Blackened nails on the big toes. Dark Nail: Causes and Treatment Tips

At least once in a lifetime, but every person noticed a darkening of the plate on the fingers of the lower extremities. This pathology is fungal in nature and can occur in any person, regardless of his lifestyle.

If the nails on the big toes have darkened, then this is an occasion to think about the presence of adverse phenomena in your body. What is it and how to treat? We will talk about this below.

Origin of darkening

In addition to the fungal infections mentioned above, a black spot on the nails appears as a result of previous injuries. Doctors distinguish two main factors that determine the development of pathology: external and hidden.

The representatives of the first group include:

  • violations of the vessels located under the plate as a result of a finger bruise;
  • wearing restrictive shoes;
  • discoloration as a result of wearing poor quality shoes;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • mycotic lesion;
  • violation of venous outflow;
  • flat feet;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

If the nails on the big toes have darkened as a result of external causes, then the pathology is not dangerous, since it does not threaten the health of the patient. But this does not mean that these precedents do not need to be treated.

So is it possible to get rid of stains or not? Today, social networks are actively discussing the transformation of a student who completely got rid of the spots that covered her body from head to toe in 30 days. How is this possible?

Other reasons

Factors of the second group indicate the development of pathological processes in the human body.

They are:

  1. Benign oncology of the finger of the lower limb. The vessels located under the plate grow, causing pain to the patient.
  2. . The plate crumbles and peels off, breaks easily. The skin around it acquires a red tint, an inflammatory process develops, development is observed.
  3. Pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. A common phenomenon in which black color is observed in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Spots on toenails are not only black. Brown spots on the nails are a sign of pathological processes developing in the central nervous system, like. At the root of the disease affect the brain.

Green color indicates diseases of the digestive tract, and blue indicates insufficient blood flow to the plate. Blue spots on the nails are born as a result of prolonged exposure to low temperatures.

There is a risk of plate staining when in contact with brightly colored substances. So, the treatment of other pathologies with solutions of potassium permanganate and decoctions of injuries causes a change in color.


If the nail turns black and breaks, this is a possible cause of a lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body.

To eliminate pathology, your diet should be enriched with meat, dairy products, eggs and cereals. These products contain vitamin B12, the lack of which affects the health of the plate.

Blackening due to fungal infection

In 90% of cases, the big toenail turns black due to the multiplication of fungi of the Candida species. The plate is reborn in color, deformed, thickened, brown spots under the nail on the lower limb are clearly visible, it becomes weak.

The skin near the skin acquires a red tint, bleeds. To start treatment - visit a dermatologist. You can see how the affected plates look like in the photo presented on the site.

Blackening as a result of injury

A bruised toe is an equally common cause of black spots on the nails. If the toe is injured, the victim must be given first aid.

It is advisable to apply something cold to the lesion to prevent hemorrhage. An alternative is to dip the limb in cold water. After that, the damage is treated with antibacterial solutions.

Spot color

Brown spots occur if a person leads a wrong lifestyle. Insufficient intake of folic acid and protein products provokes pigment synthesis. Brown spots under the nails are a common occurrence in women who are carrying a child.

Black spots appear as a result of using low-quality cosmetics. When in contact with poor quality varnishes, dark spots remain after their removal.

This is because the composition of these products contains aggressive chemicals that easily penetrate the thin plate. Often such spots disappear only when the nail grows completely.

Darkening also appears as a result of the use of manicure items that have not been disinfected.

Spot treatment

It is necessary to eliminate spots on the toenails based on the cause of the pathology:

  1. If the toenail has turned black as a result of a mechanical injury, then the patient must be kept calm. It is imperative to visit a traumatologist to check the finger for a fracture. During the rehabilitation period, the patient should wear only loose shoes. To prevent the infection from penetrating, the damaged area is bandaged. Periodically, the lesion is treated with antibacterial drugs.
  2. The brown spots that appear on the nails as a result of pathologies of the brain and disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system require diagnosis in the first place. After the results of magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor prescribes treatment.
  3. The nail on the big toe may turn black as a result of a neoplasm that originated under the plate. If there is discomfort while walking, then you should visit an oncologist as soon as possible to remove the tumor.
  4. Blackening on the big toes in diabetes mellitus appears as a result of circulatory disorders or a slowdown in metabolism. To eliminate the pathological process, a specialist consultation is required.
  5. If the nail on the lower limb has darkened as a result of wearing narrow shoes, then it is enough just to change the shoes to more comfortable ones.

Folk methods of treatment

To eliminate stains, baths with decoctions of herbs, tea tree oil and essential oils are used. Prior to the procedure, the lower limbs are steamed in warm water for 10 minutes.

  1. Iodine is one of the most effective methods for treating black spots. The affected area is treated with an alcohol solution of iodine 2 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts until complete rehabilitation.
  2. Well eliminates fungal infections ground horseradish. Agriculture is rubbed on a fine-toothed grater, then the mass is placed on the lesion and wrapped with a plaster. The compress is done before going to bed. Repeat the procedure twice a week until complete recovery.
  3. Baths with salt not only relieve infections, but also have a healing effect on the skin of the feet. They take a liter of water and pour three tablespoons of soda and one salt into it. The limbs are kept in such water for 20 minutes. Then a bandage moistened with celandine juice is applied to the affected area. The bandage is kept for no more than 30 minutes. Activities are repeated until the plate is fully restored.

Therapy with folk methods is coordinated with the attending physician.

Preventive measures

To prevent blackening due to fungal infections, the following steps should be followed:

  • frequent change of socks;
  • when visiting public pools, saunas and baths, wear closed-type rubber shoes;
  • do not change shoes even with close relatives;
  • try not to walk on the floor with bare feet;
  • avoid excessive sweating of the lower extremities;
  • for sick and healthy nails, use different manicure tools;
  • eat right, reduce the consumption of fried and spicy foods;
  • do not abuse the products of the alcohol and tobacco industries;
  • support the body in the autumn-spring period, taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • do not overcool the body.


If, nevertheless, the nail on the lower limb has darkened, then it is necessary to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Any change in color is an abnormal phenomenon, so it is important to identify the causes of origin in time and start therapy. It is important to find out in time whether the stain is the result of a malignant formation.

When the nail on the big toe turns black, it brings a person great aesthetic discomfort, but most people are in no hurry to see a doctor. In this case, there may be both an injury that caused the blackening of the nail, and a more serious pathology. In both cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid complete detachment of the nail plate. Let us consider in more detail why the nails turn black and how such an ailment is treated.

What are the causes of blackening of the nail?

A black toenail on the big toe can occur for two reasons.

External: injury, improper pedicure. In the latter case, damage to the cuticle must occur, which is the cause of injury to the vessels. Any external cause that caused black spots and does not cause any danger to the body. An exception is the case when gangrene has developed as a result of an injury.

Internal: fungal infection, inflammation in the internal organs, diabetes mellitus, benign tumor of the nail plate. Treatment in this case is necessarily carried out with the use of medications. With untimely and inadequate treatment, we can talk about an unfavorable prognosis in the future.

Injury. A bruise under the nail is the result of subcutaneous hemorrhage.

You may notice that the nails turn blue even with existing diabetes.

Frostbite is one of the most common reasons for a bluish toenail.

The nail of the big toe also turns blue when wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially tight ones. In this case, the limb, namely the feet, do not receive sufficient blood circulation in the tissues, and the necessary volume of blood does not reach the nail bed. A bluish nail is not the most dangerous consequence. So, thrombosis, and even gangrene, can develop.

With inaccurate trimming of the cuticle, a blue hematoma may also occur, and the nail becomes wavy.

The use of poor-quality pedicure products, including expired products, can cause the nail to turn blue. In addition, the nail may begin to crumble.

There is a bruise and when exposed to chemicals on the nail.

It is impossible not to say about the defeat of the nail by a fungus, which not only changes color, but also causes itching, burning, deformation and thickening of the plate.

A disease occurring in the body can also spoil the natural color of the nail. So, we can talk about heart failure, trophic ulcers, diabetes.

Treatment for a bluish nail depends on what is causing the symptom. If the cause lies inside the body, first of all, the provoking disease is eliminated. If the blue of the nail was caused by an external cause, the provoking factor is eliminated. If there was a bruise, first of all, cold is applied to the nail.

How to prevent blackening and bluing of the nail?

Why the nail on the big toe turned blue, it was found out. Of course, it is better to take care of the prevention of such a phenomenon. If you follow the following rules, you can reduce the risk of a symptom:

  • not too short and, most importantly, regular cutting of nails;
  • wearing well-fitting shoes that are equipped with a wide toe to prevent squeezing the fingers;
  • prevention of injury to the toes;
  • foot hygiene (cleanliness and dryness);
  • regular change of socks;
  • timely treatment of foot pathologies.

In the event that pain is not felt and there are no signs of infection (pus, inflammation, odor, fever and chills), you do not need to immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, if the blackening of the nail is accompanied by the above symptoms, a trip to the doctor is inevitable.

With untimely treatment, infection of the bone tissue can be achieved (in other words, the development of osteomyelitis), and antibiotic treatment will be ineffective. In this case, only surgery will help.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

There are many ways to treat the problem with folk remedies. But it should be noted right away that such treatment can be carried out only if the darkening of the nail was caused by an external cause. Let's take a look at some of the most common treatments.

Take the leaves of yarrow and plantain, grind and mix to a uniform state. Apply the product in the form of a compress on the nail.

Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of two to one, moisten gauze in the resulting solution, and then apply it to the affected nail.

You can make an ointment at home. For cooking, take one glass of turpentine, 50 ml of lamp oil, 30 g of ground laundry soap, alcohol and camphor oil, a few drops each. Mix all components.

The greatest effect of treatment is observed if you combine medication and folk remedies.

Any manifestations of disorders in the body should not be ignored. Blackening of toenails is a signal of the body about possible problems.

The reasons for the manifestation of such a defect may be hidden in external and internal manifestations. In any case, blackening of the nails is a mandatory reason to visit a doctor.

External causes of blackening of toenails

They are mostly harmless and go away on their own over time.

There may be several reasons:

  1. Education bruise under fingernail. It can appear not only in case of injury, but also due to wearing very tight shoes. Therefore, it is better to refuse it and be patient, because the blackening will pass only after the complete renewal (regrowth) of the nail plate.
  2. Rare cause - random staining the nail with potassium permanganate or tobacco. It is not dangerous, but getting rid of such a trace is quite difficult.
  3. The use of low quality varnishes without applying a protective base. They may contain aggressive coloring pigments that provoke a darkening of the surface. It may not be possible to remove the stain with ordinary nail polish remover. You should wait for the full growth of the nail.

In some cases, a bruised thumb can develop into a more serious problem. With a strong blow, the nails may begin to exfoliate, and in some cases completely disappear.

It is better to visit a specialist who will professionally carry out the necessary procedures. If the need arises, the doctor may resort to removing the nail to thoroughly examine the nail bed and decontaminate the area.

For an easier flow of the hematoma resorption process, the doctor may suggest Several variants:

  1. Remove nail. This will clean the area under it and so get rid of the bruise.
  2. Needle use. She pierces a hole in the nail near the darkening so that the liquid can flow out.
  3. Or a more modern method - carried out hole burning to glass liquid with blood.

Internal causes

They are more serious and often call for treatment:

Cases requiring immediate medical attention

There are times when a person should not hesitate, he must definitely see a doctor. Among the most famous and striking symptoms that occur along with the blackening of the nail are:

It happens that in children also blackened toenails. In this case, you need see a doctor urgently without doing self-diagnosis. He will quickly determine whether your child has a fungus or just lacks vitamins. In any case, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will make it possible to solve the problem.

Measures to prevent blackening of the nail

It’s not so scary when the nail turns black from external causes. More serious is the appearance of the fungus. It is unlikely that it will be possible to treat it effectively on its own, and the help of a mycologist will be needed here.

Also some precautionary measures must be done on your own:

  • try even at home walk barefoot as little as possible, put better slippers;
  • don't let anyone wear your shoes;
  • change your socks often;
  • do not use tools, which affected nails treated;
  • try not to sweat your feet. Buy quality natural shoes.

To speed up the healing process of the nail, you need to eat foods high in calcium.

The appearance of various kinds of black spots on the legs should not be ignored. Proper care, timely identification of causes and treatment will help you preserve your health and beauty.

Blackening of the toe is an ailment that more and more people face, regardless of lifestyle and hygiene standards. Stating the fact of blackened, it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, since this manifestation is a symptom of several diseases. There are a number of possible causes of blackening of the toes, among which there are both infectious and mechanical damage. An accurate diagnosis should be made by a doctor based on laboratory data.

Causes of blackening

Black toes can become black due to various reasons. This may be due to previous injuries, fungal infections and other diseases. Doctors identify several main causes of darkening of the nail on the fingers:

  • Predisposition. Often the cause of the appearance of black pigmentation is the hereditary predisposition of the body to any disease. In this case, it is recommended to find out which of the relatives suffered from a similar ailment.
  • fungal infection. Fungus is a contagious disease that can affect the nails to the deepest layers of the nail plate. In the course of the development of the disease, blackening of the fingers occurs.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Severe chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus.
  • Received injury. After a toe injury, proper wound care should be taken care of immediately. If the bruise is not severe, a black hematoma (bruise) will form under the transparent layer of the nail plate, which will pass on its own over time.

In addition to the main ones, there are many additional reasons why the toes turn black. These include: melanonychia, benign tumors and other ailments, the treatment of which should take place under the strict supervision of a physician.

Symptoms of possible diseases

If the toes turned black not due to a bruise or other mechanical damage, but due to a developing disease, it will not be easy to find out what exactly caused the appearance of pigmentation. In this case, it is worth considering the various symptoms that manifest themselves during the development of any disease in the body.

Treatment Methods

Each person should know what to do in certain situations with blackening of the nails before visiting the doctor.

  • mechanical injury. In case of a bruise or injury to the toenail, it is necessary to ensure complete rest, lie down so that the bruised area is above the head. Subsequently, a consultation with a traumatologist is necessary. As the bruise heals, it is important to wear loose shoes (preferably open shoes), not to load the sore leg, to prevent the occurrence of infections (bandage the area or stick it with a band-aid). To eliminate pain and disinfect, the doctor may recommend appropriate painkillers / anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Diabetes. In diabetes mellitus, blackening of the nails is usually observed as a result of a violation of blood circulation or when infected with a fungal infection. Fungal diseases in people with diabetes are much more common than in healthy people - this is due to metabolic disorders in the body. At the first appearance of blackening, you should consult a doctor.
  • Wearing tight shoes. Wearing uncomfortable shoes does no good - only harm. One of the consequences of wearing tight, narrow or poor quality shoes is blackening of the toe or toenail. As a rule, in this case, no treatment is required, the main thing is to exclude further wearing of bad shoes.
  • Hemangioma. A neoplasm that appears under the nail plate, contributing to the blackening of the nail, is called a hemangioma. Accompanied by discomfort and severe pain. If a tumor is detected, surgical intervention is necessary: ​​complete removal of the nail followed by a course of therapy during postoperative recovery. With timely intervention, the damaged nail is replaced with a healthy one.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. A black nail with a greenish tint is a sign of disturbances in the work of the stomach. It is necessary to conduct appropriate laboratory tests: take tests, make an ECG for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Violation of the central nervous system and brain. Accompanied by blackening of the nail with the acquisition of burgundy or brownish shades. The diagnosis and treatment are prescribed by the doctor, based on the data from the tests and MRI.
  • Circulatory disorders. This is evidenced by a blackened finger with cyanotic features. In case of circulatory disorders, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Treatment is selected by a dermatologist or traumatologist, depending on the cause of the blackening. In some situations, the intervention of a surgeon is necessary.

Preventive actions

Naturally, it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of all diseases at once. Some of them can be completely excluded or the risk of their occurrence can be minimized by following simple rules of prevention:

  • Wear comfortable shoes. Wearing comfortable high-quality shoes will prevent many skin and nail diseases.
  • Follow a diet. This item applies to people with diabetes. Strict adherence to the diet and all the recommendations of the doctor will help to avoid the appearance of black pigmentation on the fingers and under the nails.
  • Avoid bruises and injuries. Naturally, all injuries occur randomly, but still, you should take care of your health and not risk it unless absolutely necessary.

If the finger has turned black, despite the possible methods of prevention and treatment, you should think about the advisability of a visit to the doctor. In most cases, the prognosis of such a phenomenon is favorable, but it is immediately necessary to pay attention to the symptoms.

Well-groomed feet is a complex concept that includes healthy nails. The unaesthetic appearance of the feet and fingers can not only spoil the mood, but also signals the presence of pathologies or malfunctions in the body. The blackening of the nails speaks of external or internal problems, and this ailment, unfortunately, is quite common.

The reasons that the nail on the big toe suddenly changed its color should be sought not only in external influences, but also in internal factors. The first experts include:

  • hemorrhage as a result of a bruise or injury;
  • vascular damage due to wearing too tight shoes;
  • external staining of the plate with low-quality shoes or due to contact with some household aggressive substances;
  • the use of bad nail polishes without a preliminary protective base.

The internal causes that cause blackening of the nails should be looked for:

1. in a benign tumor of the thumb and proliferation of blood vessels under the plate;

2. in fungal diseases. Bacterial causes of the pathology can be assumed if the nails on the hands and feet turn black at the same time;

3. in cardiovascular pathology, especially if blackening of the plates on the arms and legs is observed;

4. in endocrine disorders: problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes.

Fungal pathologies, in turn, cause not only blackening of the plate. Under the influence of bacteria, the nail begins to crumble, deform and exfoliate. In addition, the fungus often causes an unpleasant odor and excessive sweating of the feet, together these symptoms are a serious basis for suggesting a bacterial disease of the foot.

How to treat blackening?

After the reasons why the nail turned completely black are established, therapy can begin. To eliminate the problem, you should use both medicines and folk remedies. Blackening as a result of an injury should be treated according to a certain scheme.

1. Immediately after the bruise, the finger will be placed under cold water or ice. If the plate still turns black, then the procedure is carried out several times a day.

2. The site of injury should be disinfected to prevent tissue infection.

3. An extensive hematoma affecting the nail on the big toe is opened surgically in the clinic.

It is more difficult to treat darkening, which is provoked by internal problems. First of all, such a symptom may indicate cardiovascular disorders in the body, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

If the change in the color of the plate is not associated with heart problems, then the reasons should be sought in the bacterial basis of the pathology. Accordingly, the treatment is adjusted taking into account the antibacterial effect on the affected area.

  • The black nail on the thumb is treated with antimicrobial varnishes or solutions. Lotseril, Batrafen, Mikozan are considered effective.
  • Lubricate the nail plates on the legs with local agents with an active active ingredient: Exoderil, Nizoral, Lamisil.

You should not ignore the trip to the hospital in order for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, because the bacterial reasons why toenails can turn black lie in the area of ​​various microbial lesions. Clinical analysis will be able to determine the pathogen and, accordingly, adjust the therapy.

Treatment with non-traditional means

Blackened nail plates on the legs can also be treated with the help of traditional medicine.

1. If the problem arose as a result of an injury, then the following is considered effective:

  • treatment with warm soda solution, which softens the plate itself and accelerates tissue healing;
  • treat the area affected by a fungal infection with tincture of calendula, which has antiseptic properties.

2. If the blackening of the nails was due to a fungal infection, then folk methods of exposure can be considered:

  • vinegar baths for a quarter of an hour. The solution for the procedure is prepared from 3 liters of warm water and a glass of table vinegar;
  • vinegar lotions, which are recommended to be done immediately after baths for a quarter of an hour. Such treatment is carried out using a cotton pad dipped in table vinegar, which is applied to the area of ​​microbial damage;
  • tea tree oil baths are prepared with a few drops of oil and warm water. The legs are immersed in ankle-deep water for 20 minutes.

Do not forget that the thumbnail can turn black due to problems with insulin and the progression of diabetes. The correct cause that caused the blackening of the plate can only be determined by a specialist, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

Preventive measures

Treatment of the unaesthetic problem of darkened plates on the legs takes a lot of time and effort, so you should pay attention to preventive measures for this pathology. It is easier to prevent any disease than to subsequently engage in complex and complex therapy.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the nail can turn black due to too narrow shoes, but you should not take this lightly: the change in color of the plate itself occurs as a result of the lack of normal blood supply to the toe. The first preventive measures are:

  • wearing well-fitting and well-colored shoes;
  • use of high-quality varnishes for manicure.

Preventive measures also include:

1. Compliance with foot hygiene.

2. Treatment of the nail twice a day with iodine.

3. Use of individual shoes on the beach, in the sauna, bath.

4. Timely prevention of excessive sweating of the feet.

5. Use for manicure and pedicure of well-crafted, preferably individual tools.

If the nail on the thumb turns black, a person experiences internal discomfort, especially in the summer. Sometimes at the same time physical negative sensations join: pain, itching, burning. Dermatologists draw attention to the fact that a darkened toenail is a kind of indicator of internal problems in the body. The nail plate turns black - it's time to "sound the alarm", because the fungus is considered the most common cause of the pathology. Timely treatment started significantly accelerates the recovery time, and a comprehensive examination helps to timely identify complex pathological processes in the body.