What does March 8 mean? How did women's holiday appear?

International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in a number of countries as “women’s day.”
The UN celebrates this year as the International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. Historically, the holiday appeared as a day of solidarity of working women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation, but in currently the meaning put into it can vary significantly, up to the veneration of the patriarchal image of a woman.

Textile workers' strike

A widely accepted version is that the tradition of celebrating International Women's Day on March 8 was started by the “March of Empty Pots,” which was held on this day in 1857 by women workers in the textile industry and clothing factories in New York to protest against unacceptable working conditions and low wages. They demanded a shorter working day, improved working conditions, equal to men wages. Women at that time worked up to 16 hours a day, and their work was very low paid. Liliana Kandell and Françoise Pic showed in their article that this fact is not confirmed, and the legend was probably invented in 1955 to separate the holiday tradition from communist ideology, which was important for women's rights activists in Western Europe and the USA during the Cold War.

Early 20th century

On March 8, 1908, at the call of the New York Social Democratic women's organization, a rally was held with slogans about the equality of women. On this day, more than 15,000 women marched through the city, demanding shorter working hours and equal pay with men. In addition, there was a demand for women to be given the right to vote.
In 1909, the Socialist Party of America declared National Women's Day, which was celebrated until 1913 last sunday February. In 1909 it was February 28th. Later, in 1910, delegates from the United States arrived in Copenhagen for the Second International Conference of Socialist Women, where they met Clara Zetkin.
Clara Zetkin in 1910, at the Second International Socialist Women's Conference, held in Copenhagen on August 27 as part of the Eighth Congress of the Second International, proposed the establishment of an international women's day. It was meant that on this day women would organize rallies and marches, attracting the public to their problems.

Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, 1910

In 1911, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland on March 19, at the suggestion of Helena Grinberg, a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, to commemorate the March Revolution of 1848 in Prussia. In 1912, this day was celebrated in the same countries on May 12. In 1913, women rallied in France and Russia on March 2, in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, and Holland on March 9, in Germany on March 12. In 1914, Women's Day was celebrated for the only time on March 8 simultaneously in six countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland. That year, March 8th fell on a Sunday.
Until 1917, women in Australia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland received full or partial voting rights.

February 1917

On February 23 (March 8), 1917, during the beginning of the unrest that later developed into the February Revolution, textile workers in the Vyborg district of Petrograd were among the first to go on strike. Also, a procession organized by socialists took place along Nevsky Prospect to the City Duma, demanding women's equality and bread.
February 23 (March 8), 1917 is the date of the beginning of the February Revolution, as a result of which the monarchy was overthrown in Russia and the dual power of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet was established.
On March 8, 1917, the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet decided to arrest the tsar and his family, confiscate property and deprive civil rights. The new commander of the Petrograd district, General L. G. Kornilov, arrives in Tsarskoe Selo, announcing to the empress the resolution of the Council of Ministers on the arrest of the royal family, and placing guards, including to protect the tsar from the rebellious Tsarskoe Selo garrison. On March 8, the tsar in Mogilev said goodbye to the army, and issued a farewell order to the troops, in which he bequeathed to “fight until victory” and “obey the Provisional Government.”


International Women's Day was popular around the world in the 1910s and 1920s, but then its popularity waned. For the first time, “March 8 Day” in Russia was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg, as a popular event in Western society.
In 1921, by decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 in memory of the participation of women in the demonstration in Petrograd on March 8 (February 23, old style) 1917, as one of the events that preceded the February Revolution , as a result of which the monarchy was overthrown.
Since 1966, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, International Women's Day has become a holiday and a non-working day. Gradually, in the USSR, the holiday completely lost its political overtones and connection with women’s struggle against discrimination (according to some points of view, a radical change in the meaning of the holiday in the public consciousness could be, to a greater or lesser extent, the result of the deliberate activities of the country’s political leadership), becoming “the day of all women” and acquired modern features.

In modern world

This day is declared a national holiday in some former republics of the USSR, as well as in Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Cambodia, China, Congo (as a “holiday of Congolese women”), Laos, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea and Uganda. In Armenia, April 7 is celebrated as Motherhood and Beauty Day.

International Women's Day and the UN

Since 1975 the UN, in connection with International Year women, began celebrating International Women's Day on March 8. In 1977, the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A/RES/32/142) invited states to declare, in accordance with their traditions and customs, any day of that year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. This decision was taken in connection with both the International Women's Year and the International Women's Decade (1976-1985).
Events dedicated to the United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace are dedicated to the UN on March 8th.
Countries in which the holiday is officially celebrated on March 8: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, China (officially an ordinary working day for all), Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar (day off for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Latvia.

In modern Russia

The celebration of March 8 in Russia includes the well-established “ritual” of giving flowers and gifts to women.
According to VTsIOM, for the majority of Russians (regardless of gender, age and occupation), March 8, first of all, women's holiday. This is how 66% of respondents described this day. According to 18%, March 8 is the holiday of the beginning of spring, 9% of respondents regard it as an international day of solidarity for working women, 8% as an additional day off, and 4% do not consider March 8 a holiday at all.
A number of Russian authors and organizations (in particular, journalist Natalya Radulova) criticize the prevailing conditions in the territory former USSR perception of the International women's day and the nature of its celebration. In their opinion, the holiday, contrary to its original meaning, promotes sexist stereotypes.
Some modern historians, having analyzed the publications Soviet period on the theme of International Women's Day, they say that the holiday was dedicated mainly to “courageous” women who have achieved success in “male” professions.
In Russian Orthodox Church consider the celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, which usually coincides with the days of Lent, to be “inappropriate.” By Orthodox tradition It is customary to congratulate women on the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Women. Head of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin: “The tradition of celebrating March 8 has entered our everyday life, but Orthodox people they do not and will not forget that it is connected with revolutionary movements that brought a lot of suffering to people.”

On the eve of the women's holiday on March 8, sociologists found out which gifts are strictly contraindicated to give to beloved women. It turned out that most of all the beautiful half of humanity does not like it when they are presented with cheap jewelry, products from intimate stores and souvenirs on this day.
According to the rating compiled by the Research Center of the Superjob.ru portal commissioned by Men's Health magazine, first place among the most bad gifts Russian women supplied cheap jewelry. More than half of those surveyed (58%) said that they would never want to receive such a gift. “I really love jewelry, including high-quality costume jewelry. If they gave me jewelry, I liked it because it was given by close people who know my taste,” is the most common explanation from survey participants.

Respondents placed goods from intimate stores in second place in the anti-rating. More than 40% of women are sure that it went well. Approximately the same number of women are not ready to accept an adventure such as a parachute jump as a gift on March 8th. Thanks to the survey, it turned out that the majority of those who gave a negative answer are terrified of heights. What is noteworthy is that extreme entertainment was opposed mainly by mature women(over 45 years old). Not wanting to receive “cheap nonsense” as a gift, they expect to receive “more elegant and necessary” gifts from their beloved men.

Next on the list of inappropriate gifts are cheap souvenirs. According to 38% of women who took part in the survey, all kinds of keychains and figurines only “irritate and clog up space.”

It is quite expected that many ladies flatly refuse to receive kitchen utensils and other items as gifts. household appliances. Every fifth Russian woman (18% of respondents) is not ready to remember housework on a holiday in this way. Let us note that the strongest rejection of pots and souvenirs is caused by young Russian women aged 25 to 34 years.

A man who wants to please his beloved woman with lace underwear should not delude himself once again. It is possible that his other half is among those 13% of respondents who do not consider fishnet panties a lucky gift on International Women's Day. You shouldn’t give your loved one ambiguous hints when presenting her with a membership to a fitness club or a certificate for SPA treatments. Every tenth woman (12% and 11% respectively) may suspect that you are disappointed with her appearance or unhappy with her figure.

For those who are in a hurry to get rid of worries by presenting their women with a certificate for gifts to the store, we will give advice: choose a gift yourself. According to the results of a survey conducted among 1,600 representatives of the fair sex from all regions of Russia, 11% of women may think that you are not attentive enough or are completely devoid of imagination. However, 5% of women could not name a gift that they did not like. “Any attention is nice,” answered every twentieth of those surveyed.

Let us remind you that in previous years, pets, sports equipment and even Stuffed Toys. Women favored cash as a gift no more than Gift certificates. But almost none of the survey participants refused to receive flowers, perfume, or high-quality jewelry as gifts. Many Russian women are waiting for a new mobile phone or an interesting book as a gift. And some representatives of the fair sex are waiting for their faithful to propose romantic evening with a trip to the theater or an expensive restaurant. A gift for March 8 must be individual and meet the desires and expectations of the woman. How to please your beloved? You just need to listen to her - it is quite possible that she has been hinting to you for a long time about what gift she would like to receive.

Jewelry as a gift will undoubtedly delight any woman! You can show your imagination and choose a decoration with precious stone, corresponding to her zodiac sign or even her name, which will bring additional luck and harmony into her life.

An elegant box made of quality material, with a mirror inside and numerous compartments. In such a box you can keep little secrets that, as everyone knows, every woman has, and, best of all, jewelry. An alternative to the box can be an elegant cosmetic organizer from a prestigious brand, which would also be nice to fill with expensive cosmetics.

And, of course, don't forget about the flowers. Choose small elegant bouquets in gentle tones, reminiscent of spring. But you can break tradition and instead of the usual bouquet, present sweet bouquet! Bouquet of sweets - original and exclusive gift, since compositions of sweets and flowers may be similar, but they are never the same. The variety of sweet bouquets will allow you to choose the most suitable option for your beloved: luxurious for a business woman, flirty or romantic for a young girl.

But still the best, the most an expensive gift on March 8th there will always be one in which a piece of your soul is invested. Such a thing will serve your beloved faithfully, bring her good luck and give her a great mood!

Darling, you are a miracle in this world!
A bouquet of mystery of unearthly beauty!
All my life I will be grateful to God:
You are the best of all His works!

Meet sunsets and sunrises with you,
Fate destined to walk the path together...
And let our years fly like birds,
Together with you we will go into eternity.

You are my angel, and the Lyre is an inspiration
Gives me the nectar of magic lines,
So that I can decorate every moment
Your soul in imperishable verses could.

I weave poems into lace feelings,
But before your radiance all words fade...

I am glad to congratulate you today -
Spring is generous with grace!
Open your hearts for rewards
And there is no doubt whether to give it away!

There is no doubt whether to accept
Giving light under the lace?
Will you be able to take me in your arms -
Love is kept between words...

Love is kept in the sparkle of the eyes -
Catch the image, save it.
Take good things in reserve
And warm all the lost!

We congratulate our women
Happy International Women's Day!
Our whole world is decorated with women,
What fills us with fire.

Fire of Love, fire of desires,
Create and create with fire,
The fire of impossible dreams
What they could be given.

Spring comes with them in the heart
And remains in it forever,
Opens the door to happiness -
And every person is happy!

You - wives, mothers, friends
Thank you now and here
For your gentle hands,
What is the point in life with you!

For your beauty and tenderness,
What decorates this world,
And for the boundlessness of patience.
And let there be a feast today!

And let the champagne flow
Today it pours in your honor!
We glorify the Daughter of the Lord
For everything that is in our life!

There are many holidays in the country,
But Women's Day is given to Spring,
After all, only women can
Create spring holiday- with affection.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be like that,
How it should be Spring!

Light woman, bride and wife,
There is a stamp of goodness and eternity on it,
She knows how to love and forgive,
And therefore nature keeps in it
Like the secret of secrets, the ovary of eternal life.
And you yourself suddenly become brighter
Touching her earthly magical hands.

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you don't know sadness,
Even a slight shadow of sadness,
So that your eyes always shine,
And not only on this day!

With the first drop
With the last snowstorm,
Happy Young Spring!
Congratulations to you
We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck, beauty!

Happy March 8th!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Loud fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go away!
Let the winter go away
Mimosa sprig! International Women's Day differs from other holidays, first of all, in the abundance of flowers - they are given to the fair sex by colleagues, friends and relatives. And what a pity it is when the bouquet begins to fade, losing its beauty every day.

Meanwhile, beautiful flowers- just like the real thing, fragile, but forever alive, you can make it with your own hands from polymer clay. It is not difficult to care for such a bouquet - you just need to wipe off the dust with a damp cloth or dry it with a hairdryer if water gets on the product.

Polymer clay, or cold porcelain, is a malleable material that allows you to create the finest and miniature elements. It is as easy to work with as clay or salt dough. The only difference is that polymer products do not need to be baked.

Not only flowers are made from cold porcelain. This material is often used to create figurines of animals, birds, entire compositions and even jewelry. But the best thing to make from cold porcelain is flowers.

. A poem for kids about what to give mothers on March 8th.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

March 8, a holiday of expressing love and gratitude to women, has long history and obscure origins. The thirst to honor the weaker sex befell the ancient Romans. They usually showed it on March 8th. Then this holiday was celebrated by “matrons”. Matrons - women born free, married - received gifts from their husbands and were surrounded by attention and care.

Surprisingly, on March 8, even slaves were freed from their duties. Roman women dressed in best clothes and came to the temple of the goddess Vesta (guardian of the hearth).

In our country and on the territory of the former Soviet Union, the history of the celebration of March 8 is usually associated with the name of the revolutionary Clara Zetkin. In Copenhagen, at the International Women's Conference, in 1910, she proclaimed the idea of ​​celebrating March 8 as the birthday of the female proletariat. But why did Zetkin’s choice fall on March 8th? There are several options.

Clara Zetkin (drawing by artist I. Brodsky)

According to the official version, International Women's Day is a holiday that originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. Women's Day was dedicated to the events of 1857. On March 8 of this year, workers in New York shoe and clothing factories marched through the streets of the city, protesting against low wages and oppressive working conditions.

They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry workspaces, and equal wages to men. Women then had 12-hour workdays, constant sexual harassment in the workplace, and minimal pay. But after this speech there were no changes. On March 8, 1908, women gathered again in New York and fought for women's suffrage.

But some sources talk about the religious reason for the holiday. According to her, Zetkin wanted to connect the history of the women's socialist movement with the history of the Jewish people, or more precisely, about Esther, the wife of the Persian king Xerxes.

Taking advantage of the irresistible influence of her spell on Xerxes, Esther saved her people from extermination. She made the king promise that he would destroy all enemies who encroached on her people. The king did not know about her Jewish origin. Thus, Esther prevented the planned “Jewish pogroms.”

Esther turned the royal order against the Persians, who wanted to exterminate the Jews. In honor of this, the 13th day of Adar (late February - early March) began to be celebrated as the holiday of Purim. The date of Purim celebration in the Jewish religious calendar is “sliding”, as in the Orthodox calendar it is the date of Easter celebration. However, the date of the celebration of Purim, which fell on March 8 in 1910, stuck and took root.

Queen Esther. Fresco. Florence, XV century.

The first National Women's Day was celebrated in the United States on February 28, 1909.
In 1910, in Copenhagen, at the II International Conference of Women Socialists, at the proposal of Clara Zetkin to establish a Day for the Struggle for Women's Rights, 100 women delegates representing 17 countries adopted a resolution to hold Women's Day annually, which, in First of all, it will serve as a campaign for granting women the right to vote.

At the proposal of Elena Grinberg, a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party, the date of International Women's Day was approved as March 19. Later, the date of this holiday varied, and only in 1914, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated everywhere on March 8, since it coincided with Sunday, that is, a non-working day. It was decided to leave this date.

All women in the world joined the fight for equality. Responding to the call of Clara Zetkin, women in many countries are joining the fight against poverty, for the right to work, respect for their dignity, and for peace. Already in 1911, this holiday was celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. On this day, more than a million men and women took part in demonstrations. Women sought the right to elect and hold leadership positions and equal production rights with men. Later it was celebrated on May 2, 1912.

In Russia, this holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg. A request was sent to the mayor to hold a meeting on the issues of voting rights for women, provision of maternity by the state and the high cost of living. The authorities approved the holding of such a meeting, and on March 2, 1912. Many people gathered on Poltavskaya Street to discuss these issues.

In subsequent years, International Women's Day became a mechanism for protesting the world war in much of Europe. As part of the peace movement, Russian women celebrated their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday of February 1913.

Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (1872-1952)

Women's holiday came to Russia with Alexandra Kollontai. For Russian women it was an opportunity to have equal rights with men. After the war, women's departments were organized to help women solve all sorts of problems, from illiteracy to kindergartens, employment and advanced training.

In 1917, on the last Sunday of February, Russian women took to the streets with slogans of “Bread and Peace.” Four days later, Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, and the provisional government guaranteed women the right to vote.

This historical day fell on February 23 according to the Julian calendar, used at that time in Russia, and on March 8 according to the Gregorian calendar. Since then, International Women's Day has taken on new global significance for women in developed and developing countries. International women's movement grew from year to year.

In 1975, during the International Women's Year, the United Nations (UN) began celebrating International Women's Day on March 8th. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution "Declaring a United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace", which will take place on any day of the year designated by member states, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. In adopting this resolution, the General Assembly recognized the role of women in peace and called for an end to discrimination and increased support for women.

International Women's Day on March 8 was declared from the first years of Soviet power public holiday. Since 1965, this day has become a day off. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation public policy in relation to women. But gradually March 8 lost its political connotation.

IN Russian Federation, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they left this holiday as a state holiday. Also, Women's Day is celebrated in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus - as International Women's Day; in Uzbekistan - like Mother's Day; in Armenia it is celebrated on April 7 - as the Day of Motherhood and Beauty.

Now, for some, March 8 is a holiday of Spring, Love and Beauty, and for others, it’s just another day off.

Initially, it had a purely political coloring and was a day of women’s struggle for their rights and equality with men. But time has washed away the political coloring from the holiday and today we celebrate the holiday of spring and love.


There is a version that the tradition of celebrating March 8 is associated with the “March of Empty Pots,” which was held on this day in 1857 by New York textile workers. Their main demands were a reduction in working hours, equal pay conditions with men, and the right to vote. However, this fact is not documented.

But the origin of the holiday is firmly associated with the name of the German communist Clara Zetkin. In 1910, at a women's forum in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin called on the world to establish International Women's Day on March 8th. On this day, women were supposed to organize rallies and processions, and thereby draw public attention to their problems.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Since 1911, women in a number of countries have held rallies on International Women's Day that were aimed at eliminating gender inequality.

For several years, International Women's Day was celebrated in different countries at different times. On March 19, 1911, it took place in Germany, Austria, Denmark and others European countries. In 1912, women fought for their rights on a European scale on May 12, in 1914 - on March 8.

In 1945, the UN Charter was signed in San Francisco, which, among other things, became the first international agreement to proclaim gender equality as a fundamental human right.

And the UN declared 1975 the International Year of Women, and officially declared March 8 a holiday.

Gender equality is recognized by Member States as one of important factors in achieving the UN priority goals in the field of strengthening peace and security, protecting human rights and development, formulated in the Millennium Declaration dated September 2000.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Mordasin

"The world labor market situation is changing, and this situation has important consequences for women. On the one hand, the process of globalization and revolutionary changes in technology creates new opportunities, and on the other hand, we are faced with such problems as changes in the financial and trade policies of countries, environmental consequences, irregular working hours, instability of earnings, uncertainty in tomorrow. All these issues must be taken into account in the context of efforts to strengthen the economic potential of women,” the UN says.

Since 1965, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, International Women's Day has become a holiday and a non-working day. Gradually, in the USSR, the holiday completely lost its political overtones and connection to women’s struggle for their rights, and became simply International Women’s Day - March 8th.

In Georgia, a holiday celebrated during the USSR, after its collapse, along with most others Soviet holidays was abolished.

However, in March 2002, under the second President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, by decision of the parliament, International Women's Day on March 8 again received the status of a holiday.

The initiator of this decision was Nino Burjanadze, who then served as chairman of the parliament.


In less than 100 years of traditions, enough celebration traditions have accumulated. Different countries celebrate it differently - in some the holiday is celebrated on a larger scale, in others less.

In the territory of the former USSR, March 8 is celebrated practically everywhere, including in Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

In Vietnam, this day is a day off and is celebrated everywhere. Previously, this was in memory of the brave Trung sisters who fought against the Chinese invasion of Vietnam and died bravely, preferring death to captivity. Vietnam now celebrates March 8 as International Women's Day for their rights.

March 8 is also celebrated in China. This day is a day off in this country, but only for women. The men continue to work. On this day, Chinese women meet with friends, go to cafes and shops, in general, try to pamper themselves and their loved ones. And the men prepare the obligatory “Pumpkin of Loyalty” in the evening. The dish includes many various ingredients, which are composed into a whole composition inside the pumpkin.

France does not celebrate March 8, but holds special events on this day, something like charity bazaars. The money collected is transferred to the heroine mothers' fund so that they can go on vacation.

Italy celebrates this day, although it has not declared it a holiday. On this day, Italian women gather women's companies, meet in bars, chat and eat. And in the evening they go to a disco or club. Moreover, in Rome, men's strip clubs offer women free entry on this day.

This is a day when we all admire the outstanding deeds of women and present awards and memorial gifts. All women are given flowers and gifts. Among the flowers common on March 8 are mimosas and daffodils, snowdrops and tulips. However, of these, only mimosa has become a kind of unofficial symbol of the holiday.

Various events dedicated to women are held. Including exhibitions, concerts, flash mobs and so on.

But as a rule, March 8 is celebrated on family circle, with friends and family. Men congratulate all the women close to them - mother, wife, mother-in-law, sister, daughter and try, if possible, to free them from everyone women's troubles around the house.

The holiday is rich in traditions, but the most important of them is Special attention towards women from men. Take care of your women, congratulate them, give flowers and gifts, pamper them, and not only on March 8, but on all other days.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

This holiday originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. On March 8, 1857, workers from clothing and shoe factories gathered for a demonstration in New York.

They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry workspaces, and equal wages to men. At that time, women worked 16 hours a day, receiving pennies for their work. After decisive actions, the men managed to achieve the introduction of a 10-hour working day. Trade union organizations have emerged at many enterprises in the United States.

And after March 8, 1857, another one was formed - for the first time women became its members. On this day, hundreds of women demonstrated in many cities in New York, demanding the right to vote.

In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, which sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality. Responding to this call, women in many countries are joining the fight against poverty, for the right to work, respect for their dignity, and for peace.

In 1911, this holiday was first celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million men and women took part in the demonstrations. In addition to the right to vote and hold leadership positions, women sought equal production rights with men.

And then it was celebrated on May 12, 1912. In Russia, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1913 in St. Petersburg.

The petition addressed to the mayor announced the organization of “... a scientific morning on women's issues.” The authorities gave permission and on March 2, 1913, one and a half thousand people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange on Poltavskaya Street.

The agenda of the scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state provision motherhood; about the high cost of living. IN next year In many European countries, on or around March 8, women organized marches to protest against the war.

In 1917, women in Russia took to the streets on the last Sunday of February with slogans of “Bread and Peace.” Four days later, Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, and the provisional government guaranteed women the right to vote. This historical day fell on February 23rd according to the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia at that time, and on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar.

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International Women's Day on March 8 has become a public holiday since the first years of Soviet power. Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women.

Interesting facts about women's holiday March 8

An interesting coincidence: in Morse code, “love” is denoted by double the number 8 (“88”). Maybe this is not a coincidence?

If you are in doubt, then you will be interested to know that March 8 is really international holiday. Since 1977, women around the world can show their solidarity on this day quite officially, on the basis of the relevant UN resolution.

A magical ritual on March 8 - simoron in action.

Women's happiness - if only a sweetheart were nearby,
Well, I also need a lot of money...

Dear sorceresses! Take a look at the calendars! The most exciting and unusual day of the year is approaching us - March 8th! Yes, that’s the time when you can not only lie down on the couch and do nothing around the house, but also turn into real sorceresses! Moreover, on March 8, it does not matter at all whether it is a “male” day of the week or whether the moon is growing in the sky, because the whole world reveres women, and they, in turn, revel in their charm.

Performing a magical ritual at this time means actually immediately receiving the “Approved” stamp. Subject to execution" from Heavenly Office, since the strength of the fair half of humanity increases several times.

If you are a representative of the fairer sex, then be sure to take the opportunity to change the course of your life for the better! And, of course, I will tell you how...

Magic pan - ritual for March 8:

The woman is the keeper of the home, a seductive panther and a sweet hostess. Our role in the world is paramount, our merits are indescribable... but, one way or another, we are at the stove much more often than those same male breadwinners. Well, but our ancestors knew how to benefit from this too. Tell me who can better than women prepare a magic potion? That's it!

To perform the ritual you will need the following feminine things: lipstick, the most beautiful panties, mascara, wallet, earrings and a ring.

Pre-prepare seven small pieces of paper on which you need to write your desires (in the present tense and without “I want”).

Seclude yourself in the women's room itself (unfortunately, for many this is the kitchen, but if you have your own bedroom, that will do too).

Take a regular saucepan, a large spoon and say:

“Women’s Day, wow me with magic!”

Then place each piece on the bottom of the pan with the words:

“My speech is sweet (put on lipstick), my look is magical (mascara), magic hands(ring), words are convincing (earrings), I am independent (wallet) and seductive (panties), I am a sorceress, a guardian of energy.”

Then throw seven leaves with your desires into the pan and gently stir the contents with a spoon, saying:

“I don’t know where, I don’t know how, let the dream come true just like that!”

Close your eyes and use a spoon to remove any piece of paper from the pan. Whatever wish you pull out, it will help you fulfill it Feminine Energy Universe! Your dream will certainly come true!

What to do with this piece of paper? Here it’s whatever you want: you can save it, or you can flush it down the toilet (for the speedy implementation of your plans).


It is on this day that we acutely feel the desire to receive as a gift huge bouquet flowers, see love in the eyes of your man, look your best...

Let’s not discuss why this happens on March 8th. Let's try to prepare for the holiday so that the “inventory” convinces us that we have happiness!

Everyone knows that most men are not very good at understanding subtle hints. Therefore, when preparing for March 8, you should take this into account.

Tell him your expectations!

The most successful holiday will be the one in which more mental and intellectual strength has been invested in its preparation. And don’t think that only men should “put in the effort.” If you don’t gently guide him and tell him about your expectations, you’re unlikely to get what you want on March 8...

Take care of your gift in advance.

Do you need another bottle of perfume? Then be creative and tell Him what you dream about. For example, while wandering around an online store together, say: “If after March 8 I show up at work with this handbag, everyone will just go crazy about how generous you are!”

Be grateful!

How did you congratulate your man on February 23? If you give me just another pair of socks, be prepared to receive tights and not be offended.

Remember: What matters is not what He gave, but whether He tried to guess what you dream of. Be grateful for any attempt to give you a holiday, and next time He will want to do more!

In order not to be surprised on March 8th: “Why is She sulking?”, you should start “moving” a few days before the holiday.

What can you do?

Create a holiday menu:

Create eight March mood It is possible even on the eve of the celebration.

Throw a towel over your hand and ask like a waiter:

You can prepare the “order” yourself, arrange delivery, or go to a restaurant.

Specify your wishes:

Ask the question in advance: “How would you like to celebrate the holiday - quietly, as a family, or in big company? This will make it easier to choose entertainment.

Think about the gift in advance. Creative things are sometimes more pleasing than expensive gifts.

Does She have a good, but slightly worn smartphone? Give it a case with a photo of you together.

Does she take good care of herself? Present the certificate to the spa.

Don't know what to give? Give tulips - the best anti-crisis choice in spring!

Think over a program for the whole day:

For example, morning coffee in bed + declaration of love + gift + afternoon shopping and/or evening restaurant.

Another option: tender kiss instead of an alarm clock + a gift + “Get ready, my love, adventures await us!” (water park with children, bowling with friends, spa with a friend and credit card with the nth limit...).

The main thing is to distribute your efforts throughout the day so as not to let her come to her senses with delight.

To the question of when the holiday of March 8 arose, history gives several answers. The officially accepted version in Russia connects the emergence of International Women's Day with the names of famous activists Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg. However, some researchers find brief mentions of special women’s days in ancient texts dating back to Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Whether to take this information into account or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. On modern form This does not affect the celebration in any way and does not in any way prevent adults and children from celebrating the most beautiful, tender and joyful day of the year brightly, magnificently and cheerfully.

Where did the holiday March 8 come from - the history of International Women's Day according to different versions

The spring women's holiday has a rich history and several versions of its origin. According to one of them, the tradition of honoring the fair sex in a special way originated in Ancient Greece. It was there that the ladies, led by Lysistrata, first opposed the men and declared a sex strike in order to stop the hostilities.

IN Ancient Rome there was also a special day when men gave their matrons increased attention and presented them with valuable gifts, and the slaves were freed from any work. All citizens wore elegant clothes and in in a great mood went to the temple of the goddess Vesta, where they worshiped the beautiful guardian family values and home.

Some experts connect the history of the holiday with the heroic and wise act of Esther, the beautiful wife of King Xerxes of Persia. Wise and beautiful woman, born into a Jewish family, managed to hide her Jewish roots from her husband and, under a plausible pretext, obtained an oath from her beloved to protect her people from enemies and any misfortunes. Her dedication allowed the Jews to escape the attack of the Persian army. In honor of this event, on the 13th day of Aidar, which usually fell from late February to early March, Jews began to celebrate a holiday called Purim. At the beginning of the twentieth century, specifically in 1910, when International Women's Day received official status, Purim fell on March 8th.

Another version, telling where the holiday of March 8 came from, has a very scandalous and ambiguous connotation. Historical sources claim that in 1857, the New York “priestesses of love” organized the first protest and demanded that the authorities pay wages to sailors so that they could pay for love services. The second demonstration of “night butterflies” took place in Europe. On March 8, 1894, representatives of the oldest profession held a rally in one of the central squares of Paris. They demanded recognition of their rights on an equal basis with any other working women and insisted on organizing their own trade union, which would defend their interests at the state level. In 1895, a wave of such performances swept through Chicago and New York. In 1910, public women took to the streets of Germany under the leadership of the legendary activists Rosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin. In their appeal to the authorities, the first point was the demand to immediately stop the excesses of the German police, who behave too rudely with girls who make a living by selling their bodies. For the Soviet Union, the description of these events was somewhat adjusted and prostitutes were called ordinary “working women fighting for their rights in the harsh world of business and capitalism.”

The official version is how the holiday of March 8 arose

The generally accepted official version of the origin of International Women's Day refers to March 8, 1908, when the social democratic organization of women in New York called on its supporters to take to the streets and support slogans about the equality of women. About 15 thousand beautiful ladies marched along the central streets of the city, loudly demanding a reduction in the length of the working day, equal fair wages with men and the opportunity to vote in elections. In 1909, the socialists of America declared the last Sunday in February as National Women's Day and managed to achieve official status for it. In this form the holiday lasted for four years.

In the summer of 1910, the 8th Congress of the Second International was held in Copenhagen. As part of this significant event A women's socialist conference took place and Clara Zetkin, speaking at it, addressed those present with a proposal to establish a single international women's holiday. True, then it had a slightly different meaning. It was assumed that on this day women different states will go out on the street for public speeches in order to attract public attention to themselves and their problems.

In 1911, International Women's Day was celebrated simultaneously in four European countries - Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark. It happened on March 19 in memory of the events of the Prussian Spring Revolution of 1848. The following year the holiday moved to March 12. In 1913, Russian and French women held a rally on March 2, Dutch and Swiss women on the 9th, and German women on the 12th. In 1914, for the first time, Women's Day was celebrated on March 8 and simultaneously in 6 countries. In the future, this date was assigned to the celebration, which remains relevant to this day.

March 8 - the history of the holiday in Russia

In Russia, the history of the origin of the March 8 holiday began in 1913. It was then that Russian women expressed solidarity with the working women of Europe and celebrated their first International Women's Day on one February Sunday. Official date The holiday was assigned only 8 years later and from 1921 it was always celebrated on the same day - March 8th. In 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree according to which International Women's Day became not just a holiday, but also a day off and gradually lost its distinct feminist overtones.

Today, March 8 is considered a very tender, reverent and feminine holiday. On this day, ladies no longer take to the streets for public rallies and do not put forward any harsh demands to the government. Instead, they accept beautiful, sublime congratulations, flowers and nice gifts. Work teams take place fun corporate events, banquets and receptions at which women are honored by senior officials. On television and radio, the fair half of humanity is congratulated by top officials of the state, deputies and respected public figures.

Men on March 8 take on the main women's responsibilities and free their girlfriends, wives, beloved girls, mothers and grandmothers from such traditional activities as washing dishes, laundry, ironing and cooking. The day passes brightly, pleasantly and at ease and gives every representative of the fair sex plenty to enjoy the attention and love of family, friends and everyone around.

History of March 8 for children and video presentation

In order for children at school to better understand the deep meaning of the holiday, they must be introduced to the history of March 8th and told in an accessible form which people were the ideologists of the creation of the celebration. IN primary school dwell too much on events past years not necessary. It is enough to briefly explain what rights women fought for and what they managed to achieve over a period of more than a century. A bright thematic video presentation will help enhance the effect of words. It will slightly dilute the seriousness of the moment and enable children to better perceive the information received.

You can talk to high school students in more detail and, in addition to mentioning historical figures, tell them about modern ladies who have made successful careers and achieved success in business and science, in the cultural field and in the arts. Both boys and girls will be interested in hearing about Russian women, the best way who have proven themselves in professions traditionally considered “male.” This information will inspire the children and serve as an incentive for further learning and development.