What to ask a guy. Video: "Men's questions?". Common questions to ask a guy

In this article, you will find out what questions to your beloved guy about love, relationships, family and marriage will help the girl get an assessment of the intended spouse. What should a girl ask a man/boyfriend before getting married? With the right questions, she can protect herself from heartache if it turns out that the alleged chosen one is not the person with whom she would like to connect her life.

Honest answers will help you understand: do you want to live with such a person or not? They will help you look from the outside at the future of your life together, what it will be. If you want the best, then run away from such a contender for the role of a marriage companion. After all, you can find the best! The answers to these questions will help the girl to know herself, as well as to establish her motives: why does she want to marry him? What is the answer, such will be the married life - happy or unhappy.

  1. How many people do you love? What are you willing to do and are doing for them?
  2. How can I prove my love to you in practice?
  3. Why would you doubt my love?
  4. Let's say your friend asks for your advice, what should he choose: love or money? What advice would you give him?
  5. Why do you love Me?
  6. Why is it hard for a guy to tell a girl about his love for her in all seriousness?
  7. Could you take the blame for a girl out of love, for example, in a traffic accident?
  8. Why is it difficult for many guys?
  9. What is the strength and power of love?
  1. Would you sacrifice your life for the sake of your beloved?
  2. Does selfless love exist in relationships?
  3. When you love, does it mean that you should turn a blind eye to the misdeeds of your beloved?
  4. How do you understand the expression "love does not seek its own"?
  5. Can love prevent irritation? How?
  6. What should a loving person avoid?
  7. How to strengthen, strengthen your love?
  8. How in practice can you show your love for a woman?
  9. How to show your love daily?
  10. Should a husband constantly show his love to his wife and how best to do this?
  11. How should a wife behave in order to be loved by her husband?
  12. Is it always important to be able to apologize? Who should apologize first?
  13. Is a man capable of selfless love today? In what way does it manifest itself?
  14. What actions or words of your chosen one can bring you pain, trouble?

Questions about the family

  1. What is the best age for a girl to get married and why?
  2. What is your attitude towards the "old men" who left their wives to marry a young woman?
  3. What do you need to do or help around the house?
  4. What is your attitude towards a woman who wants to make a career for herself?
  5. Could you live with your boss wife?
  6. If disagreements arise between spouses, how best to resolve them: 1) just keep silent; 2) immediately discuss in "hot pursuit" as soon as disagreements arise; 3) shout or even hit to silence or some other option? How should they be solved?
  7. Should parents interfere in the marital life or relationships of young spouses?
  8. What should a spouse do when her husband is in a bad mood?
  9. How do you understand the phrase "devotion to the marriage partner"?
  10. What do you prefer - the ability of a woman to save or earn?
  11. How often should spouses visit their parents, visit friends, or host friends?
  12. Why can a marriage be at risk of divorce? (We recommend finding out and how a woman can survive it?)
  13. What is the role of a woman in marriage?
  14. What is your attitude towards divorce?
  15. Why are men more interested in politics than marriage?
  16. What is your attitude towards men who give up their family for the sake of politics or business?
  17. Your opinion,
  18. What is your attitude towards whining, grumpiness, tediousness? How would you feel if you faced these kinds of things in a marriage? How to prevent this?
  19. What are your life goals? Can marriage affect the achievement of these goals?
  20. What is your attitude towards arranged marriage, marriage contract?
  21. Should a couple necessarily register a marriage or is it better to live in a civil marriage?

  1. Would you object to your wife's wishes to dye her hair red, blue, or some other color?
  2. If a man is wrong, should he apologize to a woman? Can this be called a sign of weakness?
  3. Is a husband considered henpecked when he helps his wife, for example, hang up laundry?
  4. What does it depend on
  5. Suppose there are problems in marriage, where is it better to seek help to solve them: parents, friends, a lawyer, a psychologist, a church, the Internet?
  6. What would you like to do before the wedding? Suddenly you don’t have time, will you regret that you rushed to the wedding?
  7. What is your attitude to "empty promises"?
  8. How close are you planning to maintain with your relatives?
  9. Is it obligatory for a husband to discuss with his wife serious matters concerning the family?

Relationship questions for a guy

  1. What qualities does a man want to see most in a woman he likes?
  2. What qualities do you hate the most in a woman?
  3. How many times have you fallen in love
  4. How old were you when you first started dating a girl?
  5. Are you being asked to describe me or tell me about me? What am I in your description?
  6. Do you think that when a husband and wife are different in character, they can be a happy married couple? Does it strengthen the marriage or is it a source of constant conflict?
  7. Have you ever had your heart broken?
  8. Do you easily get along with people, make friends or not?
  9. Ever broke someone's heart?
  10. Can you honestly tell your beloved girl your opinion about her appearance, figure, weight?
  11. In one survey conducted, people's opinions were divided. What is your opinion: is it reasonable for a man to give his wife to another for $1,000,000?
  12. What would you like to arrange for your wife? Is this a must for spouses in a relationship?
  13. What do you value most in friends, friendship?
  14. What does friendship mean to you?
  15. What is your attitude to admiring statements, sidelong glances of other men at your girlfriend?
  16. What's the funniest thing a girl has asked you to do?
  17. What do your friends think of me?
  18. Ever confessed to a girl in love? Did you have feelings for her?
  19. Would you be able to tell your loved one something that you have not told anyone else?
  20. What will you do if your friend says that I'm not right for you?

Questions for boyfriend

  1. What qualities would you like to see in your wife?
  2. What qualities should a woman look for in a future marriage partner?
  3. What feminine qualities should a man look for when choosing a future marriage companion?
  4. What can hinder a happy marriage?
  5. Do you think a wife can be her husband's best friend? How can she become one?
  6. Can religious differences affect marriage?
  7. You're jealous? What does appropriate inappropriate jealousy mean? How to avoid inappropriate jealousy?
  8. How do you see your role in marriage? What is the role of your spouse?
  9. What is your opinion: how to avoid family disagreements and tensions?
  10. What prevents husbands from treating their wives well?
  11. Why do husbands stop caring about their wives after a few years of marriage?
  12. What mistakes should be avoided in marriage?
  13. Should a girl rush to get married?
  14. Is money the key to a happy marriage?
  15. What does it mean that husband and wife are one?
  16. What do you prefer: play billiards with friends, go fishing, arrange a romantic dinner for your wife, with whom you quarreled the day before?
  17. What is your take on flirting? Does a marriage partner have the right to flirt with other men?
  18. Have you hit women? Could hit his wife and for what wrong?
  19. Can spouses keep secrets from each other?
  20. Would you be able to talk with your marriage partner on various topics? It's easy for you
  21. Do you have health problems? Is it worth it to talk about them with the prospective marriage partner before the wedding?
  22. Are you able to give in to an argument? In what case?
  23. What makes you stop trusting a woman? What should a life partner not do in order not to lose your trust?
  24. If I hide something from my past, can you trust me?
  25. Did your parents quarrel among themselves, how did they resolve their conflicts? How would you resolve such conflicts in your family?
  26. Do you want to live first for yourself after marriage, without children? How long? Is it worth it to do so or not?
  27. How do you feel about children? Do you want to have children and how many?


We've heard too many stories about divorces and breakups just because important things were never discussed in the early stages of falling in love. This caused huge problems later on. This list of 102 questions we have put together for girls will help them see what kind of people their alleged chosen ones appear in front of them. These questions can be asked to the guy directly or by correspondence.

There are interesting questions that most girls have no idea about, but are absolutely necessary if they want to have a happy relationship. Questions can help them fall in love more, stay in love, deepen it. Or break off relations in order to avoid future family difficulties, mistakes.

We have ideas! We will “throw them” to you, and you just choose the ones that you like for communication!

  • "What's your name, handsome?"

Such a question is appropriate if you are unfamiliar yet. You don't have to use the word "handsome" if you feel shy.

  • "What are you into?"

A seemingly banal question... But on the other hand, you can talk about hobbies directly ad infinitum!

  • "Do you have a good relationship with your family?"

If the guy "rumples" with the answer - do not ask further. Make it look. That did not ask such a question.

  • "What do you like to remember?"

The conversation will go well if such a question is asked on time, “on topic”. Try to "catch" exactly the right second!

  • "What gifts do you like?"

This is where a "puncture" can happen! The guy may think that you are hinting at receiving a gift. To prevent this from happening... Let me know right off the bat that you love giving them.

  • "What do you believe in?".

Wait for an answer that looks like "Santa Claus" or "Santa Claus". Did the guy say that? Start remembering all the jokes that you know in order to set the conversation on a carbon monoxide - humorous “wave”.

  • "What dream do you have?"

Dream together! Maybe you “dream” to something, who knows .... A dream is always wonderful. Especially in moments when you feel its “approach” in reality.

  • “Is there something that you think about often?”
  • "Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?"

Just don't blame the guy if you hear the wrong answer! Otherwise, the conversation will end. And usually it breaks off at the most interesting places.

  • "Registered in social networks?".

Ask if you want to let the guy know that you care about him! And he will decide so when such a question coming from you “flies” to him.

  • “What would you like to know (learn, ask) about me?”.

This question obliges you to the fact that you must answer everything he asks. If the question is unpleasant, carefully change the subject. But don't say you don't want to answer.

  • “How do you feel about alcoholic (alcoholic) drinks?”.

He will answer that he doesn’t mind drinking sometimes - offer to drink a little something. Liquor or champagne, for example!

  • "Do you like music?"

You will hear what he loves, most likely. Move on to musical discussions. If you agree in tastes, get ready: disputes are inevitable.

  • “Your most - the most favorite place in the city .... What is it? Where?".

And don't be silent about your favorite places either. When he says which place is his favorite - go there! Not on this day, then on another. The main thing is that you remember this place.

  • What topics can you talk about endlessly?

“Write down” the guy’s answers in your brain so that later you can easily choose something from the entire list. It will remind you of a game in which you will be the winner! Who owns the information, he is the ruler of the world (if we are talking about women).

  • "What kind of girls do you like?"

Do not rush to try on his words - answers. He can notice this "fitting".

  • What do you like to do when you have free time?

A common question, but it can prolong any conversation! You will see how your passions and hobbies "resonate".

  • "How romantic are you?"

Here, in theory, the guy should tell what he understands in romance, what he did "especially romantic" in his life. And you listen and admire!

  • “For whom (for what, for what purposes) do you live?”.

Quite a philosophical and personal question. But it won’t be boring when the “rain” of answers starts pouring down!

  • "What will lift your spirits to the very maximum?".

Such a question suggests an abundance of the most unexpected answers. Are you glad? Get to work on the issue.

There are questions that are better not to ask right away

Wait until he asks something similar, similar and also answer if you wish:

  1. "Do you have a significant other?"
  2. "What caresses and tenderness do you like more?".
  3. “Do you remember the person with whom you had a close relationship “the very first time?”.
  4. “How do you bring your fantasies in close relationships to life?”.
  5. "What is your attitude to role-playing games?".
  6. "What haven't you tried yet in 'this'? Is there something like that?"
  7. "Have you had a lot of girls and women in a" serious "plan?".
  8. “Are you very squeamish and fastidious in close relationships ... with a girl?”
  9. “Which position of close relationships do you like the most, and which is the opposite?”
  10. "Did you have close relationships for money?"
  11. Are you afraid of becoming an "unplanned" daddy?
  12. "What do you most despise in intimate relationships?"
  13. “Which girl would you never want to…?”.
  14. "Do you like foreplay in a relationship?"

Guys are not indifferent to questions - “choices” (questions with a choice)

Such questions begin like this: "you choose ...":

  1. Brunette or blonde?
  2. Mistress or wife?
  3. Bath or home comfort?
  4. Happiness (family) or career growth?
  5. A sea of ​​beer or a sea of ​​intimacy?
  6. Night of love or morning of love?
  7. Shopping or cleaning the whole apartment?
  8. Sweet dream or delicious food?
  9. Disco or outdoor recreation?

If you asked a guy one of these questions, be immediately prepared for the fact that he will explain his choice. Someone who is sociable will talk about it for a long time.

Try to ask him what you want him to ask you


  1. “Do you have a favorite series (favorite movie)?”.
  2. “Where do you study (work, work)?”.
  3. "Where would you like to go or go with me?".
  4. "Would you like to return to your past?"
  5. "What do you like about yourself?"
  6. “Do you have friends or girlfriends (real, faithful)?”.
  7. How do you feel about friendship between a woman and a man?
  8. "What do you like to wander around the house in?"
  9. “Tell me about your culinary weaknesses?”.
  10. Do you often admit your mistakes and make them?

This is not the end, communication is just beginning! Switch!

Continuation. . .

What questions to ask a guy? -

Read and memorize!

A new level of communication with a guy -

You can talk a lot about the fact that real communication between people is millions of times better than virtual. However, it's terrible or wonderful, but the fact remains unchanged - today's youth spends a third (and sometimes more) of their free time on social networks. It is easier for us to write a message than to talk on the phone.

But you shouldn’t be very angry at the World Wide Web, because thanks to the Internet, an interesting world opens up before every person. Applications and websites, when used wisely, can not only diversify leisure time, but also allow you to learn about the interlocutor's innermost secrets. This can be done thanks to the Ask.ru service. We have selected cool questions for Ask.ru especially for you.

You probably know how this service works. You anonymously ask a person questions, and he gives answers to them. Asking questions in this situation is easier, because no one knows that it was you who asked this insidious question, that is, the next day, you won’t have to listen to complaints. But absolutely all visitors to the page know who gives the answers. Therefore, it is important to consider not only questions, but also your answers.

What can be asked?

You can ask a person the most unusual questions for ask.ru. with their help, you can not only learn about the character of a person, but also check the level of intelligence. And you can also see how a person knows how to answer "uncomfortable questions." And is it important. If he descends to insults, then, accordingly, it is not worth talking about a rich inner world.

By asking good and correct questions anonymously, you can get much more useful information from a person than when talking face-to-face. Just do not forget that all this is just a game from which you can benefit, but which you definitely should not get hung up on.

Dating and relationships

People have now become so clamped down that sometimes it is generally impossible to understand what feelings we have for each other. If you like a person, and you want to know if you have a chance to win his heart in the real world, then you can ask him questions like:

  • Are you dating someone now?
  • Your heart is free (Are you in love with someone right now?)
  • Are you planning to start a relationship soon?
  • What type of girls (guys) do you like?
  • What character should your girlfriend (boyfriend) have?
  • What qualities should your significant other have?
  • Are you planning to start a family and have children?
  • Do you keep in touch with your exes?
  • Have you cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?
  • Do you regret your betrayals?
  • Why did you break up (break up) with your girlfriend (boyfriend)?
  • How long was your last relationship?
  • How quickly do you introduce your girlfriend (boyfriend) to your parents?
  • Does your mother influence the choice of your girlfriend (boyfriend)?
  • If your parents don't like your girlfriend (boyfriend), will you break off this relationship?
  • Should a girl stay at home or does she have the right to self-realization?
  • Are you jealous (jealous)?
  • Have you ever hit a woman?
  • Is it important to you that your partner goes in for sports?
  • What figure parameters do you consider ideal (height, weight, volume)?
  • Women (men) in which sport do you consider the sexiest?
  • Have you ever set up a date and didn't show up on purpose?
  • Do you have many female (male) friends?
  • Did you cover for your friends when they cheated on their boyfriends (girls)?
  • How do you deal with cheating in a relationship?
  • What will you do if you absolutely do not like the parents or friends of your soul mate?
  • How do you feel about civil marriage?
  • Can you live with a girl who has a child?
  • Who will you choose: a caring wife who idolizes you and doesn’t take care of herself very much, or a beautiful model who works a lot?
  • Should the couple travel together or separately?
  • How do you feel about sex on a first date?
  • Have you had (had) sex with a stranger?
  • Do you always call back the girl you took the phone number from and promised to call?
  • How do you feel about sex with colleagues (classmates)?
  • Have you been in a relationship with someone older than you by many years?
  • If a guy cannot give you expensive gifts, but loves you and carries you in his arms, will you date him?
  • Who will you choose: a guy with a wallet or a guy with a big heart?
  • How do you feel about the fact that a girl earns much more than you?
  • Does a man have to provide for his family or can he stay at home and do housework?
  • How do you feel about business trips of your soulmate?
  • Have you checked the phone, mail of your soulmate?
  • If unpleasant rumors circulate about your girlfriend (boyfriend), for example, that she (he) slept with dozens of guys (girls) before you, what will you do?
  • How important is it to you that your girlfriend likes your friends?
  • Do you criticize the appearance of your soulmate?
  • How do you feel about your boyfriend (girlfriend) getting fat?
  • Blondes, brunettes or redheads?
  • How do you feel about red guys?
  • Would you be able to marry a foreigner for the sake of living abroad?

Consider the fact that the person's responses are for informational purposes only. In addition, to be sure that the answer is truthful is also not worth it. Still, pour out your soul and answer compromising questions, knowing that everyone will find out not so easily. It's great if you have the opportunity to compare the answers of a person in ask.ru and real life. Then you get a complete picture of who is in front of you. In the desire to learn about the attitude towards you, be careful. By asking leading questions, you can give yourself away and then you can get into a very awkward situation.

Funny and funny

Questions like these can lift everyone's spirits. Most often they are asked by acquaintances and friends. Here it doesn’t matter if a person guesses that it was you who asked the question or not. It is clear that funny questions should be asked to people with a normal sense of humor.

  • What would you do with a million dollars?
  • What or who will you take to a desert island?
  • What movie and role would you like to star in?
  • Which celebrity would you like to date?
  • What's your favorite joke?
  • The most stupid situation in your life?
  • Have you ever been dishonored (disgraced) in front of a crowd?
  • Would you be able to walk around the mall in your underwear?
  • Which superhero would you like to be?
  • What fruit are you?
  • Have you broken the law?
  • Do you like to sing in the shower?
  • What show would you like to participate in?
  • Can you dance striptease?
  • Is that the guy in the heels?
  • How do you feel about informals?
  • Have you ever run away from the police?
  • At school, did you bully (mock) teachers, classmates?
  • What do your friends call you (nickname)?
  • How were you teased as a child?
  • Do you often get into fights?
  • What childish game do you want to play now?
  • Can you ride a bike?
  • What New Year's costume did you wear as a child?
  • Was it easier as a child than it is now?
  • Who did you want to be as a child?

smart and serious

Sometimes in life you have to move away from humor and pampering. No wonder psychologists say that a person who constantly laughs off suffers from strong complexes and has a rather sad life. Only by getting answers to deep and to some extent wise questions, you will be able to draw certain conclusions about the views on a person’s life. In general, it’s good for every person to at least occasionally look into their lives and think about what worries them. Therefore, do not be shy and feel free to ask smart questions on ask.ru.

  • How do you feel about death?
  • Do you believe in God?
  • How would you like to spend the last day of your life?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice to save another person?
  • Would you risk your life for another?
  • Is suicide the way out?
  • How do you feel about former prisoners?
  • Would you be able (could) kill a person?
  • What can revenge do?
  • Would you be able (could) forgive betrayal?
  • Do you believe in psychics?
  • Have you contacted the magicians?
  • How to atone for your guilt?
  • Is it easy for you to ask for forgiveness?
  • What is the meaning of your life?
  • What gives you life?
  • What is happiness for you?
  • How has your past changed you?
  • What do you choose: solving the problem or running away from it?
  • Lies for good - is it right?
  • For the sake of achieving the goal, you can transcend your principles?
  • Who is the closest person in this world to you?
  • Do you believe in life after death?
  • How often do you dream?
  • Why do people need mistakes?
  • Is there a way out of any situation?
  • Career through the bed or honest poverty?
  • How do you react to the rudeness of people?
  • Everything has a price, how much do you value yourself?
  • How will you react to your husband's betrayal?
  • How do you feel about cheating in marriage?
  • If your child commits a crime, will you take him to the police?
  • Will you tell a friend that his girlfriend hit on you?
  • What gives a person faith?
  • What do you lack for happiness?
  • Career or family?
  • Do you have many enemies?
  • Did your friends betray you?
  • What is more painful to go through: the betrayal of a girl (boyfriend) or the betrayal of a best friend?

You have just read the most interesting questions for ask.ru. Believe me, sometimes the answers can not only surprise, shock, but also disappoint you. Face-to-face communication will certainly give much more than correspondence on the Internet. But do not forget that there are questions that a person in reality will never answer. After all, it is easier for a monitor to “tell” the truth than for a living person.

People always deceive each other, so do not think that if you have been in a relationship for a long time, then you know everything about your partner. For example, you have lived with a man for five years, and he does not even think about asking you to marry. Ask him on the site anonymously if he plans to get married. Depending on the response received, make a decision, who knows, maybe he will write that he will make an offer in a month. And ask him this question on the forehead, and a scandal may arise.

Having received an answer to the question asked, do not rush to make a decision and automatically send the guy to the “black list”. Give the person time to open up and don't forget to read their responses to other users' questions.

Question and answer games are always addictive. Therefore, in order to be honest, also register and answer questions. Just remember that being overly trusting is very dangerous.

Communication is always a dialogue. Questions and answers to them. The ability to ask questions is very important, because they can not only attract attention to themselves, but, on the contrary, scare off the interlocutor. You need to choose your words especially carefully when talking with a guy you like.

What questions can you ask a guy?

What questions to ask a young person depends on how well you already know and what, in fact, you want to know. Lots of options.

Well, for example, you can ask:

  • What is the craziest thing he has done?
  • What is his best achievement that he is proud of?
  • What sport does he like the most?
  • What films (books, singers, musical styles) does he like best?
  • Does he like noisy companies?
  • Where does he dream of traveling?
  • How often does he consult with his parents?
  • Does he believe in life after death?

Particularly interesting may be questions that reveal his preferences, temperament.

For example,

Which is better: the beach or the mountains?

Museum or hotel pool?

Samba or waltz?

Racing car or jeep?

Billiards or horseback riding?

Thailand or France?

Fried grasshoppers or chops?

It is very interesting for any guy to think about thematic questions, for example: “what would be ... if ...?”

For example, if he suddenly won a million, what would he spend it on? What role would he like to play if invited to act in films?

If you could choose a country where would you like to live?

With whom would you like to be on a desert island?

cool questions

If you want to laugh together, then ask him something like this:

  • Have you ever been in a funny situation in front of a crowd?
  • What was your nickname at school?
  • Have you ever danced a striptease at a party?
  • What fruit are you?
  • What's your favorite joke?
  • What New Year's costume did you have as a child?
  • Who did you want to be as a child?
  • What letters did you not pronounce for a long time?
  • How did you distort words as a child?
  • Were you afraid of Babayka?
  • Until how old did you go with a pacifier and sit on the potty?

Be careful when asking provocative questions. Take into account the fact that a careless word can easily hurt a person. Rely on your sense of tact and degree of intimacy with the interlocutor.

What to ask a guy in correspondence?

If you start a conversation on the 1st social network, it's better to just write "Hi". If he answers the same, you can ask: “How are you?”, “Do you know when spring will begin?”, “You are very similar to my classmate, maybe you are his older brother?”, “Are you by any chance not in ... studied ? I think I saw you there” (choose 1 from the options).

Don't ask too many questions at once, especially long or complex ones.

Look at his photo, if there is “Travel”, ask if he liked those places, otherwise you are also going there, but are still considering whether to go.

If there is a car in the photo, consult which girl is better to choose. Do you want the same, but maybe not worth it, because the parts are very expensive?

If you want to attract attention, you can write in your status: “I am looking for a guy with a strong physique, with good willpower and perseverance for planting potatoes together. There are such?"

When you meet a new guy on the Internet, the first question that arises in your head is: what questions can you ask a pen pal? Some say that you need to be sincere and communicate with a new acquaintance as with everyone else.

But do not forget that from the first days you need to show your best sides. Although communication by correspondence is easier than a personal acquaintance, but even here you can’t fall into the dirt on your face, asking stupid questions.

So, here's what you can ask the guy in the correspondence. If you already know what he does, then this can be a good topic to start communication, for example:

  • How did you go to the gym today?
  • What's new at work today?

If nothing is known yet, then the first thing to do is find out about your favorite hobbies, work or institute. For example, you can ask the guy in the correspondence:

  • How was the day?
  • How are you?
  • What are you doing?

It’s not worth it to immediately attack the guy and ask about the year in which Moscow burned. Also, in the first couple, you should avoid questions about previous relationships.

The questions you can ask a pen pal also depend on his age, it would be inappropriate to ask a 17 year old guy if he has a car, just like asking a 30 year old guy about what grades he got in school.

If, there was an acquaintance with a man from another city, then it would be good to talk about it, for example:

  • Is your city big (small)?
  • Are you cold? (ask about the weather)
  • I have been dreaming of going there for a long time! (if we are talking about a metropolis or a famous city).

Here's another thing you can ask the guy in the correspondence:

  • Where have you traveled? (this question will help you find out if a person is sociable, whether he likes new acquaintances and places).
  • What are you reading now? (if the guy says that he does not like to read, then you should think about further continuation of communication).
  • Do you have a brother/sister?
  • When is your birthday? What is your zodiac sign?

If the acquaintance happened before any holiday, then of course you should not forget about it.

  • Are you going somewhere for New Years?
  • How will you celebrate February 23rd?
  • Have you already prepared a gift for your mother (sister, grandmother) on March 8?
  • Let's go to the May holidays to rest together? (depending on the situation, this question can sound like a joke, or quite seriously).

When thinking about what you can ask a guy in correspondence, the main thing is to choose questions that will help you find common interests. It can be anything:

  1. Pets;
  2. cars;
  3. love for music, films, serials;
  4. trips;
  5. work, college, school.

If a personal acquaintance has already happened, then you should not delay the next meeting. No need to think that only guys are required to ask out on a date. About what questions you can ask a guy on a date read here. Here's how to make an appointment:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • I'm also going to this station, let's meet?
  • I propose to ride bicycles (go on a picnic or just take a walk) on the weekends.

This list of questions can be continued endlessly, the main thing is to remain yourself, because this is the only way you can find your true soul mate.

What questions to ask a guy to interest him

What questions not to ask guys

Questions to ask a guy in a text

  1. What's the best gift you've received?
  2. What did you dream of growing up as a child?
  3. Do you have any nickname?
  4. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
  5. What would you never do in your life?
  6. Is there something you've been dreaming of doing for a long time but haven't done yet?
  7. If you could live in any other city, where would you live?
  8. Which famous historical figure would you like to be?
  9. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
  10. What was your best birthday ever?
  11. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?
  12. What's the craziest and most spontaneous thing you've ever done in your life?
  13. If you could time travel, where would you go?
  14. What is your biggest achievement in life?
  15. What do you like most about the city where you live?
  16. What would you do if you won $1 million?
  17. What is your favorite movie/book?
  18. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  19. If this was the last day of your life, how would you like to spend it?
  20. How close are you to your family?
  21. What do you think is true love?
  22. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you in your life?
  23. Is there a person in your life that you admire?
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  25. How would you describe your friends in three words?
  26. What is the earliest memory in your life?
  27. If you had three wishes that could be granted, what would you wish for?
  28. Do you believe in horoscopes and characteristics of zodiac signs?
  29. What was the worst online dating experience/worst date ever?
  30. What is your ideal weekend?
  31. Do you prefer beach or outdoor activities?
  32. The most rude act in your life?
  33. What do you dislike most about dating?
  34. How did you meet your best friend?

And some funny questions

  1. What do you have in the fridge now?
  2. Do you believe in aliens?
  3. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  4. Steak or cheesecake?
  5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  6. Where are you most ticklish?

The article "What questions can you ask a pen pal" partially used materials