Holiday at school and scenery of neighbor's day. Scenario of the event "Good neighbors - cheerful friends"

Within the framework of the federal project "School of a competent consumer" on May 27, the all-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors" will be held in the capital, which is organized by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia.

According to the organizers, an information and educational campaign will be organized as part of the action, at which Muscovites will be explained how important it is to jointly solve housing issues and organize leisure activities with refreshments and a cultural program.

Those wishing to take part in the action "International Day of Neighbors" can send an application by e-mail until April 30

Detailed information about the International Day of Neighbors and planned events will be posted on the website

Recall that the Day of Neighbors campaign has been held in Russia for the second year in a row. Last year, 13,000 people from 75 regions of the country took part in it.

/ Wednesday, April 13, 2016 /

Topics: housing and communal services

For the second time in Moscow on May 27, the all-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors" will be held. It is organized by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia within the framework of the federal project "School of a competent consumer".

At the Day of Neighbors, Muscovites will be explained how important it is to jointly and neighborly solve housing issues, as well as to participate in various leisure activities together or even come up with their own.

Last year, Neighbors Day was celebrated by more than 13,000 people from 75 regions of the country. The newspaper "Kakhovka" then wrote about the Big neighbor's day in the courtyard of house 12 in Botanichesky Lane.

As part of the implementation of the federal project "School of a competent consumer" in the capital, the II All-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors" will be organized. The event will take place on May 27 with the participation of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia.

Last year, the number of participants in the action exceeded 13,000 people from 75 regions of the country. According to the organizers, "Given the high public interest, big number participants and attention from the media, this year it was decided by the authorities and civil society to organize an information and educational campaign, in which to conduct explanatory work on the importance of a joint (neighborly) solution of housing issues, as well as organize leisure activities with refreshments and cultural program".

Information about the campaign and successful forms of holding events can be found on the official websites of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, the UNITED RUSSIA party, where it is planned to be posted and also on the website

This was reported by the press service of the prefecture of the South-West Administrative District.
To join the promotion, you need to send an application by e-mail before April 30, 2016:. . . . .
In 2016, state authorities and civil society decided to organize an information and educational campaign, which will carry out explanatory work on the importance of a joint (neighborly) solution of housing issues. In addition, leisure activities with refreshments and a cultural program will be organized.
Last year, more than 13,000 people out of 75 took part in the action. Russian regions. As noted, the event aroused great public interest.

On May 27, it is planned to hold the II All-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors", organized by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia.

The event is held within the framework of the federal project "School of a competent consumer".

In the past, the action was held for the first time and more than 13 thousand people from 75 regions of the country took part in it.

Anyone can take part in the action, for this you need to send information by April 30, 2016 e-mail

The II All-Russian action "International Day of Neighbors" is scheduled for May 27. . . . . . Considering that people are interested in participating in it, in 2016 the organizers decided to conduct an information and educational campaign, during which they will talk about the importance of a joint (neighborly) solution of housing issues, as well as organize leisure activities with refreshments and a cultural program.

The event was organized with the participation of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Russian Federation.

This action took place last year as well. . . . . . The celebration of the day of neighbors took place in Botanichesky Lane. For residents of nearby houses, tables were set for tea drinking and prepared entertainment program. Muscovites were able to meet and discuss topical issues including a major overhaul program.

Detailed information about how the holiday will be held this year will be published on the official websites of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, as well as on the website of the project itself.

. . . . .
The Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, seeking to build relationships with the owners of apartment buildings, sees one of the main obstacles to this problem in the difficulty of making collective decisions due to the disunity of residents. Meanwhile, it is often collective solutions that are needed to ensure planned work on the overhaul of apartment buildings, the improvement of not only buildings, but also the surrounding area.
The history of the holiday originates in France. In 2000 in Paris, on the last Friday of May, they began to celebrate Neighbors' Day. The founder of the holiday is the Frenchman Atanaz Perifan, who created an association whose goal was to strengthen social ties and mobilize people to fight isolation. After joining the association of Belgium, the holiday received European status. In Russia, the Day of Neighbors has been celebrated since 2006, in 2015 the holiday became known as international. . . . . .
You can inform about your desire to participate in the action until April 30, 2016 by e-mail
Detailed information on the website

The song sounds

"If we are friends"

1 host:

Come on honest people

Approach from all sides!

Here is an important event.

We call everyone to gather,

We are waiting for you all with a bow:

And gray-haired and young

2 host:

Contests are waiting for you, fun

Adults and kids!

Have fun and walk

At least until morning.

1 host:

Hello, neighbors called and welcome,

Cheerful and mischievous,

Family and single!

2 host:

Backing track sounds

Pardonne-Moi Ce Caprice

Neighbor Day is an international holiday that came to Russia from Europe.

The founder of this holiday is the Frenchman Athanase Perifan, who back in 1990 with friends created the association "Paris for Friends" in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, with the aim of strengthening social ties and mobilizing people to fight isolation. Members of the association collected things and funds for neighbors who found themselves in a difficult life situation helping people find jobs.

Perifan expressed the idea of ​​​​creating this holiday with the following words: “Let's make this fantastic event an occasion to celebrate together the spirit of unity and solidarity that are so dear to all of us!”.

By 1999, already ten thousand inhabitants of Paris from 800 houses had celebrated this holiday, and since then it was decided to hold it annually.

In Russia, Neighbors Day has been celebrated since 2006. The federal project "School of a competent consumer" calls on all active residents and housing and communal organizations in all corners of Russia to take part in the "International Day of Neighbors" in 2015.

We hope that the action "International Day of Neighbors" will help residents to get to know each other better, strengthen good neighborly relations between houses, yards, and subsequently find mutual language when jointly solving urgent problems of managing apartment buildings.

1 host: The word is given


2 host:

In our typical house

We live with neighbors

Very fun and friendly.

After all, it is very necessary

For someone to support

To shake your hand in the morning,

Would lend salt and matches

I would talk in person

Happy Neighbors Day!

And we wish you patience

To all who live with us in the world,

Behind the wall, in another apartment.

1 host:

Now let's move on to the competition.

Competitions on the site

sports relay

1 host:

Competition "Pair tack"

You will be helped in the kitchen -
I will hide my hands from the burn.
Pizzas, pies and cakes.
You will get it out of the oven!

What is this? Potholder.

Task: Each team has 1 potholder. It is necessary to color it so that it is a copy of the neighboring one.

1 host:

Skipping Rope Competition

Take me in your hands
Start jumping fast.
One jump and two jump
Guess who I am buddy?

What is this? Rope.

Task: Each pair jumps for 30 seconds, the result of the pair offset is recorded in the protocol.

2 host:

Competition "Die Hard"

Curious, long nose,
It will bend like a question
That will climb into a piece of wood,
Leaving only a cap.

What is this? Nails.

Task: The boys from each team hammer in 6 nails, and the dads pull them out. Who is faster.

Competition "Lemurs"

In Madagascar, the beast was found:

Only a bear, or a dog,

The tail is long, striped.

Who is this? Lemurs.

That's right, lemurs have grasping paws with well-developed strong fingers.

Task: Be in the role of a lemur and hang on the horizontal bar for as long as possible. The result of the pair offset is recorded in the protocol.

1 host:

Competition "Cinderella"

So quickly the maiden fled from the prince,
That she even lost her shoe.

Who is this? Cinderella

Task: Two people participate in the competition: mom from one team, dad from the other. It is necessary to disassemble the beans and iron nuts into cans. The winners are those who fill their banks faster.

1 host:

Bowling competition

Across the slippery road
The enemy army has risen.
With one well-aimed shot,
We'll knock everyone down, we'll win!

What is this? Bowling.

Task: Knock down pins with 1 ball.

2 host:

Competition "Soap Bubble"

Shining with a smooth film,

Stretching out,

Comes out tender, thin,

Colored bubble.
An inflated balloon takes off,

More transparent than glass.

Inside it is like

Sparkling mirrors...

What is this? Soap bubble

Task: Participants are invited to inflate soap bubbles.

2 host:

Competition "Long jump"

Task: The first team member stands on the start line and makes a long jump from a place. After landing, the landing site is fixed with chalk. The next participant puts their feet right in front of the line, without stepping over it, and also makes a jump. The couple makes one collective long jump, each jumps 2 times.

1 host:

Competition "Newspaper cap"

The song sounds from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom" - "I'm painting, I'm painting fences"

Our people are amazing and very resourceful, and a master of all trades. Each of us, at least once in a lifetime, painted a ceiling or a facade with a pediment. And how can you do without a wonderful headdress - a newspaper cap when painting.

Task: Fold the famous newspaper cap from the newspaper. Who is faster and better.

1 host:

Competition "Volanchik-jumping"

Task: Within 30 seconds, throw the shuttlecock up as much as possible with a table tennis racket.

Pair score.

2 host:

Competition "Flower bed"

Seeing in the flowerbed
Beautiful flower,
I wanted to rip it off.
But worth touching
Hand stalk -
And immediately the flower flew away.

Task: Create your own unique flower bed using templates and glue.

2 host:

Contest "Get in the basket"

Task: Throw 5 balls into the bucket at a distance of 3 m. Pairs.

We offer viewers

riddles about flowers and nature

Finally, we offer

tug of war

Dance "Lavata"

(musical accompaniment)

1 host:

The word for the award is given ……………….

2 host:

We wish you to bloom, grow,
Save, improve health.
It's for a long journey -
The main condition.

May every day and every hour
You will get a new one.
May your mind be good
And the heart will be smart.

I sincerely wish you
Friends, all the best.
All the best, friends
It's not cheap for us!

The song "Festive Evening" sounds

For the Slavs, the concept of "neighbor" has always been more important than for the people of the Western world. Everyone, name day, or commemoration, the inhabitants of the street or a large city house once celebrated together. Previously, the people always willingly and without invitation converged to help their distressed neighbor. A person has always understood that those around him will bring the very last thing in a difficult life moment. But modern life drastically changes the rules that once operated for centuries. In a multi-storey skyscraper, people hardly recognize their neighbor on the site and are not at all interested in his problems. This course of things puzzles all thinking citizens, regardless of the country of residence. In the West, the isolation of the people is already so strong that it was there that a social trend was born, which set the task of raising people to fight against isolation.

History of International Neighbors Day

It would seem that cheerful and prosperous Frenchmen should least of all trouble themselves with problems with isolation, but it was among them that a person appeared who came up with this original and useful holiday. It has long been noted that with the growth of well-being, people withdraw more into themselves, become more indifferent to others. The Parisian Antanase Perifan was concerned about this issue for a long time and very strongly. Together with his comrades-in-arms, a man in the 90s creates the Paris d "Amis association, which was engaged in the social relations of the inhabitants of the capital in the 17th district. Activists helped poor neighbors a lot with housing and financial problems as well as employment. To further raise the spirit of unity, Perifan raised the issue among like-minded people about the establishment of the International Day of Neighbors holiday. In his native 17th district, the initiative was understood and supported; in 1999, Parisians from more than 800 houses took part in this kind and extremely useful action.

First, the International Day of Neighbors was picked up by residents of other districts, and a little later, this initiative was supported by citizens in neighboring countries and overseas. The emergence of the European Solidarity Federation has helped to quickly unite all people who want to spread these useful ideas in all cities of the continent. Alas, such an organization does not yet exist in Eastern Europe, such holidays are organized by simple local activists, as well as the administration of some cities, where they understand the importance of improving good neighborliness as soon as possible.

Events on International Neighbors Day

Europeans are used to celebrating this event on a weekday, timing the main actions on the last Tuesday of the month of May. But residents of other countries do not strictly adhere to this tradition, so many Neighbors Day is held on the last weekend of May, which is more convenient for working citizens. Naturally, each city is famous for its local traditions, so the organization of such events can take place completely different scenarios. It is best to gather initiative people ahead of time who are able to agree to spend some of their time on such an important matter. Next, make a plan of activities in which you can involve the maximum the number of inhabitants of a house, street, village, or even hometown.

Of course, everything will be much easier and more interesting when the International Day of Neighbors is held in an entertaining manner. It is advisable not to arrange processions and ostentatious rallies, but to do everything in the form of a cozy tea party at sweet tables in a public garden, park or in the home area, which is native to many. In a relaxed atmosphere among the residents of a high-rise building, disunity can be quickly eliminated and social ties can be established. By the way, it would be very good to coincide with this date some children's events, for example, sports "Games of our yard" with sweet prizes.

Since 2006, the Day of Neighbors has been celebrated in Russia. The federal project "School of a competent consumer" calls on all active residents and housing and communal organizations in all corners of Russia to take part in the "International Day of Neighbors" May 27, 2016.

In recent years, people communicate less and less. Unfortunately, the tradition of living "as one family" and helping each other has remained in the distant Soviet past. We turn our apartments and private houses into impregnable fortresses, without thinking at all about who lives next door to us. It's hard for us to discuss general issues, including the issues of our house, entrance, yard.

The same situation develops in the communication and interaction of residents and housing and communal services workers. We turn to the management company only when something has happened and most often with complaints and claims.

It is difficult for us to imagine that other relations are possible and should be with housing and communal services. We forget that the condition of our houses and yards directly depends on how well relations are built between residents of apartment buildings, housing and communal services workers and other areas, as well as on how collective decisions are made. And this, in turn, is the attractiveness of the house, street, city.

That is why the issues of good neighborliness are becoming not just issues of our peace of mind, but also issues of our personal budget, part of which is spent on general house needs, on redecorating walls, etc.

The action "International Day of Neighbors" will help residents to get to know each other better, strengthen good-neighborly relations between houses, courtyards, and subsequently find a common language when jointly solving urgent problems of managing apartment buildings.

We are all neighbors: in the street, in the settlement, in the district, in the city. And most importantly, we want these relations to be preserved and developed, so that we continue to live a great life. friendly family. The action "International Day of Neighbors" is aimed at improving relations between neighbors, teaches to be solidary in this world.

Detailed information about the campaign and the most successful forms of holding events will be posted on the official websites of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, the UNITED RUSSIA party, as well as on the websites www.proektshgp.rf and

Neighbors Day - cute and almost home holiday. It has been celebrated all over the world since 1999. It is celebrated in Canada and Turkey, in many European countries, in Australia and New Zealand, and India. This holiday is aimed at improving good neighborly relations, neighborly mutual assistance, fighting loneliness and isolation, and greater neighborly communication.

Like most people from different countries, the inhabitants of Russia also have neighbors - in the landing or house, in the yard or street. In Russia, Neighbors Day has been celebrated since 2006 - first in one of the courtyards of Moscow, and then in many cities - Yaroslavl and Kaliningrad, Irkutsk and Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Klin and Perm - you can’t list all the cities. However, in Russia this holiday has its own special meaning.

There are always NEIGHBORS in Russia - people that are much more important to each other than neighbors abroad. For us, neighbors are not only “salt and matches”, but also “talk”, “water the flowers”, and “leave the keys”. However, despite the long tradition of good-neighborly relations in our country, our houses are getting bigger, more and more distance, less and less time we spend at home and in the yard, we know less and less who lives in the apartment opposite, even less often - who is behind the wall in another entrance ...

At the same time, our housing situation and housing laws have changed a lot. We fully pay for housing and communal services, we ourselves must make decisions on many issues of managing and maintaining our homes, we must be more literate residents, more active residents. And that is why in our country, issues of good neighborliness are becoming not just issues of our peace of mind, but also issues of our personal budget, part of which goes to general house needs, is spent on redecorating walls, restoring an elevator and other things. The financial, technical, and aesthetic condition of our house, our yard depends on how our relations with our neighbors develop, how we are able to observe the rules of living together, how we make collective decisions! And this, in turn, is the attractiveness of the house, street, city. We are “in the same boat” with our neighbors - we need to be able to negotiate and resolve conflicts, develop solutions and set examples for our children.

You need to know your neighbors in order to competently negotiate together with the Criminal Code and LSG bodies, defend your rights together, fight together and rejoice together! To make it safer, more economical for all of us to live and look to the future with optimism. Where it is difficult for one, we will figure it out together!

That is why the All-Russian Project "School of a Literate Consumer" calls on all participants in the Project - both representatives of housing and communal services, and local self-government bodies, and TOSs, and all active residents in all corners of Russia to take part in the "International Day of Neighbors" and hold it on Friday, May 27, 2016 " Big Neighbors' Day" in everyone, in every yard, on every street - in different municipalities - from large cities to rural settlements!

More detailed information, as well as methodological recommendations for the action can be obtained on the project website.

Guidelines for organizing and holding the International Day of Neighbors

It would seem that the time has long passed when neighbors were something like family members, when problems were not solved alone, troubles and joys were shared by everyone. People got heavy metal doors, closed them with massive locks, and not everyone knows who lives next door. Not for everyone, especially in big cities, the neighbor remained a friend, and did not turn into just a familiar or negative character in our difficult life. That is why the holidays of courtyards or districts, which are held annually in many regions of Russia, become a real revelation and joy for many.

However, how many people remain behind closed doors, how many residents have no idea who lives behind the wall or meets with them daily in the elevator or in the yard with a dog. How difficult it is for us now to solve joint problems and various household trifles, because not only do we not know how to do this, but we do not know with whom.

“... We live in a paradoxical time. Sometimes it is much easier for us to communicate with a person on the other side of the world than to say "good afternoon" to our neighbor. This holiday was created as a response to the development of isolationism and individualism that flourishes in our cities ... International Neighbors Day is a meeting designed to establish and develop social ties, and a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors ... "

The idea to hold such a day was born in Paris in 1990, when Antanase Perifan and a group of friends from the "Paris for Friends" association decided to hold a celebration for neighbors in the 17th district of Paris. The purpose of the holiday was to unite people living in the neighborhood with each other and resist the ever-increasing isolation in society, for the joint implementation of various projects for the benefit of residents.

This relatively young holiday very quickly attracted a lot of attention. Many examples of celebration appeared, people began to actively communicate with each other, and the holiday gained popularity.

For such holidays, residents began to actively invite not only those who live in their house or microdistrict, but also those who work on their territory, thank them and actively involve them in cooperation for the benefit of the residents and the house.

This holiday is aimed at improving relations between neighbors, teaches to be solidary and friendly in this world, where social indifference is increasingly common. Uniting and supporting each other by neighbors makes it possible to overcome their daily difficulties. And the phrase "good neighbors have become good friends' speaks for itself.

In the old days they said: "I was going to build a house - choose not a place, but neighbors." The saying is as old as the world, and still everything does not lose its relevance, because many of us are sometimes drawn to remember our neighbors with an unkind word. Our peace and comfort often depend on them. If the neighbors respect each other, then the music will not rumble at an odd hour, and water will not pour from the ceiling, and you will not have to wade through mountains of garbage along the porch. And it will happen with what - no request to turn - how good it is that there is that very kind neighbor or neighbor who, if not by deed, will help with advice.

"Near neighbor is better than distant relatives"- another Russian proverb. You will say that those times when a neighbor was a friend, comrade and brother are gone?! No! Take a look around: not only do we yearn for normal human good-neighborly relations, but our children, without suspecting it themselves, are looking for (but do they always find?) warmth, home comfort, including outside family circle. And they will definitely find it, very close, if good neighbors unite in good deeds.

We have formulated answers to frequently asked questions of beginning participants in the festive good-neighbourly movement:

What is neighbors day for?

Give the opportunity to get to know the neighbors better, relax a bit, chat, discuss common problems, create or strengthen good-neighbourly relations, overcome loneliness and simply learn neighborly news.

When is this holiday celebrated?

Every year on the last Friday of May.

Who celebrates it?

Residents and their neighbors in many countries around the world.

Where to note?

In any place where it is more convenient for you - street, garden, yard, hall, sports (children's) playground, neighborhood centers, palaces of culture or assembly halls of institutions.

How to organize such a holiday?

Come up with a scenario with possible competitions and performances. Set a table together, for which everyone brings something delicious.

Who can and should be invited?

Deputies and representatives of the local administration, public organizations, management and resource companies, your neighbors from other houses.

Who supports this holiday?

Federal project "School of a competent consumer", WFP " United Russia”, Ministry of Construction of Russia, local governments, managing and resource supply organizations.

To inform neighbors about upcoming holiday useful to do poster. This is necessary in order to inform and interest the inhabitants of your city (yard, house, ...). The poster can be placed near the school, on the stands of the microdistrict or near the post office, shops, in all public places.

As an alternative or accompanying material, you can make Leaflets which are very helpful as they explain how to organize a holiday.

Invitation can be hung in the hall of the house that takes part in the celebration, on the stairwell near the elevator, stairs or mailboxes. You must indicate the place and time of the holiday, as well as other details regarding the holiday, and leave your name and contact phone number.

Remember that when placing an ad, it should not spoil common property Houses!

To address specific people or especially important guests, send them personal invitation letters. Such letters allow you to establish contact with neighbors. Put them in mailboxes or give them in person, inviting your neighbors to take part in the celebration.
For creating Have a good mood and a bright memorable holiday, other materials can be used: T-shirts, multi-colored air balloons, hats, ties, specially prepared cards or gift bags.

Very important to involve to participate in the holiday as much as possible residents and do everything possible so that the residents become not guests, but real participants in the celebration.

On the day of the holiday, all people will be able to meet each other at the same table, have a drink or a snack, while everyone brings something to the table. This A good reason give the hostess the opportunity to express themselves by preparing a delicious treat for the common table.

Organize holiday neighbors easy, and its organization is up to you.

You - residents-neighbors - are the main participants and the key to the success of the holiday. Feel free to ask your neighbors for help organizing this event. Everyone can make a contribution to the creation of their own holiday. Furnishings n growth and hospitality, unity and solidarity will allow all neighbors to feel like members of one large team where the opinion of everyone is important and taken into account, and joint activities are very important.

There is nothing difficult in organizing such a holiday. At minimal cost, we assure you, you will get an excellent result.

The preparation of the holiday can be divided into several parts

Before the holiday

In order to plan and hold a holiday, you need to assemble a team of like-minded people and assistants at the same time. It will be great if many of your neighbors take part in the preparation of the holiday. Remember, the more people involved in preparing for the holiday and getting ready to come to it, the more fun and friendly it will turn out, which means that your goal will be achieved!

The holiday can be celebrated in different ways. For some, a tea party arranged in the apartment of one of the neighbors will become very joyful and festive, for other neighbors the entrance will become a platform for celebration, and for someone the whole yard will not be enough. Each city, town or village has its own traditions and customs. In big cities it is difficult to take the holiday outside the house and celebrate it even on the street, while in towns and villages in such cases they do it easier - they celebrate with the whole street, and do not deny themselves a festive space.

Realizing that the most important thing is that the holiday turned out to be sincere, joyful and would please all the neighbors and guests of your house (street, district), we offer you an approximate scenario, where we noted the main points that you should not forget about when preparing.

Preparation for the holiday.

In a few weeks

1. Determine the composition of the initiative group of residents responsible for holding the holiday.

The group may include representatives of the HOA asset or seniors at the entrance, the MKD Council. It is important that these people find time to supervise the holiday and take an active part in its preparation. It is very important that these residents are known among the neighbors and could invite others to the feast.

2. Make a list of the activities you plan to do that day.

To not get lost in in large numbers opportunities and determine what exactly is necessary and possible to do in your home, make a list of those positive things that you would like and could do on this day. Distribute the responsibilities for each of them and specify what needs to be done to make everything conceived come true. Think about what exactly could please your neighbors. What do you like to do together. What kind of event, sporting event or maybe a decoration of the yard, laying out flower beds will be able to attract all the neighbors to participate in this day.

3. Make a list of the necessary equipment, materials that need to be bought and made in advance.

Many of the little things can be bought at nearby stores or made by yourself. not to waste extra money, check your own mezzanines. So for sure there will be a lot of useful things. Check with your neighbors. What can you do for the holiday in advance?

4. Prepare a questionnaire for residents to identify those who would like to participate in the holiday.

Many residents will be happy to congratulate their neighbors and take part in this celebration. Ask the neighbors a question - “How would you like to participate in the holiday?”, “How to congratulate the neighbors?” - and learn a lot about those who live near you. Maybe you will find a cook who will bake delicious pies for everyone, or maybe someone who will sing a congratulatory song or a hymn of neighborly friendship of his own composition ...

When compiling such a list of "neighborhood talents" pay attention to Special attention the ability to simultaneously collect a lot of different important information about your neighbors. For example, make a list of neighbors who are car enthusiasts so that you can solve all pressing car issues together and help each other, or a list of those who could help your elderly neighbors go grocery shopping or a pharmacy.

5. Create a holiday budget and determine where to get the funds.

Of course, any holiday requires different costs, but at the same time, you need to take into account that this holiday is organized by the neighbors themselves, and there are not so many costs for it. According to the plan of events, make an estimate for the holiday. Cross out from it the costs of what you can do with your own hands. Then take away what the enterprises and organizations around your house can help you with (for example, dishes in the nearest cafe or a microphone with speakers at school ...) and you will see that such a holiday does not require much money .. Try to break this amount into several parts and chip in together with neighbors. We are sure that if you divide the required amount for everyone, the holiday will be quite affordable.

6. Inform and invite the press, as well as important guests.

In order for everyone to know how well and cheerfully you celebrate this holiday and set an example for neighboring houses and districts (and maybe streets and villages), invite journalists from a local newspaper or TV channel to your place. We are sure that it will be interesting for them to come to visit you and look at the holiday, which is celebrated together with the whole entrance or house!

Important guests of your holiday, such as representatives of the administration or heads of the management company, must be informed and invited in advance. They are like any busy people, make their schedule in advance, and it is very important for them to find out about it not in one day.

In order to exchange ideas and plans, as well as experience in holding a holiday and organizing neighborhood events, you can organize visits to neighboring courtyards, city districts or to colleagues and friends from another city. Neighbors can be not only near, but also distant.

For two weeks

1. Give invitations to guests, representatives of the District Administration, HOA, UK, TOS, Council of Pensioners, residents of the district (house), representatives of contracting organizations.

According to a pre-compiled list of those whom you would like to invite, you need to spread or send out invitations. The invitations must clearly indicate the date, time and place of the celebration. If it is held outdoors, then the invitation may indicate the need to dress warmly or bring something necessary with you (for example, your own cups for tea or something soft to sit comfortably).

2. Arrange for a holiday with the school or other possible and accessible premises. Definitely the best way to celebrate this holiday. in your home or yard. But, unfortunately, not all of our homes allow this. It is important to choose a room so that everyone who wants to take part in the holiday can fit. If the weather and the format of the event allows, then it can be moved outside. Please pay attention to the fact that the venue for the celebration is close to your homes and has convenient access. If you plan to use any electrical devices, take care in advance that there is where to include them.

3.Install a screen for viewing photos and a projector on the stage. You will surely want to share with friends and neighbors interesting photos or home videos that capture the life of your home or neighborhood, the pride and joy of your neighbors, as well as important events and news of your house. In order for everyone to see them, you need to take care of necessary equipment. Please note that schools and community centers often have such equipment. If you are celebrating somewhere else, find out where you can rent it. Check if one of the working neighbors can take him for one day from work.

Do not forget that by inviting your neighbors to the organization, you can not only attract them to the holiday as much as possible and please them, but also allow them to feel needed and not just participants, but welcome guests at your holiday. At the same time, counting on such neighborly mutual assistance, you can significantly save each other's money and time.

4. Collect or take photographs of those employees of the Criminal Code who are pleased to celebrate at the holiday for Good work and a good relationship with the residents.

In advance, make a selection of photos and films that you would like to show to your neighbors and guests of the holiday. Allocate display time. Announce the show if you wish. If you have problems with equipment and a large screen, you can always take out photo albums and put them on your hands. Believe me, it will bring no less pleasure to your neighbors. And if they can find themselves in these photographs, they will be doubly pleased.

Collect all the photos of your neighborhood life for Last year or six months. Make a selection of your friendly photos. It's always nice to remember the warm moments of your life together.

5. Prepare certificates and gifts. If you want to separately mention one of your neighbors and those who serve your homes (for example, a janitor or a senior at the entrance, or maybe a smiling neighbor from the fifth floor, who more than once rescued everyone with tools for the car ...), you can hand them commemorative letters or small gifts. Remember that such actions are best done taking into account the opinions of all residents. Anyone who is interested can sign such a letter. A gift in such a situation can be not only a cake, or maybe not even a cake at all, but, for example, a basket of homemade cookies or a commemorative burning that the children of your home can make in advance ...

6. If your holiday is supposed to be a buffet or a feast, then you need to purchase food and drinks in advance.

At any event, a few bottles of water and hot tea or coffee will never be superfluous. And if you have planned a buffet or banquet, then you need to buy or order food in advance. Today there are no problems with organizing a feast. Everything from the finest products to disposable tableware, you can buy in a hypermarket or in the market. Calculate required amount products is easy. Serve your guests a few communal meals with sliced ​​cheese and sausage, vegetables and fruits, and small sandwiches. Please note that the number of treats is up to you. If you want, you can set a large table, but if there is no opportunity or desire, then just tea with a cake or homemade cookies will be very useful.

On a neighbor's holiday, all dishes prepared by neighbors with their own hands are especially welcome. Invite your mothers and grandmothers - wonderful and beloved housewives - to come up with a snack or sweet table. We are sure that all guests will remember your holiday for a long time.

7. Arrange for photo and video shooting.

In order for you and your friends and neighbors to have a memory of the holiday, so that there is something to brag about in the future, what to show to those who are just going to hold such a holiday, you definitely need to take a photo or video. To do this, agree in advance which of your neighbors will be able to take over. Leave it to the high school students! They will surely succeed. When planning an event, don't forget to take care of sufficient lighting and available outlets in the room. Do not forget to check the free memory on the flash drive and charge the batteries. Arrange in advance how and where you will later show these photos to your neighbors. You can hang them on a stand or make a photo album to leave with the concierge…

8. Prepare a festive concert.

To make your neighbor's holiday even more fun and as many of your neighbors as possible to take part in it, you can organize a small concert of your amateur art in honor of the holiday in your yard. Surely one of your neighbors reads poetry well, someone sings well, and someone shows great funny scenes from the life of your home. You can also invite your neighbors musicians to participate in the celebration or invite school ensembles .... Do not forget to take care of everything necessary for such performances in time. Remember that a lot of props can be made by hand.

At the end of the holiday, when it gets dark, you can set off some fireworks in honor of the holiday.

Please remember that it is important to comply with all necessary measures fire safety and agree on a place in advance so that later you do not have problems with the police and fire services. Recently, for launching fireworks in in public places penalty is provided.

On the day of the holiday

In the morning, check the readiness of everything that is needed for the holiday. Phone other members of the initiative group, schedule a meeting and site preparation for your holiday. Do not schedule an event for early time. Optimal time its beginning - 18.30-19.00

During the day, you can spend several different holiday events for your neighbors. For example, a mini subbotnik to clean up the site for the holiday, along with those guys who will return from school in the afternoon. Or decorate the yard with holiday posters and balloons.

During the day, you must adhere to a pre-compiled holiday program. In order for everything to work out, it is absolutely not necessary for the whole house to take time off from work. It is enough to allocate duties and the necessary time of presence in advance.

Do not forget that during the day you may need the necessary things prepared in advance to prepare and hold the holiday. Make sure that they are available during the day, and do not end up locked in the apartment of a neighbor who left for work until the evening. Think ahead about what you need.

If you are planning a treat, think in advance which of the housewives' neighbors may be responsible for preparing the treat and who can help her. For everything to be successful, you need to prepare the table a few hours before the start of the event. It is important not to forget to cut and bring everything in time.

Be sure to check that there are enough dishes, napkins, bread and toothpicks. Think about what other help you might need during the day. Which of the neighbors will be able to substitute a shoulder in case prompt assistance is needed.

The celebration program might look like this:

09.00 Meeting of the initiative group of neighbors in the yard

Creative five-minute active residents will never be superfluous. Moreover, you will surely have something to remind your neighbors about in the morning before the holiday.

A good time to start decorating the yard and porch. Of course, a lot can be done in advance, but certainly not everything. In the morning, you can and should be reminded of your invitation to fun party those who often visit your house - the local doctor and policeman, postman and school teacher, a plumber and a janitor ... The leader of the group needs to check that everyone remembers and knows their roles for this day. If you need to buy something, for example, a couple of loaves of fresh bread for sandwiches, then do not forget to leave money.

09.30-12.00 Decoration of the house (yard, entrance) for the holiday.

Jewelry can be any, including handmade and dedicated to the holiday. If the weather permits, then you can decorate the outside of the house and the yard, but if this is not possible, then you can stop at decorating the hall and entrances.

Announce in advance a competition among residents on the best decoration your floor (entrance) for a holiday or congratulatory poster. Do not forget to encourage participants and winners.

12.00-16.00 Conducting yard events dedicated to the holiday.

For example, holding a tour of the house and its surroundings together with the management company - “The house in which we live” or a meeting with a representative of the administration of your district ...

In each yard, you can come up with many interesting events on a neighbor's theme. All those who are free during the day can take part in them. If the weather does not allow you to have fun on the street, you can completely arrange a competition for the best drawing or poem on the topic “My fun house” or “My Nice Neighbors” for adults and children.

18.30 Start of the holiday

Introduction (the organizer of the holiday opens the Holiday), Speech by the chairman of the HOA, the head of the house or a representative of the initiative group. If representatives of the Administration, contracting organizations, the Criminal Code, and other departments come to visit you, give them the floor.

Remember that all the most important words should be said at the beginning of the holiday. Do not forget to mention the organizers of the holiday, guests and thank all the helpers and residents (neighbors) for their support.

Concert (amateur performance).

Concert numbers can be either after the official part or during it, between performances. Talk to your neighbors about how best to proceed in your case. Considering that the holiday is not official and is aimed at improving good neighborly relations, it is not necessary to arrange a big and significant concert. It is important that you and your neighbors like it. For example, a small choir of pensioners with an accordion on a bench at the entrance will be no worse than a performance from the stage with a microphone.


21.00 Fireworks

Do not forget to fence off the launch site in advance and coordinate your actions with the necessary services (police, firefighters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations ....). Agree, the study of the code of administrative violations is not the best ending to the holiday. Make sure that during the fireworks, children or dogs do not accidentally run up to this place!

The active part of the holiday must be completed by 22.00. This is a neighborhood holiday, and children will take part in it. Don't forget to have a good rest after the holiday. But not before the last bag of garbage is taken out and all the furniture is put in its place.

After the holiday

Large organizations - HOAs, TOSs, etc. I can arrange and hold seminars where I can sum up the results of the past day and reward the brightest participants and activists.

Dear neighbors!

Don't forget to congratulate everyone who cares about your home!

We sincerely wish you to celebrate this glorious holiday in the warm company of your good neighbors!

Celebration of Sadovaya street, Komsomolsky lane, Substation

1. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Dress up properly
Come join us for the holidays!
To look at guests, people of honor,
Take a look at the street performance!
Listen to good songs
Yes, delicious dishes to eat!

2. Honorary elders, family,
Youth and children!
Good health to all of you in the morning!

1. I hasten to tell you - hello,
To wish good health!

2. I hasten to tell you goodness -
To wish you a new happiness!

1. I hasten to tell you the joys
Good luck, success and luck!

2. And to all, friends wish you
Good mood!

1. We are sure everyone is in a good mood, because today we have a holiday that has already become traditional - this is a street holiday.

2. 2. Hospitable hosts will meet guests at Sadovaya St., Komsomolsky Lane, and on the street. Substations.

1. Move aside, people, yes, good people!
Give me a place with a single bridge, a helmet greeting our guests, invited guests, but welcome.

2. The head of the village council Petrova E.I. congratulates you (congratulations from the head of the administration of the village council).

1. Thank you, E.I. behind good words, and we want to remind you all that there is an iron law on our holiday: no entry is allowed for the gloomy, gloomy.

1. There is no sweeter corner in the world,
than the one where you were born
Where he grew up, matured and sometimes cried,
seeing a wounded bird covered in blood.
No matter what hardships happen,
no matter what times come,
We know for sure that it will always accept us,
native since childhood, our side.

2. Dear friends, today the hostess on your street will be a woman who was born on Sadovaya Street, walked along it to school, found her soul mate. Now she is a wife, mother and her children are growing up on this street. This is Nadezhda Valova.

1. We know Nadya Valova as pretty, energetic, cheerful woman. She is a soloist of our folk choir. Together with her husband Alexei, they are raising a son and a daughter. This year Nadezhda celebrated her 35th birthday.

2. Her mother lives next to her - Khramtsova Lyubov Timofeevna, who raised three children, now she has 6 grandchildren. In July, Lyubov Timofeevna celebrated her big anniversary, she turned 60 years old. We congratulate her on her anniversary, and the best gift for her will, of course, be a song performed by her daughter.
(1. song "Red Currant")
(the mistress of the street tells a story about the inhabitants of Sadovaya street)
1. Congratulations to Vasilina Bayeva.
Vasilina, you are turning 8!
In the morning the birds chirped loudly about it.
Behind your first school autumn
And preschool children rush to you for advice.
Grow up, good, mom and dad's beloved daughter.
Gather your mind easily, with passion.
Be beautiful like the sun, brighter than a flower!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday! (a gift is given)
2. Sodovaya Street is rich in anniversaries and birthdays this year. So Alexander Ivanovich was born on August 12 exactly 60 years ago.

1. Six tithes flashed by so soon.
Respectable age, what can I say.
But, we repeat again and again,
Any age to live and love!

Lane Komsomolsky.
1. Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! Now the hospitable hosts of Komsomolsky Lane are waiting for us. This lane is small, 8 men, 9 women and 2 children live here. Everyone knows each other very well.
2. And the Altapkin family Vasily Dmitrievich and Raisa Anatolyevna are the first to meet us. The spouses are well-known entrepreneurs. They started small, and now their business is well established. They have an adult son and daughter who live and work in Barnaul. There were two significant anniversaries in their family this year. Vasily Dmitrievich turned 55 in June. We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts and wish him many more years to remain as vigorous, provocative and healthy. So that in his life everything was on five.
And on July 31, friendly married couple Altapkinykh celebrated the 30th anniversary of her life together with a “pearl” wedding.
1. Thirty years of joint springs
Your rings have not tarnished.
Thirty years sliding into autumn
How the moment flew by.
Thirty years in one breath -
Unity of lips and hands.
2. Thirty years of understanding
And a single heartbeat.
Snow, wind not cooled
Tenderness, love union.
Like a waltz this day is circling -
All in weave old feelings.
(4. song "White Dance")

2. We wish all the best to the inhabitants of the lane. Komsomolsky and continue our journey to the street. Substation.
1. Yes, it's good when good neighbors, friends and just good people live nearby. It's so nice to treat your neighbors with your delicious pies, and have a cup of tea with friends. And we wish you all Dear friends, good neighbors.
Street Substation.
2. Our dear guests, now we are on the ter. Substations. We are warmly welcomed by the people of the area.
(leads a story about the inhabitants)
Dear friends, thank you for the warm welcome, and once again we congratulate our esteemed anniversaries: Tereshina Valentina Fedorovna, Valova Galina Kimovna, Anisimov Sergey Vasilyevich. Let's wish them good health, family comfort and warmth, happiness, good luck and all the best. And this song will be the best gift for you.

(5. song "There beyond the outskirts")

Sadovaya street
1. And now we will continue our journey along the street. Sadova, and tells a story about the inhabitants of his native street N. Valova.
Congratulations to Tereshin Vitaly.
When you're 30 - still happen!
So serene are the flashes of dawn.
Let the heat fly into your house at night - a bird,
And kind light will illuminate the heart,
And promises you for 100 years
Happy life without worries and troubles.
Congratulations to Valov (young family)
1. Children are our future, the flowers of our life. And there are few flowers on your street - only 14.
2. Yes, it could be more. Young families should think about increasing the demographic situation of their home street.
1. And yet, the good news is that not all young people leave their native village. For example, Pavel Valov decided to return to his homeland again, and changed the city to his native village. Yes, and not alone, but with a young wife.
2. And now their daughter Dashenka is growing up in their family. She will be one year old October 8th. And she is our smallest resident of the street. Sadovaya. We wish her to grow up big and healthy, to the delight of mom and dad.
(a gift is given, congratulations from the head)

Congratulations to the long-liver.
1. On the street. Wonderful people live in Sadovaya, only 97 people, not so few. There are young people, there are older people, sedate ones. Of course, special gratitude on this festive day to the oldest resident of the street. Sadova - Olkhovskaya Tatyana Illarionovna. She turned 89 this June.
(congratulations from the head, a gift is presented)

Congratulations to Lukyanenko G.F.
2. Such is the nature of women
Every age is a blessing.
30s, 40s and any years
Should be gratefully received.
We wish you good and happiness without end.
So that there is a heart without interference,
Any work argued
Everything was a success!

Congratulations to Kimaev A.S.
1. We wish you Albert Stepanovich,
So that the heart beats rhythmically
So that the years slow down.
So that you never know troubles
Health was enough for a century.
And always remember that:
Each age is precious in its own way.
Life is good at every age
There would be only health and strength,
And I would have a young soul.
Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the Mironovs T.P. and A.N.
2. Sadovaya Street knew many different events, but the family has always remained the most important human value. Happy is he who is happy at home.
1. Dear friends, a wonderful married couple Mironovs lives on Sadovaya Street, for whom this year is an anniversary. On August 2, Tatyana Petrovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich celebrated the 45th anniversary of their life together.
2. Dear anniversaries!
Never give up, keep up the good work
To new anniversary was even brighter for you!
(6. song "A stream flows")
Congratulations for the Galician family
1. The strongest married couple on your street is the Galitsky family. They have been together for 46 years.
You lived together for more than one happy year.
Everything was in your life: joys, worries.
Whiskey is already white with worries,
But together they still walked along the road.
Congratulation of the head, gifts.
1. Dear friends! Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to all our guests, thanks to you, good people, residents of our village, for your skill and for the fact that you know how to have fun and work. Yes, the holiday was a success today, it was fun, friendly, interesting, it could not be otherwise:
2. After all, the sun alone shines above us,
The sky is one and the earth is one.
We are all yours, Novoyarki, native children,
One huge family.
We are all rural people.
(7. song "Villagers")

(The song "Village" sounds). An old car pulls into the square. on the trunk there is a banner "WHO WHERE - AND WE ARE TO THE NEIGHBORS"
An old driver (aka GRANDFATHER) gets out of the car and heads towards the audience, sits down on a bench.) His wife (aka BABKA) comes out behind him, holding a basket with a bucket, a bucket, a samovar, a string bag with gifts
bunch of bagels,)

GRANDFATHER: Healthy bulls, neighbors!!! Although we are Susids, we have not seen each other for a long time. This is such a village life: twist, tighten, so much so that there is no time to look up the mountain. You understand cows, pigs, chickens, children. In general, my grandmother and I decided to give up everything for a day and come to visit you. How do you accept? (looks around) Where is my grandmother?
BABKA: Yes, here I am! Tired of keeping these gifts and gifts.
GRANDFATHER: Baba, why did you fall from the oak tree? What are you, why did you drag it?
BABKA : And what about without gifts. After all, everyone loves gifts, right
GRANDFATHER: (Picks up a bag of vodka) That's what I mean by a present. Yes, and a samovar at a party will be needed, but what is that. And what is this, a kvochka is also a gift.?
BABKA: Yes, now, dreaming!. This is my Pestrushechka (strokes the crotch) Soon the chickens will bring us. (takes out an egg from under the crotch, puts it to his ear). Listen, it's moving. Oh, you are my Pestrushechka, honey. On listen.
GRANDFATHER: Well, I still don't get you.
BABKA: Well then, hold Pestrushechka, and I will say hello to the neighbors. Hello our dear neighbors, hello! (bows low) How is your health, do not get sick, like little children, grandchildren listen to honor .. you.? A. Yes, my grandfather and I are also okay, we creak a little. We get along as long as (stroking GRANDFATHER) Well, thank God! So what can I tell you .. I don’t even know where to start. Ah, I remembered!. My grandfather and I married our daughters, all three.
GRANDFATHER : All three, thank God.
BABKA: One moved to Ukraine, married a Ukrainian.
GRANDFATHER: Your fatherland.
BABKA: She remained in her grandfather's homeland. And the second one already got married in Turkey, where she found her happiness.
GRANDFATHER: Didn't go in grief?
BABKA: Pip on your tongue! But the third fellow, all married in Russia to her mother
GRANDFATHER: Your katsapschina.
BABKA : My, my. It used to come together as it is, grandfather, tell me how this word is ..
GRANDFATHER : International.
BABKA: Wow, international. But my grandfather and I are not worried. But our granddaughters were born both red-haired, and dark-haired, and with freckles .. How will everyone gather just like this? I forgot again, but .. international. And recently our granddaughters sent us a parcel from Russia. I'll show you gifts now. (opens the lid of the samovar, takes out bagels) Let's sit down now, have a cup of tea with our neighbors. (music is heard) Yes, here they are, my Russians. My you are golden.

Dance "Samovar" __________________________________________________
(at the end of the dance, the grandfather puts a samovar for his granddaughters and dances with them, the granddaughters take the samovar, run away)

GRANDFATHER: Oh, dragonflies killed grandfather!
BABKA : GRANDFATHER, what about a samovar and bagels?
GRANDFATHER: They took the granddaughters, but why do you feel sorry for the bagels, we still don’t have teeth.
BABKA : No, nothing is a pity for granddaughters. Don't worry. Most importantly, we arrived, we were respected.

(Piglets grunting is heard)

BABKA: DON'T WORRY, DO NOT WORRY, I HAVE THOUGHT EVERYTHING. WHAT ARE THE PAMPERS FOR? YOU GRANDFATHER AXIS SIT, YOU SHOULD NOT WORRY, YOUR HEART IS SO WEAK. ON-KA BETTER HOLD THE PESTRUSHCHKA. YES LOOK. (takes a bucket of "feed", calls piglets) OH, my good ones. Just take a look at them. Come here, I've cooked some porridge for you, eat, eat, fatten up salsa. (“pigs” eat food, one of them takes out an apple with his mouth)
Oh, and the apple caught!

Dance of piglets "APPLE" _______________________________________________

BABKA: Now we can rest until the evening. Is it true, grandfather?
GRANDFATHER : Yes, where to rest! Look, our granddaughter has arrived from Ukraine.
BABKA: Where are you playing?
GRANDFATHER. And there goes, look.

(Ukrainian song "My Ukraine" sounds)
(in Ukrainian costume with a tray in her hands is "Granddaughter")

GRANDDAUGHTER : Good day dear neighbors! Good day granny and didus! I came to you, but you are not at home. She figured out that you can buta, as if not from the neighbors. And right here. And I brought you a gift - a sonechko!
BABKA: (jumps up) Oh, sonechko, what is a sonechko? (looks at the sky) Ukrainian?
GRANDDAUGHTER: Why is it immediately Ukrainian! That you stop dividing us, Do not mean De we are all alive! Chi in Russia, Chi in Turechini is one son for all! Keep it granny
BABKA : No, don't let the neighbors treat.

(go together to the audience - treat)

GRANDDAUGHTER : I give it to you from a generous heart. Sch about you had guests, like a little son of rays., and on your table, a back from a pig. Mushrooms before appetizers Shche y sausages for guests and forever high you at the end of our sun.
BABKA : Well, granddaughter yak Pushkin, speak directly in verse. You are my sunshine! Grandfather, you told me yesterday that she would not come, but it turns out that you cheated?
GRANDFATHER : I didn’t get drunk, but I washed myself!
GRANDDAUGHTER: May you not weld! Grandpa really has nothing to do with it. Cholovik didn’t let me in truth. Yes, you know my mother, she will persuade anyone you want. Here I come.
BABKA : Oh, my granddaughter has such a heart, such a heart!
GRANDDAUGHTER : Axis about the heart I have a fine verse e. Listen to the axis! I'll remember right now.
BABKA: Tell granddaughter, tell me. And then I don’t know anything with this Ukrainian. zabula mustache for twenty years.
The Cossack is torturing the girl at the wattle fence
When will you love me Oksana?
I'll get a saber to steal mine
And bright pearls, and a bunch of rubles
The girl responded by braiding her braid:
About that, a fortune teller told me in the forest
She prophesies to me Sami in response:
Let mother bring me a heart as a gift.
No need for pearls, no need for rubles
Give me the heart of your old mother.
I will infuse his ashes with hops
I'll get drunk and love you!
Kozak from that day fell silent, frowned
Borscht did not sip and did not eat bread
With a blade he cut his mother's chest
And with the cherished burden set off.
He is her heart on a colored towel
Kohanoi brings in a shaggy hand
On the way, his eyes blurred,
A Cossack stumbled as he entered the porch
And mother's heart falling on the threshold
He asked him - “didn’t your son get hurt?”
(Grandma is crying)

GRANDDAUGHTER : Here's toby times! So why are you crying? Bulo would not tell the whole verse!
BABKA: And grandfather to say that I'm heartless!
GRANDFATHER: Calm down, you are my most cordial. Most most!!!
GRANDDAUGHTER: I'm so glad to kick you. What about your cow MILKA?

(sounds like a cow mooing)

GRANDFATHER : You sho, and shoved a cow at the trunk?
BABKA: I didn’t take the cow, did you fall from the oak? Here you did not take the cross! And uh-huh, uh-huh.... God, indeed our Milka came for us. And what time? Clearly, it's time to milk. Hold Pestrushechka, and I'll give Milk.

(a dancing Cow runs out to the square to the music (a large rubber glove with milk is sewn on its stomach).

BABKA (“milks” the cow then dances with her, gives her grandfather a drink of milk, granddaughter strokes the cow)
GRANDDAUGHTER : Granny, look like our Milka is hungry. Maybe I'll go and herd her while you talk to the neighbors.
BABKA : Go pasture, take Pestrushechka, let him warm up on the sun. Are my grandchildren good? But for one my soul oh how it hurts. This is the one that podolasya to the Turks, as she is there. If only I had wings, so
and flew and flew
GRANDFATHER: Navischo toby ty wings, look over there, our granddaughters themselves flew to us.

(the granddaughters of the "Turkish woman" come out)

BABKA : My golden, arrived, did not forget us. My dolls!!!

(Turkish belly dance

BABKA: You see, they were passing through, but they popped in!
GRANDFATHER: And our neighbors were respected. (heard clucking chickens) What's this?
BABKA: Here's to you! While Mabud was visiting the neighbors, did Pestrushka bring out the chickens? Oh, look, he's leading his chickens, he's leading!

(Kvochka comes out with the chickens.)
(Chicken dance)

BABKA : And for some reason I always think about what my grandfather rattled all the way: let's go, let's go.

(at this time, GRANDFATHER admires the young woman)

BABKA (sings the song "My Rival" - Kadysheva, chasing a young woman, beats GRANDFATHER with a rolling pin) GRANDFATHER grabs the grandmother on his shoulder, takes it away)


Please: when copying the script " good neighbors" from this site, make a link to our site or to the author (if any)

Nadezhda Rakutova

Scenario international day neighbor

Before the event, songs about family, kindness, and children are heard.

Under the backing track “wonderful neighbor”, the presenter comes out.

Leading: Everyone has neighbors: people, animals, countries.

And by and large, everyone is neighbors.

And if we are together, we are not afraid

No storm, no hurricane, no thunderstorms on the planet.

Celebrate Neighbors Day, don't be lazy

Forget TV for the evening.

Knock on your neighbor's door.

May your meeting be joyful and pleasant.

Good evening, dear friends: adults and children, residents of the microdistrict! So beautiful and good holiday, as the International Day of the Neighbor, which gathered us all on this beautiful warm May evening, began to be celebrated only in 2000, therefore, this is a new and modern holiday 21st century. It's time to reconsider our attitude towards the people around us, to become more responsive and attentive to our Neighbors, who surround us everywhere!

World Neighbors Day was invented by the French, they generally invented a lot of things that suited us too - cinema, cosmetics, chocolate and mayonnaise, an electric car and even the name of the single currency - the Euro! So let's root their recent innovation of celebrating World Neighbors Day! (applause)

In our typical house

We live with neighbors

Very fun and friendly.

After all, it is very necessary

For someone to support

To shake your hand in the morning,

Would lend salt and matches

I would talk in person

Happy neighbors day!

And I wish you patience

To all who live with us in the world,

Behind the wall, in another apartment.

And in order for us, the neighbors, to meet more often, walking with our beautiful children, a deputy of the Saratov City Duma *** installed a bright, environmentally friendly and safe children's room in the courtyard of the house at *** sports complex with comfortable benches for parents!

International Neighbor Day is celebrated on the eve of summer holidays! And summer is always leisure and fun! So let's play with you!

Not so long ago there was such a tradition - to visit each other, in a neighborly way, with pies, cookies, for tea, and just talk about everything and nothing. And now we want to offer you to bake an impromptu pie! But first, let's remember what ingredients we need for the test? (answers: flour, sugar, salt, water, butter, eggs, vanillin). Well done, you all know, and you and I will decorate our cake!

2 pies are laid out on the asphalt (the bases, 2 teams of children of 6 people each are selected, they are given fruits - strawberries, raspberries, a slice of tangerine, grapes, etc. And to the music, without running, the children come up and decorate the pie with berries. (Or a musical game "Loaf")

Leading: Well done boys! And you can try to bake a real delicious cake for yourself and your friends or neighbors at home with your mom and grandmother! And now I invite you to dance a little! Let's stand in a big circle so as not to interfere with each other, look at me and repeat all the movements after me!

Muses. charging "Hey couch potatoes"

game "Stomp your feet"

Dear friends, tell me, are you friends with your neighbors? Do you communicate? Or maybe there is some secret how to support with neighbors a good relationship? (People's answers are to say hello, to jointly maintain cleanliness in the entrance, not to make noise, etc.).

Great! But the guys know polite words? And what? (hello, goodbye, thank you, please, etc.).

Do we have those who are not yet familiar with their neighbors, but really want to make friends with them? Come to me, let's stand in a big circle! I suggest we all get to know each other, because even standing in a circle, each of us has a neighbor! Do you agree? (yes) So, I will say my name - Yana, and the one who is standing to my left says: "Yana is to my right, and my name is (name)" and so we continue along the chain until our circle closes! Ready? (Yes)

The game is being played

Leading: Guys, and now we want to invite you to draw bright drawings on the asphalt - about neighbors, about friendship, about summer! Take crayons, and then parents will choose the most best drawings! Do you agree? (Yes)

The children are handed out crayons and the children go to draw

Leading: And you, dear adults, listen for now to advice on how to become good neighbors!

1 If you are new or your neighbors have just moved, introduce yourself. Say hello, make a small symbolic gift(for example, homemade cake, congratulations on your housewarming. Tell me where the nearest grocery store where is the pharmacy.

2 Find out more about the life of your neighbors - what they do, what their work schedule is, whether they have a large family. This way you can avoid some problems before they start to surface. For example, if you find out that your neighbors work at night, you will try to be quieter during the day, knowing that at this time they sleep off. If there are small children in the family, you will try not to make noise in the evenings. Provide your neighbors with similar information about you. If you are going to do repairs or play drums, let us know in advance. Agree that if one begins to cause inconvenience to the other, the second will immediately report it.

3 Be careful with shared walls. If you are roommates, try not to place noisy household appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers. TV and speakers should also be kept away from the wall. If you live above someone, consider putting rubber mats under appliances to help reduce noise. Try not to stomp too loud when everyone else is asleep.

4 Watch your pets. If you live next door, keep your dog on a leash when you let him outside. Especially if your neighbors have a cat or dog. If your pet makes too much noise, this can also be a cause of conflict. Imagine yourself in the place of your neighbors and try to understand them. If your dog is barking loudly all the time, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

5 Warn about parties. If you decide to throw a party, notify your neighbors in advance, specifying when it will start and how long it will last. Just in case, leave them your phone number. If you like your neighbors, why not invite them too? At the party itself, stick to your agreement.

6 Keep your yard clean and tidy. If you live in your own house, keep an eye on your site. Remove weeds regularly. They not only spoil general form your yard, but may also spread to your neighbor's yard. Mow your lawn and prune your flowers, trees and shrubs when necessary. When using fertilizers, ask if any of your neighbors are allergic to them.

7 Keep an eye on the fire when roasting something in the yard. If you decide to fry kebabs or barbecue in your yard, watch the fire and follow all safety rules. Warn your neighbors about your intentions, perhaps on this very day they planned to dry clean clothes on the street. Having learned about your desire in advance, they may reschedule their plans.

8 Observe parking etiquette. When parking your car, be careful not to block your neighbor's exit. Try not to start the engine too late at night or too early in the morning. Its noise can wake up your neighbors.

9 Chat with your neighbors. Keep in touch with your neighbors and keep them updated on your plans. Remember" Golden Rule» - if you are going to do something about your neighbor, warn him about it in advance. Keep communication channels open: if your neighbor is unhappy with something, he should be able to tell you about it.

10 Don't forget to help each other. If your neighbors are moving away, keep an eye on their house or apartment. Do not lose vigilance and when they are at home. If you see suspicious people nearby, report them to your neighbors immediately.

11 Good neighbors look after each other. They give each other advice and offer help. They respect other people's borders and are always ready to support in emergency. They are looking for an opportunity for cooperation and will never refuse communication.

12 If you are convinced that the conflict with your neighbors is unresolvable, seek the advice of specialists. You may be able to legally enforce them.

Guys who have already drawn their drawing, who are already free, get up in a big circle, let's play and have fun! And parents will help us! Guys, repeat all the movements for us!

The game "We will go first to the right"

The game "What attracts a bird"

Leading: Well, guys, is everyone ready for drawings? Let's get a look! (evaluate the children's drawings and announce that friendship has won).

All the guys are great! And we keep playing!

bowling game

music the game "We are going to play" (the song of the Strekotushi and Mishka-Tishki)

Leading: Dear friends, we have found out that you are and will be friends with your neighbors, right? (yes) But they forgot to praise our wonderful neighbors! Need to fix this!

Let's play encryption with you, for each letter of the word "FRIENDSHIP" we will name what our neighbors are? For example, the letter "D" (shows a card with the letter) - kind, what else?

The game is being played

D kind, friendly, friendly.

R joyful, kindred, frisky.

Wu respected, successful, smiling.

Zh cheerful, horror what good, cheerful.

B cheerful, rich, fast.

And active, careful.

Host: Well done!

Be polite neighbors

Clean and modest.

And in midday conversation

Indulgent, smart.

Young people, respect

Grey-haired old people!

And don't throw cigarette butts

Past the damage and barrels!

Wise through the years

Have pity on the young!

Loving them without judging

You will forgive all their ardor

And forgetfulness is avaricious,

Songs, noise from all sides,

Life speed unearthly

And cars under the window.

Living side by side is not easy.

Learn to save the world!

For unruly teenagers

Be condescending!

We hope that you are surrounded by decent, good people, sympathetic neighbors, and you yourself are such! Let's never quarrel, listen to each other's requests, jointly maintain cleanliness and order in the entrances and in the yard, respect each other!

And once again, let's loudly and unanimously congratulate each other on the International Day of Neighbors by shouting "Congratulations!" (shouting)

Our holiday has come to an end! But we do not say goodbye, but we say to you - goodbye! See you soon!

While the audience disperses, the music plays.