Useful ideas and win-win gift options for congratulations on Tatyana's day. What to give for Tatyana's day

2 Dec Author: Ladymag

Tanya, Tatiana... beautiful name came to Russia a long time ago and is so rooted that it is considered primordially Russian. WITH Greek name Tatyana is translated as organizer, founder. It represents home comfort, hearth, family. That is why in Rus' girls were often called Tatyana. One of the most famous heroines, perhaps, is Tatyana Larina.

Tatyana is also the patroness of all students (“on Tatyana’s day, all students are drunk”)!

And it is on Tatyana's day, the day of students, that we hasten to congratulate our Tanya-Tanyushki on their angel's day. What to give them for this holiday?

I always pay attention to the occupation of my Tanyas. Sometimes I choose gifts according to their profession: Tatyana-doctors I give new books on medicine or a new white bathrobe, Tatyana-masseurs - creams and oils, Tatyana-bankers - purses with joke money, organizers or pens. And so it is possible to enumerate ad infinitum. In any profession, there are those little things that you can always give, and they will always bring joy!

But among universal gift for all Tatyanas, regardless of their type of activity, I want to mark angels or icons. Believe me, such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent!

Giving gifts, leaving a memory of yourself - this tradition exists in all countries. Gifts are chosen both large and small, but a lot of mental strength is always invested in them.

Her name will help you choose gifts for Tatyana. There is no consensus on the origin of the name Tatyana: according to one version, this is the female version of the name of the Sabine king Tatius, according to another version, this is an ancient Greek name that means “organizer”, “founder”.

Tatyan, as a rule, is distinguished by a strong, decisive character, a strong will, and at the same time, artistry and emotionality.

What bouquet to give?

Every holiday is accompanied by flowers. For those born in winter, the bouquet should contain cold and warm shades colors. The task of such a bouquet is to surprise with restraint and cause sincere admiration.

For Tatyana, born in spring, more artistic and playful, with a rich imagination, the best would be a bouquet pastel shades: pink, cream, white. Kind and generous summer Tatyana does not like to waste time on trifles, bright, rich in color and greenery bouquets.

Tatyanas, who gave birth in the fall, have a universal character and are very tactful. They will be impressed by classic, gerberas, roses and.

Birthday: we select a present

For Tatyana's birthday, you can choose any gift: hobby material, personalized gifts(rare books, bracelets with an inscription). When choosing, it is necessary to pursue the goal - to pleasantly surprise. The hero of the occasion will appreciate any flight of fancy.

Here's what you can give Tatyana for her birthday:

  • Art print on canvas from a photo: you need to take care of fancy clothes, jewelry or exotic scenery. To take such a photo will help in the photo salon.
  • Prepare the release of any age-appropriate newspaper (for example, for the older generation - the Pravda newspaper), with a message about the birth of Tatyana.
  • Gift certificate - poster on anniversary date which can then be hung on the wall.

If the donor is close man then surprise the hero of the occasion
you can take a romantic trip in a carriage with a cab driver, book vouchers for the weekend.

It must be remembered that Tatyanas love originality and luxury, but they clearly know the measure, therefore great gift will be the original bracelet or .

Friends can organize a collective trip and spend time fun and usefully.

Birthday: what to give?

If Tatyana celebrates not only a birthday, but also a name day, then you need to choose the appropriate gift. What to give for Tatyana's name day? Ideas might be:

Gifts for Tatyana's Day

History gave Tanya another holiday - Tatyana's Day, student's day. According to the Lives of the Saints, Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family at the end of the 2nd century. A secret Christian, the father raised his daughter in his faith.

Having reached the age of majority, the girl decided that she would not marry and would devote herself to Christ. For her devoted service, she received a very high rank for a woman in the ancient church.

Having learned about Tatiana's faith, the pagans betrayed her to cruel tortures, but she withstood everything and died in her Christian faith. It was on the day of memory of the holy great martyr on January 25 that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of the first university in Russia.

Many decades have passed, but this celebration of youth, love and devotion to the student fraternity remains a fun reason to celebrate throughout the former Soviet Union.

As on any other holiday, on January 25, this is an occasion for all kinds of gifts for the heroes of the occasion. On Tatyana's Day, all acquaintances and relatives bearing the name Tatyana are congratulated, they are given various presents. And they, in turn, should treat the pie. This is such a custom. And in order to pick up a gift, you need to connect a little fantasy about the meaning of the name. For example, Tatyana is the "organizer". Everything can be a gift: a bouquet of flowers, balloons, sweets, jewelry, silver plate and many more.

Not many saints can "boast" of such fame. Christian and catholic church only one Tatiana is known, there is no other date in the calendar. But on the other hand, there is no other day in the year that would connect so many “contradictions” with its celebration. Prayer services are served in churches on January 25, and in the evening all students (and former ones too) go "in all serious ways." Great Martyr Tatyana is the only saint whose day is celebrated by students of all religions.

Thus, Tatyana was much more fortunate than most of the other girls.

You can give your beloved wife on Tatiana's Day good cream, perfume, body lotion, stockings, beautiful neckerchief or send a gift set. And a husband who knows the preferences of his wife can surprise her by giving her lipstick or mascara of the brand that her wife constantly uses. In an exceptional case, you can limit beautiful bouquet from your favorite flowers or a box of chocolates.

If your mother's name is Tatyana, then for her name day you can buy hand cream, bath salt, and a face mask as a gift. For the kitchen, mom is recommended to give a pepper mill, a teapot, potholders, kitchen towels, egg slicing tool or cooking timer.

If you are going to visit your beloved grandmother Tanya on Tatyana's day, it would be nice to give her delicious tea, a jar of honey or an apron for the kitchen. Also good option will be: comfortable slippers, warm blanket, fur socks, lamp.

It would be appropriate to congratulate a friend named Tanya with a scented candle, a beautiful mug with her name, a soft toy, an angel figurine, a fruit basket, a stand for mobile phone, frost protection cream.

Beloved daughter Tanechka, if she is still small, will definitely like the doll or bubble. Schoolgirl Tanya can buy an elastic band for her hair, a basket of chocolate or cookies, and adult daughter give a set of eye shadow, a phone case or a bag. From the available gifts, as an option, a scrub, bath foam or shower gel.

Section with gifts for Tanichka! We will help you make best gift for your loved ones!

“When winter, having crossed the middle,
Casts a gray shadow on the spring,
We remember the intercessor of students
And we celebrate Tatyana's day.

On January 25, in, all women bearing the name Tatiana and all students are congratulated (on January 12, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, Tatiana's day began to be celebrated first as the birthday of the University, and later as a holiday for all students).

How to congratulate Tatyana?

If you congratulate Tatyana on her birthday, then it would be appropriate to give everything related to angels. It can be a cute figurine, a frame with an image of an angel, a soft toy, a mobile stand. You can present as a gift a certificate for a spa visit, a massage course or a beauty salon. After a busy session, this gift will come in handy. You can congratulate Tatyana with a bouquet made or give her a soft toy and a bouquet of balloons as a gift.

If your girlfriend's name is Tanya, and she is also, then give her something original. Tatyanas love to travel, appreciate various secrets, riddles, so they will be delighted with a box with a tourist ticket inside. On extreme case, in the box you can put a guide to the country of interest to her. An exciting puzzle will also be a good gift. A bouquet of flowers will nice addition to a certificate in a beauty salon or a subscription to a fitness club.

What to give a girl for Tatyana's day? Arrange dinner in a restaurant and give your girlfriend a pre-prepared for her. An invitation to a concert or theater can be great, or just give her a delicate orchid in a box (sold in flower shops). The orchid is a symbol of sophistication, wisdom and aristocracy. Simple design, sophisticated shape, elegance ... You can congratulate the girl on Tatyana's day with the most different ways. Your choice depends only on your imagination and on your financial capabilities.

We sincerely congratulate all Tatyana and students on the holiday!

What to give a student?

You can flowers, sweets, Stuffed Toys and themed souvenirs, but this is trite. Here are some more interesting ideas.

1. Replace sweets that are boring for new year holidays, fruits. Google "fruit bouquet" or just bag/box the fruit of your choice. You can budget - tangerines, apples, bananas and pineapples. It can be more interesting - lychee, mangosteen, rambutans or passion fruit.

2. The student will need useful things: a monthly pass, a fitness subscription, payment for a Steam account or desired courses (dance, guitar, carving, economics, etc.). Maybe unromantic, but you will be grateful.

3. By the end of the session, a relaxing gift is appropriate - for example, a certificate for a spa.

4. Ordering flowers for Tatyana's Day is appropriate, but luxurious bouquets are inappropriate. It is better to focus on tenderness and minimalism - a "spring" bouquet of lilies of the valley, tulips or daisies. You can also get creative - please your beloved Tatyana with a heart of roses and ripe strawberries.

There are no former students!

Even if you graduated from high school a long time ago, congratulate fellow students. Meet up, throw them a student prank, or give them a surprise gift. You yourself know: every year everything that reminds of youth becomes more expensive. You don’t even need to make any effort: just call and the event agency, courier service or flower delivery in Moscow will do everything themselves.

Whether to congratulate foreign students?

If your foreign friends study in Russia, congratulations. If you studied, but have already gone home, congratulate remotely. An inexpensive quick option is to order bouquets of flowers with delivery through an international network like, or

Are you friends with a foreign student or teacher, but he has not been to Russia? Then you can not congratulate. Tatyana's day is ours National holiday, and International Student's Day on November 17th. His story is sad: on November 16, 1939, the Nazis dispersed a student demonstration in occupied Prague. On November 17, mass arrests of students took place. Many were imprisoned in a concentration camp, nine were shot. International Student Day was declared in their honor.

How to congratulate a birthday girl

Before the revolution, a person was given a name in honor of the saint on whose memory day he was born. If Tatyana celebrated her name day on January 25, then her birthday was on January 25. But now birthdays and name days most often do not coincide, and this creates confusion.

Usually the birthday is "more important". Ask your friend Anton, Elena or, for example, Varvara, when their name day is - most likely, they don’t even know and don’t expect congratulations. But Tatyana's name day is publicized. Each Tatyana knows about them and expects attention. And yet, since this is not a birthday, we recommend limiting ourselves to a modest surprise: a card, flower delivery, something inexpensive from the "student" list above, etc. Maybe even a call or sms will suffice.

But the believing Tatyana can give name days much greater value. It is better for her to prepare the same gift as for a “regular” birthday.