Causes and treatment of hematoma during early pregnancy. How long should the discharge be with a hematoma during pregnancy and what is the danger of the situation How long can a hematoma go

What is pregnancy? Each woman will give a different answer to this question. For almost all expectant mothers, this is a period filled with a variety of emotions. Someone "interesting" position seems to be the most exciting in life. And there are female representatives who speak negatively about their condition. Most likely, this is due to the fact that they had to deal with a certain disease. For example, some patients have to find out how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy?

A few key features

What is a hematoma? It is a copious blood clot located between the wall of the uterus and the membrane in which the fetus is formed. Almost always, a hematoma appears in the first trimester. Only in isolated cases, specialists make such a diagnosis after the 16th week of pregnancy.

In total, two types of such a pathology can be distinguished - retrochorial and retroplacental. The first option is the most common. Experienced specialists know how retrochorial hematoma and retroplacental hematoma resolve. They take all possible measures in order to save the long-awaited pregnancy.

How to recognize pathology?

There are several characteristic signs, with the appearance of which, a girl can be sure that she has developed this pathology:

  1. The state of health worsens - a feeling of vomiting appears, which is easily confused with toxicosis, headache and weakness.
  2. The most obvious symptom is discharge during pregnancy. The clot constantly accumulates, which causes bruising.
  3. Drawing pains can be felt in the lower abdomen, they do not stop when changing position.
  4. The woman begins to feel anemia in the limbs.
  5. The patient is short of breath.

At the earliest stage of hematoma development, no accompanying symptoms may appear. The expectant mother is feeling well and enjoying her pregnancy. To recognize the presence of this pathology can only be done by ultrasound.

Diagnostic Measures

If such a negative phenomenon as a hematoma was found, then the patient must consult a gynecologist without fail. A specialist to confirm the diagnosis will prescribe the following diagnostics:

  • It is mandatory to do a second ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. It is advisable to do this in a paid clinic, where there is high-quality equipment. This will better determine the presence and size of a hematoma during pregnancy.
  • Upon examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist will take a smear on the flora, determine the nature of the discharge during pregnancy.
  • It is mandatory to pass the necessary tests (feces, urine, blood from a finger, blood from a vein).

Based on the results of this diagnosis, it is possible to determine whether there is a pathology that can threaten the full development of the fetus. If necessary, urgent treatment will be prescribed.

Why does she appear?

Experts identify several main reasons due to which a hematoma may appear:

  1. Most often this occurs due to exposure to the wall of the uterus. Perhaps a woman in the early stages of pregnancy hit or fell. It is for this reason that those who are planning to conceive a baby are prescribed complete rest.
  2. The risk group includes patients with chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, endometritis, hypertension, as well as those who have low levels of the hormone progesterone.
  3. Any bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), malnutrition and living in polluted conditions can aggravate the situation.
  4. Presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  5. Working under harmful conditions, such as strong vibration, noise and any kind of radiation.

There are situations when a woman led the right way of life, but she still developed a pathology. Doctors call this an individual feature of the body. Most likely, other women in the family faced the same problem. Do not despair in such a situation. It is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner in order to monitor how the hematoma resolves during pregnancy.

Preventive measures

Is it possible to completely prevent yourself from the appearance of pathology? Of course not. But there are several preventive measures to reduce the risk of its development:

  • A young couple, before moving on to the process of conceiving a baby, should consult a specialist. He will prescribe a series of tests that will determine the level of hormones in the blood, the presence of any diseases or infections. If necessary, complex treatment will be prescribed.
  • The expectant mother needs to lead a completely calm lifestyle, avoid stressful situations and physical exertion.
  • Partners are advised to eat as balanced as possible, add more fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products to their diet.
  • It is recommended to give up bad habits three months before conception.
  • A woman planning a pregnancy should get enough sleep and, at least one hour a day, take light walks in the fresh air.

If you adhere to all of the above measures, there will be a great chance that the patient will never know how the hematoma comes out during pregnancy.


If the specialist has determined that a detrimental pathology develops in the body of the expectant mother, then he completely forbids her to perform any physical exercises, lift weights and have sex. You will need to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause gas formation: beans and cabbage. He will advise you to eat small portions so that the overloaded intestines do not put pressure on the uterus.

It will be mandatory to prescribe the treatment of hematoma during pregnancy with medications. In most cases, "No-shpu", "Papaverine" and "Magne-B6" are prescribed. If the hematoma has a significant size, then "Utrozhestan" and "Dufaston" are added to the course of therapy

In rare cases, a woman with such a problem is left to be treated at home. She will be offered to go to the hospital, where she will be under the supervision of doctors.

How will she get out?

With proper treatment, the pathology will resolve and leave the patient's body. Many women are interested in the question of how does a hematoma come out during pregnancy? It happens like this:

  • Abundant secretions come out of the genital tract. They may have a viscous or liquid structure. The color can be brown or dark red (closer to burgundy).
  • Along with this, there is a very slight, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes it goes to the lower back and sides.

All these signs indicate that an old blood clot is coming out. Doctors call this a favorable sign and do not change the course of treatment. How long a hematoma lasts during pregnancy depends only on its size and shape. With proper therapy, this lasts from 7 to 20 days.

Unpleasant moments

A woman should be alert if she sees bright red blood coming out of her genital tract. This indicates that a new clot has appeared or an old one has increased. This symptom is accompanied by sharp pains in the pubic area, which are permanent. A woman should tell her doctor about these changes. In this case, the course of therapy is increased, and the period of treatment for hematoma during pregnancy is increased to five weeks.

About terms and forms

Before the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman can develop such a dangerous pathology as a retrochorial hematoma. In all patients, this disease is different. The most pleasant is the light form. The expectant mother feels well, the clot does not grow, constantly resolves, and there may not even be a discharge. The only consequence is the presence of an imprint from it on the placenta, which will not affect the development of the baby in any way.

With an average form of the disease, the girl experiences slight discomfort and she has a small discharge. Doctors quickly take action and safely eliminate such a pathology. The most dangerous is a severe form, it can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. It is accompanied by copious discharge, sharp pains and severe vomiting. The patient may even lose consciousness. It is recommended to urgently call an ambulance.

In rare cases, after the 16th week of pregnancy, a retroplacental hematoma develops. It also manifests itself in three degrees of severity. By this time, the placenta is already fully formed, so there are more chances to save the long-awaited baby.

Possible consequences

  • The fetal egg is deformed due to the strong pressure of blood clots. It will take the correct form in a few days after the elimination of this pathology. The baby will continue to develop fully.
  • Due to insufficient oxygen, hypoxia will occur.
  • The fetus will develop more slowly, which can lead to pregnancy fading.
  • Bleeding will increase, the body will begin to reject the placenta and spontaneous miscarriage will occur.
  • If the hematoma was formed in the later stages, then the birth process may be difficult, you will have to do a caesarean section.

The consequences can be the most unpleasant, up to the death of the fetus and mother, so it is urgently necessary to seek help from a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment in a hospital.

Forecasts and reviews

Many patients have experienced this problem. According to reviews of a hematoma during pregnancy, in most cases, an unfavorable outcome was avoided and it all ended with the long-awaited birth of a baby. Almost all patients took care of their health in time and turned to a specialist at a time when the blood clot occupied less than 40 percent of the size of the fetal egg. When this figure exceeds the norm, the chances of saving the embryo practically disappear.

Hematoma during pregnancy is a complex pathology that many patients have to face in the first trimester of bearing a baby. You should be very attentive to every change in your body, do not hesitate to talk about your problems to the doctor, and also adhere to the correct treatment. Only in this case can we hope for a favorable outcome - the birth of a healthy baby and the rapid recovery of the mother's body.

So, now you know how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy.

Retrochorial hematoma

Retrochorial (gravid) hematoma is an accumulation of blood clots in the space between the wall of the uterus and the fetal egg, or rather, the shell of the egg - the chorion, due to its rejection from the uterine wall. Chorion in the future, after 16 weeks, is transformed into the placenta, which means that it performs the same functions as the latter. Retrochorial hematoma occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

As a rule, this pathology is a consequence of the threat of abortion, but can be formed as a result of the destruction of the walls of the vessels of the uterus by chorionic villi during the growth of the chorion. It turns out a vicious circle: a growing hematoma aggravates the threat of abortion, and the ongoing threat stimulates the growth of the hematoma.

According to the time of formation, retrochorial and retroplacental hematomas are distinguished, which, in principle, is the same.

According to the severity of the course, retrochorial hematoma can be mild, moderate or severe.

The reasons for the formation of retrochorial hematoma are similar to the factors that cause the threat of abortion:

  • mechanical impact on the uterus (trauma, bruises);
  • hormonal disorders (lack of progesterone);
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetal egg (gross malformations);
  • stress;
  • inflammatory and tumor diseases of the uterus (endometritis, endometriosis, fibroids);
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • occupational hazards (noise, vibration, radiation);
  • early and late toxicosis;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • infantilism and anomalies of the genital organs;
  • alcohol and drug use, smoking;
  • systemic diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, collagenosis and others);
  • chronic somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology, and others);
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • disturbed ecology.

They also include diseases associated with vascular pathology, including uterine vessels.

Symptoms of retrochorial hematoma

As a rule, this disease is an accidental finding during the passage of a planned ultrasound. The woman does not complain and feels satisfactory. But sometimes retrochorial hematoma is accompanied by signs of a threatened abortion.

How does a hematoma come out

The main manifestation is dark red or brownish spotting from the genital tract. Their intensity is insignificant (from spotting to moderate) and depends on the size of the hematoma and the duration of pregnancy.

Dark red discharge with ultrasonographically confirmed retrochorial hematoma is a favorable rather than a dangerous sign. They indicate emptying of the retrochorial hematoma.

Dangerous discharge with a hematoma

The appearance of bright red discharge is considered an unfavorable symptom, especially in combination with pain in the lower abdomen. This indicates either an increase in the size of the hematoma and an increase in the threat of interruption, or that the hematoma is fresh, just formed, and it requires immediate treatment.

In addition, a woman is worried about aching or pulling pains that are localized in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. Usually, pain is constant, but it can also occur periodically, intensifying after physical exertion and other factors.

In some cases, retrochorial hematoma proceeds without any bleeding at all, and its presence is established after childbirth, finding an old hemorrhage site on the placenta.

Resorption of the hematoma lasts from 2 to 4-5 weeks.


The main diagnostic method of retrochorial hematoma is ultrasound of the uterus and ovum.

During this procedure, the following symptoms are detected:

  • local thickening of the uterine wall, which indicates an increase in uterine tone (short-term hypertonicity is possible during ultrasound with a vaginal sensor, in which case it is necessary to repeat the ultrasound with a transabdominal sensor, that is, through the anterior abdominal wall. The remaining muscle tone indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy);
  • a change in the shape of the fetal egg due to pressure on it from a thickened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe myometrium (the fetal egg acquires a boat-shaped or drop-shaped shape);
  • detection of retrochorial hematoma, clarification of its size, location and increase or decrease during re-examination.

In addition, the following laboratory tests are required:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood for clotting (platelets, bleeding time, fibrinogen, prothrombin and other factors);
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • blood chemistry;
  • screening for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • study of hormones (according to indications);
  • CTG and fetal doplerometry in late pregnancy.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma

Treatment of women with retrochorial hematoma is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Therapeutic measures continue throughout the entire period of the threat of termination of pregnancy (about a month), and are also repeated at dangerous times (12-14, 20-24, 28-32, 36-38 weeks).

First of all, to relax the muscle tone of the uterus and stop the signs of a threatened abortion, bed rest is prescribed, with legs raised, which allows you to normalize blood circulation in the uterus and empty the hematoma, provided it is localized in the bottom of the uterus.

  • sexual life;
  • weight lifting;

For this and not only purpose, the doctor will offer the patient hospitalization.

A pregnant woman is advised to adjust her diet. exclude products that cause gas formation (legumes, cabbage), fix stools or increase intestinal motility (chocolate, coffee, coarse fiber). The gas-filled intestine presses on the pregnant uterus and exacerbates the threat of interruption, increasing the size of the hematoma.

Be sure to observe psycho-emotional peace, for this sedatives are prescribed:

  • tincture of motherwort, valerian or peony;
  • novopassitis

To relax the uterine tone, antispasmodics are used:

In the early stages, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs and individually (!) Selects the necessary dosage and timing of administration:

To improve uteroplacental blood flow, prescribe:

  • vitamin E;
  • folic acid;
  • chimes, actovegin (strictly prescribed by a doctor);

In order to stop or prevent bleeding at the site of hematoma localization, hemostatic agents are used:

Consequences and prognosis

Retrochorial hematoma in most cases does not pose a further threat to the course of pregnancy, which ends safely through the natural birth canal.

An unfavorable prognostic sign is the hematoma size of about 60 cm 3. or if the hematoma area is 40% or more of the size of the fetal egg.

Possible consequences (in decreasing order of probability):

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • frozen pregnancy (missed miscarriage);
  • chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia;

Some research on pregnancy

Hematoma in the uterus during early pregnancy - a threat or not

The “special” position of a woman dictates an attentive attitude to health, condition, and mood. Subject " hematoma during pregnancy subject to detailed study. Quite often you have to face a number of troubles, and awareness is strength and the first step to healthy motherhood.

Hematoma. Description, reasons

Hematoma. What it is basically? This is an accumulation of blood / bruising / bruising, due to damage to soft tissues, violations of the integrity of blood vessels. Bruises, blows, physical injuries - the root cause.

Hematoma in the uterus- a potential risk to the life of the child and the health of the mother. There may be several reasons for its formation:

  • the phenomenon of severe toxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory processes of the uterus, diseases of the endometrium (internal mucous membrane of the uterus);
  • stress;
  • pathological changes;
  • hormonal "restructuring";
  • thrombophilia (risk of thrombosis, impaired coagulation - the result of poor blood clotting);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dependence on alcohol, drugs, tobacco;
  • high jumps of noise, vibration;
  • genital infantilism (underdevelopment of the genital organs).

Consciously follow the recommendations of specialists; should be attentive to the sensations; do an ultrasound in a timely manner; provide honest information about yourself and your partner; not to hide the presence of genetic diseases - mandatory, important steps for a pregnant woman.

Retrochorial hematoma

Such a violation is often not accompanied by "specific" symptoms or does not manifest itself at all. But in fact retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy - detachment of the fetal egg from the chorion. The distance between them is filled with blood, so you can meet the medical term "Membranous hematoma in pregnancy".

Chorion - the shell of the fetal egg, the future placenta.

The completion of the "construction" of the placenta occurs at a period of 16 weeks, so this type is hematoma during early pregnancy. Only the attending physician is responsible for the diagnosis, having carefully studied the symptoms, anamnesis, and test results.

In order not to mislead yourself, you should know about the existence of the term subamniotic hematoma in pregnancy. It occurs less frequently in medical practice and is characterized by independent resorption, without medical intervention. Therefore, do not confuse the diagnoses.

The neglected form of retrochorial hematoma is called "retroplacental". It comes after 16 weeks, when the fetal egg exfoliates already from the placenta. The degree of risk and adverse effects on the fetus increases.


Ultrasound examination of the uterus - the main research method retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy. The ultrasound machine allows you to identify the deformation of the fetal egg, thickening of the walls of the uterus, the size and localization of complications.

Auxiliary check the blood flow of the placenta and fetal vessels using Doppler. The study describes the direction of arterial and venous blood flow, the lumen of the vessels. Diagnostics allows you to identify an insufficient supply of blood to the embryo, hypoxia - what is fraught with hematoma during early pregnancy .

Required tests

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • coagulogram;
  • smears from the vagina;
  • hormonal screening;
  • blood test for biochemistry.

Coagulogram- blood clotting test; a test of the body's ability to protect itself from blood loss. The indicators are affected by: pregnancy itself, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver.

early discovered hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy– a chance for a quick, painless recovery. Its dimensions are directly proportional to the degree of risk and undesirable development of complications. That is why high-quality diagnosis, consultation with a worthy obstetrician-gynecologist is the key to a healthy pregnancy and natural childbirth.

A small hematoma tends to resolve itself and come out with secretions from the vagina; identified after birth. The duration of treatment is calculated on average for 30 days with the stay of the expectant mother in the hospital. The list of indicators and the standard algorithm of actions is given in the table.

The color of the discharge is an important indicator: bright red indicates the development of bleeding, uterine hematoma continues to grow; brown - blood clotting, presumably "resorption".

Simple pelvic lift exercises help drain blood, thereby reducing hematoma growth. The effectiveness of treatment is determined by how does a hematoma come out during pregnancy, whether it is emptying with dark brown vaginal discharge.

In the case of persistent heavy bleeding in severe cases, doctors may decide to terminate the pregnancy by abortion. It is important to be under the careful supervision of specialists - "on conservation", to report complaints and concerns in a timely manner.

Possible consequences

Extensive hematoma in early pregnancy subject to mandatory treatment, clarification of the causes of occurrence. Compliance with all prescriptions and medication effects have a positive effect of treatment, normal blood circulation is restored.

Especially dangerous uterine hematoma in early pregnancy. when the size of the detachment of the fetal egg is close to 40% of the total area. There is a possibility of undesirable consequences:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • intrauterine growth retardation.

This is a list of especially dangerous complications, therefore, in no case should you consciously allow an increase in the size and growth of a hematoma. Don't despair! Even retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy 7 weeks - not a sentence, with adequate treatment and careful attitude to your body.

  1. Do not panic. Nervous shocks adversely affect embryonic development.
  2. Do not run. Do not neglect the bearing of a child.
  3. Do not overload the body: food (especially harmful), physical activity, negativity.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask the question: What is a hematoma during pregnancy and get a detailed qualified answer.
  5. Not to wait. An appointment in the ultrasound room for two weeks in advance - find another doctor on vacation - find a good gynecologist.
  6. Protect yourself from nervous shocks. Be doubly careful.
  7. Immediately go to the hospital if you have complaints.

How does a hematoma come out during pregnancy?

A retrochorial hematoma is a blood clot that forms between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. It usually accompanies the threat of miscarriage. Expectant mothers such a diagnosis gives a lot of anxiety. Many are interested in how and how much a hematoma comes out during pregnancy, as well as what are the ways to treat it. It will be useful to understand the information about this violation.

Doctors distinguish between several degrees of hematoma:

  • the lung can be detected only on ultrasound, it does not manifest itself in any way;
  • the middle one makes itself felt with pains in the lower abdomen, as well as spotting;
  • in severe form, cramping pains, bleeding appear, fainting is possible due to a sharp decrease in pressure.

Since pathology is fraught with miscarriage, one should not hesitate to seek medical help. Having noticed alarming symptoms in herself, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe treatment and tell you in detail how a retrochorial hematoma comes out during pregnancy. This process consists in the fact that the clot gradually decreases in size and completely disappears, and the blood comes out through the cervix to the outside.

To help the body cope with the task, patients are given the following recommendations:

  • observe bed rest (it is desirable to lie with a raised pelvis);
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • exclude products that cause gas formation;
  • add more cereals to the diet;
  • drink more liquids, for example, juice, kefir;
  • give up sexual activity;
  • do not lift weights, exclude physical activity.

Also, the doctor may recommend a vitamin complex or separately ascorbic acid, vitamin E and group B. The emotional peace of a woman is important. Therefore, sedatives may be recommended to her. It can be valerian or motherwort infusion. As painkillers, No-shpu is prescribed. In order to improve the blood supply to the uterus, "Kurantil" can be prescribed. You can not drink these drugs on your own on the recommendation of friends. Any self-medication can harm the baby. All drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will monitor therapy with ultrasound and other examinations.

In mild forms, when the hematoma does not pose a particular threat to pregnancy, the doctor can generally only observe it and give general recommendations. In such a situation, it can resolve itself without any consequences. Other degrees may require hospital treatment. It is important to know how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy. The emptying of the clot can be judged by the presence of secretions. But you need to pay attention to their character. The fact that the clot is resolving is evidenced by brown discharge in small quantities. They are coagulated blood that filled the hematoma. Their presence is considered auspicious. Sometimes the process is accompanied by a pulling pain in the abdomen. Scarlet blood from the genital tract is an alarming sign and a reason to urgently consult a doctor, as this may indicate a worsening situation. There is no exact answer to the question of how long a hematoma lasts during pregnancy. Since it depends on its size, as well as the characteristics of the health of the woman. Approximate terms are from 2 to 5 weeks.

Each complication in an unfavorable development of events has its own consequences. During pregnancy, violations are of particular importance, because their consequences, to a greater extent, concern the baby. Women, first of all, are concerned about how this or that disease will affect the baby.

Most expectant mothers are extremely concerned about the successful course of pregnancy, and any violations cause them anxiety. In particular, in the first trimester, there are often threats of spontaneous abortion. Next, we will discuss how to prevent miscarriage.

The ring on the cervix during pregnancy is put on in various situations that require correction, the most common of which is the diagnosis of ICI. This fairly simple design has enough advantages over suturing the neck. Let's take a closer look at what a pessary is.

Scanty discharge of various colors is often observed by women during pregnancy at different gestational ages. What can such a daub mean during this period, and is it worth it to see a doctor - we will discuss this in our article.

The appearance of spotting after a hematoma during pregnancy is one of the main symptoms of a rather dangerous pathology. The result of this condition may be a miscarriage or health problems in the child. The degree of danger depends on the term, as well as the type of anomaly.

Hematoma is the general name for the accumulation of blood in the soft tissues as a result of injury. Simply put, the same bruise that occurs at the site of impact. After conception, the fetus is attached to the endometrium of the uterus. In the area of ​​​​the connection, the placenta is gradually formed - an important organ that nourishes the baby throughout the pregnancy.

As a result of various violations or some circumstances, detachment occurs. It can be minor, partial or complete. Blood accumulates in the cavity from damaged vessels. A hematoma forms during pregnancy.

The period of bearing a baby is not always happy. Unfortunately, many mothers are faced with such a dangerous diagnosis as retrochorial hematoma during early pregnancy. This condition threatens miscarriage and other dangerous complications. What kind of pathology is this, why it occurs and what are its symptoms, we will understand in the article.

By the word hematoma, doctors mean an area in the human body with clotted blood. Retrochorial hematoma (RCH) is an area with clotted blood in the region of the chorion. Such formation occurs, as a rule, in the first trimester, before the chorion is converted into the placenta. Pathology indicates that there is a rupture of the capillaries connecting the chorion and the wall of the uterus. This is where his rejection begins.

Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy in the first trimester indicates the onset of rejection of the chorion, as well as the appearance of a void between the amniotic egg and the wall of the reproductive organ. If a hematoma forms in the second or third trimester, that is, during the period when the placenta is already fully formed, such a dangerous condition occurs as its detachment. The ICD-10 code is T81.0.

Most often, the disease in the early stages of bearing a baby manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the pain is pulling in nature. Many girls also complain of discomfort in the lumbar region, but this is just an imaginary sign. In fact, the pain just radiates to the back. Another common symptom of a hematoma is the appearance of bloody spotting.

By the quantity and nature of this secret, a specialist can assess the size and danger of education. With the appearance of scarlet discharge in any week, the doctor may suspect that the resulting cavity is growing rapidly and has reached sizes that threaten the life of the fetus. In addition to bright red discharge, pregnant women also often feel pain of a cutting nature, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In such cases, the expectant mother needs urgent medical care and hospitalization.

The fact that the retrochorial hematoma in the uterus is resolving is indicated by the discharge of a dark burgundy shade. They are usually inconspicuous. If before that the patient had a scarlet copious secret, but it was replaced by dark spotting, this indicates that the formation does not increase in size, but resolves. This indicates a reduction in the risk of losing a child.

Many mothers with the development of a problem in the organization stage may not observe any discharge at all. The appearance of a hematoma in the internal pharynx or another part of the uterus can be indicated only by pulling pains, similar in nature to menstrual pains. If you feel such a sign, you should immediately inform your doctor about it. Early diagnosis of the problem increases the chances of a favorable outcome for mother and baby.

Often, retrochorial hematoma occurs in pregnant women without visible symptoms. Mommy can learn about the development of this dangerous pathology at an early stage only during a planned ultrasound scan.

On such a basis as the presence or absence of a secret on underwear, a gynecologist can judge some features of the course of the pathology. For example, if there is no discharge, we can say that the formation has formed in the upper part of the genital organ and can only be detected using ultrasound.

Even slight bloody or brown discharge indicates an early stage of the disease. If at the same time the blood continues to accumulate, over time the discharge will be more abundant. Having found even slight red spots on the underwear, a woman should immediately seek medical help.

According to medical statistics, about 70% of women face this problem to one degree or another during childbearing. To date, scientists have not been able to identify the exact causes of this pathology. Presumably, the following conditions should be attributed to the provoking factors of this problem:

  • Intense physical activity during pregnancy and overstrain of the abdominal muscles. During the bearing of the baby, the expectant mother must refrain from lifting weights and sports that involve intense exercise. If you wish, you can do yoga, swimming, or just walk more often in the fresh air.
  • Another very common cause of hematoma formation is emotional upheaval and stress. Due to hormonal changes, during this period, the expectant mother often becomes irritable, acutely perceives even trifling situations. To prevent the development of retrochorial hematoma, you need to try to be less nervous. This will help prevent many unwanted complications.
  • Various abdominal injuries can provoke a pathological condition. This can happen in public places, for example, in a tram or train, when someone accidentally pushes a woman. In this case, spotting may appear after a few days.
  • Anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs in the mother, as well as various infections of the reproductive system.
  • Bad habits - alcohol, active or passive smoking.
  • A severe form of toxicosis can lead to the formation of a hematoma.
  • Infectious and non-infectious inflammatory processes in the body of a pregnant woman.

The causes of pathology also include some endocrine diseases. These include diabetes, thyroid disease. If the expectant mother has diabetes, she must carefully monitor her diet, lifestyle and visit a specialist in a timely manner.

Unfavorable environmental conditions can also provoke the disease. According to medical statistics, women who live in rural areas or small non-industrial towns are less likely to experience pathology.

Treatment of pathology

Having heard from the doctor such a diagnosis as a retrochorial hematoma, the expectant mother should not panic. Extra worries are useless now. The first thing that needs to be provided to a woman during this period is complete emotional and physical peace. For this, a pregnant woman is shown staying in a hospital. This helps to eliminate physical stress and psychological experiences.

If the treatment takes place at home, the patient needs bed rest. Most of all her time, the expectant mother should lie down. In this case, it is desirable that the legs are slightly raised. Thanks to this position, it is possible to quickly achieve normalization of blood circulation in the uterus. Intimacy is banned. The fact is that with contraction of the uterus, the risk of detachment of the fetal egg greatly increases.

In addition, any physical activity that may lead to contraction of the abdominal muscles is prohibited. In no case should you lift weights, run, jump, bend over, stay in a standing or sitting position for a long time. The patient needs to lie down a lot, eat right, breathe fresh air if possible.

If the formation was detected, but the threat was stopped, the woman should pay special attention to her body and take all measures to prevent a recurrence of the pathology.

Critical periods of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, there are several critical periods during which the expectant mother must pay special attention to her body. Let's look at them in a table.

This does not mean that, for example, from 9 to 12 weeks, a woman should not take care of her health. Take care of your body at all stages of pregnancy. At the same time, it is very important to eat right, to avoid bad habits, not to lift weights, to rest more, to try to eliminate stress. This will help minimize the risk of retrochorial hematoma formation.

Often, the pathological condition under consideration has to be treated with the help of medications. Reviews of doctors indicate that it is impossible to cope with the deviation without the use of drugs. In this case, the type of medication, its dosage, method of administration and duration of the course of treatment is determined individually for each patient.

Therapy is carried out taking into account the tests and symptoms that accompany the pathological process. In this case, the following means are used:

  • Antispasmodics that allow you to cope with painful sensations (No-Shpa, Magne B6, Papaverine Candles).
  • With the development of a hematoma in the early stages, hormonal drugs may be needed. They help stop the growth of education and reduce the risk of developing negative consequences.
  • Various vitamin complexes are used to restore the balance of nutrients in the body. Including folic acid.
  • To prevent the growth of the formation, hemostatic agents are prescribed. The drugs are selected by the doctor in a certain dosage, depending on the intensity of bleeding.
  • Sedatives help to normalize the psychological state of the pregnant woman. While carrying a baby, a woman can drink soothing herbal preparations (motherwort, mint, valerian).

It is important to consider that the functioning of the digestive system, in particular the intestines, directly affects the uterine tone. It is this organ that is located close to the uterus. If processes such as constipation, excessive gas formation, diarrhea are observed in the intestines, this negatively affects the reproductive organ itself. Often such violations lead even to a miscarriage.

While carrying a child, the expectant mother should take care of her nutrition. You need to eat more vegetables. Fruits, dairy, dairy products, cereals. It is better to refuse a large number of sweets, too fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods. Proper and balanced nutrition has a positive effect on the health of mom and baby.

The most dangerous and severe consequence of pathology is a miscarriage or premature birth. This condition can be prevented only with the timely detection of the problem and its competent treatment. Less often, pregnancy fading occurs, that is, the fetus stops developing. Statistics show that such a complication is extremely rare, however, it cannot be completely ruled out. As for the prognosis for the patient, in most cases it is positive. With adequate treatment, mommy manages to cope with the problem and endure a healthy baby.

If the formation appeared in the late stages of pregnancy and placental abruption occurred, the pregnant woman is shown urgent delivery in the form of a Caesarean section.

How does a retrochorial hematoma come out?

Can the formation dissolve on its own and leave the uterus? With proper treatment and compliance with all the doctor's prescriptions, the growth of the hematoma stops and the blood comes out in the form of secretions. Reviews of mothers indicate that they had a hematoma with a clot or smearing discharge. If they stopped, then the outcome for the woman will be positive. Despite this, if even a slight bloody or brown secret appears on the underwear, the mother should immediately contact her doctor.


In this video you will find more information on the topic that interests you. Be sure to watch the video to the end.

What is pregnancy? Each woman will give a different answer to this question. For almost all expectant mothers, this is a period filled with a variety of emotions. Someone "interesting" position seems to be the most exciting in life. And there are female representatives who speak negatively about their condition. Most likely, this is due to the fact that they had to deal with a certain disease. For example, some patients have to find out how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy?

A few key features

What is a hematoma? It is a copious blood clot located between the wall of the uterus and the membrane in which the fetus is formed. Almost always, a hematoma appears in the first trimester. Only in isolated cases, specialists make such a diagnosis after the 16th week of pregnancy.

In total, two types of such a pathology can be distinguished - retrochorial and retroplacental. The first option is the most common. Experienced specialists know how retrochorial hematoma and retroplacental hematoma resolve. They take all possible measures in order to save the long-awaited pregnancy.

How to recognize pathology?

There are several characteristic signs, with the appearance of which, a girl can be sure that she has developed this pathology:

  1. The state of health worsens - a feeling of vomiting appears, which is easily confused with toxicosis, headache and weakness.
  2. The most obvious symptom is discharge during pregnancy. The clot constantly accumulates, which causes bruising.
  3. Drawing pains can be felt in the lower abdomen, they do not stop when changing position.
  4. The woman begins to feel anemia in the limbs.
  5. The patient is short of breath.

At the earliest stage of hematoma development, no accompanying symptoms may appear. The expectant mother is feeling well and enjoying her pregnancy. To recognize the presence of this pathology can only be done by ultrasound.

Diagnostic Measures

If such a negative phenomenon as a hematoma was found, then the patient must consult a gynecologist without fail. A specialist to confirm the diagnosis will prescribe the following diagnostics:

  • It is mandatory to do a second ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. It is advisable to do this in a paid clinic, where there is high-quality equipment. This will better determine the presence and size of a hematoma during pregnancy.
  • Upon examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist will take a smear on the flora, determine the nature of the discharge during pregnancy.
  • It is mandatory to pass the necessary tests (feces, urine, blood from a finger, blood from a vein).

Based on the results of this diagnosis, it is possible to determine whether there is a pathology that can threaten the full development of the fetus. If necessary, urgent treatment will be prescribed.

Why does she appear?

Experts identify several main reasons due to which a hematoma may appear:

  1. Most often this occurs due to exposure to the wall of the uterus. Perhaps a woman in the early stages of pregnancy hit or fell. It is for this reason that those who are planning to conceive a baby are prescribed complete rest.
  2. The risk group includes patients with chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, endometritis, hypertension, as well as those who have low levels of the hormone progesterone.
  3. Any bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), malnutrition and living in polluted conditions can aggravate the situation.
  4. Presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  5. Working under harmful conditions, such as strong vibration, noise and any kind of radiation.

There are situations when a woman led the right way of life, but she still developed a pathology. Doctors call this an individual feature of the body. Most likely, other women in the family faced the same problem. Do not despair in such a situation. It is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner in order to monitor how the hematoma resolves during pregnancy.

Preventive measures

Is it possible to completely prevent yourself from the appearance of pathology? Of course not. But there are several preventive measures to reduce the risk of its development:

  • A young couple, before moving on to the process of conceiving a baby, should consult a specialist. He will prescribe a series of tests that will determine the level of hormones in the blood, the presence of any diseases or infections. If necessary, complex treatment will be prescribed.
  • The expectant mother needs to lead a completely calm lifestyle, avoid stressful situations and physical exertion.
  • Partners are advised to eat as balanced as possible, add more fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products to their diet.
  • It is recommended to give up bad habits three months before conception.
  • A woman planning a pregnancy should get enough sleep and, at least one hour a day, take light walks in the fresh air.

If you adhere to all of the above measures, there will be a great chance that the patient will never know how the hematoma comes out during pregnancy.


If the specialist has determined that a detrimental pathology develops in the body of the expectant mother, then he completely forbids her to perform any physical exercises, lift weights and have sex. You will need to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause gas formation: beans and cabbage. He will advise you to eat small portions so that the overloaded intestines do not put pressure on the uterus.

It will be mandatory to prescribe the treatment of hematoma during pregnancy with medications. In most cases, "No-shpu", "Papaverine" and "Magne-B6" are prescribed. If the hematoma has a significant size, then "Utrozhestan" and "Dufaston" are added to the course of therapy

In rare cases, a woman with such a problem is left to be treated at home. She will be offered to go to the hospital, where she will be under the supervision of doctors.

How will she get out?

With proper treatment, the pathology will resolve and leave the patient's body. Many women are interested in the question of how does a hematoma come out during pregnancy? It happens like this:

  • Abundant secretions come out of the genital tract. They may have a viscous or liquid structure. The color can be brown or dark red (closer to burgundy).
  • Along with this, there is a very slight, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes it goes to the lower back and sides.

All these signs indicate that an old blood clot is coming out. Doctors call this a favorable sign and do not change the course of treatment. How long a hematoma lasts during pregnancy depends only on its size and shape. With proper therapy, this lasts from 7 to 20 days.

Unpleasant moments

A woman should be alert if she sees bright red blood coming out of her genital tract. This indicates that a new clot has appeared or an old one has increased. This symptom is accompanied by sharp pains in the pubic area, which are permanent. A woman should tell her doctor about these changes. In this case, the course of therapy is increased, and the period of treatment for hematoma during pregnancy is increased to five weeks.

About terms and forms

Before the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman can develop such a dangerous pathology as a retrochorial hematoma. In all patients, this disease is different. The most pleasant is the light form. The expectant mother feels well, the clot does not grow, constantly resolves, and there may not even be a discharge. The only consequence is the presence of an imprint from it on the placenta, which will not affect the development of the baby in any way.

With an average form of the disease, the girl experiences slight discomfort and she has a small discharge. Doctors quickly take action and safely eliminate such a pathology. The most dangerous is a severe form, it can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. It is accompanied by copious discharge, sharp pains and severe vomiting. The patient may even lose consciousness. It is recommended to urgently call an ambulance.

In rare cases, after the 16th week of pregnancy, a retroplacental hematoma develops. It also manifests itself in three degrees of severity. By this time, the placenta is already fully formed, so there are more chances to save the long-awaited baby.

Possible consequences

  • The fetal egg is deformed due to the strong pressure of blood clots. It will take the correct form in a few days after the elimination of this pathology. The baby will continue to develop fully.
  • Due to insufficient oxygen, hypoxia will occur.
  • The fetus will develop more slowly, which can lead to pregnancy fading.
  • Bleeding will increase, the body will begin to reject the placenta and spontaneous miscarriage will occur.
  • If the hematoma was formed in the later stages, then the birth process may be difficult, you will have to do a caesarean section.

The consequences can be the most unpleasant, up to the death of the fetus and mother, so it is urgently necessary to seek help from a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment in a hospital.

Forecasts and reviews

Many patients have experienced this problem. According to reviews of a hematoma during pregnancy, in most cases, an unfavorable outcome was avoided and it all ended with the long-awaited birth of a baby. Almost all patients took care of their health in time and turned to a specialist at a time when the blood clot occupied less than 40 percent of the size of the fetal egg. When this figure exceeds the norm, the chances of saving the embryo practically disappear.

Hematoma during pregnancy is a complex pathology that many patients have to face in the first trimester of bearing a baby. You should be very attentive to every change in your body, do not hesitate to talk about your problems to the doctor, and also adhere to the correct treatment. Only in this case can we hope for a favorable outcome - the birth of a healthy baby and the rapid recovery of the mother's body.

So, now you know how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy.

The appearance of bleeding after a hematoma during pregnancy is one of the main symptoms of a rather dangerous pathology. The result of this condition may be a miscarriage or health problems in the child. The degree of danger depends on the term, as well as the type of anomaly.

What is a hematoma during pregnancy?

Hematoma is the general name for the accumulation of blood in the soft tissues as a result of injury. Simply put, the same bruise that occurs at the site of impact. After conception, the fetus is attached to the endometrium of the uterus. In the junction area, the placenta is gradually formed - an important organ that nourishes the baby throughout pregnancy.

As a result of various violations or some circumstances, detachment occurs. It can be minor, partial or complete. Blood accumulates in the cavity from damaged vessels. A hematoma forms during pregnancy.

There are 2 types of such an anomaly in terms of gestation:

  1. Retrochorial is formed in the not yet developed placenta. Until the 16th week of pregnancy, the embryo is nourished through the outer shell of the fetal egg - the chorion. If for some reason a partial detachment from the uterine wall occurs, then a retrochorial hematoma is formed. During this period, this situation can lead to a miscarriage. The anomaly is characterized by brown spotting, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are favorable, as they confirm the resorption of the hematoma. It is worth panicking if the scarlet-colored liquid turns into bleeding.
  2. Retroplacental is formed in an already full-fledged placenta from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. The risks in this case are similar. Either the hemorrhage will resolve, or premature birth will occur. Symptoms in the form of brown scanty discharge, uterine hypertonicity and pulling the lower abdomen. In addition, the baby begins to kick hard, and during the examination they find a slowdown or increase in heart rate. Depending on the severity of the hematoma, it can affect the development of the child, growth and weight gain. Significant bleeding is a sign of complete placental abruption, which threatens the state of pregnancy and the life of the mother and fetus.

In the diagnostic report, you can see several other definitions of the problem that are important only for the doctor when prescribing therapy:

  • Subchorionic;
  • Retroamniotic;
  • subamniotic;
  • Intrauterine.

There are also acute, moderate and mild hematomas of pregnant women according to the size of the formation.

Attention! According to the reviews of women, many of them encountered an abnormality of the placenta and brownish scanty discharge for a period of 6-8 weeks. Timely treatment helped bring the condition back to normal.

What does brown vaginal discharge mean?

A similar symptom occurs in 2 cases: at the initial stage of the development of the pathology, as well as with self-resorption of the hematoma. Daubs of dark shades are clots of clotted old blood from a “bruise” in the uterus. Most often, the sign confirms the healing and neutralization of the problem.

When the diagnosis is accompanied by light brown or beige discharge, you should not worry much. Microscopic retrochorial hematoma is found in approximately 20% of pregnant women.

If the smears turn into abundant and scarlet, then this means the progress of the hematoma. If you do not provide medical care, the placenta will exfoliate so much that the death of the fetus will occur.

A brown spot in the form of small clots will come out with a moderate degree of retrochorial or retroplacental hematoma, which is already a potentially dangerous condition.

How long does it take for a hematoma to empty?

Depending on the size and whether the “bruise” progresses or heals, brown spotting is present from 1 day to half a month. In the case of a longer process, the woman is carefully examined, perhaps the hematoma does not heal.

How to detect the problem?

The presence of even a couple of drops of blood in the secretions of a pregnant woman is a high risk. Therefore, the help of doctors is needed.

Signs for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist:

  • Brown daub;
  • Pulls down in the pubic area;
  • Lower back pain;
  • The stomach tenses.

Symptoms for an immediate call for an ambulance:

  • Bloody discharge of any intensity for up to 12 weeks;
  • Sharp and cutting pains;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Fainting.


At any stage of pregnancy, an ultrasound is immediately performed to assess the condition of the fetus and placenta. This test can also check for heartbeat, hypoxia, and many possible abnormalities. It is to identify the hematoma and its severity that only ultrasound is required.

To determine the cause, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out:

  • smear for infection;
  • Detailed blood tests;
  • Coagulogram - for clotting;
  • Dopplerometry of the vessels of the placenta;
  • Hormone analysis;
  • Biochemistry;
  • And others.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

The only way to detect a hematoma is by ultrasound. Therefore, a woman with brown scanty discharge can independently undergo an examination if the condition does not require emergency assistance. This will speed up the timely identification of the problem.

What, besides a miscarriage, is a hematoma dangerous?

The consequences of the formation of gaps between the feeding organ and the wall of the uterus are different. With a mild degree, this can only slightly slow down the growth and development of the child. The situation is sometimes revealed only after childbirth in the form of bruises on the placenta.

With moderate severity of hematoma in the 1st trimester, the anomaly can seriously change the normal formation of organs. The embryo lacks not only nutrition, but also oxygen, which greatly affects the work and formation of the brain.

Extensive hematomas, the contents of which exceed 20 ml, can lead to developmental abnormalities. With a “bruise” separating the uterus and placenta by 40% or more, the child noticeably lags behind in intrauterine development. So, one of the parameters - KTP (size from the coccyx to the crown) can lag behind by 10 or more days.

With a severe degree of pathology, uteroplacental apoplexy sometimes develops - Kuveler's uterus. This is a condition in which the hematoma extends into the myometrium. The muscles of the organ lose their contractile abilities, the wall becomes covered with cracks. Bleeding is directed into the abdominal cavity, and vaginal discharge is spotting. The patient is in severe pain. In such a situation, an emergency caesarean section is prescribed, and the uterus can only be saved in some cases. If you do not seek medical help, the woman will die from bleeding.

In some cases, partial abruption of the placenta with the formation of a hematoma leads to intrauterine death of the child. At the same time, a woman may notice the absence of movements in the later stages, as well as brown spotting.

Why does hematoma occur during pregnancy?

Daubing as a result of placental abruption with the formation of a “bruise” is a consequence of different prerequisites:

  • Hormonal disbalance. Often, with a lack of progesterone, pregnancy develops incorrectly, especially with regard to the formation and functioning of the placenta and the condition of the amniotic membranes;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Late toxicosis - preeclampsia;
  • Tendency to jumps in blood pressure;
  • stress;
  • Genetic abnormalities of the fetus;
  • Exchange disorders;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Dangerous addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction;
  • Congenital abnormal development of the uterus.

Hematoma treatment

When brown discharge appears, the doctor evaluates the condition of the placenta using diagnostics. And also finds out the causes of the pathology. With mild severity, a woman is prescribed Utrozhestan or Duphaston, which replenish progesterone in the body and help save the child. Vitamin C, E, group B, Askorutin, complexes are also prescribed.

If the patient's condition threatens with serious consequences, then she is sent to the hospital. The woman is prescribed bed rest and complete rest. In the hospital, No-shpa, Papaverine, Dicinon, Vikasol, Tranexam and others are injected, depending on the situation. These funds relieve the tone of the uterus and stop bleeding.

To establish normal blood circulation in the brain and prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus, Curantil and Actovegin are used.

Attention! The necessary drugs are selected individually. Self-medication in this case is dangerous.

Not less than it is important to avoid straining when emptying, as well as increased gas formation. Therefore, the patient is recommended a diet that prevents constipation and flatulence. Prolonged sitting in the toilet with straining can increase bleeding and increase the hematoma. You can use safe laxatives, such as microenemas, to help you have an easy bowel movement. Sexual relations for the period of threat are excluded due to the mechanical effect on the organs.


You can prevent the appearance of hematomas during pregnancy by observing a healthy lifestyle, regularly visiting a gynecologist and undergoing a preliminary examination before conception. In the case of brown vaginal discharge that has already appeared, it is better to entrust your condition to a gynecologist.

A retrochorial hematoma is a blood clot that forms between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. It usually accompanies the threat of miscarriage. Expectant mothers such a diagnosis gives a lot of anxiety. Many are interested in how and how much a hematoma comes out during pregnancy, as well as what are the ways to treat it. It will be useful to understand the information about this violation.

Hematoma treatment

Doctors distinguish between several degrees of hematoma:

  • the lung can be detected only on ultrasound, it does not manifest itself in any way;
  • the middle one makes itself felt with pains in the lower abdomen, as well as spotting;
  • in severe form, cramping pains, bleeding appear, fainting is possible due to a sharp decrease in pressure.

Since pathology is fraught with miscarriage, one should not hesitate to seek medical help. Having noticed alarming symptoms in herself, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe treatment and tell you in detail how a retrochorial hematoma comes out during pregnancy. This process consists in the fact that the clot gradually decreases in size and completely disappears, and the blood comes out through the cervix to the outside.

To help the body cope with the task, patients are given the following recommendations:

  • observe bed rest (it is desirable to lie with a raised pelvis);
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • exclude products that cause gas formation;
  • add more cereals to the diet;
  • drink more liquids, for example, juice, kefir;
  • give up sexual activity;
  • do not lift weights, exclude physical activity.

Also, the doctor may recommend a vitamin complex or separately and group B. The emotional peace of a woman is important. Therefore, sedatives may be recommended to her. It can be valerian or motherwort infusion. As painkillers, No-shpu is prescribed. In order to improve the blood supply to the uterus, "Kurantil" can be prescribed. You can not drink these drugs on your own on the recommendation of friends. Any self-medication can harm the baby. All drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will monitor therapy with ultrasound and other examinations.

In mild forms, when the hematoma does not pose a particular threat to pregnancy, the doctor can generally only observe it and give general recommendations. In such a situation, it can resolve itself without any consequences. Other degrees may require hospital treatment. It is important to know how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy. The emptying of the clot can be judged by the presence of secretions. But you need to pay attention to their character. The fact that the clot is resolving is evidenced by brown discharge in small quantities. They are coagulated blood that filled the hematoma. Their presence is considered auspicious. Sometimes the process is accompanied by a pulling pain in the abdomen. Scarlet blood from the genital tract is an alarming sign and a reason to urgently consult a doctor, as this may indicate a worsening situation. There is no exact answer to the question of how long a hematoma lasts during pregnancy. Since it depends on its size, as well as the characteristics of the health of the woman. Approximate terms are from 2 to 5 weeks.

No matter how wonderful the time of pregnancy may seem, throughout the nine months of bearing a baby, a woman faces various dangers, and the name of one of them is a hematoma that forms in the uterus in early pregnancy.

The concept of "hematoma" in each person is involuntarily associated with the injury, as a result of which a bruise formed under the skin or in the organs. Therefore, it is not surprising that when she hears on an ultrasound about a hematoma that has appeared in the uterus, a woman begins to seriously panic. There are reasons for this, since a hematoma in the uterus in early pregnancy indicates a partial detachment of the fetal egg. Gynecologists often make this diagnosis to their pregnant patients at 5-8 weeks, and the most offensive thing is that such an attack does not manifest itself in any way, and only an ultrasound machine can detect a hematoma.

Bruising of various sizes in the genital organ is a serious danger and directly affects pregnancy. With the course of pathology in severe form, spontaneous miscarriage can occur, and this degree of hematoma development is also dangerous for a pregnant woman. Severe bleeding not only worsens overall well-being, but also provokes anemia. Hematoma in a mild form of leakage is not so dangerous, and a woman can successfully give birth, but only with the help of a caesarean section, however, circulatory disorders to a greater or lesser extent affect the physical and mental state of the newborn.

Causes of hematoma in early pregnancy:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infections of the genitourinary system of a woman;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • too high blood pressure;
  • stress and strain;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • alcohol consumption in large quantities, smoking;
  • pathology in the development of the uterus.

If we talk about how a hematoma comes out at an early stage and what is the difference between this pathology and bleeding caused by other reasons, then the intensity of the discharge during bruising is insignificant, it mainly depends on the size of the hematoma and the gestational age. In the first months of pregnancy, bright red and heavy discharge is not always a bad sign foreshadowing a miscarriage. Allocations of this nature indicate the emptying of the hematoma, which is most often retrochorial.

Types of hematomas during pregnancy

Doctors distinguish several types of hematomas during pregnancy. Among them:

  1. Retrochorial hematoma, usually diagnosed early, up to about the 16th week. Pathology occurs due to the detachment of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus. This type of hematoma is the most common, it is characterized by such symptoms as: pain in the lower abdomen, smearing brown discharge (if the hematoma began to flow out). The very process of separation of the fetus provokes ruptures of small blood vessels, and in places of rejection a space with blood is formed. This is called a hematoma.
    As follows from medical statistics, most often the fetal egg exfoliates in pregnant women after 35 years and with chronic arterial hypertension. Pathology can also be provoked by a blow to the stomach, polyhydramnios or the development of multiple pregnancies. According to numerous scientific studies, thrombophilia, that is, a violation of blood clotting, was found in women who underwent detachment of the fetal egg as a result of a hematoma. But these are only medical assumptions, the true causes of bruising in the uterus are unknown.
    With timely access to the antenatal clinic, negative consequences and termination of pregnancy can be avoided.
  2. Retroplacental hematoma may begin after 16 weeks of gestation, when the placenta is already fully formed. Placental abruption is often preceded by the formation of this type of hematoma, which causes spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. The bruise is clearly visible on the ultrasound picture, and in order to save the child, doctors carry out hemostatic therapy. Sometimes a hematoma is pierced.
    To confirm the presence of a hematoma as the cause of placental abruption, the obstetrician must exclude other diseases that could also disrupt placental development. Among them: uterine hypertonicity, internal bleeding, pathologies of fetal development.

The insidiousness of retroplacental hematoma is that it is not always manifested by bleeding. A woman usually feels unwell and aching pains in the uterus. Pregnancy can be saved only with timely access to a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the course of the pathology depend on the form in which the hematoma manifests itself. By the nature of education, it is mild, moderate and acute severity.

  1. With a mild to moderate degree of hematoma development, pregnancy can be endured, and childbirth is carried out by caesarean section. Usually a woman feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes you can find brown spotting on underwear.
    You can alleviate the condition by taking antispasmodic and hemostatic drugs. In this case, the attending gynecologist should listen to the fetal heartbeat.
  2. As for the heavily flowing hematoma, it is always accompanied by severe pain. A pregnant woman may lose consciousness, spotting intensifies, and blood pressure decreases. In the first months of pregnancy, such a hematoma provokes a miscarriage.

If a hematoma during pregnancy, in particular, in the early stages, began to make itself felt in the form of light brown mucous secretions and against this background there are no pain sensations, then there is no cause for serious concern yet. Emergency measures should be taken when the color of the discharge becomes bright red, and the bleeding becomes more intense. A timely trip to the antenatal clinic will help to avoid premature detachment of the fetus. Without the qualified help of a specialist, a woman will lose a child.

Consequences of uterine hematoma

Any hemorrhage in the uterus is always very dangerous, not to mention bleeding during pregnancy.

The threat of a hematoma depends entirely on its size. The most dangerous are formations with a volume of more than 15 ml, they occupy about 45% of the territory in the uterine cavity. Because of this, the growth of the embryo slows down, and the likelihood of its exfoliation increases. The coccyx-parietal size of the fetus slows down its development for more than 2 weeks. Proper treatment of retrochorial hematoma gives a chance for pregnancy to develop normally in the future.

The most dangerous complication of any bruising in the uterus is uteroplacental apoplexy or premature detachment of the placenta. As a result of heavy bleeding, the endometrial layer of the uterus can fill with blood, it will penetrate into the abdominal cavity, and the tissues of the reproductive organ soaked with blood will begin to die. As a result, doctors may decide to remove the uterus, and this is the most difficult test in a woman's life.

The outcome of such bleeding with hematomas is very difficult to predict. Sometimes they lead to death not only of the child, but also of the pregnant woman herself. That is why it is so important to be sensitive to all manifestations of pregnancy. It is necessary to respond to every abnormal sensation, and at the first symptoms of pathology, run for the help of doctors. Effective therapy gives a woman a chance to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Definition of a hematoma in the uterus

Any deviation from the norm, and especially if it concerns pregnancy, is best diagnosed at the initial stage of its formation, when those irreparable negative changes have not yet manifested themselves. In order to prevent complications and carry the child normally, the expectant mother should insist on diagnosing a hematoma.

The key method of determination and source of information is ultrasound. In addition to such an informative method, an obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe an additional examination, namely:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • urinalysis data;
  • blood test for RW and HIV;
  • the results of a coagulogram, which is able to detect violations of blood clotting processes;
  • smear from the vagina;
  • data on the analysis of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea);
  • dopplerometry - a method that allows you to determine circulatory disorders in the uterus;
  • you may also need a blood test result for hormones.

Treatment of a hematoma in the uterus

The main direction of complex therapy of retrochorial hematoma is to prevent its further growth. A gynecologist may prescribe drugs to her patient to stop bleeding, such as dicynone. It is also important to prevent uterine tone, which very often leads to miscarriage. The safest are: Magne-B6 and Papaverine. These medicines will help relieve spasm and tension in the uterus. Progesterone preparations are sometimes also prescribed to treat a hematoma.

It is very important to avoid emotional instability during childbearing. You can not do without taking vitamin and mineral complexes, in particular, folic acid and vitamin E.

When compiling a treatment regimen, an obstetrician-gynecologist should take into account that very often chorion detachment leads to chronic fetal hypoxia, which is why it would be useful to prescribe drugs to a pregnant patient to improve the supply of oxygen to the fetus and other necessary substances for growth.

Taking medications according to the schedule, the expectant mother should be in absolute calm. It is advisable not to burden yourself with sports training, running, carrying heavy bags. It is better to exclude sexual intercourse until the hematoma is completely resorbed. It is recommended to lie down, but in such a position that the legs are higher than the head. Alternatively, you can put the limbs on the back of the sofa, and the pelvis on the pillow, so that the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs occurs and the bleeding gradually stops.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition and the organization of your diet. It is important not to overeat so that an overloaded intestine does not create additional discomfort. You can eat fruits, vegetables rich in fiber, and drink plenty of clean water. Pregnant women who have a hematoma in the uterus are best to stay in the hospital for the period of treatment. It is impossible to neglect the recommendations of the attending gynecologist, so as not to aggravate an already critical situation.

A hematoma in the uterus is found in many pregnant women, and this phenomenon can appear at any gestational age. The further prognosis of pregnancy will depend on how early the problem was identified and the exact size of the bruise is determined. If the pathology was recognized until its volumes exceeded 19 ml, the threat of abortion is reduced several times.

An emergency operation will be required when the hematoma has already captured a large area, abdominal pain is accompanied by profuse bleeding, and the life of a pregnant woman is at stake.

The prognosis of a hematoma is also disappointing in case of ignoring the prescribed treatment. Refusal to take hemostatic drugs is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage. It is important to remember: timely treatment and careful attitude to health is the key to a normal pregnancy and successful delivery.

Hematoma in the uterus. Video

Retrochorial hematoma is a common diagnosis that a woman learns about during an ultrasound scan during pregnancy. At the same time, spontaneous interruption can be avoided in 95% of cases. Therefore, do not panic, with proper treatment and following some rules, you can bear a healthy baby and give birth on time.

What is a retrochorial hematoma?

The chorion (future placenta) for some reason may begin to partially exfoliate from the walls of the uterus. Blood clots accumulate in the resulting cavity - this is a retrochorial hematoma.

This pathology is typical for the first half of pregnancy (more precisely, for the first trimester), when the placenta is forming.

Prognosis for retrochorial hematoma

With a large size of the hematoma (1/3 of the area of ​​the fetal egg exfoliated), retrochorial hematoma is a significant threat and can have an unfavorable outcome:

  • oxygen starvation of the unborn child;
  • slow development of the baby;
  • death of the fetus inside the womb;
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

If the pregnancy persists, then the presence of a previously small retrochorial hematoma in most cases does not adversely affect the further development of the child.

Likely Causes

There are many reasons for the occurrence of retrochorial hematoma, and it is not always possible to find out the exact one. The most likely of them are:

  • an imbalance in the hormonal system, which leads to the failure of the internal lining of the uterus to normally accept a fetal egg during implantation;
  • the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (a gene mutation does not allow the “defective” fetal egg to attach normally to the wall of the uterus, the so-called natural selection is triggered);
  • increased blood clotting (during the implantation process, blood clots can form, disrupting both the process of attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus and the nutrition of the fetus);
  • severe or chronic stress;
  • genital tract infections;
  • alcohol intake, smoking, drug addiction.

Remember that long-term ingestion of infusions, decoctions of herbs and herbal remedies that have an abortive effect (oregano, marshmallow, aloe, valerian, ginseng, ivy, wormwood, sage, echinacea, etc.) will only aggravate the situation!

All the causes of such a diagnosis are not fully understood in medicine. However, the occurrence of a hematoma during pregnancy is possible both for one reason and for several at the same time.

Symptoms of the disease

When the hematoma is located at the bottom of the uterus, the symptoms of pathology are often absent (blood discharge is not observed). A pregnant woman does not attach importance to small changes in well-being and the pathology becomes known only during a routine examination using ultrasound. But more often it happens differently: a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back.

If the pathology is established, then bloody, scarlet discharge from the vagina signals a real threat of pregnancy. Scarlet discharge indicates increased growth of the hematoma. Need immediate medical attention.

If bright red or scarlet discharge appears, call an ambulance immediately!

With detachment of the fetal egg on ultrasound, a retrochorial hematoma is observed. This condition is a threat of miscarriage. The gynecologist will tell about the causes, signs of a threatened miscarriage (miscarriage) and the rules of a woman’s behavior to prevent an undesirable phenomenon in the following video:

Diagnostics, tests

Ultrasound is the main way to diagnose retrochorial hematoma. With this procedure, you can find the following signs:

  1. Local thickening of the uterine wall- evidence of increased uterine tone. With transabdominal ultrasound, short-term hypertonicity of the uterus may occur. In this case, you need to repeat the study with a transvaginal sensor. If muscle tone does not stop, this may indicate the threat of spontaneous abortion.
  2. Due to the tone of the uterus, there is altered shape of the ovum.
  3. Hematoma detection, measuring its size and establishing its exact location.

In addition to ultrasound, the following diagnostics are required:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood clotting test;
  • study of the vaginal flora;
  • analysis for infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • study of the hormonal background (progesterone, testosterone, TSH);
  • carrying out CTG and doplerometry of the fetus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma

A gynecologist is engaged in the treatment of diseases related to pregnancy, and retrochorial hematoma is no exception. The gynecologist should offer the patient hospitalization, where the treatment process and adherence to bed rest will be under strict control. Hospitalization conditions allow you to stop bleeding in a short time, relieve the tone of the uterus, thereby increasing the chance of maintaining a pregnancy.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma is as follows:

  1. For relieve spasms in the muscles of the uterus prescribe antispasmodics such as drotaverine (no-shpa), papaverine, magne B6.
  2. For improve uterine blood circulation appoint actovegin.
  3. Dicinon, tranexam - these drugs can be prescribed by a gynecologist for stop internal bleeding.
  4. Hormonal preparations - utrozhestan, duphaston. These drugs are synthetic analogues of the female hormone progesterone. Under normal conditions, it is produced in sufficient quantities in the body of a pregnant woman. When the level of this hormone is low, the doctor prescribes the above drugs, to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

Most women in position can be intimidated by such a list of drugs. But do not worry, the listed drugs are acceptable for use during pregnancy. But it is not recommended to take them on your own! Treatment should be selected by a specialist individually and at the right dose.

You should not self-medicate and use folk remedies: not all herbs are harmless during pregnancy, and some can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Will a caesarean section be necessary?

Retrochorial hematoma is an accumulation of blood as a result of detachment of the fetal egg. It may take place in the first trimester. If a hematoma occurs after 16 weeks, then it is already called a retroplacental hematoma.

In most cases, with timely seeking medical help, the hematoma safely decreases in size and even resolves.

But if a hematoma formed in the second half of pregnancy and, according to the results of research, the fetus suffers, a planned caesarean section is performed, which is performed somewhat earlier than the planned date of natural birth.

How does a retrochorial hematoma heal?

The fact that the hematoma began to come out / resolve is evidenced by brown discharge from the vagina. They can be of a smearing nature and even moderate.

On average, a hematoma comes out in a few weeks, sometimes the process stretches for a month.

Can a hematoma not come out?

Maybe. The physiological structure of the pelvic organs is such that the emptying of a retrochorial hematoma in the form of brown secretions is sometimes not possible. Hematoma can be localized high at the bottom of the uterus. In this case, the hematoma does not come out, but slowly resolves.

Lifestyle during hematoma treatment

With retrochorial hematoma, it is important to observe bed rest and sexual rest. If the pathology is localized at the bottom of the uterus, the legs must be kept above the position of the body (use the back of the sofa or bed, or put a folded blanket under your feet). This will help empty the hematoma and improve uterine circulation.

Any physical activity, weight lifting, sexual activity is strictly prohibited until the diagnosis of “threat of miscarriage” is removed.

The emotional state of a woman is also very important. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations by any means. Sedative drugs such as Novopassitis, motherwort tinctures, valerian and others will help maintain a normal psycho-emotional state. But you need to take the drug strictly according to the instructions and not for a long time.


Normal digestion also plays an important role - the intestines should not create pressure on the uterus, this can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Therefore, you need to adjust your diet so that there is no constipation and bloating. Eliminate stool-fixing foods (including coffee and chocolate). Also, do not eat legumes and cabbage, so as not to provoke gas formation in the intestines.

Give preference to cereals from cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. Drink more liquids: compotes, water.

Should I be worried if you have been diagnosed with a retrochorial hematoma? Not only is it not worth it, but it is strictly contraindicated. Follow the doctor's instructions, provide yourself with complete rest and comfortable conditions, adjust your diet.

The detection of spotting may indicate how the hematoma comes out during pregnancy. This often happens with a loose fit of the fetal egg in the early stages. That is, a void is formed between the outer shell and the inner uterine layer, which, due to intensive blood circulation, is filled with blood.

A hematoma in the uterus is a potential risk to both the life of the woman and the health of the child. Therefore, in the presence of such a diagnosis, it is important for expectant mothers to know how long the exit process takes on average, how to determine that it has come, and what consequences should be feared.

Forms of hematomas

In general, the concept of a hematoma implies an accumulation of blood, bruising or bruising that occurs as a result of bruising of soft tissues, violations of the integrity of blood vessels. A hematoma in the uterus is a hemorrhage in this organ.

Retrochorial hematoma is a mild form of the disease, which is usually not characterized by specific symptoms, most often goes unnoticed. Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy implies detachment of the fetal egg from the chorion.

The space that has arisen is filled with blood, which is why in medicine this condition is often called extra-shell hemorrhage during the period of bearing a child.

At the 16th week of gestation, the stage of placental formation is completed, which is why this type is called a hematoma of the uterus during pregnancy in the first trimester. Only a specialist can diagnose an ailment, based on the symptoms, anamnesis and test results.
To clarify, it is useful to know about the existence of such a term as subamniotic hematoma in pregnant women. This disease in practice is not so common, while it is characterized by independent resorption, without requiring specific treatment. Therefore, it is important to know the differences between the above diagnoses.

It is useful to have an idea about such a term as retroplacental hemorrhage. This is a neglected form of the disease, when the stage of detachment of the fetal egg from the placenta has already begun. In this case, the degree of risk and adverse effects on the pregnant woman and child increases.

Diagnosis and exit of hematoma

Ultrasound examination is the only way to reliably diagnose hemorrhage inside the uterus. After all, the disease is not always detected by the symptoms that appear. Based on this procedure, you can also determine the severity of the disease, and then choose the right treatment. Retrochorial hematoma during the period of gestation, found in the first trimester and at the stage of inception, is treated quickly and, as practice shows, will be released by the third trimester.

This disease is accompanied by brownish vaginal discharge, sometimes even dark. You may also experience pain in the lower abdomen. If the clot is located at the bottom of the organ, then the symptoms may not bother. In such cases, only ultrasound can show the presence of the disease.

When a hematoma in a woman is accompanied by brown discharge, do not worry, because doctors do not attribute this to bad symptoms. At first, the discharge will be lighter, and a few days later it will begin to darken. Since the blood collects in the cavity between the membranes of the chorion and the fetus, curling up there and acquiring a characteristic shade, brownish discharge, on the contrary, may be a signal that clots are starting to come out, i.e., resorption of the hematoma will not take long.

You should be worried when the discharge is scarlet or dark red. These are the first signs that the hematoma is growing, and the fetal egg is still exfoliating, respectively, the clot has not yet come out. If the required measures are not taken in a timely manner, a woman may lose a child, since in such cases a premature termination of pregnancy occurs. At this stage, in addition to ultrasound, the specialist should prescribe control of the level of fibrinogen.

Possible consequences

In many ways, the course of the disease depends on the parameters of uterine hematomas. A hematoma is considered dangerous if it occupies about 50% of the total area of ​​​​the embryonic membrane and has a volume of more than 20 ml. Such an education can slow down the growth and full development of the fetus in a few days and provoke an unforeseen miscarriage.

Adverse effects may depend on how long the growth retardation in the coccygeal-parietal size occurs. Braking for more than 10 days is a reason to worry. Premature detachment of the placenta can lead to the fact that the endometrium is filled with blood, the core of necrosis is formed in it, which already indicates a complete cut-off of the uterus.

For a woman, this can cause infertility.

During the period of gestation, there is a high probability of abundant brown discharge with a hematoma, the consequences of which are not easy to determine. It is possible that with such a bruise, the result can be a fatal outcome for both the woman in labor and the child.

However, if a pregnant woman timely identified an ailment during an ultrasound examination or paying attention to the characteristic symptoms and underwent the necessary treatment, then the chances of normal development of the crumbs increase much. After completing the course of treatment, a second ultrasound will be prescribed to confirm or refute the presence of a hematoma and assess the general condition of the fetus for the current day.

In contact with

Many women think that a hematoma during early pregnancy appears as a result of a serious injury, and are extremely surprised to hear this diagnosis on an ultrasound scan. They begin to get nervous, but not without reason, thereby further aggravating the situation. Most often, in the early stages, education occurs due to an infectious or inflammatory disease, physical and nervous stress.

What is a hematoma in the uterus

Hematoma in the uterus is the accumulation of blood clots between the wall of the uterus and the ovum.

It is localized in areas of damage to organs or tissues. As a result of the accumulation of blood, a vacuole appears.

Contains fluid or clotted blood.

Most often, a hematoma is formed in the uterus during pregnancy in the first trimester for a period of 5-8 weeks.

The danger lies in the fact that it can cause a miscarriage.


All hematomas are divided into two main types. These are retrochorial and retroplacental. The first occurs during pregnancy up to 16 weeks, the second after.

The name retrochorial hematoma was due to the fact that the outer shell that surrounds the embryo is called the chorion. In the future, it appears in its place.

Retroplacental hematoma may appear after the second half of pregnancy, when the chorion has already degenerated into the placenta. It proceeds in the same way as retrochorial.

Also in practice there are:

  • subchorionic;
  • retroamniotic;
  • subamniotic;
  • intrauterine.

Subdural hematoma during pregnancy appears after receiving a traumatic brain injury and bruising of the brain. Its symptoms include speech disorder, bradycardia, convulsions, headaches.

As soon as signs of a subdural hematoma appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Until this point, you should observe bed rest and move as little as possible.

Based on the symptoms that determine the severity of the pathology, three stages of hematomas are revealed.

  1. Light. Education is small. Often it is detected during the examination. There are practically no symptoms. The expectant mother feels well, and education can only be detected with ultrasound.
  2. Medium. During this period, there are pulling pains in the abdomen. Blood clots may be seen. In this case, you should contact the obstetrician-gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. With an average degree of education, while listening to an unborn baby, there is a violation of his heartbeat.
  3. heavy. The woman's blood pressure drops sharply. The pains are cramping in nature. There is severe bleeding, the woman may faint.

With moderate and severe severity, the pathology is prescribed. It is carried out earlier than the appointed term of natural childbirth.


The main causes of hematoma during pregnancy are:

  • pathological changes;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • noise and vibration surges;
  • excessive loads during childbearing;
  • stress, nervous experiences;
  • trauma;
  • intimacy;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • pressure drops.

Sometimes the formation develops due to weakness of the vessels or the placenta. They also become weaker from improper metabolism.

The hematoma develops step by step. First, the fetal egg separates from the walls of the uterus. After this separation, blood accumulates at the site of this separation.

Most often, this pathology occurs in women who suffer from diseases with a violation of blood clotting.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

All women have the same symptoms. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and brown discharge. There is no discharge if the hematoma has already formed, but it has not yet been emptied.

Brown clots indicate that it comes out, respectively, decreases in size.

This process takes quite a long time, for this reason it is necessary to carry out in order to monitor the dynamics.

Bright red discharge indicates the onset of new bleeding and an increase in detachment of the ovum.

The most basic source of diagnosis of uterine hematoma is ultrasound.

Additionally, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes:

  • examinations for;

If there is a need, a blood test for hormones is also prescribed to diagnose a hematoma during pregnancy.

What is the danger of the development of pathology and complications

The danger of education is that it carries the threat of miscarriage. If there is an initial mild degree, a woman can find out about the existence of a hematoma after childbirth. Since it does not manifest itself and does not pose any threat.

Considering how dangerous a hematoma is during severe pregnancy, it can be noted that it provokes a deterioration in health not only in the child, but also in the mother.

The future mother during the last stage of the pathology develops posthemorrhagic. The baby does not receive the required amount of oxygen, it begins physically and psychologically.

The worst thing is that it can develop "". Occurs, the blood fills the endometrium, foci of necrosis are formed.

This leads to resection of the uterus. A woman can no longer become a mother.


The main treatment of hematoma in the uterus is carried out using antispasmodics (no-shpy and papaverine).

When the size of the formation is small, they can simply observe. How long the treatment will be carried out is decided only by the doctor.


Papaverine is administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. It is necessary to be careful with it for women suffering from constipation, having a malfunction, with glaucoma and other pathologies.

No-shpa is contraindicated in women with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To stop the bleeding, the doctor prescribes vikasol, ascorutin or dicynone. When stressed, it is recommended to drink tea with lemon balm leaves and take valerian.

To prevent hypoxia of the embryo and improve the nutrition of the uterine wall, chimes and are used.

Helps to increase the body's resistance.

If there is a threat to the health of the mother or child, doctors carry out early delivery.


When diagnosing a pathology, vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet as much as possible.

In large quantities, you should eat foods containing vitamins C, E and group B.

Dishes that cause indigestion, excessive gas formation, or impair intestinal motility should not be included in the menu.

You should eat porridge and drink enough.

Signs of hematoma withdrawal

After timely treatment, the formation decreases in size and gradually exits through the cervix.

While the hematoma comes out during pregnancy, the woman begins to discharge.

At first they have a light shade, and after a few days they begin to darken. This is due to the fact that the blood that has collected between the cavities coagulates, acquiring a characteristic color.

The fact that the hematoma does not come out, but, on the contrary, increases in size, is indicated by scarlet discharge.

To make it easier for the body to exit the hematoma, one should lie as much as possible with a slightly raised pelvis for this period. This improves blood flow.

It is worth giving up sexual activity, and not lifting any weights.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid the severe consequences of a hematoma in the uterus , women need to undergo before a planned pregnancy or in the early stages.

It is necessary to identify hereditary pathologies in advance, to treat diseases of the genitourinary system provoked by infection in a timely manner.

Maintenance therapy for vascular disorders should also be reinstated or used.

If a hematoma is detected at an early stage, you should not refuse medical treatment, you should adhere to all doctor's prescriptions.

It is important for any suspicion of a hematoma to seek the advice of a specialist.