.5 cup water (add food coloring if needed)

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients and mix well until smooth.

From this test, wonderful figures are obtained that can be dried and painted.

Using molds for modeling (can be replaced with cookie cutters), we cut out the figures, dry them in a warm place (for example, a few days at the battery) and paint them with paints. You can also decorate the product with cereals or seeds when sculpting.

Surely in every home there is a sleeve from a roll of toilet paper or paper towels. You can also use cylindrical packages.

Wrap the sleeve in wrapping paper or a pretty fabric and tie the edges with ribbon. Don't forget to hide the surprise inside the cylinder!

This candy can be used as a Christmas decoration.

A child's handprint can become a tree. When the drawing dries, smear it with glue and sprinkle with salt. After the glue dries, shake off the remnants of flowability.

The kid can decorate such a Christmas tree with felt balls, or plasticine balls, which he rolls up himself. To give a festive atmosphere, the cone can be pre-painted green, apply glue to the edges and sprinkle with sparkles or salt.

Cut off the front of the sock (this will be a hat) and set it aside. Turn the resulting blank and tie one free edge with a thread. Instruct the baby to pour rice into the resulting bag (it is more convenient to do this with a spoon). Tie off the free end. Use yarn to form the snowman's body and head. Put on a hat and decorate as you wish. The child can knit a scarf for the snowman.

A snowman with grits is not only a home decoration, but also a wonderful tactile toy.

Volumetric paints look very unusual and beautiful. And it's very easy to make it. Just mix shaving foam with PVA glue in a ratio of 2 to 1. Liquid dyes can be added if necessary.

We have a great idea - a "magic bag" with all sorts of things, which contains handmade games for children that will keep your fidget busy for a long time. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to have a great weekend with the kids with our homemade play ideas for toddlers.

We offer you a bunch of ideas on what you can do with a child at home when he is bored and tired of all the toys a long time ago. At the same time, you don’t have to spend much on new games, it will be enough that you have at hand to make new fun for children with your own hands.

10 DIY games for kids to keep kids busy at home

A selection of great games that you can make with your own hands for your child to keep him busy at home.

drawing illusion

Children love to draw, but frankly, it's always stressful for mom. If you don’t know what to do with your child at home, give him colored and thick sheets, brushes and a small container of water instead of white paper and paints.

He will dip the brush into the water and draw on colored paper. The paper will darken where water gets in, and your child will think he is drawing. Disaster in the apartment does not happen.

Do-it-yourself constructor for a child

What to do with a child at home if he is from one to three years old? Children at this age simply love toys with many details.

For example, Mr. Potato. cut out potatoes from felt, also cut out eyes, nose, hats, mustaches, and other attributes from felt of other colors for him. You can carry it with you in your bag or leave it at home, but in any case, Mr. Potato will bring a lot of joy. The best game for kids is hard to come up with.

The second option is possible.

Spy bottle - a game for children with their own hands

All that is required is a good rummage in your drawer in search of all sorts of unnecessary little things: buttons, small toys, thimbles, keys. Take a picture of them, laying them out on the table, then put them in a bottle and fill them with rice or other cereals.

When you need free time, give your child a photo and ask them to find all the elements in the picture. Such games for kids can be created with their own hands again and again.

Ice cream stick games for kids

Great way to keep kids busy at home.

Print out drawings of various geometric shapes (triangle, square, rhombus) and let your child use the drawing to try to make the same stick figure. Unlike counting sticks, which also work, popsicle sticks are not easy to lose.

You can also make a puzzle out of ice cream sticks. To do this, a few more ice cream sticks (or use those for figures, but on the back). Cut any photo into strips and glue to sticks. Your child will be able to put the puzzle together to make a picture. The advantage of this game for kids is that it is not a pity to lose or spoil it, and it is also easy to make a new one.

DIY lacing games

A great idea for keeping a child busy at home is to give him an object with holes in which you can slip the lace. Cut out figures from foam rubber, cardboard or a paper plate, make holes along the edges. Give the child some kind of strong rope that can be threaded through these very holes.

With the same success, you can use cocktail tubes or fluffy wire instead of cord and a colander (skimmer) instead of cardboard to keep the child at home for a while.

DIY games with plastic utensils

Surely, every mother somewhere at home had plastic spoons and cups from some kind of feast lying around. Of these, you can also make educational games for kids with your own hands.

Take several transparent, white and colored plastic spoons. After that, with a marker, draw the same patterns on one colored and one transparent one. On the remaining spoons, also draw different figures according to this principle.

The point of this game for toddlers is for your child to be able to find two spoons with the same icon and put them one on top of the other. This will not only save you if you do not know what to do with your child at home, but also teach your child to distinguish between figures.

You can do the same with plastic cups. Such games will be able to keep the baby at home for a long time.

stringing pasta

We have all seen what children do somewhere in the classroom, so why not play with dry pasta at home.

Give your child pasta that has a hole in it and a piece of string, after tying a large knot at one end to keep the pasta from falling off. Kids can make beads or just a long, long bunch of pasta in different shapes and colors.

You can also suggest stringing pasta on wire or sticks stuck in a plasticine or foam base. Also, pasta can be replaced with other materials: colored beads or cardboard.

Sorting squares of colored cardboard

Another activity that not only entertains, but also develops. For this do-it-yourself game for children, buy colored cardboard, cut it into small squares of different colors and attach it to a clothespin. Lay out a palette of colors in front of the child and let him try to attach a square of cardboard of the desired color with a clothespin. This is both a fun and educational game for kids.

We model figures with our own hands

To keep your child entertained at home at no extra cost, give them Playdough and toothpicks (there's an edible version of the marshmallow and straw game) and encourage them to create 3D shapes using Playdough to connect the sticks.

DIY cardboard box games

To take a child at home, make him out from under his shoes. The box itself can be turned into a foosball table with a pair of cocktail straws. And the lid goes into the ball maze: just glue ice cream sticks or cocktail tubes to the box.

Sunlight games

Put, put a piece of paper next to it and invite the children to circle the shadow along the contour.

Crafts from colored paper

Colored paper crafts are an easy way to keep a child busy for quite some time. It is not necessary to do something specific, you can simply give a set of cut out figures (stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles) and invite the child to dream up.

water games

A quick way to keep a child busy at home without much effort on the part of adults: pour water into the basin, pour small items (caps from plastic bottles, balls) and let the baby get them with chopsticks, a spoon, a scoop.

obstacle course at home

Take colored tape, electrical tape or masking tape, stick it on the floor in the form of paths and islands. Then, to keep the kids entertained, invite them to pass an obstacle or race with toy cars, roll a small ball around the track, blowing on it through a straw for cocktails.

Funny drawings and collages from improvised materials

A simple recipe for entertaining a child at home with drawing. Just give him unwanted magazines, flyers or old postcards, scissors, glue, paper and pencils. Then the child cuts out characters that are interesting to him, sticks them on a blank sheet, and draws what he sees fit.

Such games not only help to occupy the child so that he does not get bored at home, but also develop imagination, train fine motor skills.

Now you know what to do with your child at home, and what toys you can quickly and easily build with your own hands.