Scenarios for the day of the teacher for children. Funny scenes for children about kindergarten. Toast: For theatrical ability


Scenario of the holiday for the Day of the educator.

Prepared by Kuzina Elena Ivanovna, musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 109"

Target: congratulate educators and all preschool workers on their professional holiday;

Tasks : to create a favorable, joyful atmosphere in the team.


The sun without rays is attached to the central wall in the hall. They, in turn, serve as an invitation to the holiday, which must be handed to everyone in advance. There should be two more rays than the number of people in the team: one for Brownie Kuzi, the second for children. After the presentation of gifts, each of the participants of the holiday attaches their own ray-invitation to the sun.


1st leader: educator

2nd leader: educator

Brownie Kuzya - educator

Children of the senior and preparatory groups.

(Festive fanfares sound, the entire kindergarten team gathers in the hall. The leaders of the holiday come out)

1st host: Annually in RussiaSeptember 27 is celebratedDay of the educator and all preschool workers. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance - it was on this day in 1863 that the first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg.

2nd leader: And today in our kindergarten we celebrate a holiday dedicated toDay of the educator and all preschool workers.

September autumn is circling at the gate,

Preschool people hurry to kindergarten.

Their dads and moms lead by the hand

Where they are loved, where they are expected!

They are your share, recognition, destiny.

Let these words be high!

1st host:

How are these eternal? Why?

Those sweet eyes,

These secrets are for you alone!

We are given that wealth into our hands,

What is the most precious thing in the world!

We are married to childhood in life -

No union is more importanthis!

2nd leader: They are so different - happy, unhappy,

Their hastily grown-ups bring them to the kindergarten.

Cheerful, noisy and quietly silent,

They are naughty, but everyone is happy to meet.

They are so different, but they are all wonderful!

They walk confidently on their way.

What happiness to be near and to wander in a fairy-tale world,

Holding a warm palm in his big hand!

1st host: Each child is a droplet, a ray, gathered together -

bright spring.

What will they carry to the river of life running? you think about it

just for a moment.

They will be a clean, crystal river or like a pond with a stagnant


Will they become a lake with a mirror surface, maybe a sea with

cool wave...

Everything that is pledged, everything will return to us, sowing good, we will reap

we are good.

Let the heart smile again with joy, meeting with

a drop of stream!

2nd host : A preschool worker is our profession and sometimes without

titles, awards.

All the same, we love our work and we are all in a hurry to go to kindergarten.

Year after year passes in worries. Everything for them - for relatives


We study and implement the innovations of today.

And in the stream of current life, we do not forget about the peace of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, brave kids come out.

(Children enter the hall to the song "Kindergarten")

Children: Sunbeams peeked into the room.

In honor of the big holiday there should be a ball here.

So that the hall is doubly filled with joy,

So that everyone has enough space,

The sun decided to send rays

And such an invitation(shows a ray of invitation) Toeach


Sunny (recording): I, gentle sun, a candle always, everywhere!

I will warm with my ray on land and in water.

Today I sent my rays to everyone,

So that on this solemn day everyone gathers in the hall.

You will receive a reward for your hard work,

Leave the invitation ray here.

I ask you to collect the rays and bring them to me,

So that the radiant sun shone for everyone everywhere!

2nd leader: Well, fine! We are all together. The hall is all colorful.

You can start the holiday, accept congratulations!

We are glad to see all the guests, this is the best reward!

Children: Our favorite kindergarten is called sunny.

It is happy for children and adults, it is nice to live in it!

Why do we love kindergarten so much?

Because it's wonderful, very, very interesting,

And, of course, everyone knows that there is no better garden in the world!

Will he surprise the whole world?The whole world and the whole planet, the whole universe


Because everyone knows - the Sun is our best friend!

MToday we congratulate our educators.

We love them, respect them and now we will sing for them.

(Children sing the song "Kindergarten-House of Joy" music and lyrics by L. Oliferova

Presentation of gifts to educators

1 host: There is no more honorable work in the world than an educator

restless labor

And never forget it! Children's love you be worthy!

Thank you all for your creativity and work, for everything that you played, sang,


And what they put into the souls of children, let years and hardships not be erased.

Who gave his whole heart to children, devoted his life to them,

He is eternally young in soul, always handsome in appearance.

Because next to childhood it is impossible to grow old,

Because we always need to look into the distance without edge!

2nd leader: The kindergarten celebrates its professional holiday.

And this, without a doubt, everyone, of course, is talking about.

In honor of such a holiday, for the glory of the team, merit

which cannot be counted

We continue congratulations, especially since there is a reason.

Children: Adults and children know that it is not easy to lead.

And, of course, being the first lady is also very difficult to be.

To speak fluently and beautifully for deeds,

All decisions must be made, advice must be given to everyone,

Then someone to scold or award an award.

A very difficult job! Protocols and reports!

2nd leader: Dear Tatyana Pavlovna!

May God bless you for all your worries!

Well, we are from the team We bring you a bouquet of flowers.

We appreciate you, we respect you, we congratulate you on the holiday!

(Children give flowers to the head of the kindergarten, she gives a ray to the leader, who attaches it to the Sun)

Children: So that in the garden the whole pedagogical process was like "Wonderland",

Teachers' councils, master classes, all the worries cannot be counted.

Do not forget about the seminars... Methodist - our honor!

(Children give a gift to the methodologist Elena Viktorovna, she attaches a ray to the Sun)

2nd leader: And now for you, Tatyana Pavlovna and Elena Viktorovna ...(the presenter addresses the head and the methodologist by name and patronymic) song performed by music director Kuzina E.I. "The weather is changeable"

Children : Kids love music lessons.

Here they dance, have fun and play from the heart.

Various composers are studied by children here.

Together with the song, together with the dance, together with the music grow!

(Children hand over the music director, she gives the ray to the presenter, who attaches it to the Sun)

2nd leader: And our kids start the morning with exercises.

Children know running, walking, jumping, jumping by heart.

Learn to breathe properly, temper your body!

In order for everything to be in order, everyone needs to do exercises!

(Dance-game "Boogie-woogie" Children repeat the movements of the leaders to the music and dance all together)

Children: So that everyone has good health from childhood,

Doctors do not sleep, they do not sing songs ...

That's when the vaccinations are done in the morning,

Children radiate with heroic spirit,

That very heart will sing with joy

Because the Little people are happy!

(Children present a gift to nurse Olga Vyacheslavovna Galochkina, she gives a ray to the presenter, who attaches it to the Sun)

Children: The garden sparkles with cleanliness, our assistant educators are just a treasure!

Their work is hard, Masha, Sasha, Tanya need care every day,


After all, they are without mom all day. They love the nanny as if they were their own, and she


Gently take it in your arms, even sing a song.

Here are our nannies. Of course we are proud of you!

(Children give gifts to assistant teachers, they give the rays to the host, who attaches them to the Sun)

Children: For a delicious breakfast in the morning, for dinner and lunch

"Thank you" they say together!

And they even send hello

To the chef and all-all-all who had a hand

To the preparation of delicious dishes and "put your soul into them"!

(Children give gifts to chefs, they give the rays to the presenter, who attaches them to the Sun)

2nd host : Our dear...(the host addresses by name and patronymic to junior educators, cooks and head nurse), please accept as a giftsong funny man.

Children: The supply manager has a lot of things to do, everything needs to be foreseen.

All work, all repairs on time.

Both dexterity and ingenuity are especially important to her.

After all, the care of the owner is very necessary for the kindergarten!

Children: To cook a delicious dinner, both potatoes and cabbage, someone needs to


Don't forget about the meatballs. The storekeeper knows this, all the products are in time

Timely buy and what can I say,

Everything you have in stock is for you praise and honor!

(Children give a gift to the caretaker, she gives a ray to the host, who attaches it to the Sun.

1st intraveling : And we all want to say a big thank you to our clerk Irina Nikolaevna

(Children give a gift to the clerk, she gives a ray to the host, who attaches them to the Sun).

Our dear children give you a cheerful dance.

Children of senior and preparatory gr. perform the dance "Ku-ku"

2nd leader: The whole team was awarded, congratulations received!

(The host approaches the sun, carefully examines it)

2nd host (confused) I just don't understand how and why

I see light in the rays. Isn't there someone here?

(There is a knock on the door, to the cheerful music with a ray of sunshine in his hands, Brownie Kuzya runs into the hall).

Brownie Kuzya: Invitations were sent out, but they didn't invite me!

2nd leader: Hello dear guest! Introduce youreself!

Brownie Kuzya (laughs): Oh, I'm dying of laughter now! That's fun, that's fun! Am I a guest?

2nd leader: Please forgive me

Sorry to all those present

But hurry up to tell us

So that we can quickly understand everything!

Brownie Kuzya (assertive):

Yes, I am Kuzya Brownie, Brownie Kuzya I am! In kindergarten from the cradle, and you are all my family!

(The little brownie Kuzya performs a Russian dance, and the children applaud him)

Brownie Kuzya: I have been living in the kindergarten since the opening.

Not a single event took place here without me.

I celebrate holidays with you, I have fun with all my heart.

Congratulations to everyone today, adults and kids.

And on such a wonderful day, I’m not too lazy to sing ditties.

I will also dance for you and ask you to clap!

(The brownie Kuzya is dancing, everyone is clapping. And then he attaches the last ray of sunshine to the sun)

Brownie Kuzya: The rays are all collected, we will live together.

We will cherish every minute!

(The little brownie Kuzya invites everyone to take part in the games.)

2nd leader: Now let's play a musical game""We'll go first to the right" 1,2,3 "We invite everyone to have fun! Be careful! (Children stand in a circle, form the sun.)

2nd leader: Here are the rays collected, the sun rejoices. Everything sparkles with beauty, like a bell!

Sun (into microphone): Thank you all, I say

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I congratulate everyone on the holiday,

I wish you all the best!

Well, I promise

Warm everyone with rays

And this day is wonderful

Never forget!

2nd leader: Dear Colleagues!Againwith all my heart to you - lines of congratulations!

Thank you for your kind work, for your love, care and patience ...

May joy and good luck await you in life,

And yet, let the eyes of the children wait,

In them - delight and happiness - next to you ...

Their cheerful laughter, which is heard everywhere,

Let the bright path of fate warm!

In your caring hands - the most precious thing - our children. How the new generation will grow up depends largely on you: on your attention, kindness and patience. With the help of their teachers, kids learn to distinguish between good and evil, learn to feel and understand others.

Preschool workers are always young at heart, restless and reckless, because in the morning they are met, in the evening they see off the sincere, pure views of the children, and the day is filled with children's joyful laughter. May it always be so!

We sincerely wish you good health, inspiration, joy of creativity and love of pupils! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

(Everyone leaves the hall to the music) .

Kindergarten Teacher's Day. Scenario

Day of the educator and workers of preschool education. Scenario

The song "Kindergarten" sounds the words of T. Volgina, music. A. Filippenko.
Children go to the center.
Child: Our beloved kindergarten is a cheerful planet,
It has become a common home for us, there is always a lot of light here!
Child: Where kind smiles meet us in the morning,
Where we know no sadness, no boredom, no sadness!
Child: Today, kindergarten, we say thank you,
And thank you a hundred times to all your employees!
Song Kindergarten.
Child: Why are there so many guests
Are the chandeliers lit?
Congratulations to the teachers of our beloved kindergarten.
Child: I'll tell you a secret
I'm always sure of that...
Teachers and children are true friends!
Song "Educator"
Parents bring us to kindergarten every day
They run, they fly, they leave whoever is not lazy,
We live, we grow, we laugh in front of you,
And honestly, we love you very much.
You are our first teacher, you are like our parent
Friend and teacher, educator, educator.
You are our first mentor, a shield and nerves of steel,
Angel is our guardian, our teacher.

It happens without a doubt, it's hard for you sometimes,
But you will always make the right decision.
Forgive the little rascals that we give you heat,
You love kids, and we sing about you.
Chorus: 2 times.

You give care, you give warmth.
You dance, you sing with us at the same time,
We will hug you tightly, snuggle gently to you,
And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember.
Chorus: 2 times.
The child is in the middle group.
1. We are happy to congratulate you today
All employees of the kindergarten:
teachers, doctors,
Babysitters and cooks!
2. And the supply manager as soon as possible,
Our washerwoman, watchman
Everyone who lives here with us
He gives his heart to children!
3. There are various holidays in the year
And today is your holiday!
Employees gathered in this hall,
All who greet us in the morning!
4. Who teaches order in the morning,
Who sciences opens the world to us.
Who will teach us to do exercises,
Heals both the bully and the bully. Dance "Quarreled - reconciled."

Congratulations on the teacher's day
We have come to you today.
wish you great success,
to teach us better.
Our tutors are
It's just top class!
put on heels,
Like fashion models!
And our educators
These are just class!
We like them very much
And beauties too!
(Children give each employee a flower.)
Presenter: the word for congratulations is given by the head.
(Speech - congratulations to the head of the kindergarten)
Presenter: And here our mothers are in a hurry here,
Congratulations and they want from all of us!
Parents' words:
Dear Kindergarten Staff!
Every day early in the morning
We're rushing over here
Because our children
Will always be happy here!
We, mothers, will calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands,
For our children and for your care
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Dear Kindergarten Staff.
From noisy kids loving you
Please accept this award
Our smiles and these flowers.
Presenter: The little ones came to congratulate the kindergarten workers.
Child: Our favorite kindergarten
It is full - full of guys.
And today they themselves
Performing in front of you!
Child: Hello, our relatives!
You are not strangers to us at all!
Congratulations on the holiday
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Don't get old and don't get sick
Sing songs with us.
Dance with rattles- 2 junior group.
Dance "Toys"- 1 junior group.
Presenter: it's time to play.
The game "Collect more balls in your hand."

We are on a professional holiday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Milestones who "burn out" at work,
Who do kids love so much?
Everyone who cares and feeds,
Who dances and sings with us.
Laundry washes, guards
And he answers with his head.
And the intellect develops them,
Whole soul, heart otlaet!
Song "32 children".
(to the motive of the song "33 cows")
In kindergarten today they gave us milk
Aunt Ira told everyone: “It is very tasty!”
We lifted the foam from the mug and put it on the table,
and then they raised their mugs, well, they drank it!
32 kids, 32 kids, 32 kids drank it all up
32 children drank more - they would, but the pan was empty!

Rice, potatoes, pasta, casserole soup, scrambled eggs,
Stuffed cabbage, gravy with meat, pies, liver, bread,
Sandwiches, fruit drinks, cereals, khachapuri and kefir,
Pilaf, puree, stew, meatballs, all the world's recipes
Apply cooks! - Yes! - Yes! - Yes!
32 kids, 32 kids, 32 kids, ate it all up
32 children added everything together - as much as a thousand kilograms!
Thanks to our chefs!
Get ready, which one of you will clap for us now?
Clap - clap, kids, it's time to dance to dance ....
Dance "Comic dance."

Presenter: It's time to play.
The game "Wrap the ribbon."

Who is so dear to us from childhood?
Who we remember for a long time!
Who radiates knowledge light
And instills a sense of duty?
Who teaches, sparing no effort,
Who always looks great?
All children: Of course - the teacher!
So the way in this bright hour
People give you compliments.

The teacher comes out, in the hands of a folder with documents. On the stage, the decorations are artificial Christmas trees, a few stumps.

I'm in a hurry to get to work
To your favorite kindergarten
My main concern is
Raise your kids!
And the road is not easy
On the path through the forest
There are many adventures here.
And unseen miracles...

But where did I get
I don't understand right away
Lost, lost -
And accidentally hit
To an unknown country.
Forest around, grass, trees
And I don't see the guys -
Yes, now I understand
This is not a kindergarten...

(Wolf comes out. The wolf must be armed, it can be a machine gun and a grenade tied to a belt.)

Wolf :
What are these guests?
Who disturbed our peace?
We don't like strangers
Let's drive them home!

What are you immediately rude,
You don't know me
Drink better tea!
I got lost today.

Wolf :
What's happened? Who is she?
Answer quickly!
Maybe you're more suitable
How do I like pizza for lunch?

Since you won't give tea,
Help me get through
Lead, explain
How can I find guys?

Wolf :
A-a-a! Guys? Not so easy!
Here you have to be ready.
Did you write all the plans
To keep busy?

Everything, everything!

Wolf :
Since you're not fit for food -
So be it I spend,
(speaking to the side)
Not in remote control, but in the dense forest
I'll show her the way!
And send - we are brothers
This lady further into the woods!
I'm without lunch today -
Let Grandma eat!

(The teacher walks, meets a hut on chicken legs. The hut, dancing, runs out from behind the Christmas tree. The hut's costume is made of cardboard, the roof is located above the artist's head, pay special attention to the legs - cut and sew a semblance of "chicken legs" to the trousers, they should be bright, eye-catching.)

Am I going to kindergarten?
Best house for kids
Look how beautiful I am (flirty)
Proud and smart
I am arrogant and zealous!
Very slim legs!

Your ugly facade
Don't go for kindergarten!

Well, okay, you really need it!
So I will take revenge on you -
I take you to my grandmother
I'll drag you to grandma Yozhka.
And here she is!

(Baba Yaga appears with a broom in her hands and sings (the motive of the song "Winged Swing"). The hut gradually leaves and hides behind the Christmas tree.)

Baba Yaga: (sings, sitting on a stump)
In the young month of April
Gave me happiness
Lunch is a gift
The wolf sent food to me.
Not raised from birth
Like a blade of grass I grew
I will live as a teacher
I will be the first lady!

Hello Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Here's the infection, instantly found out!

I accidentally came across you
I was looking for my guys
And I found one of you!

Baba Yaga:
Fu - you, well - you, the legs are bent
About what other guys
You sang me a song
What is a kindergarten?
Here now, do not you see the competition!
And you - to keep the answer,
And are you ready to meet?
To charm the jury?
Have you prepared speeches
To shine in the competition?
It's not fun at all
Take the prize!

Well of course I'm ready
That's why I came
See how many documents
For the jury I brought!
No wonder I told everyone
How I love work
How do I take care of the guys
I teach them goodness.
If you, old soul,
Do you want to be kind, sweet,
So be it, I propose
And take you with me
Take me to the guys
show me the way
I promise that for this
I can befriend you!

Baba Yaga:
Interesting suggestion!
Also a miracle - a kindergarten!
I live well here
No worries, no kids!

Wolf :
No, granny, let's go
And look at the guys
Maybe give us something?
Maybe something to eat?
Well, if you don't like it! -
Let's Destroy Kindergarten! (shows weapons)

(They go and sing: a melody from the Bremen Town Musicians - “They say we are beeches - byaki”)

They say that we are villains
That we have no conscience
We are in any evil deed
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la,
We will show you the highest class,

Hooligans we are in life
Everyone understands and is simple,
We do not advise people
Get in the way!
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la,
Run away, kids!
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la, eh - ma!

(They come to kindergarten. During their trip, the scenery changes: a children's table, chairs and other equipment for the kindergarten's playroom are set up. Children play - girls carry strollers with dolls, boys - cars, etc. It's good if the roles of children are played adults in appropriate clothes - stockings, bows, shorts. Children emotionally meet the teacher.)

Sasha :
Look Ira, Anya,
What is this brethren
Who came to kindergarten
With a teacher?

Something got scary.
Wolf and Babushka Yaga...
Maybe in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, guys,
Should I call sooner?

Don't rush, we won't call
Ask the teacher
Maybe we'll awaken feelings in them
Shall we turn them into good men?

Our guests are not simple,
And they came from afar
Ill-bred, evil,
A little wild!

Yes, you'll have to work hard
Clean them up and wash them
Wash your face, brush your teeth,
Learn to eat with a spoon!

We will teach them to charge,
To improve health
Temper, run, jump,
Have fun and play!

Wolf :
Look, granny, it's true
Very cool living here
Really delicious food here.
And they dance and sing!

Baba Yaga:
How are you, teacher?
I ask you not to refuse -
Ask your kids
To accept us in kindergarten.

Well guys, shall we agree?
Shall we take ours to the group?
Well, instead of testing
Let them sing a song with us.

(The song "Educator" is performed all together, at the end of the last chorus they say goodbye, wave to the audience, and leave the stage one after another. You can take any other song that is in the record library of the children's institution, during the performance, the Wolf and Baba Yaga should grimace a little, make the audience laugh.)

Our parents take us to kindergarten every day.
They run, fly, leave whoever is not lazy.
We live, we grow, we laugh in front of you
And we honestly admit that we love you very much!

You are our first teacher
You are like our parent, friend and teacher
Educator, educator.
You are our mentor, the first shield and nerves of steel
Our Guardian Angel - Our Educator.

It happens without a doubt, it's hard for you sometimes,
But you will always make the right decision
Grow little rascals that we give you heat,
You love kids, and we sing about you:

(2 times)

You give care, You give warmth,
You dance, you sing, you are one with you.
We will hug you tightly, cuddle gently to you
And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember:

(2 times)

Our teacher!

Day of the preschool worker.

Presenter 1: Time passes quickly in worries,
The holiday is here again.
And we came, having finished the work,
In this bright, friendly room.

Host 2: Day of the Preschool Worker
Notes kindergarten.
We invite you to have fun
Together with us all in a row!

Presenter 1: Life flies like a fairy tale
She keeps moving forward
Day after day slips away
And the year changes again,

Host 2: And by tradition.
We know - so it is necessary -
The word - the main "mother" of the kindergarten.

The word is given to congratulate the team of the head of the kindergarten.

Presenter 1: Let sometimes our road is difficult,
And let it be hard on the way.
Preschool worker - a high title,
And we need to proudly carry it!

(trade union committee)

Host 2: They say it's time for business
They say: fun time.
Our team is fun
No one will be bored!

Presenter 1: Our team is very friendly
Every employee is needed.
We have valuable personnel,
In the case you will be shown "class"!

The contest "Crazy Hands" is held: Assemble puzzles

Host 2: Life is rich in experiences
Everything tends to surprise us.
And now we sing ditties,
To lift your spirits!

Teachers perform ditties.

1. Ah, now, for you girls
We will sing little ditties
How we work together
How we have fun!

2. Light in the kitchen early in the morning -
Girls can't sleep.
They won't give us a cook
Choke on saliva!

3. Our babysitters all day
Wash, clean.
How to live on a salary -
They think they guess!

Pregnant women sing:

4.To rise sharply
In groups, the occupancy
We decided not to yawn
And raise the birth rate!

5. Our physical instructor is an athlete,
unrevealed phenomenon.
Maybe in five years
Raise Olympians!

6. Our team is purely female -
This is not orderly.
We would have a couple of men -
That would be a present!

7. If someone gets sick -
They won't let you die
And measure the pressure
And they give you a pill.

8. What a strange noise
Icicles don't drip.
This is our caretaker coming
He rattles the keys.

9. Like old merry women
Our musicians:
Sing a song with us
Have fun dancing!

10.Our laundresses and seamstress
Success everywhere:
Sew costumes for children
And laundry is washed!

11. The oldest teacher
Everyone is smarter. There is no dispute.
Filled with information
The real internet.

12. One, two, one, two -
Here the words are over.
Now, try
Clap your hands!

Presenter 1: We have many talents:
We are actors, musicians,
Masters of all trades
We never know boredom.

Host 2: Even if Michael
stepped on your ear
We must try our luck -
Sing a song with us.

Scene for the day of the educator.


I want to be a businessman.

I will be very cool.

I will drive a car

I'm on black and big!

I'll be terribly busy, business meetings ...

All in all, I'm very tired.

I'll come home in the evening!

1 girl

I'll be a model then!

I will paint all day.

Us models early in the morning

Get up well, very, very lazy!

I'll be dressing all day

Try on and try on!

And when I'm tired, I'll lie down

I will just rest.

Well, what about you, Polina, who

Do you want to be in the future?

2 girl

listened to you now

I hesitate to say out loud

I want to be an educator.

work in a kindergarten.


Also cool! I am a son

I'll bring you to your group!

'Cause I trust you

You will love him!

If you can help the garden,

You can call me.

When I grow up, I'll give you my number.

I'm a cool businessman!

1 girl

Well, then your daughter

I'll give it to you in the group.

You know there are so many of us

Here are such tired mothers!

There is no time to do

But I only know that you

I will definitely trust!

Boy and 1 girl

Yes! We may be cool

Meetings, people, cities.

But without Polinka's work

We can't go anywhere!

There are many professions needed

But one is more valuable than the others!

We love you very, very much

Family educators!

Host 2:

From a smile our life is easier,
After all, it's not an easy job for us.
If suddenly unbearable - hold on,
Smile when you want to scream.

Some people are not very interested: do you have time for rest, for your family, for your loved ones. But close people are very interested in this issue.

Scene "Othello and Disdemona"
(Attributes: for Othello, costume elements, a large spoon. For Desdemona - a bag, a laptop).
Othello: I hear footsteps! Finally, my wife is home, and she will cook dinner for me! I'm hungry as hell, Desdemona!
(Opening laptop) Othello! I don't have lunch! I've been in kindergarten for two days without a break! Programs! Plans! Contest! Lists!
Othello: I really don’t joke, dear, our refrigerator has been empty for a long time! I'm just dying of hunger!
Desdemona: I was in kindergarten, but not at all in the cinema!
Othello: What's in your bag? What, plans again?? You brought home, woe to me!
Desdemona: With your nerves, I see - not everything is in order! You even screamed yesterday in your sleep!
Othello: Listen, Desdemona, it would be really nice to have a bite to eat now!
Desdemona: Othello, I ate in the garden! It's bad for you to eat at such a late hour! But if you really want, you can, dear, fry an egg, only yourself! You see, I'm working, my love, take three eggs there, they'll be enough for us!
Othello: What are the three? I ate two yesterday!
Desdemona: Okay, fry yourself one!
Othello: But the refrigerator is empty!
Desdemona: Well, I do not know! Where could it suddenly disappear to?
Othello: Listen! I also have a job, but nothing comes to my mind from hunger!
Desdemona: Ah, dear, come up with something, really! Take care of cleaning - hunger will disappear!
Othello: My hunger is insatiable! Is it really that hard for you to go to the store?
Desdemona: There was a check in the garden, dear, and really, you could buy your own food!
Othello: Looking at the computer! Only you can see him! Your job is more important than your family! Did you pray at night, Desdemona? (Suffocates)
Die, unhappy, die my love!

1st host: Of course, this is a joke, but there is some truth in every joke. Well, today we congratulate not only ourselves, but also our beloved veterans.

2nd leader:

Veterans of the preschool world,
Giving themselves to children
You are our heroes and idols!
Today we praise you, loving!

You, remembering the kindergarten with a sigh,
Even if you hide the tears in your eyes
But wrinkles on the forehead run,
Cobwebs gray in the temples ...

We sincerely remember and love you:
You glorified yourself in deeds,
We also pigeon kids
And we work in kindergartens.

Our children will also grow up
And they will go along adult roads ...
... It is not necessary to forget the veterans,
Let the years fly and run.

1st host:

Let your smile light up your face

Even if gray hair is like snow

Age is just a mistake

If a person is young at heart.

We wish you happiness, health,

Many bright and joyful days.

May you all be surrounded by love

And more to you, good friends!

Let's applaud our guests, give them some more good mood. Today is your holiday, and we are glad that you have come to us.

2nd leader:

Wind of new changes

Grandmothers touched too.

And over the years they need

Get younger and younger.

Go to football with grandson

And I'll have to go to a rock concert.

learn computer science

Everything is not easy for them.

1st host: What does a modern grandmother look like?

Most often, this is still a young woman who has a favorite job, she sees her grandchildren only on weekends ..

2nd leader: There are grandmothers who leave their jobs to help raise their grandchildren and take care of the housework. They pamper their grandchildren, protect them from all difficulties.

Scene "Meeting of two grandmothers"

(The roles are played by two educators dressed as old women)

1 grandmother: Hello my dove! Won't you go out for a walk?

2 grandmother: What the hell, I haven't done my homework yet...

1 grandmother: Which lessons? You've been out of school for a hundred years, haven't you?

2 grandmother: Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. I want to try it, although it is probably terribly unpedagogical.

1 grandmother: And what is it? Yes, I have been doing lessons for my grandchildren all my life.

2 grandmother: Is it true? Is that how you pamper them?

1 grandmother: I don't pamper! I know how strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite it cleanly.

2 grandmother: Yes… you are really strict.

1 grandmother: I am like that!

2 grandmother: Well, if it’s not difficult for you, check how I learned the verse ...

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden Chain on Oak Vol.

And day and night the dog is a scientist ...

1 grandmother: Wait, what dog?

2 grandmother: Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a bulldog, maybe...

1 grandmother: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

2 grandmother: Ah, I understand. Well, I then first.

By the seaside, a green oak,

Golden Chain on Oak Vol.

And day and night the cat is a scientist,

With a string bag he goes to the grocery store.

1 grandmother: With which shopping bag, in which grocery store, where did you see this?

2 grandmother: At the circus. Cats don't do that with a clown yet.

1 grandmother: Oh, that’s all, I’m out of strength with you, I’ve been talking, but there are still many lessons I have, and you shouldn’t be late for the choreography circle.

2 grandmother: Are you still dancing at that age?

1 grandmother: Yes, not me, but my granddaughter attends an art school, but I also have to master it.

2 grandmother:

Well, show at least one movement, maybe it will come in handy for me.

The dance "Grandmother-Old Woman" Muz. V. Dobrynina

1 grandmother, 2 grandmother:

For grandmother's grandchildren -

Very important!

Grandmother's grandchildren

1 Lead:

We hope that such a good mood, as you had today at our holiday, will always be with you! May your hearts never be touched by sadness and sadness.

2 Lead:

Nothing will cloud your smile. Be happy and give joy to children. May the Guardian Angel be with you always!

Alteration to the melody `Blue Carriage`

1. There is a legend that in distant years
God once took pity on people.
To brighten up their hard everyday life,
He decided to give them children.

And the girls went, and the boys went,
Laughter filled this white light.
Dimples on the cheeks, chubby fingers ...
It's a pity there are no wings behind your back!

2. The devil forgot about sinners out of anger
And did not sleep for five thousand years in a row,
Moved convolutions furiously
And yet he came up with a kindergarten.

The unclean power was set in motion
And according to statistics, seventy out of a hundred -
Not angels at all - real devils,
They lack only horns and a tail!

3. Hardly stuntmen, testers
Or animal trainers
They will say that the work of educators
At least a little calmer.

But we do not gasp, and everyone loves children,
Though not angels, although there are no wings ...
Spinning and spinning in the ferris wheel
From evening to morning and live without trouble!

2nd leader. There are many different professions. But someone from childhood dreams of becoming a teacher.

The script of the holiday in the preschool educational institution for the "Day of the preschool worker"

Description: The scenario may be of interest to employees of preschool educational institutions - educators, music directors. Children of all age groups from two to six years old can take part in the holiday.
Target: To create a festive mood in children, to expand ideas about professions in kindergarten, to cultivate a caring attitude towards kindergarten employees.

The course of the holiday

To the music, the children enter the hall.
Leading. We have many holidays:
Day of the physician, tankman, day of the metallurgist, fisherman.
There is even a financier. Today is the Day - not a painter,
Not a carpenter, not a carpenter ... Today is the best day -
Together: Preschool worker!!!

Child. We are familiar on the streets
Every day we hurry here
'Cause we're at home here
Kindergarten is destiny for us!

Child: We are all very happy to see
And, believe me, from the bottom of my heart,
Congratulations today
Preschool kids!
The song "We want to tell you a secret"

Baby Promises
Educators and nannies
Kiss air helmet.
For such a holiday
We make promises to you

It's hard to be obedient
And when playing, do not be naughty.
For such a holiday
Be good ready!

We all smile
And we will not call names.
For such a holiday
Be polite!

During the day we lie in bed together,
You don't need to persuade.
For such a holiday
Go to sleep - so what?

We promise you not to fight
There is porridge, do not bully.
For such a holiday
Ready to be exemplary!
Dance with autumn leaves.
Leading. There are guests at our party today. And let their whiskey be silvered with gray hair - it only decorates. These people are not just our guests, they are those whose hearts remain forever within the walls of the kindergarten. You are always welcome in the house called kindergarten.

Year after year passes in worries,
We rarely see you. Affairs!
But today you are not at work,
And they came to this hall for the holiday!
You are considered, you are respected
And they call you veterans
For the experience, for the fact that you are faithful to the garden,
For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.
Who is always with the children -
Forever the soul is young!

We welcome veterans of pedagogical work today.

Presenter: This musical number is for you.
The song "We say thank you for everything" Sl. and music. T. Bokach

Leading. The kids are asking for:
Have fun from the heart.
For such a holiday
Ready to dance with you!

Leading. Our congratulations are joined by the smallest participants in our concert - the Gnomiki group (2nd junior group)
Dance "Reconciled"

With these "crumbs" our intricate, kind and active educators, caring teachers work tirelessly (full name)
On their shoulders is the most important mission - to teach, educate, instill, educate and simply replace their mother in kindergarten with little "peanuts".

Leading. Meet the middle class kids. They will delight us with a song.
Song "Kindergarten"
We sincerely congratulate the caring and kind teachers - educators of the group (full name) - and the junior educator on their professional holiday

Leading. The children of the older group continue our concert.

Child 1: The songs sounded
Music and laughter
And we have today
More fun than everyone!

Child 2: Feast of educators
We will gladly meet.
All illuminated by the sun
Adults and children

Child 3: Early in the morning in a bright house
We all walk happily.
This house has a kindergarten.
It's built for kids.

Child 4: There are many books in the house
And there are countless toys in it.

Songs, dances, games in it, in this house we grow up.
Dance "Naughty"

Leading. Kindergarten is not only children and educators, these are all those who create conditions for a cozy and comfortable stay for children in their second home, kindergarten.

This is a respected head of the preschool educational institution, a creative senior educator, an attentive honey. sister,
responsible caretaker. As well as our specialist teachers: Irreplaceable, creative music director and FC instructor.

Leading. Beautiful children and an attentive, creative educator (full name), junior teacher (full name) are working in a preparatory group for school and they are in a hurry to please all preschool education workers with a fairy tale.


Calm music sounds and against its background the words sound:

The terem-teremok has grown,
He is neither low nor tall.
Teremok for preschoolers
It's called Kindergarten

The manager comes out, walks, looking around.
Suitable for the house. surprised

Head: What kind of terem-teremok?
There are steps, there is a bell.
I'll ring the bell
I open the door softly.
Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Nobody gives me an answer.
If I came first, then I will accept everything
In everything I will be knowledgeable.
That is, I am the manager. The manager enters the house.

Puts on a sign that says "Manager"
The teacher is coming.

Educator: What kind of terem-teremok?
I'll ring the bell.
Who, who lives in a teremochka
Who will hire me?

Head: I am always happy to have guests.
Educator: I am a child educator. garden
Head: Come on, come on. Accept a group of children.

The teacher enters the house.

Music is coming. supervisor

Muses. hands: I see a tower in the distance, where sparrows chirp.
I want to work here. I knock softly on the door.

Head: Who you are? Where? Why did you come?

Muses. hands: I took my notes.
I am a musician. I will discover talent in children.
I will teach everyone to dance the waltz and dance the lady.
In a tower with a cheerful song, life will be more interesting for everyone.

Muses. hand enters the house.

Head: The teachers are all in place and with music everything is more interesting.
And from morning to evening the guys have something to do.
I need only an assistant to help me always, everywhere
Teachers from children. garden.
We would need a Methodist
Someone knocks on our door, but is afraid to enter here.
I'll go and have a look, and then I'll tell you.

Head teacher enters

Art. wake up: I walked through the field, I walked through the forest for some interest
Look, and suddenly a painted tower appeared in front of me.
Maybe I'll be useful to you, I'll do a good job.
I will write the protocols, I will draw up an annual plan.
I can do it all, I'm a teacher with a head.

Head: Oh, you came very opportunely, come in, for God's sake.

There is a junior teacher

ml. wake up: I'm looking for a job. I'll knock on the teremochek.

Head: Come on, come on. What do you want from me?

ml. wake up: I wanted to be a teacher ... to work

Head: This business. Unfortunately these places are currently occupied.

ml. wake up: Goodbye, I'm off.

Head: Wouldn't you like to work as a junior teacher, girl?
Feed the children, clean the group, help the educator in everything?

ml. wake up: Can I read fairy tales to children?
Manager: What a conversation! Not reading fairy tales - that's a shame!

ml. wake up: All. It's decided. I stay. But I'm still waiting for a vacancy!

The cook is coming.

Cook: Who, who lives in a teremochka? Who will hire me?

Head: I'll go out and see who's knocking on the door.

Cook: I am a guest here - not by chance. I am an extraordinary cook!
Yeast, flour, water ... Pies bake a craftswoman!
I don’t care about fatigue, I’ll feed you delicious borscht.

There is a loud "sneeze"

Honey. sister: Who, who lives in a teremochka?
Who here sneezes and does not call a doctor?

Head:(sneezes): We all got sick and the kids

Honey. sister: Well, it came in handy. I am honey. sister!
I see your business is bad. I'll wash my hands and get to work.
I will quickly put you all on your feet
I will cure and with physical education I will force to live together.
I will make the menu, watch the cleanliness!

The manager comes out tired.

Head: Oh, how difficult it became for me. I am here and there, everywhere.
I would like to get an assistant for the household to follow.

Supply manager: Hello, I hear you
Without a caretaker, neither here nor there.
Well take me into your
Big and friendly family.
I'll keep an eye on the soap.
So that the children wash their hands cleanly.
Brushes and mops, icicles in winter.
My work, my destiny.
And with praise I will move mountains!

Head: I got it. I'll give you an award.

The caretaker enters the tower.

Head: It seems that everything is in place in my teremka.

But we are tired of washing with the supply manager together.

Supply manager: It is necessary to write an announcement and take the laundress to us in the little house.

The caretaker puts up an ad.

The washerwoman comes and reads it.

Laundress: I'm not afraid of work, if necessary, I'll work hard
Who, who lives in a teremochka. Who will hire me as a laundress?

Head: We have been waiting for you for a very long time, so that you can wash everything for us.
After all, without the cleanliness of linen, we cannot live a single day.

Laundress: I will wash and iron you in the laundress to get things straightened out.
Long live scented soap and fluffy towel
Clean robes, clean sheets,
So that gentle backs caress our children!

The janitor is coming

Street cleaner: What kind of miracle teremok? And not low, not high?
And there are even playgrounds .... (scratches the back of his head)
But it wouldn't hurt to sweep.

Head: Oh, how opportune you are, my friend. Come into our teremok.
You will sweep our yard and receive a salary.

The janitor enters the house

Head: Evening is approaching, the sun is already setting
It's time for everyone to go home and I was left alone.
How can you leave everything here? Who will guard the tower?

The watchman comes out

Watchman: And why are you, friend, unhappy? Why did you hang your head?
I know your trouble and I will help you.
Do not be sad, do not be sad, let your little house go.
I will protect the tower, protect everything around.
The watchman comes
Head: There is a miracle garden in the world. I'm glad to go to that garden.
Here in summer and winter all my friends are with me.