Arrange paper napkins on the table. Examples of more complex options. Flower with step by step instructions

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Four ways to lay out in a napkin holder

The main answer to the question of how to fold beautifully paper napkins in a napkin holder - make a corner from each napkin. Look at the photo below: what do you see? Single and double fan, which are laid out with corners of paper napkins.

So easy and so convenient! It is easy to pull out any napkin without destroying the ensemble, and the most ordinary napkin holder looks like a solid holder of a solemn composition.

Single and double fan

What are we doing:

  • When folded, fold each napkin diagonally.
  • We fill the holder with the obtained corners.

Option 1 - lay out two fans towards each other.

Option 2 - lay out one fan from the center to the sides.

Bird with colorful tail

Another option is to fold the napkins like elongated trapeziums that will become the bird's tail. For the details of the tail, we bend parallel corners and fold the napkin in half. Bright and unusual tail will provide blanks from napkins contrasting colors. The head and neck of a bird is a napkin folded into a flat tube with a bent tip. The creative solution is described by step-by-step photos below:

Such a bird fits perfectly into the New Year's table setting, if the Rooster rules the year, or for any spring holiday- as a symbol of the return of warmth and migratory birds.

Both ways - corners and a bird - are shown step by step in a short video:

Bilateral waterfall in a cup

The fifth option is from non-standard: instead of a napkin holder, we use dishes.

  • We need a stable low height ceramic cup.
  • We unfold each napkin 1 time and fold it in half (or 2 times in half - depending on the original size).
  • We lay the formed strips on top of each other and bend in the middle.
  • We deepen the middle of the stack into a cup. Voila! Easy to work, home-style creative and very attractive.

And now let's turn to step-by-step diagrams for the most spectacular and simple solutions on how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table.

12+ effective schemes for napkins at the plate

Having decided to diversify the serving with napkin folds, we will take into account 2 rules:

  1. We need square napkins with a side of 35–50 cm depending on the complexity of the figure (in this article we limited ourselves to simple ones);
  2. Each place at the table must have a chosen figure, otherwise the hospitable harmony of the feast is violated.

Flower and fan in a glass

They folded it, rolled it up, slightly loosened the top and slightly bent the “petals”, put it in a glass. A clear photo is the best instructor! Below are three options for roses - for every taste.

With a fan (or accordion) you will have to work a little longer:

  • Expanding a regular napkin 1 time - so as to get a long and wide strip.
  • We fold the strips with an accordion in increments of no more than 2 cm.
  • We bend the accordion in half and set it in a glass or glass, as shown in the photo.
  • We keep the same principle for tissue napkins.

Three pleats for a ring and a scarf for a fork

Rings - a win-win to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table. They open up a new horizon for us for ideas. Look at the step-by-step photo below how easily an ordinary soft napkin turns into a fluffy one. exquisite bow:

The second seemingly obvious option with a ribbon is not devoid of classic charm. Light patterned fabrics for the theme of a particular holiday and plain satin ribbon- for the middle:

The third option under the ring - classic flower times of Victorian England. It looks very nice on the table, but it is easy to create at home:

Any of the ideas organically accepts natural decor - a sprig of spruce for the New Year or small flowers for the Easter feast.

We can also make rings with our own hands. We need a base (for example, a long foil sleeve or food film easy to cut into strong rings of the right size) and any materials for decoration - from a coarse textured thread to tie a ring, to thin lace that can be glued over cardboard.

And this cute fold in the form of a scarf just begs to decorate New Year's table. Playful simplicity and naive charm:

Three envelopes for cutlery

Choosing any "envelope" scheme, we can not only beautifully fold napkins on the festive table, but also put cutlery in them, or a card with the guest's name. And when serving for the New Year, it can be a miniature postcard with a wish.

The most popular envelope in European countries is with a beveled corner. It is wide, elegant and able to accommodate the entire set of appliances, and not just the nice little decor. Detailed step by step photos explain the simple process.

Another version of the envelope - with a solid strip in the middle. This simple scheme is well described in short video instructions:

A simple version of the envelope on hastily easy to serve home holiday and will require a minimum of time from the creator (involve the kids in holiday chores!):

Volumetric figures - Candle and Crown

Only if flat diagrams simple? No. Many voluminous options that are stable on a plate on their own are completed in minutes!

Any student will succeed and be curious bulk version. Napkin Candle that can set the mood for serving a romantic meal or New Year's feast:

The versatile crown also folds in a couple of minutes. It goes well with natural decor, becoming a stand for the first spring flowers, fresh herbs or spruce branches in a New Year's theme.

The perfect paper or fabric pinwheel

The classic origami form comes to the rescue in many holiday details:

  • Weathercocks on a stick to decorate a buffet display;
  • Accompanying prizes at competitions along with a bouquet of balloons;
  • Window decoration with hanging geometric elements;
  • Wall compositions from photos.

Interesting contours of the turntable and ease of execution will also come in handy for the festive table: the weather vane turns out beautifully from any material.

Flower Perfection

Let's complete the parade of simple schemes with a flat flower in the traditional origami technique. This laconic form looks just perfect! Your guests will need an effort to destroy it for the convenience of the table. And who said that a meal is not a place for strong aesthetic impressions? Having trained on simple circuits, dare and impress!

An important secret to success: for such a flower, choose a traditional, not thin cotton napkin and iron it well before folding.

Secrets of the choice of materials and video TOP 10 folds

  • The color of napkins and tablecloths. Don't be afraid to experiment! You are not required to observe the contrast of colors or a complete match with the tablecloth. It only makes sense to support exactly the tablecloth with napkins. A solid tablecloth, on the contrary, often becomes the backdrop for bright solutions for each plate. Do not exclude the option of white on white, which is distinguished by a special solemnity.
  • Napkin material. Our story at the beginning of the article - about napkins in napkin holders - demonstrated the main thing: not expensive material colors the serving, but creative solution element. Paper napkins are the smart choice for beautiful origami. And if you prefer fabric, then choose dense textures that retain their shape well - cotton, linen, chintz, dense viscose.
  • Don't chase after complex schemes on the first try. It’s better to bookmark our article, because it contains only those solutions that even a novice hostess or a young mother can implement, involving a baby in the process. Cooking a holiday is one of the best educational games!
  • Take time to fold your napkins at the table. Ideally, practice beforehand. After all, this creative process, it is designed to please not only guests, but also you!
  • choose color solutions for a specific holiday. The new year is always organic in green, red, gold and white. Autumn celebrations - all the colors of leaf fall. Spring feasts are pastel shades blue, pink and fresh greens. And in the summer, any associations are open to us - from colorful patterns to juicy yellow and blue colors.

Of course, we did not talk about all the curious ways of how to fold napkins on a festive table, and the above diagrams are only part of the ideas for a festive serving. However, we advise you to start with our selection. Advantageous ease of execution and detailed photos step by step - this is a guarantee of success with minimal effort and time.

Today, a table napkin is considered commonplace at home. It protects clothes while eating, gives variety to the table. Even simple paper can be given a peculiar look. And here are some tips on how to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table.

Announcements related to the request

Subtleties of serving

  • Remember that products of any quality must be square (35 * 35 or 46 * 46 for special occasions). Rectangular give desired shape, correctly bending;
  • When folding into the original figure, try to touch it as little as possible with your hands. The same goes for cutlery if you make a composition with them;
  • The folded structure should be easily straightened by the guest;
  • Fold all napkins of any quality on the same table according to the same pattern;
  • If you're putting together a modest dinner, don't try to make the napkins intricate. Best fit flat figures. But if a snack plate is used during the meal, make a three-dimensional figure. Columns give special solemnity;
  • Do not overdo it with the decoration of the festive table. Remember the functionality of the napkin;
  • Set the napkin on a patty plate or snack dish. It is permissible to put it on the left. The exception is serving drinks. Place the napkin in the cup or wrap it around the handle;
  • When choosing a product to match the tablecloth, remember that thinner copies look better. If the shade of the tablecloth is lighter or darker, the material should be the same;
  • Use rings. These table decoration elements are made from completely different materials(leather, beads, strips of fabric or flowers). Sometimes the rings are included with the sets, but they are easy to make with your own hands.

original ideas

To surprise guests at a festive table or a banquet, you even need to give napkins an original look. For you, we have provided 18 text ideas and detailed diagrams.

To begin, fold the fabric or paper diagonally to form an isosceles triangle. Align both equal corners with the top, bend in the middle. Bend back upper part triangle and carefully unfold the future flower. Take this process seriously if your napkin is paper and thin, it is easy to tear when unfolding it.

Fold in half so that the two free edges are on the left. Fold the resulting rectangle a second time. Fold the bottom piece of napkin up diagonally. Wrap both corners towards yourself, and bend their protruding parts inward. Fold the napkin along the vertical axis back, and then carefully pull the future sails of the ship out of its sinuses.

This the way is fine for a cloth napkin, because it is associated with material reversals. Fold the material for the future megaphone in half four times. Determine the middle, and bend both sides of the resulting rectangle down. Rotate the figure front side towards you and twist miniature rolls from the ends. Connect them, as in the photo, and place the napkin on a plate.


  • The horizontal sachet allows you to serve cutlery in an original way. To create it, fold the fabric product in half with the front side inward. Make sure the fold is on the bottom. Fold 1/3 of the top down to reveal the center crease. Unfold the napkin with the other side facing you. Bend the "wings" so that they dock in the middle. Repeat this action.
  • For a diagonal sachet, fold the square cloth napkin into quarters. Bend the level of the first fabric layer by 5 centimeters. Bend the second layer in the same way, tuck it under the first, forming a miniature pocket. Gently fold the napkin, removing any remaining pieces of fabric inside. Lay the future sachet on the table, fold it up and down so that the cutlery is easily held in the fabric, and the folds run diagonally. The diagonal sachet is considered a difficult folding method, so use the video tutorial.

About 1/4 of a napkin from any material, bend down. Unfold the napkin and fold 1/3 up, fold it in half from the bottom up. Form a semblance of an accordion fan from the material, pinch one of the sides. Pull out the hidden folds from the top. Secure them with pressure or a paperclip.

Envelope or handbag

Fold the fabric in half vertically. Place it so that the curve of the napkin goes along right side. Bend the resulting rectangle from the bottom up. Bend the first two layers of paper in the upper left corner to the middle, do the same with the right. Bend the tiny triangle at the top to the bottom, do the same for the unused layers.

Lay the napkin face down. Fold all four corners of the paper square inwards. Repeat this manipulation. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners inward once. Remained final stage: Pull out the tip of the napkin remaining inside the rectangle. Then straighten all remaining corners so that they look the same.

Napkin on a fork

Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend its lower edge by 2 or 3 centimeters. Make three equal folds and place them between the tines of the fork. If you are using a non-standard four-prong fork, change the number of folds.

Bend the napkin so that the free edges are on the bottom. Wrap the upper corners towards the middle, and connect the sides so that sharp corners found themselves below. Turn the figure inside out and fold the paper ends to form a support for the future structure. Bend inward, set the napkin in the shape of a pointed mountain vertically.


Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend the base up about 2.5 centimeters. Starting from the left edge, gradually roll the napkin into a roll. Fold the bottom edge inward and place your column upright on a flat surface.

Fold the fabric vertically in half, making sure that the fold is on the left. Bend the upper left and right corners down, and the lower ones up the same distance. Fold both resulting triangles down or up (depending on their location).

Fold the napkin upside down. Fold the resulting triangle into a small accordion from the bottom up. Use the small triangle left on top to secure. To do this, bend the figure in half, straighten it. Secure the resulting flame with a napkin ring, paper clip, or other decorative item.

simple tents

  • To create a tent for two, fold the napkin in half so that the fold is at the top. Bend the upper left corner to the middle, do the same with the opposite. Fold the napkin and place it on a flat surface of a table or plate;

  • The triple tent is considered one of the simplest paper napkin folding methods. Bend a square paper napkin diagonally. Bend the resulting miniature triangle again, connecting the corners together. Roll the napkin again, and then set the structure vertically.

Lay the napkin on a flat surface folded at an angle. Bend the bottom corner up, and the protruding left corner down. Do the same manipulations with the right. Now carefully fold the sides to the center and straighten the napkin, turning it over to the side with the pattern. It can be decorated with a miniature shell.

Napkin etiquette

  • After you have brought the dish, put the napkin on your knees with the bend towards you;
  • Wipe your mouth and palms with the top of the tissue, gently lifting the cloth or paper from your lap. Never use a napkin to wipe off lipstick, do not shift it to the surface of the table and do not fiddle in anticipation of a new dish;
  • If you begin to feel thirsty while eating, blot your lips first;
  • Do not use a fallen napkin again: replace with another one. Even if we are talking about tissue;
  • Do not remove the napkin from your lap until everyone present has finished the meal. After that, just put the paper to the right of the plate. These simple rules will allow you to show off your knowledge at any celebration and even arrange your own with non-standard decorative elements.

There is such an anecdote: a client in a restaurant asks why the napkins are greasy, and the waiter says, they say, I’m sorry, but you don’t need to wipe yourself with pancakes.

Laughter with laughter, but once thin low-fat pancakes such as pita bread were really used as napkins. For the same purpose in different time fig leaves, rice paper, sleeves of clothing and even the hair of court boys were used.

The first cloth napkins appeared among the ancient Romans. Large rectangular panels protected the bed from pollution (the patricians ate lying down), they also got their lips and hands wet.

In Russia, the decree of Peter the Great stimulated the use of these hygiene products, since then it was impossible to wipe yourself with a sleeve or a tablecloth. Paper napkins familiar to us were patented in the 19th century, and their in-line production began only in the 70s of the last century.

To date, when serving a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used. The former are designed to protect clothes from contamination; wiping greasy hands or lips with them is now not accepted. Although it will be right to blot your lips with a cloth after drinking or touch it with slightly soiled fingers.

To create festive mood and surprise guests square napkins you can wrap and twist the most incredible shapes. After washing, the fabric needs to be starched - so it keeps its shape better.

Impressive compositions are built in napkin holders and from ordinary paper products, cutlery is wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant, many young people strive to twist a napkin rose for their lady.

The art of folding original paper figures - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign of good taste and was mandatory for the upper classes. According to one version, origami goes back to the Asian art of draping fabrics for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but we are able to decorate the table and cheer up loved ones. We present you a variety of ways to fold napkins with your own hands. Step by step instructions attached. A little practice and you can give lessons to others.


Start with a simple scheme that does not require time and skill. Wrap the napkin with a tube (for convenience, you can wrap it on a pencil, then remove it) and put it in a glass or glass. Appropriate design home evening, new year holiday, dinner with your loved one. Fast, easy and sophisticated, and guests don't have to guess how to unwrap. By the way, if you arrange a master class for children, then they will gladly take over this function.


A coniferous tree is a companion of the New Year and Christmas. Christmas trees from napkins will look beautiful on the table, it’s easy to make them. Such option is suitable and for a children's birthday celebrated in winter. Arrange the Christmas trees on plates, and on top for decoration, you can put a bow, or cookies in the form of an asterisk.

4 schemes for adding flowers: lotus, tulip, rose, lily

In any decor, the floral theme is traditionally in the lead, table setting is no exception. Try to “grow” a lotus, a tulip, a rose or a lily in stages according to our recipes. The table will be very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, always keeps flowers and leaves clean. A symbol of divine power (the Egyptian god Ra was born from a lotus), purity, cordiality and fertility.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any holiday. If the hero of the occasion is a man, choose shades of blue color if a woman is pink or lilac. For wedding table white or red lotuses are suitable. White color is generally universal, such "flowers" are good for a business lunch.


Symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to an established custom, these flowers are given to women on March 8th. Tulip-shaped napkins can also decorate the table.

White color symbolizes purity of thought and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with appropriate napkins as a sign of openness of your intentions.

red tulips mean love, passion and fidelity - use this symbolism in table setting for anniversary family life.

If you have decided to part with your partner and want to arrange a farewell dinner, please, here you are yellow tulips. Although in the East yellow tulips another meaning is attributed - this is a compliment: "Your smile is like the sun!"

Dark purple color- royal blood, nobility, nobility. Such tulips-napkins can be used to decorate a status table: on the occasion of a solid anniversary, reception of significant guests, celebration of major projects with serious partners...


The queen of flowers. In Ayurveda, it is considered blissful along with the lotus. It symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passions, innocence and fertility, the triumph of life and the mystery of death.

Napkins folded in the form of roses will be a wonderful decoration wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, any women's holiday. The daughter will be pleased with pink roses, the spouse will appreciate the red flowers that tell her about the strength of your feelings. But a man should not be given roses for his celebration, even from napkins.


The lily has conflicting meanings. A Slavic female amulet, a European royal flower... But in the Renaissance, the rulers branded criminals with their emblem - probably everyone remembers the Three Musketeers.

lilies white color symbolize purity and innocence, so they are often given as a wedding gift. But - and on mourning days, since these flowers also mean life "on the other side" and the atonement of sins.

Accordingly, napkins-lilies will be appropriate both on the festive and on the memorial table. If there is Lily among your relatives and friends, decorate the table on her holiday with namesake flowers.


The way of folding is close to a lily. Suitable for any event, just choose the colors in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have napkins that match the tablecloth, try to make them from a thinner material - this will look more advantageous.


Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to express your feelings to a partner, mother or child. See an example of how you can set the table using this scheme.


Universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner in a friendly or family circle, a cheerful drawing can be laid out on children's table, while White will add solemnity to the moment. And these step-by-step photos will help you!


Gentleman's accessory. Put the butterfly on a plate by February 23, or on the birthday of a boy or man. If the representative of the strong half of humanity is harsh and serious, choose a strict color scheme.


Perky rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day (rabbits also have long ears, and they are a symbol of reproduction), and indeed for any holiday in a close circle. For official receptions and sad occasions hares, of course, are out of place.

If it’s difficult, watch the video instruction that even a child will learn from:

With a place for a guest card: 2 schemes

Napkins folded according to the two following schemes provide space for business card. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events, where there are a lot of people who do not know each other.

You can make such napkins large family celebration- an anniversary or a wedding, if you plan in advance who to plant with whom. Little guests at a children's birthday party will also be delighted - just choose a bright color, and instead of a business card, you can put a photo of the child and candy.

With napkin ring

If you are thinking about how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table for the most solemn occasion, stop at this elegant option. Such stylish decor worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a summit.

Previously, napkins were hung by the collar, now they are placed on your knees. And the hosts should be the first to do this, so they give a signal to start the meal.

"For appliances": bag and envelope

The last two schemes use paper napkins, from which a bag and an envelope for a spoon, fork and knife are folded.

The table, where there are no cloth napkins, is suitable for a buffet celebration or informal meetings in a close circle.

Every woman, before receiving guests, carefully prepares for this event. She spends a huge amount of free time preparing the table. Need to cook delicious dishes, pick up a tablecloth on the table, as well as choose napkins and be able to serve them beautifully. After all, they are considered an important attribute as in Everyday life as well as during the ceremony. Next, consider various ways serving napkins.

Setting the table for a morning meal, evening dinner or holiday event, should be taken seriously this issue. Try to carefully read all the rules that we will describe to you:

  • On the table for the holiday should be both fabric and paper options. Just think, because the second is usually served with fish or meat dish. A cloth napkin will cover very quickly greasy spots, therefore, it will lose its own appearance and aesthetics. Your guests will actively try to find a sink to wash their hands. Table setting for a holiday involves several napkin holders that will be available to each guest.
  • Cloth napkins can be made from linen or cotton. You can also use those options that have some synthetic additives in their composition. This will prevent the napkin from looking wrinkled after being folded. Never use silk, viscose or similar materials for napkins. Since they do not absorb moisture at all.
  • If there is a serving plate on the surface of the table, then lay the product on it or place it between the fork and knife. If there is no such plate, then the napkin is placed instead. A separate glass or wine glass is allowed, where you can put a napkin folded in the form of a figurine.
  • Folded holiday napkins should turn around without problems and from the side should not look badly crumpled. Consequently, iron-on figurines are typically used for napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is forbidden to fold the canvas dirty hands or wet. So you can spoil the whole appearance of the napkin itself, and hence the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, cloth napkins must be starched with ordinary starch. The aerosol type of starch does not give the products the proper density. It is better to iron the fabrics when damp. And well-dried wipes need to be moistened.
  • And most importantly, before you fold the napkin, you need to practice. Otherwise, it will have to be washed or look for other options.

Types of napkins:

  • Fabric. There are silk, cotton, satin.
  • Napkins Patchwork. These products are made independently at home. They are made from different materials. Professional seamstresses cut out all kinds of figures from fabrics, and then sew them together.
  • Bamboo. Often used to avoid staining the tablecloth.
  • Paper. The most popular type. There are products various shades, sizes, and may differ in the thickness of the paper itself.

Now we list the most common types of serving napkins. Some of them you can do yourself.

  • Tiered corners
  • Princess Frog
  • Royal bun
  • Cap with lapel
  • Bishop's hat
  • marquee
  • twisted tent
  • Bunny

Paper napkins for table setting

Paper napkins, like fabric ones, are considered an integral element in table setting. Do you know that they are not so simple? Today you decided to buy a hot dog, you were given paper napkins, you had dinner at a restaurant - and here you will see similar napkins in front of you.

A huge selection sometimes does not allow you to concentrate on the basic qualities that you need to know. And not any implementer will tell you what the difference is between one or another type. In order not to make a mistake during the selection, use our tips:

  • Purpose of application. If you need paper napkins for home use, then buy color options or those that are interestingly designed. If you need them for a restaurant or cafe, then give preference to plain products, without ornaments and patterns.
  • Requirements. If you only need paper napkins for your own primary purpose, then more economical options are suitable for you: you are provided with low price and efficiency during use.
  • Personal preferences. Here you should rely on the selection of your favorite company, shade, quality of products and density of napkins.

Table napkins

People have been using napkins for a very long time. Our ancestors used cloth products during meals to wipe their hands and face. They observed some rules of etiquette at the table:

  • from the very beginning of the meal, the owner was allowed to take a napkin, after which the rest of the guests began to take
  • it was not allowed to make very sharp movements during meals, for example, shake napkins or wave a napkin
  • it was possible to use the product only after the food was served.
  • at the end of the meal, the napkin was left on the left side of the plate. Leaving it on a plate was considered bad manners.

Cloth napkins are considered an important attribute of the table today. According to etiquette, they straighten and spread on their knees so that clothes do not get dirty. Therefore, if you want to please your own guests, choose high-quality canvases for the festive table.

The advantage of fabric products is that they are durable. You can wash them after use, iron them, and then use them again.

When choosing fabric products, consider the strength of the wipes and their absorbency. Inexpensive Options, as a rule, thin, they lose their own appearance and are torn more often than others.

Another advantage is the naturalness of this raw material. Fabric models are quite pleasant to the touch. They do not electrify and do not cause allergies.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the shade and design. Napkins must match the entire composition. But this is not considered a problem today. You can buy almost any canvas: classic - white, plain - various shades, with printed designs, with embroidery or openwork inserts.

The only drawback of such napkins is whimsicality during care. If you wash these wipes in the wrong temperature water, they will shrink, stretch, or lose their shape. After that, you can no longer return them to a rectangular or square shape.

So, let's conclude: when choosing cloth napkins, pay attention not to their price, but to their quality. Products top quality will serve you longer. They will be an excellent option during table setting.

How to fold napkins for serving

First, let's learn how to properly fold paper napkins for serving. Many connoisseurs argue that the serving of such products and fabric napkins has its own subtleties and certain rules. So, square-shaped products are considered the most suitable for a solemn event.

If you only have napkins rectangular shape, then you can easily form folds on them. An ordinary tea party or lunch does not need festive and fancy napkins. In this case, give preference to the most simple options. Before you fold paper napkins, be sure to wash your hands and try to touch them less.

Many housewives come up with real masterpieces from paper products, for example, you can quickly twist a flower using various methods.

Quite often, during twisting, the origami technique is used, allowing you to put a variety of figures on the table: flowers, boats, and so on.

Paper versions of napkins can be folded in half, or in the form of a tube. If you want to give the serving a more solemn appearance, come up with a complex combination: a cylinder, a cone, a candle. It is better to put a napkin on snack plates, folding it in half.

Ways to serve napkins

Serving napkins today is quite diverse. Everything will depend on how you are a good and hardworking hostess. There are several options that are very simple and, at the same time, they look festive.

  • "Plume". Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect to the top of the triangle, first the right corner, then the left. Draw a mentally horizontal line, fold the figure into two equal parts relative to this line. Fold the corners of the product towards the back. Pull the corners that are at the top in the opposite direction.

  • You can do beautiful flower lilies. Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect the corners with the top of the triangle: right, then left, as in the previous version. Fold the resulting figure into two equal parts relative to the horizontal. Unscrew the corner at the top.

  • The third simple method is this. Fold the napkin in half 2 times. Fold down symmetrically both sides of the resulting rectangle. Unfold the figure so that the wrong side is visible. Make 2 rings at its ends. Connect them.

If you want to get an original and beautiful product, try to delve into the process. Exactly then this lesson will become for you not an ordinary job, but an interesting hobby.

Making your own napkins

If you decide to make napkins with my own hands, then you must first choose a material for them. But the one that is dense will wash well and retain its original shape after use.

As a rule, such products are made from linen, cotton and satin. If you want to make napkins for daily use, then it is advisable for you to purchase cotton. This material is not so easily soiled and it retains its shape perfectly. Linen and satin napkins have more holiday look, however, they are very whimsical during washing.


Conventionally, the color palette for napkins is divided into the following categories:

  • pastel shades
  • gold and silver
  • noble tones
  • classic tones like white

The choice of color will depend only on your preference. At the same time, you must know that napkins must be combined not only with a tablecloth, but also with other elements of the room.

It is not difficult to choose the color of napkins just for the tablecloth. When doing this, consider the density of the fabric. If the napkins will be inferior to the tablecloth in density, choose options 2 tones darker. If the fabric of the products and the tablecloths are the same in structure, then choose napkins of the same tone with a touch of the tablecloth.

Tools and cloth

You can easily find these items in a sewing store. For this process, you should have enough:

  • fabrics
  • dense threads
  • needles

Plus, you will need to bring scissors, a sewing machine, an iron and a pen.

Sewing napkins for serving

  • Before you start work, decide on the size of the products. The most optimal size is 50 * 50 cm.
  • After that, mark on the material the right dimensions and you can cut. Make each cut as straight as possible. Thus, you can fold the resulting napkins in different ways.
  • Take your pattern and lay it wrong side up. Bend each edge 1 cm, iron. Again, fold each edge 2 cm, iron.
  • Expand the resulting folds. From the point where the folds intersect, draw a thin strip diagonally.
  • Cut off the corners of the napkin along the resulting strip. From the place where you cut, step back about 1.5 cm, then sew on a typewriter
  • Iron each seam on both sides before turning the corners over to face. Turn the corners right side out, sew each edge.
  • Iron the resulting product and starch.

Ways to set the table with napkins

Beautiful table setting using napkins is the key to the attractiveness of your table and the whole design. Here important role the colors of the napkins play, therefore, if you want to set the right mood for the celebration, try hard and choose the right tones.

For example, a green tone always evokes associations with freshness, vegetation, flowers, leaves. In addition, the green tone is able to perfectly emphasize the richness of other tones and their beauty. Take advantage of this quality when you compose such compositions:

  • Put small multi-colored flowers on the festive table. Instead of leaves, use green napkins.
  • gray tone during serving and table decoration is considered practical and versatile. You can combine it with any colors: bright, dull, warm, cold.
  • If you take a gray tablecloth as a basis, then create unusual compositions. Complete them with napkins of the same color.
  • Serving with white napkins, combined with any completely tones. You will get an unusual and bright effect.
  • red tone- the most prominent. It simultaneously transmits heat and irritates, stands out, and in some cases is unobtrusive. Therefore, do not overdo it with red. Combine red tone with dull shades and more neutral ones. Think in advance how best to combine it with the rest of the shades that are on the table.

Remember, when choosing napkins, consider the tone of the tablecloth and the overall service. If you do everything right, your serving will turn out beautiful, and in return you will get a joyful mood of the people present at the table.

Napkin serving schemes

Now we offer you several options for serving napkins with patterns.

The first method "Fan":

  • Fold the napkin into 2 equal parts. You will get a rectangle. Collect 3/4 of the length of the product in the form of an accordion. Fold one fold down. Keep an eye on the distance between the folds: it should be approximately 2.5 cm.
  • Fold the figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left. The part you didn't fold should be on the right side.
  • Take a napkin. Its free tips should look up.
  • Adjust the part of the product that was not folded between the folds. Put the resulting product on the table.

The second method is "Lily":

  • fold the product diagonally
  • the corners located on the right and left sides, attach to the top of the triangle
  • fold the fabric in half horizontally
  • bend the top of the triangle located at the top

The third option is "Royal Lily":

  • lay the canvas face down
  • bend the corners in turn to the central part
  • turn over
  • bend the corners again to the central part
  • holding the corners in the center, carefully pull the corners from the bottom, you should get petals.

Serving napkins step by step


  • fold the napkin diagonally
  • assemble the product in the form of an accordion, start from the top of the triangle, make folds in turn: first up, then down
  • fold the resulting "accordion" into 2 parts
  • connect the corners, twist a little so that the shape of the figure is preserved, straighten the folds, give the napkin a leaf-like appearance

"Tulip with a glass":

  • fold the material into 2 parts
  • wrap the corners of the rectangle towards the center so that you have a triangle
  • fold the sharp corner of the base in half
  • twist a little side, carefully put the figurine into the glass with the side that is bent; spread the flower petals

  • starch the material well, spread the product on the table so that it looks up front side napkins
  • place the fork with its teeth in the central part of the product, twist the material, while moving each fold between the teeth of the fork
  • rotate the material in one direction so that you have a spiral
  • remove the plug, squeeze the product with your hand so that the spiral does not unwind
  • put the figurine in the dish where you planned to put it in advance, straighten the fabric - you will get a beautiful rose

Serving napkin size

If you have no idea which napkins to choose, do not know what size they should be, use the following rules:

  • If you decide to spend free time in the circle of a small company, have a drink delicious tea, coffee with cakes and buns, then small napkins will suit you, the size of which should be 35 * 35 cm.
  • If you choose napkins for everyday use, then choose 40*40 cm napkins.
  • If you have a solemn event, then give preference large napkins size 50*50 cm.

Serving napkins in a napkin holder

Folding napkins in a napkin holder is very easy. It all depends on the shape of the napkin holder itself.

  • "Candle". This method ideal if the napkin holder has round shape. Expand the product of one color so that you get big square. Fold the product diagonally to get a triangle. Bend the tube in half. Insert all the napkins you fold similar method, in a napkin holder.

  • "Corners". Place each napkin in a flat napkin holder. You can fold the products in the form of "corners", alternating in shades. Canvases of contrasting tones look unusual.

Creating a beautifully set table is an art. After all, it is precisely the properly and festively laid table that creates the basis of the atmosphere at the holiday. Make your evenings and holiday gatherings bright. And beautifully made figures from napkins will help you with this according to our advice.

Video: Beautiful folding napkins for table setting

The center of any meal is a tastefully set table. When a hostess has a question about table textiles, a tablecloth and table napkins come to mind. Why do you need cloth napkins? How to deal with them during a feast?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What is a textile napkin

They are divided into two types, based on the purpose. Substitute napkins are those that are laid on the table personally for each guest and on which the serving is organized. But the most common is the second version of table napkins, which need to be laid on your knees and wipe your hands. It is about them that we will talk. Moreover, you will learn three ways to fold textile napkins: the simplest, but effective and meeting the main requirements of etiquette.

Where did the napkin come from on the tables

During the Middle Ages, such an attribute of a feast as napkins had not yet been invented, and to wipe their hands from grease, people used the tablecloth itself. Only noble guests were served a bowl of water and lemon, which has disinfectant properties, to rinse their fingers in it.
Napkins came into widespread use only in the 16th century. At first, napkins were placed on the shoulder, on the arm, or were used as a bib, which was attached to the waistcoat with silver hooks or tied at the back of the neck. Gradually, the napkins "moved" to my knees. In the 17th century, when women's skirts became more puffy, the size of napkins grew to 90-115 cm. With the advent of new cutlery, the size of the napkin also changed. So, as soon as the use of a fork came into practice (and this happened only in the middle of the 18th century), the participants in the meal became more accurate and the napkins decreased in size.

Modern textile napkins: materials and sizes, style and color

According to the canons of classical table etiquette, for a banquet, a dinner party or a dinner party, table textiles must be sewn from natural linen white. But modern table etiquette allows you to deviate from this rule, besides, there is now a huge variety of mixed fabrics for table linen: beautiful, expressive, and most importantly, more practical to use (for example, Teflon-coated fabrics that are not afraid of fat, wine and coffee ). For an informal meal, white table linens can easily be replaced with beige or another neutral hue. And if you want to create a certain mood at the table or maintain the style of the interior, then etiquette allows colored or even combined tablecloths and napkins: the fabric can be plaid or striped, with a floral or any other interesting print. Choose according to your taste! A very convenient and win-win option is the use of companion fabrics, when on one of the elements of table linen (tablecloth or napkins) a fabric with a multi-colored pattern is used, and on the other - a plain fabric that repeats one of the colors of the print; or two prints are combined (for example, flowers and stripes) with the choice of the same color palette.

The size of a modern table napkin is about 40x40 cm (from 36 to 46 cm), the tea napkin is smaller - about 30x30 cm (from 25 to 35 cm).

IN modern world textile napkins are a mandatory attribute of table setting, so every housewife should take care of their availability.

Why do we need textile napkins if there are paper ones

For the first time, they learned about paper napkins in 1867, when their first batch was produced at a paper mill in England. The guests really liked this serving attribute, and since then their production on an industrial scale has begun. Paper napkins have a number of advantages: they perfectly absorb moisture, and most importantly, there is no need for washing, which, of course, every housewife will appreciate.
But can they completely and completely replace textiles?

Linen napkins - required attribute any feast, their main goal is the comfort of guests and the safety of their costumes. However, paper napkins must be present on the table in sufficient quantities.

The main task of a textile napkin is to protect the guest's outfit, it should be laid on your knees. Also, a linen napkin is used when the fingers are a little dirty. What to do if the hands are very dirty, and what to use during a runny nose? Paper napkins will save you, for these purposes they were created.

How to use textile napkins

All the guests, including the hosts, took their places and the meal began. The hostess is the first to start the feast - she unfolds her napkin, then the guests follow her example.

  • take a textile napkin from the table and unfold;
  • fold it in half and place it on your knees with the fold towards you;
  • during the feast, wipe slightly soiled fingers top edge napkins, while not removing it from your knees;
  • leave a napkin on the chair in case you need to go out;
  • if you get up from the table already at the end of dinner, then put a napkin to the left of the plate. There is no need to fold it again: grab the middle of the napkin so that all the folds come together and lay it on the table. When the hostess does the same with her napkin, consider that the dinner is over.

Three ways to fold napkins

Arriving at a restaurant, we often see napkins rolled in the form of a Crown, French lily, Bishop's Miter or other unusual shape. The art of folding napkins came to us from the 17th century. At the French court, there were special people who folded napkins for the royal table and did it simply masterfully, but it was forbidden to use such a napkin for its intended purpose, as it was considered a violation of the rules of etiquette. At times Victorian era views on the rules of behavior at the table have changed somewhat - people began to think more about hygiene. Imagine how many times you have to touch the napkin in the process of folding, and, moreover, what a crumpled look it will have after being in the form of a Fan or an Artichoke! It is unlikely that any of the guests will want to wipe their hands or lips with such a napkin.

Complex folding options faded into the background, they were replaced by simpler ones. Modern etiquette adheres to the same rules for folding napkins: a minimum of touches and a minimum of folds.

They are absolutely universal:

  • they meet the requirements of modern table etiquette: a minimum of touches and folds;
  • very simple: any housewife will easily master them and will spend no more than five minutes on serving, which means that a woman will have extra time to rest - this is priceless;
  • efficient and suitable different styles serving.

When choosing a way to fold napkins, you need to take into account the occasion of the meal itself. For an official feast, napkins with lace or a fan-folding option are definitely not suitable. But to create a warm spring mood- exactly what is needed.


By the way, the method of folding napkins "Petals" will come in handy - perfect option for an informal cozy atmosphere, perfectly combined with a floral print of textiles and floral decor on the table.

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it on the table with the wrong side up.

2. Take the upper left corner and pull it to the opposite corner, folding the napkin in half, forming a triangle.

3. Pull the upper corner of the resulting triangle to the left corner, but do not connect them to each other.

4. Repeat the action: fold the right edge to the left without closing the corners of the napkin.

5. The napkin is ready! We put it on a substitution plate with the petals to the right, put a snack plate on top. We complement the serving with cutlery and glasses.

Napkin rings

Today, napkin rings are used as a decorative serving element. But there were times when rings had a different function: they guaranteed ownership of a dirty napkin.

Historical note: since table linen was rarely washed, textile napkins were used many times. The rings served as an identification mark so that the guest could be sure that he received exactly his dirty napkin.

Rings are made from different materials: silver, wood, fabric, etc. But even in the absence of serving rings, you can easily improvise, for example, replace them with a ribbon.

There are many ways to insert a napkin into a ring: you can fold the napkin into unusual folds, fold it like a fan or just twist it into a tube, choose any one you like! Let's look at the simplest option:

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it on the table inside out.

2. Take the napkin by the middle with your hand and shake it to form free folds.

3. We put the middle of the napkin into the ring and straighten the folds. Ready!

The napkin enclosed in the ring can be conveniently placed directly on the plate. Firstly, it will save space on the table and free up space for dishes. And secondly, a napkin on a plate, as it were, will hint to the guest that he will not be able to start the meal until he spreads the napkin on his knees.

Envelope for cutlery "Stripes"

Napkin envelope - great option for formal formal dinners. Although, if you dilute the serving with delicate decor or flowers, this way of folding napkins will also be appropriate at an informal dinner with close people.

1. Place a folded napkin on the table so that the four free corners are at the top right.

2. Take the top free corner and fold it diagonally inward as shown in the photo. Align the fold.

It is very convenient to put cutlery in the formed "pockets", thereby saving space on the table. In addition, you can put a note, flowers, a gift or even a small bun there.

Beautifully folded napkin will decorate your table. The napkin can be given the most different forms: from simple traditional to more intricate. Keep in mind that starched napkins are much easier to roll. But always remember that textile napkins - required element serving, you can’t do without it, giving preference to paper napkins.

Do not neglect the rules of etiquette. Show respect for your guests by caring about them. appearance, then they will appreciate your care and in return thank you for the warm welcome!