What flowers can be given to a man: floral etiquette and bouquet design. What flowers are usually given to men for their birthday

And is it customary to do so? However, everyone knows about carnations for veterans, flower baskets for artists or luxurious bouquets for Olympic champions in combination with medals. So, the main question remains only the appropriateness of the gift. Other men also have many occasions and merits in life that fully justify such an offering. And women have desires to please them. However, there are still some rules of etiquette in this regard, and it is worth talking about them in more detail.

For what reason?

If for women the best bouquet is an unexpected bouquet, then with men everything is much stricter. There must be some reason, though. The generally accepted events at which flowers are given to a man in accordance with all the rules of etiquette are anniversaries, the completion of major projects, successful performances (especially premieres) and other moments of life marked by major dates and special successes. In a more private setting, a representative of the stronger sex can receive a bouquet for the day of lovers and family fidelity, the anniversary of living together, and those directly involved in the defense of the country - on February 23rd.

And, of course, every couple has their own small and big dates and occasions for which there are no rules.

What flowers are given to men on their birthday?

Bouquets are usually presented to men for an anniversary, and on a solid date, for example, for 50 and 60 years - a half-century milestone and retirement. It is usually not customary to congratulate young representatives of the stronger sex with flowers even in connection with round dates. Exceptions are cases when the hero of the day rents an expensive restaurant and celebrates the event with special splendor: in this case, bouquets are appropriate. In this case, the rule should be observed: the younger the hero of the occasion, the brighter and more contrasting the bouquet.

It is not customary to give flowers on the 40th anniversary!

The flower list in this case looks something like this: carnations, gerberas, irises, chrysanthemums, roses, dark plain orchids, plumeria, heliconias, daisies, dahlias, bamboo. Sunflowers are quite appropriate in a men's bouquet, but special attention should be paid to high arrow-shaped flowers - gladiolus, delphiniums, callas are often included in such compositions.


The composition should be concise and strict. Flowers are selected in a deep, rich-bright color without halftones: red, burgundy, orange, the entire blue-violet spectrum. It is better to give preference to darker colors, which are shaded by the introduction of elements of cold light tones - white, very light green (more like a greenish tint of white), and from warm shades - yellow. It is not customary to give pastel colors to men: this is the female version.

If, at the mention of dark shades and solid colors, there was a feeling that a men's bouquet should be gloomy and dim, then this is absolutely not the case!


The shape of the bouquet deserves special attention. Lush compositions with a ball or an oval are not given to men. It should be a strict, geometrically vertical, linear design, excluding elements that make the bouquet fluffy. This form conveys the inner content of the male character: purposefulness, unambiguity, desire for leadership, independence. Tall flowers that do not need support are the best option.

It is believed that a truly masculine bouquet should be made up of flowers of the same species, however, professional florists create flawless compositions from several varieties of flowering and decorative leafy plants. But even in this case, different shades of buds of the same type are usually not used.


Here the requirements for rigor and conciseness of forms become even more stringent. No embellishments, bows, sequins, butterflies, ladybugs and lace patterns! The best option is to tie the stems with a ribbon tied into a beautiful, neat knot. A hero of the day, an athlete, an artist, a business partner or a person celebrating great success in life can be given flowers in a basket. But you can trust the compilation of such a composition only to a competent professional florist. One little misplaced detail can ruin everything! This is one of those situations where "under" is better than "over".

A bottle of expensive whiskey or other elite male alcohol will look quite appropriate and courageous in such a basket - but not wine! However, there are exceptions here too: wine "of the same year" with a hero of the day is a great gift! You can decorate the composition with details that emphasize the occasion or passion of a man. For example, decorate with golf balls if the hero of the occasion has such a hobby. You can also put a gift in the basket if they are comparable in size.

handing over

Of no small importance is the presentation of the bouquet. On this account, there are small, but immutable rules.

  • If a spouse is standing next to the one to whom the congratulations are addressed, after the obligatory congratulatory speech addressed to the man, flowers should be handed to her.
  • When presenting, a bouquet or flower arrangement in a basket is held in the left hand, especially if the donor is also a man or a woman who is a business partner. In both cases, the right hand is left free to shake hands.
  • If the person to whom the flowers are handed sees that the woman’s right hand is free, but she herself is not included in the circle of business communication, which allows shaking hands with ladies, he should kiss this hand in gratitude. Touching the back of your hand with your lips, however, is not worth it.
  • If flowers are delivered by courier, a greeting card or business card must be included in the bouquet.

Can men give flowers? Women often ask this question. The answer, however, is obvious - one has only to remember the traditional carnations for war veterans and the luxurious bouquets awarded to Olympic champions along with a medal. And how many flowers do male artists get: actors, singers, ballet stars, etc. That is, when it comes to congratulating a veteran, athlete or artist, the question of whether flowers are appropriate, as a rule, does not arise. And how are all other men different from them? Nothing! They also like flowers.

American florists did a study and found out that six out of ten men are very fond of flowers and would be happy to receive a bouquet as a gift . However, this does not mean that the other 40% of men would be against receiving flowers as a gift. Flowers - that's why they are flowers to please all people. Just from ancient times, men were engaged in hunting and complex agricultural work, and women planted vegetable gardens and gardens with flowers. Representatives of the stronger sex, seeing how women rejoice at each blooming bud, realized that flowers are the most win-win option as a gift for a woman.

By the way, according to an old Arab legend, Satan created precious stones, seeing how Eve admires flowers. He realized how colorful "things" are attractive to people. However, flowers are everywhere, so anyone can enjoy their beauty. The cunning Satan hid multi-colored shimmering stones in the hope that people, finding them, would be insanely delighted. By creating precious stones like flowers and scattering them over the Earth, Satan brought another temptation into a person's life, often pushing him to crime. This legend explains why “girls' best friends” are flowers and ... diamonds, because one, according to legend, is created in the likeness of the other.

If men did not allow themselves to admire flowers for a long time and did not spend time growing them, this does not mean that the sight of luxurious, fragrant buds did not evoke pleasant emotions in them. Men, as well as women, love flowers and colorful gems. Florists know that many representatives of the stronger sex regularly order blooming bouquets not to give them to a woman, but to decorate their own home. And the fact that men are often fond of breeding live plants does not surprise anyone. Think of the legendary detective hero Nero Wolfe, passionate about growing orchids.

Thus, to the question of do men give flowers , only a positive answer can be given. However, there are certain rules of etiquette that must be followed when planning to give flower bouquets to the stronger sex.

According to the classical rules of etiquette , a woman can give flowers to a man only if he is the hero of the occasion (name day, premiere, concert, etc.). A woman is not recommended to give flowers to a man who is younger than her.

Modern rules of etiquette do not impose any restrictions on giving flowers to men. However, generally accepted rules still need to be followed. When presenting flowers to a man, you should hold them in your left hand. If flowers are presented to the hero of the day, next to whom the spouse is, then the flowers must be handed over to the spouse (except when the bouquet is a purely masculine composition with the inclusion of additional elements - for example, cognac).

For what reason can you give a man flowers?

Firstly, as already mentioned, it is customary to give flowers to men for an anniversary. In addition, flowers are appropriate as a gift for a celebration arranged in honor of any success of a man - a sports victory, the completion of a serious project, a successful premiere, a major concert, etc.

In addition, if we are talking about a beloved man, you can give him flowers on Valentine's Day, on Spouse's Day, on February 23, and also on the anniversary of a joint relationship. However, when it comes to a loved one, all the rules are superfluous. Do as your heart tells you - you can give flowers to your man at least on every date. And why not, if both you and him like it?

At work, you can give flowers to the manager, congratulating him on his anniversary, professional holiday, Boss Day. Especially if the gift is collective, the flowers will be very useful.

What flowers are given to men?

Carnations immediately come to mind - strict, concise and familiar as a gift for a man. However, this is far from the only option. It is unlikely that the decision to give carnations, for example, to a leader celebrating his 55th birthday, will be a good one. In this case, it is better to choose a luxurious, large bouquet of roses.

The following flowers are considered male : callas, roses, orchids, carnations, gladioli, lilies, anthuriums, bamboo, delphiniums. Dahlias, tulips, chrysanthemums are also suitable.

Color matters too: pastel, delicate colors are suitable only for women. Men should choose white, red, maroon, purple, blue flowers. And they should be bright, with a rather dark, saturated color.

If we are not talking about a major event, it is worth giving a man one big flower. The flower should have a long stem and a large inflorescence. It can be a gladiolus, calla lilies, a large rose, an orchid.

What should be the design of a bouquet for a man?

Lush bouquets with a balloon are not suitable for men. It is better to choose a linear design of the bouquet, without unnecessary embellishments,

making the bouquet fluffy. Of course, various lace patterns of packaging, bows, butterflies, etc. will not be appropriate. It is better to simply tie the flowers with a ribbon, tying it in a beautiful knot. The shape of the bouquet should be vertical, with clear, strict lines. It is considered undesirable to combine flowers in a bouquet for men - it is better if it is one type of large flowers of the same color. However, florists create successful flower arrangements for men from several types of flowering plants. There are also very interesting options - for example, compositions in the form of a sailboat.

A male leader or business partner can be presented with a bouquet of large bright flowers of a rich and even dark color in a large basket containing a bottle of expensive whiskey or some other gifts. For example, a man passionate about golf will definitely like a basket of flowers, additionally decorated with golf balls.

So, for the anniversary of a man of mature age, it is better to give a large bouquet of maroon roses. To congratulate a man on success in business, you can choose one large, long flower. A boss, business partner or friend on a professional holiday, anniversary or any other celebration can be presented with a male flower arrangement or bouquet in a basket containing an additional gift. You can give your beloved man a bouquet for almost any occasion, but you need to remember the main differences between a male bouquet and a female one (size, color, design, decoration - everything should be strict, clear, concise, even, perhaps, rude).

And one more piece of advice. If you want to present your man with a bouquet, but don't know how he will react, try to "probe the soil" first by giving him a flowering houseplant in a pot. If he is sincerely happy, then the bouquet will be accepted with enthusiasm.

photo still lifes of inga mamon from the photo site http://www.photosight.ru/

They say that you should not give flowers to a man if he is you, unless, of course, any other solemn event became the reason for this. If you still need to give a man flowers, you should remember about the color scheme. A win-win option would be a bouquet in purple, white, burgundy, and blue. The composition definitely should not contain bows, ribbons, and accessories in general.

A man can be presented with a modest ikebana, this does not contradict etiquette.

In fact, there are not very many “purely male” flowers, but many present men with orchids, gladioli, gerberas, daisies, carnations, roses, irises or delphiniums. Often the bouquet is arranged in a basket, and a bottle of good cognac and sweets are added there.

Romantic persons give the object of their love one scarlet rose, and the reaction to this one is different. Some arrive in complete admiration, though someone falls into some bewilderment.

What kind of flowers do men want to receive as a gift?

For an anniversary, a man of respectable age can be presented with a bouquet of plain flowers. Wildflowers are usually given at home. Some men prefer to receive as a gift not a bouquet of cut flowers, but a "money tree" in a pot, then they can take care of the plant on their own. Another advantage of a living plant is the fact that, unlike cut flowers, it will not wither in a few days, but will remain for a long time.

When choosing a bouquet of flowers for colleagues or a boss, buy a bouquet that contains exotic elements. The rules of etiquette approve of such additives to bouquets. If a man is your boss, a bouquet of emerald callas, composed by a professional florist, will come in handy.

For colleagues, you can pick up a bouquet of several types of flowers, packed in beautiful wrapping paper.

Before you give a man flowers, you need to know in advance his attitude towards them. Some men are sharply negative, therefore, they should not give them at all.

Men have everyone's favorite holidaywhen, in addition to gifts, they are given flowers. It will be possible to give one and his choice can be any. In general, it says that men like large flowers more, and the larger they are, the better.
Scarlet roses stand apart, these are flowers for a very close person of age or for a loved one.

We often find ourselves in a difficult position when we need to give flowers to a man. Only floristry can give us advice on all emerging cases in such a difficult issue - a complex science that takes into account many nuances.

For a long time it was believed that only women could give flowers. To date, the situation has changed somewhat, although some stereotypes still remain. In European floristry, there is no difference between a male and female bouquet. A flower gift is addressed primarily to a person, to a person to whom they want to express their feelings.

What kind of flowers can be given to a man and how not to put him in an awkward position by giving him a bouquet of flowers? Won't we look foolish if we see that our bouquet has puzzled him? And why do we so rarely give flowers to men and do not even know if they like it or not?

Floral etiquette has existed for many hundreds of years and has not changed to this day in a number of ways. There are two rules for presenting flowers: “bouquet and occasion” and “bouquet and personality”. They must be very clearly observed if you do not want to get into an awkward situation.

For the men of your family, relatives and close friends, etiquette and occasion are not so important, for them flowers are a manifestation of your love and appreciation.

For the rest of the men: work colleagues, your boss, business partners, just good friends when choosing a bouquet for celebrations, compliance with the rules of etiquette is mandatory.

Flowers are given to men of this category only in connection with some solemn event. It can be a birthday, anniversary, receiving an award, otherwise, when a man is the culprit of some kind of celebration. Without a reason, flowers are not presented to these men.

Rules of flower etiquette

Never choose a bouquet for a man just because you like it.

A men's bouquet is difficult even for many florists due to the large number of nuances, so when choosing it, it is better to turn to professionals.

Men's bouquet design

Bouquet shape

The shape of a bouquet for men should be pyramidal, a triangular version is allowed, strict clear lines directed upwards should be maintained in the bouquet, some kind of aggressiveness should be visible. Do not use plants with stems hanging down, it is also desirable to limit sprawling and fluffy branches.

A bouquet for a man should have some kind of phallic symbolism, long stems, large leaves and elongated buds. All this should resemble an arrow directed upwards. The flowers are large, with pronounced inflorescences of the same size.

Greens are used that support the floral design and are themselves geometric, such as fern leaves, asparagus, monstera, bamboo.

Bouquet design and packaging

A men's bouquet does not imply decoration with lace elements, sparkles, decorative bows, beads. An exception may be a ribbon made of natural material, jute, but in no case satin. Flowers can be tied with braid, and experts do not advise untying it even when placing the bouquet in a vase, so as not to destroy the microclimate of the bouquet.

The use of baskets for flower arrangements suggests a round anniversary date or an official award procedure.

bouquet color

The classics of a men's bouquet are the use of one type of flowers in a monochromatic range, although today florists make a men's bouquet from different color shades, even contrasting ones.

The color of the bouquet is adjusted according to the age and temperament of the birthday person, as well as according to his position in society. Older people choose restrained, soft tones, young people are more suitable for a scatter of bright colors. Calm colors are suitable for phlegmatic people, and combinations of contrasting shades are suitable for choleric people. Green leaves must be present for framing. For established respectable men, flowers with dark colors are selected.

Colors should be saturated: red, purple, orange, white, burgundy, blue. There should be no sharp color transitions, excessive variegation. The best option is mono-bouquets, in which flowers are selected according to one type and a single color scheme. In 2018, ultraviolet is recognized as a fashionable color.

What flowers are suitable for a man

Flowers are suitable for a man, which symbolize reliability, confidence, the desire for success. Even with their shape and appearance, they should emphasize masculinity and dignity. Small buds and fractional inflorescences are not suitable for a male bouquet. The time has passed when the carnation was considered the only flower that could be presented to a man. Now the list of male flowers is quite large.

  1. Orchids are suitable for classic anniversaries with a large number of guests, as the personification of luxury, wealth, sophistication, to emphasize the charisma of the hero of the day
  2. Callas - an excellent bouquet for the boss, is perceived as a recognition of merit and a sign of respect
  3. Dahlias of dark purple colors - an expression of gratitude to the teacher or the attending physician
  4. Dark burgundy and white roses are good for congratulating creative people as a recognition of their talent, suitable for all anniversaries with round dates
  5. Gladioli of any color are suitable for professional holidays for work colleagues
  6. Tulips, daffodils, carnations are given to veterans and young people on the holidays of the year, which are celebrated by the whole country.
  7. Gerberas are considered a sign of fidelity, they are given for birthdays, a bouquet is collected from gerberas of two colors.
  8. Chrysanthemums are suitable for corporate holidays to express goodwill and prospects for cooperation.
  9. Irises are a male flower, they are given to a man who is sympathized, respected, such a bouquet is good when celebrating the end of a project

When choosing a bouquet, be guided by 4 criteria:

  • the purpose of presenting the bouquet, otherwise what emotions do you want to express,
  • the occasion and the correspondence of your bouquet to this occasion,
  • age,
  • character and life preferences.

Symbolism of flowers

Flower Symbolism
Dark burgundy roses Love, passion
Hyacinth Curiosity, unpredictability
Iris Courage, courage
Anthurium Symbol of good luck, happiness - flamingo flower
Amaryllis Inaccessibility, elixir of love
Lotus health, wisdom
Strelitzia Courage, courage, bird of victory
Gerbera optimism, fun
Basil Dislike, disgust
Aster Sorrow, memory of the dead
Orchid luxury, elegance
Ginger Symbol of male power
Gladiolus yang arrows
Lily Hope, devotion
callas Charm of the world

Reasons for presenting bouquets to men

  • Birthday
  • Anniversary with round date
  • Diploma, grant
  • Corporate party
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Ninth of May
  • Presentation of scientific work, dissertation defense
  • Victory in a sporting event (Olympiad, championship)
  • Retirement
  • Presentation of the author's work in the field of science, literature, painting
  • Premiere of a film, play
  • Creative concert of a singer, poet, musician

Flowers in a pot

Recently, it has become fashionable to give flowers in pots, although some argue that this is a bad decision. It is believed that a pot of damp earth attracts death, that the one who gives the flower passes on his hardships and problems to the new owner, and if the flower withered, then expect illness or separation.

A flower in a pot is given only by prior arrangement and a coin is given for it. It is better for men not to make such a gift, the only possible options are: a mini-bonsai tree, an exotic anthurium flower - male happiness and a lemon tree.

Bonsai grows only in wise people, anthurium gives masculine strength, the lemon tree has a great effect on the microclimate of the room, and lemons are a wonderful delicacy for tea.

Flowers accompany us all our lives, they are used to express emotions, improve mood, create a romantic atmosphere, celebrate important events. They can make us happy and sad, help us confess our love and show gratitude. Flowers are a great addition to a gift and everyone needs to know the basic laws of flower etiquette, especially if you give a bouquet of flowers to a man.

Flowers are a universal gift, decorating life and uplifting. They are given not only to women. Often, men receive luxurious bouquets: these are athletes who have won competitions, performers at concerts, and actors at the premiere of a new play. On such occasions, flowers are presented to men without hesitation. However, in everyday life we ​​rarely give flowers to our male relatives, friends, husbands.

Nevertheless, men love flowers no less than the weaker sex loves them. Of course, both the occasion and the bouquet must be suitable, but not one man will refuse to receive flowers as a gift. It is known that many men are even fond of breeding indoor flowers and order cut flowers not to please their lady, but to decorate their own home.

The beauty of flowers attracts all people equally. According to a survey conducted by American florists, 6 out of 10 men will not refuse and even form after receiving flowers as a gift. However, this does not mean that the remaining 40% will remain indifferent. Therefore, you should not think that a bouquet is a gift exclusively for a woman.

Rules for giving flowers to men.

There is no doubt that a man will appreciate such a gift as flowers. However, it is much more difficult to choose a worthy bouquet and present it to a man on the right occasion than to please a woman. The fact is that there are some restrictions imposed by the rules of etiquette. For example, it is not recommended to present flowers without a special reason. Moreover, a woman presenting a bouquet to a man should not be significantly older than him. There are restrictions on the appearance of the flowers themselves. Agree, a romantic bouquet of wild flowers presented to an adult man will look extremely inappropriate.

It is possible and necessary to give flowers to a man, but this should be an appropriate gift when a man is the hero of the occasion. For example, if we ignore athletes and artists, in real life you can give a bouquet to a man on the occasion of an anniversary or wedding anniversary. It is quite appropriate to give a bouquet to the boss, especially if it is a gift from the team. In this case, you can give not just a bouquet, even a basket of flowers would be appropriate. To make the gift look especially masculine, you can add a bottle of good alcohol.

In any case, the bouquet should be thoughtful. According to tradition, it is customary for men to give flowers in bright colors or white. In fact, florists even single out some flowers that are considered "male": carnations, roses, callas, orchids, delphiniums, lilies, chrysanthemums. At the same time, the combination of different types of flowers in a men's bouquet is not recommended. It is desirable that the bouquet was composed of one long flower with a large inflorescence. It is better to choose a linear design. The bouquet should not be lush, it can only be decorated to a minimum. If it is decorated with a ribbon, it can be tied in a knot, without any bows or other decorations.

A bouquet for a man, depending on his character, can be strict, concise, conservative, even rude or very unusual. It just should not evoke thoughts about hidden subtext.

Whether it is a meeting with a business partner or a date with a loved one, if the bouquet is chosen correctly, taking into account the nature of the addressee, not a single man will be against flowers.