Biscornu embroidery for beginners is a fashionable type of needlework. Miniature biscornu pads - a hobby for extraordinary embroiderers Embroidery biscornu

The French gave the pretty product such an unusual name from our Russian-speaking point of view for a reason. "Biskornyu" means "uneven, irregularly shaped". In some cases, this term sounds translated as "funny, funny." And in fact, biscuits turn out to be quite spectacular precisely because of their absurdity, deviation from the standard. Russian craftswomen came up with and widely use another name in everyday life - “krivulka”. It expresses the attitude of needlewomen to this type of decorative products, saturated with warmth.

So, what is a biscuit? This is a voluminous little thing, consisting of two symmetrical halves of various shapes, most often embroidered with a cross. Rhinestones, buttons, beads, sequins, beads are also used to decorate the product. Often, perky tassels or pompons are attached to the corners. Krivulki are mostly used as needle beds and beacons for scissors. But it is not forbidden to perform the role of a gift souvenir, a decorative interior detail with embroidered pads. Particularly resourceful craftswomen include biscorn in the composition of textile jewelry, for example, crocheted or knitting, decorate the spruce with them on New Year's Eve. For practical natures, the krivulka serves as a key ring, a pendant for a cell phone.

Biscornu types

Biscornu can be:

  • standard;
  • fragmentary
  • five-blade.

Biscorn pillow in the classic version - embroidered, often with a cross. It may well be an embroidered satin stitch, but the manufacturing technology requires it to be stitched in a certain way along the seam. The seam itself is also specific and requires a counting fabric. Against the background of a pattern embroidered with satin stitch, such a seam will look too rough. If an uneven pillow is made from pieces of various fabrics, this is already a patchwork, and has little to do with biscorn. It is quite possible to use any other embroidery technique on marked squares. The main thing is that the schemes are well combined with each other and create the illusion of a fancy pattern. Most often in biscorn it is either the illusion of a crooked mirror or the optical spinning of the pattern, which is achieved by turning the embroidered elements over and shifting them together. The seam in such products must be tight and durable, since it is for the sheathing of the circuit that individual elements hold on.


The simplest, but no less elegant, crooked pillows are made from two squares.

Each square is sheathed with a special seam. Most often choose thick stalk seam. In this case, the thread should be tightened so that the thread does not hang down and passes tightly along the warp. In this case, you can not tighten to the folds in the fabric.

Schemes for embroidery squares most often choose the same. In the manufacture of the simplest biscuits, embroidery is done symmetrically and in a cross. After both squares are ready, they are sewn together.

The main point in stitching biscorn is to correctly attach the parts to each other. Putting face to face. Angle of one square to the center of the second. Sew should not be for the fabric - the basis of embroidery, but for the threads of the stalk seam. So the squares are more convex, and the pillow takes on its unusual shape.

When the seam reaches the corner, the corner of the first square is at the level of the middle of the side of the second. You don’t have to turn anything inside out, since the biscorn is sewn immediately along the front side, regardless of the pattern embroidered on it. When there is a small distance left before the completion of the seam, we fill the pillow. This should not be done

too tight, but also do not make the sewn product empty, because after stitching, the pad must be pulled down in the center. When the pillow is stuffed and the seam is finished, a thread is passed through the central part of the biscuit in several additions. 2 identical buttons are sewn in the center of the upper and lower parts. Biscornu is ready.


Such biscuits are somewhat more complex. They are made up of more elements. Here, the schemes for the elements can be completely asymmetric, this will not affect the result. Fragments are embroidered on squares of the same size. They will need 8 pieces. First you need to sew together 4 squares. To do this, each square is rotated, as if they are twisting a photo on a monitor. The first square is sewn to the second, turned 90 degrees. They are sewn as standard - corner to corner, side to side and only one side. The third square is turned 180 degrees and sewn with the top side to the bottom of the second square. The fourth square is turned 270 degrees and sewn with the top side to the side of the first, and the right side to the side of the third square. This will turn out to be a square in which the selected embroidery seems to turn over - the highest class, significantly confusing the viewer, who does not understand the intricacies of creating such products.

Cross-stitched pillows are always popular, because they testify to the desire to decorate the room and objects of the environment and the time spent on this. Biscornu, on the other hand, also requires a certain dexterity in assembling and forming a pattern.

When two squares are ready, on each of them the embroidery turns in a circle as if under a kaleidoscope, they need to be sewn together. This seam connects the corner of one square with the side of the second. This is how a biscuit is obtained, on both sides of which the embroidery seems to scroll towards the center. Without finishing the seam by 2 cm, the pad should be stuffed. After the cook it becomes sufficiently dense, the seam should be closed. The finished biscorn must be pulled together in the center with a few stitches, sew the same buttons into the center.


A particularly complex biscuit, often referred to as banurukotti. Stitching such a biscorn is surprisingly difficult. Not as difficult as troublesome, and if it worked out, a new biscorn maker is ready. The main thing here is attention and accuracy. In the photo, such a pillow may seem round, embroidered with some unprecedented tricks.

This biscornu consists of three rows of embroidered elements. Cross stitch on each of them may be different. Ideally, these are 3 asymmetric schemes. Each square of the upper part will carry one pattern, the side one another and the lower part either the pattern of the upper part or a completely different one. You can embroider all 15 squares with the same patterns, but this will make the biscorn too simple.

We unfold 5 squares with the same, preferably asymmetrical, pattern at one angle to the center. We sew the first square to the second, the second to the third, and so on. The last square is sewn to the first. So we get the upper part of the biscuit with five protruding corners. Each square is connected to two adjacent ones by the side and they are all connected in the center by corners. We collect the lower part in the same way. We carefully lay out the remaining parts so that they lie strictly in the same order. The main feature of biscuit, for all its apparent asymmetry, is symmetry and repetition of motifs.

The five-blade is formed not from two, but from three planes. Therefore, after the formation of two surfaces, we proceed to sewing the side. Each fragment of the side surface is sewn by the sides to two adjacent squares and an angle to the connection of their corners. So it turns out a cross from three corners. The next square of the side surface is sewn between the next two parts of the upper part. As a result, a number of side squares seem to lift the upper canvas. In the photo it looks like a huge fluffy flower with two kinds of petals.

When the side is sewn, the resulting piece is sewn to the bottom. It should be sewn in such a way that it is not noticeable to which part the side parts were sewn first. 2 cm before the end of the seam, you should stop, stuff the biscorn well with filler and complete the seam. We stretch the thread in the center and make a few stretch stitches. We sew a beautiful button on each side of the resulting biscuit.

Fancy biscornu

Biscornu "Tulip"

If the five-blade is an unconventional, but quite often used form of biscuit, then sometimes there are completely exotic forms. The base may not be square, but six or even octagonal. And by sewing it using the biscorn technique, you can get absolutely fabulous beauty. Such biscuits do not have a separate name, they are little known and quite difficult to perform, although the result justifies such an investment of labor and time. No matter how many corners and sides, you can always slightly expand the product by connecting the corner of one of them with the side of the second. In such biscuits, you must carefully count the number of corners so as not to forget to sew on any of them. When stuffing such biscorns, you should pay attention to each corner, so that they all protrude evenly, you need to push a piece of stuffing into each corner, and only after that fill the core. So the biscuit will have a regular and symmetrical shape.

And although the schemes for biscornu for the most part involve cross-stitch, they may well put up with beadwork, bargello, and half-cross stitch.

There are also very funny triangular biscuits. At the same time, they can be created as from two triangles, when the upper and lower parts consist of one solid triangle. In the second case, each part of the triangle consists of three separate triangles. It turns out a sophisticated biscuit of six small triangles. Here, the location of the pattern on each element depends solely on the imagination that the master will show.

Biscornu requires:

  • choice of drawing;
  • created symmetry (it is necessary to decide whether symmetry will pass along the drawing itself or will be created by connecting elements);
  • the choice of the form and number of elements that make up the biscuit.

You can choose a shape based on the pattern, or you can select a composition for existing trinkets. You can start with the lightest model, or you can immediately show the class and create such a multifaceted and artsy miracle of needlework that those who see it will simply gasp in surprise. Do not be afraid of biscorn creations, it is made quite simply, but it looks original, attractive and always unusual, breaking traditional views on the symmetry of things. Such products are always used in everyday life and as decoration, and their manufacture will bring many vivid impressions.

VIDEO TUTORIALS: how to sew a biscuit

Needlework in our country has always been held in high esteem. How nice it is to make a product that will please the eye with your own hands! Such crafts are exhibited at exhibitions, sold and simply decorated with them in your home. Recently, a new fashion has appeared in the field of needlework, cross-stitch patterns for biscorn have become common. What is it and why is this technology so loved by the female representatives?

What is biscuit?

As soon as such a concept as biscorn cross-stitch appeared, new patterns began to appear almost every day. Now this technology is quite common around the globe, but not many people are still familiar with this concept. Biscornu is a completely new concept. The word is of French origin. Literally, it is translated into Russian as "crooked". The future product is a small pillow, as a rule, it has disproportionate angles. Do not confuse it with the subject of textiles, it refers to home accessories. A beautiful item obtained with your own hands can be hung on a Christmas tree, used as a needle holder or as a souvenir.

What does it represent?

As mentioned earlier, a biscuit is a small, disproportionate pillow. It consists of two squares, which are interconnected with threads. Biscornu cross stitch patterns allow you to make an unusual pattern on the pillow, which will make it even more beautiful, attractive and bright. To fasten the elements together, a special backstitch technology is used.

Why do you need such a product?

A product such as biscuit has a large scope, mainly needlewomen make it for the following purpose:

  1. First of all, this is an opportunity to decorate your home with an unusual accessory that will surely interest guests.
  2. An amazing pillow can be used as a beautiful gift for a relative or friend.
  3. Nowadays needlework is a great way to make money. Fortunately, the technology for making biscorn is not actively spreading in Russia, and it is unlikely that there will be competitors in this form of creativity. Therefore, there will be a great chance to establish your own profitable business.
  4. Many needlewomen participate in various competitions and win prizes, this technology will definitely deserve the attention of the jury members.
  5. The voluminous little thing can be used as a "storage" for sharp objects.

It is not so important for what purpose this handmade craft is made. In any case, you need to make it as attractive as possible. Therefore, you should first carefully study the biscorn cross stitch patterns and decorate the pillow with a wonderful pattern. It can be flowers, animals or just a beautiful ornament.


In total, there are three main technologies by which this product is made:

  1. The classic version of biscuit, which is used in France. The pillow consists of two equal parts presented in the form of pentagons. It looks like a small star. Despite the fact that the sides have a different size, the product is symmetrical.
  2. The standard version of biscuit is presented in the form of two squares disproportionate in size.
  3. Berlingo is another type of French technology. The pillow is obtained in the form of a four-headed pyramid. The picture can only be placed in the lower part of it.

Many needlewomen make their own version of sewing a pillow and independently choose what shape their future product will be.

General information about schemes

In some cities, a special master class "Cross-stitching for biscorn" is held. New schemes that needlewomen learn in the lessons allow you to make a special decoration. There are several features of creating a drawing. Without fail, it is done on both sides of the pillow (from the top and bottom). Both symmetrical and completely different patterns can be created. To create it, it is recommended to take a fabric on which it will be convenient to sew. It is advisable to give preference to linen, canvas or thick cotton. In small holes, threads should be superimposed on each other in such a way that identical crosses are obtained. It is they who will form the future drawing. It is recommended to make a pattern with a small needle with a large eye and a pointed end.

What scheme is better to choose for a beginner needlewoman?

It is better to choose a simple drawing for a person who has encountered for the first time such technology as biscuit cross-stitch. Monochrome schemes will be the best option for them, since there will be no confusion. To create a pattern, you need to follow a few basic steps:

  1. First you need to take two pieces of fabric of approximately the same size.
  2. On them, you should carefully calculate the distance, so that the pattern is in the center, and there is free space around the edges.
  3. Next, follow the pattern according to the pattern.

It is recommended to use only floss threads for this, it is advisable to embroider in two threads so that the pattern is not too saturated, but you should focus on the thickness of the fabric and the stitch size. To reproduce the scheme on the fabric, you need to start from the middle, gradually moving towards the edges. This technology has several features. For example, each cross should be directed in one direction, that is, you should not confuse the top and bottom seams in places.

Scheme for a New Year's gift

In winter, women have a special interest in biscorn; New Year's, Christmas and romantic cross-stitch patterns do not leave anyone indifferent. Thanks to them, you can create a beautiful accessory and give it to your loved ones. To create a souvenir you will need:

  • Gray fabric.
  • Needle for embroidery.
  • Floss threads in white, green and brown.

Once all the materials are prepared, you can get to work. First, the upper part of the scheme is transferred to the fabric, after which the bottom should be formed. The resulting two parts are fastened together by tightening.

Original birthday present

If you want to make the most original gift for a friend with your own hands, which he will remember for many years, then you should make a rich pattern using metallic threads. For this, it is also worth using the technology of creating biscuits. Cross stitch patterns, the master class for which we are considering, are quite elementary, even a beginner can handle them. It is enough to take an ordinary flower, animal or pattern and transfer it to the fabric with the help of shiny threads, and you will get a real hand-made masterpiece.

In conclusion, it should be said that the technology of making biscorn is a universal, simple and interesting way to create a beautiful accessory that can be used to decorate a house, sell it or give it to a loved one. Moreover, to create such a product, not so much money will be needed to purchase materials. And cross-stitch patterns for biscorn will make it even more attractive. In addition, psychologists say that this activity promotes relaxation, useful rest, recuperation after a hard day's work, normalization of the nervous system and increase of intellectual abilities.

If you want to stay up to date with the fashion trends in the world of needlework, be sure to try to embroider at least one biscuit. An interesting little thing with a catchy name is an ordinary pincushion! However, it is not so simple, since it is very popular among craftswomen.

Biscorn embroidery - features of creativity

Translated from French, the word biscuit" means "two-horned, biconvex, polygonal." It is not surprising that this name was given to a similar type of needle beds - the peculiarity of the products is that they are made in the form of an octagon.

You can prepare biscorn in a variety of sizes. The main purpose of the craft is to be a needle bed, but resourceful craftswomen use miniature products as beads for jewelry, larger pillows as Christmas decorations, and the largest ones serve as sofa or decorative pillows.

Many corners and edges are formed thanks to an interesting way of connecting the details of biscuit - two square pieces of fabric of the same size. The corner of one part is applied clearly to the middle of the side of the second piece, after which the elements are sewn together along the edge.

The middle of the lower and upper sides of the soft pillow are pulled together with a thread and decorated with beads, rhinestones, sparkles.

Simultaneously with the biscorn, needlewomen began to create related types of needle beds, which differ slightly in the way they are sewn.


The appearance of this product slightly resembles its octagonal relative, but the technology of its tailoring is significantly different. Firstly, the three-dimensional needle bed consists of two planes with five corners each, located exactly under each other. Whereas it is necessary to sew the biscorn in such a way that the 4 corners of the upper side do not fall into the same plane with the edges of the lower.

In addition, banurukotti is sewn from fifteen small squares: five for the top side, five for the bottom, the last five for the sides. Whereas biscornu is made from only two, but larger figures.


The zigugu needle bed is even smaller than the biscorn, due to the fact that it is sewn from just one square patch. First, the fabric is embroidered, after which the corners of the fabric are sewn together, forming the underside of the product.

A characteristic decoration for crafts is a loop for hanging and a tassel fixed in the center of the embroidery.


A small soft craft is also sewn from one square. The sides of the figure are sewn together, resulting in an isosceles triangle with a solid wide side. Filler is added through the small hole left in the upper central corner, leaving the side edges empty.

The hollow corners are sewn together, forming a kind of handle from a handbag - this part needs to be decorated with ribbons, bows and beads.

Biscornu - embroidery patterns

The main decoration of home-made needle beds is biscorn cross-stitch, which is usually done on both the top and bottom sides of the product. Beginners can deviate from this rule and design only the upper part of the product using simple motives.

Sometimes the top and bottom sides of the crafts are embroidered in the same way - in this case, the pillow can be placed either side up. But the right decoration biscuit consists in highlighting one of the sides with complex beautiful drawings, while the bottom of the thing is drawn up only schematically.

This method of embellishment has a logical explanation - the embroidery threads on the underside are gradually erased and worn out. In addition, no one will see the drawing, since it is facing the surface on which the pillow lies.

For the basis of the product, take those fabrics on which it is more convenient to embroider, for example, linen or canvas. The speed of work is determined by the special arrangement of fibers in these materials - they overlap each other crosswise, forming small holes that help the embroiderer to navigate.

Some features of biscorn embroidery are used for practical purposes. The edges of the cross stitch pattern are always sewn back with a needle. The details of the pillow are connected without stitching - these seams are braided with a needle with a threaded thread so as not to touch the fibers of the main fabric. It turns out a beautiful edging edge.

Biscornu - a master class for beginners

If you already know how to cross stitch, but have never made biscorn before, practice using this simple master class. Biscornu embroidery patterns are marked in the picture in one color, but you can use multi-colored threads to create a beautiful pattern.

  • Take the canvas of the right size. Calculate the required distance on it for decorating the top and bottom sides of the biscuit so that there is a free gap between the details of the top and bottom.

  • Cut the canvas into pieces, leaving a seam allowance for the cushion pieces.

  • Slightly step back from the edge of the embroidery and sew a square with a seam back with a needle.

  • Fasten the thread in the corner of the seam back with a needle on the underside. Attach the corner to the middle of the edge of the top side.

  • With a needle, pry one of the seams back with a needle on the top part, then on the bottom part so as not to touch the fibers of the canvas. In a similar way, fasten the details of the biscorn in a circle.

  • If you followed the previous paragraph correctly, you should get a similar seam along the edge of the product.

  • When your blank begins to resemble a pocket, fill it with soft stuffing, then sew it up to the end.

The preparatory work has been completed. Some needlewomen like to leave the work in this form - the needle bar resembles a plump wind pie.

To make the product take on its standard look, tighten in the middle.

  • Pass the needle through the centers of the sides several times, pulling them together.

  • Decorate the tightening place with a bead to match the threads.

Your biscuit ready! You can use it for its intended purpose or give it to a loved one.

New Year's biscornu - master class

In addition to the already listed methods of application, biscorn is also used as a talisman. Therefore, small beautiful pillows are often given to each other for the New Year holidays and hung on the Christmas tree, attracting positive energy to the house.

Try and make New Year's biscuits embroidered with your own hands. You will need two square pieces of gray canvas, floss in white, black, brown and green.

  • Focusing on this scheme, embroider the upper front side of the pillow with a cross.

  • The following pattern is for embroidering the underside of the item.

  • Connect the details. Pull the middle of the pillow with a thread - these steps are performed in the same way as in the previous master class.
  • Make a lush green tassel out of floss - a decoration for biscorn.

In the master class, biscorn cross stitch patterns suggest a beautiful pattern in the middle, so the master does not use additional decorations. However, you can decorate the center with sequins or beadwork.

Take note of the idea: works made in bright orange or yellow shades look like tangerines - an invariable attribute of the holiday.

Finally, watch an interesting video - a master class that will tell you how to embroider biscorn with beautiful metallic threads.

Take it, tell your friends!

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A biscornu is a small, usually eight-sided, soft decorative pillow used as a pincushion or to decorate an interior. Usually it is made of canvas or linen fabric with a pattern. Embroidered with a cross or in the technique of hardanger. A synthetic winterizer or other filler is placed inside. In the center of the product is a recess with a button or bead. Sometimes a biscorn pillow is decorated with beads or rhinestones.

Name history

The name of this little thing comes from the French adjective "biscornu", which can be translated as "that which has an irregular shape with protrusions" or "complex and bizarre." Needlewomen most often translate this word into Russian as “krivulki”. Some people think that this is actually a derivative of the English word "biscuit", due to the shape of the product. It is not difficult to make biscorn with your own hands. You just need to decide on the design, embroider to your taste and assemble the product, complementing it with decor.

Biscornu schemes: how to choose and where to look

The question of finding ideas for various types of embroidery is always of concern to needlework lovers. Some craftswomen prefer to buy ready-made kits, which have everything you need, including instructions for doing the job. Biscornu schemes can be found on sites and forums where goods for creativity are discussed - there are a huge number of them. In addition, photographs of finished products are often attached to the templates, which allows you to evaluate the result and decide whether the scheme you like is right for you.

The pillow can be embroidered only on one side, then the second square is simply shaped with a “back to the needle” seam, decorated with beads and beads. The lower part of the product is still usually not visible, as it either hangs face forward or lies on the table. But for those who want to embroider biscorn on both sides, you can recommend choosing a special pattern or come up with a pattern yourself. The main thing is that all sides are symmetrical, and the motif is repeated on each of them. Then the product will look neat.

Patterns for biscornu

There are no limits to the imagination in the design of the pillow. It is performed both with a full lining of the canvas, and with a partial one, more often using the technique of a counted cross, because it looks best on a needle bed. Some needlewomen use only the “back of the needle” stitch, creating unusual patterns on the fabric. The smooth surface looks rough, it is more difficult to maintain symmetry with it. The current trend in creating biscorn patterns is a large picture in the middle, which is no longer repeated, as in conventional cross-stitch. But then the central part does not shrink, and it turns out just a convex pad for needles of an unusual shape.

Biscornu amulet

Hand embroidery has always been endowed with magical powers. There are many signs associated with it: they say that some plots are able to embody dreams of their own home, marriage, pregnancy or travel. Of course, the main thing on the way to a dream is to focus on the goal. But needlewomen do not always create something for themselves. Much more often, days and months of painstaking work are spent on pleasing loved ones with their skill.

Biscorn can be used as an amulet or a talisman if you make a special pattern on it and give it to a loved one or friend. Such products are usually small in size, they can be carried with you as a key ring or pendant. The pillow is decorated with national ornaments that have a protective function. Such drawings are usually made with red and black floss threads. Sometimes other colors are acceptable. It is worth remembering that amulets are never made for themselves, but always created of their own free will.

The most common symbols for embroidered amulets:

  1. The firebird is a pagan pattern that in folk art denotes the connection between heaven and earth, as well as the sun, a clear sky.
  2. The tree of life is a model of the world, a source of vitality, fertility, wisdom, immortality.
  3. The female silhouette is a schematic representation of the mother goddess, expressing the idea of ​​the people about the earth and fertility. Embroidery with such an ornament symbolizes one of the pagan goddesses who patronize women and protect the hearth.

Charms usually do not tighten in the middle, as this deforms the pattern.

Pillow Techniques

Biscornia is not always made in the form of an octagon. There are pillows in the form of houses, bells, just square or triangular. But most often they use the shape of an octagon. You can embroider a pattern with ribbons or create it using the patchwork technique. It is possible to create a biscorn simply from textiles: just choose two types of thick linen fabric with an unusual print, cut out two identical squares and sew in the same pattern as the embroidered canvas.

Biscornue filling options

It is not necessary to stuff the product with synthetic winterizer, holofiber or other soft material. Inside you can put various herbs and fragrant mixtures. If you make a pillow of a large size and put it under your head, then the pleasant smells emanating from the filler will help cure headaches and insomnia. For the opposite effect, to cheer up and enjoy the aroma of fresh coffee, fill the biscorn with coffee beans. Such products are useful, for example, in a car, as they will not allow the driver to fall asleep at the wheel. A pillow useful for the spine can be obtained by pouring buckwheat husks inside.

Necessary materials for biscornu

The needle bed or biscorn pillow can be of any size, but it always consists of two identical squares, and a bead is placed in its center. Both squares should be sheathed with a classic “back of the needle” (backstitch) seam on the front side. It is important that all stitches are the same length - one cross. The biscuit pattern is chosen independently.

Before starting work, you need to prepare:

Biscornu: cushion making workshop

At the first stage of work, we cut out blanks for the product with an allowance of about 1 cm from all sides. Glue-based interlining can be attached to the canvas so that the edges of the material do not crumble. You can do this with an iron. Interlining will also give the product rigidity. Then, on one side of the upper square, we find the center and mark it with a water-soluble marker. For the convenience of stitching, we take the canvas and fold it inside out along the stitched backstitch. We work with a thread in two additions. The embroidery itself is usually also done in two or three additions.

Now let's start building:

When working with a ready-made design or kit, always read the instructions before you begin to embroider. The author often adds little tricks and tips on the process of project implementation to it so that it turns out exactly as shown in the picture. It is good if the biscuit scheme is accompanied by an illustration with the finished work, otherwise the result may not be at all what was planned. Be careful not to skip stitches when sewing, otherwise the pad will look crooked. Creating a biscorn pillow is a simple job, but it requires accuracy. Choose your favorite design and enjoy the process.