The script of the entertainment program for the disco. Disco scenario with the game program "Move more

Goals and objectives:

Introduce children to the world of cinema;

Create conditions for children to express themselves and self-realization in creative activities.

To develop in children artistic and aesthetic, theatrical ability and imagination;

To educate in children a culture of relationships, respect for peers;

Time spending: 2 hours.

Location: dance hall.

Props: camcorder, cassette, invitation cards, balloons, pumps for rubber boats, adhesive tape, sheets of paper, markers, rolls toilet paper, costumes of fairy tale characters, diplomas.


Jan Savitsky, film director.

Mikhail Pankratov, videographer.

Any disco, groovy music sounds. Two leaders come out.

1st leader. Good evening!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

1st leader. Let me introduce myself! Yan Savitsky, chief director of the Kadr film studio!

2nd host.Iya, videographer of the film studio Mikhail Pankratov. (Takes the guys to the camera.)

1st leader. In general, guys, everything is very simple. Today in the camp we will shoot a movie, and it's called "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale". Your applause!

2nd presenter. And we came here in order to choose among you the most worthy, most artistic, most, most talented for the main role in the film ...

1st and 2nd host (together). "The Summer Tale of Princess Almivia".

2nd leader. And how do we identify talented guys among all these boys and girls?

1st leader. As usual, Mikhail, we will do something like a casting. And now I invite three boys to this stage.

2nd leader. There is a scene in our film where main character rides a horse to save Princess Almivia from the dirty clutches of the Evil-eyed Barbun Krivchak. So, they are the first participants of our competition. Let's give them a round of applause!

1st leader. Yes, I forgot to say that by winning the competition, you will receive such an invitation card (shows), which will give you the right to act in a film called ...

Together). "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale"!


The host puts 3 chairs on the stage, he puts pumps for inflatable boats on the seats. Uninflated balloons are put on the ends of the hoses and secured with tape. On command, the guys jump on the pumps, holding the hose in their hands. Balloons must be inflated, and whoever bursts the balloon first wins. During the game, the contestants must make a joyful neigh of the horse, on which they supposedly jump. This competition, like all subsequent ones, is filmed by a videographer.


1st leader. And we continue our program, we continue to choose the very best. And I ask: what do famous movie artists like to give? That's right, autographs. And now imagine that everyone in this room is the superstars of such blockbusters as Titanic, Rimbaud, Terminator, Die Hard, and our four new contestants will take your autographs.

The guys take the stage.

The participants of the game are given sheets and felt-tip pens, on command the contestants run into the hall and collect signatures from the guys, only legible signatures are considered. Whoever collects more autographs in 1.5 minutes will win.

The winner is awarded, he is given an invitation card. Musical break - 2 songs.

Mummy in love

1st leader. And our casting continues. Recently, we went to Egypt with a film crew and met a mummy there. And you don't have to go anywhere because you will see this mummy here, in our camp. For the next competition I need four boys and four girls.

The participants take the stage.

The host breaks 4 pairs into 1st and 2nd numbers, as a result, 2 girls and 2 boys should be obtained, which will be the first numbers, and he gives out rolls of toilet paper to the second. On command, the second numbers are made from the first mummies. 3 minutes are given for this task, after the mummies are ready, the presenter asks the DJ to turn on a slow dance, mummies-boys invite to the dance of mummies-girls. After the dance, the mummy with the most paper left on it is declared the winner.

The winner is awarded, he is given an invitation card. Musical break - 2 melodies.

voice acting

1st leader. And we continue to prepare for the filming of the film, which is called ...

The children shout: "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale!"

Right! Well done! But tell me, what do they do with the film when they finish shooting it? That's right, they say it. And the next competition is called "Voiceover". I invite you to voice situations that are probably familiar to you.

The host invites 3 players to the stage, their task is to voice the most plausible text that will be read to them.

Text options:

1. Morning came in the camp, Vasily, the leader of the second detachment, woke up, brushed his teeth, washed himself, woke up the children, they reluctantly got up, went to exercise, birds chirped merrily on the street, they jumped and ate worms, suddenly there was thunder, it began to rain, detachments from joyful cries ran into the building of the counselor Olya had a terrible dream.

2. Dinner time came in the camp, the fifth detachment entered the dining room with its chant, but lunch had not yet been served, the eighth detachment had lunch at the next table, the girls crunched cucumbers, the boys drank compote, dogs barked joyfully outside the windows, the watchman brought them bones, drove the bread truck, the guys chattered their teeth from hunger, but then dinner was quickly covered, the happy children sat down at the table, the counselor Anton had a terrible dream.

3. It was evening in the camp, the first detachment went to a disco, the DJ was in shock, the girls squealed with delight, the boys pulled the girls by the pigtails, the counselors counted the children, cows appeared on the camp site, the watchman threatened the cows, and together with the guys tried to drive them out of the territory camps, cows resisted, and DJ Max lit everything and lit it, the guys had fun with all their hearts, counselor Alina had a dream

1. Night, in the village of Kantemirovka, the wind howls softly, the rooster crowed, the yard dogs immediately barked, the chickens in the chicken coop clucked listlessly in response, the sound of footsteps was heard, the sun appeared over the horizon.

2. Early morning, Dr. Aibolit sits in the room, grunting affectionately, a pig appears in the room, Aibolit gently scratches her belly, the pig squeals with pleasure, woodpeckers rhythmically tap, Kudro's parrot begs for sugar in a hissing whisper, the sun rises.

3. Evening, thunderous applause is heard behind the scenes of the circus, the inhuman laughter of a clown, tigers growl in fright, an elephant steps on the caretaker’s feet in surprise, the sound of an ambulance siren is heard, the sun sets.

Applause determines the winner.

The winner is awarded a Musical Break.

Dances with balls

1st leader. So, there are only a few minutes left before the shooting of our film. But first, let's have one last contest. There is a scene in the film where the princess dances with the king. Well, who loves to dance, get on stage.

Dancing couples rise to the stage.

Each pair is given hot air balloon. On command, the couples hold the ball with the part of the body that the presenter calls, for example: head, knees, little finger, back of the head, heels, back, and begin to dance. The task of the guys is not to drop the ball and dance better than others, you cannot support and correct the ball with your hands.

The winners are awarded. The presenter asks the winners not to leave the stage.

1st leader. This is the moment we have been waiting for so long. I invite to the stage everyone who has invitation cards for shooting in the film "A Summer Tale of Princess Almivia."

7-8 guys with tickets come on stage, the presenter announces a musical pause in 3 melodies, and he leaves with the artists in order to hand over the costumes to the guys and explain to them their acting task.

So, the time has come when we still shoot our film. And I want you to greet our artists with thunderous applause. Here they are, welcome!

The guys come on stage dressed as the characters they will play.


Child performers, when called, come forward and bow.

In our film you will meet such characters as: the King and Above, Princess Almivia, the old witch Shlyamba, the negative character Evil-eyed Barbun Kravchuk, the horse Koberul, the positive hero Shaggy Maklohiy. And the ubiquitous police! So let's get started, is the camera ready?

The videographer nods.

Yes, I completely forgot: everyone who does not participate in the film will be our extras. (He turns to the hall.) When you hear the phrase: “Everyone is noisy,” shout loudly, clap your hands, stamp your feet. Let's rehearse. Everyone is dumbfounded!

Screams, noise, roar.

Well done, the extras are ready, the artists are ready! Camera, let's go!


All those present form a chain or are divided into several chain teams. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance moves, as he wants - he waves his arms, makes lunges, walks with a goose step, etc. Everyone else should follow her movements. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The contest lasts as long as the music is playing.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. According to the number of participants, hats or panamas are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team with the hat that fell off the participant first loses. You can't hold your hat with your hands.

dance conveyor

Participants are divided into groups of 5-12 people. Several melodies sound for 1-2 minutes, the groups must, quickly rebuilding, dance the corresponding movements. The most well-coordinated, fastest and most original team wins.


Several teams of 3 people participate. They are told that now they will have to dance, and the jury will evaluate them, but by what criteria they will inform later, so you need to try very hard. As soon as the dance is over, in each team, the number of buttons on the outerwear of the participants is counted. The team that the jury finds the most buttons wins. Alternatively, in this competition, teams can be asked to perform a button dance.


Teams with an equal number of participants stand in a line and as soon as the music begins to sound, they must pass the matchbox worn on the nose from participant to participant without the help of hands. The winner is the team that, without dropping the boxes, manages to pass it while the music was playing.


Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyan laugh with their dance, without touching her.

Dancing by name

During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sasha are dancing, and now Elena. You can call several names at the same time.

bronze deer

It is best to hold this competition in a summer camp. All the boys who consider themselves the most tanned are invited from the audience. Of these, the winner and prize-winners are selected, who are awarded the title of "bronze deer". They perform the victory dance of the "reindeer".

Record weight

Scales for weighing are installed in the disco room. Couples are welcome to participate in this competition. Throughout the evening, they can be weighed on the scales, and the couple that weighs more than all the other couples becomes the winner and is awarded the “heroic” prize.

air dance

All participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given 2-3 inflated balloons. In the 1st round of the dance, you need to squeeze them with your bodies and dance so that none of the balls falls. In the 2nd round - you need to burst the balls, and you can’t damage them with your hands, feet, teeth or sharp objects.

Companies Parade

All teams line up on the site and, at the signal of the host, begin to move to the music in an original way.


The hall is conditionally divided into groups that need to perform synchronized dance movements to the music.

The Worst Company

It is necessary to climb into the gymnastic hoop. Which company will enter the hoop more people, that one won.

Square - oval - triangle

The teams dance in a circle and, at the signal of the leader, they form a triangle, then a square, etc.

Dancing together - strange dances

Two people from the team (a boy and a girl) dance to a slow composition, and the young man holds his partner in his arms throughout the dance.

In the animal world

Participants need to dance the way they would: elephants, snakes, centipedes, giraffes, etc.


One person from the company becomes a cabbage. The rest in one minute should decorate it with the help of improvised means. The company that "grown" the largest head of cabbage wins.

Everything is lower and lower

At a certain height (human height), a crossbar is installed, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the crossbar lowers. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Expanding dance

Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers are separated, and each of them chooses a different partner or partner. Now 2 couples are dancing until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner for themselves, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

For this icebreaker game you will need an even number of players. If one extra player appears, then he can start and stop the music.

musical falls

These "musical chairs" do not require chairs. All that is needed is music that the host either plays on the piano or uses discs or cassettes instead. He can even do without music at all and just clap his hands. The players move in time with the rhythm. When the leader stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits last is out of the game and must step aside to the leader. To protect yourself from possible mistakes, you must sit on the floor completely.

Change the type of music or rhythm so that one music is loud, another is soft, and the third is jazzy. Also change the duration of each piece of music so that the players are completely unprepared for the moment when the sound breaks. Use some very short snippets. They will make the game even more exciting.

When only two players are left, they will be watching each other closely and you will probably have several draws in a row as they will touch the floor at the same time. If this happens, ask them to close their eyes and keep moving to the music. Soon you will know the winner.

People on the playground say nouns to each other.

The DJ asks different people:

  • What did you eat?
  • What did you sleep on?
  • What did you put on?
  • What did you fly?

A man pronounces a word that a neighbor told him. This is where everyone has fun. If the answer coincided with the question, the answerer starts asking instead of the DJ. They play until they get bored.


Two teams line up opposite each other. The players hold each other's hands. A player from one team runs, trying to break the chain of the opposing team. If he breaks, he takes one player to his team. If not, then he became part of the opposing team.

The words are:

  • Shackles…
  • Chained.
  • Break us!
  • Ataman!
  • What?
  • (Player name.)

The game goes to the music, the people dance. The goal of the game is to drag as many players as possible from the opposing team to your team.


DJ says phrases. The players must answer with a phrase that is opposite in meaning. In this case, the phrase-shifter should be the name of the film, fairy tale, etc.

Movie titles:

Black month of the jungle - White sun deserts Sad girls - Funny guys Cry of rams - Silence of lambs Don't be afraid of a bicycle - Beware of a car Not only guys in a symphony orchestra - Only girls in jazz Kiev believes in laughter - Moscow does not believe in tears

Fairy tale titles:

Black sock - Little Red Riding Hood Square - Kolobok Skyscraper - Tower One bee - Three bears Radish - Turnip Mouse without slippers - Puss in boots Humpless camel - Little Humpbacked Horse Edik in an ordinary village - Alice in Wonderland


It is better to play in a company where people know each other well. The leader is selected. He guesses one of those present. The task of the rest is to determine who the leader has chosen. To do this, the players take turns asking the host questions on associations. The leader, after thinking, gives out his association with the intended person. Participants try to put the answers in a single image. Whoever correctly calculates the selected person first becomes the leader in the next round.

  • What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?
  • With an orange.
  • What shoes does it associate with?
  • With hussar boots with spurs.
  • With what color?
  • With orange.
  • What type or brand of machine?
  • With a bus.
  • With what animal?
  • With an elephant.
  • With what music?
  • With Russian "pop".
  • What mood is the person associated with?
  • With cheerful.

After such answers, you understand that we are talking about someone perky and good-natured. You look around in disbelief: "Who could it be?" And then someone's voice is heard, calling your name. To your surprise, the host agrees: "That's the right answer!"

Brave little tailor

Two equal teams are recruited: boys and girls alternately. Choose two Brave little tailors. Each Tailor receives a needle and thread (a stick with string). The task of the Tailors is to "flash" their team. For boys, Tailor can thread through the trousers (from bottom to top or vice versa). Girls - from sleeve to sleeve. Who "sews" faster?


The DJ invites girls "with the most charming smiles" to the stage. He asks them to smile, how they could do it: Mona Lisa girl - to an unfamiliar guy a girl from an advertisement for tights teacher - to a student a baby - to parents a loser, who suddenly received five plus two pluses Leopold - to mice a dog - to the owner of a geisha - to his master The winner is determined either by a specially created jury , or by voting by the public, or the whole action is photographed, the photos are posted on the disco website, the people vote online and the name of the winner is announced at the next party. Photos of smiles can be projected close-up on the screen - let everyone find their own, let the people on the dance floor guess whose smile ...

Dance of meeting and parting

During a slow (or fast) dance, a soloist and a soloist are chosen. As soon as they are in the spotlight, the DJ explains:

When the music stops, and it stops - I promise you this - the partner, to your applause, will say goodbye to the lady and invite another guy to his place - of his choice.

The music is playing again. The couple solos in the center of the circle in an updated composition.

But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of the dance floor, thanks her partner for the dance and invites another soloist instead. So in the solo pair, guys and girls change in turn, but the intrigue remains: who will be next and how warmly will the partners say goodbye?

King's Musketeers

Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table. In the hands of two players - swords or rapiers (you can - fake ones). The task is to make a lunge (step forward) at the signal of the animator and hit the figure with an injection.

find your half

Prepared cards cut into two halves. One half of each card is for girls, the other half is for boys. The DJ distributes the halves to the girls and boys respectively. The participants of the game are looking for their soul mates on the dance floor. Asking each other is allowed only in a whisper and only in your ear. The couple that reunites the fastest is the winner. You can prepare prizes in the theme for each pair.

The names of literary heroes can be written on the cards:

Hamlet - Ophelia Romeo - Juliet Don Quixote - Dulcinea Toboso D "Artagnan - Mrs. Bonacieux Eugene Onegin - Tatyana Larina Master - Margarita

It can be heroes of fairy tales:

Ivan Tsarevich - Princess Frog Prince - Cinderella Kai - Gerda Fox Alice - Cat Basilio Piero - Malvina

Movie characters:

Clyde - Bonnie Jo Bradley - Princess Anne ("Roman Holiday") James Bond - Bond Girl Corben Dallas - Lilu ("The Fifth Element") Vincent - Mia ("Pulp Fiction")

Pairs of skaters:

Pakhomova - Gorshkov Torvill - Dean Grischuk - Platov Bestemyanova - Bukin Linichuk - Karponosov

draw the sun

Relay race. At the start, in front of each team, there are a hoop and gymnastic sticks according to the number of participants. The first one takes the hoop, runs forward and puts it on the floor. The rest take turns taking sticks, running, laying them around the hoop like the sun's rays. The fastest ones win, although evenness of laying can be encouraged.

Options: "Draw" you can:

  • from items of clothing - little men
  • from fruits - animals
  • from stationery- portrait of the chief (slightly avant-garde) ...

On the ball

Teams of three. Threes get a well-inflated ball - football, volleyball or basketball. One of the three, supported under the elbows by two other players, stepping on the ball, rolls it. The first three to reach the finish line wins.


Santa Claus shows physical exercise while children do the opposite. Santa Claus lowers his hands at the seams - everyone raises. Santa Claus spreads his arms, everyone folds. Santa Claus quickly waves his hand from right to left - everyone moves his hand slowly, from left to right. Whoever makes a mistake, Santa Claus makes the leader.

Feel the prize

Blindfolded participants in thick fur mittens (Santa Claus mittens) are trying to determine by touch what kind of prize they were awarded.

The namesake of the Christmas tree New Year's auction.

- Christmas tree, spruce - the root "ate". Remember women and male names, in which there is "ate". Participants call names: Elena, Elisha, Elizaveta, Saveliy, Ophelia, Elizar, Ninel, Stella, Melania, Pavel, Bella, Nelly, Panteley, Angelina, Anzhelika, Helium, Felix… The last one who remembers the new name before the DJ wins say "Three!"

Hang on the tree

Three or four participants Christmas decorations go to the middle of the dance floor. Everyone is blindfolded and each is twisted several times around its axis. The player's task is to go in the direction where he thinks the tree is and hang a toy on it. You can't roll. If the participant has not met the Christmas tree, he is obliged to hang the toy on what (or whom) he bumps into. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy. The game can be repeated several times.


Mostly child's play when the DJ knows the audience well. Children become in a circle.

Blindfolded DJ-animator in the center: - Here is a frog Jumping along the path, stretched out its legs, Saw a mosquito, Shouted ...

The DJ points to one of the children with his hand. The one he pointed to says: "Kwa-kva-kva." By voice, the DJ must determine which of the children it is.

Arrows of Cupid

Shooting ping pong balls from a slingshot. The player seeks to hit the beauty's heart. From the first time this is rare, because the girl is at a distance. The places on the girl's body where the ball hits must be kissed. For three "milk" - departure and change of the player. A girl can cover her face with her hands if she is afraid of the ball. Shots are counted: the Amur who takes fewer shots wins.

Several guys take turns aiming at the heart of one girl.

Round dance with gates

The two tallest join hands and raise them up. The round dance moves under these "gates". Suddenly the DJ cuts out the music. The gates "slam" - the drivers quickly lower their hands, catching someone from the round dance. Those caught go to the gate team. The game continues: the round dance melts after each pause, and the gates expand. The last not caught from the round dance is awarded.

Take on "three"

DJ-animator: - I'll tell you a story - a dozen and a half phrases. As I say the number "three" - take the prize immediately!

Once we caught a fish, stirred it up, and inside ... We saw small fish, and not one, but whole ... two!

The hardened boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: “One, two ... march!”

When you want to memorize verses, do not memorize them until late at night, Take them and repeat them aloud - once, twice, or better ... five!

Once a train at the station we had to wait 3 hours ...

If no one manages to take the prize, the DJ takes it, after which the game ends:

Well, well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it!?

Climb through the postcard

At the disposal of the animator are several ordinary postcards-books and the same number of scissors.

Animator: - How to make a hole in a postcard so that you can crawl through it?

Answer: You need to cut the postcard in two steps: as shown in the figure below (only there should be a lot of cuts) cut the remaining jumpers (try with a sheet of paper - it will become clear) The postcard unfolds into a ring through which even two can crawl at once.

Candy on a string

Long strings are tied to candies in candy wrappers. Wind the thread around the stick, pulling the candy towards you. Unwrap candy and eat. Who is faster?

Dance in the paper

Several newspapers are ready, each cut out for exactly two heads. Couples put their heads through holes and dance like that. Who doesn't have a newspaper torn before the end of the dance?

Option: Pair dance in the newspaper to fast music.

Perimeter running

A bit like rugby. A group of guys (at least the whole class) runs around the perimeter of the hall. In the corners girls are waiting for them: they catch guys. (You can’t break out strongly.) Whoever has overcome the next cordon runs further. The last one not caught wins.

Option: The girls run, and the guys catch.

Loves? Does not love?

A joke divination. The girl collects the ends of the scarf together. She offers the guy to choose any end, and she takes one of the ends with her free hand. Everyone pulls a handkerchief to himself. If the handkerchief unfolds at an angle, then the guy "loves" the girl and must kiss her. If not, the guy "does not love" the girl, and she continues the game with another.

Young journalists

Prepare sheets of paper and pens.

The animator explains that any informational article answers the questions: Who said or did it? What happened? Where? etc.

The animator throws in a question:

Participants write each on their sheet to whomever comes into their heads. They fold their sheets so that what is written is not visible, and pass them on to a neighbor.

Neighbors, in turn, write down what they think happened, fold the sheets and pass them on.

  • When?
  • Why?

The animator reads out the resulting "information".

I never…

For a private party. Everyone in turn says what they have never done, for example: - I have never blogged. Those who have a similar experience bend their finger. Who, after sounding several confessions, bent three fingers, is eliminated. They honor the last remaining in the game: - He has tried little in his life so far - he has everything ahead of him! The one who dropped out first - "having experienced a lot", "experienced" can also be encouraged. It is understood that everyone is their own, and the fingers are bent honestly. This game - good way talk to the guests. Let them later tell you what it is like to scuba dive, and why it was necessary to call the boss a fool, and why one day you had to cut your hair bald ...


The people form a “caterpillar” chain or break into several chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on, and the caterpillar rushes forward. At the same time, the head makes various movements: waves its arms, makes lunges, goes with a goose step ... All the rest repeat the movements. When the head gets tired, she turns to the player behind her back, strokes him on the top of his head (Now you're the head!) And goes to the tail, after which the dance continues with a new host and new jokes. The competition lasts as long as the music is playing or until you get bored.

Square - oval - triangle

For children's disco. The people are divided, for example, into classes, and each class dances in a circle.

Dj gives the command:

  • Square!

The youth, without interrupting the dance, rebuilds from a circle into a square. DJ:

  • Oval! (i.e. Ellipse)
  • Triangle!
  • Rhombus!
  • Trapeze!
  • Rectangle!

The squad that built the most correct figures is encouraged.

"Skinny" company

Which company more people fit into a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop)?

Record weight

There are scales near the dance floor. All competing couples participate. During the disco they can be weighed. The most “heavy” couple at the end of the disco is rewarded with something “heroic”. Scales should be in sight: weighing pairs of fat people on small scales is an entertaining show in itself.

The players become in a circle. DJ:

  • Touch the yellow - one, two, three!

Each player tries to take on as quickly as possible desired color thing (item of clothing, part of the body) of any of the participants. Who did not have time - leaves the game. Dj repeats the command, this time with a new color. The last one left wins.

Fishing rod

The animator rotates a "rod" around him - a rope 3-5 meters long, to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. You can vary the height: twist higher from the floor, lower. Those standing around jump up so that the rope or bag does not hit the legs. Whom hurt - leaves. So until the last dodger.

Wizards in the village

Dj divides people into sorcerers and villagers. The sorcerers enchant the villagers with a certain movement: staining, putting a hand on their shoulder, embracing ... The enchanted one freezes and does not move until he is disenchanted. Another resident can cast a spell by hugging him tightly (crawling under his feet, kissing on the cheek ...) The task of the sorcerers is to enchant the whole village, the task of the inhabitants is to prevent this and hold out, at least to one, until the end of the song.

Chained by one chain

Dj forms teams of 3-7 people. According to the number of participants, hats, panama hats, caps are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter ... The participants put them on their heads and dance. The team that lost the headgear first loses. You can't hold your hat with your hands.

Name dances

Dj: - Only those whose name I will name dance! Only Sergeys dance, then Elenas, then Sashas… Dj calls several names at the same time…


Of the girls, Princess Nesmeyana is selected. Everyone else is trying to make Nesmeyan laugh with a dance. It is impossible to tickle and, in general, touch Nesmeyana.

iron face

Task for two participants: in 60 sec. fasten as many clothespins on your face as possible.

On a friend's knees

The people line up one after another in the back of the head in one big circle. DJ: - Get tighter! (The circle narrows at the same time.) Dj: - Now all at the same time bend your knees and sit on the neighbor's knees from behind! Happened! Now stretch your arms out to the sides! Ah, they fell! Yes, friends must be chosen stronger and more reliable!

To the touch

Putting on thick mittens (you can fish for ice fishing), blindfolded, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you (say the name). Guys guess girls, girls - guys.

Bring it quickly!

The animator divides all those present into two teams, calls one participant from each team to himself.


  • Bring me a watch (flower, banana, bottle, shoe, etc.) and as soon as possible!

The score is kept, the most efficient ones add points to their team.

Sherlock Holmes

Participants freeze in different poses. The driver remembers the poses of the players, their clothes and leaves the room. Guests make five changes in posture and clothing. Not every five, but only five! The driver is trying to return everything to its original state. If he discovered all five changes, then as a reward, the people grant his wish. If not, drive again.

Who is missing and how is he dressed?

The driver is blindfolded. One of the guests leaves the room. The task of the driver is, when the bandage is removed, to guess who is not in the room, and describe in detail what he was wearing.

chocolate bar

Teams compete in the speed of eating chocolates. Mandatory condition: each member of the team should get a piece. Teams can be two or more. Chocolates, of course, are the same. At the start - in the package.

Intonate it!

A simple phrase is taken, for example:

  • Snow was falling outside the window.

Everyone in turn pronounces this phrase, but each time with a new intonation: interrogative, exclamatory, surprised, menacing, indifferent, etc. If the participant cannot come up with anything new in terms of emotional coloring, he leaves. So until the winner is determined.


Two or more participants. Everyone blows on a snowflake (a piece of cotton), preventing it from falling to the floor. Who will keep their snowflake flying longer?

Option: A line-up team, blowing on a snowflake, drives it through the air from the starting point to the finish point, for example, directly to the Christmas tree. "Windmills" are located in the corridor drawn on the floor, so as not to break the line.

Option: "Wind blower" looks more elegant if it blows on a snowflake through a sorlominka.

Santa Claus freezes

Father Frost:

  • Santa Claus freezes hands!

Children quickly hide their hands behind their backs.

  • Santa Claus freezes the legs!

Children sit down.

  • Santa Claus freezes ears (nose, cheeks, eyes, tummy ...)

Children cover their noses, cheeks, ears, bellies ... Santa Claus moves along the round dance, "catches" and leads to the Christmas tree those who hesitated and did not have time to react correctly. The Snow Maiden helps him. So the participants of the next competition are recruited.

Staff in a circle

Children in a round dance pass the staff of Santa Claus from hand to hand. The one on whom the music is interrupted goes to the center of the round dance and dances a special dance.


There is hardly a child in Russia who does not know this game. And yet, yet...

Santa Claus in the middle of the round dance. Music. The choir is moving. Everyone sings:

  • We dance the dance - waste-ta, waste-ta. Our cheerful dance is lavata!

Father Frost:

  • My shoulders are good, but my neighbor's is better! Put your hands on your neighbor's shoulders.

Music and song are repeated. Hands on the shoulders, the round dance is moving.

Father Frost:

  • My top is good, but my neighbor's is better! Hands on top!

Music, song, round dance.

Father Frost:

  • My ears are good, but the neighbor's is better! ..
  • My tummy is good, but the neighbor's is better!...
  • My ... knees are good, but the neighbor's is better! ..
  • My ... heels are good, but the neighbor's is better!

The round dance barely moves in a squat.

  • My hands are good, but my neighbor's is better!

The circlet returns to its normal state.

melt the ice

Two teams. Each gets an ice cube. Task: passing the cube to each other, melt the ice with your hands, cheeks and any other parts of the body. The team that melts the ice faster than their opponents wins.

Chunky Lipslap

We need a supply of sucking candies like "Barberry". Two compete. They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at the opponent, say loudly and clearly into the microphone:

  • "Puffy-cheeked lip-slapper".

You can't swallow sweets. The winner is the one who puts more sweets in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the treasured phrase.


Two teams. Each receives a handful of coins. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the "airfield"-start, the animator sets two "goals" - a jar or a hat. Players "fly" towards their "goals" holding coins between their knees. Then they "bomb" them - they try to get into the jar with coins. The team with the fewest coins scattered across the floor wins.


Skittles are arranged in a chain on the dance floor. Sitting astride a broom, you need to run a snake between the skittles. The one who knocked down the pins the least wins.

Broom on the forehead

Who is the longest, balancing, hold the broom on his forehead?

Pick up a chair

Exercises strong people with a chair: Take the chair by the bottom of the back leg with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains in a horizontal position. The same, holding the chair by the front leg (this is harder). Take the chair with both hands on the top of the back. Raise it above you outstretched arms and lower down (without putting on the floor). Who will do this exercise more times?

Animator: You need to brightly advertise your camp. The animator divides the audience into "ad groups". Each group must: run out to the podium for a "photo shoot" draw an advertising "living picture" recite the camp's advertising slogan 15 seconds are allotted for everything (advertising time is expensive!) Everyone is given 10 minutes (3 songs) to prepare advertising. When all the groups have passed, a display of the resulting advertising digital photos is arranged on the screen.

orange in the mouth

Two are involved. Everyone is holding a spoon with an orange in their teeth. Hands behind the back. Wielding a spoon, you need to knock the opponent's orange to the floor, at the same time not to drop your own. Instead of an orange, you can use a potato, onion, and even a raw egg.

magnet man

The animator gives the participants of the game cards with letters. Participants must attach cards to body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them. The winner is the one who manages to place on himself - and not drop! - More cards.

Volleyball with many balls

The dance floor is divided by an imaginary line into two halves. A lot of balloons are thrown onto the dance floor. The public is trying to score balls on the territory of rivals. Dj turns away and at a random moment again turns sharply to the court, determining by eye which side has more balls (whose side missed more balls). So three times. The DJ keeps the score and announces the "winning half".

nose to nose

Two equal teams line up. The animator gives the first numbers an empty box (without the inner paper box). It is necessary to put the box on the nose and pass it from nose to nose without the help of hands. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose and passed on.

For one letter

The quiz involves two people who are placed on the same line. The animator asks a question to both participants at the same time. The one who answers first takes a step forward. If none of the participants gives an answer within 30 seconds, the fans help him out. The winner is the one who goes further from the start line. Yes, I almost forgot: all answers must be with one letter, which is selected in advance. Questions: Writer? Artist? Literary work? Film? Scientist? Actor? City? State? Bird? Animal? Production tool? Color? Agriculture? Fruit? Proverb? Fairytale hero? A piece of clothing? A piece of furniture? University subject? Tree?

jump rope

This elementary fun, oddly enough, enjoyed stable success in our discos. Which of the girls, without getting lost, will make more jumps over the rope? The DJ is counting out loud. We had a mic cord jumping around that was being spun by a dj and one of the guys. The count went into the same microphone. True, there are few cable microphones left today. More radio...

Option: Which of the guys will mint a soccer ball more times?



  • Repeat after me! Once...

Holds arms bent at the elbows at chest level.

  • Two...

Hands are extended forward.

Hands are raised up.

  • Do you remember the movement numbers? One two Three!

Everyone on the dance floor repeats the movements of the hands.

  • And now I call the numbers, but show the "wrong" movements! You also need to do those movements, the numbers of which we have learned. One... Three... Two... Three... One...

The most attentive ones win - those who are not knocked down by the "false" movements of the animator.


Bow to the contestant (amateur artist, the whole audience at once) as: pianist clown ballerina crashed shy Who will be more artistic?

Find yours

The animator forms two teams of equal size. Assistants blindfold the players and "mix" them with each other. One team "grunts", the other "meows". Task: ahead of rivals, get together with your team in a “bunch”.

Hula hoop running

Two teams of no more than 6 people participate in the relay race. The first numbers run inside the hula hoop, holding it with their hands. They reach the opposite wall of the hall or run around a chair, a Christmas tree. Return to start. Another member of the team climbs inside the hula hoop. Running together in a hula hoop. And so on. The last stage: the whole team, 6 people, is moving inside the hula hoop (it is impossible to run in such a crowd). Who will come first?

guinness show

A series of contests, with the names (and photos, if there is a digital camera) of the winners entered in a special book, on a board or on the disco website: Who has more buttons The longest surname The most big foot(a tailor's tape measure is at hand!) The smallest leg The most extravagant (dance + costume) The most frantic (dance to rock, rock and roll, heavy metal) The most colorful clothes The most tanned, the most tanned The longest braid The highest heel Who will stand on his hands longer Who will raise more balls in an armful and hold for 10 seconds Who will shout “Eeeee!” without air intake longer! Who will draw more little elephants on a sheet in 1 minute Who will blow out the candle from the greatest distance (2-3 players take steps towards the candle from afar, trying to blow it out) The Guinness show allows you to take a long piece of disco activity, evenings. At the same time, dance music is practically not interrupted.

Come on the side! Jump higher!

Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on the back of the opponent and not let him read the inscription on his back. You can jump and dodge, but you can't use your hands. On the back of one assistants attach the inscription COME IN SIDE! The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the back of another! The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they do not realize that these are the inscriptions. In the author's practice for all the years, the audience has never "split", has not prompted the players to answer!

Running with obstacles

There are two guys in the relay. Stages: Put on a Russian shirt Belted with a sash Eat a banana Whistle Kiss the beauty The beauty is alone. She is kissed by the one who first passed the previous stages.

Option: On the beach, the guys need to run to the water: take off the baseball cap, jacket, shirt, sneakers, trousers, dive into the water. Who is first?

Log between legs

Two teams of 4-7 guys are formed. The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You can't hold the log with your hands! On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start. Who will come first? (In the author’s practice, the guys ran two floors with a log, going down and up the stairs. But this is dangerous - it’s easy to fall and hurt yourself.)

Press in a fist

Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into a fist? Starting position: the player with two fingers holds newspaper sheet for the tip.

hard pencil

Draw a flower (or whatever). But only not leading a pencil along the paper, but vice versa - leading a sheet of paper, fixed on a solid tablet, along a rigidly fixed pencil.

dragon tail

The animator forms two approximately equal teams. He asks team members to stand behind each other like a “dragon” so that the strongest and fastest stand in the “heads”. "Dragons" come up with names for themselves. Animator:

  • "Dragon" such and such welcomes the party with a heartbreaking roar!

The dragon roars. Animator:

  • And now a sort of dragon greets us with a blood-curdling roar.

The dragon growls. Animator:

  • At my signal, the "dragons" begin to catch each other with the "combat key". In this case, the head of the first "dragon" should grab the tail of the second, and the head of the second tends to grab the tail of the first "dragon". Started!

The "dragon" whose head grabs the opponent's tail first wins. However, it often turns out just a small pile, in which it is impossible to make out anything, and then the animator rewards both "dragons" - "for the will to win."

Elusive Cord

There are two chairs at a distance of 5-8 meters from each other. A rope is laid across the floor from chair to chair so that its ends are under the seat. The animator seats two participants on chairs. Animator:

  • Task: on a signal, jump up from a chair, run to another chair, sit down and pull the rope out from under the chair, preventing the opponent from doing it.

Option: You can complicate the task. For example, run to a chair, run around it three times, sit down and pull out the “elusive” cord. Or: run around the opponent's chair, return to your own and pull out the cord.

Get taller!

The animator forms two teams with an equal number of participants (5-10 people). He asks them to stand approximately on the same line facing the audience. Animator:

  • Here, in the center of the stage, everything big, long, dark tends. Here, on the periphery of the stage on the left and right, everything is miniature, short, light. Remember? Closer to the center everything is big and tall! And vice versa. Teams, by growth - become!

Teams are lined up in height so that taller ones stand in the center. Animator:

  • The first command to execute was such and such a command. If we had a competition, she would have won. But it was a workout! And now the competition begins. By the length of the clothes * become!

Teams are rebuilding. The length of trousers and skirts is taken into account.

  • Become the length of your hair!

Teams are rebuilding.

  • Become the color of your eyes!

Participants of the game look into each other's eyes and rebuild. The results are summed up, the winners receive prizes.

Speak wisdom

Say a wise thought while the sparkler burns. Or the head of a Chinese bobblehead bobs. Or pouring sand into hourglass. Maybe 2-3 participants.


An old folk game. DJ:

  • And now - let's play trickle! Tomorrow I will tell anyone, no one will believe.

We make couples. We join hands. The couples stand one after another facing me. Who does not have a pair - the driver. He "dives" into the stream, goes through it, chooses any girl, leads her to the end of the stream and takes a place with her at the end of the stream. (It is necessary to explain the course of the game, since, as it turned out more than once, not all teenagers know it.) The young man in the stream, who was left without a partner, becomes the leader and follows the same path.

>> Music. The youth, dancing, plays in the brook. Usually the game is pleasant and lasts 3-4 dance numbers. Both boys and girls can be leaders. Dj himself can participate in the game, commenting on its progress with a radio microphone:

  • The stream is The best way find out which boy likes which girl!

Singing in headphones

  • Pop Star Contest! Only girls participate! The stars sing to the "plywood" - and we will sing to the soundtrack.

Invites each of the participants to choose a popular song. Turns on songs one after another, the girls sing, wearing headphones. In the middle of the song, the dj mixes the sound to zero in the speakers, but leaves it in the headphones. The girl continues to sing, hearing the song in the headphones. On the contrary, in the hall in silence all the nuances of singing are clearly audible. The best singer is a prize.

Option: Theoretically, guys can compete. If there are at least two who want to sing from the stage.

Find "treasure"

Before the start of the program, while the audience has not yet gathered, the animator hides a “treasure” in the hall - a toy. At the right moment of the evening he invites two "treasure hunters". (Two teams of several people can also participate.)

Animator: - A treasure is hidden in the hall. Two absolutely identical cards, on which the treasure is marked, are in my hands.

Now I will hand these cards to the treasure hunters. But first, I ... tear them into 8, not into 32 parts (tearing this and that card into an equal number of parts), remember them (crumples), mix the pieces (interferes, admires the fruits of his labors). Your task is to assemble the map from pieces and find the treasure. Forward, filibusters!

Option: If the "treasure" is really well hidden, you can first invite the public to find it.

Option: After tearing and crumpling the scraps, one or two of them can be removed - to complicate the task.


Animator: - Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching his other leg forward and not touching the floor with it, not leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water! It's not that easy. Prize must be good.

Describe it

Animator: - Describe the camp ( New Year, Santa Claus, holidays, counselor, etc.) Who will be the last to come up with a new epithet describing the school? You can't repeat! There is an auction of epithets. The winner is a prize.

The song leads

One of the participants is removed from the hall. When he was taken away, the animator hides some thing in the hall - so that everyone can see where. (Or asks to hide a thing of any of the guests.) Agrees with the public on a song that will be sung by the whole audience. Asks to enter the driver.

  • There is such and such a thing hidden in the hall (a toy, a book - whatever). Your task is to find her. We will help those that will sing. The closer you get to the cache, the louder the singing will become. And vice versa, when moving away from the cache, we will sing quieter. Focus on hearing!

The animator marks the start time of the search. Everyone sings, the animator conducts. The time it took to find the item is recorded. The game is played second. The one of the two who took less time to find the cache receives a prize.

Option: If the audience is not in the mood to sing, the DJ directs the search by adjusting the volume of the music.

The DJ blows the football whistle piercingly, immediately gathering all the attention. Humming the tune of a football march. Announces that the regional football championship begins. Divides the audience into two teams. One team is grouped to the left of him, the other - to the right. Dj addressing one of the groups:

  • What is the name of your team?
  • "Spartacus"!
  • And yours?
  • "Dynamo"! (Could call out any name.)
  • The rules of the game are simple. When I lift up left hand, your team - "Spartak" (left) - loudly, unanimously shouts the word "Goal!"

When I raise my right hand, your team - Dynamo (right) - shouts the word "Goal!" When I raise both my hands... no one shouts anything. Whistle. The game starts. Dj raises up then left, then right hand, from time to time - both hands. Someone in the teams is sure to shout out of place. This counts as a team goal. The DJ is keeping score. The winning team is rewarded with good music. The optimal number of "footballers" in the team is 10-30. With a smaller number of players, they are collected, they rarely make mistakes. With a larger number of players, on the contrary, every time someone makes a mistake - the score is predictable.

Dance in silence

Dj: - Any fool will dance to the music. And you try to dance without music, in silence! I wonder if there are those who do not lose the rhythm? So, the music gradually fades away (dj mixer lowers the volume), and you dance, the music fades, and you dance... Finally, the dancers move in complete silence. The DJ might chime in: “What's going on here? Where am I?" Dj: - Now the music will return. Let's see who hasn't lost the rhythm. Turns up the volume abruptly. Awarded with the prize of "the most rhythmic".

Dance with nothing

  • Dancing ... without the help of legs! Only with hands! Squat down. Dance with your hands.
  • Now, while squatting, wrap your arms around your shoulders. We dance with our heads!
  • Now the head is still. Let's dance mime!
  • Let's dance with lips!
  • Only language!
  • Only ears!
  • Only with the eyes!
  • Let's dance to the fullest!

Rewards the most inventive dancers "with nothing".

Don't dance with a broom

An old French game, it seems. A dj appears in front of the dancing hall with a broom in his hands: - I also want to dance. But I can't do it because my partner, the broomstick, doesn't dance. But I have the right to do something else: take a broom, go down to the hall (does it), go up to any couple, give the broom to a young man, and in return take his girlfriend and dance with her! True, at young man now there is a broom! He, in turn, can approach any couple, give the broom to the gentleman and pick up his lady. And so on and so forth. This game is best played in an audience where everyone knows each other. Instead of a broom, there may be a staff of Santa Claus, a conspicuous toy.

Option: Two people start the game - He and She (Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a guy and a girl - animators, dj and his assistant). He, “breaking” the couples, takes the girl for the dance, She is the young man.

Option: Instead of brooms, hats are used that are put on the heads of the "victims". “They don’t dance in a hat!”

Dance with a flower

The DJ puts a chair on the dance floor in front of the stage. Invites a girl to sit on a chair. Gives the girl a flower. DJ:

  • Now slow beautiful music will sound. To the girl who sits in this velvet chair with golden tassels and holds in her hands a fragrant rose covered with diamond dew drops, two young men will approach - they will approach at the same time! With one of them, the girl, so be it, will agree to dance, but she will give the flower to another, and he will take her place in the chair.

Two girls will approach the young man sitting in the armchair at the same time. One of them - only one! - the young man will invite you to dance, and the other girl will give the flower, and she will remain in the chair. The girl with the flower in the chair will be approached by two young men, and so on, until everyone is dancing!

>> Music. Dj makes sure that two come up. If the next couple does not appear for a long time, he praises the girl or young man sitting (s) in the “armchair”, urging the audience to “be bolder”. When the music ends, the dj asks the person sitting in the chair to keep the flower for herself. Instead of a flower, anything can be: balloon, a toy, a book - they become a consolation gift to the last participant in the game who did not have time to invite.

Option: When the game has started, the dj suddenly turns the "chair" back to the audience, so that the person sitting does not see who is coming up to him. Those who come up put their palms on the shoulders of the person sitting, he “by touch” chooses a partner (partner) for the dance.

Who will jump higher?

DJ during the dance:

  • Well, who will jump higher?

People are jumping, more and more. The most jumping person is awarded a prize. Dj, also on music:

  • And who, without interrupting the dance, will sit lower? And even lower?

If the dance floor is clean, often the prize went to the one who just lay down on the floor and “danced” like that.

Disco figure, freeze!

A paraphrase of the famous children's game "The sea is worried."

During the dance, the dj counts:

  • XXX (name of the disco) is worried - time. XXX is worried - two. XXX is worried - three. Disco figure - freeze!

Turns the music off abruptly. Everyone freezes motionless. Dj comments on "sculptures", asks to come up with something more interesting. Dance music and counting resume. Another pause. Finally, on the third pause, the dj awards prizes to those who came up with the most interesting poses.

Option: Dj evaluates the "fossil" of the figures. In a pause, he descends to the dance floor, walks between the frozen figures, tries to make someone laugh so that they move. There are no winners in this case. It's just that the dj praises "staunch tin clubbers".

Text options:

  • Ice figure, freeze! Christmas figure... house figure ... hip hop figure ... etc.