New Year's game program for elementary school scenario. Game program for younger students "New Year's confetti" material on the topic. Ice fishing game

New Year's game program for younger students

This scenario of the New Year's game program is intended for children of primary school age. It can be part of a single New Year's program, and can also be used at a separate event.

In terms of time, the script is designed for 40 minutes, taking into account games and round dances, general and team competitions (2 teams "Snegurochka" and "Santa Claus"). The active participation of children is implied.


Why are we visiting

Trees in bright lights.

Because it's coming to us

Winter holiday…New Year.

Annex 1 Presentation "New Year"

New Year's Eve without a show
Probably not possible.

Surprise for everyone, surprisingly,

I'm ready, friends.

And now, friends, let's play
In an interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with
I'll call the kids.
You listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If we tell you right
Say "Yes" in response.
Well, if suddenly - wrong,
Say boldly "No!"

Multi-colored crackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalade, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands bright?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Backpacks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
Are the tigers real?
- Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?

The song "Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree, Burn!" Appendix 2

Competition "Snowballs".

Scatter paper on the floor. Each child must crumple 1 snowball out of it and throw it into the basket. Which team will have more snowballs in their basket?

(Paper. 2 buckets.)

Dance to the music “Well, where are your hands…”

Blitz - Poll

pronouncing the words "True" or "False".
Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He comes at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?
What grows on the tree? Cones, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of chips, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the answers are given to the questions,
You all know about Santa Claus.

Telegram to Santa Claus
The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: "fat", "red", "hot", "hungry", "sluggish", "dirty"...
When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts the missing adjectives from the list into it.

Telegram text:
"... Santa Claus!
All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival.
New Year is the most ... holiday of the year.
We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances!
Finally, the New Year will come!
How I don't want to talk about ... study.
We promise that we will only receive... grades.
So, open your... bag and give us... gifts.
With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

Dance to the music "And it's cold outside..."

Game "What do we do in winter"

What do we do in winter

Give me, friends, the answer.

Listen to my question

Answer: "yes" or "no"!

Have you played snowball fights with your friends? (Yes!)

Did you pick mushrooms in the forest yourself? (No!)

Did you go sledging down the hill? (Yes!)

Did you swim in the river in the village? (No!)

Did you ski through the woods? (Yes!)

Did you find many flowers? (No!)

Did you dig beds in your garden? (No!)

Did you dance with Santa Claus? (Yes!)

Friends, are you tired of answering yet? (No!)

Dance to the music "Forward 4 steps..."

Competition "Theatrical"
(Participants need to act out the story that the presenter reads. The roles are preliminarily distributed: Moon, Wind, Trees - 2, Wolves - 2, Dog, Sparrow, Fox, Rooster, Master, Gun)
"Night. A round moon rose in the sky. A strong wind suddenly blew. Trees swayed. Wolves howled angrily in the forest. On the outskirts of the village near the house, a dog stands, shuddering. The trees are noisy, and because of the noise you can’t hear the fox sneaking into the chicken coop. Suddenly a rooster crowed, sensing the fox, the dog barked and chased it. The owner ran out of the house with a gun and began shouting loudly and firing into the air. The fox ran away "The disheveled sparrow frightenedly flew around the house. The dog, breathing heavily and wagging his tail, approached the owner. The owner stroked the dog and, hanging the gun on his back, went to sleep."


For her under every tree

There was a place on the floor.

And her main thing is only

Good Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden)

Everything sparkles, silver

This miracle baby.

But it turns into rain

On your palm. (Snowflake)

Both boys and girls

Looking forward to the New Year

Because he is a toy

He puts them under the Christmas trees. (Father Frost)

Blanket white

Not made of thread

In a clean field lay down,

To keep the grass warm. (Snow)

Fell from the sky,

rolled into three balls,

Got up with the help of the kids

And he remained standing. (Snowman)

All in toys and needles

Beauty at the ball.

Doesn't want to dance

Throws cones. (Christmas tree)

What a miracle magic

New Year and Christmas

Turns babies

In hares, squirrels and hedgehogs? (Mask or fancy dress)

All people on the birthday,

Invited, but why

They prepare congratulations

And gifts - not to him? (New Year)

He is under the darkness of the night cover

Suddenly the old became the new. (Year)

Dancing, spinning ring

Of funny people. (Round dance)

Though not bumps, not needles,

They hang on the branches of a Christmas tree. (Christmas decorations)

Sparks fly from the stick

Loose, as they wish. (Sparkler)

Competition "Song"

And now the teams are invited to sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in different styles: in a marching rhythm; in the style of rap; in folk style; in a piece performance. In what style you will perform the song - will determine the lot.

Game "Pin the Snowman's Nose!"

2 coasters are placed in front of the Christmas tree, large sheets with the image of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more children are involved. They are blindfolded. On a signal, the children should reach the snowmen and stick their nose (it could be a carrot). Other children help with words: to the left, to the right, below, above ...

Physical education minute "Winter with Masha"

Menu game. Assemble a table for the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Dishes for the Snow Maiden with the letter C. And for Santa Claus with the letter M

C: soda, salad, sausages, juice…

M: carrots, semolina, tangerines, marmalade ...

Dance to the music "We'll warm up a little"

Contest Unite!
The host gives the command: "Come together in twos." All players should instantly find a mate and grab hands. Without letting the players come to their senses, the host commands: "Come together in threes." The host's commands follow one after another: "Four people, five, six ...".
"Everyone in a general circle," the leader commands, and all players form a large round dance.

Song "Winter Gifts"Appendix 2

Contest "Mitten" Children stand in a circle. A mitten is passed to the music. The music stops, whoever has a mitten in his hands, he recites a poem about the New Year or about winter or New Year's greetings ...

All the presentation "Bunny - New Year" sing and dance. Annex 1

Summarizing. Congratulation. Giving gifts to children.

Appendix 2

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn!

1 On the last day of December
It smells sweet like a tree!
And they don't want toys
More sleep on the shelf!


Once! Two! One two Three!
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Once! Two! One two Three!
How beautiful, look!

2 Soon Santa Claus will come,
Laugh loudly
And bring gifts
To every child!

3 Children dance
Under the fluffy tree!
The people are surprised
On her needles!

4 The Snow Maiden has an outfit
Festive, wonderful!
The Snow Maiden is waiting for the guys,
To shout together:

Winter gifts

music and lyrics: S. Nasaulenko

1 Zimushka settled in an ice hut

Winter toys in the yard of the winter


Here and sleds and skates, and fluffy snowballs

And also pendants - sonorous icicles.

2 Zimushka congratulates all the guys today

Winter fun on New Year's holiday

Chorus: Here and the sled ......

3 We dance and play at the winter festival.

Every year we invite winter guests.

Chorus: Here and the sled.......

New Year's serpentine. Sports and game program for younger students

Target: organization of children's leisure during the winter holidays
1. Promote the health of children;
2. Develop physical skills;
3. To cultivate collectivism, discipline, perseverance, perseverance, endurance.
music Center;
phonograms and karaoke "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." and other New Year's songs;
2 boxes, "snowballs" - lumps of paper;
2 sets of 10 “snowman” elements (large, medium and small white circles cut out of paper - the body of a snowman, 2 branches - hands, 3 black circles - eyes and mouth, carrot-nose, a bucket on the head);
2 sets of 10 cubes for building a "fortress";
2 artificial Christmas trees, 20 Christmas decorations (10 pieces for each team);
2 mailboxes (boxes with slots), 2 letter envelopes to Santa Claus;
20 "gifts";
Diplomas, prizes for rewarding.

Program progress:

Sounds like Christmas music

Competitors (2 teams of 10 people each) and fans sit on chairs (benches).
The presenters come out in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:
The school is noisy
Running and noise of children...
Know they are not for learning
Gathered today...
Father Frost: That's right, Snow Maiden ... Hello guys! We are glad to welcome you to our sports and entertainment program "New Year's streamer"!

Snow Maiden: We hope that the New Year's festive mood will help you in today's joke competition!

Father Frost: Today two teams and their fans came to have fun and rejoice. Let's welcome them.
Team ……………………………………………………………………
Team …………………………………….……………………………..

(To the New Year's music, the teams go to their places)

Snow Maiden: We got to know the teams. Let's say hello to the JURY! (Submission by the JURY)

Father Frost: So, are the teams ready? Then let's start! We all look forward to snow in winter. For the kids, this is a great opportunity to play in the snow! But today we will not play snowballs. We will collect them!
Snow Maiden: Our first contest is called


Look how much snow is around! (Lumps of “snowballs” rolled up from paper are scattered around the hall).
The task of this competition is the relay race: at the whistle, each team must collect as many lumps of “snowballs” as possible in their box. Just on the whistle, the competition ends. Lumps-"snowballs" are counted for each team.
The contest is underway

Father Frost: Winter snowball is not only an opportunity to play snowballs. Not to do without another favorite pastime - sculpting a snowman.
Snow Maiden: Our second contest is called


Teams receive one snowman element each. In turn, each participant runs to the opposite wall and attaches his part of the "snowman". The first team to make a snowman wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Father Frost: What other snow fun do you guys know? Is it possible to do without a snow fort? Our third contest -

"Build a fortress."

Snow Maiden: In front of the teams in the baskets are cubes - blocks of the future fortress-pyramid. The task for the teams is to lay out the cubes as follows: 4 cubes at the base, then three, two, one on top. The team that builds the pyramid fortress faster and more accurately wins.
The contest is underway

Father Frost:
Winter is not only snow, but also a magical holiday beloved by everyone - the New Year! And the New Year is, of course, a Christmas tree!
Our fourth competition

"Dress up the Christmas tree"

Snow Maiden: Each relay participant receives a toy. In turn, the participants run to the opposite wall, where the “Christmas tree” is placed (each team has its own), hang toys on the Christmas tree and return to the start line. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Father Frost: We dressed up the Christmas tree, hung toys ... And what is the New Year without Santa Claus? How do you invite him over?
Snow Maiden: Well, of course, write him a letter! Our fifth contest is called

"New Year's mail"

Each participant receives an envelope - a letter to Santa Claus.
On the opposite wall there is a box - a mailbox where you need to drop the letter (each team has its own).
Father Frost: Participants take turns running with a letter in their hands to the mailbox, drop an envelope into it and return to the start line. The team that quickly "sends Santa Claus" their letters wins.
The contest is underway

Snow Maiden: Not a single holiday can be imagined without gifts, and even more so the New Year! Santa Claus walked with gifts through the forest, caught on a branch, and slightly tore the bag. Large gifts remained in the bag, but small ones fell out.
Father Frost: Our sixth competition is called

"Lost Gifts"

The task of this relay competition is to collect "gifts"! Each participant in turn runs to the "gifts" scattered on the floor in front of the team, takes one "gift", returns to the team. The team that collects all the "gifts" the fastest wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Snow Maiden: We helped Santa Claus a lot by collecting lost gifts. Now he invites you to play a game with him - "Catch it!". Our seventh competition is called -

"Grab a gift."

Father Frost: I ask all participants to form a circle. There are "gifts" on the floor in front of you. There are 19 of them - one less than the participants of the contest-game. While the music is playing, you will have to show different dance moves. As soon as the music stops, quickly take the “gift”.
Snow Maiden: A participant who does not have enough "gift" is eliminated from the competition, taking one "gift" with him. The game will continue until there is only one player left - the winner.
The contest is underway

Father Frost:
In the New Year, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. We invite you to sing a famous song

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…"

Snow Maiden: The essence of the competition is that a song begins to sound on the clap, members of one team begin to sing this song. On the second clap, the sound is turned off, but all participants continue to sing this song. On the third clap, the song begins to sound again.
Father Frost: This competition will be won by the team that will more accurately “get” into the song.
The contest is underway
The jury counts the points.

Snow Maiden: Our latest competition has ended. Before the jury sums up the results of the competitions, I offer one more entertainment -

Santa Claus: We invite everyone: both participants and fans to dance with us!
Everyone dances "Letka-enka"

Snow Maiden: We ask the teams and fans to take their places, and the jury to sum up our New Year's competitive program.

The results of the game are summed up. The awards are going on.

Father Frost: We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden: Let happiness swirl in a round dance,
Father Frost: Let smiles fill your faces
Snow Maiden.: We all want to be healthy and have fun!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka (together): Happy New Year! See you soon!

Hello, New Year's holiday, shine of lights,
hello tree, welcome guest, friend of children.
All in brand new toys, in lights,
All in silver crackers and flags.
A very important guest arrived at our New Year's holiday
He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur,
He prepared interesting gifts for everyone.
Happy New Year will congratulate you, dance with you and sing
Who is our guest, guys, this is ...

It turns out Baba Yaga, kikimora, goblin, famously

Baba Yaga . ... This is Grandma Yaga. And I will dance and sing and give gifts. And then every year Santa Claus, yes Santa Claus.

Kikimora. Why is our Baba Yaga worse?

Leading. Yes, the guys and I somehow did not expect this. Where is Santa Claus anyway?

Goblin. Where where. Resting. That's where.

Baba Yaga . (evil spirits) I lost my grandfather, dear, you will have a grandfather. Behind me! (runs away)

Goblin (leading)
And you shut up, otherwise I’ll take you to a dense forest, cook and eat!

Famously. (Children)
And you, too, shut up, but not that ...

They run away. The Snow Maiden runs.

Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, wow!

Baba Yaga enters, disguised as Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, where are you behind. I'm looking for you everywhere.

Baba Yaga. Why look for me. I'm here. As agreed, so it came.

Snow Maiden. And where did you leave the faithful snowflakes?

Baba Yaga. Whom? Ah, snowflakes! Yes, here they are, our snowflakes. You just need to beckon them and they will fly. (calling snowflakes) Come to me!

Evil spirits run out, disguised as snowflakes.

Snow Maiden . Weird snowflakes.

Baba Yaga. Yes? And I didn't notice. (looks at them) snowflakes are like snowflakes. sing along!

Evil spirits. We are funny snowflakes. We are smart fluffs.

Baba Yaga. At ease. One, two.

Snow Maiden . Well, come on, grandfather congratulate the guys.

Baba Yaga. I? But as?

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandfather, you need to dance round dances, light the Christmas tree, give gifts to the kids.

Baba Yaga. It's all me?

Snow Maiden. Certainly. You are Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga . Wow, what a troublesome position and this at my age! Well, let's sing songs about the Christmas tree, dance round dances. Snowflakes, sing!

Evil spirits. There was a tree in the forest, there was only one needle on it!

Snow Maiden. Wait, wait, that's the wrong song! Now the guys will show you how to do it right.

Round dance.

Baba Yaga. Round dances led, let's here kerosene with matches.

Snow Maiden
. For what?

Baba Yaga. What do you mean why? I will light the tree.

Snow Maiden . You are not ordinary today, grandfather, they light the Christmas tree with the help of magic words and your magic staff. And by the way, where are you so late?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm watching football. I like how they skate there ...

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandpa, skating is hockey.

Baba Yaga . What's the difference. What do we have next on the plan?

Snow Maiden . Have a New Year's game with the guys.

Baba Yaga. Game you say? What are we to play? And let's hide and seek! Climb, Snow Maiden, into that bag, and we will look for you.

Snow Maiden. Don't, grandfather, we always played trickle!

Baba Yaga . And now let's hide and seek.
(The evil spirits pushes the Snow Maiden into a bag).
Hooray! Ours took!

Leading. Well, what have you done! The guys have neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden left!

Baba Yaga. And what am I! Now we will play with the guys.

Game "Brownie"

Baba Yaga. Fine. I met a real brownie right away. And what do we have next?

Leading. It's time to light the Christmas tree, only the forest dwellers always helped Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. This is a goblin with Kikimora - then?

Goblin and Kikimora . We are here.

Kikimora. What to set on fire?

Goblin . Whom to scare?

Leading. Not really. Bunnies, squirrels, foxes.

Baba Yaga. Where can I get them? And why are these sitting, let them help.

Game "Depict an animal"

Baba Yaga. Okay, it's time to say the magic words. Hey, Christmas tree, burn!.. Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out!.. Everything is not right.

Leading. You need to wave a magic staff, and we will say: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Baba Yaga.
Let's! (waves staff).

. Let's set it on fire, what are you doing?

kikimora . It will be beautiful!

The voice of Santa Claus is heard. Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost.
Santa Claus I'm real, from a deaf, dense thicket,
Where spruces stand in snowdrifts, where snowstorms and snowstorms,
Where dense forests and loose snow.
Hello kids, girls and boys!
How beautiful and elegant you all are!
Something is quiet with you. You don't sing songs, you don't dance dances?
The evil spirits are slowly running away, Baba Yaga is sneaking towards the exit.

Father Frost. And where is my Snow Maiden? (sees Baba Yaga) And who else is this?

Baba Yaga. I'm Santa Claus!

Father Frost. And then who am I?

Baba Yaga . How much do I know? Maybe Koschey the Deathless!

Father Frost. Ah, that's it! (waves hands)
Blizzards break out, bend below the pine, spruce,
Everything that is in this forest, I will fill it up, I will bring it in!

Baba Yaga . Calmly, without nerves, please, with my hands and I know how to wave.

Wait, now the guys will judge us. Whoever guesses the riddles is Santa Claus.

Father Frost . Guess, I love riddles.

We both rolled a com.
He has an old hat on.
Nose attached,
and suddenly it turned out...

Baba Yaga. Water. He always wears an old hat.

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill.
The sport became dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this?

Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless. He loves sports very much, especially fights with Ivan Tsarevichs.

Leading. Again wrong.

Father Frost . Who are you?

Baba Yaga. (Points to the side) Look who's there?

While everyone is watching, she runs away.

Father Frost . Where did he go? Where is my granddaughter? You can't do without professionals. Eniki, beniks, forest animals appear before me!

Hares enter.

1 hare. (into the radio) Oblique one on the line. Reception.

2 hare. (into the radio) We went to the object, over!

Father Frost . Bunnies, is that you?

1 hare. The special forces detachment arrived at the appointed place.

2 hare . Tired of us being afraid of everything, we decided to train!

1 hare. I'm not afraid of wolves or foxes in my native forest!

Famously (from around the corner) Wow!

1 hare faints, 2 hare gives him first aid.

Father Frost. I have trouble, hares, the Snow Maiden has disappeared.

1 hare . Special signs (writes down)

Father Frost. My granddaughter, snowy.

Leading . She was stolen by an evil spirit led by Baba Yaga.

2 hare. Special signs of the leader.

Leading. What are her signs. Old, evil, harmful.

Baba Yaga (from around the corner) And not old at all, but aged.

1 hare. The task is clear. We get into position.

2 hare. We begin interviewing witnesses.

1 hare. Let's make a sketch of the kidnapper.


Father Frost. According to such signs, you will immediately find her, and I’ll go ice cream in the refrigerator to refresh myself, otherwise it’s hot here with you (leaves).

2 hare . (into the radio) Oblique 1 Oblique 2. The object in the right sector was not detected. Reception.

1 hare. (into the radio) The perimeter is clear. I go to the collection point. Reception.

2 hare. (into the radio) I'm waiting on the spot. End of connection.

Hares meet in the middle of the stage.

1 hare . Message from East Sector: Object spotted in computer lab. Break into the Internet.

2 hare. We will take.

1 hare. Forward! For grandfather!

The rabbits run away. Evil enters.

kikimora (carries a huge carrot) Look, eared trackers, what they wanted. Right now, we'll give you some carrots.

Goblin. And neither your grandfather nor your grandmother.

Famously. Glue - didn't you forget?

kikimora . Goblin, do you carry glue?

Goblin . So Likho must bear.

Famously. You said you'd take it yourself!

Goblin. Who said! I said? And what did you say!

Famously. To whom did he say?

Kikimora. Okay, I took it. I wanted to check you. Nothing can be ordered!

Goblin. What?!

Famously. Rock on, friend!

kikimora . Calm down, calm down. I was joking. Let's rub the carrots.

Famously . Grease thicker so that they stick well.

Goblin. Don't stick yourself.

Famously. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Kikimora. Boys, I'm stuck...

From afar, the song of hares is heard: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult ...".

kikimora . Unstick me! The rabbits are coming!

Goblin. Sit, don't move, we'll try to tear it off.

Famously . It's just an axe.

Kikimora. I myself!

The song of the hares is coming. Kikimora is trying to break away. Finally she succeeds. The evil is running away. Hares enter.

1 hare. (into the radio) Attention, the object of the carrot is directly ahead.

2 hare . (into the radio) I see the object. I start capturing (grabs a carrot, sticks it).

1 hare. What do you have there (glued)?

The evil spirits run in, with joyful cries they grab the hares and take them away.

Baba Yaga enters, leading the Snow Maiden with a bag over her head.

Baba Yaga. Where do you fit? Get in this corner.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost . (sees Baba Yaga) There you are, Baba Yaga! Give me back my Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga. I took her to the dense forest. The goblin knocks her out of the way there, she will never come out to you!

Leading. They, grandfather, stole the hares too.

Father Frost . Oh, you scoundrels, give away both the Snow Maiden and the hares, or I’ll freeze them!

Baba Yaga.
We'll give it back, we'll give it back, but do the guys need them? Okay, just complete my three tasks.

Leading. Set your assignments.

Father Frost. The guys and I will make them quickly!

Baba Yaga.
Who will wind up the magic ball faster.

A game.

Baba Yaga. Well, you have completed the first task. And now let's check which of you is the most attentive.

A game

Baba Yaga. And the last task: who will dance my evil spirit!

Dance competition.

Father Frost
. We have completed all your assignments. Give us the Snow Maiden and the bunnies.

Baba Yaga. Take it if you can get it out of the dense forest.

Father Frost. Well guys, can we help? Let's save our friends. So that they can find their way to this hall, we will now divide into two teams: crows and sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream with the voice of your bird. Started!

A game.

Baba Yaga brings out the Leshy in the costume of the Snow Maiden. Leshy is exposed. A noise is heard, evil spirits run out shouting: "Help!"

kikimora Protect us, grandma!

Famously - I don't want to die!

The Forest Fairy enters.

Father Frost - Hello, niece, what made you leave your possessions?

Fairy - In my forest possessions, evil spirits started up. Noise, dirty tricks, all the little animals of the forest were scared away. I already endured, endured, and when Baba Yaga began to offend my bunnies, and put your Snow Maiden in a bag, then I could not stand it! Even though I am a Forest Fairy, I will cast a spell for real.

Baba Yaga - Have mercy! Don't bewitch us!

Goblin - I have stood in the deaf more often for a thousand years in the form of a stump!

Fairy “Then swear that you will never harm good people again.”

Evil spirits - We swear!

Fairy - (takes out the hares and the Snow Maiden) Here is the Snow Maiden and the bunnies. And I watch the evil spirits!

New Year's game program

Song of Karina


There are many holidays in the world

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday

All. New Year!

2. Stas:

He gives us faith in a good case,

In a new day and in a new turn,

Helps to get better

To all people in the world -

All. New Year!

3. Glory

He walks the snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes in a round dance,

The beauty of the mysterious and strict

Fills the heart...

All. New Year!

Sasha's song

Vedas. Hello guys. I am glad to see you at our holiday so smart, cheerful.

Evil enters, trying to get lost among the children.

1 Look no one noticed anything. We were accepted here.

2. Silly, gullible, smiling.

3. Let's have some fun!!!

Vedas . There is one game for you:
I will read poetry now
I'll start and you finish
Chorus, answer together!

It's snowing outside

Soon the holiday ... new year!

The needles glow softly.

Coniferous spirit comes from ... ..trees!

The branches rustle faintly.

Beads are bright ... ..glitter.

And swing toys, flags,

Asterisks .... crackers.

And, decorating the top,

There it shines, as always,

Very bright, big, five-winged…

The fan wrapped the sky with silk,

Shines, sparkling, our ... .. Christmas tree.

And the tree invites you

Now start a fun .... dance.

Well done! Let's get into a friendly round dance and sing a cheerful song.

Vedas. I see we have uninvited guests. Did you think we wouldn't notice?

Evil spirits : 1.Yes we are, yes we are not.

2. In winter, it is boring in the forest, neither to confuse anyone nor to scare. There is no one to even play with.

3. So we looked at you for a light. Maybe don't drive away.

Vedas. Of course, stay, we always welcome guests. Well, our guys have no equal in games.


Score a goal with Yaga.

Ice floes.

Broom racing.


Vedas. Well, dear long-livers of the dense forests, don't you know that ...

    Someone must very important

Come to us for the morning.

Come to us for a matinee

Someone must very important

Light up our Christmas tree?

Evil spirits : no, we don’t know who it should come to you, we don’t know ...

    He has a bright blush

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He prepared for everyone!

Evil spirits: No! We do not know who is preparing gifts for you. No one ever gave them to us.

    We will not meet him in the spring

He won't come in the summer

But in winter to us with friends,

Comes to us every year!

Evil spirits: We don't know who you are talking about. Maybe some Leshy, or Koschei.

4. Happy New Year,

Light a magnificent Christmas tree,

amusing kids,

Get up with us in a round dance.

Evil spirits: Here they are! We don't know anything, we haven't seen anything.

Vedas. Guys, let's tell the forest dwellers whom we are waiting for on our holiday.

Children: Santa Claus!

Vedas. Let's call him louder. Maybe they are already nearby with the Snow Maiden.

My name is.

Father Frostenters the hall with the Snow Maiden.

D.M. Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy rich holiday!

Happiness, joy wishes

Santa Claus guys!

I came from a good fairy tale

Start playing, dancing,

Get into the round dance!

Together we will celebrate the holiday of the Christmas tree -

Long-awaited New Year!

Children get up in a round dance and dance around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

I am the Snow Maiden,

I felt sad in the forest.

Songs, jokes and fun

I'll bring it to the holiday.

Good for your Christmas tree

Have fun and dance.

Maybe a holiday polka

Dance with you?


Father Frost:
Disorder, the Christmas tree does not burn with multi-colored lights.
I will say the cherished words, and you help me.
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

The tree does not light up.

Father Frost:
It can be seen that they ate little porridge,
Maybe the kids got sick?
(He touches the forehead of one, the second child).
Why are you screaming so softly?
Don't you want to help me?

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, our guys can scream loudly. Come on one more time.

Father Frost:
Come on, tree, wake up!
Come on, tree, smile!
Come on, tree, one, two, three,
Burn with the light of joy!

The tree lights up with colorful lights.

Snow Maiden

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter

Shine the lights.

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

round dance

Father Frost

Oh, I'm tired, kids,

It's time to rest!

Well, little friend

Tell me a verse.

Children recite poetry.

1. It happens in the world,
That only once a year
They light up on the tree
A wonderful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Beautiful ice shines
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

2. It smells of fresh tar again,

We gathered at the tree

Our tree is dressed up

The lights on her lit up.

Games, jokes, songs, dances.

There are masks here and there...

You are a bear and I am a fox

What miracles!

3. He has grown to my eyebrows,

He climbed into my boots.

They say he's Santa Claus

And naughty like a little one.

He ruined the water faucet

In our washbasin.

They say he has a beard

And naughty like a little one.

He paints on glass

Palm trees, stars, skiffs.

They say he's 100 years old

And naughty like a little one.

4. The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

Under her shadows are blue,

prickly needles

As if in a blue hoarfrost.

She thawed out in warmth

Straightened out the needles.

And with funny songs

We came to our Christmas tree.

5. They say, on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys

All wishes come true

All you need, they say

Put in the effort.

Father Frost
I see we came here for a reason.
But it's time for us to part.
I wish you to grow and not be bored,

Moms and grandmothers are not very upset.

And always ask for forgiveness

For any grief.

I wish you to temper and grow wiser.

And never get sick for a whole year.

Never be arrogant

And get rid of laziness.

Well, next year

I'll come check you out.

The old year is over.

Hello New Year!

Many happy days are waiting for you guys!

Snow Maiden:
Goodbye friends.
We wish you fun!

Together: Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

New Year's game program for primary school students

New Year's game program
"Christmas Confetti"


1) to form in students the desire for active intellectual activity;

2) to cultivate interest in joint activities among children and parents;

3) to cultivate the ability to communicate, make friends, make each other a holiday.

Equipment: costumes of the Goat, Santa Claus, buffoons, goat,
telegrams with congratulations;
letter for Santa Claus;
lock and tape.

Program progress.

The New Year's melody "Round dance" sounds.

At the entrance to the office, in which there is a cleaned Christmas tree, children are met by buffoons. There is a big ribbon on the way.

buffoons(pointing to the tape).

1. On the way the castle hangs -

The path to our tree is closed.

2. To open that lock,

You have to perform a miracle

To open these doors

There is one secret in the world -

3. Guess three riddles,

Break the evil spell.

And for this, guys,

We'll give you riddles.


1.What is winter and summer
Is it one color?

(Christmas tree)

2. Who is this? Beard, horns.
She has legs in her hooves.
Gives excellent
Healing milk.

Sly eyes shine
And her name is ... a goat!

3. What does not bark, does not bite -
In the house, however, does not let?


After the third riddle, music is heard, the castle falls, the tape clears the way, the path to the hall to the Christmas tree opens. Buffoons with their traditional greeting invite everyone to go to the office for the holiday.


1. Come quickly

Do not crowd at the door!

Hurry, adults and children!

Songs are waiting for you, dances are waiting for you,

New Year's game!

2.You are on holiday with us

It will be fun now.

There will be music and singing

There will be games and entertainment

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!

3. Time is running forward and forward -

Here on the threshold is the new year.

We continue the holiday with a song,

The Christmas tree festival is starting!

The song "Three White Horses" sounds

The children are seated.

Come out children and read poetry.

1. The last leaf is torn off,

The calendar has been removed from the wall.

Waiting for a long time congratulations

January behind the door.

2. The old year is leaving,

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst cannot happen again.

3. Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let the stars light up on time

To make all wishes come true.

4. Let the frost play more fun,

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year to you,

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

5. Hours go by, days go by -

Such is the law of nature.

And we want you today

To congratulate with new Year!

6. We wish you a Happy New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

For you and for everyone in the world.

7. May the New Year that you celebrate

A happy year will enter your life.

And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and it will definitely come.

Children - readers are seated in their places.


1. Oh, and the day will be today!

Santa Claus is coming soon.

He is on this tree over there

Three hundred light bulbs will light.

2. Santa Claus in a large park -

He hardly drags gifts.

I would not scatter, I conveyed

He is strong, Santa Claus.

3. And gifts say

He distributes to everyone.

1 buffoon takes binoculars and looks into the distance.

I see snow in the distance.

Someone is rushing over here.

Father Frost? No! Who is he?

Music sounds. The postman runs in with a bag.


Christmas Postman!

There are many letters in this bag

Both simple and customized.

Here at the party guys

I will hand them over today.

I bring you congratulations

Telegrams, notifications.

The postman goes around the hall, asks the names of the children, takes out a congratulation and reads it.

I wish you my friend

Go to the skating rink more often.

Father Frost

Forget about the hint.

Don't be lazy in your studies

Persistent, diligent

Learn, learn, learn.

Father Frost

Learn the school curriculum

And, delighting mom with a mark,

Passing - ka every time

No triplets next time.

Father Frost

The postman gives the leading telegram. The host reads the telegrams to everyone.

We wish without interference

Gnawing nuts for you for a whole year,

Jump and play burners

Happy New Year! Your...

Children (in chorus).


And here is a telegram from the southern latitudes:

I don't know about the tree

Is this a tree for a wolf?

What kind of tree, you say?

State everything in detail.

Address simply: Neil

Happy New Year! ...


It's snowing, it's a wonderful day

I'm leaving, your...


Got a plane ticket

Let's meet together...

(New Year).


Letters or congratulations to us,

Telegrams, notices

Isn't it in this bag?


Let's see.

The postman takes out a telegram and gives it to the presenter to read.

"I was in such a hurry that it got hot

And gifts scattered.

Caught on a knot

And my bag broke.

While collecting gifts,

I am sending a goat to you.

Don't worry, keep your nose up, I'll be there soon.

Father Frost".


We will wait for Santa Claus, we will play the game "True - False." We say yes or no.

Is Santa Claus known to everyone? Yes

Does he come to everyone? Yes

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? YES

Likes jokes and jokes? YES

Knows songs and riddles? YES

Will he eat all your chocolates? NO

Will he light the tree today? YES

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? NO

Wearing a fur coat and galoshes? No

Doesn't he age? NO

Will it warm us up outside? NO

Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? No

Is he friends with the Snow Maiden? Yes

Santa Claus brother Frost? YES

Is he afraid of the cold? NO

Is the new year getting closer? YES

Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? NO

Santa Claus brings gifts? YES

Does he drive a foreign car? NO

You came to our Christmas tree

Did you bring twos in satchels? No


Well done!

Runs into the hall to the music goat(child in a goat costume):

I am a New Year's goat

I was in a hurry to you, friends, today.

Santa Claus sent me.

For me to play with you.

Now, friends, we will play

In an interesting game

What we decorate the Christmas tree with

I'll call the kids

You listen carefully.

And be sure to answer

If I tell you right

Say "yes" in response

Well, if suddenly - wrong,

Feel free to say "No"

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Folding beds and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

    Teddy bears?

    Primers and books?

    Colored beads?

    Are the garlands bright?

    Snow from white cotton wool?

    Backpacks and briefcases?

    Shoes and boots?

    Cups, forks, spoons?

    Candy shiny?

    Are tigers real?

    Are the buds golden?

    Are the stars radiant?

Well done guys, they answered well, they played merrily. My grandfather should be here soon.


When I ran to you, I saw how the animals were preparing to welcome the new year in the forest glade.

New Year's fairy tale


Father Frost

A very difficult task
ahead of us, not otherwise.
Need to decide urgently
To whom to transfer the year.

Yes, what is there to decide
We all know you, mother.
Do you want to lead the year yourself,
You want to rule us all.

Everyone understands the seriousness
And they're pushing me.
Dear wolf, I'm very happy
I, of course, what you need.

The year will be elegant, bright,
Everyone will be showered with gifts,
You will find yourself a girlfriend (Wolf)
You eat honey, Mish. (to the bear)

Well, you're a redhead, naughty!
Honey, you see, I'm hired,
Is it my apiary?

Yes, you talk beautifully
You don't know the horoscope.
Look, here he is
It already has a year.

What is this miracle?
And where?

From a camel.

Who came up with this nonsense!
Throw away your horoscope!

Registered here every year
And the fifteenth, here he is...

Come on, bunny, I'll take a look,
Maybe it's my turn.
I am strong, beautiful, smart.

Do you want to sit on the throne?
Misha, you've been sleeping for half a year.
Tiger, why are you silent? (Tiger)

I will listen to all of you
And then I will issue a decree.
Take counsel, friends,
Whatever I decide, I'll tell you.

What to decide, there is paper!

I beg you not to climb!
Hare, you're really braid.
Can't you see it's the Boss!

I'm oblique, but not blind.

So, apparently, deaf!

WOLF (Echidno Fox)
Do you think Boss will appreciate it?

FOX (Wolf)
Don't stick your nose in!
We cannot be distracted. (to everyone)
I propose, my friends,
Announce the Year of the Fox to everyone.

BEAR (Fox)
Yes, take your agility!

I was nominated by the Wolf!

Only whether it will make sense.

WOLF (Fox)
I didn't push you!

Well, Volchara, you yourself said ...

I said the opposite...

Oh what an idiot he is!
Maybe I made it up!
All you have heard, friends,
The wolf told me to govern.

I agree to lead the year, (To everyone)
I agree to rule you.
I declare the Year of the Fox!

Could it be that I'm dreaming?
What are you doing here? (Fox)
Also, I found a thief!

You nodded your head.
It seems he nodded five times,
I couldn't count
At least they failed on the spot.

When it seems, be baptized.

It doesn't matter how many times
Issue an order soon
Call the Year of the Fox a year.
I will stand before the people
Majestic and beautiful.
Everyone will understand that it is not in vain,
The year was named after me.
Tell me like it is
I'm smart and beautiful
That I'm slim is just amazing!
All the advantages and do not count.
I love direct flattery.
And give everything to me.
I totally deserved
The yacht is light in the waves,
Your plane in the clouds ...

I'll tell you, Lisa,
Even the kids know
You are a cheat, you are cunning
You are the beauty of the forest ...

Yes, Tigrush, I know it!

Every year you strive for power.

Power, I will say, is my passion.
I'm an important person!

You, Fox, lip - not a fool.
Well, what is that figure? (Hare, pointing to the horoscope)

And that figure - Goat -
Village Dereza.

Year of the Goat! Wow!

It's just nonsense!

It's like saying Kuma!

She has no mind!
She has crooked horns
Very thin legs.
Gives two cups of milk.
You can’t cook porridge for children here.

How much do you give, fox?

Don't be shy, sister
Tell us boldly.

Yes, this is not a fox business.
And I once heard
The goat looks like it has a beard.

No, you are confusing with the Goat.
Bearded Goat, moreover
With a beard almost from the cradle
Little goat goat.
The goat is pretty.

She has a terrible face!

No, no, the Goat is beautiful!

Everything is clear with our Bunny (Twirls at the temple)

She is so slim.

Whom to believe, I don't know.

FOX (Hare)
Well, you're still an inventor
You lie very beautifully!

I tell you the truth!
I saw the Goat myself!

I decided to wait for Frost.
Give him a year.

Santa Claus called the goat,
The horoscope gave us.
I tell you brothers...

What, are you trying to mock me?
You said you brought a camel
And now Santa Claus
The horoscope gave us.

Hare - he is so impudent!
So screwed up, you bastard.
Come on, give me your horoscope!

Well, of course, take
And watch carefully.
There is a postscript from Grandfather.
He's on his way, very close.

Well, everything is clear, concise.
So the Year of the Goat is coming.

FOX (aside)
Our tiger is a complete idiot.
Let's meet the Goat with love. (Tiger)

We will meet her with bread and salt.

The goat is playful
Both smart and playful.

She has beautiful eyes

And he loves cabbage.

It will be the Year of the Goat. Wonderful!
I'm sure it's clear to all of us
What does the New Year bring us?
Lots of fun stuff.

What do I hear? Sleigh creak.
So meet me soon
Santa Claus has arrived!

He brought the goat with him.


Hello everyone, friends!
I didn't come alone.

Grandpa came with you
Like someone out there with horns?
The symbol of the year, so to speak.

We will pass the year to the Goat.
She is with me.

Did you come with Goat?
Wouldn't I be better?

No, Lisa. (lse)
My friends (everyone)
Meet the Goat
And greet with love.

Hello everyone, friends!
I'm very, very happy
Fifteenth year to accept
And give grace to all:
travel, fun,
Shock work, housewarming,
All health and good luck,
Lots of joy in addition.

Congratulations to all!
I wish you all happiness!


The coming year 2015 is the year of the goat or the rabbit.

And let's name, in which works the hero is a goat or a goat?

(Children name films, cartoons, fairy tales, stories, etc.)


1. Many folk holidays

Lots of round dance songs.

Christmas tree holiday

Winter brought us all.

Louder, music, play

Get everyone to dance!

Children go to the center of the hall and perform a song - dance "Lavata".


2. Santa Claus will be waiting.

For now:

Attention! Attention!

New Year's Eve Competition Begins!

Auction of New Year's riddles!

Buffoons take turns reading riddles.

3. The guest came to the hall here
And I made friends here.
Not foliage, needles on it,
Tell me what is here?
All: tree

4. He brought the tree to the hall here,
It pinches your ears and nose.
Answer the question
Who is he?
All: Santa Claus!

5. We made a snowball,
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out.
All: Snowman.

6. Boyko in the hall circled here,
Almost turned into drops
In white they are all featherbed
There are crystal...
All: Snowflakes!

1. We looked in the window,
Well, I can't believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And sweep...
All: blizzard

2. He lies under the tree,
And he keeps his secret.
What is in it, Santa Claus knows,
Because he brought it.
All: gift

3. For her under every Christmas tree
There was a place on the floor.
And her main thing is only
Good Santa Claus.
All: Snow Maiden

4. Like a mouse, but without ears
And no legs, poor thing.
Pull the tail and - Boom!
Papers will fly!
All: clapperboard

5. Spread the spring
Golden shiny fur
To be at the party
The best and most beautiful of all.
All: tinsel

6. Although not cones, not needles,
They hang on the branches of a Christmas tree.
All: Christmas decorations

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters, accompanied by a goat.

Father Frost:

Hello my dears, both small and big!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I congratulate everyone, everyone, everyone, and I wish you good health!


Oh, how smart you are, all ruddy, okay.

Know the frost, are you not afraid?

Do you ride down icy hills?

Do you love sleds? Skates?

What about snowball fights? Ah yes well done!

Get ready, guys, quickly into a round dance.

Let's celebrate the New Year with laughter, songs and dances!


And we continue the holiday.

Song for Santa Claus "Hello, Santa Claus!"

Children tell poems about the Christmas tree.

1. Well, the tree! Just a miracle

How elegant and beautiful!

How elegant and slender

A star burns above

And the snow glitters on the branches,

2. And all the way to the crown

All in toys and crackers.

It's good for us near the Christmas tree

Happy holiday to meet.

It's good for us near the Christmas tree

Sing, play and dance.

3. We have a question for you,

Glorious Santa Claus,

The tree is sad

For some reason it doesn't light up.

You listen to our speech

How can we light the Christmas tree?

Father Frost

Ah yes, you have a Christmas tree,

There is no such thing in the forest now.

We will fix this problem

Let's make all the fires burn

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Come on, Christmas tree, shine!

Children say all the words in chorus: “One, two, three, well, Christmas tree, shine!” (so 3 times).

The lights on the tree are lit.

Father Frost

Let's play the Christmas tree game

Santa Claus says:

Christmas trees are low, high, narrow, wide, and you have to show with your hands narrow and wide, low and high, and I will confuse you on purpose.

Children play a game.


In honor of the Christmas tree - beauties

We will sing a song.

In honor of the Christmas tree - beauties

We'll go dancing.

Children sing in a round dance the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."


And we will take part in competitions with the guys!

2 leading

What are these contests?


And at the beginning, we will check, is everyone ready for the celebration of the new year?

To the leader’s phrases, as a sign of consent, the children answer: “Hello, hello, New Year!”.
Christmas tree in a festive outfit, We are all happy for her today ...
Santa Claus, seeing the children, Takes out a bag of sweets ...
No one wants to sing songs, Their words are barely muttered ...
The Christmas tree lowered its branches, On the holiday it made me very sad ...
Let's dance around the Christmas tree In this glorious hall of ours ...
We'll shoot from the slingshot And knock out the balls...
Let's make a colored lantern for our Christmas tree as a gift...
Tell a poem Everyone is ready with the mood ...
A snowman walks in Panama, He does not play games for children ...
Joyful faces everywhere, So let's have fun...

Well done!

1 competition "Sixth Extra"

Skittles are arranged in a circle. Children walk around the pins to the music. The music stops, the children take the skittles. Whoever doesn't get it is out. The pin is removed. This continues until 1 player remains.

2 competition "Skates"

Children are divided into teams. Each team has a pair of skates. You need to reach a certain place, go back, hand over the skates. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

The song "Skates" sounds

3 contest « Chiming clock"

Divide children and adults into 2 teams. We give everyone decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes and garlands need to be hung on ... one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree!

Yes! You can also hold a garland in your teeth.

Turn on the recording with the chimes. Whoever gets the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute, while recording is in progress, wins

Play music louder

Invite everyone to dance.

Children perform a dance - the game "Boogie - Woogie"

Right hand forward, and then her back,

And then go ahead and shake it a little.

We dance "boogie-woogie" turning in a circle

And clap your hands like this. (clap 2 times).

Boogie-woogie, okay | 2 times

Boogie-woogie, okay |

Left hand forward

Right leg forward

Left foot forward

Right ear………

Left ear………

We'll take the nose ahead

Let's head forward

4 competition "Snowballs"

The game "Who's with us?"

Who is with us, who is with us


We are with you, we are with you


Who is with us, who is with us

To sculpt a snow woman?

Who is with us, who is with us

Spruce fluffy row?

Who is with us, who is with us

Receive gifts?

Who is with us, who is with us

Celebrate the New Year?

Who is with us, who is with us

Leave snowballs?

Children are divided into two teams. Snowballs are distributed to each team. It is necessary to get a snowball into a bucket. Whoever has more snowballs in a bucket wins.

Santa Claus is playing.


Santa Claus says phrases, and the children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun? ..
Tell me a secret: Were you waiting for Grandpa? ..
Frost, cold Will they be able to scare you? ..
Are you sometimes ready to dance by the Christmas tree? ..
A holiday is nonsense, Let's get bored better? ..
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them? ..
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden? ..
Let's push everyone around without difficulty? Certainly...
Grandfather never melts - Do you believe in this? ..
Do you need to sing a couplet at the Christmas tree? Do you need to dance? ..

5 contest "Collect snowballs"

collect snowballs
Baskets for teams, snowballs.
"Snowballs" are placed on the site. Each team is given a basket. You need to collect as many "snowballs" as possible and put them in a basket.
The team with the most snowballs wins.

Father Frost.

Legs are shaking

They don't stand still.

Make way, honest people,

Santa Claus is dancing.

Dance of Santa Claus.

Father Frost.

Oh, I stomped, oh, I danced

I am very tired.

I'll sit by the tree

Who is talented - I'll see.

Rewarding children for the competition "New Year's toy - 2015"

3 prizes, 3 honorable mentions, other diplomas.

A melody sounds.

Children read poetry.

1. Our holiday has come to an end,

And we need to say goodbye.

But you shouldn't be sad about him -

He walks home.

2. At home - Christmas tree and fun,

And mom has a day off

And by New Year's Eve -

Guests, jokes, a feast by the mountain!

3. And when the new one comes

The best New Year

Be sure to go with him

New happiness will come.

4. It will fit silently

And whisper in your ear:

"The best and happiest

The New Year is coming!"


I am a goat - a birthday boy,

My year is here - here it comes!

He is kind and lucky

Let it be for everyone!

I want it to be fun

And everyone lived peacefully

And a lot of interesting

Had to see!

Father Frost

You guys are great

Dancing from the heart!


We are happy to congratulate you all

Happy New Year at this hour!

Father Frost

Hurry to places!

I will give gifts to everyone!

Santa Claus and a goat distribute gifts.

Father Frost

Here is the New Year's Eve

It's time for us to finish!

Lots of joy today

I wish you kids!


For you to grow big

So that you do not know worries!

Well, Santa Claus

We'll be back in a year!



Music sounds, and Santa Claus, a goat, a Rabbit leave.


1. The old year is gone forever.

He brought us a lot of new things.

Run away to the past

To make the future closer.

2. New Year is on the threshold

With new, cheerful speeches.

The old year is leaving just in time,

And he warmly says goodbye to us.

3. Let there be more fun and laughter,

Let people only cry for joy!

I wish you great success in everything

I wish you good luck in work and study!

1 presenter

Our holiday is over. Goodbye!

Oh, what a winter, oh what a New Year!

Let's sing a song to winter and the New Year.

The song "If there was no winter" sounds