What to give mother-in-law for her birthday. What to give for mother-in-law's birthday: ideas and useful tips for choosing a gift. Nominal glass "Personal"

The annual problem - the choice of a gift for the mother-in-law - sometimes leads to serious disagreements in the family. The difficulty lies in giving a gift to express love for a person for whom you may not have it.

Moreover, you are not sure that she loves you deeply. But you are one family, your adored husband was brought up by her, your children are her beloved grandchildren. A successful birthday present can be a step towards mutual rapprochement between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law's original birthday gift

Light: if you want to improve relations with your husband's mother, impress her with an original surprise, take a special page in your notebook. During the year, write down on it the wishes of the mother-in-law, expressed by chance.

A lot of excellent ideas will accumulate over the year, and your present will be unexpected and necessary for her personally. This is the only way to make an original and pleasant gift. Your attention will be liked and will be rewarded with reciprocal care.

What to give mother-in-law for her birthday list

There are also universal tips for daughters-in-law who have not had time to think over gift options. It all depends on financial capabilities and your observations and ideas about the mysterious woman who gave birth to your spouse.

  • Household appliances will be an excellent gift;
  • a set of frying pans;

Such a present will help to express concern for a loved one and delight him for whole years.

What to give a mother-in-law for her birthday, spending inexpensively, but so that she likes it?

  • a box of fresh chocolate / handmade sweets (look in pastry shops);
  • indoor plant in a beautiful pot;
  • glasses case;
  • a set of cosmetics;
  • perfume;

What to give the mother-in-law for her birthday who has everything

Let's start with the fact that there are no such people on earth. It seems to you that she has everything. She lacks a lot, and not the most expensive in price. The attention, the love shown by relatives is important.

Give her a trip to the salon, where she can get her hair done, manicures, pedicures, face masks, some haircut that will make her look younger.

Ideas for what to give the future mother-in-law for her birthday from the daughter-in-law

A future relative will feel embarrassed if you show up on her name day with an expensive and pretentious gift. Your relationship is just being laid, do not rush things.

It is better to make a surprise together with the groom, having consulted with him, enjoying the choice and additional information about his family.

A good surprise will be:

  • bijouterie;
  • cosmetics;
  • new TV;
  • telephone;
  • computer;
  • reader, etc.;

DIY mother-in-law's birthday gift

An interesting present can turn out if you, having thoroughly studied the family ties of your spouse, make a family tree. There are ready-made forms on sale, but it is much better to draw it yourself, stick photos and sign it.

If you are a needlewoman, tie openwork shawl or a few pillowcases pillows. The warmth of your hands will give the gift a special cordiality.

  • An embroidered picture will also be an excellent present;
  • knitted scarf;
  • do-it-yourself blanket;
  • hand-Aid products;

Do you cut with a jigsaw, burn wood or draw? Gift your beloved relative with your works. What if she likes it? It's definitely better than gifting cookware or cosmetics that hint at age.

What to give mother-in-law for 45 years

Here's what you can give your mother-in-law for a birthday for 45 years, depending on her lifestyle, activities:

good stationery;

  • branded bag;
  • subscription to the gym or to the pool;
  • fashionable sweater;
  • decorations;
  • a set of oils;
  • a set of cosmetics;

We choose our husband ourselves, we get his relatives as a bonus. For many, the mother-in-law is really a big bonus, the second mother, but not always. However, as folk wisdom says, “If you love the owner, love his dog.” A risky comparison, but in any case, the mother-in-law's birthday is an excellent occasion to establish (strengthen, maintain) relationships. And in his own family as well. Even if she does not celebrate her birthday and says that she does not need gifts, a carefully chosen gift, with fiction and from the heart, will certainly please her.

So what to give your mother-in-law for her birthday? It depends on many criteria: character, appearance, age, hobbies, lifestyle, financial capabilities. All gifts can be divided into categories:

  • gifts - souvenirs - useless things gathering dust for years on the shelves until someone brushes them away from there;
  • things useful in everyday life and household (household appliances, dishes, furniture, home textiles), but there is not a penny in them for the feeling of a holiday;
  • gifts in accordance with the hobbies of the birthday girl - a fishing rod, a gourmet fondue set;
  • preformance - an object of non-material culture, a gift - an impression: a trip, an excursion, a ticket to a sanatorium, a performance, a concert, a certificate from a spa salon, a gift card.


If the birthday girl is still working, then you are lucky in a sense: she will interfere less in your personal life. But the character of a business woman is harsh and you can appease him with a business gift in the form of a leather-bound diary, a new bag or stationery made of engraved semi-precious stones. Maybe it's time for her to change her phone?


If your mother-in-law is already retired, the choice of gifts is even wider. Chat with her over a cup of tea and learn about childhood dreams and today's hobbies.

  • Interested in needlework? Now there are so many sets for embroidery with threads and beads. Give her a canvas, diagrams, a master class, according to the type of creativity that she has not yet mastered. For example, a wool felting master class, and her house will be full.
  • Loves cooking? You can send her to a chocolate master class, where she will be initiated into the intricacies of the confectionery craft. The master chocolatier will show you how to create author's sweets (you can take them with you). Any kitchen appliances - a combine, a microwave, a bread machine that will make work easier and save time are also welcome.
  • Avid fashionista? Pick her a sweater from the latest collection in her favorite color, or buy a gift card to a fashion boutique.
  • Looking after your figure? Will be happy with a subscription to a fitness or swimming pool. But this is only for those who have an active lifestyle.
  • Messing around with houseplants? Present a lemon tree or a flowering plant in a pot, as long as it looks presentable.
  • Homebodies will like a box for family photos, a radio with an alarm clock, an original clock, a shower radio.
  • As a last resort, buy her a new TV. At least in the kitchen. Or an antenna. Or free internet access.

summer resident

Mother-in-law can't imagine her life without a dacha? There are good sets of country tools, elite seeds. You can pick up something from country furniture (a set of plastic tables and chairs, deck chairs, a rocking chair, a hammock), a grill grate, a barbecue, a brazier, a gift-wrapped skewer. Just your appearance at the dacha with the real intention of weeding the garden or helping with repairs will also pleasantly surprise you.

Wealthy birthday girl

What to give your mother-in-law for her birthday, does she have everything like in a military warehouse? Then your present should be especially original. If family values ​​are important to her, give her a family tree or an ordinary white porcelain service with portraits of all loved ones and herself. The picture looks stylish and beautiful, you can order her portrait in oil. Just choose a photo that evokes pleasant associations in her.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse relaxation in a beauty salon, where the best masseurs will pamper

  • anti-stress massage, relieving fatigue of the neck and forearms;
  • massage with herbal bags that improves skin condition;
  • fishmassage, which is carried out by the miracle fish of Garra Rufa.

Certificate for a complex SPA session:

  • fruit spa: coffee and fruit scrub, wine wrap, rose petal mask, aroma massage;
  • Japanese sauna, samurai massage complex, hydromassage and stone massage;
  • Spa in Turkish: hammam, coffee scrub, aroma massage, massage with bamboo brooms.

If you want to get closer to your husband's mother, go on a joint journey, because nothing unites like joint impressions. Or, on the contrary, would you like to take a break from it? A cruise to exotic countries is a win-win option. If so far you are only dreaming about it, then at least organize a ticket to a sanatorium.

If the birthday girl herself is a needlewoman, give her. What to give mother-in-law for a birthday with your own hands will depend on your talents. Knit a beautiful tippet or sew covers for kitchen chairs. A beaded bracelet or an embroidered napkin will be appreciated even by a strict mother-in-law, if a piece of soul is invested in them.

Expensive, of course, attention, not a gift. And yet, it is by the gift that we judge attention. What to give mother-in-law for her birthday inexpensively? If the beloved mother of a beloved husband is a person with humor, you can simply show up for a name day in a T-shirt with a thank you inscription “Thank you, Mom, for the best gift - my husband!” and congratulate with poems of your own composition and a candy bouquet with balloons. Bright emotions are guaranteed.

Anniversary gifts

What to give mother-in-law for her 50th birthday? This is a different story. The budget of such a gift is increasing, which means that the approach to it is also special. 50 years is the age when a person can already look back and see what he has achieved in half a century. And, of course, her main achievement is a loving son who cannot forget about her holiday and demonstrate his love will be a good gift.

If we talk about the celebration itself, then a surprise banquet will be a good gift. Invite your mother to a cafe for a cup of tea, where all the relatives have already gathered. The joy of meeting is guaranteed, even if the birthday girl does not like to celebrate birthdays. After all, the most valuable thing we have is the love of loved ones. Knowing that you are not alone and needed by others is the best gift. What else to give a woman for 50 years, read.

What to give mother-in-law for 60 years? You can order a slideshow or give a digital frame with your family photo as a gift.

Who is she for you?

Can you call your relationship with your husband's mother friendly? Do you share secrets, recipes, discuss problems? So, you are familiar with her preferences and will be able to choose the right elite cosmetics, perfume, jewelry.

Is your mother-in-law still just a friend to you and you didn’t have time to get close? Ask your husband, father-in-law about her hobbies, pick up an interior item, beautiful dishes together.

You call her the second mother, and she answers you the same? Surely you want to make an expensive gift. Household appliances, gold jewelry, silverware will reflect your love and care.

This woman is completely alien to you and you do not communicate at all? Some universal present without a personal accent will help out: a book, a tablecloth, a set of chocolate.

What do mothers-in-law give in real life

On the forums from personal experience, you can draw a lot of ideas:

  • karaoke, mp3 player, audiobook, telephone, book-album with reproductions, TV,
  • decorative fountain, glass table, jubilee medal, tiger eye charm beads, electric samovar (Gzhel), set of Vologda lace napkins, engraved silver sugar bowl
  • food processor, juicer, bread maker, vacuum cleaner,
  • lemon tree, lamp in the bedroom, mirror in the hallway;
  • expensive body care, toilet water, terry bathrobe, bamboo or sheep wool blanket, bed linen, blanket, bedspread;
  • massager, air humidifier, heater, hydromassage foot bath, blood pressure monitor, massage bath mat;
  • a gift card to a bookstore, tickets to a Patricia Kaas concert, a certificate for 2,000 to choose from (boat trip, massage, spa);
  • a large warm shawl of our own production, a cape in the car on the Panda seat (under the brand of her car).

What is the second mother unlikely to be happy about?

  • bathrobes, nightgowns, underwear she can buy herself. Not everyone likes such an invasion of personal space;
  • dishes - pots, pans corny point to its place in the kitchen;
  • medical devices and medicines at a price can be equated to a gift. But on such a day, a cane or a tonometer will rather remind you of sad things;
  • anti-aging cosmetics and another hint of her age is also a sure way to start hostilities.

Once you've made your choice, don't forget the appropriate packaging for the occasion. Any gift must be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers. It is better if it is a composition made by a florist or a beautiful basket with her favorite flowers. And, of course, smiles, kisses, congratulations, good mood, which is rare at such a celebration. The main thing is to congratulate with a pure heart and without any selfish intent, because the birthday girl will definitely feel the catch. Good luck choosing!

Relationships in the family with new relatives can be controversial, but on holidays it is supposed to give gifts. Ideally, the mother-in-law for the daughter-in-law becomes the second mother, so the present for the next date should be appropriate. It is important to think over birthday gift ideas in advance in order to pleasantly surprise a relative.

How to choose the perfect gift for your mother-in-law

It's nice to surprise a birthday girl - this is already a worthy present, especially when it comes to a wayward mother-in-law. The exhausting choice of a worthy gift can last for months, and for some young women, pleasing a second mother becomes an obsession. Do not get hung up, it is better to listen to your heart and remember what the mother-in-law has been dreaming about for a long time, what she plans to buy soon. If her life has everything she needs, the main criteria for choosing a present and the answer to the question of what to give are presented below:

  1. Tact. This is the main definition of a future gift, which the daughter-in-law should not forget. What you give to your best friend, you rarely present to your second mother - an adult may not understand the idea. Creativity and mother-in-law are not always compatible concepts, so it’s better not to experiment, but to choose strict classics as a win-win option.
  2. Hobbies. Adult women always have a hobby to which they devote their free time. When choosing what to give to the mother-in-law, it is important to remember the hobby of an honorary relative. If she loves indoor plants, her home greenhouse can be supplemented with a new specimen. A set for needlework will surely please a true craftswoman.
  3. Pathos. If the daughter-in-law does not know what to give her second mother, you can ask her son. In the complete absence of ideas, it is better to focus on high cost, luxury, as signs of attention and special treatment. She definitely will not refuse such a gift, although she will be embarrassed when it is presented. So it's time to save money for the upcoming mother-in-law's holiday.

What can I give my husband's mom

It is better not to buy household and boring souvenirs, especially if the mother-in-law has an anniversary. A woman in adulthood will be pleased with more sentimental gifts or just an increased interest in her own person. A present can be inexpensive, but memorable, so in this case it is better to choose more carefully, approach the purchase responsibly, and do not save. Such valuable advice is appropriate if the daughter-in-law is to present a gift to her mother-in-law on March 8 or any other holiday. If there are no thoughts on what to give, below are the current options for all occasions and memorable dates.

For the New Year

New Year's Eve is a traditional holiday, so when choosing a gift for your mother-in-law, you can limit yourself to a themed souvenir, a Christmas tree toy, or just a standard set of sweets. This is what inattentive daughters-in-law think, not understanding that the right choice of a present is the way to the heart of this adamant and significant woman in the life of her husband. Therefore, it is recommended to show imagination, ask for advice, do not save. Alternatively, you can give the following gifts:

  • a set of vintage Christmas toys;
  • chocolate in a gift box;
  • exclusive plate for snacks.

March 8

Another event that needs to be marked with a memorable present. Not only a loving son, but also a not always pleasing daughter-in-law, should give something meaningful and touching. Otherwise, conflict situations or suppression of grievances are difficult to avoid. If the lover has not yet become a legal spouse, the question of what to give the boyfriend's mother on March 8 is especially important for the girl. It is necessary to make a good impression on the future relative, to establish relations from the first meeting, be sure to please her. So what to give the future mother-in-law? Here are some good ideas:

  • name vase with engraving;
  • wall picture;
  • fashion wallet;
  • stand for rings;
  • personal writing instrument.

What gift to buy mother-in-law

If the daughter-in-law does not know what to give her husband's mother for the next holiday, it's time to look on the Internet. There are plenty of such virtual stores in Moscow, and each site has an extensive and colorful catalog with possible options, final prices. This is very convenient, because you can save time on searching, make a decent choice at an affordable price, receive a purchase in person and really please your mother-in-law with a surprise. It remains only to find out in advance what she likes and what gifts she prefers to receive.


If the mother-in-law does not work, you can give her something useful in everyday life. It is not at all necessary to buy ladles, spoons or a standard china service. However, kitchen utensils and household appliances can also pleasantly surprise even the most experienced and capricious housewife. Below are some good ideas on what to give your beloved mother-in-law on the next date in order to once again excel on the positive side. It could be:

  • rug for the test with measured divisions;
  • engraved tea box;
  • grater with a container;
  • flexible dish dryer;
  • kitchen clock-timer on a clip.

Business lady

If the mother-in-law is not a housewife at all, but an independent, self-confident woman, it is more difficult to surprise her. Such a lady has everything, and she is skeptical about gifts. But still, you should not leave it unattended, especially since you can give useful, valuable, stylish, relevant and simply pleasant things to the heart. Here are some good ideas for all occasions that are sure to please a strict, independent mother-in-law:

  • expensive parker;
  • beautiful umbrella;
  • spa certificate
  • business card holder with a flash drive;
  • engraved business card stand.

Original ideas for a mother-in-law's birthday gift

If an adult woman is not alien to creativity and originality, when the mother-in-law has a unique sense of humor, you can give her something like that. The present should not be boring and dull, otherwise the daughter-in-law will be ridiculed. However, sarcasm should also be appropriate so as not to step over the invisible line of a good relationship. If the daughter-in-law perceives the mother-in-law as a second mother, it is allowed to joke. Here are ideas for what to give your mother-in-law for her birthday:

  • sweets Delicious help;
  • paired t-shirts;
  • massager for the back or legs;
  • original thermo mug with signature;
  • photo calendar or photo frame with the image of the whole family.

Gift for the soul

It is important not to forget that the mother-in-law is also a woman, and she may have her own “weak points”. Some ladies of Balzac age simply love shopping and regularly update their own wardrobe. Others are obsessed with flashy accessories and jewelry. Still others cannot imagine their life without sweets and cooking. So when choosing, it is important to take into account the taste preferences of the second mother, especially if the question is what to give her. As an option:

  • elegant tippet;
  • luxury perfume;
  • stylish bag;
  • stand for rings;
  • expensive decoration.

Almost every married woman once a year has to think about the question: “?” Solving this problem requires a responsible approach, and all because a well-chosen gift can smooth out some of the roughness in the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law and improve relationships.

Mother-in-law gifts for 45 years

Mother-in-law turns 45? People say about this age: “At 45, a woman is a berry again.” And indeed it is. At this age, a woman remains attractive, but maturity and practicality become the main feature. Therefore, gifts are given on the 45th anniversary of high quality and useful.

Grill + toaster

The mother-in-law will surely be delighted with the new chic crockery service or high-quality non-stick frying pans. You can also give a set of crystal glasses or devices for the tea ceremony.

If the mother-in-law already has all this, then turn your attention to things that are always needed. This:

  • beautiful silk bed set;
  • warm blanket made of natural wool;
  • large bath towel;
  • cozy terry bathrobe;
  • porcelain service.

You can give the birthday girl some of the pieces of furniture. A wicker chair, a coffee table, a sofa, an ottoman, elegant chairs or a folding table for the kitchen - the choice is huge. It’s good if, before buying one of these items, you organize a tour of the furniture store and casually find out exactly what your mother-in-law needs from this.

Coffee table

In the modern world, a person can not do without electronic gadgets. And your mother-in-law is no exception. So you can give her:

  • e-book;
  • new phone;
  • laptop;
  • speakers with original design;
  • wireless mouse or wireless headphones;
  • digital photo frame;
  • digital measuring spoon;
  • musical pillow.

What to give mother-in-law for her 50th birthday?

The birthday girl has half a century behind her. This is an occasion to look back and see what she has achieved during this time. Naturally, the main achievement of her life is a loving son who never forgets his birthday and will definitely come to the holiday with the best gift to demonstrate his love for his mother. And it doesn’t matter at all that he often “shifts” the choice of a present onto his wife. So, what gift to present to the birthday girl for her anniversary?


Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that the holiday is not with your mother-in-law, but with you. With what gifts would you like to see guests in your hands? Of course, with household appliances that you do not have available, or with something not so practical, but very beautiful. Here is a list of such gifts:

  • multicooker;
  • branded iron;
  • modern hairdryer;
  • bread machine;
  • mixer;
  • beautiful wall clock;
  • portrait of a birthday girl on canvas;
  • original salt or aroma lamp.

Also, on the anniversary of the mother-in-law, you can give a trip that she dreamed of or a ticket to rest in a sanatorium. A nice and warm gift for a birthday girl will be a custom-made flip calendar, in which the birthdays of all relatives are marked and beautiful family photos are selected.

Mother-in-law gift for 55th birthday

It is customary to give special gifts for an anniversary. And the 55th anniversary of the mother-in-law is an excellent occasion to present something pleasant for the soul or good for health, something that will add new colors to her life. If you have a good relationship with your husband's mother, then you can confirm your respect by presenting a chic tablecloth for the anniversary, or even better, a ticket to the sanatorium. At the same time, do not forget to attach a postcard with an inscription like: “For our best mother” to the gift. Also, the main gift can be supplemented with the “Best Mother-in-Law Diploma” or an anniversary medal. Don't forget the flowers too. The birthday girl will definitely be delighted with a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. If you have sufficient financial resources, then together with your husband, give your mother-in-law jewelry. Believe me, such a gift will be appreciated.

Diploma of the best mother-in-law

Is your mother-in-law a stylish and sophisticated woman? Then choose a gift wisely and give something that will emphasize her impeccable taste and reflect her love for beautiful things. Appropriate gifts for the birthday girl will be:

  • stylish shawl;
  • chic brooch;
  • small leather bag and scarf;
  • elongated gloves;
  • nice umbrella.

If you are at a loss with the choice, then give her a certificate for the purchase of clothes in one of the most popular stores in the city. The mother-in-law will certainly appreciate your attention, care and will be flattered.

What to give mother-in-law for her 60th birthday?

Choosing gifts for the mother-in-law is not an easy task, especially when it comes to choosing a present for her 60th birthday. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully and scrupulously treat the solution of this problem in order to give a really necessary gift. At the age of 60, for many women, the price of a present does not really matter. The most important thing at this age is the attention given and the knowledge that the family remembers, loves and cares.

Heated blanket

Your mother-in-law, like all people at this age, needs warmth and care. Therefore, think about getting warm and cozy for her. It can be:

  • blanket with sleeves;
  • bathrobe;
  • beautiful shawl;
  • heated bed linen;
  • fur vest.

Presents from this series will warm not only the body of the hero of the day, but also her soul. The mother-in-law will use these things with pleasure, remembering with gratitude about her daughter-in-law, who made sure that she felt comfortable in the cold, presenting such a wonderful gift for her birthday.

You can surprise your mother-in-law and give her an impression gift, let her remember her youth.

If you want to give your mother-in-law something unusual for an anniversary, then please with an impression gift. Perhaps she had long dreamed of riding horses or going on a boat trip? Or maybe all my life I wanted to fly in a hot air balloon? Surprise your husband's mother and give her the opportunity to realize this dream.

Ballet tickets as a gift

If the mother-in-law has not been anywhere for a long time, then arrange for her to go out into the world by giving tickets to the theater, ballet or some kind of exhibition. At the same time, add a certificate for visiting a beauty salon to the tickets so that she goes to the event in all her splendor. What could be better than the opportunity to feel attractive and charming again? Here are some more gift ideas:

  • attending a master class in accordance with the hobbies of the birthday girl;
  • family professional photo session;
  • gift certificate for visiting the tea ceremony;
  • a small concert for the hero of the day, organized by members of the whole family;
  • video about the life of the birthday girl.

By the way, when giving a gift, do not forget to hug your mother-in-law and say something nice.

Mother-in-law gift for 65th birthday

crepe maker

65 years is a respectable date, therefore, the choice of a gift must be taken responsibly. When choosing a gift, remember that practicality is the main character trait at this age. And if the present is useful and practical, then the birthday girl will surely like it. Good gifts for the mother-in-law for the anniversary can be:

  • retro - telephone;
  • original crystal candy bowl;
  • beautiful wall mirror;
  • weather station;
  • family tree photo frame;
  • indoor fountain;
  • sheepskin blanket;
  • massager;
  • robot vacuum cleaner.

When choosing a gift for your mother-in-law, show a little cunning, ingenuity and present to her what may become a new hobby for the hero of the day. So she will pay more attention to herself and less to your family. For example, give a birthday girl:

  • sauna or bath set;
  • aquarium with fish;
  • a set of a beginner artist;
  • soap making set;
  • certificate for visiting the spa or massage room;
  • attending a master class (first find out what the mother-in-law would like to learn).

Finally, one more piece of advice: any woman is pleased to receive flowers as a gift, preferably loved ones. Don't forget about this when you are going to your mother-in-law's birthday party.


When a woman marries, she acquires not only a husband, but also a mother-in-law. Despite all the clichés and jokes about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they may well live in perfect harmony. If you want to improve relations in a new family or consolidate a successful acquaintance with a future mother-in-law, use her birthday as an occasion to show your respect.

How to choose the right present

A mother-in-law's birthday gift and its choice is a delicate matter, because an incorrectly chosen present can offend the mother-in-law and seriously affect your relationship with her. A few important rules for choosing the perfect present will help please the birthday girl and avoid common mistakes:

  1. Connect your husband. Who knows about the desires and interests of the birthday girl, if not the person who lived with her for more than 20 years? Consult with your husband and choose a gift together, perhaps not so long ago, a mother complained to her son about an old microwave or a broken laptop.
  2. Choose something that the birthday girl herself will not buy. As a rule, gifts are divided into two types: useful in the household and “for the soul”. The mother-in-law herself can afford a shower gel or a new cup, but a trip to the sea or a gift-impression is unlikely.
  3. Price doesn't matter. A birthday present is not a bribe, so you should not choose emphatically expensive, but meaningless presents. An expensive gilded pen or an ivory bracelet is, of course, luxurious, but the mother-in-law is unlikely to come in handy. And even more so, you should not defiantly leave a price tag on the package.
Don't forget congratulations. Even the best gift needs to be presented correctly. Personally give it to the birthday girl, adding a sincere congratulatory speech. Let her open the package in front of you and be sure to listen to her thanks.

What not to give

Do not neglect the generally accepted rules of etiquette when the question arises of what to give your mother-in-law for her birthday. There is a certain list of presents that cannot be given if you do not want to completely ruin your relationship with the birthday girl:

  1. Personal hygiene items. You should not present shampoos, shaving foam, all kinds of gels and washcloths to the hero of the occasion. Such things are perceived as a hint of poor hygiene and can offend a person.
  2. Pets. Even if the mother-in-law has long dreamed of a furry friend, you should not arrange a blind date for her, it is better to take her to a pet store or nursery and let her choose the animal she likes on her own.
  3. Gifts associated with bad omens. If the mother-in-law is a superstitious and suspicious person, an incorrectly chosen present can not only not please her, but also seriously scare her. A woman may regard watches as a symbol of imminent death, and knives as a hidden threat. If the birthday girl herself ordered one of these gifts for her birthday, ask her for a symbolic coin to avoid a bad omen.
  4. Cosmetics. Women are very wary of such gifts, especially when it comes to cosmetics for the care of aging skin, such as anti-wrinkle creams or anti-cellulite scrubs. With decorative cosmetics it is even more difficult - everyone's skin is different, and a birthday girl may have a banal allergy to some components of the products.

Some things cannot be given for ethical reasons, while others can be perceived as an insult. If the husband's mother is a harsh and vindictive woman, it is not known what such an oversight will lead to. Responsibly approach the choice, because perhaps it will be the decisive factor in obtaining a ticket to a happy family life.

For the future mother-in-law

Any girl knows that, having received tacit approval from the mother of her young man, she instantly finds herself with one foot on the altar. But what to give the future mother-in-law for her birthday in order to make a positive impression on her and immediately establish herself as an attentive and loving daughter-in-law?

Most likely, you have already communicated with your future mother-in-law a couple of times and are aware of her interests and preferences. A win-win option would be a gift associated with a passion or hobby. For a fan of women's novels, an e-book will come in handy, into which a whole library is already loaded. For keen gardeners - a set of cute tools, and for needlewomen - an embroidery kit or a set of beautiful hoops of different sizes.

Alcohol is not the best gift for a future mother-in-law, because she may regard it as a hint or decide that you yourself are abusing alcohol. However, coffee lovers will rightly appreciate a small bottle of soft chocolate or caramel liqueur, which must be added to the aromatic drink for taste.

If the birthday girl often goes out and does not neglect all kinds of decorations, present her with a beautiful carved box. An unusual wooden chest will decorate a dressing table or dressing table, while rings and pendants will be safe from dirt and dust.

For ex-mother-in-law

Not everyone has a perfect family life, sometimes couples break up, but continue to maintain friendly relations. If, while married, you got along well with your mother-in-law and she often helped you out with wise advice, you should not forget about her birthdays and periodically remind yourself of yourself with polite congratulations and a small gift.

What to give your ex-mother-in-law for her birthday? If you have been in close contact with the birthday girl for a long time, you can choose for her a ticket to an interesting performance that she will like or a fascinating book. If nothing comes to mind, a large beautiful flower in a pot, or a package with several varieties of good tea, will do.

You should not only send a gift by courier or pass it through your ex-husband, but also be sure to congratulate your mother-in-law in person. If you live far away and will not be able to attend the celebration, a phone call will suffice.

When the relationship with the birthday girl can hardly be called warm, give something neutral, for example, a tablecloth or a small service. As a gift “for show”, a set of towels or bed linen is also suitable.

Inexpensive gifts

If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a large amount for a gift, you will have to think about what you can give your mother-in-law for a birthday inexpensively. Flowers will be a traditional inexpensive gift, but if you want to stand out, give the hero of the occasion a bouquet of sweets. Check in advance if she eats chocolate and what sweets she prefers.

  1. A birthday girl who grew up in the Soviet Union will like a collection of old Soviet films. Find it in a video store or make it yourself by burning her favorite tapes onto a blank. Choose the best photo of your mother-in-law and make a unique disc cover by printing the image directly on the laser disc.
  2. An older woman may have vision problems, in order to save her from the torment and constant search for glasses around the house, present her with a modest but pretty case. The main thing is to clarify in advance the shape and size of the glasses.
  3. If you have been married for a long time and you have children, a photo album or a collage with photos of grandchildren will become a sentimental gift. You can order a collage at a photo studio or make it yourself by simply sticking photos on a large sheet of thick cardboard and decorating them with decorative bows and ribbons.

If you have a strained relationship with your husband's mother, her birthday will be an excellent occasion to forget all quarrels and disagreements. A pleasant, sincere gift will demonstrate your care and attention and show that peace in the family is much more important for you than old grievances. It is not easy to please the mother-in-law, but, guided by all the recommendations and tips, you will definitely be able to choose what she will like.