The most effective moisturizer ever. Choose a moisturizer from the rating of the best. Cream with chamomile from Lidrederm

The beauty that a person receives from nature is a fickle thing, which can be supported by moisturizing the skin of the face with folk remedies that have proven that even without the use of modern developments in the field of cosmetology, it is possible to preserve it regardless of age. In order to perform procedures to saturate the skin with moisture, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive salons, buy creams or serums - many plants and fruits can give moisture to the skin, make it smooth and toned, full of vitality.

Folk remedies for moisturizing

Effective disposal of cosmetic skin imperfections - the use of folk remedies. One of the most common skin moisturizers is aloe vera juice. It begins to act immediately after application, penetrates deep into the cells, providing a visible result after the first application.

Plants that can be used for cleansing, moisturizing and toning:

  • Agave;
  • Chamomile;
  • Rosemary;
  • Birch;
  • Iris;
  • Rose;
  • Sandal;
  • Grape;
  • dry algae;
  • Calendula.

Apples, avocados, lemon, olive oil, ice cubes, oatmeal also cope with the task. They are used as components for masks, lotions, tonics. It is possible to use preparations based on these products only if the skin does not have an increased sensitivity to the substances that make up their composition.

Basic secrets and rules for moisturizing the skin at home

To combat dry or tired skin, it is important not only to choose the right preparation, but also to follow the rules of skin care. Daily procedures will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of redness and peeling.

The secrets of proper care for dry skin are simple:

  • It is sometimes necessary to change the brand of moisturizer, as the skin tends to get used to the substances that make up its composition;
  • The choice of a new product must be conscious - it is important that it contains organic acids: hyaluronic, lactic or others;
  • Thermal water is an effective drug that retains moisture well in skin cells, so its use is recommended for daily cosmetic procedures;
  • Several times a week, special masks should be applied to dry skin, the recipe of which must be obtained from a specialist cosmetologist;
  • It is important to protect the skin: in summer - from exposure to the sun, in winter - from hypothermia, as in these cases there is rapid dehydration.

In addition, to keep the skin healthy and elastic, it is necessary to choose the optimal temperature of the water - hot makes healthy skin dry and is the main cause of redness and flaking. It is better to wash with slightly cool water.

It is also important to maintain the correct balance of water in the body. Daily ventilation also contributes to the natural hydration of the skin.

Dehydration: how to determine?

Water is the main component of the human body. It is with her participation that all the main processes that ensure vital activity proceed. The lack of this substance is primarily reflected in the skin. She begins to lose elasticity, becomes pale and flabby. People at any age can face the first signs of aging, so it is very important to determine in time that the dehydration process has begun. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself.

Symptoms of dehydration, which should alert and give a signal to the use of special means:

  • The appearance of tightness;
  • Peeling;
  • Loss of natural color.

Also, attention should be attracted by the loss of elasticity, elasticity and the appearance of unpleasant sensations during touching - roughness. In the event that wrinkles appear, you need to act immediately. Any of these signs signals that the body needs more moisture than it receives at the moment.

Hydration around the eyes: the beauty of the look

Youth is easy to determine by looking - the area around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, small wrinkles, first mimic, then age-related, most quickly appear there. That is why moisturizing this area of ​​the face is a task that needs to be solved. For daily care in this area, warm olive oil, honey or fresh cucumber juice is used. Tomato juice is no less effective in terms of moisturizing. The composition is considered universal, the ingredients of which are lemon juice, vegetable oil - it not only moisturizes the area around the eyes, but also eliminates wrinkles.

Also at home, it is recommended to use fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A and E. Eating milk or dairy products will help maintain an excellent condition of the face and neck, regardless of age. These products contain all the necessary components that fight against the external manifestations of aging, while having a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Each woman has an individuality, and it is difficult to compare her with other representatives of the fair sex. However, all these conventions dissolve by magic when it comes to taking care of your body. In this matter, all ladies are the same: they strive for exceptional beauty. As you know, the face, neck and hands are the hallmark of a woman who can tell a lot about her sense of self, age and self-love.

Mandatory face care item

The main component in a cosmetic bag that allows you to properly maintain the skin in good shape is for the face. Reviews about cosmetics for each lady can be very different, because it is impossible to create a universal formula that can give youth to absolutely everyone. Finding the perfect skin care product is incredibly difficult due to the huge selection on the market. That is why below is a review of facial moisturizers that have been offered to a number of women who have experienced the result of the action on their own skin. The ladies used each tool for 30 days, after which they made their own verdict in the form of subjective reviews.

One Englishwoman, who carefully looked after her face, decided at the age of 46 to conduct an experiment and answer the question that torments all women: "Does it make sense to buy an expensive face cream (moisturizer)?"

The reviews of the lady surprised the whole world. For the purity of the experiment, the woman turned to a cosmetic center, where she underwent a preliminary diagnosis of her face in order to compare the results with subsequent changes.

So, the test journalist Claire Kissoti, for a month, applied cream from a budget series worth just over a pound to one half of her face, and an expensive moisturizer to the other half. The Englishwoman's comments about the condition of her skin after a 30-day period were fully confirmed by cosmetologists and boiled down to the fact that a cheap cream did its job much better.

Of course, one should recognize the fact that only two brands of moisturizer participated in the experiment and the data obtained cannot deny the positive effect of expensive cosmetics on the skin. This measure, rather, proved that among the budget line of creams you can also find a completely effective remedy.

Review Hydratant Ange Garrdien by Kenzo

If you believe the promises of the manufacturer, then this product should become a guardian angel for the skin, providing it with reliable hydration and protection from the negative effects of external environmental factors.

By its action, this face cream is moisturizing. Reviews about him are positive from those women who complain of excessive dryness of the skin. It has a soft texture, the product is quickly absorbed into the skin, and at the same time it is enough to apply a small amount to forget about the skin tightened under cosmetics during the day.

Hydratant Ange Garrdien will appeal to those ladies who complain about the tendency of the skin to allergic reactions and find it difficult to choose face care products. After using the cream for a short time, you can notice how the skin tone evens out and the degree of redness (if any) decreases.

A gift to the skin from Chanel - Hydra Beauty cream

The heritage of the Chanel fashion house is so great that any of its products promises to become another timeless masterpiece. That is why among cosmetic novelties great attention is always paid to the products of this brand. According to established tradition, Hydra Beauty cream should be worthy of the title of "best moisturizer

The creators of the cream promise that it is the perfect solution for women with dry skin. It can be used at any time of the year, and thanks to the special ingredients - canola and shea oils, as well as the camellia flower, it will protect the skin from wind and adverse environmental conditions.

According to the reviews of women, the effect of applying Hydra Beauty cream can be felt the first time. The skin changes before our eyes after a light massage of the cream. It is immediately absorbed without leaving a greasy shell and shine on the skin. If desired, Hydra Beauty cream can also replace the evening cream. After a week of use, you can enjoy the result: the skin acquires a healthy shade, the feeling of discomfort with facial expressions disappears. As a pleasant bonus for women, the surprisingly mild aroma of the cream can be noted.

Biotherm Aquasource Deep Serum Review

In addition to problems with dry skin, women often complain about the violation of the water-fat balance, which can be traced with a mixed type of dermis. In cases where you need to moisturize dry areas of the face and at the same time remove excess shine from oily ones, it is very difficult to choose a moisturizer for the face. Feedback from women with similar problems allows you to evaluate the quality of products as efficiently as possible.

Aquasource Deep Serum is a new serum designed for rich hydration. If you believe the descriptions on the packaging, then the composition of the cosmetic product contains innovative monosaccharide molecules in triple concentration, which are simply required to moisturize the skin to the deepest layers of the dermis. As practice has shown, the novelty from Biotherm is quite capable of nourishing with moisture, but owners of mixed skin are better off trying their luck with another remedy. Aquasource Deep Serum is quickly absorbed and has a subtle texture, however, the serum does not eliminate oily sheen on the skin, but only moisturizes its dry areas.

Cream for combination skin

In our time, when the environment leaves much to be desired, an imbalance in the work of the skin is increasingly observed. Thus, women with a combination skin type have become more common than ladies complaining of dryness of the face. The best facial moisturizer in this case is Clarins Multi-Hydratante.

This tool will delight owners of both combination and normal skin, prone to the appearance of oily sheen in the T-zone. The weightless texture allows Multi-Hydratante to be instantly absorbed. The cream prevents water imbalance in the skin even under the scorching rays of the sun. The hyaluronic acid present in its composition has a rejuvenating effect, significantly reducing the level of mimic wrinkles. In general, according to women who have had the pleasure of using Multi-Hydratante, it actively mattifies the skin and can be a good base for make-up.

Everyone's favorite Vichy brings Aqualia Thermal to skin

Vichy cosmetics has become synonymous with a fairly affordable facial option for those women who really care about their skin. Aqualia Thermal - moisturizing face cream.

At a young age, the fair sex does not think about the need for proper facial skin care. However, it is very thin and sensitive, and the sooner you start using high-quality cosmetic products, the longer you will shine, remaining young and attractive. 30 years is perhaps the most suitable age for the use of cosmetics, creams and face serums. Introducing the top 10 best facial beauty products after 30 2019.

How to choose the right face cream, and what to build on when buying it?

  • Manufacturing company. It must be tested and use only quality ingredients,
  • Expiration date and composition of the cosmetic product,
  • Choosing a cream that suits your skin type
  • Advice from cosmetologists and dermatologists,
  • Customer reviews.

The best recovery creams after 30

Out of standings - "Luxury food" - L'Oreal

Nutrients, collagen, vitamins, essential oils - the result is an even complexion, glowing skin, tenderness and velvety. As well as soothing skin - white jasmine, rosemary and lavender. The cosmetic product instantly saturates and nourishes the skin with moisture, improves elasticity and fights signs of fatigue. As a result of using this cosmetic product, the skin tone is significantly evened out, it becomes richer, redness on the face also disappears, freckles become much lighter.


  • Comfortable and evenly distributed over the skin;
  • Does not clog pores;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Light, melting texture;
  • Nice smell;
  • Whitening effect;
  • Elimination of puffiness.


  • Frequent fakes;
  • Price.

A super nourishing cream suitable for extreme hydration of the face skin over 30, based on natural ingredients, not only eliminates the first signs of aging, but also prevents their reappearance. The cream effectively fights skin problems, and evenly distributed nourishing and moisturizing elements instantly eliminate tightness. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of this cosmetic product, retains moisture for 24 hours, improves the tone and elasticity of the skin of the face, maintains the mobility and flexibility of the joints. The tool is also suitable for make-up.


  • Corrects facial skin tone;
  • No film effect;
  • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Pleasant smell and texture;
  • Super moisturizing effect.


  • Frequent fakes;
  • Price;
  • There is no dispenser.

Vichy is one of the first companies to combine the healing and decorative functions of cosmetic products. The cream for girls of the 30+ category is based on thermal water, which softens skin cells, products marked Aqualia Thermal speak of moisturizing properties. The cream smooths out all irregularities, and the skin acquires healthy elasticity, the feeling of tightness and fatigue disappears. In winter, in conditions of frost and dryness, the cosmetic product effectively protects the skin of the face from hypothermia.


  • Gel consistency;
  • Affordable price;
  • natural composition;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Free of parabens;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Dermatological control.


  • Not found.

This cosmetic product "Face Microsculptor" belongs to the anti-aging series and fights against the early signs of aging, maintaining the skin in good condition and restoring its youthfulness and elasticity. The effectiveness of the effect on the skin of the face lies in the increased concentration of amino-peptides, which stimulates the production of collagen, as well as precious marine peptides. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for strengthening intercellular structures, and a complex of antioxidants contributes to the complete and continuous hydration of the skin.


  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Dense consistency;
  • Nice smell;
  • Long shelf life.


  • Price.

Cosmetic Serum-Cream is designed for mixed and normal facial skin, it also has the properties of intensive care for mature facial skin after thirty years. More suitable as a prophylactic, it also fights early signs of aging and unwanted premature wrinkles. The composition of the cosmetic product contains an active formula that successfully inhibits loss of elasticity, wrinkles and dehydration.


  • Nice smell;
  • Separate double dispenser;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Instantly absorbed;
  • Light lifting;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Not found

6. Youth Surge with SPF 15 protection - Clinique

An exclusive cream that activates the renewal of body cells during periods of rest, it recreates the youthfulness of the epidermis in the evening and at night. This anti-aging product eliminates the first early signs of aging - wrinkles by increasing collagen and proteins necessary for the full functioning of cells. Due to their composition and the ability to prolong the youthfulness of the epidermis, they are called "longevity genes".


  • Excellent nutrition and hydration;
  • Economical due to density;
  • Does not weigh down the skin;
  • Hypoallergenic;


  • Cream white;
  • Too greasy;
  • Price.

5. Primordiale-Lancome

Anti-aging serum, the main ingredient of which is an exclusively developed Cell Defense filter, which contains four components that can freeze free radicals by 99%. The appearance of premature wrinkles and skin aging is significantly slowed down. A powerful mineral complex restores a healthy complexion, restoring a cheerful tone to the skin, and also promotes cell renewal.


  • Light texture;
  • Elimination of unwanted redness;
  • Clears age spots;
  • Does not leave a greasy sheen;
  • Easily absorbed.


  • Makeup is poorly applied after applying the cream;
  • The appearance of fragrance;
  • Price.

An effective, multifunctional cosmetic product of a Korean manufacturer, with a high content (92%) of Mizon snail extract, has gained popularity all over the world due to its restorative, rejuvenating function. Mizon all one snall, saturating the epidermis with essential minerals and trace elements, will solve skin problems after thirty in a short time and provide its elasticity, restoration and necessary care.

The effective action of the cosmetic cream extends not only to wrinkles, but also to age spots, redness, and scars. Optimally appropriate composition rejuvenates the skin of the face and restores its functions. It is rightfully considered the best cream with a lifting effect.


  • Not addictive;
  • Multifunctional cosmetic preparation;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • brightening;
  • Affordable cost.


  • Slightly pharmaceutical smell;
  • Contains silicone.

A multifunctional cosmetic product is ideal at any time of the year, it counteracts temperature changes, dust, wind, burns, etc., and also normalizes the hydro balance of the skin. Also, the cream is like a soothing agent for skin that has undergone deep chemical cleaning or other cosmetic procedures.

The cream contains vitamin C and UV filters and polysaccharides, which is suitable for irritated and sensitive skin and provides a comprehensive and systematic restoration of damaged skin, strengthening and protecting it from external factors, and also reduces the action of free radicals, improving its relief. The cream effectively prevents early aging of the skin of the face, the formation of unwanted wrinkles, as well as loss of elasticity.


  • Can be used as a base for make-up;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Nice smell;
  • Relieves redness and irritation;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Does not clog pores;
  • Normalizes microflora;
  • Light texture.
  • Efficiency;


  • Not suitable for all skin types.

2. Organic Linden - Logona

Cream rich in vitamin complex for intensive moisturizing for 24 hours protects the skin of the face. It contains vitamins and moisturizing oils necessary to maintain skin elasticity, which can restore skin elasticity and protect against external factors. Organic Linden by Logona is suitable for any type of face, and it can also be applied to the neck and décolleté.


  • Acceptable price;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Convenient application;
  • Perfectly moisturizes;
  • organic composition.


  • Too dense texture;
  • Not suitable for all skin types.

1. Beauty Skin Cream - Mulsan Cosmetic

The absolute winner of the rating. Beauty Skin Cream is suitable for normal and combination skin. Green tea extract stimulates collagen production, improves skin tone and helps protect the skin from environmental stressors. Sage nourishes and restores the skin, saturating it with useful substances, and horsetail extract, which is part of the cream, moisturizes, while improving complexion.

It differs from other brands in its completely natural composition. Parabens, mineral oils, animal fats, fragrances, PEG are excluded. It has the shortest shelf life - 10 months, which indicates the absence of chemical preservatives. Mulsan Cosmetic is a permanent winner of the ratings of natural cosmetics, so we recommend the official online store with confidence


  • Acceptable price;
  • Without smell;
  • Efficiency;

All cosmetologists and dermatologists in unison say that the skin needs to be moisturized daily. Reviews about moisturizing face creams are quite common. After all, these funds are actively used not only by girls, but also by men. But in order to get the maximum effect, you will have to learn how to choose such products correctly.

Composition of moisturizers

Most often, reviews of facial moisturizers indicate their interesting composition, due to which the product has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Absolutely in all products designed to combat dry skin, there are high-quality plant extracts, a whole complex of vitamins, as well as animal fats. Some creams contain components such as hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Experienced cosmetologists in their reviews of facial moisturizers strongly recommend using products made on the basis of betaine, glycerin and urea. All these components delicately affect the skin, perfectly retain moisture and significantly improve the condition of the skin, regardless of its type.

Hyaluronic acid is considered the main ingredient. It is distinguished by the ability to retain moisture in the deepest layers of the dermis. Therefore, for dry skin, this component is indispensable.

The second important ingredient cosmetologists call natural oil. It can be soy, apricot, grape, etc. For the purpose of moisturizing, it is best to choose products with essential oils. Geranium, grapefruit and safflower extracts are ideal. They perform not only a moisturizing function, but also a nourishing one.

Selection rules

Each skin type has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to select creams taking into account them:

  • normal and combination skin options with an extract of chamomile, bergenia, licorice, as well as green tea are suitable;
  • dry type is more suitable cream with an extract of meadow clover, garden parsley extracts, salmon milk and natural camellia oil;
  • Anti-oxidant products such as green tea or pomegranate will help to solve problems with oily skin.

The best creams

To date, moisturizers are commercialized by many manufacturers. On the shelves of specialized stores you can always see a fairly wide range of products that are intended specifically to improve the condition of the skin of the face. Because of this, it can be difficult for buyers to choose the most suitable product for themselves.

The main characteristics and reviews of moisturizing face creams will help beginners quickly decide on the choice of the ideal product. Listed below are a few leading products that are popular with many consumers.

Hydration by Avon

The legendary Avon moisturizing face cream, reviews of which are provided below, can be purchased from any consultant for only 200 rubles. This product is ideal for normal to dry skin types.

The modern rhythm of life makes people constantly use a day cream. The remedy from "Avon" perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it with various life-giving substances, and also reliably protects against the negative effects of the environment. Magic cream "Hydration" from the world-renowned German company has all these properties.

The product quickly solves the problem of excessive dryness of the skin, actively saturating the cells with moisture and keeping it inside. At the same time, the cream provides the skin with a sufficient amount of nutritious vitamins and microelements. It is able to create a breathable barrier that will prevent damage to skin cells through the negative impact of any external factors.

The product contains chia seed extract. This component has quite powerful nourishing and moisturizing properties.


This good moisturizer for the face has only positive reviews. Buyers are satisfied with both price and quality. The product does not cause any allergic reactions, is quickly absorbed and instantly improves skin condition.

Quite often, reviews of a moisturizing day face cream indicate the absence of a sticky film after applying the composition to the face. As you know, this drawback is often found in other moisturizers, but, fortunately, it was not noticed in the product from Avon.

Hyaluronic agent "Librederm"

Many people want to find an inexpensive and high quality hyaluronic facial moisturizer. Product reviews from Librederm make it clear that it is the ideal option. Its cost is 600 rubles. The cream is considered universal, as it is suitable for any type of skin, and it can be used both during the day and in the evening.

The secret of the remedy is a sufficiently high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Such an ingredient is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing its cells. As a result of applying the cream, the condition of the tissues will noticeably improve, the relief will become more even, and the surface of the dermis itself will look velvety and elastic.

The cream is unique in its own way. Already for many girls, he has become an indispensable friend in the fight against dryness and old age. You can apply it not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, the product contains demineralized water, sensiderm B and camelina oil. All these components have a regenerating and nourishing effect.

Customer Feedback

Moisturizing face cream "Libriderm" reviews are different. Among the shortcomings, buyers note only the cost of the product and the small volume of the bottle. In the rest, people single out only pluses.

Reviews of a good moisturizer for the face indicate a soft and delicate texture, convenient packaging and excellent composition. In addition, many buyers respond positively that the product fits perfectly under a layer of decorative cosmetics. The cream does not clog pores, absorbs quickly enough, does not leave behind a sticky layer - all this is also liked by consumers.

Cream "Pure Line"

A unique Russian-made cream, designed to have a nourishing, moisturizing and tonic effect, can be purchased for only 50-60 rubles. It is intended for combination and normal skin.

The most delicate cosmetic product created specifically for daily care. It has amazing healing properties, carefully cares for the skin, gives it radiance, smoothness and velvety.

The cosmetic formula consists of a number of beneficial extracts, which the creators have made the most effective thanks to the knowledge of herbal medicine, as well as unique innovative technologies. The product has a light white texture and an interesting floral-fantasy aroma, in which grassy notes are felt.

One of the main ingredients is aloe vera, which saturates the skin cells with life-giving moisture and provides reliable protection against the negative effects of external stimuli. At the same time, the formula is enriched with an extract of cornflower flowers, which contributes to the reduction of pores and gives a matte finish.

What people say

Moisturizing face cream "Clean Line" reviews are extremely positive, which is not at all surprising. Buyers claim that they liked this tool due to its quick absorption and easy application. Some girls found this product even more effective than some expensive foreign products.

Customers often talk about the possibility of using makeup cream. With this tool, they can always remain beautiful and enjoy their elastic and moderately hydrated skin.

La Sincere L.C.S Clear Rich

A Japanese product that is distinguished not only by the highest quality, but also by a cost of 5 thousand rubles. It is regularly used not only by women, but also by men. The cream is intended for dry and sensitive skin types.

Owners of problematic facial skin know how difficult it can be to find a gentle care product. This issue becomes especially relevant in the cold season, when the tissues of each person need enhanced nutrition and hydration.

The cream from the famous Japanese manufacturer is distinguished by the lightest gel formula, which manifests itself due to active ingredients that penetrate deep into the skin. These elements have a restorative effect and saturate the dermis.

As a result of several regular applications, the skin of the face will stop peeling, allergic reactions and redness will go away. In addition, the cream also has a healing effect. It allows the skin to become healthier and stronger, so as not to be negatively affected by various external stimuli.

What attracts consumers

Light moisturizing face cream receives reviews from buyers from different countries. All of them boil down to the fact that the tool is really unique and, despite the high cost, it attracts the attention of people whose skin needs proper care.

Consumers themselves claim that thanks to this cream they were able to get rid of redness and irritation on the face. In addition, the tool was able to restore the protective barrier of the skin, which prevents negative factors from affecting it.

Products Bioeconatura Face Line

A cream that is perfect for all skin types will cost customers only 1,000 rubles. The Italian remedy is popular among women and men, due to the high quality of the composition, brand celebrity and affordability.

Dry skin does not color a person. Therefore, this problem must be dealt with by everyone. The Italian-made cream allows its owners to enjoy soft and velvety skin. It becomes noticeably softer after the first contact with the product.

Moisturizer is the best product for dry skin. It can be used at any time of the day. The composition includes ingredients extracted exclusively from ecologically clean agricultural lands. The main elements are: vegetable glycerin, avocado oil, aloe vera extract, and white clay. All components have only a beneficial effect on the skin, significantly improving its condition.