Scenario for International Neighbors Day of the year. Congratulations on Neighbors Day

Courtyard holiday scenario

"My home is my city"

Good evening, Dear friends!

Hello, dear residents! We are very glad to see you so warm today, friendly family neighbors! It has become a good tradition in our city to hold holidays for residents of courtyards. We are pleased to welcome you to the “My Home is My City” holiday.

Here people live alone big family. Everyone knows each other and is always ready to help in difficult times.

Gathering in this cozy courtyard, they share news and useful tips.

And this despite the fact that people live here of different ages, different professions, hobbies. But they all have one thing in common - great love to your hometown, your street, your home.

Just look at the yard and flower beds - you immediately understand that with such neighbors life becomes more beautiful.

Our program today will be unusual. Wealthy people live on Berezovaya Street and therefore we invite you to publish today the anniversary edition of the magazine “Our Neighbor”

1 On the cover of our magazine, the first residents of Berezovaya and Vladimir Ivanovich streets

and Vladimir Ivanovich!

I wish my neighbors well
Let vanity run past them!
Let luck come to your doorstep
Let grief be unknown to you!
And wealth goes straight to the house,
Let happiness burn with fire!
Let's gather around the table then,
And we'll all drink a glass!

Sings for you_______________________________________________

On the second page of our magazine, as in all publications, official reports are usually printed... let's not deviate from tradition

The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the city, Alexander Yuryevich Kuznetsov.

(presentation letters of thanks)

Live so that over the years

What was dearest to you was:

Family comfort, peace and happiness

Under the roof of your house!

Live together for each other

Without offending anyone

And just build your happiness

Under the roof of your house!

Let's call the next page of our magazine Improvement

Berezovaya Street is still a few years old. Thanks to the efforts of the residents of Berezovaya Street, the street shines with extraordinary cleanliness. With great inspiration and great love from the residents, the street acquired a bright, festive look.

Responsive, hardworking women took a great part in carrying out events to improve and plant trees in the yard, in solving many problems and preparing for this holiday.

We invite the most active residents and express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your work in landscaping and landscaping the area. ________________________________ is invited to present letters of gratitude

And on the next page of our magazine - Baby

Let's applaud the youngest resident of Berezovaya Street, Ulyana Belokon

What is happiness?
With such a simple question
Perhaps I wondered
Not just one philosopher.
And in fact
Happiness is simple.
It begins
From half a meter tall.
What is happiness?
There is no simpler answer:
Everyone has it -
Who has children?


Let's turn the page of our magazine, it's called Old residents of the street

And we are pleased to invite the oldest resident of Berezovaya Street, Tretyakova Valentina Mikhailovna, to this stage

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
Long life, health and happiness!

presentation of a memorable gift

Sings for you__________________________________________

The next page of our magazine is called “Welcome!” We welcome our new residents Alexey and Ekaterina Kozyrev

Let happiness come to your home,

And life will be filled with success,

And your head will spin

From joy, fun, laughter!

Let these walls warm you,

And there is room for guests,

Both on weekdays and on holidays

You won't be cramped here!

Musical number___________________________

The next page of our magazine is called “The Life of Remarkable People.” This is a whole colorful post in the entire spread of our magazine. We heartily applaud the doctors, teachers, and pensioners of the Investigative Committee

To nurture, cherish and teach -

This is a talent given by God.

To love all children as if we were our own,

Lead into life from the school threshold.

Patiently explain the letters,

Find answers to questions,

To be able to do everything and to know everything in the world

Kudos to you for this

We congratulate the teacher of Russian language and literature Nina Viktorovna Kazyulina and Lyudmila Vasilievna Meshkova who live next door to you.

(presentation of certificates).


We congratulate Ilya Sergeevich Pakhomov, a urologist, and Yuri Ivanovich Pavlov, a urologist, and their families on the street holiday

A male doctor, like a man of mystery,
The profession is shrouded in dreams,
We wish you to live easily and eat sweetly,
And enjoy female beauty.

May Doctor's Day foretell you
There are still many victories in life,
And I only wish you the best,
Live in this world for many years!

And we invite you to this stage

Musical number

We sincerely congratulate the Investigative Committee pensioners on the street holiday

The Rakitin family

You are all warriors of order,
It has been so long since given,
May things go smoothly
Facts are a solid canvas!

We consider the case of the investigation
Very important for the country!
We sincerely congratulate you,
Be healthy and strong!

We would also like to invite Gomzov kngkg here to the stage

The legal profession is multifaceted,

Legal consultant, judge, lawyer.

Congratulations on your holiday today,

Let there be more money and awards!

Let work bring pleasure,

And there will be more interesting things to do,

Good luck to you, let in your life

Everything will be just as you wanted!

We invite you to this stage to present certificates of honor.

Sings for you_______________________________________________

Our next page is called “Both your head in place and your money in your hands.”

We invite Deputy Mayor of the city Lyudmila Vasilievna Rogachova to this stage

let me test you a little

(in a competition with coins, the participant counts the coins and answers questions at the same time)

1. What education did you receive?
2. When did you buy your first car?
3. Where did you spend your last vacation?
4. Where did you meet your other half?
5. Favorite drink.
6. Favorite movies/books.
7. Foot size.
8. How many acres does your plot occupy?
9 Favorite alcoholic drink.
10. Favorite pop singer/performer/group.
11 Favorite songs

You have coped with our difficult task and we are convinced that you are not in vain in your position.

The Mayor of the city congratulates you ________________________________________________________

You are an important specialist
For any office
you are an excellent financier,
Support for business!
Money loves counting!
And your slogan is short:
Kopek - saves the ruble
And this is the way to prosperity,
_________________ sings for you

Host: So our magazine has been read

The initiators of the holiday “My Home is My City” are residents of Berezovaya Street. The floor is given to the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Our Neighbor”, and part-time street _______________________________________

Everything must start with preparation. You need to set up a stage in the central square of the village, decorate it and everything around it with ribbons, balloons, posters, and flowers. You can make a themed event (color design) depending on your budget and imagination. It is better to schedule this celebration for the evening (17-18.00). Notify all village residents in advance about the upcoming event. It would also be a good idea to organize several play areas for the youngest village residents. You can also install trade tents, barbecue grills and tables with drinks. The scenario may also be suitable for celebrating the village’s birthday.

Props: certificates of honor, gifts for participation in competitions, cards with letters or fruits, colored towels, baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Characters: Presenter, presenter, music and dance groups, village residents.

The presenters appear on stage.

There are villages in our country,
You can't find them on the map,
But friendship and hope live in them,
The days here are filled with happiness!

The air here is special,
The most delicious bread
The rivers here have clean water,
It smells of grass, hay, flowers,
It’s like your soul freezes here!

Here good people, and very welcoming,
They will feed you, give you something to drink, and always help you,
Here women, girls, are the best,
Beauty lives in these parts!

There is no fuss here, no city worries,
Here everything goes as usual,
Hardworking people live here,
Here happiness, goodness lives in every home!

Good evening to you nice people! We are glad to see each of you at our event! Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Day of the village.

The harvest has already been harvested, the land has been prepared, and you can go on winter vacation.

I am from pure heart I want to wish you prosperity, fertility for your land, happiness for your homes!

And also, so that each year is more productive than the previous one!

Now, with great pleasure, I will give the floor to your chairman, who probably has something to say.

(The chairman comes on stage and makes a solemn speech)

The village is full of talents,
Such beautiful, sonorous voices,
Sometimes they sing so sweetly
People come from the cities to listen to them!

(He comes on stage women's team, preferably of the older generation, and perform a song that every resident of the village knows)

So sincere, sincere, beautiful,
So harmonious, thank you,
It's like you inspired me
And for the song, we owe it to the years!

In the meantime, the artists are preparing,
I want to ask you questions,
About the village, about your home, the region,
You must give all the answers!

What are you thinking about? People have come to relax!

So they will test their knowledge and relax at the same time!

2 people are selected from the crowd. Everyone is asked questions, whoever answers the fastest and most wins. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize and a certificate of honor: “The main expert of the village.” Each question is given 5-10 seconds.
Props: symbolic prize and certificate.

Approximate list of questions (there may be others):
1. In what year was your village founded?
2. Who was the first village head?
3. How many people live in your village?
4. Main attraction?
5. Were there any celebrities in your village, if so, who?
6. Which plant predominates in your area?
7. What is your village famous in the area?
8. What does the name of your village mean?

(It is better to ask questions from a knowledgeable resident from whom you can get accurate answers)

Listen, what a great guy you are, what a great idea! I have learned so many new things about this picturesque region that now I simply have to look and see everything in person!

While you are preparing for the upcoming journey, I will invite you to the stage dance group(name), who simply can’t wait to congratulate the residents of this glorious village!

(The group enters the stage)

Well, they lit it, well done,
I would start dancing myself
It's just a pity I can't
At school I only learned the waltz.

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Show yourself in others
Learn to make pies
Not for yourself, but for the soul!

I can bake pies
But you need to eat them later,
And I take care of the figure,
Believe me, I want to be slim!

Oh, just think
Happiness does not lie in being slim,
This is not where our wealth lies,
And in the wisdom of the years lived,
Which, alas, can no longer be returned!

You're right, I agree with you
And I bow to the older generation,
And I wish you health, goodness,
So that trouble does not knock on your door!

Now I want to invite you to the stage,
Now award the award of honor,
The person who is young at heart,
The one who threw aging away!

(The oldest resident of the village comes up to the stage. He is presented with a certificate: “Honorary Centenarian”, flowers and symbolic gift. You can conduct a short interview, ask a few questions about the village)

Question options:
1. Since what year have you lived in this village?
2. What is your most vivid memory associated with the village?
3. Your wishes to your beloved village?

With every new resident, with every new history I am falling more and more in love with this village!

And this is not surprising, because such energetic, cheerful, extraordinary people live here!

You also forgot to add melodic ones!

But we’ll check this right now!

2-3 residents are invited to the stage. Each of them listens to a song through headphones. The task is to show this song without words. The order of auditions and performances is determined by drawing lots. The one who gets the most correct answers wins. At the end, a certificate of honor “Melody of the Village” and a symbolic prize are awarded. Song display time is 15 seconds.
Props: certificate, prize.

Options for songs to listen to (you can take others):
1. I got drunk and drunk;
2. Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked;
3. Oh, viburnum;
4. A stream flows, a stream runs;
5. And someone came down the hill;
6. We are neither stokers nor carpenters;
7. The girls are standing on the sidelines;
8. And I’m not a witch at all;
9. And I recognize my dear one by his gait;
10. Oh, in vain, aunt;
11. Music connected us.

Now a miracle will happen
Congratulations will be read to you,
Those who are much younger
Who fills the days with happiness!

(Children come up on stage and read)

(Someone tells interesting fact about the village and the harvest)

I wonder if our residents can dance as well as they do the harvest?

So let's check it out, shall we?

(Perky music is turned on and a short dance break is announced)

I want to invite you to this stage,
I'm a rising star
Friends will give you a song,
A little happiness and kindness!

(A singer/singer comes on stage and performs any song)

Do you know what I heard about this village?

And what?

Women with magical powers live here!

Come on? Witches or what?

No, stupid, isn’t that what you’re thinking about? Here live women with the most unique culinary skills in the country.

Come on?

I’m telling you, yesterday I ate local borscht, I thought I’d swallow my tongue!

We need to check this urgently!

Cooking quiz game.
3 women are invited to the stage. Each person receives a card with a letter (the same). The task is to name the dishes starting with the specified letter one by one. The order of answers can be determined using an interesting draw (for example, whoever is the first to name the main ingredient of the chosen main dish will answer first, etc. You can simply draw matches). Whoever names the most will win (for repetition - elimination). The winner is awarded certificate of honor“Recipe Expert” and a symbolic prize. Instead of letters, you can also depict a fruit or vegetable on the cards, then you will need to name the dishes that contain the specified component.
Props: cards with letters or fruits/vegetables.

We talked about so many delicacies that I really wanted to try it all myself! But we continue!

So that our people don’t get bored,
So that people don't freeze,
We will dance with you,
Smile, light up!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

And we continue our holiday. And now I want to direct my attention to the male half of the population. I wonder if strong men live in this village?

So, what are you up to?

I thought I'd check it out!

4 men are selected. Everyone receives a wet towel (a dry one if it’s cold outside). The task is to tie the strongest knot on the towel (or several knots, depending on the size of the towel). After the knots are made, the participants exchange towels with each other and a new task appears - to untie the knot in 1 minute. Whoever completes it first will receive a certificate of honor “The Main Strongman of the Village” and a symbolic prize.
Props: colored towels.

I was always surprised how friendly people are in rural settlements. It's not easy neighbors, but one big family, which is a mountain for each other.

And this is truly amazing, since many city residents do not even know who they live next door to.

And I would really like to Once again test your cohesion!

2 teams of 5-10 people each are formed. Each team receives a basket of vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, apples, plums, potatoes, garlic, onions, grapes, cabbage), a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors. The task is to make a Harvest Spirit from the received materials. Time to complete: 5 minutes. The winner is determined by applause and given a birthday cake.
Props: baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Thank you, dear residents, for your attention, presence and good mood.

We really enjoyed spending time with you. But, unfortunately, time passed quickly, evening came, the barbecue was ready, and it was time for us to say goodbye.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good luck and bright impressions!

Thank you for your hospitality, participation and warm welcome! Until next time.

Don't forget about musical accompaniment And

Liman village, children's model library
On International Neighbors Day, specialists from the children's model library held a promotional event “Letter to a neighbor: “I want to tell you about the library...” on the central alley of the village of Liman. This game involved residents and guests of the village: both children and adults. Unusual shape The event attracted the interest of fellow countrymen, the guests expressed a desire to go to the library. We looked at the book exhibitions, mini-museum, and book collection with interest.
With. Caravan
On May 27, workers of the House of Culture and Library of the village. The caravan was prepared and carried out holiday program“Neighbors Day” with the goal of creating warm, friendly relations between neighbors. The event took place in the courtyard of apartment building No. 1 on Sovetskaya Street, in which residents of the building and their neighbors took part. Librarian Tolstova N.A. spoke about the origin of the holiday, when and how it began to be celebrated in Russia and in particular in the Astrakhan region. Since this holiday falls on spring-summer period, then everyone present was asked to guess riddles and sing songs about flowers, and remember stories from the lives of their neighbors. Cultural workers sang the song “Wonderful Neighbor.” The purpose of the event: to create warm, friendly relations between neighbors.

With. Yandyki
Workers of the House of Culture and library invited their neighbors to “Neighborhood Gatherings” - employees of the administration, store, kindergarten. The guests came with their treats, and a tea party was organized. They talked about the origin of the holiday, about friendship between neighbors. For many, this holiday was unexpected, but everyone enjoyed their time with their friends and neighbors.

With. Zenzeli
On May 27 at 16.00 cultural and library workers from. Zenzeli organized and conducted festive event“All the neighbors come to visit us” of the villagers. Leading events Krayushkina G.G. and Mangutova N.S. greeted fellow villagers. We opened the program with a flash mob and the song “If we are friends.” The boys were able to prove themselves in game program, participated together with adults in the following games: “Paired potholder”, “Jump rope”, “Die Hard”, “Cinderella”, “Kvass from a ladle”, “Fishermen”, “Dance on one leg”, etc. Between competitions they delighted the audience with their the wonderful singing of Nellya Sagitova, Maxim Zhitkov, Natalya Mangutova and Arina Bakaeva, who presented the audience with their new songs, and of course the audience rejoiced at the breakdancing performed by Vadim Dubrovin. Children and adults who took part in games and competitions were awarded sweet prizes. The celebration ended with a film screening of “Eight First Dates” and a disco. Warm spring weather and celebration atmosphere gave everyone present a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

With. Zarechnoye
Residents of the village of Zarechnoye on Kolkhoznaya Street celebrated Neighbors Day cheerfully and amicably.
The announcement of Neighbors Day was posted in advance. Many reacted to this with undisguised irony. And those residents who are used to communicating, not being isolated one on one, came at the appointed time with good, good mood. The village residents prepared responsibly for the event: they treated them to hot dishes, salads, pastries, and compote sweets. The atmosphere of solidarity and unity made it possible to feel like members of one large team, where everyone's opinion is taken into account. Younger generation kind words And memorable gifts congratulated the older generation of residents of Kolkhoznaya Street. Sang songs, danced, played funny Games, and competitions were also held, the winners of which were awarded small souvenirs. Everyone made their contribution to the creation of the holiday, and it turned out to be sweet and sincere. Celebrating International Neighbors Day will become a good tradition not only for residents of Kolkhoznaya Street, but also for all residents of the village of Zarechnoye.

With. Olya
On May 27, cultural and library workers from. Olya prepared and held the festive event “Neighbors Day”. The event was opened by presenters Shatskaya T.N. and Fedyashina L.V. During the evening the program included competitions, games, jokes, and dancing. The evening had a friendly, cheerful atmosphere. The event ended with a traditional tea party.

Peschanoye village
On May 27, cultural and library workers from. Peschanoye Barkalova V.M. and Chavychalova E.V. We prepared and held festive gatherings in honor of Neighbors Day. Traditionally, many farmsteads were put in order on this day. Residents removed overgrown grass, and some planted flower beds right on the street. After all, everyone wanted to look no worse than others. And in the evening, the neighbors gathered for a gathering “At a Neighbor's Conversation,” where they discussed many issues of rural life that concern everyone.
The village needlewomen shared the secrets of their skills and demonstrated their handicrafts. And then Russian folk songs were sung for a long time near a smoking samovar over a cup of tea.
With. Kryazhevoye
May 27 at the House of Culture. Kryazhevoye for residents of the village. Kryazhevoye and Sudachye hosted “Neighbors Day” gatherings, prepared by cultural and library workers. The holiday program included charades, competitions, games, quizzes, and mini skits. The event ended with a festive tea party.
With. Privet Spit
On May 27, cultural and library workers held a festive event “Nowhere Without a Neighbor” on the square near the House of Culture, dedicated to the Day neighbors. IN competitive program The streets of the village competed for the title “The most friendly street in the village of Biryuchya Kosa 2016.” Participants prepared the name of their teams, a motto, a business card for their street, a dish and musical number. The Mira Street team won the competition program. The holiday ended with a friendly tea party.

With. Fishing
May 27 for Neighbor's Day in the village. In Promyslovka, a yard festival “Smile from neighbor to neighbor” was held, where cultural workers together with library workers visited the family of Nadezhda Genadyevna Raguzova, she invited her neighbors I.V. Lukins to visit. A large tea table was set, at which they said that they had been friends for a long time and they had their own traditions of getting together - this Easter holidays, New Year, birthdays, they also love to sing songs with their children. Cultural workers spoke about the traditions of this holiday, congratulated the families and gave gifts.
With. Flow-through
On May 28, residents of the village. Protochnoe with a cheerful, friendly company celebrated the Neighbors' Day holiday "If we are friends." The presenter told the story of the holiday. At the festival there were games, competitions, quizzes, everyone remembered and sang the song “My Neighbor” together. Neither children nor the elderly were left unattended. This relatively young holiday has attracted a lot of attention. Many examples of celebrations appeared, people began to actively communicate with each other, and the holiday gained popularity and provided an opportunity to get to know neighbors better, relax a little, and discuss common problems, create and strengthen good neighborly relations, overcome loneliness and simply learn neighborhood news. The holiday ended with an open-air disco.

With. Yar-Bazar
On May 27, the club in the village of Yar-Bazar hosted a competitive game program “How can you not have fun now,” dedicated to the celebration world day neighbors. At the beginning of the event, the head of the Kamyshovsky Village Council, A.S., congratulated all those present. Gatipov. The presenters spoke about the history of the holiday. The dance group "Romashki" delighted with their dance, M. Eltonsky read the poem "Motherland", and the participants of the drama club "Laugh-ka" made all the guests laugh to tears by playing a sketch about the neighbors "Teremok" in a modern humorous interpretation artistic director O. Badmagoryaeva.
In honor of the celebration of World Neighbors Day, a vote was held among villagers in Yar Bazar for the friendliest neighbor and friendliest neighbor. A total of 99 people voted. Diploma of “The Friendliest Neighbor” from the administration of the Kamyshovsky Village Council A.S. Gatipov awarded N.A. Chernikov. The villagers voted for her very unanimously and without hesitation. But the “Most Friendly Neighbor” diplomas were awarded to two men, I.P. Gres and O.B. Mikhailova, because they received the same number of votes. And then everyone happily played the games “Magic Hats”, “Choose a Place”, “The Most Dexterous”, etc. They acted out the skit “Santa Barbara”, finally learning how the series of the same name ended. And both young people and old people took part in the “Newspaper Note” competition with pleasure.
With. Kamyshevo
On May 27, at the workers of the House of Culture. Kamyshevo, together with rural library workers, held competitive game program“Our friendly country celebrates Neighbors Day” dedicated to the celebration international day neighbors.
Event participants - married couples, gladly answered questions prepared for them and participated in various competitions. Everyone who came to the celebration was able to communicate and discuss in a relaxed atmosphere last news, and just have fun. The entire holiday took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Script: "Neighbor's Day"

Solemn holiday for residents of the neighborhood

Before the event begins, songs about family, kindness, and children are played.

The presenters come out to the backing track “wonderful neighbor”.

Leading: Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.

And by and large, everyone is neighbors.

And if we are together, we are not afraid

No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorms on the planet.

Presenter 2: Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy,

Forget about TV for the evening.

Knock on your neighbor's door.

May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.

IN 1: Every year around the world, Neighbors Day is celebrated at the end of May. In Russia in 2017, we celebrate Neighbors Day today on May 26th.

AT 2: Wonderful good holiday! But, unfortunately, residents of large cities often do not even know who lives behind their walls.

IN 1: The Frenchman Antanas Perifan first thought about this. With the help of sponsors, he organized a holiday for his hitherto unknown neighbors of the district, during which he found work for several unemployed people, organized small home kindergartens, helped those in need financially and did a lot of other good deeds that were not at all difficult to do - it was enough to know about the problem person. For the first time, such a useful and humane holiday was held in 1999 in Paris, 800 houses and more than 10,000 residents took part in it, and since then this day has been celebrated annually.

AT 2: Since 2000, Neighbors Day has become official international holiday. If in Europe the European Federation of Local Solidarity (there is one) is organizing the holiday, then in Russia they take matters into their own hands ordinary people, creating a holiday for your loved ones, giving them warmth and kindness.

IN 1: This day is gradually beginning to acquire traditions. Every city and even every yard has its own, but they have one thing in common: the desire to open up and extend a hand to those who are nearby.

AT 2: Neighbors, like the Motherland, as a rule, are not chosen. This means you need to learn to be friends.

Dear guests, do you know the names of your neighbors? If not, no problem - let's get acquainted. Let's start by saying hello:

Greeting options:

  • in Russia it is customary to shake hands;
  • in Italy - warmly hugging;
  • in Brazil - clapping each other on the shoulder;
  • in Zimbabwe - they rub their backs;
  • in Macedonia they greet with elbows;
  • in Nicaragua they greet each other with their shoulders;
  • Australian Aborigines have a triple greeting: a) clap your palms; b) jump; c) push with your hip.

V1: Well done!

And now a dance group will perform in front of you withdance "Hipsters"! . Meet!

AT 2: International Neighbor's Day is celebrated on the eve of summer and holidays! And summer is always leisure and fun! So let's play with you!

“Hoop relay race.”Two participants are selected from each team (they hold the hoop), and the remaining team members take turns climbing through the hoop and stand at the end of the line. The winner is the team whose members are the first to run and line up (one after another).

IN 1: Dear friends, tell me, are you friends with your neighbors? Are you communicating? Or maybe there is some secret on how to stay in touch with your neighbors? a good relationship? (people’s answers: say hello, jointly keep the entrance clean, don’t make noise, etc.).

AT 2: Nastya has prepared her dance for you

"Gypsy Dance"

IN 1: And we continue to play with children and adults:

Relay race “Wait the Locomotive”.The players are divided into two teams and stand in a line, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The presenter stands with his back to the players and periodically says “Let’s go” or “Stop.” When the word “Let’s go” sounds, the train of players begins to move towards the leader, when “Stop” sounds, it stops. The winner is the team that gets to the leader faster and touches him with his hand.

Game "Dexterous and Accurate".The players try to hit the hoop by throwing pebbles from a distance of 3-4 meters. The team that throws the hoop wins greatest number stones.

AT 2: Dear friends, we have found out that you are and will be friends with your neighbors, right? (yes) But they forgot to praise our wonderful neighbors! We need to fix this!

Let's play a coding game with you, for each letter of the word "FRIENDSHIP" we will name what our neighbors are? For example, with the letter “D” (shows a card with the letter) - kind, what else?

The game is being played

D kind, friendly, friendly.

R joyful, kindred, playful.

Respected, successful, smiling.

They are cheerful, terribly good, life-loving.

B cheerful, rich, fast.

And active, neat.

Presenter 1: Well done!

Dear guests, I think among our neighbors there are not only dexterous and fast, but also talented people who really love to sing. And to check this, we invite everyone present to sing a well-known song about a neighbor.

The words of the song are given to those who wish, and the song “Wonderful Neighbor” is sung to the backing track.

Presenter 2: And now, dear guests, listen to advice on how to become good neighbors!

1 If you are a newcomer yourself or your neighbors have just moved, introduce yourself. Say hello, give a small symbolic gift (for example, homemade pie, congratulate you on your housewarming. Tell us where the nearest grocery store, where is the pharmacy?

IN 1: 2 Find out more about the lives of your neighbors - what they do, what their work schedule is, whether they have a large family. This way you can avoid some problems before they start to pop up. For example, if you find out that your neighbors work at night, you will try to be quieter during the day, knowing that at this time they are sleeping. If there are small children in the family, you will try not to make noise in the evenings. Provide your neighbors with similar information about you. If you are going to do repairs or play drums, warn about this in advance. Agree that if one begins to cause inconvenience to the other, the other will immediately report it.

AT 2: 3 Be careful with shared walls. If you are roommates, try not to place noisy household appliances such as washing machines or dishwasher. It is also better to keep the TV and speakers away from the wall. If you live above someone, consider placing rubberized mats under appliances to help reduce noise. Try not to stomp too loudly when everyone is already asleep.

IN 1: 4 Keep an eye on your pets. If you live next door to each other, keep your dog on a leash when letting him outside. Especially if your neighbors have a cat or dog. If your pet makes too much noise, this can also cause conflict. Imagine yourself in the place of your neighbors and try to understand them. If your dog barks loudly all the time, consult your veterinarian for advice.

AT 2: 5 Warn about parties. If you decide to throw a party, notify your neighbors in advance, specifying when it will start and how long it will last. Just in case, leave them your phone number. If you like your neighbors, why not invite them too? At the party itself, stick to your agreement.

IN 1: 6 Keep your area clean and tidy. If you live in your own home, keep an eye on your area. Remove weeds regularly. They not only spoil general form your yard, but can also spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and trim your flowers, trees and shrubs when necessary. When using fertilizers, ask if any of your neighbors are allergic to them.

AT 2: 7 Keep an eye on the fire when you're grilling something in the yard. If you decide to barbecue or barbecue in your yard, keep an eye on the fire and follow all safety rules. Warn your neighbors about your intentions; perhaps on this very day they planned to dry their clean laundry outside. Having learned about your desire in advance, they may reschedule their plans.

IN 1: 8 Observe parking etiquette. When parking your car, be careful not to block your neighbor's exit. Avoid starting the engine too late at night or too early in the morning. Its noise may wake up your neighbors.

AT 2: 9 Chat with your neighbors. Keep in constant touch with your neighbors and keep them informed of your plans. Remember " Golden Rule" - if you are going to do something concerning your neighbor, warn him about it in advance. Keep the lines of communication open: if your neighbor is unhappy with something, he should be able to let you know.

IN 1: 10 Don’t forget about mutual assistance. If your neighbors are leaving, keep an eye on their house or apartment. Don't let your guard down when they are at home either. If you notice suspicious people nearby, immediately report them to your neighbors.

AT 2: 11 Good neighbors look out for each other. They give each other advice and offer help. They respect other people's boundaries and are always ready to support emergency situation. They are looking for opportunities for cooperation and will never refuse communication.

IN 1: 2 If you are convinced that the conflict with neighbors is unresolvable, seek advice from specialists. Perhaps you can find justice for them legally.

AT 2: I think these rules are not very difficult to implement, right?

And the guys and I continue to have fun.

Game "Crabs". All competition participants are divided into pairs. Each pair stands with their backs to each other and interlocks at elbow level. At the leader’s signal, two pairs run sideways to the finish line. The team whose participants reach the finish line first wins.

IN 1: Well done boys! At the end of our holiday, the children from our kindergarten and their teachers want to give you theirdance "We wish you good luck."

AT 2: Our holiday has come to an end! But we don’t say goodbye to you, but we say goodbye to you! See you again!

Nadezhda Rakutova

Scenario for International Neighbor Day

Before the event begins, songs about family, kindness, and children are played.

The host comes out to the backing track “wonderful neighbor.”

Leading: Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.

And by and large, everyone is neighbors.

And if we are together, we are not afraid

No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorms on the planet.

Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy,

Forget about TV for the evening.

Knock on your neighbor's door.

May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.

Good evening, dear friends: adults and children, residents of the neighborhood! Such a wonderful and kind holiday as International Neighbor’s Day, which brought us all together on this wonderful warm May evening, began to be celebrated only in 2000, therefore, this is a new and modern holiday 21st century. It's time to reconsider your attitude towards the people around us, become more responsive and attentive to your Neighbors who surround us everywhere!

World Neighbors Day was invented by the French, they actually came up with a lot of things that suited us too - cinema, cosmetics, chocolate and mayonnaise, an electric car and even the name of the single currency - the Euro! So let's embrace their recent innovation - celebrate World Neighbors Day! (applause)

In our typical house

We live with neighbors

Very fun and friendly.

After all, sometimes it is very necessary,

For someone to support

To shake your hand in the morning,

I would lend you salt and matches,

I would talk in person

Happy neighbors day!

And I wish you patience

To everyone living in peace with us,

Behind the wall, in another apartment.

And so that we, neighbors, can meet more often, walking with our beautiful children, the deputy of the Saratov City Duma *** installed a bright, environmentally friendly and safe children's room in the courtyard of the house at *** sports complex with comfortable benches for parents!

International Neighbor's Day is celebrated on the eve of summer and holidays! And summer is always about active recreation and fun! So let's play with you!

Not so long ago there was such a tradition - to visit each other as neighbors, with pies, cookies, for tea, and just talk about everything and nothing. And now we want to invite you to bake an impromptu pie! But first, let's remember what ingredients we need for the dough? (answers: flour, sugar, salt, water, butter, eggs, vanillin). Well done, you know everything, and you and I will decorate our pie!

2 pies are laid out on the asphalt (basics, 2 teams of children of 6 people are selected, they are given fruits - strawberries, raspberries, a tangerine slice, grapes, etc. And to the music, without running, the children come up and decorate the pie with berries. (or a musical game "Loaf")

Leading: Well done boys! And you can try baking a real delicious pie for yourself and your friends or neighbors at home with your mother and grandmother! And now I invite you to dance a little! Let's stand in a large circle so as not to disturb each other, look at me and repeat all the movements after me!

Music exercise “Hey, couch potatoes”

game "Stomp your foot"

Dear friends, tell me, are you friends with your neighbors? Are you communicating? Or maybe there is some secret on how to maintain good relations with your neighbors? (people’s answers: say hello, jointly keep the entrance clean, don’t make noise, etc.).

Great! But the guys know polite words? Which ones? (hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc.).

Do we have those who do not yet know their neighbors, but really want to make friends with them? Come to me, let's stand in a big circle! I suggest we all get to know each other, because even standing in a circle, each of us has a neighbor! Do you agree? (yes) So, I will say my name - Yana, and the one standing to my left says: “To my right is Yana, and my name is (name)” and so we continue along the chain until our circle is closed! Ready? (Yes)

The game is being played

Leading: Guys, now we want to invite you to draw bright drawings on the asphalt - about neighbors, about friendship, about summer! Take the crayons, and then your parents will choose the most best drawings! Do you agree? (Yes)

The children are given crayons and the kids go off to draw.

Leading: And you, dear adults, listen to some advice on how to become good neighbors!

1 If you are a newcomer yourself or your neighbors have just moved, introduce yourself. Say hello, give a small symbolic gift (for example, a homemade pie, congratulate them on their housewarming. Tell them where the nearest grocery store is and where the pharmacy is.

2 Find out more about the lives of your neighbors - what they do, what their work schedule is, whether they have a large family. This way you can avoid some problems before they start to pop up. For example, if you find out that your neighbors work at night, you will try to be quieter during the day, knowing that at this time they are sleeping. If there are small children in the family, you will try not to make noise in the evenings. Provide your neighbors with similar information about you. If you are going to do repairs or play drums, warn about this in advance. Agree that if one begins to cause inconvenience to the other, the other will immediately report it.

3 Be careful with shared walls. If you are neighbors in apartments, try not to place noisy household appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers, near common walls. It is also better to keep the TV and speakers away from the wall. If you live above someone, consider placing rubberized mats under appliances to help reduce noise. Try not to stomp too loudly when everyone is already asleep.

4 Keep an eye on your pets. If you live next door to each other, keep your dog on a leash when letting him outside. Especially if your neighbors have a cat or dog. If your pet makes too much noise, this can also cause conflict. Imagine yourself in the place of your neighbors and try to understand them. If your dog barks loudly all the time, consult your veterinarian for advice.

5 Warn about parties. If you decide to throw a party, notify your neighbors in advance, specifying when it will start and how long it will last. Just in case, leave them your phone number. If you like your neighbors, why not invite them too? At the party itself, stick to your agreement.

6 Keep your area clean and tidy. If you live in your own home, keep an eye on your area. Remove weeds regularly. Not only do they detract from the overall appearance of your yard, but they can also spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and trim your flowers, trees and shrubs when necessary. When using fertilizers, ask if any of your neighbors are allergic to them.

7 Keep an eye on the fire when you're grilling something in the yard. If you decide to barbecue or barbecue in your yard, keep an eye on the fire and follow all safety rules. Warn your neighbors about your intentions; perhaps on this very day they planned to dry their clean laundry outside. Having learned about your desire in advance, they may reschedule their plans.

8 Observe parking etiquette. When parking your car, be careful not to block your neighbor's exit. Avoid starting the engine too late at night or too early in the morning. Its noise may wake up your neighbors.

9 Chat with your neighbors. Keep in constant touch with your neighbors and keep them informed of your plans. Remember the “golden rule” - if you are going to do something concerning your neighbor, warn him about it in advance. Keep the lines of communication open: if your neighbor is unhappy with something, he should be able to let you know.

10 Don’t forget about mutual assistance. If your neighbors are leaving, keep an eye on their house or apartment. Don't let your guard down when they are at home either. If you notice suspicious people nearby, immediately report them to your neighbors.

11 Good neighbors look out for each other. They give each other advice and offer help. They respect other people's boundaries and are always ready to support in an emergency. They are looking for opportunities for cooperation and will never refuse communication.

12 If you are convinced that the conflict with neighbors is unresolvable, seek advice from specialists. Perhaps you can find justice for them legally.

Guys, who have already drawn your drawing, who are already free, stand in a big circle, let's play and have fun! And our parents will help us! Guys, repeat all the movements after us!

Game "We'll go right first"

Game "What Attracts the Bird"

Leading: Well, guys, do you all have your drawings ready? Let's get a look! (they evaluate the children’s drawings and announce that friendship won).

All the guys are great! And we continue to play!

Skittles game

music game “We’re going to play” (song by Strekotusha and Mishka-Tishka)

Leading: Dear friends, we have found out that you are and will be friends with your neighbors, right? (yes) But they forgot to praise our wonderful neighbors! We need to fix this!

Let's play a coding game with you, for each letter of the word "FRIENDSHIP" we will name what our neighbors are? For example, with the letter “D” (shows a card with the letter) - kind, what else?

The game is being played

D kind, friendly, friendly.

R joyful, kindred, playful.

Respected, successful, smiling.

They are cheerful, terribly good, life-loving.

B cheerful, rich, fast.

And active, neat.

Presenter: Well done!

Be polite neighbors

Clean and modest.

And in midday conversation

Forgiving, smart.

Young people, respect

Gray-haired old men!

And don't throw away your cigarette butts

Past the damage and barrels!

Wise over the years

Have pity on the young!

Loving them without judging them,

You will forgive all their ardor

And stingy forgetfulness,

Songs, noise from all sides,

Life speed is unearthly

And cars under the window.

Living side by side is so difficult.

Learn to keep peace!

To quarrelsome teenagers

Be lenient!

We hope that you are surrounded by decent, kind people, sympathetic neighbors, and that you yourself are one! Let's never quarrel, listen to each other's requests, jointly maintain cleanliness and order in the hallways and in the yard, respect each other!

And once again, loudly and unanimously, let us congratulate each other on International Neighbors Day, shouting “Congratulations!” (shouting)

Our holiday has come to an end! But we don’t say goodbye to you, but we say goodbye to you! See you again!

As the audience disperses, music plays.