The script is an interesting congratulation of teachers on Teacher's Day. Funny sketch for teacher's day from students

This joke and funny scene congratulations to teachers on Teacher's Day was written by the modern poet Olga Skladchikova. Perhaps this cool scene may be useful to you in preparing the script for the holiday Teacher's Day. Such a comic scene congratulations will appeal to both teachers and all guests of the Teacher's holiday at school. Thanks to the author!

See other scripts for school holidays on the website, and let your Teacher's holiday be unforgettable.

Congratulation-sketch on Teacher's Day (comic and funny)

New old

The old chemist - an old man, with swirling bangs, in huge glasses, in a medical coat, with shaggy eyebrows;
Grandmother - A hunched old woman, in a scarf on her head, with several painted over teeth, with a cane;
Former model (aged) - a lively old woman, on massive heels, hung with jewelry, with bright makeup, a huge booty from a pillow;
Biker - a huge old man, with a beard, with an earring in his ear, in leather clothes, with a lollipop.
Crazy - an elderly frisky grandfather, in pajamas, with a badge (ward number 13), constantly squinting his eyes and laughing hysterically contagiously.

(go to the music -)

1 hero:

Imagine who we are:
Grandmothers, grandfathers are not simple.
Old men we are mischievous,
The ringleaders are humorous.

2 hero:

We want to congratulate you
We will turn your day into a fairy tale.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
And now let's introduce ourselves

3 hero:

We are graduates, to be honest,
Lying, of course, is not appropriate.

4 hero:

This is the moment,
Look who has become who!

Old Chemist:

Hello, I'm an old chemist,
And I want to tell you
How sometimes he sat with a guitar,
But I wanted to know more.

Teachers considered me
They made everyone cram
So as not to know later anxiety,
Easily learn the subject.


I used to study here
And sometimes naughty a little,
And now I'm old
I only speak rubbish.

I bring my little grandson here
Despite sclerosis,
He must know all the sciences,
To grow smart quickly.


I'm a biker, a killer dude,
Went to school every other day
Let the lesson be cool
I was too lazy to teach him.

Well, why? Waste!
I chose the bike
Let the salary be small
I was able to feed myself.

Former model:

I came out with a face, a figure,
But she was a total idiot.
Unfolded and faded
Is life in vain?

I needed to study
To work and work.
Photos don't last forever
Time is very fleeting.

I wouldn't be a phantom in my life
Former model with a diploma!
We are dolls, but life is a game,
It's like it was all yesterday!


Check out my outfit
What a lovely seat he is.
I look, well, straight to the "encore!"
Show chtol you a striptease?

Joke, joke, don't be rude!
Have pity on the patient!
I am a disgrace to everyone
I still remember my teachers.

Always boasted of a diary,
And there was only "two" in it!
My head is a mess
Well guys, I'm an idiot!

3 hero:

We introduced ourselves, opened
You are in a hurry for the holiday!

4 hero:

Teacher's Day is not just like that!
Now it will be the most delicious!


Together we wish you...

Former model:

Look beyond your years

Old Chemist:

Mind to shine for decades,


Live long, and so that without trouble!

1 hero:

Let's play guys!
DO NOT look at your notebooks!

2 hero:

Let's put things in order now
We'll give you riddles!


1) What now? Which lesson?
And when does the bell ring?
What influences effort?
This is our ... (schedule).

2) Who is chasing you around the hall?
Hardens little by little?
Without him, you are like without hands,
Who is this? Our ... (physical hand).

3) Who teaches you to "Hurrah!"?
Who wishes you well?

Who is your guardian angel?
Of course, this is ... (teacher).

1 hero:

Well we all said
On Teacher's Day, with a soul,

2 hero:

They showed a mini-sketch, -
A piece of life is small.

3 hero:

We are all grateful to you
For warmth, love, work,

4 hero:

You have invested in us
Worried, and more than once.

5 hero:

You left a mark on us
They became like this because of you.

1 hero:

There are no better teachers.
Please accept verses from us.

5 hero:

We wish you all the best,
To pursue success!

1 hero:

Let bad weather bypass you
There will always be a lot of happiness!

(The madman rips off his pajamas, and under it he wears a classic formal suit);

(music sounds, the characters leave).

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(The song “Hello School” sounds to the motive of the song from the m / f “Scarecrow-Meow”.)
(grade 2-3)
Morning starts, starts
Children wake up, wake up.
Put on the school uniform
They took all their briefcases with them
And with a cheerful smile
They flew to school.

Learn to count and multiply.
And I will also learn to share,
School hello!

The school is very cool, very cool.
We learn a lot of new things, a lot of new things.
And we solved the problems
The essays were written
In English, they spoke
They sang and taught poetry.

One, two, sun, three, four, five!
Got five - you can play!
Lessons are over, you need to play.
Hello childhood!

(4th grade)

1st student:
Morning. House. Family. Alarm.
Empty refrigerator.
Bag. Umbrella. The clatter of feet.
And the lesson started.

2nd student:
Cards. Globes. Adviсe.
Theorems and answers.
Discussion. Outcome.
An unexpected call.

3rd student:
Competences. Program.
Everything is urgent, like a telegram.
Twos. Nerves. Corvalol.
Student looking at the floor.

4th student:
Contest. Holiday. Meeting.
Meeting for parents.
Perplexed father.
Entertaining end.

5th student:
Points. Personality. Height. Problems.
Exercise. Method. Themes.
Here are notebooks, a bunch, a mass.
The social passport of the class.

7th student:
Shop. Price. Expenses.
Two weeks before payday.
Milk. Groats. Cheese.
Empty wallet.

8th student:
Night. Floor lamp. Sofa. Textbook.
The husband is already asleep, the child is dozing.
Teachers' Council. Concert. Report.
Thesis. GEF. Well, everything! Otpad!

1st student:
We all love you very much
And we want holidays!

And Happy Teacher's Day

Scene (5,6,7 class)

The song of V. Shainsky to the words of M. Plyatskovsky “What is taught at school” sounds. Three enter the stage: a girl and two boys (truants).

1st boy.

Where are you going?

2nd boy.

- I'm tired of school!
Lessons torture again.


“Here, what are we going to do there?”
It's better to just take a walk.

The rest of the students leave.

- Hi guys! Why are you sitting here?
Are your clocks slow today?

1st boy.

We have decided not to go to school.
We know how to read, write - what else to learn?


We won't study anymore.
We'd better get a job.


- And who are you going to become?
After all, to work, you need to know a lot.

2nd boy.

— What there to know? My dad is an engineer in the office,
Draws directly on cardboard.
This work is good
I don't need anything but a pen and pencil.
I’ll take and draw a house, a square ...
Good job engineer!

1st boy.

- Can I be a doctor?
Something to cut or sew on.
Then I will give out a ballot to everyone, -
And that's it! Free all day!



- Are you laughing? To build a house
You don't need a pen and pencil.
You need to know the strength of materials, and what is put in concrete.
If you don't know, this house will collapse.

- Would you like to be a doctor?
Children and adults - to treat everyone, -
You can't prescribe medicine.
You hurt, you don't help.

- And who will let you cut a person,
When you don't know where the ear is and where the eyelid is.

- Well, what are you looking at, huh?
Your deeds are bad.
About rings and earrings
You don't even know a little!

- They will invite you to the podium in Paris,
And you don't speak French.

- Like a magazine, very fashionable,
Would you like to read it?
Oh, girlfriend, you're sorry
An ABC book would be in your hands.

- Yes, well, what can I say,
There is no need to be anyone.
You come to the telly
You won't find it in the program.
The movie that's on.
And your number won't work.

- See ... you can’t buy
No candy, no chips pack,
No cookies, marmalade,
And no Fanta, and no chewing gum.

- Well, if you are a banker
Will it get into your head?
Can't calculate profit
No, so, brothers, it will not work.

- You are a cook - imagine now.
You can quickly, without loss
Read the recipe, cook -
Everything must be delicious.

Now imagine another
The situation is this:
Here I bought a ticket to the cinema.
With whom to go is not all the same.

- You decided to call Masha.
You have to write a note.
How will you write a letter?
How will you buy her flowers?

“The girls don't care.
And you go to the cinema alone.

That's right, you need to study.
For effort and reward.
You will know everything, you will read everything,
Everything you need - you will find everything.

1st boy.

- Listen to you, so decide -
Go to school every day.

2nd boy.

- Listen, cool, we are with you.
Buy a book "Sea Battle".

1st boy.

- Yes! And we can find out everything
Read about battleships ...

1st boy.

- And about the yacht, that one, do you remember ?!
On which you will not catch up ...

2nd boy.

- And about the boat, which ...


- Yes-ah-ah ... to study is just great !!!


Well, I can read
About hairstyles, shoes, paints ...
Yes, do not count everything.


So what, have you been convinced?
And comprehend everything in the right time,
will help you(all together) TEACHER!

Children sing the song "Congratulations" to the motive of V. Shainsky's song "What they teach at school."


New Russian grandmothers. (8 cells)

1. Hello, dear!

2. I was instructed..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was assigned..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was instructed (look at 1 grandmother) to conduct ... (look again).

1. Hold today's concert ..


2. Why are you bothering me?

1. Because you don't know how to lead a concert. If, for example, a singer is performing now, how will you announce her?

2. I will say that I will speak now ...

1. I'll tell you! .. The singer must be declared singing. (sings.) Now the singer will perform, she will sing for you ...

2. Haha..! Interesting! And if acrobats perform, how will you announce them? Through the head? Somersault?

1. But you will announce the acrobats.

2. No, I will announce everything.

1. Why?

2. Because a savvy, decisive person should conduct a concert.

1. You speak as if you are going to lead not a concert, but a ship into a storm. Think Captain!

2. The captain is a man! And I am a woman!

1. Oh-oh, hold me ... Woman ... Look at yourself, yes, sand is pouring from you ...

2. Look at yourself scarecrow garden ...

1. No, you look at her old nag

(push each other)

2. Okay, that's enough, that's enough. People are looking at us.

1. Oh, it’s true, we’ve completely gone crazy old.

2. And now the song ……………….


In your big eyes - anxiety and sadness,

After all, we do not have enough paint for repairs again.

You want to send everything to the lilac distance!

In the lilac distance - whitewashing and painting,

In the lilac fog - a water tap,

In lilac fog - window putty.

And your vacation sailed into a lilac fog!

In the lilac distance - the Canary Islands and Hawaii.

Go away for a year, maybe two...

Or maybe you want to leave forever.

You dream, but you will hardly go there!

The lilac fog over our school is melting,

The director sits in it, and it is not easy for him -

He is in no hurry to go home, the director understands:

All questions must be answered by yourself!

2. Matryon, look, and your whole back is white.

1. Where (looks around)

(2nd laughs)

2. I was joking.

1. Fuck you! You are all hee hee, yes ha ha.

2. Today, and so it is necessary to laugh, to cheer up the respected. And then they laugh once a year.

1. Why 1?

2. The first of July, when they go on vacation.

1. Let's tell jokes.

2. I am the first.

1. Go ahead.

2. Little Johnny got a deuce in physical education.

Father asks:

Why did your teacher give you an A?

- And he asked to impose mats on the goat.

Well, I covered...

1.Now I..

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandfather. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes at homework.

2. You should only invite grandfathers ...

1. This is such an anecdote (offended)

2. Okay, okay, announce the musical number

1. (sings) I will sing to you ...

2. Yes, not you will sing, but the guys.

musical number

All students line up on the stage and sing to the tune of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,
If someone is naughty in class,
It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.
It's just that we have energy.

So let's get all excited
Let's forget this time.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,
If we forget to learn formulas,
We, after all, also receive what we deserve,
But we know how to hide grief.


2. I’m going somehow in a minibus, I read the inscription “Whoever slams the door will become a beneficiary !!!”

1. You laugh at the old and sick ..

Listen to the story:

And for the third time the old man came to blue sea and took pity on him gold fish and gave him Raskolnikov's address...

2. (dreamy)

And the sun shines brightly, and the landscape is beautiful when C2H5OH splashes in the stomach (ts 2ash 5 oash)

1. You, what the Flower has gone crazy, you are at school.


1. Flower, let's talk about love.

2. What kind of love do you have at your age.

1. Well, you can dream ...

2. Now you will see about love with your own eyes, how Othello loves Desdemona

Scene of Othello and Desdemona

Othello (4th grade)
(rushes to her)

I hear steps. Finally at home
My wife. And cook me dinner.
I'm hungry as hell, Desdemona!


Othello, I don't have lunch.


I'm really not in the mood for jokes, dear,
Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger...


But I was working, not going to the movies!


What's in your bag? Notebooks again!
Did you bring it home? Woe to me!


With your nerves, I see, not everything is in order,
You even screamed more than once in your sleep.

(Sits down to check notebooks.)


Listen, Desdemona, really
Wouldn't it be nice to have a bite to eat now!


Othello! We already ate today!
And even harmful to eat at such a late hour.
But if you really want, you can, dear,
Fry an egg, just by yourself.
Don't distract me, please, my love!
There are three eggs left, enough for us.


What are the three? I ate two yesterday.


OK then. Fire yourself one.


But the refrigerator is empty!


Well, I don’t know where it could suddenly disappear to ?!


Listen, I have a job too,
But nothing comes to my mind from hunger!


Oh, dear, come up with something, right, something ...
Take lessons! And the hunger will disappear.


My hunger is insatiable. Really
How hard is it for you to go to the store?


I thought I'd come by at the end of the week
But you could buy something yourself!
You're bothering me, honey. By the way,
So little time left, dear!
I will be on duty at school until night:
My class is walking at the disco.


What disco? What jokes?
Our family is about to fall apart!


Oh, you know, not a minute left
There is waiting for me already, go, my class.


Like hell from incense, you run away from home.
You work is more important not a family.
Did you pray at night, Desdemona?
Die, unfortunate! Die, my love!

(grade 9)

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,

The ability to give everything

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this to see the light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly

And knowledge scattered not in vain.

Showered with colored rain of bouquets

And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,

Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,

And part of the soul from grateful us!

Song to the melody "Closing the Circle" (the end, everyone sings)

1.Here is one of those stories
What are we arguing about here?
And not a day or two
And for many years.
School is so hard
We ask questions here
And the teacher will answer them.

Why seek knowledge
Graduate and first grader
Why are we hurrying to class like a river.
How does the teacher come to class?
And teaches us a lesson
We all want to know for sure


Get in a circle here
Student, teacher, friend.
Light shines in the windows of knowledge,
Leaving a mark in my heart.
Let the years go
School with us you are always.
Before us a hundred roads
The school has grown a sprout.

2. You open the doors of life
You, teacher, we all believe
We believe in what is ahead of us.
Many songs are sung about you
Forget sadness, our circle is small
And call us again to the world of knowledge.


3. If knowledge is in the palm of your hand,
Then in dreams you will not drown,
You are not lost during the days.
We remember you teacher
We leave with knowledge
The teacher brought up people in us.
Each bird has its own motive,
Each song has its own motive,
The school also has its own motive.
Everything we know will come in handy
You, teacher, will dream
The children are all grateful to you.



(1 class)

1. Which student is without error,
Without a double? - Well, what to say?
But still your smiles
We remember and we will appreciate.

2. And every kind word
Will remain in our hearts
And we are ready to bow
In deed, not in words.

3. We ourselves and our parents
Now we understand more clearly
How difficult is it for a teacher today
Handle your task.

4 .Teacher - as if not fashionable.
Other professions honor...
Thank you for your noble
And hard work!

“Golden Wedding” (“Cuckoo”) (Grades 1,2,3)

A holiday, a holiday at our school.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you.

How nice it is to see you.

And smiles are everything for you.


Ah, the student yes with the teacher

It's good to be at school!

Ah, the student yes with the teacher

May fate smile upon us!

Ah, the student yes with the teacher

So many years, so many years together.

Ah, the student and the teacher,

May we live for two hundred years!

This holiday is only once a year.

But we always love you very much.

So that in life you and we are lucky

And for you we drink milk today!

Musical number to the tune "What is autumn?" (beginning, everyone sings)

What's going on at school today?

We will answer your question directly:

This is a holiday here with us,

Here we are passing

Teacher's Day, the same, the same!


Happy to see you all now

At this most exciting time.

Happiness, smiles, light, kindness

Wish you adults and children.

Teacher working at school

The best teacher in the world

Because he has his big heart

Without a trace he gives to all children.


1 grandmother:

Let in this hall, at this hour

The fires are burning brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Our lower grades ringing laughter is the best reward!
The kids will be very happy to congratulate you.

Etc. (repeat)

Performance of the song to the motive “Forward, midshipmen”(parents)

By the will of fate, it happened
Or is this your cross,
And all the forces are given to the school,
And the lessons - as if in battle.
And at night you dream of the board,
And you have no other worries
As soon as tomorrow what happens,
Will the class understand the task?

Don't hang your nose, dear teacher,
Whether life is hard or good.
Knowledge and soul are one,
Knowledge and soul are one.
Love for students is one!

Years will pass, centuries of shadow
Disappear, everything closes in a circle.
But the word is warm "teacher"
Our hearts are suddenly disturbed.
Will always make you remember something
Native, close to you
In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -
The teacher is eternal on earth!

Don't hang your nose, dear teacher,
Whether life is hard or good.
Knowledge and soul are one,
Knowledge and soul are one.
Love for students is one!

2-3 class

“If the teachers disappear,

What will happen then, my friends?

Rudeness, ignorance will destroy the soul,

there will be no joy in life.

If the teachers disappear

the land will be miserable and poor,

let's let this happen?

If the teachers disappear

Who will tell us that the Earth is eternal?

Eternal Earth! So the teacher is eternal!

Or do you, friends, do not want this?

No, we won't let this happen.

to disappear the word "teacher"!

Through the centuries, through the centuries

your profession to be forever!”

Musical number on the motive "Hope" (parents)

1. What brought you here?

You weren't looking for an easier way.

Mind and heart, soul and warmth

The younger generations were given

For the affirmation of kindness

Through all doubts and worries

Carried high dreams

And they knew joys and ups.


The school is calling you,

Her heart is still breaking for her.

And in the heart of that young people,

What is your hope.

May our hopes come true

Everywhere on earth such a share.

Your ideals in life now

Embodies the young tribe

Years of parting - it does not matter,

The memory of childhood will pave the right way.

You are a teacher for all forever

The most important, the most, the very first.


2 grandma

Teacher's Heart... Well, what can you compare it to?

With the cosmic galaxy, which has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the Sun bright, what gives people light?

With the abyss of the sea that dormant for hundreds of years?

No, we will not compare! And we will say: “Knock!

Teacher's Heart - HOPE BELIEVE LOVE!"

Discussion is closed.

Teacher's Day is the most important holiday for all teachers, and they prepare for it in advance and very thoroughly. Long before October 5th, solemn date, the students themselves, their parents and, of course, the most creative teachers schools write the script for a concert, corporate party, feast for teachers and guests of the holiday. Since there is always an abundance of serious things at school, on Teacher's Day they try to make the script for congratulating teachers funny and humorous. Students develop theatrical performances, come up with cool concert programs, extraordinary performances, dance numbers. Sometimes, if the weather permits, a holiday is arranged right in nature. To do this, they go to the forest or to the lake as a whole class, take their parents and other teachers with them. Everyone wants the holiday to be fun and memorable for a long time.

Funny and funny script for Teacher's Day at school (video)

When writing a script for Teacher's Day, the main thing is to use all your imagination, show interest in creative process. None of the performances based on a boring script will be so entertaining as to interest both high school students and students elementary school simultaneously. Any person with a developed imagination and excellent organizational skills can be a school "screenwriter". In a concert for a holiday for teachers, you need to involve students from different age groups, subject teachers themselves, parents and even ... pets! In productions depicting the extracurricular life of a teacher, it is quite acceptable to participate domestic cat or small dogs, birds or rodents in a cage. These creatures are unlikely to create big disorders on the stage, but they will enliven the performance of the guys and bring a “zest” to the concert. Such concerts will be remembered forever!

Funny scenario for Teacher's Day for high school (video)

To make Teacher's Day unusual and bright, you can write a funny script. You can come up with it yourself, having gathered together the whole team, use ready-made developments taken from dedicated sites, find videos on YouTube and RuTube channels. The person responsible for writing the script can be instructed by the participants in the performance to find a selection of interesting improvisations, concert numbers, funny songs. Each of the students will add something new, their own, and together everyone will get an original and very funny performance. The script must be approved at a general meeting of schoolchildren.

Funny Script for the Oscars for Teacher's Day

The scenario for the Oscars is considered one of the most successful for the solemn day. The main conditions for organizing such a performance for teachers should, of course, be the red carpet and glamorously dressed elegant presenters. Schoolchildren, with the help of their parents and some teachers, prepare in advance seats for spectators and chairs for those nominated for the school Oscar. The hosts of the holiday are, as a rule, high school students ─ a boy and a girl. A girl, a student of grades 10-11, puts on an elegant, stylish dress similar to the outfits shown by the real nominees for the famous award and the hosts of the ceremony. A high school student leading from high school must wear a formal suit and bow tie. After the third bell, signaling the opening of the next awards ceremony for special achievements in the life of the school, the presenters begin to announce the arrival of new "guests", future Oscar winners. You can come up with any nominations. These are “The most unusual lesson”, “The most cheerful teacher”, “The most difficult homework" etc. Depending on where such an event is held, at a school or college, the topic of performances and nominations is chosen. Of course, each of the announced winners thanks everyone for their “trust” and “responsibility” and promises to continue to please students and other teachers with their “achievements”. The comedy here is interspersed with the seriousness of some of the nominees. Most of the awards for the children and the teachers themselves remain surprises, so this scenario always guarantees an interesting and unexpected Teacher's Day holiday.

Scenario of a feast for Teacher's Day

Often students and teachers themselves class teachers choose a chamber celebration. It is not organized in school hall, but directly in the class. The scenario could be a large feast. To do this, each of the students, parents and teachers participating in the celebration brings something tasty to the common table. Usually these are sweets, homemade cakes, sweets, simple fresh salads. The desks are shifted in the form of a long holiday table, at the head of which invited teachers, directors or head teachers are seated. The leader of the feast (it must be a very sociable and resourceful person) announces the beginning of the holiday. Girls can be instructed to ensure that tea (juice, mineral water). Prepared numbers of songs, poems, improvisations can become a surprise. To do this, in front of an impromptu table, space for speakers is freed up in advance. A holiday for teachers, held according to the scenario of a feast, is always loved by both teachers and the students themselves: delicious, curious and fun!

Congratulations script for Teacher's Day from students

On Teacher's Day, October 5, students themselves, secretly from teachers, prepare congratulations and a concert for the holiday. High school students can write the script themselves, while middle school students will need help to do this. active parents. Usually for this the class stays after school, and each of the guys offers his number for the celebration. These can be poems, demonstrations of safe physical and chemical experiments, song and dance performances, humorous miniatures.

The selected presenters are given a written script for the presentation of the concert participants. Before each number, they announce the name, surname of the student and the essence of his performance. Such a small concert can be held in the classroom, the school hall or, in good weather, on the street.

Scenario of the holiday Teacher's Day for teachers

Teachers' Day is often organized by the teachers themselves. Sometimes teachers even arrange a flash mob for everyone, which becomes just an event of the year!

The scenario of the celebration is entrusted to be written by the most active, talented, creative teachers. If desired, schoolchildren of senior and middle classes are also involved in the work on preparing the day of the celebration. The most curious and interesting performances for everyone are precisely those where teachers and subject teachers take part in concerts along with their students. In 2016, Teacher's Day can be spent in nature, on the school playground, in great hall. The location of the event depends on weather conditions, from the very plan of the celebration. Gathered together, you can poison yourself in the forest. Taking a geography teacher with them, the children can learn a lot about the nature of the region, find edible mushrooms, and observe animals living in this climatic zone. In general, the scenario "In nature" does not require special preparation: everything should be fun and with a twinkle!

When choosing which celebration scenario is right for your school on Teacher's Day, get together with the class and teachers in advance. Discuss everything possible options holding a holiday. Read already prepared funny scenarios. Think about how they can be modified to make a similar fun activity at school. Thinking about what October 5 could be this year, 2016, bring up for discussion several options for holding a real holiday: a feast, a trip to the forest or to the lake, to nature, sport's event, an impromptu "School Oscar", a flash mob for teachers or suggest your own developments.