Complex gum knitting pattern. Knitting gum patterns with a description. English scarf ribbing

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How to knit an elastic band with knitting needles

The elastic band is knitted according to its own scheme, but the principle of execution is the same for all of them. Front and back loops alternate in a strictly defined order.

Such a performance in many cases is given more preference than others.

There are several reasons for this:

  • the edges of any gum are even, do not twist along the length or width, which ensures its accuracy and aesthetics;
  • a piece of clothing knitted in this way “springs”, which prevents its deformation when stretched.

As a result, vertical stripes are formed. Due to this, part of the product acquires the ability to stretch.

If you look at the diagrams, you will notice one feature. Already in the first row, a knitted pattern is laid. Each subsequent row is performed directly on this basis. That is, all front loops should be knitted with knit, and purl - naturally, purl. The tighter we knit, the denser the knitted details are.

See the options below in the article and after the article a catalog with pattern tiles.

Elastic band with a tourniquet

  • 1st, 3rd, 5th, 13th, 15th and 17th rows: 1 p. out, * 1 p. persons., 2 p. out. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.
  • 7th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., 2 persons. p. interchange with 1 out. to the left, the working thread at work, knitting 1 p. out, 2 p. persons., 1 out. p interchange places with 2. persons. p. to the right, working thread at work, knitting 2 p. persons., 1 p. out., 1 p. out. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p. out.;
  • 9th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., change 2 p. persons. for 2 p. persons. to the right, knitting all the loops of the faces., 1 p. out. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.
  • 11th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., 2 persons. p. interchange with 1 out. to the right, the working thread at work, knitting 1 p. out, 2 p. persons., 1 out. p interchange places with 2. persons. p. to the left, working thread at work, knitting 2 p. persons., 1 p. out., 1 p. out. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p. out.;

Elastic band with stripes

For this gum, all rows, both facial and purl, are knitted the same way.

1st and all subsequent rows: * 2 p. out., 1 yarn over, 2 p. together to the right (you can go to the left, but then everywhere) *, repeat from * to *.

Faceted gum

1st row: * 2 persons.p., 2 out.p. *, repeat from * to *;

2nd row: * 1 person.p., 2 out.p.. 1 person.p. *, repeat from * to *.

Elastic bands

1st row: * 1 p. Remove with a crochet, 1 person *, repeat from * to *;

2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th rows: * Knit 2 stitches together. crossed, 1 p. remove with a crochet out. *, repeat from * to *;

3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th rows: * 1 p. Remove with a crochet, 2 p. Knit together faces. crossed *, repeat from * to *;

11th row: * 1 p. remove with a crochet, 2 p. knit together persons., 1 p. remove with a crochet, 2 p. 2 p. Knit together faces., remove the loop together with the yarn over on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, transfer the next p. as a purl, knit a loop from the 1st auxiliary knitting needle together with a crochet), 1 p. remove with a crochet, 2 p. *, repeat from * to *.

Elastic Zig-Zag

Yin Yang

1st, 3rd, 5th, 19th, 21st and 23rd rows:, * 2 p. out., 2 p. persons. *, repeat from * to *;

2nd and all even rows: how the loops look, i.e. facial loops are knitted over the front ones, purl loops over the purl ones, purl loop over the crochet.

7th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., 2 p. persons, change 4 p. 2 to 2 to the right, 2 p. out., change 4 p. to the left 2 to 2, 2 p . persons. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.

9th row: 1 p. out., * change 4 p. 2 to 2 to the right, 2 p. together to the right, 1 yarn over, 2 p. out., 1 yarn over, 2 p. together to the left, change 4 p. 2 2 to the left, 1 p. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.

11th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., 2 p. persons., 2 p. out, 1 yarn over, 2 p. together to the left, 2 p. out.. 2 p. together to the right, 1 yarn over, 2 p. out., 2 p. ilts., 1 p. out, *, repeat from * to *, 1 p. out.;

13th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out, 2 p. persons., 2 p. out., 2 together to the right, 1 yarn over, 2 p. out., 2 p. together to the left, 1 yarn over , 2 p. out., 2 p. persons., 1 p. out. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.

15th row: 1 p. out, 8 1 p. out., change 4 loops 2 to 2 to the left, 1 yarn over, 2 p. together to the right, 2 p. out., 2 p. together to the left. 1 yarn over, change 4 loops 2 to 2 to the right, 1 p. out., *, repeat from * to *, 1 p. out.;

17th row: 1 p. out., * 1 p. out., 2 p. persons., change 4 p. 2 to 2 to the left, 2 p. out., change 4 loops 2 to 2 to the right, 2 p. persons, 1 p. *, repeat from * to *, 1 p.

Wrong zigzag

1st and 2nd rows: * 2 sts out, 1 yarn over, 2 sts together to the left *, repeat from * to *

3rd and 4th rows: * 2 sts together to the right, 1 yarn over, 2 sts out. * repeat from * to *;

Simple gum knitting

  • 1 front and 1 purl loop;
  • 2 facial and 2 purl loops;
  • 3 facial and 3 purl loops;
  • 1 front and 2 purl loops and vice versa.

Consider other types of knitting elastic bands with knitting needles

How to knit corn gum with knitting needles

It is not for nothing that this gum is called corn gum, in its finished form it looks like an ear of corn interspersed with small corn. Looks unusual and stylish.

What is suitable for

For knitting hats, for knitting scarves

How to knit

Cast on 19 stitches

we knit the first row like this - knit 3 loops, then we make a yarn over and remove the loop and again knit 3 loops, then we make a yarn over and remove the loop and so on until the end of the row.

Second row - remove 1 loop from the edge and then knit, one front loop from above, then 2 together, yarn over and the loop that was removed from the front from above and one more from the front, and then we make a yarn over and remove the loop and then repeat again 1 loop from the front, 2 together knit on top, one more loop knit on top, yarn over and remove the loop and do this until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit from above and finish the row with a purl loop. In order for the edge of the thing to be even

We unfold the knitting on the front side.

1 row. We remove the hem, knit loop on top, knit 2 together on top, one knit on top and yarn over and trace. Let's reshoot the loop.

And again, the knit loop on top, knit 2 together on top, one knit on top and yarn over and re-shoot and so we knit until the end of the row

That's all corn gum is ready. It looks the same from both sides.

To calculate the loops, the number of loops is selected as a multiple of 4, + 1 additional. loop, + 2 edge loops.

pattern video

How to knit English ribbing with knitting needles

This pattern is the most popular and famous all over the world. He is loved for his simplicity and speed of work. Things associated with this type are dense, elastic, keeping their shape.

What is suitable for

For knitting hats, for knitting scarves, beret, sweater. This option is suitable for both children's and adult models.

How to knit:

This elastic band is knitted, unlike a simple English elastic band, not since 1 row, one front, one purl, then this type is knitted two front, two purl, i.e. it is knitted like the basis of an elastic band 2 by 2

So let's start. Cast on 18 stitches

First row. It knits like a 2 by 2 rib. Let me remind you how it fits: 2 facial 2 purl.

Second row and last row. Knit as follows. Remove the first edge loop.

We knit facial from the bottom of the lying row. - 2 times. Further purl as usual.

Then again facial as facial from the bottom of the lying row. - 2 times.

pattern video

How to knit a fluffy elastic band with knitting needles

This pattern looks very attractively lush, as light air clouds envelop the part of the body on which the thing associated with this type of scheme is worn.

What is suitable for

For knitting hats, for knitting scarves, hats, sweaters, skirts. Suitable for children and adults.

How to knit:

Attention: The consumption of yarn is 2 times more than for ordinary knitting.

Knitting needles to take thick. Size 7-8

Cast on an even number of stitches.

The first row is knitted from front to back. Facial - purl.

Attention! Facial do not as usual, but as a loop of the previous row.

Next, we do the wrong side as usual. We make the front as a loop of the previous row, grab the thread and discard, so we knit to the end of the row. At the end of the row we make the hem of the purl. This is necessary so that there is a smooth edge.

We turn the product

We knit in the same way after each row I turn the product over.

pattern video

See the catalog below for more options. Click on the tiles, they open in a new window, watch and share on social networks. networks.

One of the most popular knitting patterns is ribbing. A hat, scarf or sweater knitted using this technique looks simply amazing. The types of this ornament are different. Some of them have long been used by needlewomen, and some are only being studied. In any case, knitted ribbing gives the product a special look and charm, regardless of the option chosen, be it Swedish or French ribbing.

One of the most popular knitting patterns is ribbed rib.

French rib knitting: knitting pattern

Among all the knitting methods, it is French that can be called the most unusual. The structure of the product is corrugated, dense. Every knitter knows knitting a transverse elastic band, and this type is used in many products. Any thing knitted in this technique takes on an amazing shape and will never look baggy, which is extremely important when knitting sweaters and jackets.


  1. Loops are cast on, the number of which must be a multiple of four. Additionally, two more edging are added.
  2. The first row is knitted according to the scheme: a couple of facial and a couple of purl.
  3. On the next line, offsets are made by knitting one facial, a pair of purl and another facial.
  4. The schemes of the two rows constantly alternate until the product is the desired height.

An elastic band that does not stretch: knitting needles (video)

Polish faceted gum with knitting needles: a description for beginners

It is not at all difficult to tie a beautiful faceted elastic band around with patterns.. How to knit a fluffy or convex elastic band? Knitting a non-stretch ribbing with knitting needles is not difficult. The scheme is incredibly simple and comes down to alternating only two rows. The main thing at the same time is not to stray and clearly observe the sequence of actions, then it will turn out to be airy. The Polish pattern is suitable for knitting sweaters and skirts, as well as for hats and snoods. At the same time, knitting turns out to be far from a boring activity, it turns out elastic and curly.


  1. First of all, a multiple of four loops is dialed and two more edge loops are made.
  2. In the first row, three facial and only one wrong side are knitted. The pattern is repeated until the end of the row.
  3. The next row is knitted by alternating two facial, one purl and one facial.

Knitting a beautiful faceted elastic band is not at all difficult

In the future, all actions are repeated from the first row.

Beautiful and dense elastic band on circular knitting needles

The peculiarity of knitting elastic bands on circular knitting needles is only that there is no need for an additional set of edge stitches. The corn billet is knitted in a circle, and accordingly the first loop is not removed, and the last one is not knitted, as required by classic knitting. The peculiarity of this pattern is that the elastic is not even, but oblique. Naturally, any product made in this way looks very unusual.

The peculiarity of knitting elastic bands on circular knitting needles is only that there is no need for an additional set of edge stitches

We knit according to the scheme:

  1. A multiple of six loops is cast on.
  2. The first circular row is knitted alternately with three facial and three purl.
  3. The second line, like all other even ones, is knitted in accordance with the pattern.
  4. In the third row, only two facial ones are made, after which three purl and three facial alternate until the end of the row. The purl stitch completes the line.
  5. The fifth line starts from the front, after which there is an alternation of three purl and front. In conclusion, two purl are made.
  6. The seventh row is knitted by analogy with the first.
  7. The ninth row starts with a pair of purl, then three knit and purl alternate, and at the end of the circle they make the front.
  8. The eleventh circle starts from the wrong side, then again alternates three knit and purl, and ends with a pair of facial ones.

After reaching the desired height, the scheme is repeated from the very beginning.

American knitting gum: instructions

Knitting such a pattern is not at all difficult. Even a beginner knitter can handle this simple technique. At the same time, the products turn out to be very dense, without the openwork characteristic of other ornaments. It is considered ideal to combine it with a regular front surface. At the same time, any thing acquires nobility and chic, looks stylish and unusual.


  1. Initially, loops are recruited. Their number should be divided by three plus a pair of edging.
  2. In the first row knit alternately two facial and only one purl.
  3. The second stage is a little more complicated and comes down to alternating such actions: one front, yarn over, knitting two front ones and pulling them into a yarn over.

Knitting such a pattern is not at all difficult.

In the future, it is necessary to repeat all the steps from the beginning until the product reaches the required height.

Simple spanish rib knitting

Large knitting, characteristic of the Spanish pattern, gives the products a more perfect look. Without exception, all things made according to this two-sided scheme turn out to be very warm, voluminous and beautiful. The technique, although simple, still requires some attention and patience. But the work is worth the effort, because such products will really look especially bright and beautiful.

Coarse knitting, characteristic of the Spanish pattern, gives the products a more perfect look.


  1. The number of stitches is typed in multiples of four and be sure to add edge stitches to them.
  2. On the first line, two purl and facial alternate, and two purl necessarily complete it.
  3. The second row already begins with a pair of facial, which alternate with purl. Now the final two are the front ones.
  4. The third row is knitted according to the scheme: a pair of purl and a pair of facial ones, of which the second loop is first knitted to the back wall, and only then the first. The final ones are two purl ones in a row.
  5. The fourth line is knitted by alternating two stitches out and inside out. In this case, the second purl stitch is knitted first, and only then the first. The last two stitches are made.

In the future, all actions must be repeated in a circle, but starting only from the third, and not the first row.

Canadian gum knitting: step by step instructions

Embossed elastic is suitable for many products. Hats and snoods knitted in a circle look perfect. All minor errors are surprisingly hidden. Accordingly, this knitting method is suitable even for beginners, for whom this needlework cannot yet be called simple.


  1. It is necessary to dial loops, the number of which should be divisible by three and add more hem loops to them.
  2. In the first row, knit alternately one front and two purl.
  3. Knit the second row, alternating two facial with one purl.
  4. Follow the next row according to the scheme: behind the front stitch, on the line below the working one, pull out a long loop and leave it on the right knitting needle, knit one loop with the front and a couple of wrong ones.
  5. Perform the fourth line by alternating two front and back lines, which are knitted together with the loop extended in the last row.

In the future, knit, alternating the patterns of the third and fourth rows.

How to knit an elastic band 1x1: a guide for beginners (video)

An elastic band is a special pattern that is used very often in knitting. You can look at various samples in magazines or on the Internet. There are many techniques that allow you to make a seemingly simple ornament unusual and especially beautiful. Not only an experienced knitter will be able to master them, but also a completely newbie in this fascinating form of needlework. In the future, it will be possible to make each connected item unique, inimitable and stylish. Regardless of the type of gum you choose, you can be sure that the finished product will be exactly the way you would like to see it.

Therefore, in order to get started, you first need to dial the loops, and then master the technique of making front and back loops. Consistent alternation of front and back loops will allow you to get an elastic band pattern.


Part 1

Preparation for work

    Lay the thread of yarn in a triangle, throwing it over the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. Extend your left hand in front of you. Unwind some yarn from the ball. Throw the thread around the thumb and forefinger of the left hand so that the free end of the yarn hangs from the thumb, and the end leading to the ball hangs from the index finger. Make sure you have about 30 cm of yarn hanging from your thumb for every 20 stitches you need to cast on.

    • Connect both ends of the yarn in the palm of your hand and grab them with the free fingers of your left hand.
    • The yarn will lie in a triangle with vertices on the thumb and forefinger, as well as on the palm, where two threads connect.
  1. Start picking up stitches on your needles. Take a knitting needle or two knitting needles at once in your right hand (it all depends on the required knitting density). Pass the end of the needle under the thread between your thumb and forefinger. Hold the thread on the needles with the index finger of your right hand. Next, pull the thread on the needle down from the thumb and forefinger. A kind of dent will appear on the triangle.

    • Bring the end of the needle to the left over the hooked thread, as if forming a small loop on the needle. It is very important to bring the end of the needle on top of the thread, and not under it (otherwise it will just jump off). Then bring the tip of the needle closer to your thumb.
    • Pull the thread on the needle to the base of the thumb. In this case, the yarn will form a loop around this finger. Another incomplete loop will be formed on the index finger.
    • Pick up the thread from your thumb to the palm with the tip of the knitting needle away from you. The tip of the needle must be passed under the thread. Next, pull the needle to the index finger. Place the tip of the needle over the thread that runs from your index finger to the needle. Remember that when you pick up the thread from your thumb, the needle goes under the thread in the direction away from you, and when you pick up the thread from your index finger, the knitting needle is placed on top of it, so that you can pick it up from below towards you.
    • Laying the tip of the knitting needle over the thread on the index finger, turn the knitting needle in such a way as to pick up this thread from below towards the center of the palm. Continue to move the needle towards you until you bring the thread picked up from the index finger back through the loop on the thumb.
    • Slip the loop off your thumb. Pull the needle with the yarn up to release the thumb from the loop and tighten the first two cast on loops. So you get two initial loops at once, tightly fitting your knitting needle.
  2. Cast on the number of loops you need. Additional loops are created in the same way as those that you received at the very beginning. The free end of the yarn should hang from the thumb, and the one leading to the ball should hang from the index finger. However, you no longer have to hook the thread between your thumb and forefinger, as it will already hold on to the needle. All the same fingers that you used to create the initial loops will be involved in the work.

    • Pull the needle down to form the loops on your thumb and forefinger that you will work with.
    • Pick up the thread from below with the tip of the needle away from you, going from the thumb to the palm. Next, pull the needle towards the thread on the index finger. Place the tip of the needle over this thread, then turn the needle around to pick up the thread from below towards you. Then pull the needle back through the loop on your thumb again.
    • Slip the loop off your thumb and pull on the end of the yarn to tighten a new loop. You will now have one extra loop. Repeat the process until you have as many stitches on your needle as you need. For rib knitting, it is usually a good idea to use an even number of stitches.
  3. Before starting work, find the working end of the thread. The working end of the thread is connected to a ball of yarn. You don't need a loose end of the yarn to work with. When knitting or purl stitches, use only the end that is attached to the ball. At the end of the project, at the non-working end of the thread, it will be possible to tie a knot and cut off the excess.

    Part 2

    Performing facial loops
    1. Take the knitting needles. To get started, pick up the knitting needles. All the loops you need should be on one knitting needle. The other needle will be empty for now. Take the empty knitting needle in your right hand, and the knitting needle with loops in your left.

      Insert the tip of an empty working needle into the first stitch on the needle with stitches. Work begins with the extreme loop, which is closest to the end of the knitting needle. Each loop wraps around the needle in a circle. You need to insert the end of the working knitting needle (still empty) into the base of the extreme loop.

      • The working knitting needle should be inserted into the loop behind the front wall in the direction from left to right. In other words, the needle should enter the loop from the side closest to you. In this case, the end of the working knitting needle enters the loop in the area between the front and rear walls of the loop. Do not try to slip the working needle between the loop and the end of the knitting needle with cast on loops.
      • With the working needle in the correct position, push it a little deeper into the loop. Bring the tip of the needle out of the other side of the loop about 1 cm and stop.
    2. Wrap the working thread clockwise around the end of the working (still empty) knitting needle. At the initial stage, you can lay the working thread on the knitting needle with your right hand (later you will learn how to perform this operation only with a knitting needle). The working thread must be wrapped around the protruding end of the working knitting needle. Help yourself with your hand if necessary. Make sure that the working thread wraps around the needle in a clockwise direction. Do not point it counterclockwise. The free end of the working thread should come down from the back, and not from the front of the knitting needle.

      Remove the idle needle from the working needle. At this point, both of your knitting needles will be connected to each other with a working thread in a position at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. In this case, a new loop will be formed at the end of the working knitting needle. To prevent this loop from accidentally jumping off, slightly pull and hold the working thread.

      • With your left hand, slowly pull the non-working needle with loops up.
      • Pass it over the tip of the working needle.
      • At the same time, bring the working needle back through the first loop of the non-working needle.
      • Make sure that the working needle is facing inward. When you knit the first stitch, turn the end of the working needle towards the rest of the stitches on the non-working needle.
    3. Remove the knitted loop from the non-working needle. To complete the formation of a new loop on the working knitting needle, it is necessary to lower the knitted loop from the end of the non-working knitting needle. Hold the remaining stitches on the non-working needle with the index finger of your left hand. Gently pull forward on the working needle with the new stitch to follow the knitted stitch and remove it. This will allow you to separate the needles again, leaving one new front loop on the working needle.

      • If you have no knitting experience, work slowly. You will begin to knit faster once you master the basic movements.

      Part 3

      Making purl loops
      1. Take the knitting needles. Pick up knitting needles to master knitting with purl loops. A non-working knitting needle with cast on loops must be inserted into the left hand, and for the time being, an empty working knitting needle - into the right.

        Bring the end of the working needle behind the front wall of the extreme loop on the non-working needle in the direction from right to left. The purl loops are inherently a mirror image of the facial loops. To knit a purl stitch, you need to insert the end of the working knitting needle behind the front wall of the extreme loop in the direction from right to left, and not from left to right.

        • Take a working knitting needle and bring its end over the end of a non-working knitting needle. From this position, insert the tip of the working knitting needle from right to left into the extreme loop behind the front wall.
        • The working knitting needle should be inserted into the loop a little differently than when knitting facial loops. Place the tip of the working needle between the front wall of the loop and the tip of the non-working needle. Do not insert the needle directly between the front and back walls of the buttonhole.
        • With the working needle in the correct position, insert its tip deeper into the outermost loop. It should come out of the loop by about 1 cm.
      2. Wrap the working yarn around the end of the working needle counterclockwise. If necessary, you can help yourself with your right hand, but with experience you will learn to do this only with a working knitting needle. Note that in this case, the thread goes around the needle counterclockwise, so that its end will hang from the outside of the needle, and not from the inside.

      3. Remove the non-working needle from the working one. This process is similar to knitting a front loop. Pull and hold the working thread so that the formed loop does not come off the working needle. Slowly pull up the non-working knitting needle with cast on and remove it from the end of the working knitting needle.

        • Again, make sure that the working needle with the new stitch comes back through the outermost stitch of the non-working needle.

Every knitter knows that almost everything starts with rib knitting. Knitted elastic bands with knitting needles can be used not only as a finish, but also as the main pattern. The product is fully connected in this version also looks beautiful and original.

I want to bring to your attention 10 of the simplest and most interesting types. Some knitted elastic bands look the same both on the face and on the wrong side, while others form their own interesting pattern on the wrong side, which can also be used. Therefore, the photo shows both sides so that you can compare. When knitting samples, do not forget about edge loops. For those who do not know what it is, I will briefly explain: thanks to the edge loops, the edges of the product look more beautiful and even - the first loop of each row is simply removed without knitting, and the last loop is knitted on the wrong side.

Elastic band 1×1

To knit a sample, type on the knitting needles such a number of loops that they are divided into 2 + 2 hem:
1st row: * 1 person., 1 out. *, repeat between stars until the end of the row.
2nd row: knit according to the pattern.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Rubber band 2×2

We collect loops multiple 4 + 2 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 2 persons., 2 out. *.
2nd row: knit according to the pattern.
Repeat from the 1st row.


Basically, this gum is an imitation of factory gum on things knitted by a typewriter. But it looks interesting on things made by hand. Moreover, its wrong side looks like a separate beautiful pattern. Therefore, it can be used in different ways.
We collect loops multiple 2 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 1 person., 1 out. *.
2nd row: * 1 remove (thread before work), 1 out. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

English (patent)

1st row: * 1 person., 1 yarn over, 1 loop to remove without knitting *, 1 person.
2nd row: 1 yarn over, 1 slip, * knit 2 together. (this is a slipped loop and yarn over of the previous row), 1 yarn over, 1 slip *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Semi-English (semi-patent)

We collect loops multiple 2 + 1 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 1 person., 1 yarn over, 1 loop to remove *, 1 person.
2nd row: 1 out., * 2 persons together. behind the front walls, 1 out. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Elastic band

We collect loops multiple of 3 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 2 persons., 1 out. *.
2nd row and all even rows knit according to the pattern.
3rd row: * 2 persons. cross right, 1 out. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.


We collect loops multiple 4 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 1 yarn over, knit 2, yarn over both loops *.
2nd row: * 2 out., 2 persons. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Corrugated gum

1st row: * 1 persons., 3 out. *, 1 persons.
2nd row: 1 out., * 1 person., 1 out. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

with teeth

We collect loops multiple of 5 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 2 persons. cross left *.
2nd row: * 2 out., 3 persons. *.
Repeat from the 1st row.

Faceted gum

We collect loops multiple 4 + 1 + 2 edge:
1st row: * 2 persons., 2 out. *, 1 persons.
2nd row: * 2 out., 2 persons. *, 1 out.
Repeat from the 1st row.

I hope that this article about knitted elastic bands with knitting needles was useful to you and you can choose an elastic band to your liking.

Video (how to knit elastic bands)

Canadian Gum

french gum

Scottish gum

Knitting involves a large selection of patterns. Some knitted patterns, in addition to beauty, also carry a functional load. So, all types of elastic bands with knitting needles are designed to decorate the finished product along the edges of the sleeve, neck and bottom.

Some wardrobe items are completely knitted with any one technique for making an elastic band in order to give the product a fit to the body. In this style, socks, gloves, hats, some dresses and sweaters are knitted. Elasticity and elasticity of knitted elastic bands gives things the right fit and a neat appearance.

Variety of options

Of the wide variety of elastic bands, those that are especially fond of needlewomen and won the title of the most popular stand out.

  • Simple gum. The technique of alternating front and back loops is used.

Different knitting methods are implied: 1 × 1, 2 × 2, etc., where the first number is the number of facial loops, and the second is the number of purl.

Note. The method of combining front and back loops is selected depending on the size of the product.

Suitable for processing the bottom, or knitting the collar and cuffs. An ideal option for mastering knitting techniques for beginner craftswomen.

  • Double rubber. Double-knitted fabric with an internal cavity. This type of knitting is convenient when creating belts for skirts, trousers, or collars, where it is supposed to insert a decorative cord inside.

The knitting method is as follows: the first row - alternating one front, one purl. Starting from the second row and to the end: the front loops are knitted with the front one, all the wrong ones are removed. Keep the thread in front of the product.

Double elastic can be knitted in a circle. Here it is important to calculate the sequence of even and odd rows.

To simplify the task, the beginning of the row is marked with a contrasting thread. When knitting, it is desirable to adhere to the scheme.

The first row is made with a simple elastic band 1 × 1. In the second line, 1 front is knitted, the wrong side is removed. The thread remains in front of the work.

The third row begins with knitting one purl loop, removed in the previous row, then the front one is removed. Here the thread remains behind the loop. The permanent position of the working thread is inside the gum.

The scheme of the second and third row is repeated until the end of knitting the gum.

  • English rib is the most common knitting technique for hats, scarves, and jumpers. The result is an elastic, soft fabric. Therefore, this method is not suitable as a design for the edges of the product.

Since there are a large number of fans of things made with English rubber band, it is proposed to take a closer look at the scheme with a description of the work on the product.

The number of loops is dialed and the following is performed. In the first row, it is knitted: 1 front, followed by a straight yarn, the loop is removed. Working thread behind the needles. This sequence remains until the end of the series.

The second row begins with a straight yarn over, continues by removing the loop without knitting it at the same time, the thread remains behind the work. Then the loop and yarn of the last row are knitted together with the front one. This is how the whole line continues.

On the third line, the loop and yarn over of the last row are knitted together with the front one, then a straight yarn over follows, after which the loop is removed. The repetition is carried out throughout the series. Then the second and third lines alternate.

It should be noted that edge loops (the first and last in a row) do not participate in the scheme, but are performed by default.

The English gum will visually look even more spectacular if you use contrast knitting in the product. To do this, you need to take two different colors, radically different from each other, but giving a harmonious combination in a pair.

The secret to knitting multi-colored English rib is to repeat each row with two threads in turn. How to do it correctly is shown in the tutorial video.

  • Polish gum gives the product a pronounced texture. It is used more often in knitting children's wardrobe items. The classic technique for performing such a pattern is quite simple.

There is a set of loops, a multiple of four in number, complemented by two edge and one loop for symmetry.

Throughout the first row, two front loops alternate with two purl loops.

The next line is knitted in the same way as the previous one, but with offset loops, as shown in the photo.

Due to this displacement, convex “paths” of the pattern are formed.

  • French Rib creates an intricate snake pattern. This technique is mainly used as a decorative finish of the product. To achieve a sinuous effect, you should take into account the nuances of working on a pattern.