Common goldfish. Common goldfish (Carassius gibelio)

V. Tretyakov, biologist.

A bit of history


Ordinary goldfish.


Little Red Riding Hood.

Telescopes are black.

Pearl veiltail with red fins.

Goldfish are one of the most common and well-known aquarium fish. Nowadays, it can be seen in any pet store. But in pre-revolutionary Russia, in the 70-80s of the XIX century, only rich people could boast of an aquarium or a pool with goldfish.

Inhabitants medieval Europe these fish were known only from drawings on vases, fans and caskets brought by merchants from the East along the Great silk road. It was believed that the images of bright, big-eyed and puffy-tailed creatures were the same figment of the artist's imagination as the images of dragons. The first European who told his fellow citizens at the end of the 13th century about a bizarre fish was the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo.

Many centuries passed before the reservoirs with goldfish ceased to be a kind of "state secret", "secret objects" hidden from the eyes of foreigners behind the high walls of Chinese and Japanese palaces. Alfred Brehm wrote that the first goldfish were brought to Europe in 1611. According to other sources, this happened later. Goldfish came to Russia as an outlandish gift to the father of Peter I - Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a great lover of animals and plants. Due to improper maintenance, the fish soon died. It was believed, for example, that they feed on water ...

In those days, goldfish were surrounded by a halo of legends that attributed to these creatures a heavenly, supernatural beginning. However, the true story of the origin of the goldfish is no less interesting. After carefully studying the ancient literature, examining the structure of fish and conducting experiments, ichthyologists found out that the ancestor of the aquarium beauty is the Chinese subspecies of silver carp, common in shallow waters of China, Korea and Japan that are well warmed by the sun. Fishing enthusiasts of our country are well aware of another subspecies of silver carp, living in the territory from the Amur River basin to the western border of Russia. These fish should not be confused with goldfish (aka common, or broad-bodied), which is not related to goldfish by any family ties.

From time to time, yellow and orange-red mutants appear in the offspring of silver-gray Chinese carp. Such an individual is the usual gold fish(with an elongated body and a normal structure of the fins). It differs from crucian carp only in a congenital deficiency of dark pigment in the integument of the body. Goldfish caught in the rivers of the southern provinces of China, people placed in pools and tried in every possible way to breed. Mentions of such amazing pets are found in Chinese manuscripts from 618-960 AD. In the era of the early Middle Ages, people learned to get offspring from unusually colored crucians. Apparently, it was Korean fish breeders who first took advantage of the variability of crucian carp in color and body shape and began to make the first attempts at breeding goldfish. The goldfish reached its true development - in a variety of breeds and varieties - in China, which is considered its homeland.

Breeds and color variations

By selecting among fish individuals with all sorts of deformities in the structure of the body, eyes and fins, Korean, Chinese and Japanese breeders have succeeded in turning these deviations into permanent signs of breeds. Breeding each breed of goldfish required many years of patient work of several generations. The result of purposeful artificial selection was a change in the color and shape of the body of fish and the appearance of downright fantastic creatures, looking at which it is hard to believe that they came from an ordinary crucian.

Today there are more than one hundred and twenty color variations and breeds of goldfish. In Chinese fish farms there are breeds that are still unknown in Europe. Short-bodied goldfish are the most popular among Russian lovers: veiltail, telescope, oranda, lionhead; less common are the long-bodied comet, shubunkin, and common goldfish.

The GOLDEN FISH in the form of fins and body is very similar to crucian carp, but colored differently. Most often there is a golden and reddish-orange variation, often two-tone (gold with black or silver-white spots) and chintz (red-white-black). COMET has a more elegant body than that of an ordinary goldfish and an elongated (in the best specimens - in the form of two ribbons) tail fin. SHUBUNKIN is distinguished by its motley, very diverse coloration and transparent scales, which makes it seem scaleless. Usually it is calico. Fish with dark red, black, brown and yellow spots scattered over a bluish background are the rarest. The fins of the Shubunkin are longer than the fins of the goldfish. All of these breeds have single caudal and anal fins, while the fantail, similar to the common goldfish, has double fins. The fantail is considered the ancestor of the short-bodied goldfish breeds.

VEILTAIL and TELESCOPE - fish with a short ovoid body and very elongated fins. Their tail fin is bifurcated and hangs like a veil. Its length often exceeds the length of the body. The eyes of telescopes are enlarged and look like balls or cylinders. The shorter the body of the veil-tail and telescope and the larger their fins, the more valuable the fish for the aquarist. ORANDA - a type of veil-tail, characterized by skin growths on the head and gill covers. LIONHEAD, in addition to highly developed growths, is also characterized by short fins and complete absence dorsal fin.

Short body with bloated belly and gently falling double long tail do not allow veiltails and orandas to swim quickly and control their movements well. The shape of the body obtained by artificial selection led to constraint and curvature internal organs fish. Veil tails and similar breeds are more susceptible to various diseases, and their life span is much shorter than representatives of long-bodied breeds.

In aquariums, crossbreeds and transitional forms between all the described breeds are found, for example, a veil-tail with a single caudal fin or a fantail with a Shubunkin color. All of them can serve as an aquarium decoration, but such fish cannot be used in breeding a particular breed. Incorrect selection of spawners for breeding leads to the fact that "classic" veiltails, comets and shubunkins become a real rarity.

Grateful pupils

Large aquarium with goldfish different breeds looks very elegant and serves as a real decoration of the room. Watch these original creations never get bored. Some aquarists "do not respect" goldfish for their voracity and large size, for their unnaturally frilly appearance, and for their typical crucian habit of digging in the aquarium sand, leading to cloudy water and damage to plants. At the same time, goldfish are grateful pupils who respond well to people caring for them. They become tame, take food from the fingers of the owner, allow themselves to be stroked and even swim on the palm. All this makes goldfish ideal pets for children who are not satisfied with simple observation and care of living creatures.

Important conditions for proper maintenance

Goldfish are best kept separate from other types of fish, especially small and fast fish that can intercept most of the food, and pugnacious ones such as macropods, cichlomas and barbs that can damage big eyes and the fins of their hulking, harmless neighbors. For a pair of two to three centimeter fry, small vessels containing a bucket of water (10-12 liters) are quite suitable. However, the larger the aquarium, the better the fish feel and the easier it is to care for them. If in a four-bucket aquarium veiltails or telescopes grow in length up to 10-12 centimeters and can multiply, then in a bucket aquarium they will forever remain dwarfs.

It is harmful for goldfish to be in a round aquarium: there is little room for them to swim, there is not enough oxygen for breathing, and besides, they can go blind from abnormal light refraction by convex glass. It is difficult to place a filter and an air diffuser in a round aquarium without spoiling the decorative appearance of the vessel. The fish feel much better and get sick less in a spacious rectangular aquarium, which is easy to decorate with smooth stones and aquatic plants.

Good aeration (air blowing) and water filtration - important conditions proper maintenance of goldfish. 1/3 of the total volume of water should, regardless of the operation of the aerator (microcompressor) and filter, be changed to fresh weekly. In an aquarium with a volume of 40-50 liters (with a water layer of not more than 30 centimeters), 6-8 fish can be kept with continuous air blowing through the water. Since the main saturation of water with oxygen occurs through its surface, it is advisable to calculate the surface area per each fish. For short-bodied breeds, at least two square decimeters of water surface are required per decimeter of body length, and at least one and a half square decimeters for long-bodied breeds. If there is no purging, but the water is partially replaced daily with fresh water, this rate should be doubled, and if the water does not change at all, it should be tripled. The norm relative to the water surface should be considered as indicative, since it depends on the number of plants, water temperature, etc.

If the fish swim with their mouths up to the surface, trying to take in air, then the water is not oxygenated enough. It is necessary to increase the blowdown or change part of the water to fresh.

Partial water changes in the aquarium are best done with tap water that has settled for a day in a separate bowl. With a large ventilated aquarium and a small number of fish (if each has about 15 liters), it is recommended to replace about 1/10 of the volume daily with water taken directly from the water supply.

The cooler the water, the more oxygen can be dissolved in it. Therefore, in hot weather fish may experience oxygen starvation. The best water temperature for them is 15-20 o C. Plants play an important role in supplying water with oxygen in an aquarium without blowing. However, the surface of their leaves is polluted by particles of garbage suspended in the water, and delicate plants are simply eaten by goldfish. Plants with hard leaves and a good root system are suitable for an aquarium: vallisneria, Japanese sagittaria, anubias - or the most hardy ones, such as elodea. As a soil for plants, it is better to use fine (pea-sized) gravel or pebbles, which are almost not scattered by fish.

An aquarium with goldfish is best placed near a sunny window: without sufficient lighting, the bright color of the fish fades, the plants wither. Natural lighting can be replaced by electric.


Goldfish should be fed a variety of foods. Plants should also be included in the diet: finely chopped lettuce, riccia, wolfia, duckweed. The best food- bloodworm, earthworm (too large specimens are cut into pieces), daphnia. Live food can be replaced with scraped or minced meat, molded in half with white bread into small balls. It is permissible to feed fish with steeply cooked, crumbly porridge washed in fresh water: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. Pet stores sell imported food for fish, in particular for goldfish. When feeding fish with inanimate food, the water quickly deteriorates, so it cannot be kept in the aquarium for a long time. After 10-15 minutes, uneaten leftovers should be removed. It is undesirable for a live bloodworm to be buried in the ground; for this food at the bottom of the aquarium, you can put a small bowl. At a temperature of 15 ° C, the fish should be fed once a day, at a higher temperature (up to 24 ° C) - in the morning and evening, at a lower temperature (10-12 ° C) - every other day.

How to distinguish a sick fish from a healthy one

When purchasing goldfish, it is important to pay attention to their appearance. Damage to the fins and eyes, rash and cloudy coating on the scales, signs of exhaustion are unacceptable. An important feature of the appearance of a healthy fish is a raised (and not pressed to the back) dorsal fin. Fish should swim actively and greedily rush to food. Males can be distinguished from females only in mating season. In a sexually mature male, small white warts appear on the gill covers, sometimes the first ray of the pectoral fin is thickened and covered with white tubercles.

Long-bodied breeds of goldfish in good conditions can live 20-35 years, and short-bodied breeds - up to 15 years.

Goldfish (lat. Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish of the Carp family, Ray-finned order, Carp genus. Goldfish were first domesticated over 1500 years ago in China. They are direct descendants of goldfish. Today, many types of goldfish are popular pets that differ in many morphological characteristics.

Origin, general characteristics

More than 1000 years ago, the goldfish was an inhabitant of ponds and small decorative reservoirs, later they began to keep it in small clay vats, which became the prototypes of modern aquariums. In the XIV century, the Chinese ruler ordered to organize the production of special containers for the maintenance of "silver" carp. Vessels were made of porcelain and ceramics, decorated with ornaments, and were very popular among the nobility.

Although the bowls were not transparent, and goldfish could not observe the world through them, however, people began to pour sand on the bottom of the bowls and add plants to the container. One or more fish were usually kept in such a vessel. In a modern aquarium, everything is different - the containers are transparent, equipped with instruments and decorations, so all varieties of goldfish can feel as comfortable as possible.

These are the most popular fish for beginners, which are distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness in content. However, almost all goldfish are cold-loving, preferring to live in water with a temperature not higher than 24-25 ° C. In some tanks, water aeration is required, and, of course, mandatory filtration and siphoning of the soil. Goldfish are sloppy: they constantly dig up the soil, eat a lot of food, and leave behind a lot of excrement. One individual needs at least 50 liters of aquarium water. It is recommended to settle with non-aggressive, omnivorous fish that will not bite their fins and can live in cool water.

See how to keep goldfish.

Plants, shelters and driftwood can be used as aquarium decorations. All decor needs to be processed, it should not have scratches, sharp corners. It is not recommended to install shells, stone sculptures, snags with pointed branches in the tank. It is advisable to plant hard-leaved and soft-leaved plants that goldfish can eat (duckweed, Wolfia, Riccia). Some goldfish are kept in almost empty tanks due to the high risk of injury (telescopes, veiltails).

All goldfish are omnivores. In addition to plants, they eat live, frozen and branded food. With pleasure they eat food "for people" - boiled cereals, lettuce, spinach, dandelion, nettle. From animal food, they can be given tubifex, daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworm, coretra, chopped shrimp meat, earthworms. Goldfish are highly prone to overeating, so food should be given in doses - 2 times a day in small portions. Adults prefer plant food, and young animals prefer protein.

How to breed goldfish?

A goldfish becomes sexually mature at 1 year of age, but if you are planning to crossbreed, it is best to wait until it reaches more middle age(4-5 years). In the natural environment, crucians spawn in mid-spring. The readiness for spawning is determined by outward signs: tubercles appear in the area of ​​the gill covers light shade, pectoral fins are characterized by small notches. The listed features of appearance are characteristic of both males and females. The abdomen of females is rounded and increases in size.

The male starts chasing the female, drives her into shallow water with dense vegetation. Therefore, simulating reproduction in the natural environment, the water level in the spawning tank is lowered to 15-20 cm. For a spawning aquarium, a tank with a volume of 50-100 liters with aeration and good lighting is suitable. A separator net must be placed in the spawning ground so that the producers do not eat the fallen eggs. Planting of dense vegetation is allowed. Spawning lasts 2-5 hours, after the process, the male and female must be transplanted.

Look at the spawning of goldfish.

In one year, goldfish can breed 2-3 times. Fry larvae appear 2-6 days after fertilization, which depends on the temperature of the aquatic environment. Lighting speeds up the ripening process, while shade slows it down. In the first days of life, the larvae are in a practically immobile state, attach themselves to aquatic plants, and eat up the contents. yolk sac. After its exhaustion, the fry begin to swim on their own in search of food.

Starter food - brine shrimp nauplii, live dust, rotifers, special food for fry. When the fry grow up, they need to be sorted by size and placed in different tanks. What is typical - descendants beautiful parents may turn out to be inconspicuous, and vice versa.

Species diversity

Classification of goldfish

There are two groups of breeds:

Long-bodied. The body shape of these fish is similar to their ancestor - wild carp. They are distinguished by greater mobility, endurance and life expectancy (40-year-old centenarians are known in history!). In addition, they need less oxygen. Representatives of this group are the comet, the wakin and the common goldfish.

Short-bodied. They are distinguished by a variety of figures, but they are united by the fact that the body is compressed from head to tail. Such experiments did not go unnoticed for the health of these fish. They get sick more often, adapt worse, live less (no more than 10-15 years), and are more demanding of conditions. In particular, they need a larger reservoir and an increased oxygen content in the water. This group is represented by a telescope, a pearl, a lion head and others.


Little Red Riding Hood






Varieties of goldfish

There are quite a few breeds, and the same goldfish can have different names in the literature, as they were bred and named by breeders different countries.

common goldfish

Its second name is golden crucian. It was obtained by breeding from wild silver carp. Similar to him in the shape of the body and fins, different colors (golden-red fish).

She needs a pond with an abundance of plants and room for swimming. It should be kept in a species aquarium or only with peaceful neighbors.

Nutrition is recommended varied, balanced, no frills: animal and vegetable food in the form of tablets, granules, sticks, dry, live or frozen. Under good conditions, it can live from 10 to 30 years.






water eyes


Types of goldfish


The variety of aquarium fish is sometimes amazing. And taking into account the fact that one type of fish has its own varieties, the aquarium world becomes simply gigantic.

Sometimes even an experienced aquarist finds it difficult to say what kind of fish this is. I hope the following selection of GOLDFISH SPECIES will help you figure out who is swimming in your aquarium.

Carassius auratus

Detachment, family: carp.

Comfortable water temperature: 18-23°C.

Ph: 5-20.

Aggressiveness: 5% are not aggressive, but they can bite each other.

Compatibility: with all peaceful and non-aggressive fish.


Golden, or Chinese, crucian in nature lives in Korea, China and Japan.

The goldfish was bred in China over 1500 years ago, where it was bred in ponds and garden ponds on the estates of the nobility and wealthy people. Goldfish was first imported to Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Currently, there are many varieties of goldfish.

The color of the body and fins is red-gold, the back is darker than the abdomen. Other varieties of color: pale pink, red, white, black, black-blue, yellow, dark bronze, fiery red. The goldfish has an elongated body, slightly compressed from the sides. It is possible to distinguish males from females only during the spawning period, when the female's abdomen is rounded, and the males have a white "rash" on the pectoral fins and gills.

With an increase in the volume of the aquarium, the planting density can be slightly increased. In particular, two goldfish can be placed in a volume of 100 liters (or three, but in this case it will be necessary to organize powerful filtration and frequent water changes). 3-4 individuals can be planted in 150 liters, 5-6 in 200 liters, 6-8 in 250 liters, etc. This recommendation applies if we are talking about fish with a size of at least 5-7 cm, excluding the length of the caudal fin.

A feature of the goldfish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with goldfish.

IN community aquarium goldfish can be kept together with calm fish. The necessary conditions for an aquarium are natural light, filtration and aeration.

Characteristics of water: temperature can vary from 18 to 30 °C. The optimal one should be considered spring-summer period 18 - 23 °С, in winter - 15 - 18 °С. The fish tolerate a salinity of 12-15% well. If the fish feel unwell, salt can be added to the water - 5-7 g / l. It is advisable to regularly replace part of the volume of water.

Goldfish are unpretentious in terms of food. . They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. The amount of food given daily should not exceed 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening.

Food is given as much as they can eat in ten to twenty minutes, and the remains of uneaten food should be removed. Their diet must include both live and plant foods. Adult fish receiving proper nutrition, without harm can endure a week-long hunger strike. It must be remembered that when feeding with dry food, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the esophagus of a fish, it swells, significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs of the fish, resulting in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give them to the fish. When using specialized feeds, you can improve the color of the fish (yellow, orange and red colors).

Long-bodied goldfish are durable , under good conditions, they can live up to 30 - 35 years, short-bodied - up to 15 years.

Types of goldfish

Celestial eye or astrologer

The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of stargazers is orange- golden color. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm.

Astrologer or heavenly eye: description, content, compatibility

water eyes

This fish is the result of relentless and merciless selection of the Chinese silver carp. The size of the fish is 15-20 cm. It has an ovoid body, the back is low, the profile of the head passes smoothly into the profile of the back. Coloring is different. The most common colors are silver, orange and brown.
Read more about this Golden Fish here. water eyes
Veiltail or Fantail

The veiltail has a short, tall, rounded egg-shaped body and large eyes. The head is big. The color of the veiltail is different - from a solid golden color to bright red or black.
Read more about this Golden Fish here.
Everything about Veiltails

The pearl is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. It was bred in China.
Read more about this Golden Fish here. Pearl


The body of the comet is elongated with a long ribbon bifurcated caudal fin. The higher the score of a fish instance, the longer its tail fin. Comets are very similar to the veiltail.



Oranda is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. Oranda differs from other goldfish - a growth-cap on its head. The body, like many "Goldfish" is ovoid, swollen. In general, it looks like a veiltail.

Read more about this Golden Fish here. Oranda


Another artificially bred form of the "Goldfish". Homeland - Japan. Ranchu literally translates as "cast in an orchid." The fish is unusual and very beautiful.

Read more about this Golden Fish here.
Ranchu: description content compatibility

Another breeding form of the "Goldfish", bred in Japan. Suitable for keeping in spacious aquariums, greenhouses and ornamental ponds. In Japanese, her name sounds like shibunkin. In Europe, for the first time, the fish appeared after the First World War, from where it was imported to Russia and the Slavic countries.
Read more about this Golden Fish here. Shubunkin


The telescope is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. They got their name from the large bulging eyes, which may be spherical, cylindrical or cone-shaped. The size of the fish is up to 12cm.
Read more about this Golden Fish here. Telescope


The fish is unusual and very beautiful. The fish has a short rounded body. The posterior profile of the back and the upper outer edge of the caudal fin form sharp corner. In the area of ​​the gill covers and the upper part of the head, volumetric outgrowths are visible, which are formed in these fish at the age of three months.

Read more about this Golden Fish here. lionhead


Video with species of goldfish

Detachment, family: carp.

Comfortable water temperature: 18-23°C.

Ph: 6-8.

Aggressiveness: not aggressive, but can bite each other.

Compatibility: with all peaceful and non-aggressive fish.

The goldfish was bred in China over 1500 years ago, where it was bred in ponds and garden ponds on the estates of the nobility and wealthy people. Goldfish was first imported to Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Currently, there are many varieties of goldfish.

The color of the body and fins is red-gold, the back is darker than the abdomen. Other varieties of color: pale pink, red, white, black, black-blue, yellow, dark bronze, fiery red. The goldfish has an elongated body, slightly compressed from the sides. It is possible to distinguish males from females only during the spawning period, when the female's abdomen is rounded, and the males have a white "rash" on the pectoral fins and gills.

With an increase in the volume of the aquarium, the planting density can be slightly increased. In particular, two goldfish can be placed in a volume of 100 liters (or three, but in this case it will be necessary to organize good, high-quality filtration and frequent water changes). 3-4 individuals can be planted in 150 liters, 5-6 in 200 liters, 6-8 in 250 liters, etc. This recommendation is relevant when it comes to fish no less than 5-7 cm in size, excluding the length of the caudal fin.

A feature of the goldfish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered and, most importantly, are swallowed by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with goldfish.

In the general aquarium, goldfish can be kept together with calm fish. The necessary conditions for an aquarium are lighting, filtration and aeration.

Characteristics of water: temperature can vary from 18 to 25 °C. Fish tolerate salty water well. If the fish feel unwell, salt can be added to the water - 5-7 g / l.

Feed is given as much as they can eat in about 5 minutes, and it is better to remove the remnants of uneaten food. It is necessary to include in their diet as protein, but the most important plant food is their main diet. Properly fed adult fish can survive a week-long fast without harm. It must be remembered that when feeding with dry food, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the esophagus of a fish, it swells, significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs of the fish, resulting in the death of the fish. To do this, you can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give them to the fish. When using specialized feeds, the color of the fish can be improved.

Long-bodied goldfish are durable , under good conditions, they can live up to 30 - 35 years, short-bodied - up to 15 years.

Celestial eye or astrologer

The stargazer has a round, ovoid body. A feature of the fish is its telescopic eyes directed slightly forward and upward. Although this is considered a departure from the ideal, these fish are very beautiful. The color of the stargazers is orange-gold. The fish reaches a length of up to 15 cm.
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water eyes

This fish is the result of relentless and merciless selection of the Chinese goldfish. The size of the fish is 15-20 cm. It has an ovoid body, the back is low, the profile of the head passes smoothly into the profile of the back. Coloring is different. The most common colors are silver, orange and brown.
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Water eyes

Veiltail or Fantail

The veiltail has a short, tall, rounded egg-shaped body and large eyes. The head is big. The color of the veiltail is different - from a solid golden color to bright red or black.
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The pearl is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. It was bred in China.
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The body of the comet is elongated with a long ribbon bifurcated caudal fin. The higher the score of a fish instance, the longer its tail fin. Comets are like veiltails.
More - Comet


Oranda is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. Oranda differs from other goldfish - a growth-cap on its head. The body, like many "Goldfish" is ovoid, swollen. In general, it looks like a veiltail.
More - Oranda


Another artificially bred form of the "Goldfish". Homeland - Japan. Ranchu literally translates as "cast in an orchid." The fish is unusual and very beautiful.
More -

Goldfish are the most popular individuals in the aquarium, even people who are far from the aquarium hobby know about them. The fish got its name due to the color of the scales, as a rule, these are shades of red, yellow and orange. In another way, this bright fish is called goldfish. For a novice breeder, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the main requirements regarding the maintenance and care of these pets.

Body color varies, but most species are reddish-gold. The belly is always lighter than the main color. The goldfish has a rounded shape, the dimensions are small in length, depending on the specific species, the body is compressed on the sides. Scales may be different sizes, all individuals have teeth and large gill covers.

The characteristic regarding the shape of the fins and the tail of the fish depends on the variety, there are individuals with veil-tailed and ribbon-like fins that look spectacular while moving in the water. The eyes are usually standard size, however, the shape of apples is convex.

For reproduction, fish need a male and female. There are no viviparous species among goldfish. All fry emerge from eggs.

Such an individual will look good in any aquarium and will decorate every artificial reservoir. Every aquarist should have at least one goldfish in their collection due to its unusually beautiful appearance.


The fish grow in an aquarium to a small size, as a rule, the length of the body without a tail is no more than 15 cm. In reservoirs big size the golden individual grows better and can reach 40 cm. The length of the fins varies significantly depending on the species. While creating good conditions keeping a goldfish, healthy and active growth of an individual is ensured.

Life expectancy also depends on the size. The shortest individuals live less, within 15 years, long-bodied representatives are able to live up to 40 years.


Golden aquarium fish is a species of freshwater fish bred in artificial conditions, belongs to the genus carp. They were first bred in the East, so the birthplace of goldfish is China and Korea.


Selective breeding has achieved great results, the family of goldfish has about 300 varieties. Goldfish differ in color, shape, size and variety of fins.

The most popular types of breeds:

  • Ordinary. It is kept in indoor aquariums and open containers, the color of the scales is red-orange, the body length reaches 40 cm.
  • . It has a long caudal fin and enlarged eyeballs, is calm and leisurely.
  • . Distinctive feature- large eyes, the shape of the eyeballs differs depending on the species.
  • Butterfly jikin. The fin has a forked shape, resembling the wings of a butterfly. Representatives are bred only at home.

  • Ranchu. Differs in a flattened body with small fins, there are no fins on the back.
  • Ryukin. It has a curved back, it is characterized by extreme slowness in movement. Likes warm conditions.
  • . Outwardly, it resembles a telescope, but on the forehead it has a fatty growth in the form of a golden cap.
  • Bubble-eye. The fish has characteristic bags around the eyes, which are filled with liquid, their size can reach 25% of the size of the entire fish.
  • Pecilia. It has a diamond-shaped body and a wide caudal fin, the head is small compared to the body. The most popular species for keeping in domestic waters.

The volume and shape of the aquarium

Goldfish, bred artificially in special ponds, not adapted to life in too small containers. An aquarium with goldfish should be at least 80 liters. With a smaller volume, the pet will not have enough space for movement and active life. When creating the most optimal conditions maintenance, ensuring high-quality filtration and aeration, the volume per individual can be reduced to 40 liters.

When choosing the shape of the container, it is preferable to choose a classic rectangular one or with a slight curvature of the front wall of the aquarium, while the length of the vessel should be at least twice the height.

It is important to take into account that high vessels, such as screens and cylinders, are not suitable for keeping golden crucian, since the water height should be within 40 cm. Keeping a pet in a round aquarium is not recommended, since the conditions created in such a container significantly reduce the duration the life of an individual.

The requirements for keeping an aquarium are the same as for keeping many other types of fish. The substrate should not be too small so that the fish do not choke on its particles when digging. Particles should be smooth without sharp edges. Large decorations are not recommended for placement in a vessel, as goldfish do not need a place to hide, excess decoration prevents free swimming and can be a danger to the large fins of many species.

Water parameters

Not required for goldfish special conditions content. Her main need is space to move around. Requirements for the characteristics of water inside an artificial reservoir:

  • The temperature can vary from 20 to 25 degrees.
  • Acidity from 6.9 to 7.2.
  • Water hardness can be at least 8.

The temperature of the aquatic environment can vary significantly and depend on the species of the individual. The golden crucian individual is cold-blooded and is able to tolerate low temperature without drastic changes. A temperature between 22-24 degrees is optimal for active games. Long-bodied individuals prefer lower temperatures than short representatives. decorative types are considered the most thermophilic.

Filtration and water changes

The aquarium for goldfish should be thoroughly cleaned, this is due to the following factors:

  • Individuals like to rummage in the substrate and raise turbidity from the bottom.
  • The excrement of fish is a mucus that contributes to the decay of the soil.

To eliminate all the consequences of her life, a filter with a capacity of at least 3 volumes of water per hour is needed.

It is necessary to perform a number of actions:

  • Rinse filter sponges once a week in aquarium water.
  • Siphon the substrate once a week, being careful not to mix the layers.
  • Water should be changed frequently, on average once a week.
  • It is enough to defend the water for replacement for 24 hours.

An aerator is required, or it must be on the filter. At proper organization internal space in the aquarium, the presence a large number plants, sufficient illumination and additional supply of carbon dioxide, the aerator is allowed to be turned on only at night.

aquarium plants

  • Nitrogen consumption.
  • substrate for bacteria.
  • Vitamin nutrition for the inhabitants.

Depending on the conditions in the goldfish habitat, algae can actively grow. Since pets love to eat plants, it is recommended to do part of the plantings for feeding, and plant some to decorate the space and create biological balance. Plants with hard leaves are best suited.

Plants should be planted in pots to protect the roots from damage during digging, which fish love to do.

How to care

A goldfish is an unpretentious individual, care and maintenance should be regular. Goldfish need clean water, tolerate fresh water well, with a short settling period. Features of the content are associated with the life of the individual. In connection with active growth algae inside the reservoir, they should be removed and the glass of the container should be cleaned of them regularly. Plants need to be thinned and pruned once a week.


Not only caring for goldfish requires attention and responsible attitude on the part of the owner. Feeding golden individuals also needs to be done by all necessary conditions. At home, the fish should be fed 2 times a day, the volume should be such that the duration of the meal is no more than 5 minutes. Overeating is deadly.

Feeding is varied, dry food should be alternated with plant foods, regardless of the food, it must be prepared in advance. Defrost frozen food, and soak dry food pellets in aquarium water.

Plant foods can be used:

  • Spinach.
  • Boiled vegetables and cereals.
  • Fruits.
  • Meat and liver.
  • Bloodworm.

It is better to feed pets regularly with live daphnia, which will be additional feeding. Daphnia can be grown independently. Living plants inside the vessel will also additional source essential nutrients. To maintain health, it is recommended to do a fasting day once a week.

Who gets along with

Goldfish mostly prefer to live with their own kind. Rybok different lengths bodies are also not recommended to settle in one vessel. Different types differ not only in body size, but also in character.

If goldens are housed with other fish species, there is a risk of fin damage, as goldens need a lot of space. There are fish species that are very small in size, so goldfish can easily eat them.

Despite the fact that goldfish is a peaceful fish, it is important to know that combining it with other species reduces its life expectancy and its health status. As a result, compatibility with other fish becomes a challenge.


Aquarium gold fish is an adornment of any artificial reservoir. However, its content requires the creation certain conditions, which are due appearance and the individuality of each variety of gold, differing in character and disposition. From quality and conditions environment the life expectancy of this artificially bred species depends, therefore, before you bring it into your artificial reservoir, you must carefully read all the above information in order to ensure a long healthy life for your pet.

There are several breeds of goldfish. Names were given to them by breeders from different countries, so the same fish in the literature can be found under different names.

So, all types of goldfish, or in other words, all their varieties:

A comet is a goldfish with a long ribbon-like tail. How longer tail, the more "pedigreed" the fish. In general, the length of the tail should be greater than the length of the body. Comets that have a body and fins of different colors are more valued.

These fish are easy to keep, but they are quite restless. Their disadvantage is that they are not prolific.


Shubunkin is a goldfish with transparent scales and elongated fins. Japanese name this fish is a calico. The color of Shubunkin is chintz, it consists of white, black, yellow, red and blue.


Fish with a predominance of blue-violet tones are highly valued. Coloring is formed in gold by the year, and blue tones appear only in the third year of life. Shubunkin's fertility is much higher than that of a comet. They are unpretentious in content and have a calm temperament.


The telescope is a goldfish with an egg-shaped body and a forked tail. The main difference between this fish is its large bulging eyes. They should be symmetrical and equal in size. There are several types of telescopes according to the size, shape and direction of the axes of the eyes. There are fish with cylindrical, dish-shaped, spherical, spherical, cone-shaped eyes.


The tail of telescopes can be long, veiled, or maybe short, “skirt”.


The more convex the eyes and the longer the tail, the “more thoroughbred” the fish. The most popular telescopes are black and velvet. Telescope males are very active and prolific.

The oranda resembles a telescope in the shape of the body and fins, but has a characteristic fatty growth on the head. These fish can be white, red, motley, black.

red-capped oranda

The so-called red-capped oranda is most valued. She has a body white color, and the growth on the head is red. It is quite difficult to get such a fish when breeding. The fry of this fish are born with a yellow cap, and its color is made red by introducing a special dye into it (as they do in China).

lionhead or ranch

Lionhead or ranchu - a goldfish with short body without a dorsal fin.

Her back is semicircular, her fins are short, her head has a lush outgrowth that looks like a raspberry.

Ranch reach its peak of beauty by the age of four.

The stargazer has bulging eyes, the pupils of which are directed upward at an angle of 90º. It lacks a dorsal fin, the other fins are short, and the tail is forked. Body round shape. It is very difficult to breed such fish. WITH perfect proportions and with symmetrical eyes one fish out of hundreds of fry is obtained.

water eyes

Water eyes have eyes in the form of bubbles hanging on both sides of the head, as if filled with water. Catch these fish from the aquarium must be very careful, as their eyes are very vulnerable. In young fish, the eyes begin to grow in the third month of life. In valuable specimens, they reach a quarter of the body size.

Velvet ball - a goldfish with growths in the form of fluffy lumps on the sides of the mouth. They can be blue, red, white. Their size is approximately 10 mm. At improper care these growths may disappear. The caudal and anal fins are forked. The color of these fish is very diverse.


The pearl has a spherical shape with a diameter of about 8 cm. Its fins are short. The body color is golden or orange-red, less often motley.


Each scale of the fish is round, convex, has a dark border and resembles small pearls.

Veiltail or ryukin has an egg-shaped body and "expressive" eyes. The caudal and anal fins are long, thin and almost transparent.

This fish has the main decoration - the tail, which consists of two, and sometimes three or four fins fused at the base.

The ideal fish of this breed has a minimum ratio of tail length to body length of 5:1. The length of the ventral fins should be 3/5 of the length of the tail, and the length of the pectoral and anal fins should be half the length of the tail. The tail fin looks like a graceful plume.

oranda, ranchu and shubunkin

All types of goldfish require sufficient swimming space, good aeration and water filtration. It is better to buy a more powerful filter, since there is usually plenty of dirt from these fish. But, even with such a filter, it is advisable to change the water weekly by 30% of the volume.

Keep the water temperature around 20℃. Coarse river sand can be recommended as a soil.

I hope that the description of the types of goldfish will help you easily determine which species swims in your aquarium.

Types of goldfish - video

life span of goldfish

Each type of goldfish has a different lifespan. Of course, it depends on the conditions of detention, but under optimal conditions it is as follows:

Goldfish: 10-30 years

Shubunkin: more than 10 years

Fantail: about 10 years

Veiltail: up to 20 years

Calico riukin: up to 20 years

Ryukin red and white: under 18

Ryukin red: up to 15 years

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood: up to 14 years

Lionhead: up to 20 years

Ranchu: 5-10 years

Celestial Eye or Stargazer: 5-15 years

Water eyes: 5-15 years

Telescope: up to 17 years