How to dye a synthetic hair wig at home? Is it possible to dye artificial hair

If a girl is not ready to completely change her appearance, but wants to change something, then the easiest and fastest method is to update her hairstyle. This can be done not for real, but for a while: by wearing a wig, building strands or attaching a chignon. When using this method, a girl may want to change not only her hair, but also change something in artificial curls. In this case, the question often arises of how to dye artificial hair at home. In this article we will talk about it.

Coloring artificial curls

Can artificial hair be dyed? Experts do not advise changing the appearance of artificial hair at home through dyeing. Synthetic strands differ in structure from natural ones, so simple dyes in this case will not work at all. Aggressive components corrode the threads, as a result of which they become tangled and begin to crawl out or fall out completely. Shampoos of a tint type, tonics and mousses are also not suitable, as they include components that damage the structure of overhead strands.

Henna or basma, despite the natural composition, does not provide the desired effect. After using them, red or black shades are unlikely to be obtained, since a reaction will occur between chemical and natural pigments, which will lead to a completely different color.

Despite the large number of restrictions, it is still possible to color artificial hair. To do this, you need to use special formulations that are well suited for synthetic strands. They are mixed with oxidizing agents, which contain no more than 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.

To achieve the best effect, it is better to take the chignon to the hairdresser, in which the specialist will select a more suitable processing method and preserve the initial appearance of the curls.

Possible colors

It is not easy to choose the right shade for artificial curls, since the pigments on them do not appear at all in the same way as on natural hair. It is important to remember that the shade of paint should be slightly darker than the one that is planned to be obtained as a result of staining.

Lightening should never be used on artificial hair. The aggressive components that are part of the clarifying agents will turn the strands into dry straw. In this case, you can only refresh the color scheme a little. But the light shade can be changed completely, on it the pigments will look especially bright.

Color change at home

If, for certain reasons, a woman does not want to dye artificial ones at the hairdresser, then she can use one of several methods at home. But we must remember that all methods require both labor and time costs.

When dyeing at home, it is important to remember that dark artificial hair cannot be lightened. To change the color of artificial strands, various methods are used, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

felt-tip pen

A simple felt-tip pen can be a good helper when changing the color of artificial strands. Reviews say that this method gives good results, especially if you need to highlight bright strands against a light background.

But it is important to remember that this method is quite difficult and takes a lot of time - if you need to dye all your hair, you will have to spend several hours on the whole process. The whole procedure goes as follows:

  • in a stationery store, a marker of the desired shade is bought, while you need to pay attention to quality. If the length of the artificial strands is large, then it is better to purchase several pieces at once, just in case;
  • before starting work with a felt-tip pen, you need to wear gloves so as not to get dirty;
  • then the rod is removed and the film is cut. The result is a sponge with a pigmented composition;
  • alcohol is added to the ceramic container, then a sponge is lowered into it and the coloring of the wig begins;
  • at the end of the dyeing, we give the wig or strands on the hairpins time to dry completely in a natural way (do not use a hair dryer, as the hairs can melt from such exposure), carefully comb.

The marker does its job well, but it is rather difficult to use, given the length and complexity of the entire process. It is also important to remember that in the palette you can find the minimum amount of natural colors, so lovers of classic options will have to use another way to change the tone.

The use of batik

Another common method used for dyeing at home is batik. Can artificial hair be dyed? The dye used for synthetic material is well suited for artificial strands, it will not melt them, but it will give more rigidity. At the end of the strand procedure, it is important to comb well.

In addition, the color itself may not appear over the entire surface of the wig. This method of coloring is recommended to be used for artificial strands, which are attached under natural hair to hairpins to add volume.

The whole procedure is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • a base is prepared from three cans of paint, diluted with three liters of water;
  • artificial strands are soaked for three days. To achieve a more even tone, gently stir the liquid every day;
  • at the end of the marked time, the curls are well washed with water until the washed-off liquid becomes a transparent color;
  • let the hair dry well in natural conditions, in the air, comb well.

Coloring ink

How to dye artificial hair with clips? If you want to give artificial curls a brighter and more saturated color, then it is best to use simple ink. It is not recommended to dye the entire surface of the wig in this case, since the color fades rather quickly and remains on all things that the hair touches.

This procedure is also laborious - thin hairs will have to be processed so that the color is distributed more evenly.

Staining is carried out in this way:

  • buy ink of the desired color;
  • lay out all the tools for work and put the wig on the stand;
  • put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from ink;
  • we divide all artificial hair into separate strands with a width of not more than one centimeter and apply the composition to them with a special cotton pad or foam rubber sponge;
  • after processing the entire wig, let it dry completely well, carefully comb it.

Acrylic paints

Widely known and fairly simple method. It is used to dye doll curls in different colors. In terms of structure, synthetic overhead strands and toy strands are no different, therefore, as a result of staining, you can get a good and lasting tone.

It is important to make sure that the acrylic is of good quality, it is best to use cans for this - they are the easiest to use.

How to dye a synthetic hair wig:

  • lay out artificial strands on paper or newspaper;
  • shake the bottle well so that the pigment can mix well with the rest of the ingredients;
  • we begin to spray paint at a distance indicated on the instructions;
  • we give the hair time to dry thoroughly in the air (enough for three hours), comb it well.

Coloring extended strands

Sometimes girls want to change the color of already extended curls. It is much more difficult to carry out such a procedure, since not only artificial, but also natural hair will be involved in it.

It is allowed to carry out such a procedure only in the cabin, as it requires professional knowledge and skills. Professional products, the composition of which was created specifically for natural hair, are not used for the invoice, and vice versa.

Changing the color of artificial hair is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, which is best not done on your own. But there are also effective ways that will help give the curls the desired color. When choosing a staining method, it is important to remember that the coloring compositions must be of good quality - this is an important requirement for obtaining an even tone.

Some people think that artificial hair is not damaged as much as real hair, so they wash it without thinking at all about the correctness of their actions.

There are certain rules that are important to follow:

  • the wig is allowed to wash only with your own hands, it is forbidden to use a washing machine;
  • when washing, it is best to choose liquid soap or shampoos with a natural composition;
  • after thorough rinsing, the wig should be dried well on a stand using a terry towel.

hair wash

To prevent synthetic strands from becoming like straw, it is important to follow some requirements:

  • before washing, artificial hair must be carefully combed;
  • it is important to wash them carefully, without tangling the curls - it is forbidden to rub strongly;
  • when combing, drying and styling, hair should be pinned with hairpins to a special stand.

It must be remembered that artificial hair does not tolerate twisting, drying with a hair dryer, electric tongs and other devices - all this violates the structure of the strand, as a result of which they will lose their original appearance. For styling and giving a beautiful natural shine to wet hair, apply a special conditioner. For fixation, a varnish designed for synthetic hair is used.

The described methods of staining can be used for both hairpieces and hairpieces. Ideally, it would be better to buy new false hair of the desired shade, since after any dyeing they will already look not so natural and of high quality. Synthetic material is not designed for such an impact, so soon the hair may begin to tangle and fall out.

You can buy Artificial hair with clips in the online store Lapochka.

Do you think that artificial hair is an invention of today? But no! Even the Egyptians in ancient times wore wigs. Peter I brought fashion for them to Russia. Now no one can be surprised by wigs or false hair. The latest fashion trend strongly dictates the use of artificial hair to radically change the appearance and improve the image. After all, ladies love to be so different! Therefore, quite often the question arises of how to dye these very wigs or false hair. After all, they are both artificial and natural hair. Well, now we will learn how to dye artificial hair correctly.

Of course, products made from natural hair are expensive. But they can be used for a long time. Care for them is almost the same as for real hair. Coloring and cutting is also easy. Although it is advisable to trust such procedures to professionals.

But the coloring of artificial hair has its own characteristics. Why? Why, for their manufacture they use polyamide, vinyl, acrylic and kanekalon, a matte artificial fiber based on all kinds of seaweed. So artificial hair has a kind of shine, they are easily deformed, electrified, split. Artificial strands should be washed in cold or tepid water, using shampoo and directing a stream of water from top to bottom. Masters recommend holding artificial hair for half an hour in cool water, add a little styling mousse to it. Then gently blot them with a towel, dry them on a special stand - a day will be enough. Be careful when combing the artificial strands or wig - the hair can be damaged or even fall out.

But dyeing artificial hair does not require special skills from you. For the simplest procedure, get a couple of simple felt-tip pens or markers that match in color. With these markers, color the artificial hair strand by strand, then dry it, comb it carefully. All is ready! In the same way, you can dye artificial hair with black, purple or blue ink - it will turn out very well too. But only the ink stains everything around, and they also shed, in addition, they are washed off faster.

Batik dye can also be used to dye wigs or artificial hair. This special dye is usually applied to the fabric, so that it can also be safely dyed with artificial strands. To do this, dilute several jars of batik paint in water (three liters), hold your hair in it for three days, then dry it. We warn you right away - the structure of artificial hair will change during this time: extremely careful combing will be required, as the curls will become stiffer. You see, there is no particular difficulty in the process of dyeing artificial hair, you can definitely do it!

If you are not yet ready for cardinal changes in your life and appearance, but you really want to change something, then the easiest and, at the same time, the most courageous way is to change your hairstyle. At least not for real, but for a while: by growing strands of hair, wearing a wig or attaching a chignon. Resorting to this option from time to time, one day you will want to change not only your hair, but also artificial ones. Let's talk about whether it is possible to change their color and how to do it most efficiently.

How to color artificial hair

Modern artificial strands and wigs are made not only from “doll”, but also from natural hair. They are usually much more expensive, but they also have a much longer service life. If you can calmly not only make a wig made of natural hair, but also make absolutely any hairstyle with a hair iron or curling iron, then for artificial hair this can be the last procedure.

Ordinary hair dye is more likely to ruin synthetic wigs made from kanekalon and similar materials. It will simply “burn out” and curl up under the influence of chemicals.

In general, a wig, and especially an artificial one, requires a very careful attitude to itself, therefore, when dyeing or somehow changing it, you act at your own peril and risk - it is very difficult to predict the final result.

How to dye a synthetic hair wig: step by step instructions

So, if you still decide on this procedure, then tune in to a long, hard work and an unexpected result. In principle, for such staining, you can take absolutely any alcohol-based dye, above we already offered you options with fabric paint and a marker. With success, you can also apply printer ink or alcohol ink.

  1. Wear protective gloves.
  2. Protect clothes and furniture from getting paint on them.
  3. Use scissors to remove the alcohol-based marker.
  4. Cut the tip of the rod so that you get a comfortable thin "brush".
  5. Take a disposable deep plate and pour some alcohol into it.
  6. Dip the marker rod and run it like a brush over a thin strand of hair.
  7. Proceed in this way until you completely color the hair on the wig.
  8. We recommend that you start with a strand near the face - perhaps, after making sure how long this process will take you, you simply do not have the patience to finish this work.

And, of course, all these methods are only suitable for artificial wigs.

How to dye fake hair with clips

The above methods are quite suitable for dyeing false hair on hairpins, and for hairpieces.

Still, ideally, it is best to purchase new strands of the color you need, because. after any staining, they will no longer be the same as before. Artificial material is not designed for such independent intervention, so the hair is likely to become stiff and brittle.

Although, on the other hand, cosplay lovers quite often practice these methods on their various wigs in order to be as similar as possible to their favorite characters from Japanese cartoons - anime, with sometimes the most unpredictable shades of hair.

A luxurious mane of hair donated by nature is wonderful. But you can rarely meet the owners of such hair. That is why the beautiful part of the world's population uses little tricks. To increase the mass of their own curls, ladies use artificial strands. But what if the new strands did not fit in tone or you wanted to change the color? How to dye artificial hair and is such an action possible?

Artificial strands: to dye or not to dye?

False hair is not a new idea, but this way of putting hair in order has always been popular. A wig, chignon, clip-on strands or extensions are modern ways to increase the mass of curls, give the hair volume and the necessary density.

Repainting a chignon or wig is not prohibited, but you cannot use the usual paint for this. Do not use tonics and coloring shampoos. The reason is simple: after such a transformation, the wig will resemble a washcloth.

Methods for dyeing wigs and hairpieces

False hair is a technique popular with many fashionistas. Wigs and hairpieces are made from artificial and natural strands. But, despite the quality and external similarity, the properties of such "hair" differ markedly. To change their shade, the usual paints, even the most famous brands, are not suitable.

But markers are allowed. Curls will not deteriorate after such a tool, and the color will remain for a long time. They select a suitable tone and carefully paint over each strand. The procedure takes a lot of time, especially for long curls with hairpins. Therefore, it is reasonable to use this technology to change the tone of small light-colored wigs or several strands. A rich and dark shade will provide the use of ink.

Fabric dye, batik, is also suitable for changing the color of a wig. In a mixture of a couple of cans of such paint and filtered water, the wig is kept for two days. Then the overhead strands are dried during the day, carefully combed and carefully used. True, even observing all the precautions will not protect artificial curls from brittleness and stiffness.

Pros and cons of staining

Coloring with a marker? It is possible, but very long, difficult and tiring. It is especially difficult to paint long curls. If we add that it is important to separate the smallest strands from the total mass and carefully paint over in order to obtain a uniform tone along the entire length, then it is clear: a titanic work is needed.

It is much easier to use the batik technique. The wig is soaked in a solution of this dye overnight. The proportions for artificial hair are special: for three liters of water - three cans of paint. But after changing the tone, the strands will become hard and brittle, and combing them will turn into jewelry work.

It is optimal to purchase a wig of the desired tone in the store, rather than spending time and effort on recoloring an existing one. Then the new strands will last longer, and such a wig will look much better than after a home transformation.

How to dye strands on hairpins

Maybe artificial strands on hairpins are subject to dyeing? They look natural and are indistinguishable from real hair. But such curls are afraid of both tonic and familiar paint. True, there are several ways.

The desired shade is selected among permanent alcohol-based markers. Gloves are worn to color the strands on the hairpins. Scissors take out the rod and remove the protective film. It turns out a coloring sponge. A rod moistened with alcohol is carried out along the strands, carefully staining each of them.

The batik technique is suitable for artificial strands on hairpins. In a solution prepared from three cans of paint and three liters of water, curls are placed for three days.

However, such methods are good for those who prefer experiments. Those ladies who do not like to take risks should think carefully, do they need such a waste of energy and time if the result is unpredictable?

How to dye artificial strands after building

Strands extended by their very nature are also artificial. And you can't lighten them up. Even the most gentle means can turn artificial curls into a tangled tuft of straw.

Painting the house is also undesirable. The recommended tone should be a couple of shades darker than the new strands, there should be no paint on the capsules. Since the structure of the curls extended and natural still differ, self-coloring gives an uneven color.

It is wiser to entrust the procedure to a professional. In addition, self-coloring invalidates the guarantee for new strands. However, following the rules will give an excellent result, and you can enjoy the new tone without fear for the condition of the hair.

It is much easier to choose a wig that matches the tone of the curls. Then coloring is not required. You can not expose the acquired strands to chemical attack. Even they must be washed very carefully, pre-foaming the shampoo. During combing, it is forbidden to touch the base of the wig.

Paint... Yes or no?

Professional paints give good results. But the materials must be of high quality. The oxidizing agent of the dye is not higher than three percent, and the paint can only be taken without ammonia.

There are special compositions for dyeing artificial strands. In this case, both tonic and shampoo will not cause harm. But the share of the oxidizing agent in them is two percent, no more. Tonic does not color curls, it only changes their shade by several tones. It makes no sense to expect radical results, but it looks natural.

And it is very good that coloring for wigs is still permissible. It is worth remembering that lightening is not for strands of unnatural origin. And home staining methods are also not suitable for them. Contacting the salon will allow you to get a good result and keep it as long as possible. With a careful attitude to hairpieces and wigs, they will last a long time.

Today, the procedure of hair extensions has gained immense popularity, and not in vain. Now you do not need to wonder how to quickly grow the desired length of hair.

In just a couple of hours, even the shortest and not too thick hair can turn into a chic head of hair.

However, lovers of diversity often wonder if it is possible to dye hair extensions and how to do it correctly. This is what will be discussed next.

Can I dye my hair after extensions?

Of course, it is best to think in advance what kind of hair color you want, and build up curls of this particular shade. However, there is always a chance that you will quickly get bored with it and there will be a desire to change it to some other one. In this case, you can resort to staining. You can dye artificial hair, but you need to remember some features and limitations.

In fact, hair extensions are artificial, and wigs, hairpieces, as you know, can be dyed a long time ago. In this case, it is desirable to use a special professional paint. Only in the case of using quality products can you get a really good result. Choose an oxidizing agent no more than 3 percent, and paint directly - without ammonia.

By the way, some cosmetic stores sell paints created specifically for hair extensions. In addition, you can safely use tinting agents, but at the same time, pay attention to the fact that the tonic should not contain more than two percent of the oxidizing agent. Tonics can only give a shade to the hair or change it to a couple of tones.

Therefore, do not expect a bright effect and big changes. By the way, many experts recommend using tonics for hair extensions. In this case, they look as well-groomed and natural as possible, unlike staining with bright colors.

How to dye artificial hair

So, we found out that it is possible to dye hair extensions. Naturally, after this, the second question arises: how exactly to paint them? Well, let's try to figure it out. First of all, it should be noted that it is better not to lighten hair extensions. Any, even the most gentle lightening procedure, can turn your artificial curls into a sloppy knocked-down ball of tangled hair.

Of course, you have to choose what color to dye your hair, but do not forget that hair dyed a couple of tones darker will look much more natural. Equally important is the staining process itself. It is advisable not to dye hair extensions on your own, at home. This is dangerous because the paint can get on the capsules, which is not allowed.

In addition, it must be remembered that despite the fact that the extensions are selected as identical as possible to natural hair, their structure is still different. Therefore, as a result, the coloring may turn out uneven. The professional takes this factor into account and stains in such a way as to ultimately avoid this negative effect.

In this case, saving is not worth it, so we strongly advise you to contact specialists. In addition, many extension masters state the loss of the guarantee for the strands in the case of self-coloring. Thus, dear ladies, you can safely change the color of hair extensions in accordance with your mood and style!

Create a variety of images, surprise others and shine! Do not be afraid to experiment, but remember the necessary security measures. Your beauty and well-being is in your hands.