How and how to remove henna from the skin at home (11 ways). The best ways to wash off henna from eyebrows at home

How to wash henna off the skin? This is a question that never loses its relevance. This tool is often used by women to color their hair. However, it often gets on the skin, from which it is impossible to wash it off with just water. That is why you have to resort to improvised means.

1 Popular home remedies

Sea salt to remove henna from the skin

Before you wash off henna from the skin, you need to decide on the method. You can use one of these effective tools:

  1. Pumice. Henna does not tolerate high temperatures, and this should be used. Carefully steam out the skin areas on which you need to wash the henna. Then rub them with a pumice stone, but you should not press too hard. This procedure will gradually remove the paint. At the same time, the epidermis layer is updated, as a result, the skin will become smooth and velvety.
  2. Vegetable oil. It is heated in an amount of 50 ml in a water bath. After that, they cool a little, and then apply liberally to areas of the skin with traces of paint. Leave for 30 minutes. After that, the vegetable oil is washed off with warm water. If the henna is not completely erased, then such a procedure should be carried out after 1 hour.
  3. Scrub. You can wash henna with abrasive particles. It is required to take a regular homemade coffee scrub. It's easy to prepare. Take 20 g of ground coffee and mix it with 10 ml of any shower gel. Then apply the composition to the skin in a circular motion. They must be strong enough. Next, the scrub is left on problem areas for 2-3 minutes, and then washed off. A similar procedure should be carried out every 4 hours until the complete disappearance of the coloring agent from the skin.
  4. Sea salt. It allows you to wash henna, even if it is strongly ingrained into the skin, as it has a combined effect - chemical and physical. But since the salt has large crystals, it needs to be slightly ground in a coffee grinder. Then it is applied to moistened problem areas of the skin. You need to gently rub it over them, occasionally adding not a large number of water.
  5. Cigarette ash. It also helps in solving this problem. You need to take the cooled cigarette ash and grind it a little on some dense surface. Then you should dip a cotton pad into the substance and start rubbing the necessary area until you can wash the henna.
  6. Antibacterial soap. It allows you to quickly remove henna. To do this, take toothbrush and lather it with substance. Then you can start cleaning problem areas. Such a tool not only washes the dye well, but also slightly whitens the skin, giving it a well-groomed appearance.

2 Other effective means

Removing traces of henna from the skin

Henna from the hands and other parts of the body can be washed off with the help of other equally effective means. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. Alcohol based lotion. Before washing the dye from the skin with this tool, you should prepare several cotton swabs. Wet one of them in lotion and carefully wipe the problem area. Then take the next tampon and repeat the procedure, avoiding strong pressure. This should be done with each problem area. If the alcohol-based lotion is not at home, then ordinary vodka is used. It is slightly diluted with water.
  2. Lemon juice. You can prepare a homemade detergent composition. To do this, you need to take 30 ml of lemon juice and mix it with 20 g of soda. Then apply the resulting product to the skin. It is required to pay attention that bubbles may begin to appear in the composition, but do not be afraid. The solution is absolutely safe for the skin, but it is better to use it in small portions. Wash off with warm water.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the problem area. If after that traces of paint remain, then you need to drop hydrogen peroxide directly on them. After that, the place of contamination is again treated.
  4. Ammonia. You need to take a 10% solution of such a product, moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe the skin with henna stains. This procedure should be carried out for at least 3 minutes. After that, the product is washed off with warm water. If traces of paint remain, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.
  5. Nail polish remover. It also gives good results. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe the problem area several times.
  6. Salt bath. Ordinary table salt is also suitable for dealing with henna stains when they are present on the hands. It should be diluted 5 tbsp. l. table salt in 1 liter of hot water. The solution is cooled slightly, and then hands are dipped into it for 15 minutes. Then wipe the contaminated areas with a sponge. If the first time all the paint is not removed, then you need to repeat the salt bath after 30 minutes.
  7. Laundry soap. It does a great job of removing paint from leather. You need to take brown soap, moisten it a little in water, and then rub the problem areas. Then leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove the soap with warm water, and then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  8. Vinegar solution. Painted areas can be treated with this tool: take 50 ml of water and 50 ml of vinegar. Then the solution is applied with a cotton swab to the problem areas of the skin, left for a few minutes and thoroughly washed off with warm water.

After you managed to wash off the henna, it is recommended to apply small amounts of almond or peach oil to the treated skin throughout the day. It will provide her with proper nutrition, and also prevent peeling. So that in the future you do not have to face the problem of removing henna, it is recommended to put on gloves on your hands and work with such a tool with the utmost care.

In addition, a greasy cream should be applied around the perimeter of hair growth. It will prevent the dye from being absorbed into the skin. If it is not at hand, then you can use beeswax. It must first be melted in a water bath.

Of course, it is possible to wash off henna from the skin. To do this, you should use effective home remedies. They will not harm the dermis, while returning it to its original appearance.

The popularity of henna is explained by its careful attitude to curls. The color is bright and saturated, and the structure is not damaged. In addition, the naturalness of the dye makes the hair stronger and shinier. If for some reason there is a need to remove the dye from the hair, then you will have to resort to special methods.

If, after washing off the paint, you realize that the color does not suit you, then you need to respond quickly. Without delay, wash your hair with shampoo several times (2-4). With foam, a certain amount of henna will go away.

Best of all, henna is washed off in the first 2 weeks immediately after staining. Over time, the paint is very strongly eaten into the hair and becomes almost an integral part of it. It will not be possible to achieve a result after one procedure, since it is rather difficult to quickly wash off henna from the hair due to its durability.

The dyed strands need to be treated with masks that will allow the paint to be pulled out of the hair as much as possible. You should not count on the complete washing out of henna. Most likely, you will only be able to muffle the red color and make the hair more susceptible to subsequent dyeing. The speed of the result will depend on the type, original color and characteristics of the hair, as well as the quality of the paint.

After several procedures, you can start repainting the strands. Choose only dark shades. Unfortunately, the first staining may come out uneven. It would be better to contact a specialist who will select the right color and carry out the staining procedure in accordance with all the rules.

Important! Attempts to dye your hair without first washing off the henna can lead to undesirable consequences. The interaction of henna with chemical dyes sometimes gives unpredictable reactions in the form of greenish or orange hues.

Recipes for effective masks

  1. Henna is quickly washed off the hair with olive oil. We distribute warm oil along the entire length of the hair, cover the head with cling film and a towel, wait 2 hours. We wash off the mask with shampoo marked “for oily hair”.
  2. We process curls with alcohol (70%). After 5 minutes, apply mineral, vegetable or special oil to remove paint. We wrap the head in a film and a towel. Additional heat can be created by heating with a hair dryer. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo. Alcohol will open the scales along the entire length of the hair, and the oil will draw out the henna. Hot water is an alternative to alcohol.
  3. Sour cream hourly mask helps to muffle the redhead. For the mask we use sour sour cream.
  4. Does henna wash off hair completely? Unfortunately no. But all possible assistance in this matter is provided by alkali, or rather, laundry soap. The tool is able to maximally open the scales of curls. After washing your hair with laundry soap, apply any oil mask. After a month of such procedures, you can count on a successful re-staining.
  5. We mix kefir (1 cup) and yeast (40 g), apply the mixture on the strands, wash off after 2 hours. We carry out the procedure every day until the result is obtained.
  6. A vinegar solution will help get rid of a large percentage of the paint. You will need 3 tbsp for a basin of water. vinegar. Just 10 minutes of exposure to such a solution will be enough for the henna to come out. To avoid dry curls, be sure to complete the procedure by applying a balm.
  7. If the shade of red does not suit you, try changing the color with a coffee mask. Mix coffee (4 tablespoons) and henna (2 tablespoons), apply to hair. The color is darker and more noble.
  8. If you manage to get an alcohol tincture of red pepper, then apply the product to the strands. Wash your hair with shampoo after 20 minutes. This method is effective only immediately after staining.
  9. Cosmetic clay has absorbent properties, which makes it useful in the fight against henna. Prepare a mask of sour cream consistency from white or blue clay and kefir. The mask is kept for 2 hours. It is very important to keep the head warm. Wash your hair with shampoo and be sure to use a conditioner and other emollients.

And you can use special washes for hair:

Henna manufacturers warn about the impossibility of washing off the paint from the strands. However, a number of procedures help to muffle the color and get rid of some of the dye. Be careful so that after washing off the paint you do not have to restore the strands damaged by various means for a long time. To avoid undesirable consequences, seek the advice of a competent hairdresser.

Hi all! Today we'll talk about how to remove henna from hair. Those who painted with this miracle remedy know how corrosive and resistant natural paint is. I myself am a fan of red hair and Iranian henna, because it gives a deep and beautiful color, and only strengthens the hair.

However, the changeable female nature soon gets tired of constancy, the redhead gets bored and all that remains is to grow its own color and, most importantly, in no case try to lighten with chemical means! Unless, of course, you are ready to become an orange or green-haired mermaid.

Easiest remove henna from hair immediately after staining. If the result of painting did not suit you immediately, wash your hair with shampoo several times. Some amount of dye will go away with the foam.

How to remove henna immediately after painting?

If you wish wash off all the henna, you need to act like this (the recipe is only suitable for owners of oily hair):

1. Rub the tincture of red pepper in alcohol into the hair.

2. Put on a shower cap and soak for about 20 minutes.

3. Wash off with regular shampoo.

To those whose normal or dry hair, the following option is suitable: mix egg yolk with cognac or rum (50 ml), apply to hair and soak for about an hour (maybe a little less), after which you can wash off the mask, and the water should be warm. In this case, you can do without shampoo.

How to remove henna from dry hair?

Rinse henna off dry hair possible with the help oil mask. Here is the way to prepare it: mix 2 yolks, 4 tablespoons of burdock or castor oil, a third of a teaspoon of mustard powder, mix the ingredients well. Next, apply the mass to the hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, you can wash off the mask with shampoo and warm water. Rinse your hair with water to which you first need to add lemon juice or vinegar of your choice (1 tablespoon per liter of water).

How to remove henna using improvised means?

mask from cosmetic clay(it has adsorbing properties) - another way wash henna out of hair. The mixture is prepared as follows: you need to mix clay (white or blue) with kefir (you can use yogurt) and apply to your hair, put on something warming on top, hold for 2 hours. The mass should turn out like sour cream in density. Rinse off the mask with shampoo and conditioner. However, I want to warn you right away - the hair can dry out great after applying the clay.

Another option - mask with kefir. To prepare it, you will need 50 grams of yeast and a glass of kefir. This mask should be kept for an hour or two. After washing off the mask, you need to rinse your head with acidified water.

onion juice- Another great tool that will help wash henna out of your hair. It is necessary to moisten all the hair with it completely and leave it for an hour. But this remedy has a significant disadvantage: hair can smell like onions for up to three months.

If the unwanted redhead has not disappeared, and you would like to achieve a darker shade, Basma will come to the rescue. When painting with basma, you need to add ground coffee to it. Then the hair will get a nice brown tint.

Before thinking about how to remove henna from hair, think about whether it is necessary? After all, red hair looks so beautiful and attracts attention!


Ways to wash henna from hair at home

Among the known types of natural dyes, henna is the most popular and safe. Despite all its advantages, it has a significant drawback: it is impossible to quickly wash off henna from hair at home. However, there are ways to reduce the intensity of the color without damaging the hair structure.

What is this dye

Henna is a dye of natural origin obtained from the leaves of the Lavsonia plant. In the cosmetic industry, 2 types of henna are used:

  • Colorless - used to improve hair, does not have coloring properties.
  • Color (Iranian, Sudanese and Indian) - characterized by the presence of medicinal properties, is able to color curls in various shades of red.

The color obtained with the help of henna lasts from 1.5 to 10 months. It depends on various factors: the frequency of washing and individual features hair. Re-staining with henna can be done every 2 to 4 weeks.

How to remove the dye immediately after painting

It is easier to wash off henna immediately after dyeing your hair. To do this, it is recommended to wash your hair several times with regular shampoo without using conditioner and balm. Using a deep cleansing shampoo enhances the effect. The best result can be achieved within the first 3 days after staining.

Ways to wash henna

The best result from the wash can be obtained within the first 2 weeks after dyeing the hair with henna. After this time, the effectiveness of washing is significantly reduced.

Special funds

There are two forms of flushing:

  • Acidic - allows you to wash off the paint from the hair without causing significant harm to the health of the hair. Effective in removing light shades.
  • Blonding - helps to cleanse the hair of dark pigments. It contains a large number of chemical oxidants that harm the hair.


Products manufactured by Paul Mitchel, Estel, L'Oreal Paris, Brelil, Farmen, Kapous have proven themselves well. These compounds are used to remove persistent paint, but they also successfully remove henna pigments from hair.

Professional tools are characterized by high efficiency. Many of them do not have a negative effect on the hair structure, due to the absence of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in their composition. In most cases, it is impossible to remove the redhead at a time, the dye is removed in 2-3 approaches.


Blonding wash allows you to lighten hair dyed with henna by 4 - 6 tones. Repeated use of the product (with 2-week breaks) will remove the dye completely.

To prepare the product, you need to mix bleaching powder, shampoo, water and 3, 6 or 9% oxidizing agent (the concentration of the solution should be chosen correctly: the darker the shade of the hair, the higher the percentage). The amount of each ingredient is 20 g. The resulting composition is applied to the hair with a brush. First of all, the mixture is applied to the darkest areas of the hair, then the rest is processed. Keep the mixture on your hair for 30 - 50 minutes, depending on their original color and the desired result. After the time has elapsed, the composition is thoroughly washed off with water.

The chemical components included in the recipe harm the hair, but this is justified by their high efficiency. After the procedure, the hair needs additional care.

Folk recipes

The use of folk recipes does not guarantee the complete removal of henna, but thanks to them, you can significantly change the shade of the hair towards the natural color. A wash based on folk remedies can be used every 2 to 3 days. It will take 5-10 procedures to completely remove the redhead.

  • Vinegar bath. In a basin with warm water (10 - 12 liters), add 4 tbsp. food vinegar. The hair is kept in the resulting solution for no more than 15 minutes, after which the head should be washed twice with shampoo and applied with a balm. The tool can be used for daily rinsing of hair after shampooing.
  • Laundry soap. It should be applied to the entire length of the hair and left for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo, apply conditioner or oil mask. Soap should be used within a month.
  • Hydrogen peroxide(8 - 12% solution). In a non-metallic container, combine: water (30 ml), peroxide (40 ml), liquid soap (20 ml) and ammonium bicarbonate (1 tsp). The resulting mixture is applied with a brush to the hair, starting from the back of the head. The mask should be washed off with shampoo after 20 minutes, after which the hair is rinsed with water and lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Kefir. Yeast (50 - 60 g) is dissolved in 2.5% kefir (1 cup). The composition is applied to henna-dyed hair for 1 hour and washed off with shampoo. Instead of yeast, you can use blue or white clay.
  • Oil masks. Previously, a 70% alcohol solution is applied to the hair (for 5 minutes), this is necessary to open the hair scales and speed up the dye removal process. Then, vegetable oil (burdock or olive) is applied to the entire length of the hair and roots and a cap is put on. To enhance the effect on henna, it is recommended to warm the hair with a towel or hair dryer. The mask should be kept from 30 minutes to 2 hours. To remove the oil composition from the hair, you must use a shampoo for oily hair and acidified water.
  • Warm sour cream (preferably sour) is applied to the entire length of the hair. The duration of the procedure is from 35 minutes to 1 hour.

The most effective recipes for dealing with henna are oils and vinegar.

Subsequent staining

Before dyeing your hair with permanent dye, you need to make sure that the henna is completely removed. Otherwise, the result can be unpredictable: at best, the paint will not be taken, at worst, the hairstyle will acquire an exotic color (from blue-violet to yellow-green). And when you try to dye your hair in a dark color, the coloring can turn out to be heterogeneous.

The skin is easily injured, so it is important to know how to properly wash off the remnants of henna from the skin of the face, hands and body. It is strictly forbidden to use gasoline, acetone and other harmful agents. Use sea salt, a facial scrub, and in extreme cases, hydrogen peroxide or a paste of lemon juice and baking soda. Each recipe is prepared according to a certain scheme. Which? Let's figure it out in detail.

In ancient times, Indian women decorated their bodies and faces with elaborate designs using henna and mehendi techniques. This tradition has come down to our times. Mehendi, compared with a tattoo, has advantages: if you don’t like the drawing, you can easily wash it off, and if you’re tired, you can change it.

Also, henna is widely in demand for hair coloring, because it gives them a bright red or reddish tint without damaging the hair structure.

How to prevent staining

Prevention of skin staining is important when dyeing hair. Henna is washed out faster than paint, but a woman wants to shine right away, without waiting for the plant pigment to be randomly washed off (from the frontal, temporal lobe and ears). There are several ways to prevent henna staining of the skin:

  1. Paint as carefully as possible without affecting the skin (because of this, you can inadvertently skip areas near the roots).
  2. Apply a fat cream in a thick layer on the ears, forehead, temples, neck. After painting, henna can be easily removed with a cotton pad along with cream. This method helps even when staining with ordinary paint.
  3. Use proven folk recipes and special products for removing henna and basma from the epidermis.

Note ! Henna and basma are herbs similar to each other, giving a pigmented tint. The first plants are painted reddish and red, and the second - black. Basma is more often used in the art of mehendi.

It is not difficult to wash pigmented henna from the skin, but it will take effort. The first 2 options for preventing skin staining are relevant, but the right cream is not always at hand, and no one wants to paint with defects. Consider how you can quickly eliminate excess henna and basma with improvised household products at home.

What to do if you need to wash off the mehendi urgently

It happens that the work of the master does not satisfy the client, which is why the woman panics and thinks how to wash off the henna from the skin (especially if the tattoo is applied to an open area). It is best to use special products, but the helpers also wash off the plant pigment from the head and other parts of the body.

Hot water

It is best to use this method to remove henna from the body. Fill the bath with water as hot as possible and steam the mehendi. It is recommended to use a hard soapy washcloth. Thoroughly rub the contaminated area, and in 2-3 baths the tattoo will be completely removed.

Recipe for removing henna after dyeing hair:

  1. Take a clean sponge.
  2. Lather with soap.
  3. Moisten with hot water.
  4. Rub the spots on your face thoroughly.

It is difficult to wash off henna in this way, but if the procedure is carried out in a timely manner, a lot of time and effort will not have to be spent.

Antibacterial soap

Antibacterial soap has bleaching properties and is well suited for removing plant pigment from the skin of the hands.

Lather the brushes, rub with an old toothbrush, paying special attention to the fingers and nails.

This option is suitable for removing henna residues on the body and quickly washing off the dye from the hands (after dyeing the hair). It goes well with steaming in the bath.

Sea salt

Salt effectively removes henna from the upper layer of the epidermis. If you need to whiten the skin on your hands, steam your limbs in hot water until it cools. As a result, the picture will become faded. A few procedures are enough to completely remove the pigment.

To wipe henna on the shoulder, neck, thigh, make a salt mask and follow this sequence:

  1. Soak a piece of thick cloth in a concentrated solution of sea salt.
  2. Attach the fabric to the pattern.
  3. Wrap with cling film.
  4. After 30-60 minutes, rinse the treated area with warm water.

Cosmetic scrub

The tool removes the upper layers of the epidermis, which is why it is widely used to remove mehendi.

Before and after removing henna from the skin with a scrub

Treat your hands (mehendi) with a scrub, massage with light circular movements for 10-15 minutes, rinse. The recipe shows maximum effectiveness in combination with steaming, but do not forget to soften the skin with a moisturizer after treatment.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is used only in a warm form (heated in a steam bath).

  1. Apply oil to the tattoo with a swab.
  2. Wrap with cling film.
  3. After 30 minutes, cleanse the skin with warm water and detergent.

Alcohol lotion or vodka

Alcohol allows you to wash henna and other contaminants, provided that the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is not injured (otherwise the product will pinch strongly). Apply some lotion or vodka to a cotton pad, and then rub the skin. Repeat the procedure several times.

Alcohol solutions and vodka perfectly, degrease almost any surface, and also clean.


Whitening tooth powder helps in removing fresh marks and blemishes on the skin. Dip a wet toothbrush into the powder, rub the wet skin with a pattern / stain.

Olive oil and cognac

These ingredients, mixed in equal amounts, will help wash off the pigmented henna from the hands and body. Apply the mixture for 60 minutes and rinse with warm water.

cigarette ash

In this case, cigarette ash acts as an abrasive. Dip a damp cotton pad into the cooled ash and rub the mehendi.

Soda with lemon

If the drawing looks fresh, attractive, but already tired, you should ask how to wash off the mehendi quickly and at no cost. Masters usually recommend using a radical method - mixing baking soda with citric acid (diluted in water) or lemon juice. The end result should be a thick paste.

Apply it to the pattern for 10 minutes, and then wash with warm water with a washcloth and soap. The remaining stains can be freely removed using the recipes described above.

Hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid

Hydrogen oxide is safe and allows you to quickly wipe off henna from the skin, whiten it.

Recipe for treating the body with hydrogen:

  1. Soak a cotton pad or piece of thick cloth in peroxide.
  2. Attach to the pattern for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Wait until the henna is limp.
  4. Wash off under running water with soap.

Vinegar-based compresses also wash stains from basma and similar dyes well. They are prepared in a similar way.

The second option for removing mehendi is to diligently rub the mehendi with a napkin dipped in hydrogen, as shown in the video:

Special funds

Special means for removing plant pigment are usually not used at home due to the high cost. But you can buy them:

  • at the hairdresser's;
  • tattoo parlor;
  • specialized store.

The advantage of these funds is the immediate effect. However, they have a strong, unpleasant odor and are made from chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction.

What can not be used to remove henna from the skin

Some female experimenters resort to dangerous methods to remove the hated tattoo or pigment paint on the face and body. Often this leads to severe skin injuries and inflammatory reactions that occur at the most inopportune moment.

  • kerosene, gasoline;
  • wiper;
  • washing powder;
  • acetone;
  • means for cleaning household surfaces.

Note ! Despite the high effectiveness of these products (in relation to henna, basma and other types of paints), they should not be used, especially on the face. Accidental eye contact will cause vision problems!

Current methods for removing plant pigment from the skin are not always suitable for removing spots and patterns on the face.

It is best to use safe recipes for this, adhering to the following rules:

  1. For the face, use lotions or oil formulations. If you color your hair often, get a waterproof makeup remover. It is no less effective, but safer.
  2. Lubricate skin areas: ears, temples, forehead with a greasy cream before dyeing your hair and wash it immediately after the procedure.
  3. The thicker and fatter the cream, the less paint will have to be removed in the future.
  4. If you tried the method, but it did not fit, try another, but be sure to keep the interval between procedures for 24 hours so as not to injure the epidermis.
  5. After washing off the paint, be sure to treat the skin with a moisturizer (to restore regenerative abilities).

It is better to prevent pigmentation of the skin than to remove it. In the case of hair dyeing, you can completely avoid removing henna, but when removing mehendi, be prepared for painstaking work. It is not recommended to get tattooed by unverified specialists, but it is necessary to carefully select the pattern so that you do not have to resort to radical methods of removing it.

Larisa, April 23, 2018.